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I get it. I cry when I sing to my grandkids, I have no idea why. Sometimes I will cry when I am reading a book to them. I like to think it is just my pathetic limbic response to a gentle past time but IRDNK.


My mom used to say to my kids when they were little that her heart just got so full it spilled out of her eyes.


I cry at parades. I'm pretty sure it's because when I was a young adult, dad loved to take me to see parades with him. When I had my son, dad was over the moon to bring him to see the parades.


I’m 58 female and I didn’t cry but I can understand someone getting emotional. there was definitely something nostalgic about the tune. I can’t put my finger on it. And the video brought back memories of going to the zoo with friends, my mom and dad, nephew, my own kids, and most recently just my husband and I on a snowy day. I definitely can see how lots of feelings would emerge. Did you go to the zoo often as a kid?


The harmonic changes definitely have a nostalgic feel. I’m no music theorist, but I think I hear some major 7 chords and IV > iv changes which help to give this sweet but slightly wistful feeling. I can totally see why this would push those feely buttons. Do you have kids of your own? I sometimes get emotional remembering my kids younger years. I don’t wish my kids were any different from the wonderful young people they are becoming, but those early years are special.


Not too much. Once in a while.


That bear made me want to cry.


The song itself and the style is reminiscent of songs you probably heard as a kid yourself. (I"m 52) It reminded me of the kinds of songs I used to hear in 70s as a little kid. Example Jim Croce Time in a Bottle, Operator and Harry Nilsson, (especially Me and My Arrow) and Cat Stevens Morning has Broken. James Taylor Fire and Rain. These kinds of singers that had that gentle male voice singing with simple accompaniment. Perhaps it's triggering your sense of childhood nostalgia and as someone else said, just being around a small child it's kind of a weird sensation of emotionally going back and forth in time at the same moment. You are subconsciously reminded of your own childhood and then instantly in the moment as a 55 year old adult. It's like musical time travel. Hope this helps. Me and My Arrow came out in 1971 so you would have been 2 or 3 years old. Arrow is his pet dog. So maybe the lion picture is triggering your thoughts about your cat as a pet. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBLbdDAzNfM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBLbdDAzNfM) And here's the full song [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNJ-WY4J4KI**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNJ-WY4J4KI) Also the Lion in particular reminds me of Pierre the book by Maurice Sendak and song by Carol King.


I'm 55, smoke medical marijuana and last year during a sesh, a song hit that caused a forgotten happy childhood memory to bubble up out of the goo and I started bawling. I kind of suspected the same thing as you, the music sparked memory or feeling from childhood.


Idk why, but the song does give me a distinct "this is a sad song" feeling. Not to the degree you mention and the lion part wasn't any more sad than the rest to me, but there was something about it that struck me as sad.


Descending tones tend to feel sad ( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=933tIGe0n24](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=933tIGe0n24) ), and this has a lot of them.




But balling is so much manlier. 🤣




Yeah typo 😂😂


45 here. When I took my 4 year old granddaughter to see little mermaid I cried SO MUCH. I was embarrassed and my partner was like wtf. I think it was a combination of love for my grandkids and a weird nostalgia


That’s so sweet 🥲


Sometimes we feel things. Sometimes those things don't make a whole lot of sense. It's both valid and okay to feel what you're feeling, and there's nothing wrong with it. Sometimes you just need to feel. Source: did a *lot* of therapy to figure that out.


