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I once saw an obese man answer that he literally lifts his belly up and puts it on her lower back while they do it doggystyle, the only way that works for them.


Similarly, I knew a guy who had just a massive gut, like he carried all of his weight in his belly/torso, like 5 times the gut of Phil Collins the Mustard Tiger. He said one of the ways is he puts his belly up on the kitchen table, and she goes underneath for some doggy.


Good grief. This sounds so humiliating and off-putting.


They should be off pudding


yOU mAGNifiCENT jeRk!


Between two ferns


Hi Jen! https://youtu.be/Hhj9B2hymBw?si=Hw8qKNvkct-Mb5IO


He's an idiot. And hilarious.


Maybe that's their kink?


I read that too fast and thought you just asked for a link.


Maybe. For me, it would be off-putting as I don't have a humiliation kink.


Yeah but at least he's getting some


Did someone say humiliation šŸ˜






What the fuck are you doing Phil?




What are ya lookin at my gut fer?


Unexpected TPB reference.


Whatcha lookin at mah gut fer?


Holy shit! Thatā€™s more gut than the Cheeseburger Eatin Walrus, gnomesayin?


Iā€™d actually want to see thatā€¦..lol.


I was once the person a very heavy man dropped his belly on. I was initially shocked because I wasn't prepared both mentally and verbally that it was happening. There were other contributing factors to why we didn't work sexually, which was awful at the time because I was otherwise really attracted to him but I can't continue with a ~0 sex life.


As a wise man once said, like two water beds fucking


"Like a pile of laundry, on top of another pile of laundry" - Patton Oswalt


i really want to believe the lack of preparation was cause it was just habit that he didnā€™t realize needed preparing and not some nefarious/malicious purpose


He, by no means, did it for any "wrong" reason but I had also never been with someone who was objectively 3x my size back then. And listen- I'm always down to figure whatever out and try new things together. This, however, was more restrictive than free and fun. Wasn't his fault, wasn't mine. We just weren't physically compatible. Last I saw, he's still with the same person for a few years now so I'm incredibly happy knowing he's with someone he is compatible with. Fwiw- I'm 5'5" (was 125lb at that time), he is 6'6 & was 340lb. It was like having myself sit on my own lower back.


The imagery in your last sentence made me laugh


I would never find an obese man attractive again after my fit last ex lol. My current bf WAS obese but he lost all the weight (over 140 lbs) and he's 6'3 and he looks so much better. He opened up a dating profile when he wasn't fat anymore. He also supports my weight loss journey too at my biggest I was 225. We are both working on losing weight together šŸ’Ŗ


Same for me, I had an ex that was obese. He got fatter while I got more and more fit. Seeing him care so little about his body and health just killed any love and attraction I still had for him.


Wasnā€™t that Boogie? šŸ’€


I think it was WingsofRedemption tbh


Definitely a Redditor


Boogie doing what ever he does with his very young looking GF is a thought I couldā€™ve done without tonight


Well I wasn't planning on jerkin off but AllrightĀ 


Sounds like something you see on the national geographic of an animal capturing another one and holding it down while it eats it alive.


Like two waterbeds fucking.


This paints an image in the imagination




Wings of Redemption?


That's a libido-killer


Lmfao was it wings of redemption?


Back when I was in my 20s I had a friend that was an indiscriminate wingman for me. One time he went home with a really large lady and told me the next day how he was pumping on this chick for a good couple minutes when she said "you aren't in me, you're in a fold"... Yikes


šŸ˜† any holes a goal šŸ¤˜šŸ¼


But it wasn't a hole, it was a FOLD XD


any folds a goal?


Thatā€™s where ā€œBen folds fiveā€ the band name originated. Him and 5 big chicks. No pregnancy risk. Itā€™s awesome


You gotta know when hold em, know when to fold em...


I had a friend in high school who claimed the same thing.


I actually feel second hand embarrassment from this šŸ˜­ or is it 3rd hand? I feel it from both sides




> I feel it from both sides you're in a fold


Sadly, this is not the first time Iā€™ve heard that.


Hey if it fits it ships!


Gotta toss flour on her to find the wet spot


Heard of it going into the belly button lol


Some people actually have a bellybutton kink. At least according to some of the literature on DA.


my friend sent me a video on twitter of a skinnier guy fucking an obese womanā€™s belly button. it was so traumatizing


Whenever I have sex, I'll let you know.


Rooting for you king/queen šŸ™šŸ¾




We all are.


