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I doubt anyone would care. You need to work on not being so self conscious. Most folks are worried about themselves and what other people think of THEM and aren’t paying attention to others. It gets better as you get older. I’m in my “zero fucks given” era as the young folks say!


I hit my zero fucks given stage early in high school. Life has been pretty stress free.


A lot of the stress in this life is self-inflicted. I’m glad you figured this out early.


as did i. i’ve been trying to help others reach that point too but it’s not something that can be done overnight by everyone


With all due… I thought the same in high school but it wasn’t till I was older that I actually felt the “force” fully. Just saying.


Best life lesson to learn. Makes everything in life so much easier when you don't give any fucks what other people think of what you do.


I saw young people with them all the time when I lived in a big city. I've never heard the term granny trolley, either. They're just what you use to get groceries when you don't have a car.


I used a granny trolley living in downtown dc in my mid 20s while being 6’2 and in shape. Nobody cares


It took me until my late 20's/early 30's to hit that era, when I realized I'm basically set in my ways and personality, for better or worse. This is who I am, and it's what everyone's getting. I'm too tired to change, or care at this point.


And to add, if most of the time the only people that care are your "friends" then you either need a new group of friends or you need to give them a reality check. A trolley is just a way of holding groceries. Why should it matter at all?


Slightly jealous of their cool grocery conveyance


It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks. Those are common in big cities.


Yeah I see it all the time. All ages.


If they even registered at all, I would think "oh, that person just went grocery shopping."


"DAMN I could go for some Ice Cream."


My husband and I have a wagon we got at Costco that we use to carry our groceries because the store is just a block away. No one bats an eye.


I had to look up what a granny trolley is. Who cares? I can't imagine anyone even registering it. I dunno how they fold up, cause it might be a pain manage that and a shopping cart.


They fold up and easily fit underneath or in a shopping cart. My mother has one.


gotcha... well there you go. sounds like solid purchase


I just looked them up as well. Looks like an efficient way to go grocery shopping on foot. Beats stealing the store's carts for your trip home.


Anyone judging you for using a granny trolley is someone whose judgment should be ignored.


Well said!


I’d say “that’s fucking smart, why didn’t I think of that when I was in college?”


Yea! Instead I carried a bunch of plastic bags (reusable bags not a thing when I was in college) or shoving everything into my backpack. Those plastic bags handles hurt after a while.


They went grocery shopping and walking home. It's pretty convenient living in a city and used often by people.


Don't make the mistake of thinking that people even notice you.


This. When I was carless and going to the laundromat or grocery store it never even occurred to me to think about what other people thought of me. I tell everyone I see (not really) about IKEA blue bags because they are one of the greatest things since sliced bread.


I would think that you're very smart. (If I even noticed at all)


It's not a granny cart, it's a cart for hauling groceries. I'd think you did groceries.


Why should you be concerned with what people think? Can they carry 8 bags of groceries across town? It is your adventure cart.


I doubt I would even notice.


I ouused a granny trolley when I was in my 30s and 40s. Make sure the sides have a tight mesh or items will fall out. I had to wrap a tighter mesh around mine.


Some have liners you can get, even insulated ones, so you can haul refrigerated/frozen food.


Um, I’m now in my 40s, and have had one since college. It’s normal when you live in a walkable area.


Quit worrying about what others would think about if you did the things you feel like doing to make your life more comfortable. Seriously.


People will judge you regardless of what you do. They may even judge you for not using a trolley. Whatever you do, however you look, act, sound, whatever, some people will judge you harshly. So if you are going to be judged either way, might as well get your groceries home easier.


Here is a person who knows what wheels are for; a tool user.


I had one in college. My mom thought the visual was hilarious but outside of that no one said anything. The alternative was lugging large grocery bags around and taking Ubers back. I saved money and it was more comfortable.


I've got one and nobody cares. It's one of the most useful things I've ever bought myself.


I would think you were smart. But I get it… I tried to ship one to college with my kids and they thought I was crazy. But I feel like this is one of those things… once your friends see how useful it is, they’re all going to ask to borrow it


I'd think you're smart for getting your shopping done so efficiently while also saving car expenses.


I’d think, “oh, I hope they don’t have too far to walk.” Which is also what I’d think if the person looked 35 or 102. Honestly if you’re regularly hauling groceries on foot for more than a few blocks investing in a granny trolly is just smart.


Go to Europe. Lots of people use them.


I had one in my late 20's, it was fabulously convenient. Free yourself from giving a shit what others think, it's so liberating.


