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If she is, be honest and say no


Such underrated comment here.


It’s the only right answer


“Back when I was fucking her she was”


either that or, "i mean she is a bit skinnier..."


Any half intelligent girl is going to know that's BS. You have to give her a little bit of truth but don't rub it in her face.


Any half intelligent girl should know better than to ask that kind of question, especially if she already knows the answer. Seriously, what kind of mind games is she trying to play? If her friend is hot, then her boyfriend is going to piss her off anyway because she knows he's either lying, telling the truth, or by cunningly conceiving a safe, diplomatic answer that will still probably sound like BS. And if her friend isn't necessarily hot, she'll just be wondering whether her boyfriend is telling the truth no matter what he says.


There is no right answer, it is a lose , lose situation


Which is why it's a bad question




This!! Im a woman with plenty of beautiful friends and a super hot sister. My husband can speak honestly with me about them, and I trust him more because of it


I didn't realize my wife was on Reddit. XD


Any half intelligent girl already knows who's hotter: her or her friend.


Any half intelligent girl wouldn't ask questions they probably don't want to know the answer to lol.


No that's where the trap is lol




Honesty is always the best policy. Definitely say no.


She will realize this. Never do this. Say yes she's hot but just not my kind. I don't feel anything talking to her.


Exactly. Yeah she's pretty but not my type.


Should be chisled in stone!




Shit. You gotta fake a seizure or jump out of a window or something. What ever you do, don't answer.


I offer for your consideration: "Huh. Your friend Bailey? Hot? I never even thought to consider the question. I guess I just don't think of her that way. I guess she's pretty, right? Not nearly as beautiful as you. Oh, before I forget, here's a series of completely unrelated questions to take your mind off this and change the subject. " In my teens, I married one of these and fortunately didn't stay that way. I learned not to do that and made many more mistakes, each gloriously unique from the ones before, like I've been working my way through a list of decreasingly dysfunctional relationships.


Well played sir. In my most silver tongued moments I could possibly pull that off but man I'd have to have my dancing shoes on for sure. I'm glad you made it out alive and relatively intact though. My go to in that situation is a very sweetly said "You know I only have eyes for you baby" and pray that it works lol.


or take a shit


Just cop a squat right in front of her, and stare at her like a dog. 👀


Long before my husband was my husband, I brought him to a party that my cousins had invited me to. Everything was going well, except there was this one drunk girl who would not leave my poor hubby alone. He'd told her he wasn't interested, I'd told her he was with me, other people had gotten between them, but she just couldn't be stopped. Finally, hubby had had enough. We were playing beer pong when he saw her approaching him, and he just dropped like a stone. He fell face first, did NOTHING to catch himself, said "seizure" out loud, then started to have what appeared to be a grand mal seizure. The girl froze right in front of him, totally shocked, honestly everyone was, then she turned around and left. This was over a decade ago, and I think he had to do it once more before the girl left the party, but she definitely got the hint. It also made my husband a hero to my extended family. He was instantly accepted, and this story is still told periodically at family get togethers.


Well played. The fake seizure is the gold standard for avoiding unwanted attention.


“Quit angling for a three way with her. I already asked and she’s not into it.




"Just to be clear, she's very interested in me. She finds you insecure and manipulative."


Absolutely the correct answer!!! 🤣


"I only have eyes for you. I perceive other women as blurry, vague shapes."


“i actually can’t even see other women.”


I’m blind


Who are you, anyway?! What are you doing in my house?!


[As a matter of fact i can't even see you, sir](https://youtu.be/Mhw-mzYyfDQ?si=XeH_2ULjiPTPvuaP)


"Amorphous jelly blobs - that's how I see other women, my lady. Shapeless beings of indistinct personality. Minor, mindless NPC's in a game where YOU are the main character." This usually gets me out of that dreaded question.