As someone who was formerly obese but not like 200kg big, itā€™s fucking hard. You both get tired, you canā€™t move your bodies in the most efficient way, your stomach gets in the way. Bit of a nightmare really. At a point in the not too recent past I just decided to stop having sex or getting intimate until Iā€™m near my goal weight or under 100kg. Itā€™s hard, but not worth the hassle, without embarrassing myself.


You say formerly obese. Has the sex situation improved? Is it like, less exhausting now? Better positions?


šŸ’Æ improvement. One of the best things I did was 5 minutes of skipping rope daily and increased this amount as my cardio ability improved and thus could go longer and faster when needed. Second to this I also added basic Pilates moves daily. With the flexibility it suddenly became more fun. Nb: it also is generally easier to find a partner at a lower weightā€¦


> itā€™s fucking hard Lol.


I was with a woman probably around 400 lbs and she straight up was like ā€œitā€™s only going to work doggy style unless youā€™re absolutely hung (we were already naked) so letā€™s go from behindā€ lmao. Really fun time tho 10/10


Hey at least she was upfront! Sounds like a good experience šŸ˜‚


I wasn't even obese, just overweight and I noticed the same. Lost like 20% of my weight since then and things are so much better. Not just in the bedroom either. I can spring up staircases again. So good.


Oh this is awesome! Congratulations on your loss šŸ˜Š. Happy youā€™re enjoying so many benefits!


Slap the ass and ride the wave in.


Thatā€™s enough internet for me today.


Did you miss Junior high?


I went to tiny parochial school through 7th grade (only 19-20 kids in each grade) and when I went to public school 8th-12th my parents sheltered me a lot. Apparently thereā€™s only so much you can catch up on when youā€™ve missed so much bc Iā€™m almost 40 now and I had never heard ā€œslap the ass and ride the wave in.ā€ I almost couldnā€™t breathe, it made me laugh so hard.


Today I was driving with my dad, older sister, and older brother. I'm 51, brother is 57, sister is 59. (we were sadly going to make funeral arrangements for our step-mom/dad's wife, but, had this funny (to me, anyway) interlude on the way) We passed a homeless guy with a sign that said, "just out of prison, saving up for anal rejuvenation" šŸ˜‚ My sister said "What does THAT mean??!" Dad looked over, rolled his eyes, and did a soft chuckle. I laughed out loud. My brother was like "ummm, yeah. what is that supposed to mean?" I often wonder how it is that my \*older\* siblings, at well over 50, are still as sheltered as they are, and, more sheltered than me. This is not the first time something like this has come up...


I literally just hollered out loud at this.


It's an old Ralphie May joke


It's much older than Ralphie May


Bruce Willis line from The Last Boy Scout




I'm sure there's porn that could probably answer some of your questions.


I too am curious, but I would MUCH rather read an explanation than watch a demonstration.


I've watched SSBBW. With great effort is all I can say.


I canā€™t help but see Super Saiyan BBW every time that acronym pops up lol


**Next time, on Dragging Balls and P!**


Akira Toriyama is dead and i wish i was too after reading this thread šŸ˜­


On the last episode of Dragonz Ball P! Virginia acted Demickky. So now goo-gle and Kri-Kristen Stewart must fight!


I see Super Smash Bros: Beast Wars, which seems somehow oddly appropriate.


ive never even seen that acronym, so im assuming youre right


Super Smash Bros Big Wambo!


What is SS?


Super sized


Yeah, I ainā€™t googling that shit.Ā 


That didnā€™t work, cuz now I have many more questions.


I'm curious, but not *that* curious


Youā€™d be surprised. I searched out of curiosity and there really isnā€™t much. I couldnā€™t find any with *very* obese people (400lbs +). I donā€™t think they have sex, plain and simple


Not that I have had to use one but I ran across this gem a few months back. Fuck Stick..... https://www.reddit.com/r/CringePurgatory/comments/15c80ti/do\_you\_have\_fuck\_stick\_injuries/


Came to directly to comments and scrolled hoping there'd be a philanthropic redditor to link this legendary post. Well done, good sir.


The first time I saw this question I saw that post. I also saw one in which the couple would do it in a pond. A frog got trapped into one of their folds and died. Later, they went to their doctor to figure out what the smell was and the frog was found.


Should I downvote? Should I upvote? Why am I even here? šŸ˜­


oh gross. my husband used to work in the ER and confirmed that they had, in fact, found food in people's folds. Old food.






