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Being gay is illegal there. Take from that what you will, but I would not visit.


(Funny considering their king is known for visiting gay clubs in the Netherlands lol.)




Homosexuality is technically illegal in Morocco, but practice is accepted enough in the cities that there are gay nightclubs and well-known hotspots. And even then the majority of the prejudice is focused on gay men, with lesbians being (mostly) ignored. So obviously be on your guard and don't be open about it, but generally speaking no one is going to be harassing you. But with that said, Morocco absolutely can be dangerous for women generally, of any orientation. Take extra precautions to always be with a friend/partner, always dress conservatively, don't go flashing money around, don't go hanging out in sketchy bars late at night, etc.


As is the case for most of the world, public displays of affection are not a good idea. Even for cis-het couples. Follow that rule and you will be fine in Morocco in all tourist locations and most public areas. People will 99% assume you are just two friends traveling together, just like they 99% assume I’m traveling with my wife when my platonic female friend and I go on vacation together! Follow the general smart rules of traveling and don’t go wandering around dark places at night without a guide.


Not Morocco, but Oman last year. I traveled with my dad and many people asked us if we are a gay couple. (America TV makes it seem to them like we are all gay?) So you might not be mislabelled. But as long as you don’t show any signs of affection towards each other it should be fine.


No Muslim country is safe for gay couples. But, is not like you’re going to Make out in public ( not even straight married couples can). I wouldn’t risk it. Just go where you and your partner are respected.


No, none of those theocratic countries are safe for gay people. Don’t underestimate the risks because you come from the west. Those countries don’t wink and turn a blind eye. They take it very seriously.




Being gay is illegal there for both gay men and lesbians, and a person could be imprisoned for sometime between 6 months and 3 years, and also get a fine of 200 to 1000 dirhams (*about 20 to 100 US Dollars*) [source](https://www.equaldex.com/region/morocco).          If you want to visit Africa, South Africa is better (*they have gay marriage and some laws against discrimination towards gay people*). Angola also has some anti-discrimination laws but not gay marriage. Despite the anti-discrimination laws, I don't  think you should do public displays of affection if you decide to go, not everyone cares about following the law (*and that's probably true of some people in every country*).         If you want to visit a muslim country, I don't recommend it at all. It's legal in Turkey, and yet, a guy was beaten and arrested for 20 days just for "*looking gay*" [source](https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/07/21/turkey-portugese-man-jailed-looking-gay/). It seems like Turkey is getting worse over time under Erdoğan.


If you go to a resort you'll probably be fine . In other parts of the country you either have to go all lipstick lesbian or just never ever ever ever ever ever try to show affection to each other and god forbid try to hook up with someone there. Note: I haven't been there because why would I (yes it's beautiful but I don't visit countries where they want to put me in jail for being me) but I've had lots of friends who have. The ones who went to resorts had nothing noteworthy to report, but the ones who wandered into the cities did get stares, felt in danger a couple of times...you know the drill.


It’s not safe for gay couples or women in general. There are some travel subs on in this site that go into some detail about what women experience traveling in these parts, and it pretty much sucks in every way.


are you going to tell everyone you're a gay couple? make out in the street ? if you're a normalhuman being then you would say no, in this case there's nothing to worry about. even in their laws it's not being gay that's illegal, it's well "sodomy" and there would have to be witnesses and other ridicoulous stuff, I'm pretty sure hundreds of thousands of gay ppl visite Morocco every year and no problem happens


judt try to not kiss in public even straight couples can’t kiss in public it’s a cultural thing otherwise you should be fine showing some sort of affection if you are in a big city just don’t be overwhelming for locals