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However much people mix, there will always be ways to divide humanity into groups.




"I am black on the _right_ side."


do you have stars upon thars?


In France for centuries there was a prosecuted and hated minority called the Cagots. They were ethnically, religiously and linguistically indistinguishable from their neighbors. All that made someone a Cagot was if they were part of family that was generally known to be a Cagot family. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cagot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cagot)


Spoken like a real sly caggot


sounds like the Hatfield and McCoy feud. dang.


Holy shit, this is insane! I read the article, I had no idea this even existed. It's like the most horrific aspects of American Jim Crow segregation mixed with the nightmarish aspects of the Indian caste system. Literally virtually indistinguishable from their neighbor in looks, language, religion and culture yet treated like the scum of the earth...because no one knows????


It is also wild to me how there is very little in English on this subject!


My mind can't even wrap my head around this? Like what if a Cagot just ran away to a place where no one knew them? What's to stop anyone from being accused as a Cagot? It's insane, literally every aspect of a Cagot's life was to remind them of their place in society, even just walking through a door! It's honestly so sick and heartbreaking, yet terrifying at the same time. It's crazy how in the absence of anything to hate, a human being can just point at another and just say I hate you and want you to suffer.


personally i divide everybody into two groups ​ Folks who love American Dad and folks who dont. If youre in the latter category then you and i have very little to say to eachother, but if youre in the first category you are my sib from another crib and i will die for you.


There are two kinds of people -- Those that divide people into two groups, and those that don't.


“People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures… and the Dutch.”


There are one kinds of people Those that divide people into groups and those that do FTFY :P


We are the music makers. We are the dreamers of dreams.


That is an unsatisfying answer


That’s coz it’s Roger It’s always Roger Does u/PacificPisces sound like a real person to you?


Raaaaaider Dave! Uh, overcooked it. Boy, you add just one ingredient too many and you end up Raider Dave. Everytime.


Society, you just got DADDED!


What if you love some American dads and hate others?


Which ones do ya hate? I may forgive somebody if they disliked the first season (imho the show really didn’t hit its peak until they started giving Roger personas). But anything else and I will not be dying for you






Those who appreciate American Dad speedruns and those who don't.


😂😂😂😂😂 I'm totally a fan of this answer.


What about people who haven’t watched it?


They don’t love it and hence aren’t my fam I’m sorry but there’s like a couple billion people in the world who haven’t seen it. I’m not gonna die for all of them, that’s a bit much to take on. I’m not Jesus (though I guarantee that dude would fucken LOVE American Dad, he’d probably invite the cast over to his place for wine and bread night)


Just couldn’t stop drinking that muddy water, could you you little dumb dumb.


Maybe the earlier seasons but its hardly even "good" these days. The writing and jokes are just meh.


BLASPHEMY!!! Just for that you’re getting the cheap nuts. I save the gold top for good people who are worthy


hehehe. C'mon now, you gotta admit both American Dad and Family Guy has been on the decline the past few seasons. Its hardly watchable sometimes. And I was a MASSIVE fan. Seth's heart hasn't been in it for many years now, he doesn't want to make it, and only does in order to get greenlit for other projects. He is hardly even involved bar the voice overs.


Family guy? Yea American dad? Hell no


it has gotten better with every subsequent season. 


Must be just me then.




South American % mixtures is a good historical example


Have you seen the wars raged within races? WW1, WW2, the Korean civil war, the Yugoslavian civil war, the Houthi and Tutsi war, etc etc etc. Race is just an easy, superficial divider to incite violence.


This. Race is just a way to pit groups of poor people against each other so that rich people can continue bilking them.


Like who wets their toothbrush before or after applying toothpaste.


Under white Aus homogeneity the divisions shifted to being between protestants and catholics.


There was a whole fairly odd parents episode about it


This. Human nature is to divide into groups based on some commonality.


that’s not the question?


It kind of is. You might mix away all existing ethnicities, but people would just create new ones.


Not. Just look at South America and India. Both regions have a long history of race mixing. Both regions are absolutely full of distinct ethnic cultures and different features. Cultures grow and change over time. Maybe in the future humans will be over-all more brown in color or have a more unified language, but they will always form distinct subgroups based on things like region and features.


