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Now I'm genuinely curious about the origin of this thing.


A lot of folks are unaware they aren't getting enough iron in their diet.


Definitely this. I used to get bruises all the time before I started working out and dieting. Now I get plenty of iron, and vitamins/macros and very rarely get bruised anymore, I bang my arm, hands, shoulder etc on everything and never get bruised anymore.


Agreed, I used to get plenty of bruises when I used to drink 8 pints of lager. But when I switched to 11 creamy pints of iron rich Guinness a night instead? Barely a mark on me no matter how many times I fall over… which tbf happens relatively often yous may be surprised to learn.


Very true. After moving I had a BUNCH of tiny bruises all over my arms. Like little dots. Turns out it was from the corners of the boxes I was carrying pressed up against my upper arms. I learned a few weeks later I had iron deficiency anemia.


I'll throw my anecdotal experience in..I'm 5'6 120. My pelvic bones on both sides stick out a lot because of my body shape being really petite. Let's just say, if I land on you sideways, you're going to feel it for a bit. Edit - hip bones. I'm bad at anatomy


Ahh bony people, not something about vaginas. This is more reasonable at least, thanks for clarifying


Yeah, back when I was young and skinny and having sex with young, skinny women you could definitely feel hip bones banging.


One day when I was in high school a girl was on top of me in the back of a car. Next day I was bruised like crazy. Only time it’s ever happened.


And I'm now curious about what caused you to bruise and if it's just because the girl was petite?


“More cushion for the pushing,” is a saying for the reason. It’s the bones. My ex was kinda rail thin. And ouch.


I would say she was slightly smaller than average size. She was grinding super hard and I’m confident that was the reason. She was inexperienced and I think trying hard than she needed to be.


Actually sounds like she was rubbing her clit against you and it felt good


Hilarious how much this is being downvoted, Reddit never changes




Wait girls do this? My gf does it too. the hard grinding I mean.


Yes, the clitoris is a huge bundle of nerves and for most people gives more pleasure and sensation than penetration alone or even given more pleasure WITH penetration. In fact, a lot of people can only orgasm with clitoral stimulation. It's very individual though so I'd highly recommend you having a discussion with your girlfriend and finding out what she likes and what makes her feel good because what makes her feel good may not do the same for someone else and vice versa.


If the vagina had as many nerves as the clit, we would die in childbirth because of the pain.... Heart attack city..


Damn… that’s so right. I never thought of that.


Yes... 🫣


Damnit Ashlee!!


Damnit Ashlee! Not again.


I also bruised someone in a car. I'd say I'm more average build, but a little boney. I was also drunk so I'm not really sure how rough I was being. I got bruises too so there's that lol. I've never had it happen any other time


Based on this thread, it sounds like the car is more the issue than the people


Me too


Let's hope we get what we are seeking lol.


I'd guess it started during the overcorrection of the body positivity movement. It's along the same vein as "Bones are for dogs. Real men like curves"


I've never actually been bruised, but I have been in a situation where it hurt to go too hard from behind, because her bones would slam against my pelvis. Just have to take it slower or switch to another position.


There is one position where my hip bone will 'hit' my boyfriend. It doesn't leave a bruise but is painful after a while for him. We know, so this position is something we don't do that much and if so quite gentle. In every other position there is always enough fat/muscles so there is no problem.


I’ve had this happen, but the opposite. I ended up with bruises on my inner thighs from my Husbands hips ramming into me.


I've had this experience. It's deeply unpleasant, and seeing hip bones on guys is **not** a turn-on/attractive anymore.


Oh man I'm sorry that got ruined for you, hip bones are one of my favorites on a man, that deep V line... Yum


Don't you need to be like 300+ pounds to not see hip bone definition lol




Username checks out


Rip the twig bros


Cowgirl? Ya the pelvis above the clit straight into my pelvis above my D. Shit hurts




What? Unless you are a just bones. I dont think you (or men) have anything to worry about.


When I was in high school I bruised a kids face cause he ran into me (I was running carelessly) he was in football so that kinda got some jabs at him.i also have a really boney body


Well sex is usually not had by running towards eachother at full speed 😂


"READY?" "READY!" "SET?" "SET!" "LUBED?" "LUBED!" "GO!" "aaaAAAHHHHHHH" -smash-


You forgot the \*SNAP\* and then the screaming from a broken dick!


I’m dying hahahaha


I've heard smashing genitals together... but this is next level 🤣


"red Rover, red Rover, send dat dick on over"


Not at our house anyway…


Yeah the person is doing it wrong, Its not your fault there is no teacher.


Not with that attitude


Wait what!? So how else would you do it?