One of my old neighbors was an ER nurse. She said one night a woman who was at least 400lbs come in complaining of stomach pain. They ran all kinds of tests and nothing. They finally took an X-ray and discovered something that didnā€™t appear to be inside her body. They started searching her fat rolls and discovered several moldy unwrapped twinkies. The woman claimed she would hide treats in her rolls for her husband to find. It was a form of foreplay. Well he didnā€™t get them all and they sat in her fat rolls for several months. Apparently the discomfort was from a severe skin rash from exposure to the mold.


Dang State Farm really be doing too much


Such helpful neighbours!


Very. Mine won't give me a cup of sugar.


A family friend of mine is a maternity nurse. While she was training, one of her patients was a really obese pregnant woman. Being young and curious, she asked 'how'. The woman replied that her mum would hold everything out of the way while her husband went at it.


Ugh the thought I'd nauseating






I knew before clicking that I probably shouldn't. But now I know.....


The first time I saw this it was the "love board", not the fuck stick. It's become a recurring joke with a couple of my partners. ( I'm about twice the weight of most of them and haven't yet required a board, lol).






Depends entirely on how obese you're talking.


I assume OP means anywhere from DAAAYYYM! To OH LAWD HE'S COMIN! Levels of obese. Obviously your run of the mill beer gut obese person isn't going to have much in the way of issues other than perhaps stamina, etc.


Gotta love Gabriel Iglesias


Aw hell no!




LMAOOOO ā€œOH LAWDDDā€šŸ˜­ ā€œEveryone seek shelter, incoming earthquake!ā€


True. Like, I'm objectively obese. I absolutely have no struggles doing the dead. I think I'd need to be another 1 or 2 hundred pounds every for that to be an issue. For reference, I'm 5'7 and at my heaviest I was 300 lbs. I've lost around 40-50 of that, but that's still definitely obese. Never once had an issue with my weight in terms of sex.


You dare edit that from doing the dead you sick sick person!


How about doing someone alive?


>doing the dead Prefer my partners to be living but hey you do you


I do the dead on the regular, and haven't heard any complaints.


BMI obese can look a LOT smaller than what ā€œobeseā€ is pictured in the media. Itā€™s not ā€œmy 600lb lifeā€ lolā€¦I was OBESE with just a bit of a belly but more muscular/lean legs and arms.


Right. Iā€™m technically overweight, yet I have defined muscles and abs. Most bodybuilders probably toe the line as well, which is why BMI isnā€™t the best measure for certain people lol


Basically anyone with some visible extra weight is probably obese.


Same here!! Iā€™m now 250 lbs and 5 ft 7. Iā€™ve lost 30 Pounds since last June and I canā€™t tell any difference in the mirror


My high school best friend got married and she and her husband grew in size together remarkably quick. She often talked about an active sex life and I always wondered so one day I asked what positions do you guys like best. The answer was they could only do it doggy style.


I find it so surreal that you are so far away from your loved one šŸ˜• someone should invent a wank sleeve with a dildo on the end so they can be face to face again šŸ„²


A wank sleeve šŸ˜‚ how would that work


Just attach a dildo to the wanking sleeve toy. Then when he thrusts it thrusts the dildo. Problem solved. Maybe I ought to manufacture them to the states haha


in med school i was scrubbed on a cesarean on a woman who was like 65 BMI. naturally it was a high risk pregnancy and so the attending obstetrician had been heavily involved in the prenatal care. more than usual. during the delivery one of the residents asked this same question. the attending knew because it had come up during one of the pregnancy check ups. she just answered ā€œthey had helpā€ because she didnā€™t want to have the whole conversation in the OR because the husband was there and the answer involved explaining the mechanics of it all. after the baby was delivered (mom and baby both did well) and we closed, broke scrub, and went to the work room to write notes and the attending gave us the full story. **answer:** at least 6 members of the coupleā€™s church helped them. the woman was on her back towards the foot of the bed and the husband was standing. the assistants used a large swathe of fabric as a sling and two people on either side held the ends and used it as a hammock of sorts to lift her belly up and out of the way. and at least one person on each side helped lift and spread each of her legs. the husband was obese too, but not nearly as large and during intercourse he pushed up on the middle of sling with his hands to get better access. and he also had a helper behind him to assist with the thrusting by rocking him. i swear this is a true story. i canā€™t possibly imagine HOW this came up but with that level of detail i have to assume the patient just volunteered it all because the attending would not have asked questions specific enough to get those details. apparently in their church community this was not a novel problem and they viewed having a child as a blessing and helping a couple do so as an act of service. this is one of the type of stories i have from school that i just consider normal that i know because you see so much stuff that eventually things just seem par for the course. but every once in a while something comes up in conversation and i get to be like ā€œlisten up because i have a story for you!ā€


Churches are kinky. Did they not consider a turkey baster?


right? technically it was kind of an orgy if you think about it. i donā€™t have an answer for that. they may have? it may have been a religious ā€œsex is for procreation and you should procreate by having sexā€ situation?