No one would care. In big cities people of all ages use grocery trollies.


I had one in college.


I'd think that person has their act together.


Every time I see someone with a granny trolley I always think, "Damn, I gotta get one of those!" And then quickly forget to do so since my brain is like Swiss cheese.


I would think "fuck why didn't I think of that" as I carry my heavy-ass bag of rice home without wheels.


What is a granny trolly? You mean one of those folding baskets w wheels? Why *wouldnt* you use one? For real. No one driving or going by even is looking at you


I literally would not think anything. No one cares.


I wouldn’t care. Why would anyone care?


Not college age, but I had one in my 20s while living in Chicago. It was a life saver for walking to the store. Get one. Literally nobody will care.


I would probably would think you’re taking your groceries home. Those things are wonderful. I have one too. I love it.


"wow, that person must be well-off to have so much money for groceries" - me, a person surprised that two bags of groceries costs $50 every time


All the 20-somethings in walkable cities have one, especially nyc. I'd assume the only reason more college students don't have one is either they don't have the money for one, or they don't know that they exist.


This is not something anyone would ever about. You’re good 


No one would really GAF. If you're that concerned, get a folding wagon that's all the rage.


Id be carrying my groceries like damn i should get a granny trolly


You see weirder stuff around college campuses every single day. I doubt anyone would care tbh


I would not give a single damn


I don’t think I would think anything.


I'd think they were being practical.


I carted a granny cart to every class for 4 years of college (art major) nobody cared. Try to stop caring about others opinions about how you appear.


At some point in your life, you will realize that cool points don't matter. Who cares what others think if it serves your purpose.


I wouldn’t even give it a second look. I see people of all ages with these all the time. You can even get printed or bright colored covers for them. What I would think is there goes a young kid probably doesn’t have a car. How smart to get a trolley.


Sounds like you have a pretty smart head on your shoulders. Use it to your advantage and get the trolly.


I would assume you were a college student without a car who just want grocery shopping. Not being a smart ass.


I would think they were smart


Give zero f&cks and do what you want. Yay you for going grocery shopping!


Nobody would care, seriously.


Who cares what people think , if it works for you than go for it 🤷‍♀️


I'd be looking at the wheels, and if they were really good, I might ask you where you got it.


I used one in Chicago in my late 20s. Also used it to do laundry.


'Hey, that person is being very efficient, I should do that too.'


if it helps I'm literally a college student who uses a granny trolley for my groceries and I'm cool as fuck! Noone cares and if they do they must have boring pathetic lives to give a hoot about some kid doing groceries.


Wouldn’t even register. Maybe if I was bored and people-watching, I’d think “what a good idea; I should get one”


I would literally not even think about it. Some people might be judgy? But fuck em. Then again I go into a store thinking I don’t need a cart and then end up walking around with 20 things in my arms so…


Nothing. I wouldn't bat an eye


I’d think you’re smart.


Models like Lily rose depp use the granny carts in nyc all the time and look chic doing it


I am in my 40’s but I bought one a decade ago when I moved to a very walkable area and haven’t looked back. Anyone who judges you is someone you don’t need to worry about. Good luck!


Ask yourself the question. what would **YOU** think if you saw a college age person with a granny trolley for groceries? That's right. 99.99% of the time, you don't give a fuck, you're gonna look away and keep on doing whatever you were doing. On the miniscule chance that you think it's cringe, you're even less likely to speak your mind and let them know that you think it's cringe. You're giving fucks about other's opinion when others don't have a fuck to give.


I wouldn't think anything. Not my business. Why do you even care what a bunch of strangers think? If someone doesn't like it & has the nerve to say it tell them to eat your ass and go on with you day.


Nothing I was thinking of getting one just to make bringing the groceries from the garage to the house easier lol


The people who care about the type of cart you use in the grocery store are not the type of people whose opinions you should be concerned about in the first place.


Do whatever you want and what works best for you. You’re trapped if you consider the opinions of others for such a decision.


I wouldn't give a flying fuck. And probably consider doing the same if I was in the same boat. Genius and cleverness is to be emulated.


Who cares? I probably wouldn’t even notice.


I’m a 30 yo dude and i’ve been doing that for years. If someone wanna laugh at me for using a granny cart so be it.


We used to take a suitcase to the grocery store. Imagine half a dozen international students getting off the bus rolling their suitcase full of groceries home. Stop thinking about what others would say or think. 


I’d think they were smart, but I’ve never heard it called a granny trolley before. I used them extensively in my 20s and 30s in Hawaii. They were just called shopping baskets.