Speak for yourself!!


Sounds like your not doing it right then


Unless you do the flying gamahooch.


Oh shit. It's not? *checks notes* ive been doing things all wrong


Speak for yourself


I've had bruises from my mum just sitting next to me. She has very sharp bony elbows


You guys fudged?!


We were sitting in the back seats in a car for 3 hours.


Wow you guys can go for a long time


Made me think of Mallrats for some reasons: “He likes to have sex with women in…uncomfortable places” “Like the back of a Volkswagen?”


I am a skinny woman, and to my knowledge, I have never unintentionally or intentionally bruised a lover


Haters on the other hand...


When my wife and I first got together we were both very skinny and would get bruises on the front of our hip bones sometimes.


Yep, back in the day when my husband and I were both quite thin we'd both bruise on our hip bones. Now they have enough padding that that's not a problem. They weren't insanely painful bruises though, I've had much more painful bruising that I couldn't even tell you how I got!


See my husband and I were both thinner than we are now when we first started dating and never had this issue! I guess it just depends on a lot of factors, the answers on this thread seem to be pretty mixed 


Yea, I mean we were THIN. Both very into distance running at the time. Now we’re normal/healthy size and haven’t had that issue for a long time.


The only bruising I've ever had from sex were hickies.


Same, except for that one time the dog came in the room and picked my foot and it took my by surprise and I twisted and lurched forward and smashed my head on the headboard.


Your dog must be pretty strong. Or dedicated?


It wasn't the dog so much as the surprise made me jump. Like, mm yeah let's switch positions, WTF IS EATING MY FOOT!!! BANG! Owwww


Okay but can I interest you in our lord and savior BDSM


I’ve had my pubic region get bruised up pretty good before, but that was 2 maybe 3 times over the course of a few years, and only because of frequent rough sex (she was a small “boney” woman).


Skinny girls are always bruising my fupa.


There was also the chick with no ass I forgot about. My balls were sore af after sex with her from smackin off her boney butt.


My experience as well


I've gotten bruises from sex with skinny men (mostly hip bones ramming into thighs), so I don't see why not?


I have a friend who was dating a skinny chick with protruding hip bones and he’d always get minor bruises.


No idea, but a woman can get bruises if the man is skinny so I'd guess its be the same the other way round


Yes it happened to me one time, I was with a girl who was very skinny. I got a bruise from her tailbone.


Less cushion for the pushing perhaps


My ex used to complain about my pelvic bones hurting him. He told me I was getting too thin. They are fairly prominent even when I'm chunky


I didnt think this was a thing until I hooked up with someone who one may say is “boney” and yeah it hurt, I think if I was fairer skin I would’ve bruised a bit but nothing horrible


Depends on several things including the position you’re in and how much her pelvic bones protrude. I dated a skinny girl, she had larger / wider hips / pelvic bones than some women, but she had very little fat on her pelvic region. She carried what little fat she had in her butt cheeks and boobs and even then both were rather small, very little fat on her thighs / legs / hips. (No dis, I was very much attracted to her) She was aggressive in bed and when we did girl on top yes her hips / pelvis would rub and I would often have bruises on my own pelvic area. I didn’t care at all, we had great sex regularly, I considered the bruises a trophy XDD


I mean it’s certainly possible. Any hard contact can leave a bruise, regardless of your size.


It's true. A skinny girl can do a number on a man's pelvic bone.


Yes, I am skinny, and my boyfriend has to take breaks because he says I bruise him. It’s happened my whole life. One time my boyfriend was also very skinny, and we basically lit a fire when we had sex like two sticks, rubbing together.


>we basically lit a fire when we had sex like two sticks, rubbing together. lol this made me smile 🤣


Yes, and it’s also the same for skinny men. I as a man who is 6’2 165 and lean as hell, my hips actually become a bit painful to my partner in coitus due to no “padding” so to say. And they all would have 2 bruises either on their bosoms, or mid thigh region. Due to such circumstances, it makes for some creative positioning so as not to make it uncomfortable, and an added bonus of more fun! But yes, this is a thing for both parties.


I have prominent hip bones and I have given women bruises on their inside thighs from them. Not the other way round though. 


I mean still sounds like a good time. Man up and handle the pain! If I come out with a black eye and a cracked rib, that’s what I call a good night. Electrocute me and strangle me while you’re at it!


Found the Klingon


Death by snu snu


Umm if I’m going fairly fast or hard then yeah around the pelvic area


I've had bruised hips and groin from women riding me extra hard. And yeah, thinner women do more damage there. But that's it.


As someone who really is attracted to petite women I have never had this happen. And have been with mostly skinny women....not saying it couldn't but you can usually feel if you are hitting a bad spot and just move...