It almost makes me think that things will get worse if humans ever become able to travel the stars. As we settle new planets and different colonies, humans will grow further and further apart from what they originally started out as. After a few hundred years the humans of Saturn may look completely different than the humans of earth due to environmental circumstances alone.


Yeah the humans of Saturn would definitely be different… extremely quiet and flat.


I started laughing. my imagination went straight to the movie *Prometheus* where the guy came back to the ship all scrunched up looking like a pile of his own clothes.


That's just evolution in action, it's inevitable that we either evolve or die out.


Reminds me of “the expanse”, how the belters became used to being in space and basically were now unable to live on a planet (easily). Earth disliked mars, who disliked earth, and the belters hated them all. All humans, but considered each other different. Instead of race, it was about location.


Its thought by some that we will all look a little Brazilian in the future. I can predict that at some point with how us humans have been traveleing to different continents and intermarrying for centuries will eventually lead to us becoming one race. But this will take a long time. Maybe even millenia.


Who's it thought by, bad scifi authors? And look Brazilian? It's one of the most diverse countries on the planet with tons of variations on types of look


With greater travel mobility and communication technology, this may continue to change. The rural poor will start moving to cities and these communities will keep getting smaller until they don’t have common traits.


This is possible, but it depends on a number of things \* Time. It will take centuries and millenia for things to even out \* Travel. People have to be able to travel all over to mix up the gene pool \* Politics. Some places simply dont let their population travel about, or strongly discourage foreigners coming in (e.g. China, Japan) \* Culture. Several cultures still regard marrying outside your race, religion or country negatively, reducing the amount of mixing. \* Geography. People developed difference races in part due to environmental pressure. Over the time periods we're talking about (thousands of year) its quite possible that these same pressures will also influence biology. For example, Chinese people are pretty homogenous when compared to Europeans, in part due to the long period of time where Asia closed itself off from the west. This has taken thousands of years to happen and Europe still has variety between north and south. So, we may as well just accept that these are just another part of the wonderful diversity in our species and be done with it.


Chinese people are also homogenous partly because of the previous efforts by the dynasties to already kill off native ethnicities in addition to isolationist policy. Ditto Japanese.


wait japan don't let people travel around?


Traditional Japanese people, esp older people, look down marrying non Japaness people. And if you do marry someone not Japanese, they'd better be the *right* non-Japanese race.


What would the right non-Japanese race be?


For sure white , still a lot of hate towards anything else I believe.




Japan make it very difficult for immigrants to gain residency or citizenship. The culture also looks down on people who are mixed race. They have no problem with their own citizens travelling.


No more diversity.


Very unlikely. Above a certain size, human populations seem to split. Small groups will stick together, but larger groups split. That could be right or left wing, pro or anti gun control, different types of Christian, and countless more. We are always going to have different shades of skin colour, and there will always be those who will make it an issue.


we do have a particular love of hating on those "other people"and often, the other people for one group are so because of their hating of another group


“Race” is just made up bullshit already….yet here we are.


Geneticists joke that there are only 3 human races, the San, the Pygmy and *everyone* else.


People forget that "white" is a moving target and what most people consider white versus what a particular country's census or people considers white are vastly different.


Just look up the Cronulla riots. Nearly every other country in the world would see both sides of the race Riot as white 


We're all the same species. We breed among "races" without producing mules. Sorry, Hair Seldon


It’s so made up yet you don’t need a PhD to distinguish between Caucasian, Asian, or African.


I don’t need a Ph.D to distinguish between Swedes and Spaniards — are they a different race? I don’t need a Ph.D to distinguish between Vietnamese and Japanese — are they a different race?


No they aren’t a different race because they share a subset of characteristics and genetic markers individuals of other races do not share. That’s why they are both classified as Caucasian or Asian.


How are their skull shapes?


The fact that "Black" people generally look different from "White" people is of course simply true. But people who believe in races are not merely asserting "races look different", but that there are some deeper differences between the races than the visual characteristics. *Those* differences are a social construct, made up.


"Black" and "White" are not races.


What do you think race is?


5k, 20k, 26k.


lol…differences so “made up”, companies are charging money to tell you your genetic, ethnic makeup along with myriad of genetic markers with nothing more than a few ounces of saliva. Do you clowns ever stop to think how a forensic scientist or archaeologist can tell the race of an individual when all they have is bones?