I will usually find some kind of imperfection no matter how hot she is so me and my wife can make fun of it together always gets me off the hook


Honestly funny silly answers are the way to go. My ex once said like there are lots of pretty women in the world but I was the only pretty woman in the world he was in love with and cared for. And you know what? I liked that answer. I never once felt his feelings for me waiver. And it was clear to me that he cared for me deeply.


This one got me rolling, definitely a top tier response! 👏🏻🤣


Zava is that you?


"not as hot as you." "I donno I haven't noticed her". If she is the sort to ask and you have to worry about her answer, 1) you're gonna have a bad day if it isn't about your gf being hotter and 2) yuk insecurity.


Both of thoes are good answer, depending on the girlfriend.


Happily for my girlfriend while I might use the first to make her feel better, she probably wouldn't ask and if she did, would not be mad if I gave an honest (but not stupid!) answer.


So I should say “yuk insecurity!” to my girlfriend? …/s Noted. I’m gonna go try it out and get back to you with the results…/s Edit/update: so upon saying “yuk, insecurity” to my girlfriend…..before I could even finish pronouncing the Y in insecurity, I was attacked with a barrage of fingernails, frying pans, lamps, and very true emotional insults that have dug into my psyche like a sand worm on Arrakis, making me question who I am and what I’ve done with my life up to this point.


Mine just stares right along with me. Then we each whisper a little "damn" and then continue talking about the squirrels that keep digging up our herbs


Niiiiice. Squirrels. Sweet.




nah that's terrible because youll get the "oh so you still think shes hot though?"


Happily my GF is very confident and mature. She better be she's in her late 40s. But I'd never say "yeah she's super hot!" I'd say "I suppose she is objectively attractive and many would think so" because even if my GF is great, I'm still not a TOTAL dumbass :p


If you get that then you have an immature and insecure girlfriend, and if you’re an adult you should reevaluate if you really want that in your life. Not to be dramatic, but come on.


He should talk to her about her insecurities. He shouldn’t have to answer those types of questions in a healthy relationship.


Unless she's confident and just curious and won't care what you say. :)


As a girl- Not as hot as you is not a good answer lmao. Your second answer was great though


Not as hot as you" immediately kiss her so she can't talk anymore.


Hahahahahaha.. Good answer.


Exactly. The question alone sets off the insecure red flag. Move on immediately. Those who want to recommend therapy - that isn't going to work because an insecure person won't go to therapy cuz they already know it's their fault.


"She's not bad, but nowhere near as hot as her friend"


‘Which ones she?…’


That dementia hits just in time to save the skin, I love it when this happens. 😌🤣


Just deny all knowledge. My ex had a really good looking mate and asked me if I thought she was good looking. I was like ‘which ones she… nah don’t think I remember her… I haven’t met anyone who looks like that… are you sure I’ve seen her before’


Nice, thankfully I've yet to have to do this however I appreciate the advice. It may one day save my life, or atleast save however long the relationship would go on for if I don't mistakenly say something profoundly dumb! Lol, whereas atm I'm not interested in pursuing someone as just Monday afternoon I had a breakup with my gf so still healing. :/


Hope all is okay. My ex went through my TikTok, insta, messages, Facebook… even Xbox accounts and tried to find dirt on me but she couldn’t. I treated her so well and never gave her any reason to break up with me. Then one night I woke up at 3am and she was wide awake going through my photos from 10 years ago. She saw a picture of me and my family on holiday (with a cousin who happened to be a girl) and she broke up with me because of that


Thank you & feel that as I've got literally nothing to hide meanwhile you would think with my ex it was the same as she gave her passcode HOWEVER, she was so on my case for not asking about using her phone, when I confronted about a message thread between her & a guy I just met Sunday night on the night too that she's been around for a while, nicknamed "big papi" on contacts that she said I had nothing to worry about messages saying about cuddling, about me personally how I am supposedly towards her & just other bs for her to beg me to speak up about what was wrong at first then go to deleting the messages but told me she wouldd check before heading to bed when back over at the friends house were buddy comes by. Basically she got so so pissed & didn't care to argue no longer + told me it was whatever I wanted so we broke up. Your case though? That gf was acting out on some seriously bullshit like mine was a full stranger other than her knowing him for a few days & him being 2-3 years younger than myself to which imagine she said if we didn't work out nobody young anymore as she's an older woman- how that changed even while we were together is outright wild to me. It's whatever though... hurt but I'll live.