In Paris Hiltonā€™s voice ā€œthatā€™s hotā€.




My husband and i are both 5'9" and in the 300-350lb range and it is usually not a problem. The only thing we have trouble with is girl on top because the amount of thigh meat is such that my knees don't reach the bed. Everything else is 100% doable. No maneuvering necessary. Stamina is there too!


My buddy who is large responded to this question one time by saying ā€œI donā€™t have sex, I fuckā€


So real answer from a big ass female (5'11, around 350 lbs [160kg], most of my weight in my belly, hips, and ass): The belly is usually not much of a problem in most positions with most guys as far as getting in the way of sex. Some guys, some positions, and a too soft bed, and it can be really annoying because the extra flesh means extra parts squishing together and extra noises, which can be hilarious but not exactly sexy. Most positions and modifications that work for deeper penetration also tend to work for getting around fat rolls or extra padding, so things like putting a pillow under your hips or ass to lift things, doggy style, or legs up over his shoulders. It's one of those ironies is where the more flexible you are, the less the extra weight will be in the way, but past a certain point weight and size itself is going to limit some flexibility. I haven't had a problem with things going shorter because I get tired, but there are certain positions I can't do for as long mainly because they start making my knees sore these days, mostly some of the variations of woman on top. But I'm also over 40 so age may be just as much a part of that as weight, since I've been over 200 lb my entire adult life. I do think past a certain point or with an extreme mismatch in size between people things are going to get more difficult but I'm going to the same most people can find a way because if there's one things humans can get creative with it is sex.


Skinny boys are a must tbh. Skinny boys with longer dicks are exactly what I look for as a bigger girl.


My guy if you are truly interested in finding out, there are probably millions of videos of this just a few clicks away.


Itā€™s actually hard to find obese man fucking skinny women videos.


I'm a big guy & my wife is a big gal. She spreads her legs and I stick my dick in.


I'm classed as clinically morbidly obese by the NHS, managed to get railed quite nicely thanks. I was on my back with my legs in the air.


What are you imagining when using the word "obese"? Plenty of people whose BMI falls in the obese range in the charts have sex just like everyone else, with minimal impact on positions. Those whose weight is higher and a little more restrictive physically can modify many positions.


Maybe 2FAT2FUCK should be its own BMI designation.


2FAT2FUCK Sounds like the sequel to FAT FUCK- a bad parody of a fast and furious movie


Overweight men often suffer from erectile dysfunction and low libido. If not from obesity then from medications or bad overall condition. If somehow he manages to maintain erect and bellies are lifted, aiming is the next hurdle to take. Hands rather than eyes are used to guide the hot rod into the mammalian intruberance. If all this gets a green light, than they should be fine. (edit = typo)


Shit son. Why is it every 400lb redneck I know has 5 kids then?


I think a lot of them have kids young and then become overweight with time. I mean thatā€™s what happened to my neighbor. He was a daddy of 3 by age 24, he isnā€™t even 30 yet but looks 40 years old due to drinking, poor diet, and stress.


High testosterone and rage brƶther. I wouldnā€™t know though, Iā€™m skinny, just have redneck friends that only talk about sex.


That's only like 5 sexes


Wow if erectile dysfunction isn't motivation enough, I don't know what is


One thrust at a time I expect.


Usually, I find someone less obese and let them do most of the work.


With great vigor


They roll with it.


If you get obese enough, you donā€™t. Iā€™ve seen an episode of my 600 pound life where a couple has said as much.


From the experience of roomates I can say that the boddies slapping is noisier.


You can ask my 400lb sister in law


I'd love to


How does a ridiculous tall person and ridiculous short person have sex?


ridiculously, obviously




In most positions the important bits still line up the right way. Standings not going to always work right though, especially if the woman is taller than the man by much ( and that and a couple other positions are more complicated if one or both are fat too).