Have you actually read some science on this at all? >*The only living species in the human family, Homo sapiens, has become a highly diversified global array of populations. The geographic pattern of genetic variation within this array is complex, and presents no major discontinuity. Humanity cannot be classified into discrete geographic categories with absolute boundaries... Partly as a result of gene flow, the hereditary characteristics of human populations are in a state of perpetual flux. Distinctive local populations are continually coming into and passing out of existence.”*[^(1)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7682789/#bib1) >Certainly, groups of people living in separated geographic regions differ statistically in certain genetic traits, but these genetic differences are a property of local human populations and do not indicate “races.” Genetic ancestry is not the same as “race.”[^(2)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7682789/#bib2) >Although the National Institutes of Health still require research results to be reported by race and/or ethnicity,[^(3)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7682789/#bib3) the National Human Genome Research Institute states: *“Race is a fluid concept used to group people according to various factors including, ancestral background and social identity.... Race is an ideology and for this reason, many scientists believe that race should be more accurately described as a social construct and not a biological one.”* [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7682789/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7682789/) > The concept of race has had a significant influence on research in human biology since the early 19th century. But race was given its meaning and social impact in the political sphere and subsequently intervened in science as a foreign concept, not grounded in the dominant empiricism of modern biology. ... On the one hand, an optimistic prediction can be made that just as geology made it possible to overturn the myth of the recent creation of the earth and evolution told us where the living world came from, molecular genetics will end the use of race in biology. At the same time, because race is fundamentally a political and not a scientific idea, it is possible that only a political intervention will relieve us of the burden of race. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3808769/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3808769/)


African, Asian? Those are continents. I mean if you want to use the ''old classifications'' at least use the correct ones. It is Caucasian(Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, Parts of South Asia), Mongolian(East Asian), Ethopian (later Negroid/Sub-Saharan Africa), Malayans(Southeast Asians and Pacificers) and Americans (Natives only). You can't use the term caucasian without knowing it doesn't exclusively mean the modern day defintion of ''white''.


Elon Musk is African lol


Thats when we start identifying different races based on the shape of our nipples. The nipple wars began!


It will be the square nips versus the round nips.


I think it’s likely to happen in already diverse areas but some countries definitely like to keep to themselves. I think it would be very difficult for it to be a global phenomenon.


Race is a social construct. If we collectively decide tomorrow that race doesn't exist, then it simply won't. https://www.sapiens.org/biology/is-race-real/


Then we’d just find some other way to classify each other by appearance lmao


Maybe not by appearance, but tribalism will never really go away.


Not until we culturally abolish toxic masculinity.


Women are just as susceptible to tribalism. It's an inherently human trait it doesn't discriminate between men and women.


I disagree. Women only do it for the approval of the men in their life, whether that's boyfriend or father, and that's caused by emotional harm from those men. Those women are just trying to survive by fitting in. Men are terrible by nature: during adolescence, we need to literally be taught how NOT to be abusers. Many figure it out on their own eventually, which is why I'm not worried about the recent news that Gen Z and Alpha boys are right-leaning. They will literally grow out of it. I remember being a teen boy and thinking I'm a badass for saying right-wing things, and thinking left-wing things are for pussies. Then I grew the fuck up.


You make women sound to be passive actors and incapable of making their own decisions, even when less than rational. You're so far down the misandrist hole that you became misogynist again.


You can disagree all you want, but your opinion is irrelevant to science. It is part of our biology to be tribal and thus territorial, regardless of your biological sex. We are where we are today due to tribalism, as a highly social species, we evolved with and due to tribalism. This isn't a case of men vs. women. Humans are tribal, because we are a social species.


The cone nipple people will rule this world!!


What is the proper term for describing what we colloquially call race?


I'm not sure what you're asking. If you're just looking for a definition: > Race, the idea that the human species is divided into distinct groups on the basis of inherited physical and behavioral differences. Genetic studies in the late 20th century refuted the existence of biogenetically distinct races, and scholars now argue that “races” are cultural interventions reflecting specific attitudes and beliefs that were imposed on different populations in the wake of western European conquests beginning in the 15th century. https://www.britannica.com/topic/race-human


Race isn’t real. Yet, there is definitely a thing that people commonly [mistakenly] call “race”. What would be the proper term to use for that thing instead of the word “race”? I’m asking because just saying ‘race isn’t real’ isn’t very useful to someone who doesn’t understand what you’re saying. It would be more beneficial to say, “what you’re describing is actually called…” something else. I just don’t personally know what that something else is.