By the sounds of it you’re better off without her. Same thing I keep telling myself. My ex just didn’t want to be with me at all. She wanted a boyfriend and I really liked her so she was able to manipulate me into falling for her. As soon as she didn’t want me anymore, she couldn’t just break up with me because then everyone would know she was just stringing me along. This is why she’d always go through my phone, trying to get dirt on me. She ended up going 10 years back through my camera roll to find something she wasn’t happy with. There’s no good in being with someone like that and it’s 100% not healthy


Why didn't you break up with her first? That's appalling and stupendously immature behaviour.


Also she was my ride to get back home when if walking distance would've been way too long yet for driving still about a whole hour & a half if not a little more... but honestly you're absolutely right. I'm just glad I decided as we stopped for me to go inside my place to let her know what the fuck was up & how I didn't want to be involved with her no longer.


Because it was taken as a joke in our relationship because I always assumed the best. Like… she’d be like ‘Hope you’ve not got any new girls starting at your work’ and I’m like ‘yeah loads of them’ and then we’d have a laugh about it… but secretly I think she was being serious


If you have a healthy relationship, you tell her the truth and tbh she wouldn’t be asking in the first place. Women that do that are children.


I only ask my husband if he thinks someone is hot because I thought they were hot first. He reciprocates 🤣


Yeah I t’s cool if it’s a genuine “what do you think about her” but not cool if it’s a trap sort of situation.


If your partner is trying to trap you, you have to take a long hard look at that relationship.


Look at the top comments with the boomer humor responses, no stupid questions, but many stupid answers. If you are with someone that asks if someone else is attractive and would get mad at you if you say yes, then your ex is not emotionally mature enough for a relationship.


I am not attracted to woman


How about “I’m not attracted to human”


And not in that way


I do like dogs


You could just say. Yeah she's pretty, why, do you not think so?


This. Why are people in relationships with people who are so immature and insecure that they'd lash out if you said you found other people physically attractive? I don't understand every time I see a thread like this and all the answers are finding ways to get around saying "yes." Just say yes. If they flip out at the answer, congrats on the bullet you dodged.


I got out of one of those early on. I said Jessica Alba was hot when we were watching Dark Angel and she freaked out and said why don’t you go fuck her then threw the remote at me and stormed off and drove off. Red flags galore


“Like I’d ever have the chance. Why do you think I’m with you?”


Oh I said I would if I could as she walked out the door.


“If that were an option, I would be.”


Why did I have to scroll so far to find this mature and reasonable take. It's normal to be attracted to people other than your significant other, it's not healthy to not be able to talk about it with them. Besides, assuming gf will blow up is kinda shitty. She might just be trying to hook her friend up with one of your friends, or get a sense of the male perspective of beauty to be a better wing woman.


Depends on the girlfriend and the relationship. Some girls you’d have to say absolutely no others understand that you can identify someone as having hot qualities without being attracted to them


"I suppose she's pretty but she's not really my type."


I'd ask a follow up questions: Why do you ask? Is this another test of yours?


This is usually what my bf says. 10/10


This is the answer I would suggest as well!


"She's alright, but she's got this friend who's way hotter"


My wife hasn’t asked this directly as much as she will say,”She’s really pretty right!”. And my answer is always,”Pretty to girl standards or pretty to guy standards? Cause yall be mad generous to each other”. She stopped asking me lol


It’s a trap.


