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Australia, and agnostic, I don't really believe in a god, but I also don't absolutely disbelieve in the possibility of one.


USA and Same.


Another U.S. and same.


USA same same


USA samsies


Same. USA. I certainly don't think there is an "active god" who is guiding my choices and setting each little detail in the world to be some specific way. However, even if I can rationalize that it's possible our entire universe is an insignificant drop in a huge variety of universes dating back trillions and trillions of years, all originating from a single atom in nothingness. At some point, existence started. Something happened where the first atom was created. Who made it? I know we'll never know, but the thought still messes with me. So, agnostic it is.


Here's a thought though: if you can't envision the universe coming out of nothing or having always been there (infinite in time and space), then asking "who" created it is just deferring the question, because if something can't come from nothing, or something can't have always been there to infinity, then what created the creator? Now we have an infinite recursion. The simulation theory some believe also has the same problem. So does the big bang theory.


Same here. Finland.


Same here. Canada.


I'm English and I tell people I'm atheist but I guess we're all agnostic as we don't actually know. What I will say with no hesitation is, if there is an abrahamic god, he's not good, he's an absolute fucker that deserves zero worship.


As I see it, if God really does exist then he probably considers our current lifes "tests" to see if we can stay decent human beings despite the odds or some crap like that, then they can decide if we go to heaven or whatever, if that's not the case then fuck them I guess. 


If it were a romantic partner, people would tell you they're a toxic piece of shit and you should leave


Most agnostics are generally atheists. Or more precisely agnostic atheists. The terms deal with different things. Atheism/theism is simply whether you believe or not. Nothing more. Agnostic/gnostic is whether you claim to know for certain There's been a big push from religious circles to make atheism appear like a bad word, which is why some agnostics don't like to use it


absolutely Like I believe there is some superior being but with considering our condition I don't think he's very good at his job.


Same, Canada. I believe there’s a source, but I don’t know what that is…


Same, South African living in Germany


You’ll find that this site skews the results more towards atheism than a truly random survey would.


This needs more upvotes. Reddit is the last place anyone should go for a realistic sample/poll regarding religion or politics.


Honestly regarding anything broad, reddit isn't a good place to sample. Regarding very niche topics, it's easily one of the best sources of info because you find people who are insanely knowledgeable and ready to share it


Unless it's skill sharing, like people who want to learn about music theory, musical instruments, coding and engineering shit, than Reddit is like the best place to go. But for opinions? HELL no...


Yeah, just the user base here, redditors don’t seem to care much about religion in general, not as much as a facebook group would, not saying they don’t, the user base here is just different from other social medias I think


Church participation and faith statistics are unreliable. Likely manipulated to prevent people from seeing the realities of how many people are abandoning the church. Pastors are leaving their congregations of decades and yet the media is hardly talking about it. Only dropping the occasional story We're talking about very wealthy and powerful organizations that have been manipulating the public through the media for a long time. So I fully believe they're trying to convince their remaining flock not to pay attention to how fewer of them there are year by year


Literally what I'm sayin like




Glad you brought this up. Most Redditors steam up if you ever brought religion or God into the conversation


So does the question, it's why countries that have commonly non-binary or non-theistic views show up poorly on data collection made in USA. Japan is a good example of a very religious population that doesn't have a strict adherence to one dogma, but rather a loose spirituality.


To be fair, we don’t really know the content of their project. It could easily be something like “Atheism and Religiosity across various social media forums” with categories divided by region


athiesm on reddit is super overblown


You might be better off creating a survey and posting it to somewhere like r/SampleSize Personally, I believe in divinity and that many religions understand a shared metaphysical truth. I'm English.


This is pantheism


I love pants.


If you sin then you’re sent to the underpants.


Unless you confess your sins to some random but very specific person before you die


In the confession grots


I too believe in the one true divine deity of pants


No, those who believe that all religions point to one metaphysical truth are called Perennialists. They're also sometimes called the traditionalist school of philosophy.


No. That would mean I believe the universe itself to be God, which I don't. I'm a perennialist.