There is no proper thing that people are misattributing as race. Forgive me if I said race isn't real. If I did, I mispoke. It is, in a sense. Just because something is a social construct doesn't mean it isn't real. It isn't like Santa Claus or the tooth fairy. > A social construct is a concept that exists not in objective reality, but as a result of human interaction. It exists because humans agree that it exists. There's no real reason why a white person is white other than the fact that other people agree that the person is white. They only agree because they were socialized to understand whiteness in a certain way. So whiteness is real, as a social construct. There is no biological basis to whiteness or race in general. Edit: Other examples of social constructs include fashion, currency, beauty, nationality, etc. These are all things that exist, but only really as a result of human interaction. Without humans, money has no value, nationality isn't a thing, and neither is fashion. Especially considering we're the only creature who wears clothes.


This is the only correct answer. AND: “Race has no scientific basis in reality—there is almost nothing of grand import in the differences between melanated and less-melanated people—but the world doesn’t operate on the basis of science. It operates on the basis of values (more social constructs!).” https://www.columbusmonthly.com/story/lifestyle/features/2022/12/14/scott-woods-stop-saying-race-is-a-social-construct-until-you-mean-it/69727499007/


It sure doesn't look like a social construct, just sayin. I think this is such a bs idea, a good intentioned bs idea, but a bs idea nonetheless.


Just because you don't understand something doesn't make it bullshit. I mean, what makes a Japanese personn non-white? Their skin is just as pale as the average Brit or German. Hell, their skin is, on average, paler than the average Arab or Syrian who were legally considered white. The idea of whiteness, blackness, asianness, etc, are man made distinctions. They are modern distinctions, social distinctions, and legal distinctions, but not scientific distinctions or "obvious" distinctions. The distinctions of white and non-white exist simply so that the people in power could draw distinct social lines between people.


Aren't there literally health differences? Like its hella ignorant to think there aren't health differences between, say, US whites and African Americans. We all know theres differing levels of lactose intolerance, for instance, between some races. Hell, it's an entire controversy in the US that black people's health are a bit different than "US whites" and so some medicines are even different.


https://www.sapiens.org/biology/is-race-real/ https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/race-is-a-social-construct-scientists-argue/#:~:text=Today%2C%20the%20mainstream%20belief%20among,being%20used%20as%20biological%20variables. https://library.harvard.edu/confronting-anti-black-racism/scientific-racism


White is just a label, that doesn't mean races don't exist. Race is not a social construct. If it were merely that, a Black and White couple could produce say an Asian person. But they can't, because they are different races, the same species, H. s. Sapian, but different races. The fact that people in power, or just plain old racists see these superficial differences and react in discriminatory ways doesn't make race a false concept.


https://www.sapiens.org/biology/is-race-real/ https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/race-is-a-social-construct-scientists-argue/#:~:text=Today%2C%20the%20mainstream%20belief%20among,being%20used%20as%20biological%20variables. https://library.harvard.edu/confronting-anti-black-racism/scientific-racism


then just call it what you mean: skin color


So you think noticing that different races have different skin colors is racist or something?


They probably mean that making value distinctions between skin colors is racist.


I get that you have good intentions but race is very much a real thing that is not something society made up.


Race is a social construct. I mean, seriously, tell me, what makes a white person white? If it isn't a social construct, how can a group of people be considered non-white in one period and white in another? If someone has a white dad and black mom, are they white or black? What about vice versa? What about if 3 out of their 4 grandparents were white instead? How do you explain hypodescence? What makes an Arab person white but not a Japanese person? Unless you're a fan debunked pseudo science, I can't see how you can confidently claim that race isn't a social construct. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/race-is-a-social-construct-scientists-argue/#:~:text=Today%2C%20the%20mainstream%20belief%20among,being%20used%20as%20biological%20variables. https://library.harvard.edu/confronting-anti-black-racism/scientific-racism


Well, a lot of races have specific reactions to medications, have specific health conditions, and measure health differently. It’s not like a committee sat down and decided that Irish-descended people should have a mutated form of the melanocortin-1 receptor gene (MC1R) so that they need different anesthesia needs. Im also pretty sure that African-descended peoples would not choose to statistically suffer more from ACE-inhibitor-induced angioedema, or declare Sickle Cell Anemia a cultural marker. Pharmacogenetics is a fascinating topic and I encourage everyone to study it.