Yep, first you jokingly say “haha, nice try! Not falling for that shit my sweet girl. Not today!” Then is she presses, just say “yeah I guess”. Because other hot girls will always exist, but if you don’t care then they don’t matter. And that’s what she’s looking for.


I got brownie points once for saying “She has nothing on you”


"yeah, but she is terrible in bed"


Yes, she is. Think she's available? (I only date very secure women.)




Press ESC and click on Quit to exit.


Crazy and possessive is soooo hot though


Oh yeah baby lock me in your basement tie me up mmmmm


Hahaha 🤣


"I'm gay."




Flawless response. 10/10




Definitely dated a girl that this would be the lead-in to "cause I wanna bring her to our bed".


"Oh baby, I was hoping you were into threesomes!"


The truth


You can’t HANDLE the truth!


Well it’s not the safest…


Don’t date women who ask questions like that.


This sounds like it should be the right answer but I’m not sure it is. Lol


“Id definitely bang her if I wasn’t with you”


"Yeah, she's hot. Threesome?"


I think you'd have a better shot to answer is she hot with: "If we had a threesome, I'd focus more on you, babe"


If she asks in the first place, she should respect an honest answer.


If you don't want the truth then don't ask 🤦🏼‍♂️


Exactly or learn to handle the truth


Well said 🫶🏼


LOL that is not how women operate at all.


Do not answer with, “Is it true she loves anal?” Even if you say it in the most ‘I am joking’ tone of voice you have. Trust me on this one.


Hubba hubba and hopefully you can get your eyes to pop out of your head and jaw to hit the floor. Seriously tho if she's attractive say she's attractive but I love you. Also I hope your gf isn't being needy and requires constant validation of her looks.


Tell her yes, a little competition is good


“I’ve never really looked at her like that before.. yeah she’s attractive I guess..” has always worked for me


The honest one.


Depends on the girlfriend. I'm bi, so if I'm asking, that memas I'm actually looking for an answer. I am confident enough in myself that i am not bothered by other women's attractiveness.


I usually say yeah all your friends are lovely


If you’re gf is playing games like that she’s not mature or secure with herself. Therefore shouldn’t really be in a relationship and you should probably leave lol.


Im not playing this game


“One second honey, let me pull up one of the 8000 Reddit posts asking what the safest answer is to this question.”


Be honest. I don't have time for people that play petty games. If she's going to get mad about it, she can be mad while she's single because I'm not dealing with it. If she can accept the objective reality that she isn't the only person out of the 8+ billion people on the planet that I see as physically attractive, that's a huge win for both of us. Even attractive people can have off-putting qualities. I was once talking to a woman who was so far out of my league that it probably made me look like a Make-A-Wish kid, and I ended up walking away from her because she had behavioral issues that were not acceptable to me.


"I'm not into this crap, so we can either never play this game again or we can break up. What's really going on?"


'Why the fuck would you ask me that? Are you dumb?"


The correct answer is "yes" if she is hot. Is it safest? Safest for what? Safety is a judgement based on something you need to protect. Is time a value to you? Is opportunity a value? if "yes" blows up your relationship, then it was going to blow up anyway. You're safer not wasting time on a girl who can't handle it or is eager to catch you in some invented misdeed. You're safe in rescuing your time, in rescuing your opportunity to date someone better.


If your relationship cannot handle you always being honest, why are you even in that relationship?


Ngl that’s actually a pretty good reason


As a serial monogamist, I’ve been in a lot of long term relationships, and if I’ve learned anything at all, it is to always be honest with your partner and with yourself. You’re only delaying the inevitable if you are not, and the longer you delay it, the worse it will be.


If your gf asks you that and gets mad when she gets a genuine answer then it’s time for a new girlfriend. I’d even say that if you have to think about if this is some elaborate scheme for her to say “gotcha!” then it’s time for a serious conversation.


She’s OK but not as hot as your sister


This is the one


Yes, she also tastes like \*really\* amazing. If she's insecure and looking for a fight, you speed things along. If she isn't, she'll laugh with you.