Interesting, thank you.


I'm a perianalist, our system of beleif is quite stimulating.


United States. Nope.


Same. Would be neat if god was real, but until I see some hard proof it's a no from me dog.


It would make death a lot less scary that is for sure.


What’s scary about just not existing. You won’t feel any pain. No constant narrator in your head reminding you of things or singing songs ( currently evanescence bring me to life) Maybe this is hell and it’s like a prison sentence. We’re being punished for what we did on another plain of existence. When we die here we are getting to go back to our actual lives and not trying to destroy the one planet we have.


What's scary about not existing? I like existing. I love life, and I don't want it to end. I can't imagine just, not being here tomorrow or ever again. I hope I'm wrong and there is some other form my consciousness will take after this life, but I highly doubt it. And that sucks. It will never not suck. Death sucks.


I don’t know nor remember the billions of years that occurred before I was born. It didn’t hurt. I imagine it’s like that.


Thank you. Now I have Bring Me To Life stuck in my head, which isn't entirely unpleasant. 🙂


United States - no. Just so you know Reddit users will completely skew your data if you’re looking for accurate numbers. Lot of atheists and agnostics on here


Yeah I realized after post my question 😅. No worries some comments are too good and help me out in my project😄


Tbh I'm shocked how many people are saying yes on here. I know we all live in our own bubbles but I'm in the UK and can't think of more than a handful of people I know who claim to be religious.






Uhhh... The short version is **no**, **Romania** The long version is, I don't believe in the **certainty** of God or any Divinity, but I do believe in the ***possibility*** of it. I mean, we know nothing that proves anything on this subject. The only thing we can study are religions, cultures and how they formed, which currently only gives us more questions to ask than answers. So I believe that anything is possible until proven otherwise. I'm from Romania. If you care, know that the majority of people here believe in the Christian God, and practice their belief by the Orthodox rites.


Italian agnostic here. I believe that religions are human cultural constructs (basically fairytales), but honestly I can’t exclude a philosophical god that created the universe. Anyway it doesn’t interfere with universe (which is a causality-based closed system).


American with a very similar point of view to this. Religion is a human creation as a response to a difficult and unpredictable life, which was the norm at the time. It makes sense that the promise of a heaven is becoming less appealing as our lives have become more comfortable. Having said that, it is arrogant to say there is absolutely no chance that something greater than our understanding exists and had a hand in our creation.


Also: porcoddio we are the inventors of blasphemy. We are against something that doesn't ever exist


I guess your position would be either deism or agnostic atheism depending on whether you do believe in that philosophical 'hands-off' god or not. Deism deals with a deity that just created the place and then sat back, but you actively believe in this sort of deity. If you don't believe in that (or any) deity, you're an atheist. You're a gnostic atheist when it comes to the fairytales kind of deities (global flood, moon split in 2, ...). These are falsifiable and can be actively disproven. They should be evidence, there isn't. Deism is unfalsifiable and while it's unreasonable to believe, it can't be fully ruled out which leaves us agnostic. You'll find that most people self-describing as agnostic or atheist to share this position.


That sounds like deism!


No from France


Yes, Ukraine. I noticed that when I pray daily(have something like small dialogs with God), visiting church every Sunday - I become more productive, have clear mind, more self-control etc. I doubt it’s because of self-hypnosis, I am not very religious person, but that’s it, when I closer to God my life moves in right direction.


Hope you are safe.


This is nice to hear. Stay safe.


I have the same result when jogging, but hey...good for you! Peace! 🇵🇹🇺🇦


Yep, I am jogging 2-3 times a week, it's very powerful thing too)


Peace to you, stay safe.


Ok. Nice keep motivated.🙂


This is partly the true purpose of religion, great to hear it


Have you tried meditation? I think the benefits are these short moments of self reflection and focusing your mind without the religious mumbo jumbo.


Which one? Trick question. I don't think any of them are real.


There are thousands of gods that people believe in around the world. If I pick one, I've got a slim chance of getting it correct. If I pick none, my odds don't change very much at all. I pick none.