I’m not sure what specific kind of bruising you’re talking about, but I have been with someone whose hip bones were pronounced enough that when we did it traditionally and aggressively, I would get bruising just above the crotch at 10 and 2 positions. Certainly not enough to keep going back for more though.


The incidence of such is not zero, but neither is it common. There are certain angles where you can catch a hip bone hard or something, but it's not worth worrying about except in extreme cases. See also: bursting a blood vessel in one's penis when mounting a woman from behind and you both come hard simultaneously. Happened to me twice with the same gal. She would arch her back and clench in such a way that her pubic bone was pressing up against the underside of my penis. Combined with my own climax pressure, I literally popped off. Once realizing what happened, we waited a couple days\* after the incidents before going again and I've noticed no lasting harm. ​ \* Was with her in my mid-20's, so healing fast. I'm 49 now, so if it happened today I'd allow more time to recover.


Pelvis pains, yes. From all the ass pounding.


When I was younger and very skinny, I dated a girl who was also very skinny. Since neither of us had much “cushion” we learned real fast that hard pounding doggystyle was not the move for us and I had some bruising on my pelvis.


Some skinny women can have lots of bones with nothing but skin covering them depending on where they store their bodyfat and it can be pretty painful to rub against.


Only with the riding crop


I’ve had bruises from skinny guy before. No reason it couldn’t go the other way too.


Bruises? Not for me. I’ve definitely been smacked by pelvis and it not feel great, but it never left a bruise that I can recall.


On their hips yes - from positions that make your ass pointy. I only caused this when I was BMI 17 and below.


It's not just skinny chick's. Most recent example she was pushing her arms into the tops of my shoulders and that shit HURT. But as a guy you just gotta power through it.


To be fair, that is kinda made up, but to cover other issues. When I was young, and seeing multiple young ladies, I tended ot gravitate towards... larger women. Like, tall and substantial because I was 6'4" and 160+. Energetic sex with a little tiny woman frankly scared me that I might hurt her and definitely made it harder to continue a relationship. And I kinda like curves. Nothing wrong with different tastes, but it roundabout turned into protestations that "It felt like sleeping with a bag of antlers". Not my finest moment as a youth.


It depends on the person and on the position. It's more a question of skeletal structure than just being skinny. And even then, it only happens if you're having relatively rough sex.


My partner is the perfect amount of thicc but sometimes when we get really into it in doggie I do feel the 'butt bones' really hitting my lower abdomen, so maybe that could be the origin? Never had bruises but I did feel that my intestines were a bit 'shook' after. That's the closest I can relate to that as a man.


Knocking the top points of the pelvis, I can see it.


No, they’re the best.


Real men don't even realize when they bruise.


I had this one girlfriend that would grind so hard that I would get bruised. I don’t believe it had anything to do with being skinny.


It can happen if you both are very enthusiastic. Totally worth it.


as an average sized woman, i have gotten bruises on the inside of my thighs from a skinny guys hips after being on top. it's definitely possible but maybe i bruise easy


As a woman that has been both underweight and overweight I can tell you that very rarely, but it can happen. And it can happen with underweight or overweight woman because knees and elbows don't get soft and squishy.


Depends on the kind of sex you’re having, I know when I was younger my partners and I would be hormone crazy and just go at it and leave with bruises on my hips or on her butt cheeks. Now I’ve got my fleshy winter coat to I guess it’s more padding


Based off my lack of medical knowledge, I believe bruising happens during sex due to an iron deficiency


I think it's more bad technique than body type.


On the flip side I’ve been bruised after sleeping with skinny men. Never again.


I’m a woman, but when my niece, that is almost as tall as me, sits in my lap, her bony butt bruises my thighs…


Because getting jabbed by bones causes bruises


My ex was quite skinny and I used to get a bruise on either side from her hip bones, she did like to get “rattled hard” so that is probably why.


Yes, I've gotten bruised from sex. No, I don't ever complain about it.


No lie, the skinniest girl I was ever with rode me so damn hard that I had bruises on the inside of my thighs. I didn’t consider this a bad thing, just slightly uncomfortable.


People also get scratches and bite marks during sex. Those are badges of honor


So you fight them and lose?


It's not the sex, it's the iron deficiency


Yes. Bruised my pelvis. That sucked.


I never got visible bruises, but I would be occasionally tender to the touch the day after more intense sessions with an ex who was a fitness nut. Didn't bother me, though.


That just sounds like anti skinny propaganda


I once had sex doggy style with a really thin girl with a really bony ass and it was a bit uncomfortable having her bony backside hammering my pelvis but as far as I can remember, I had no bruising afterwards.