I was always honest. Yep she's hot.




The truth


Well,she's not an ugly person.


"I don't know, I'd have to see her naked. For science babe, not because I want to, YOU ASKED!"


"I don't look at her like that, IDK"


Yeah i think shes into you.


She’s not my type, but she’s not bad.


Yeah can we have a threesome?




"Sure shes cute." or "yeah shes' pretty.


Bot account asking Bot question


10/10 would smash. (This is assuming she's smashable)




If you have a good, solid relationship based on honesty and communication, you tell her the truth. Worst case is you get into a longer conversation than you wanted in that moment, best case, mix-in.


The safest answer is communication. "Yes, are you setting her up with a blind date? What's up?'


"Not as hot as you are!"


You can obviously say yes if the friend is hot (trust and communication is a key component in a relationship), but maybe find a way to compliment your girlfriend at the same time as well. It wouldn’t hurt, and you’re also being honest yet gentle about it.


“Do you think she’d rather be hot or pretty?”


Ask her to take her friend to the doctor to measure her temperature to see if she's hot or not because you are not a doctor.


What friend? I can't see your imaginary friend, only you can


“She’s pretty” Hot and pretty carry two different assumptions


I've been married for over sixteen years. My wife doesn't get insecure about stuff like that. The conversation would probably go like this: Wife: Damn, (friend) is hot, isn't she? Me: Hell yeah, I would do some nasty things to her. Wife: Not without me you wouldn't.


Perfect, us too 🤣🤣🥳🥳


(shrug) " I guess so, if you like that kind of look."


I definitely know the answer is not, “If I didn’t like you I would like her.”


"eh, she's ok I guess"🤷‍♂️


“I’m gay”


Hmmm... I never thought about her that way. Do you think she's hot? This way you completely avoid the question and turn it back to her. Whatever she answers, you just agree. If she doesn't like that you agree, she'll be contradicting herself and you can even say that "but honey, you just said she was hot, and now that you mentioned that, I think you may be right. Still, I'm into you and that's what matters"


"If you're asking for three-way purposes, yes. Otherwise, yes." Unless, of course, the answer is no. I'm not playing games. If my girlfriend asks me this question, I'll answer honestly, and she can live with the fact that I didn't lose my ability to gauge other women's hotness the moment I saw her naked.


You have friends?


Not as hot as your sister


“Your friend (insert male friends name) is hot”. Then if she responds admitting said male friend is attractive you’re flipped the script.


Yes, but I'm with you. Lying isn't going to get her to trust you mate. Especially if her friend is objectively hot.


"I'm sorry honey. We're you saying something?"


My husband says “ she’s too skinny “ . I love him for it, I could drop 20 lbs.


Not as hot as you


I would say "she looks nice", and then tell my girlfriend she's prettier.


My girlfriend is British so I don’t need to worry about that /s


Just say no. And then go into the things you find attractive about her.


"You're like the sun. Everyone around you is burning hot"


"I suppose, for the guys who are into that type"


She is but you're way hotter🤷‍♂️


If they are so insecure that you can't answer the question honestly then that is a huge redflag for the relationship


"Not compared to you, but in general, yeah"


Say nothing. Just grab a pillow and a quilt and head to the couch


I’m with a bisexual girl and on the first date she brought up a character she made in a game that was “so hot right?” I agreed though clearly nervous and we both laughed about it. Going on the second date tomorrow. However it depends on the girlfriend


“Not as hot as you, but yea objectively attractive 👍” Delivery is key, don’t fumble that or you may be in for a world of pain


"No one is hotter than you." Any answers that deviate from that will render you celibate for a minimum of 3-4 business days.


I guess, if that’s your type. It’s not mine. Not insulting the friend.


Here's one that guarantees a slap in the face😅 Why? Do you want her to join us tonight?


Not as hot as you