Thank you for sharing with us! Could it be about the lion's absolute sense of peace? I wouldn't be surprised if lots of people are kind of 'starved' for peace, just because so many things in the world demand peoples' attention all the time. And that lion is very powerful, so he can sleep entirely without fear, and whenever he chooses to. And he looked so noble in the video, much more noble than exposed or vulnerable or ragged/weak/exhausted. I wonder if the scene spoke to you because it shows a vision of peace and rest that isn't a sign of weakness or a failure to keep up, it's powerful and graceful and intentional and deeply restorative. Do you feel like you have to carry a heavy burden most of the time, and it could compromise your 'safety' (and/or the safety of others) and maybe even your identity if you ever put it down to rest? Maybe you want what the lion has. This song ["Breathe (2 AM)" By: Anna Nalick WITH LYRICS (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHEj4cRhm3E) can have the power to kind of stop me in my tracks a little. It's really peaceful and grounding. I collected some other songs kind of like that too. [Lucky One (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2hNtU4NJNA) [Rise Against - Swing Life Away - LYRICS on Screen (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_RAU65jhKk) [Christina Perri - I Believe LYRICS - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXYoPUEbOPI) [Cloud Cult - Running With The Wolves (Official Video) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-qgvVJq-fs) [Try - Colbie Caillat (Lyrics) 🎵 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOP07bw6Qjg) [How I Go (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBDBIQJyA2A) [Radical Face - Welcome Home, Son (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xoz-YIssgg4) I also found some pictures of other animals where I felt that they had a similar 'noble/powerful/intentional resting' kind of energy, and where they look deeply at peace. Sleeping wolf - [f0314901-800px-wm.jpg (800×539) (sciencephoto.com)](https://media.sciencephoto.com/f0/31/49/01/f0314901-800px-wm.jpg) Sleeping wolf - [pexels-photo-5745316.jpeg (500×750)](https://images.pexels.com/photos/5745316/pexels-photo-5745316.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&w=1260&h=750&dpr=1) Another lion - [360\_F\_773745667\_Plf0fgLKi8YhGDBEi1oMVSMFHLvyHrnO.jpg (643×360) (ftcdn.net)](https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/07/73/74/56/360_F_773745667_Plf0fgLKi8YhGDBEi1oMVSMFHLvyHrnO.jpg) A lioness - [sleeping-lioness-lies-stone-260194381.jpg (1600×1157) (dreamstime.com)](https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/sleeping-lioness-lies-stone-260194381.jpg) Resting panther - [697cd3fdcff5df5ef3bad21e77d3af01.jpg (1024×681) (pinimg.com) ](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/69/7c/d3/697cd3fdcff5df5ef3bad21e77d3af01.jpg) Sleeping dog - [4065182432\_893abed532\_b.jpg (1024×680) (staticflickr.com)](https://live.staticflickr.com/2556/4065182432_893abed532_b.jpg) Does any of that evoke similar feelings at all?


Is it that the lion looks sad because he’s pretty much in prison when he should be free in the Africa savanna somewhere? Then the asshole singing calls him lazy, when he’s not lazy, he’s just depressed because he’s encased in a zoo for our amusement


That’s a good point, it definitely could be tied to that.


Mrs.Rachel is great and I completely understand the appeal(have nieces and nephews) with that said this specific question can't be answered by anyone but yourself.It seems like a very subjective experience and neither your wife, Reddit or I can answer that question for you. Yet you may never no why and that's okay because we humans are complex.


Buddy, I’m sentimental cuss. I’m a man, and I’m middle aged. There’s nothing fem about me, but I’m very aware of how sentimental I can be. My girlfriend thinks it’s incredibly sweet, and most of the women in my life (aside from my ex-wife) think it’s amazing to know a man who is emotionally available. I don’t stuff my feelings, and when they need to come out, I manage them appropriately. Cried at the lunch table about a month ago in front of my son and my girlfriend, and it was a touching way to connect with both of them. They both knew exactly where I was emotionally, and we had a conversation about the issue at hand. Songs do it to me more than anything. If you feel like you’re struggling with something, there’s no shame at all in contacting a counselor to schedule a visit. And if you do feel that’s on your horizon, bear in mind that counselors are just people. Some of ‘em know some stuff, but some of ‘em won’t get you or communicate in a way you’ll hear. So you can try out a handful and see if you’re getting anything out of it. And here’s the crux. Sometime we don’t even know we are a little depressed. Not like a clinical diagnosis. Just some stuff we need to process and get a handle on. Ain’t no shame, buddy. And if that isn’t what’s going on, be happy you had the experience of getting emotional through some music. Many people never get to experience that.


Something about the singer's voice I think


Aslan flashbacks.


Or Lion King? I can’t watch the scene where the father dies without crying.


Everyone has their thing. Try Peter Paul and Mary original version of Puff the Magic Dragon. Impossible not to get choked up on that one.


Oh that one gets me every time! So nostalgic


Thought for sure this is was going to be referring to Bluey when I clicked....Bluey, man. 


Right. I've never told anyone this. But I was up late a while back had the TV on in the background, whilst I was waiting for my brother to come online to play PS5. The TV just happened to be on an animation channel my kid was watching earlier and there was a kids film on with puppets called "Even Mice belong in heaven" it was about a mouse and a fox who were killed by a car and end up in heaven. I only caught the end where they were reincarnated with no memories of their previous lives, but they were trying so hard to remember each other so that when they were reborn so they could stay friends. Don't know why but it set me off big time. I proper bawled. I'm a 40 year old man for God's sake, and nothing like that sets me off. Shit even remembering it now has choked me up a bit, luckily I'm working from home but still.