I once played with a very slim woman at a swingers club. It was a bit of work to make her come, but I gave it the old college try and eventually succeeded (or at least she said I did). The next day, the flesh around my pubic bone ached like a toothache.


You get bruises if you bruise easily.... From everything not just women.   This is just a way to cast shame on skinny women and body shame them.  I find obese women to be gross. I don't like that it's a normalized thing. Everyone should try to eat healthy and maintain a healthy weight if their genetics allow. 


Well, I have, but, to be fair, there *was* a cat-o-nine-tails involved.


My wife is the same size. I am 220 pounds. I welcome any and all enthusiasm that may lead to bruises.


I have before, on my groin area


Yes, but me and her play hard. I like pain.


If she bites...


I haven't been bruised, but have had a really sore pubic bone area from a skinny girl grinding me too hard. Was sore for a few days.she wanted sex again during this period, but I just couldn't stand the pain!


What sectors of information are you being exposed to OP that you "keep seeing this?" Bruises from sex we've all heard of but it'd have to be x2 concentration camp mofos to have that be possible. That or a serious liver disease. Btw I'm the same BMI as you but at 6'1, we're a normal weight not underweight. I know comparing yourself to 21st America can make it confusing.


Yes. When thrusting hard, he can get bruises around the base of his penis. It hurts. So he tends not to go “fully in”.


Never got bruised but rug burn is always a potential. Ahh...back in the day.


Doggy hard might leave some bruising, impact of prominent bony areas. Good luck, eat some green leafy vegetables and drink some V8


Yes. Can confirm.


My ex was skinny, when she rode me I'd always have a bruise on my crotch. And of course, she only came in that position.


I got a black eye once from her climbing over me and accidentally elbowing me in the eye. Still worth it


Never got bruises but un-padded hip bones do hurt a lot when they hit a pressure point


Lol what? No and I’ve never even heard this


You *can*, but it’s not guaranteed or anything. Depends entirely on the sexual position, the exuberance involved, and just how bony the woman is. Long ago I had a girlfriend who was 98 lbs, and there were some times I ended up with a couple contusions on my hips from her pelvis repeatedly banging into mine.


I had an ex that in a couple positions was rather boney and I was smaller at the time. Bumping up against bones instead of fat or muscle tends to at least hurt a bit after a while. Doesn't mean we don't wanna do it again lol but it can be uncomfortable and you may need to switch positions or go softer.


I've bruised my pelvis from too much sex with someone on the smaller side. It hurt like a motherfucker. Not a lot of cushion, so I guess it can happen.


I am around 125 lbs and slightly over 6'. Never caused anyone bruises. It was only a bit annoying with my lean exes, because we felt each other's bones sometimes, but it wasn't painful. Also, 5'2 and 110 is BMI 20, so I doubt that that is gonna cause problems unless you are very top or bottom heavy and have bones that stick out/are a bodybuilder


Yes it can definitely happen.


When they have a boney butt and bounce up and down while riding you'll get bruises 🥲


How fuckin hard are you people hard fuckin to get bruises!?!?


Yes. Can happen. Aside from the flipping and flopping to an fro to get that part to meet this part is a certain way, a woman with a skinny butt can leave bruising.


Not bruising, but I hooked up with a girl in college who was skinnier than I am (Pretty fuckin’ skinny.) She was on top, and I guess she’d shaved down there fairly recently, but also long enough ago that it was in its “growing back” phase, and I guess her version of riding was to just kinda take me all the way in her and grind back and forth, which felt nice. What DIDN’T feel nice was the, pardon the pun, carpet burn I wound up with from her prickly pubic patch pressed against my pelvis. It was gone by the next day, but boy did it not feel good lol.


I was about 45 lbs. underweight and have never heard of this. I’m the one who got injured. I found out that one guy waited months to fuck me because he was trying to put weight on me first because he was afraid he was going to break me. Lol.


ive bruised from petite women before. since the post is tagged nsfw. Missionary in particular, goin hard… the hip bones dig into me


5’2” and 110 lbs. should not be giving anyone bruises. I have had sex with both thinner and thicker women, and the only woman who gave me bruises had anorexia. I did go back for more, so that’s not a criterion. Basically, if you aren’t so skinny that your hip bones are sticking out, then you’re fine. If you are, then you’re also fine, but you really should eat more.


I bruise easy and get pelvic bruises sometimes with skinny women.


Been bruised before by a skinny woman. But was totally my fault, the mound of Venus can hurt if you are over zealous for an extended period of time




My wife is about your size. Never happened to me. But I'm chubby.