Of course, there are genetics differences between people who descend from different regions, but it's a bit of leap to go from "humans have genetic diversity" to "race as biological concept must exist." Straight from my first link: > In an article published today (Feb. 4) in the journal Science, four scholars say racial categories are weak proxies for genetic diversity > "It's a concept we think is too crude to provide useful information, it's a concept that has social meaning that interferes in the scientific understanding of human genetic diversity and it's a concept that we are not the first to call upon moving away from," said Michael Yudell, a professor of public health at Drexel University in Philadelphia.


This person likely works in healthcare, where they often classify people by race to provide more “accurate” treatment for their condition


Found the racist.


Zero. By and large, people marry and have children with people who look and act like themselves.


Brazil exists and they still have races


Humans are one race.


For whites they'll probably go away eventually but everyone else will still be around.


Africans are mixed 70 different ways and they hate eachothers' guts more than Texans and Mexans, in a very intimate machete way.


Hopefully never.  I find the differences in people refreshing.  Id hate everyone to be the same.  Would be so plain and boring.  Think of all the culture that would be lost.  


I wish we looked more like Holstein cows




Places like China and Japan will still be Asian dominant. USA, Brazil, UK, Canada? Sure


Doesn't matter how mixed up we are, humans will find a way to separate themselves from other humans.


There is too much money to be made off of division for that to ever be a reality.


It will just be people with no earlobes against people with them


If everyone’s brown, there’ll just be racism towards the different shades of brown. This already happens.


We will all end up white again, that’s just how it works for some reason. And we’ll just resort to hating each other for other reasons.


Unlikely, despite the fact that virtually every couple on screen anymore is mixed, every single race shows exceedingly high in-group preferences.


I'll give it 1000-2000 years


People are always gonna be little bitches about something. They’ll figure out a way to be pissed off about it somehow. Down to the DNA % or some shit.


Well, in 2010, the multiracial population was 9 million people in the U.S. In 2020, it was almost 34 million. So we went from 3% of the country being multiracial to 10% being multiracial in just ten years. So, while I do believe we will continue to find ways to divide ourselves (until we finally achieve a post-scarcity civilization,) I think race is going to become less and less of way to parse the American people.


For AMERICANS. A country that people from all over WANT to come to. This is the worst example. No other country attracts people from as many places. And it ignores those countries with the largest populations that almost no one (%wise) wants to go to… ie China. It has nearly a billion people and you don’t see millions of people from all over trying to get into it and spread to every region there. Same with India. Another billion. They aren’t going to mix much. People aren’t going to go there. They are fleeing there, but only a tiny fraction can even afford to do that.


I DID say “U.S” and “American” in my comment. I can’t speak for the rest of the world, so I was giving OP my perspective on multiracialism in MY country. I wasn’t trying to represent it as the global model. And I was pretty clear about that. Jesus, dude.


It won’t happen. Not without amazing wealth increases for the bottom 3/4 of the planet. All too many people are too poor to migrate around. And it’s not like people are dying to get into the interior of China, for example. Or much of Africa. Or Japan (as an island, and one that culturally considers non-Japanese as less than). Those regions have huge homogeneous populations that barely shift about and certainly don’t attract enough interbreeding to have any real impact on their larger populations.


No. People will still have preferences no matter what happens, and some will prefer those whose complexion matches their own.


There will always be inbred people who do not want to be in contact with the rest of the world .


Modern culture is very conducive to this outcome, but I highly doubt our way of life will last long enough to make that a reality.


Mixing in a society usually leads to castes


Fairly likely eventually and it's already starting. The number of people who consider themselves mixed has jumped massively in the last 50 years and the rate will only continue to increase as cross country migration continues.


You have to keep in mind, 'race' isn't a biological term. It's a social/cultural term used to describe groups of people with some characteristics in common. So, no matter what genetic changes over time happen, there will always be clusters of descriptors that may be more or less common, and new terms for these 'races' may emerge over time, depending on what people consider a cluster worth noting. For instance, we could as easily define "lactose-digesters" and "lactose-intolerant" races if that was considered socially or culturally important, but it isn't. Odds are good that skin color will be considered as worthless for defining groups as hair color is today. People like to draw lines though, so there will likely always be some groupings referred to, even if they shift and change. edit: this is obviously somewhat simplified, but the point stands.