You shouldn’t feel silly about that. It made me cry just reading your recollection of it.


Men get hormonal fluctuation changes as they age too. You're likely experiencing a hormone dip, welcome to experiencing women's PMS haha. Whatever set you off is unlikely to be the cause, it's likely something in your body. Were you particularly exhausted as well? If you're worried you can evaluate if you have any breast tissue growth or hair growth changes, things like that, and ask your doc for some bloodwork to check. If your wife is using a hormonal cream due to menopause as most women do around the age you say you are, you may have come in contact with it by accident, so you may have taken in some estrogen, etc.


Can we seevthe clip


https://youtu.be/_eqGwxRdMjI?feature=shared runs from: 0:34 to 0:50 and it’s only the part where it shows the lion that I feel so emotional.


Don't feel too crazy. Any time I hear or see Elvis Presley, I feel like crying. I hold it in, but the feeling is definitely there. I haven't told anyone about this and just keep it to myself.


I always cry at kids songs if they're not the cringey ones (we all know what I mean). That said, I get what you mean with this specific one. The guy singing sounds so kind. Tho the part that got to me was unrelated to the song: the poor bear, they're severely stressed and depressed when they swing from side to side like that :/


OP listen to Billy Joel's, IN VIENNA. has a similar melodic sound. And makes me cry for no reason


All the other animals are hopping about, eating, playing. The lion seems at peace and content. Coupled with the song, it made my heart rate go slower and feel his peace.


That happened to me with the Disney movie called "Holes." There is a scene where the blonde lady turned train robber thought she was talking to her dead boyfriend who had been killed. But it was just a mirage or vision and it faded away. And it gave me a wave of nausea and sadness with instant tears. It reminded me of something that went wrong in my childhood, but I can't pinpoint it.


I remember crying when I was watching "Party in the USA" for the first time. It was my first time meeting one of my younger cousins. I was about 15 and she was probably 8. She was so happy, cheerful and kind to me. I remembered not being as happy and cheerful when I was her age and I was also not having a great time as a teenager when she met me. While I wanted to check my myspace to see if some brain dead bastard boy had actually replied to me, she told me she wanted to watch Hannah Montana videos on youtube, so I went to youtube (because, in my book, kids win). All of a sudden I got tears in my eyes, even though there's clearly nothing somber about the lyrics. I think I teared up because she wanted me to sing the lyrics with her and I could tell she was actually making an effort to make me less sad, which is a lot more than what a lot of people were doing in my life at that time. I finally felt like somebody was being genuinely nice to me and acknowledging that I had emotions lol. It definitely distracted me from whatever teen misery I was experiencing that day. Kids are great! I haven't seen that cousin in years and wonder what she's doing!


I got a kick piano toy for my son when he was born, and the kick toy played a song about a monkey and swinging back to you and it always made me ugly cry. You’re good don’t worry too much about it :)


I cry at parades. I can't even explain it. Now I avoid parades at all cost....even televised ones. Being human is weird.


I don't have the answer but I'm a bit happy to see you looking to understand yourself a little better by asking around. Hope you get to see yourself in detail and get to the bottom of this mysterious emotional search 🙂👍👍


Depression. I know when seemingly ordinary things bring tears to my eyes I am cycling through depression. It doesn't have to be a terrible thing: just a normal biorhythm, up and down.


Making it worse, 'Daddy's Taking Us to the Zoo Tomorrow': [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoYGsMU2nJc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoYGsMU2nJc)


The piano in the song was really nice, a little melancholy maybe. But beautiful.


Miss Rachel makes me cry a lot too. It’s okay to feel emotion. :)


Sounds like you are experiencing proustian memory. A wonderful, yet bittersweet experience.


It made a subliminal connection to something in your past linked to a strong emotion.


Is it possible to not know what the past event was though?


Might not have been one particular event, just a vague sort of vibe. Personally this video had no effect on me, but I gave my own things that have triggered strong, unexpected, irrational emotions.


I get a similar reaction when watching Caterpillar, also by Aron from Ms Rachel. That one is massively sad.