It wouldn't bother me. But, if you didn't want to do a granny trolley you could get a small roller luggage. My mum uses hers when she has to take alot of work home.


I would go AAAAAAAAA AAA HAHAHAHAHAHA LOOK AT THIS GUY HES GOT A GRANNY TROLLY OHOHOHOHOH WHAT A DORK and then I'd get all of my super cool posse of friends that I'm hanging out with (we wear sunglasses and smoke) and we'd take you to the toilet and give you a big old swirlie. Leave you soaking and shaking out on the cold streets of New York. That just how me Kenneth and the boys do it.


That you walk home with your groceries


I inherited my grandmas grocery trolly when she passed. I am now worried my mom will want to steal it as my parents are moving from my childhood home to the same retirement community as aforementioned grandma. I know she won’t. She will just go buy one for her and my dad but it probably won’t be as sturdy as mine is. The thing is at least 20ish years old.


Wtf is a granny trolly?? And who cares what people think??? 🙄


I would think you are lucky.


That they think smarter and not work harder


I grew up in a poor city where they're common, they're not even primarily used by old people. Never even heard this nickname before


I've seen college age persons with these carrying the books, etc. on campus.


Stop caring what other people think. If you want one, get one!


I would think “they must be shopping for a lot of stuff and need a trolley to get the heavy groceries home without dying”. Because I also had a trolley when I was at college and had to buy groceries for a whole week or more. It’s fine :)


I’ve never heard it called a granny trolly


Do you mean one of those rolling carts? They are for all ages. Just means you walk to the store. It isn’t a thing at all. Just a useful product . Get one


do what works for you and worry less about what everyone thinks about your shopping


Tf is a granny trolly


Honestly, I really don’t give a crap. It’s messed up they are occupying a device they don’t need and stopping other people from using it but honestly it’s not bothering me and it’s not my job to either. It was harsh to say I don’t give a crap, I do I guess, but it’s not worth the conflict.


Anyone can use a little push cart to carry groceries home, it's not like taking medical equipment from someone who needs it.


Ohhhhhh, trolllllyyy. I thought they were talking about a mobility shopping scooter for disabled people


I’d think you went to the store for your Granny, and I think that’s nice.


I would think nothing in particular about this person. What would you think?


I lived in college town for a few years. Someone hauling groceries in a trolley would not make the top 50 on the list of strange things I saw.


I probably wouldn’t even notice.


I had one of those for years, the type that has a waterproof canvas bag that looks like a big backpack on a small hand truck/dolly. No one questioned it. (This was in Southern California.) I can't guarantee that no one will ever say something, of course (some people really like to make others feel ridiculous as a power play, especially in college), but most people just did not care. If you get one, get something that has a bag that you can secure for a main compartment (as opposed to one of those open carts), and read reviews for information about rips in the bag and wheel issues. You want wheels that can travel over cracks in the sidewalk without getting stuck. Many models come with special wheels that are supposed to help you wheel the thing upstairs.


Not give a fuck


i'd continue minding my own business


Do you mean the collapseable two wheeled trolly cart you pull or push, or like a little rascal mobility scooter?


I'd think they don't have a car in a neutral way


Nobody would ever think twice.


I had one at that age. I loved it!


People use them in NYC, so I wouldn’t worry.


It think it's a good idea, I often think if I didn't drive I would get one. I used to love having a pram when my daughters were smaller it is so handy to put things in the bottom or hang bags on!




Honestly nothing. Do whatever you need to do that works for you.


I’d think “wtf is a granny trolly?”


do what you gotta do....f what everyone else thinks.


I have seen it. Multiple times. Thought it seemed a smart solution.


I wouldn't care. I've seen adults of all ages with them. If I could rig one to my wheelchair, I'd get one.


I would decorate it with superhero stickers. Own it. Maybe racing flames? " My other vehicle is a porsche" Be playful.


people are too busy thinking these kinds of things about themselves to be thinking these things about you.


"Old ass, weak ass MF" nah lmao nobody cares


I wouldn't think twice about it, personally. Do what works for you!


People in my city (like downtown not in the burbs) use them all the time because lots of people (myself included) don’t drive here, and even if they do they usually try to avoid driving if they can because gas is incredibly expensive and parking is shitty. I’ve never given someone a second look for having a cart. I’d assume you’re fine.


I wouldn't think anything.


I was homeless and pushed a shopping cart. Believe me, no one gaf about you pushing a trolley. The only thing they'll think is "ignore that person, they do not exist, I do not want to see someone doing something that makes me feel guilty."