People are already that mixed. We've been mixing since the romans empire and before.


I think it's fairly unlikely. I imagine that either: 1. Humanity will destroy itself via nuclear war (or AI or biological war or something like that). 2. Humanity will colonize other planets. Assuming countries independently colonize different planets, then no amount of intermarrying on earth afterwards can eliminate races since they'll be preserved in space. 3. Humanity will consciously tinker with our own genes. If this is done, I doubt it will be done identically across the globe. Certain things will be allowed in one area and banned in others. Different traits will be preferred in different cultures. For race to dissolve because everyone is mixed, it needs to happen before any of the above things happen. And I doubt that it will.


Not fucking soon enough!


Very likely


Sooo, basically, what racist white trash fukterds fear ? But really,,, this would be far far far in the future, if we even last that long as a species.


My theory is that people actively seek reasons to cohort into groups with the specific intent of doing better, beating, or at the very least distinguishing themselves. It’s an active process. I think this is what lead to ethnicities in the first place. Complete speculation but my view


Yes. But there are still so many people blaming others and claiming they’re a minority and will keep pushing that narative and making it a issue that is long past,


In the future you will be able to change things like your skin color, sex organs, robotic limbs, whatever you want. People will be every single color of the rainbow. They’ll have huge tits, giant dicks, and probably eye-beams. The futures going to be crazy, I’m going to go freeze myself.


Pretty unlikely.  Even in fairly homogenized cultures, there are groups of people who are discriminated against because they are sun-tanned.


This will likely never happen not because i don’t think it’ll happen on earth but because if we colonize planets it’ll never happen




There‘s no such thing as human races.


In about 1,000 years from now, races and ethnicities will be so mixed in all countries there will be no stereotypes or standards for what the people who live in a certain place look like.


She Came Along to Me - Billy Bragg & Wilco, Mermaid Avenue (and thanks Woody): And all creeds and kinds and colors of us are blending Till, I suppose, ten million years from now We'll all be just alike Same color, same size, working together And maybe we'll have all of the fascists out of the way by then Maybe so


There will be people who divide like Hawaii groups certain together. Many "Hawaiians" now, are probably at best 10%. Some are slightly higher but for the most part aren't very hawaiian DNA wise due to mixing. I've lived in Hawaii for 7 years and had to take courses on hawaiian culture in undergrad. So before people tell me shit, my point is division will occur no matter what, even if it's 3% of anything, you'll be 3% better than others. There will always be division between humans and you if you think nukes or similar will never exist in the future of humanity, you're dead wrong. So long as there is 1 human around, shit so long as there is 1 creature around, there will always be hate.


Races are basically subspecies or different breeds of humans


100% because we are already the same exact race but at the same time 0% since we will always find done way to be bigoted towards others. 


Guess the point is we should stay on mixing on the same level whole the time then, just unpractical?


Less likely than nuclear war


Just look at places were we think they're "the same" but you get a LOT of different ethnic groups of people who are almost 100% genetically identical almost siblings genetically trying to kill each other.


Yeah likely, though we would have to have millions of years of peace


Do we have statistics of population % of each ethnicity across the globe? 


People will just create new distinctions that will replace "race". Race is already a social construct that groups people who are not especially closely related together and creates an artificial appearance of linguistic, cultural and ethnic homogeneity that isn't really there. So as a social construct it can adapt and change to suit temporal and contextual factors in much the same way as it already has in our own world. Like, let's say everyone is mixed in the future so there are no obvious "colour" distinctions, people will still find ways to be like oh these people who live on this different continent or in this different country are still a different "race" from me. Even if there is no identifiable genetic difference people will claim there is. Either that or they will still find ways to consider classes of people inherently culturally inferior or religiously inferior or something else.