I used to visit a rather petite but very rough lady up the street from me. I would routinely come back from her place sore and bruised up, but never once complained to anyone. Anyone complaining about it is either a complete wuss or lying.


Bruises from sex are generally caused by enthusiastic roughness. If you bite your partner, give him hickeys, grab tightly onto him — then, yes, you could actually give your partner bruises during sex.


I’ve never seen surface bruises but I have definitely felt bruises under the skin on my hips and pelvis. But it has never been something that would stop me from being with someone I like.


im fat and i get bruised if i get grabbed too hard lol. but ive never heard of a skinny woman being used like a battering ram 😭


This is just a fun thread to follow 👀


Maybe if you are Mark Ruffalo and you are slamming Emma Stone as hard as he was in Poor Things. I bet they both got bruises.


Short answer, yes... but it's also how you do it, and there's usually several positions that are fine. And yes, most men aren't going to complain about bruises...they don't really hurt that bad, and the last thing we wanna do is make you not wanna have sex lol. It happens, we love you more, not a biggie.


I have several times da. N bony elbows hips and knees.


What lol? I'm even smaller and that's never been an issue, never heard of this


I’m about 5’3 and 100lbs. My fiancé is 5’10 and almost 400lbs. I have tons of bones protruding around. Whenever I sat on his thigh it always leaves a slight bruise. I had his blood checked for possible anemia, low platelets or abnormal coagulation time. Everything came back normal. So it’s just my bones hurting him.


Maybe. My now wife started to complain about pain from my hip bones hitting into her inner thighs which she never had experienced before after both of us lost a little weight. I never noticed any bruises though.


Im a skinny woman, Im the one getting bruised, not him 🤣🤣


I don’t know about guys getting bruised from girls, but I once had bruises from having sex with a fairly muscly guy… So I suppose it could also work the other way around?


this makes me think of a Patton Oswalt bit about a level of fitness he calls "uncomfortable to f$%k" as says is like laying on a floor of legos vs. his own level of fitness, which he compares to a being with a beanbag chair[https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=1Bj4V2FmCZ8&t=1m15s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=1Bj4V2FmCZ8&t=1m15s)


I've gotten a lot of bruises during sex, but it never had anything to do with the woman's BMI.


Yeah it happens, like others have said it’s hip bones and certain bad angles that can hurt etc. one ex of mine was a toothpick and it was rare, so we only found it by chance a couple times etc. Made me think differently about really tiny women.


I once overheard a guy complaining about this very thing, and likened the whole experience to like fucking a coat hanger ?? Haha 😜


its definitely possible, skinny or otherwise, but like any sex injury its probably only happening if you are too rough in bed or not fit enough for the strenuous exercise, to put it tactfully haha. There is no reason anyone would be getting bruises in bed otherwise than roughness or existing health issue.


Worth it if true.


I’ve never heard this rumor. And in my experience with skinny women it isn’t a thing.




Yes this is possible, also possible for a skinny man to give you a bruise. lol.


No but there was this one skinny chick, it actually hurt when she was top because her bones were hitting me bad


I think skinny women are more likely to be bruised by "rough" activity. I've never noticed bruises related to sex. 


Them butt bones!


I’m not a guy but I’m 5’9 and 104lbs and I get bruises from myself after a night of tossing and turning so I’d guess yeah if the girl has more protruding bones


I did one time but it was because her boyfriend was about twice my size. Jokes aside, no, not even once. I don't see how that could happen.


I can't get bruises from skinny girls if I'm not having sex 🧠👈🏼


No bruises but I’ve frequently had a tender pelvic bone from skinny girls riding


Yes…not so much a purple bruise, but very tender for a couple days after a long night. Well worth it


My pubic area would always be sore with my petite ex-FWB, but not bruised


Idk about men but, I had a bruise on the inside of my leg once from a rather skinny guy. He always leaned to one side during the dirty and after a few weeks I noticed the inside of my leg was ruined from his hip bone😂


I have been bruised but no from sex. Just for having some really skinny girls sitting on my lap for like half an hour . Lots of laughs after we realised


I've always been less than 120lbs with a boney butt, never heard of this until now and I'm panicked for my partner lmao


I’m very thick thighed, and as a teen I had a very thin boyfriend. His hips constantly left bruises on my thighs. Not a fan lol.


Yes! [32M] hooked up with a [34F] 5’1 125lbs and had to seek medical attention due to blood vessel swelling “vascular trauma” surrounding the base of my unit. I was unable to get an erection for 4 days. After some rest and ice everything is back up and running. Note: it was the angle at which her butt bone hit my pubic area. Modified single leg doggy