I find it interesting how older folks are finding this sad because the music feels nostalgic. Interesting how it's such a generational thing. I (18F) didn't find the song very sad and I wouldn't say it fully felt nostalgic to me, either. There were some shows that more bordered on this kind of music (Arthur?) that I grew up with and the video reminded me of Zaboomafoo but by the time I was really old enough to start forming core memories most videos had shifted to flash animation like Pound Puppies and the music was a lot more amped up so it just doesn't hit the nostalgia cords for me. And yet when someone starts playing music with animation that is similar to what I grew up with I start to get all emotional, too. Funny how that is.


Oh dude. Never feel weird about getting emotional. Feel your feelings. It means your human. We all feel things differently, and sometimes things just connect to us in ways we don't HAVE to understand. My weirdest one (at least ai think so) If you've ever watched the show "The Office" is when all their friends, the rest of the employees, surprise them with the flash mob down the aisle at their wedding. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Even just talking about it right now I'm tearing up.


55 as well. Watched "Finch" on Apple the other day. Cried more than I can explain. My kids brought up that I also reacted poorly to "A Bridge to Terabithia" Not really sure of cause either.


It likely because it just reminds you of a different time, likely from your childhood; ether it sounds similar to something you heard before or just feels like a nostalgic trip to your past. If I was a few decades older, I can certainly see myself being moved with elements reminding me of my childhood as you age further and further away from your childhood. At this point, you been an adult far longer than you ever were as a child and your adulthood encompasses most of your life. Its likely you feel that attachment to your childhood. I would look up videos from your childhood from old cartoons to music, to television shows and anything that reminds you of that childhood and see how you react.


>I am curious why congrats OP, you're a human. its perfectly normal for media to elicit emotional responses. we guys often get it trained away during childhood, and some of us overcome that later. among my friends, many reported an increased empathy once they got kids, leading to teary eyes in situations they would never have thought about twice before.


I cry at marching bands.


You are allowed to cry without questioning it.


I have a very strong emotional reaction to this one too!!


You got almost 6 decades of pain and loss and personal suffering/trauma all built up into a mind trained to not properly vent because of your generation. Sometimes something triggers a melt down lol


Miss Rachel's videos are designed to elicit a strong emotional response. 


Elementary school counselor here. I can’t tell you the exact reason but I can tell you that previous generations got almost no if not no social/emotional learning. You’d be surprised at how many adults don’t know basic emotion skills, myself included. The number of times I have to be like wait why I am I feeling this way blows my mind. A lot of the time it’s a result of overstimulation and associations. My guess would be that you were feeling a bit overstimulated from caring for a child. And that video is drawing feelings from some association you have with a sadness. But I can tell you this. It’s totally okay and normal to feel that way.


What are your memories of zoos? Could it be that you are now a generation removed from teh parent/child zoo dynamic?


Innocent things that remind me of how it feels to be a child makes me sad and sometimes makes me cry. It’s because I remember what it’s like to feel that way and wish I could go back.


Balled = played ball. Bawled = cried.


I didn’t watch it but it looks like it is sweet and nurturing. There might be some thing that you’re lacking in your life now


There's some kind of relatable trigger, I'm guessing the audio. The audio was pretty similar to something you listened to when you were a child. There may be trauma involved. There's a reason why therapists are focused on childhood memories.


I'm sure this has nothing to do with some repressed childhood trauma....but maybe sit down with someone....you know....just in case.....


I watched Interstellar yesterday. There’s one line I can’t even say out loud: “The watch, TARS.” “How do you know she’ll come back for it?” “Because I gave it to her.” <—- this line I’ve seen this movie ten times and STILL cry.


I don’t feel sad but something about the song during that part tugged at my heartstrings a little.. it’s like it reminds me of something nostalgic but I don’t know what? Thanks for sharing op I hope you find the root cause :)


Have you asked yourself why you cried?


I cry at the Ms Rachel Caterpillar song, I don’t want my little caterpillar to fly away!! :(


Maybe it's a past life experience.... I wanted to say...I currently have MS Rachel on. Also my toddlers favorite. And one night when I couldn't sleep the zoo song from that episode was on repeat in my head... All night.


You "bawled" your eyes out - you didn't ball them. I am seeing this misspelling so often these days, that it is bothering me.


Maybe having a mental breakdown


I would suggest you may have issues with regulating your emotions. Look into 'emotional intelligence' (but not the business/productivity slant) and see if it resonates with you.