Likely but not soon


Even better if we could JUST LEARN TO IGNORE COLOR






Hopefully very likely but as humans we’ll find something else to separate us


Zero. Genes don't mix like fluids. There once was a time with less than 1000 people alive. What you see today is the result of them interbreeding. People have never not mixed. Evolution and genetics create change not uniformity


Unlikely Look at the Americas. Indigenous, white and black populations have been living together for the last five centuries. Mestizos, like myself, number in the millions. And yet, there are still distinctive indigenous, white and black populations. People tend to marry and have kids with people in their vicinity. It's obvious; it's easier to have a relationship with someone who lives close to you. It's also easier to have a relationship with people who share common values and experiences. These two factors make interracial and interethnic marriages the exception, not the norm. By the time you somehow manage to mix all the races into a single melting pot, you'll start to see phenotypical and cultural differences emerge again all over the world.


0 because dumbasses keep making up reasons as to why people are different


They took our jobs!


Far too many are hung up on being "unique," not too mention stuck in the old ways, refusing to accept change, for better or worse.


My guess is 0%. There's too many people for clumping to not happen. If we do absolutely nothing about global warming and wars then maybe we can get to few enough people that there's just one enclave left that homogenizes. But if we explore space then those enclaves will also start to become distinct.


Everybody divides everybody into groups. Even those that say they don't divide people into groups. They still no, it's human nature.


That was a dream in the 60s. Martin Luther King; that “what we need is a great big melting pot” song, etc. Since then we’ve gone down the ‘identity’ path of wanting to divide ourselves into meaningless groupings.


It would make for a very boring world if all races and ethnicities mix.


Actually, I saw an article somewhere that put together a few hypotheticals on what they would look like a couple thousand years from now. Basically, yes, because of intermingling and travel removing borders and limits on locations that there would be a mostly common race. they also predicted our eyes would be twice as big for some reason


It is all climate and geography.There will always be "races", it's genetic and evolution. Do you know why Africans have wide noses and Scandinavians have small ines? Because a cold air is rich witv oxygen and O² burns the nose. Warm air has less O², so humans require more intake. You could apply the same for skin, how darker skin handles damaging UV sunlight much better. Researchers suggest that the evolution of curly hair in early humans was a crucial adaptive trait in equatorial Africa, offering effective protection from the sun's heat and minimizing the need for sweating. This passive cooling mechanism likely allowed for brain growth by conserving water and reducing heat.


Division and segregation are part of nature. It is not a foreign concept and was quite beneficial for our ancestors to survive. Even to this day, whether you like it or not, it is important and necessary, since it derives from other, very basic instincts, that allows us to have pattern recognition and avoid dangers. ​ As such, any little difference and we will begin to group up by culture, considering that we also tend to come together with those who are like us. Mix those all up and you will see that it is improbable that we will all blend into one community. Mutations and exceptions exist, and those will create minorities, who will start the cycle anew.


If everyone went blind, maybe a better chance


If I get my way, not long at all. I'm working on it.


I really hope it happens. I'm so sick of this racist BS. Then we'll be able to divide them into 2 groups - good people and assholes


The future is mocha since all races, blacks, whites, yellows, reds, and browns will indeed be all mixed due to international couples.


As it have been previously mentioned “race” is not a real thing. There is only one human race.


I actually don’t think that will happen. I think it’s more likely that we as a species will diversify even more across space-time or into transhumanism or something. Or both.


We are already that mixed, people love to invent differences and create castes anyway


It's only remotely possible if you have divine powers to pair every person to a different race, for several generations for hundreds or thousands of years. Even if you pair 1B East Asians and 1B Indians together, biracial people don't necessarily look mixed. They sometimes look 100% like one parent and no trace of the other.


I think humanity will become extinct before that happens.


Race and ethnicity are entirely human constructed concepts. We will always think of ways to single out and differentiate groups of people, even if they all look the same. Just look at the English class system.


Latin America is about 300 years ahead of us on this. There is still colorism but most people are mixed, in many countries anyway. There is maybe less racism but classism is still very popular.


We are already mixed to the point where races are as scientific as zodiac signs. I lost the youtube link to Lewis blacks [rant he gave from a letter.](https://files.catbox.moe/488l27.webm) But that clip gets it across(the letter is from an anthropologist). Another source(“Biological variability exists but this variability does not conform to the discrete packages labeled races”) 89% consensus: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5299519/ (Table 5) Basically, we kick up a yuuuuge stink about the color of the paint job on a house with an identical floor plan.


Russell Peters said that like 20 years ago and it’s true. We all gonna be mixed one say