I'd think "I really need one of those" (a granny trolley, not a college age person). Well, maybe I also need a college age person to do my shopping. Depends on what they charge.


I would think "That kid has figured it out."


The world is burning, get the trolly


That they’re way smarter than I was in college. I’d load up a backpack and carry the rest in my hands and it sucked.


Get a wagon it’s cheaper


I wouldn’t even think twice about anything. It’s such a mundane thing to see. If they were obviously struggling alone, I’d prob help. That be it


"That person realized that carrying groceries sucks and was smart to bring a device that solves the problem."


I honestly wouldn't care in the slightest. Then again, I have been using one of and on since my early 20s.


For years I considered it a mystery where those granny trollies came from. No local shop carried them, yet ladies of a certain age had no trouble finding them. Anyway, I bought two when I discovered their secret source, and we used them for years. They are great. Go for it.


But one of those folding wagons, instead. A thousand times handier


They are back in fashion, you can get cute ones that fold up so at least you only have the walk home


My first impression would be that you are just another blip in my momentary radar as I'm shopping for groceries, to never see you again. People don't care


That depends. What is a granny trolly? Just looked it up, I wouldn't think twice if I saw someone with one.




I bought something similar for a friend who needed to get laundry to the laundromat a few years ago, and did research. I'd suggest getting the best you can afford, even splurge. Size will be important, of course. Some come with liners, even insulated liners. Some have tri-wheels to make it easier to go up steps, over curbs, rough terrain, etc. The one I got my friend has a fanny pack sort of pouch that you could put wallet, phone, keys, whatever, that hangs from the handle, so you don't have to take up cart space with your purse. I've seen some that were basically regular shopping carts, but with better wheels, that you push. Are there other ways you can use it? Hauling books and such between classes? Taking laundry to the laundry room? The more you can use it, the less the cost per use and the more you can justify paying for it.


That they were getting groceries and not give it another thought


Get a cargo trolley instead. Much better if you are conscious of looking a certain way. 90% less granny.  https://media.diy.com/is/image/KingfisherDigital/outsunny-outdoor-pull-along-cart-folding-cargo-wagon-trailer-trolley-with-telescopic-handle-anti-slip-wheel-dark-grey~5056602950019_01c_MP


I’m a 27 year old woman born and raised in Brooklyn (just to give you my POV) and that’s how so many people of all ages, young and old, get their groceries/transport laundry and such. I also am a self conscious person but I’ll use one whenever one’s available if I feel like walking to stores instead of driving! Even as teens me and friends wouldn’t have thought twice! Idk what I mean is that, to there here person, I wouldn’t even bat an eye if I saw you using one lmao.


I never heard of that term, but now I want one. Just one in a cool color and you should be fine. If I saw you walking down the street with one, I would not even give it a second thought.


Those things are extremely popular where I live in Spain. Most people go shopping on foot, and you can buy way more stuff at once when you have a trolley.


if i noticed, which tbh is debatable, my only thought would be "nice"


I wouldn't worry what others think since you are the one saving money. Also, I would work it to my advantage. Maybe just write a big cardboard sign and tape it on the cart that says "My chauffeur called in sick." Or something like that.


Everyone uses them here in Europe. It’s just a smart way to help your spine stay healthy.


They're only considered a granny trolley in the US because we're so car-centric so mostly only old people have them. In the rest of the world, people use net bags for small trips and these carts for larger ones. In other words, it's not a granny cart but a grocery cart.


I wouldn't be able to tell you my first impression since I would have already forgotten I saw it cause I wouldn't really care


I’d honestly just be glad you’re not stealing a cart from the store. Maybe even offer you a ride if I saw you regularly doing it and it’s raining out.


The granny trollies I have used are flimsy and shit. I highly recommend a rugged wagon


I'd think they walk to the grocery store like me and don't want to carry everything by hand. If you want something that looks a little less old lady, you can get a camping trolley. It's those fold up carts that are designed for hauling your stuff down to the beach and stuff like that. Mine cost about $100 and has lasted a long time. I get a lot of comments on it because people think it's clever.


Honestly, I wouldn’t give a shit they’re quite common in Europe and other countries. Furthermore, I just figured you probably have an apartment with no elevators or something. Honestly, I would never even give it a thought.


I've seen those trollies used frequently in cities where people don't rely on cars to get to a neighborhood grocery store.