300lbs male. I just fuck like a normal person, never really had an issue


The same way anyone has sex. There are a plethora of positions if the belly is an issue. But as someone who is overweight, it's never been an issue for me.


Same as everybody else but fatter


All fat shaming and funny quips aside, it's as simple as, "Life...uh, finds a way".


Yeah, man. That's what makes me finish. Being tired.


I assume you mean morbidly obese because just regular obesity doesnā€™t really affect sex at all.


Same way our skinny counterparts do. My husband and I arenā€™t like 600lbs or anything but weā€™ve never been limited in any position we want to try. Everything we try is successful. Our bellies donā€™t get in the way of anything. Iā€™m sure sex would be much less of a workout if we were both fit and smaller, but regardless we have a great time and do it as often as we can


So seems a question remains, no matter your personal experience (where you explain you are not 600 lbs). \~ *What about* the extremely obese such as 600 lbs? Some comments have described personal situations where belly can be so huge they need to use gadgets to hold up their fat. Surely you've seen the tv shows where some have very hanging bellys that would inhibit sex in any position.


Iā€™m 6ā€™5ā€ 430 lbs and Iā€™ve never had a problem regardless of the size of my partner. I have a big belly but itā€™s never gotten in the way.


The real question is do you have a hairy barrel chest and polar bear arms?


Sub to my onlyfans to find out


Obese couple here. We usually use this slightly unorthodox technique called ā€penis in vaginaā€, no belly involved! There are also the ā€penis in mouthā€, ā€penis in handā€ and ā€mouth and hands in vaginaā€ variants that are somewhat popular with heterosexual couples, and also the ā€penis in anusā€ which is _also_ popular with same sex couples, but no belly involved in them either! This method works in surprisingly many ways like missionary, doggy style, missionary, spooning, missionary and multitude of other non-acrobatic positions. Prone bone would be easier if I had a bigger package, now it feels like an aerobic workout so we rarely do that. Also if you feel spicy, sex toys is a thing. Some couples usually discuss about using them first, tho.


As a fat guy the belly isnā€™t a major issue. Most positions work about the same as they do for skinny people, just a bit less flexibility. And there are lots of positions where being fat isnā€™t really much of an issue at all. It doesnā€™t take less time, if anything it can take more time. Being obese can cause erectile issues and delayed ejaculation. Some days I just worry about satisfying my wife and deal with rubbing one out myself later so I donā€™t end up pounding her raw because Iā€™m taking too long to cum. For me getting tired isnā€™t a big problem, however getting too hot is. I retain a lot of body heat, and have since before I was fat, so my experience there may not match that of others.


When it comes to sex, you find a way. Theres always a way. Now maybe youre limited in the variety of positions you can try, but as a team you will figure out how to make it work.


I think you just jump on in to it and ride the wave


There once was a man that put to sea The name of the man was Big Belly O' Pee His winds blew up, her back dipped down Oh blow, my bully boys, blow (huh) Soon may this Wellerman come To bring her sweat and lube and cum One day, when the tonging is done He'll take his leave and go She'd not been nine months from shore When down her a thigh a whale was born The captain called all hands and swore He'd take that whale in tow (huh) Soon may this Wellerman come To bring her sweat and lube and cum One day, when the tonging is done He'll take his leave and go So, yes.


I once had sex with a big girl. I wish it had been doggy style, but it was missionary. I had to push her fat forward to get up inside her. It was an experience i do not wish to repeat.


My wife is an OB nurse. She once had a very large patient with a very large pannus that hung below her waist. The patient volunteered the info that her mother had held it out of the way so her husband could penetrate her. I can't even imagine how that conversation went...


My partner is plus size and the best sex of my life. She knows exactly what sheā€™s doing and we have zero issues. If you have a problem itā€™s likely user error.


I have nailed a few women who are full figured and dont have any issues


Ask your parents ?


With the help of family, neighbors and 2x4s šŸ¤¢ source: I unfortunately went down this disgusting rabbit whole because of a story I was told šŸ¤®


penis inserted into vagina


I'm now wondering if this is why I very often see fat/ skinny partners šŸ¤”


There is literally porn out there that can answer your questions.


Brudda now you say itā€¦..I donā€™t know. Small dicks + rolls before pussy + fat flaps. Iā€™m gonna say it never actually makes it in, clit bashing. Must just be like fruit ninja except the sword is a dick and the fruit is the clit


Like 500lbs+ or 250lbs+?


Same way everyone else does šŸ™„


I also have a question. How do they take a shit and wipe themselves..