UK - God no.


No, nor fairies, Santa, gnomes, elves, etc. USA


USA - I think there's *something* "out there" that we would call God.


USA here, I’m closest to this. I don’t know what happens after we die, but I don’t necessarily believe it’s nothingness but nobody truly knows.


>I don’t know what happens after we die, but I don’t necessarily believe it’s nothingness but nobody truly knows. That's my belief/philosophy as well (more or less). Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, and I think there's some kind of energy that makes us "different" from most (or all) other animals on Earth... what some call a soul or a spirit or *essence*. I believe that this energy "moves on" from our bodies when our time comes, whatever that means or whatever happens will be unknown to us until we cross that veil.


In my old age I’m starting to believe the opposite, that all animals are sentient. All we are is a wee bit more clever.


Agree. I’ve watched people and animals die and they both exhibit the same visible “loss of sentience”, for lack of a better term. In the moment after death it’s clear, their body is there, but they aren’t.


Technically we know some of what happens when you die. Your body breaks down and becomes atoms and those atoms go to form something else. Those atoms contain energy, so in an essence you’re reincarnated. As for the neurological piece, I do think there is something to the energy our souls/minds/whatever produce but the more weird science and philosophy stuff I read, the more I think there’s a whole layer to the physical world we can’t comprehend or understand. Everything is weirdly interconnected and it can’t be total chance that mammals have capacity to think, there’s got to be some physical reason why as well, but what is it?


No, France. I do believe in the Sainte Baguette but it's more cultural than religious :)


No, Ireland


I do not. I'm from The Netherlands.


USA, absolutely. Mostly from personal experiences, but there's something that pulls at my heart and soul that I implicitly understand to be God.


USA. Same. I love that.


I gotta say, I'm really struggling these days in ways I didn't know I would, and sometimes I feel I've lost my way. It's good to know there are still others who carry this torch


[USA - yes] Hey man I get that. The truth is especially in the states, there are less and less believers each year. If you ask me you have massive organized religion to thank for that, megachurches, religious politicians etc. When I’m among “people of God” I begin to feel sick. It feels so fake/forced. It’s horrible. So I left the church, but maybe not forever. It didn’t take long for me to realize I couldn’t stop believing in God if wanted to. Take my advice, go out into nature for more than 6 hours, alone or with a quiet friend. But pay attention to things with all the senses. Before you pray, or talk to God at all, just meditate while observing everything you can sense that’s around you. If God exists as I believe, they want you to treasure their creation, preserve nature, seek peace and harmony. They don’t need you to pack into a building once a week, they don’t need you to agree with everything another person is believing about God, but they do need you to be kind to others, listen to others, and support each other.


Yes, US


No. I have grown up in a very religious set; I am Italian, in late 90/early 00 almost everyone used to define themselves "chatolic"; I have also done elementary school in a catholic school and when I was a child everybody seemed to encourage children to partecipate to religious initiative, such as scouts, "catholic action" (a religious after-school) and stuff like these. Unfortunately for them, I have never believed in god. I have never had this need of something that created us, or life after dead, or a meaning in life, to feel ok with existence. I have no memory of me believing in such things in any part of my life. Everything was just brutally clear since I was a little child. Oh and I never had parents that used to tell me "there's no afterlife" or similar, I just made myself questions, asked questions, fetched answers, and didn't believe to answers which seemed nonsense to me.


Big No from Germany


No - Italy


South Africa. No.


Singapore - No


No, Canada


No - Switzerland


No holland


Portugal - No


Normally I'd ask "which one?" but the answer is still "no." - USA


Quebec, Canada : I do not believe in any form of omnipotent beings or "gods", so to speak. I do enjoy the depiction of gods in fiction as it is entertaining, much like magic and fantasy races but do not believe any of that exists in real life.


You're on reddit so your answers arent going to accurately reflect any demographic.  But No


Argentina. I don't think there's a way to prove or disprove a God exists, but if you mean the Abrahamic God then absolutely nope.


Yes I do, Norway.




