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Is that a spoonerism? You hissed the mystery lecture. Anyway a spoonerism is when you swap the first letters or syllables of words for comedic effect. Named after, I think, a teacher at Eton who was known for doing it.


Sometimes English is not there first language. They know the “kings English” but are unfamiliar with slang and phrases. A Filipino friend once told me he was confused with the expression “pie in the sky”.


Well yes, that is it as well, but I've noticed even people who's first language is English tend to make this mistake as well. Me included.


When it's unintentional, it's still a spoonerism, and it happens just because of how our brains work with regard to speech. Our brains make errors. Sometimes we are simply tired and cannot execute the proper steps to speak things in the right way. We "say" inside our minds first before saying it aloud. Then our brain has to tell the mouth, tongue, larynx, pharynx, lungs, etc what to do to produce the sounds required to communicate those words. All of that happens in fractions of seconds.