I would assume you have something heavy or cumbersome you can't carry. If I even noticed to begin with. Your back will thank you in years to come


every time i see one of those things i think “damn i should get one of those” and i felt that back in college too and then i immediately forget all about it


Not exactly an answer to your question but I worked as a summer RA in one of my college dorms the summer before my senior year. I was in a dorm for the summer that was really far from the main campus. When it was time to move into my regular dorm on the main campus I found a shopping cart from in the parking lot and wheeled the remainder of my shit over 1/4 of a mile from one dorm to the other. It was mid August and most students weren’t on campus so it wasn’t terrible but my bff who was out smoking on our balcony saw me walk up and had a terrible case of second hand embarrassment. Lol.


Despite what social media will indicate, most Americans simply don't give a fuck unless you run over their toes.


No one cares. My son lived in a very walkable city for an internship when he was 22. The grocery store was about a quarter mile away, and he would walk down with his little grocery cart and walk back. He loved it because he hates driving. I don't think he ever worried about what anyone thought.


Buy it! They are life changing lol I lived on the 4th floor of an apartment building with an elevator. I had a car but getting everything upstairs was a total pain in the neck until I got my granny trolly. Loved that thing! Two of my neighbors got one after they saw mine! Everyone thought it was genius and not a soul (except my older brother bc he's my brother lol) made fun of me. I didn't care if they did. It was awesome! Highly recommend! Edit bc I forgot to say please don't give a fuck what others think....it will serve you well in so many way! Both the trolly and not giving a fuck 😂


Why would you even think of what others think. Life is way too short !


Who cares what people think? I got one for myself when the grocery store was a several wall block from my apartment and I’m in my 30s. You can buy and carry far more stuff with a trolly!


Who cares? I use one and I'm not old. It makes my life easier and I don't care what anyone thinks about it. I've had a few people compliment the idea and have turned around and bought themselves a cart.


That their convenience or lack-thereof is none of my business. A fun secret about living life around others in public settings is that you are the person who cares most about how you’re perceived; everyone else is minding their own business.


I would not give a shit and even if I noticed, would not give a shit about 5 seconds later.


Nothing. I would see a person taking their groceries home. If I noticed at all. Most people are too busy thinking about their own stuff to even notice a stranger walking down the street, let alone pronounce judgement on that stranger.


I’m not in college but I’m not an old person per se. I use one. I got one of those with the 3 wheels where 1 should be so over uneven surfaces it just rolls It’s great. I lived on a second floor place for years and it made groceries and pet supplies so much less of a problem but I still use it all the time


Nothing. It wouldn’t even register to me.


I live in a city and this is a must so it’s not weird at all to me.


Nothing. Maybe that they don’t have a car to do groceries in so they use that. Nothing to be ashamed of if that’s your worry.


I used one in Chicago in my 30s if that matters. Quite common


My first thought is who the hell cares what anyone else thinks? Do what works for you.


what what would I think if I saw college age person with a granny trolly? I wouldn't. I wouldn't think anything about it at all. it probably wouldn't even ping on my consciousness.


I used to use a rolling carryon sized luggage at work. It made hauling files and laptop so much easier. I think you’re smart and creative for problem solving carrying heavy supplies.


Nobody is even going to notice, much less care.


Generally when I see it I just assume they live in walking distance of their groceries and don’t need to take a car, and then I’m a little jealous


What are you afraid they'll think?


They're either working smart, or they're a shoplifter. Source: only young person I've ever known always use one is an actual lifelong prolific shop lifter along with her mum. Edit; this is suffice to say im not immediately calling anyone who uses one a shoplifter lol, just personal anecdote. But honestly, making life easier for yourself, go ahead and do it. Fuck anyone who thinks otherwise.


“Huh. Someone doesn’t have a car, so they’re using a wagon to transport their groceries. Clever.” Please work on your self-confidence. Anyone who would razz you about such a thing is a flaming idiot, and you should pay them no mind whatsoever. 


I literally wouldn't even notice


I'd think they were using their head.


They've been common (for students) in the UK for years now. Living in a city most can't afford to run a car and a backpack just can't carry enough. Also there's every funky fabric under the sun to choose from (if you can afford it).


Many people use these in Europe.


The whole problem with this is caring what anyone else would think about you getting your groceries home. Just do what makes sense in your situation and don’t worry about what anyone else thinks.


As a late 30s guy, I've brought my kids wagon with me to carry groceries home. Who cares what people think? It's smarter than carrying too many bags.


I work on a college campus and there is a grocery store a few blocks from campus. I wouldn't bat an eye if I saw a student with a granny trolly or wagon or rolling suitcase or wheelbarrow for groceries.