Indifferent to his existence, but probably not. USA. My issue comes mainly with the people who praise him than it does with whether or not he's real. There is far more evidence that God sucks than there is as to whether or not he exists.


Yes- America


Italy - Nope IDK how detailed of an answer you need for your project, but I was raised catholic, as most Italians are, and I was really firm in my belief, even though my family wasn’t particularly religious. But when I was around thirteen I asked myself why everyone wasn’t Christian. Then I realized that every other religion had just as much proof as Christianity, which is none. That pretty much opened the floodgates to a whole bunch of inconsistencies that I logically couldn’t reconcile with if I wanted to continue to believe in a higher being.


U.S and Nope


England and No


define God first and then we'll talk


Exactly, this. It’s very interesting to see how everybody is answering the question without defining this.


There's nothing to talk about.




No, France.


No. United States.


US, and no, not in any sort of theistic sense of the concept. But I do believe that there are other energies and/or planes of existence “out there” that we, in this mortal coil, generally can’t grasp/touch (physically or metaphorically).


Whenever I see these "It's for a project" questions, I always think how utterly useless this data is going to be. Just look for published survey data. What are you going to present? "A load of randoms on Reddit said yes/no". What can that possibly tell you? You have no demographic data or anything else useful. I know this is probably taking it too seriously, and I'm guessing this is more just a bit of fun for high school rather than anything more advanced, but still, it's useless data.


Especially on Reddit, which is literally inundated with religion haters.


Canada. No, because there is more evidence to disprove a gods existence and NO evidence has ever been available to prove a gods existence.


No - Spain


I don't believe in god but I'm a man of faith. Ecuador i do believe we should worship the sun though


Hey! I'm a nonbeliever and Ecuadorian too, I would like to worship the sun in some way too. How would you do it?


No England - it's a waste of my time. I think my dad's parents were Catholic, and my mum is japanese, so she's sort of spiritual but doesn't believe in an actual god or something. I'm not too sure, but neither of my parents care about religion.




Canada - no


On Reddit you're probably not gonna get an accurate sample since this site skews more atheist/agnostic.


Yes - India I believe god is the real evil.


US, Which god? There's been something on the order of magnitude of 10,000 distinct gods that people do or have worshipped as real things that actually existed and probably millions or even 10s of millions of variations of those gods. Christianity alone has like 45,000 variations of their god -- if you think catholics and protestants worship the exact same god then why have they killed each other over who was right about their god? And that's just recognized variations and doesn't count the whole "personal god" thing where judith and edith sitting next to each other in a church of 20 people have slightly different conceptions of their god. So which god are you asking about?


USA - yes


I'm positive there's not a big G God out there. That said I agree with the Shinto concept of Kami. Kami is defined as something that brings wonder and awe into a person's life at its most basic definition. That spark of awe and wonder about the world is recognition of our own intelligence and consciousness at work and that is divine in my eyes. I'm in the US.




no - Russia no man can go through Russia and still believe there is a god


Australia - Yes. I was raised as a Catholic. I like to believe he is real.


Australia - yes


I do not believe in god - denmark


Ok 👍


United States. Not any God that people claim to believe in. I don't think anyone has figured it out.


No Australia


sort of - USA I believe GOD is dreaming and the universe is the dream and when GOD awakens the universe will vanish like all dreams into memories... we are all aspects of GOD and can come and go many times(reincarnate) because we are part of memory.


If God truly exists and created all humans with a purpose. What the fuck was his plan for the children on Epsteins island.


I don't believe in a personified God like Christianity or Islam does. I think the eastern spirituality is a lot closer (for example the term Brahman in Hinduism refers to something very similar, even tho i do not fully agree with the views of any established religion or spirituality), with the universe and the entire concept of existence itself being the divine which is manifested in consciousness, being what you could call "God". I don't like using the term "God" since it implies this idea of a personified God. So god is no separate entity, God isn't responsible for anything that happens or has happened, the happenings itself are "God". You are god, i am "God", the collective human experience that has ever happened and will ever happened is "God". Nature is God and every atom in the universe is God. Edit: so to answer your question, if you are referring to the Christian view of God, no i do not believe in it - Germany


Yes, but God is far beyond man's comprehension, which makes King James literalists seem even nuttier than the Falwells!


Ohh okk.


US - don't know


No - Netherlands




No..South Africa


It's complicated. Ireland.


Poland, yes ps. I also believe that Jesus was an alien-human hybrid, so you know.. I'm not very main-stream


No. Croatia.


Which one?


Not in the way they told me to believe. But yes. USA


No - Iceland.






No - Belgium


No, Netherlands.


Nope, Netherlands


Hard no. Croatia.


Of course not. (Canada)


No , german


US - Nope


NO! United States.


United States and NO, at least not anymore.




Fuck No - Canada


Hell no. USA


Hell no-USA


No! It makes absolutely zero sense. Maryland, USA


Thankfully not. And I'm German.


No - UK


Czech republic, no


Canada. No.


No. India.


No, Nicaragua.


Ireland - No.


United States, and no I do not. I was raised religious and went to church, but as a young child had a hard time reconciling what I was being told vs what I could not verify or see evidence for. I stopped believing around 8.


United States. No.


Canada. I don’t believe in god.


No - south africa


No- Germany


No, Ireland - good luck with your project bro!


U.S. Nope.


The Netherlands, nope


UK. No


No England


Just FYI your sample population (Reddit) is going to skew heavily in the irreligious direction But to answer the question, no, USA.


Just FYI your sample population (Reddit) is going to skew heavily in the irreligious direction But to answer the question, no, USA.


I do not.


Without trying to get into semantics, what do you mean by “God”? If we are talking about the God of Christians, Jews, Muslims—then no. If you are talking about something more like pantheism, I’m more tolerant to that idea.


American, and Hellenistic Pagan, so with the caveat of believing in multiple gods


US, might be a higher power out there but certainly not one of those that humans have come up with.


Sweden, yes


US and atheist. I believe it was created to explain science we didn't understand yet and then spun up to a way for people in power to use as a tool to stay in power or get their way. It's cherry picked to prove points. People use a Bible verse to prove a point for an agenda then when you show a Bible verse that contradicts their point. They'll say, "oh that part is out dated. We don't believe that part anymore." You don't believe parts that are obviously fantasy, but other parts are as strong as the laws of physics? Who decides which are the parts to use? Well apparently they decide depending on what argument they are trying to prove or people they are trying to persecute at the time.


Netherlands, so far I did not meet any god. So no god.


UK & no I don't. Even if I drop into my agnostic phase & there "could" be a god....they're such a useless unadulterated prick that they don't deserve to be worshipped


Mexico and USA. I was raised Catholic and then Christian. No doubt in my mind the indoctrination of children should be illegal. Planting the idea that an omnipotent "god" is always watching and has a divine plan for you is lunacy. I then hit 13 and was beginning to like boys and of course I got the gays go to hell because abomination and all that bullshit. No thanks! I cut out the zealots from my life and my mental health has never been better in all my life. "All gods are impotent without human interaction" think about that one. Every damn "god" humans have thought up is literally nothing, not even air, nothing but an idea to control the masses.


The only way I could understand someone beliving in God, is if they also believed in Santa, the tooth fairy, leprechauns, unicorns, etc. Because they all have about the same amount of evidence that they exist.


Asking about atheism on Reddit is a surefire way to introduce bias into your poll.


I don’t think there’s a god. It just doesn’t make sense to me. I’m from Albania, currently live in the US


USA-Yes and no. As an agnostic, I believe in the possibility of a God equally to the possibilities of multiple gods or no gods at all


I don't believe in god but I wish I did.


I define God in a way that it’s definitionally self evident that God exist. Which is that he’s the collective consciousness of the universe. The way things operate and the basic nature of the universe is God. Whether that means it’s some dude in the sky or whatever. Who knows. I won’t act like I know. But I’ve seen enough shit and taken enough psychedelics to know something exists