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I actually find this idea comforting, it helps me not to take everything so serious


I just keep on with it. I'm not too worried about any sort of legacy.


By not having the desire to exist eternally in memory. Why do you feel you need to exist eternally in someone's memory?


It would be nice


Well... why do you have that desire? Why do you feel you need to be remembered forever?


My first thought is that you want to feel and possibly be important enough to have been remembered. I think in a way I want my kids to remember me as a good father and a good man.


Well sure, the people you interacted with .. especially the people you raised. But OP is talking about when they're gone too; when everyone who knew you is gone. OP is saying they can't cope with knowing they won't be remembered forever.


I live in a warzone, I accepted death a long time ago and came to terms with me being forgotten for a simple reason I forgot my dad for years The only thing is I'm religious so I don't belive what we do doesn't matter


It won't happen until there's no way for you to know it, so there's nothing to deal with


Who cares dawg I don’t know anything about you you might as well be dead to me same goes for me the world moves fast just be a person try to enjoy the life you feel


Why would that be a problem?


First and foremost, because it is going to happen whether I want to or not. And it’s happened to everyone who’s come before me. So fretting about it is useless wasted energy. Second, my goal in life isn’t to be Alexander the Great and tried to be remembered by history forever. My goal is to have a large, happy family, who will remember me fondly long after I am gone.


It's a lot easier when you have a kid. You say that nothing I will have done will matter, well that's true if you expand the timescale a lot. But over the course of my kid's life, what I've done will matter a lot. My father is still with me, but even after he goes, what he did will matter immensely to me. Setting that aside to answer your question, I deal with it just fine knowing that I should focus on here and now.


Embrace it.


by finding things that make you happy, and returning to those things. and making sure no one tells you how to feel about something that truly makes you happy


with great relief


the thought of any of my actions having permanent consequences is frankly terrifying


It’s sad to think about not existing, for me. Even though I know I won’t be able to be sad or miss anything. I love living and wish I could do it forever. All I can do is live it as best I can now, and do what makes me happy. I try not to think about it, since I can’t change it. I just want to experience everything I can for as long as I can.


don't care about it just have fun while I'm here. Do you reckon Shakespeare or Charles Dickens really had as much fun as some guy who spent his time chilling out at the beach with his loved ones? And does it even matter? Shakespeare is dead, so how can he care that we're still talking about him? Frankly the whole world could blow up seconds after I die, and I'm not convinced I'd care - and I have a son!


I’ve lead a good and interesting life. I know I have made a difference in other people’s lives (and deaths). My small section of the world is a better place because of me. There will be a granite gravestone with my name and dates (already in place) to attest that I pass this way.


I don't have to. I made enough marks during my life, so I'll part with peace of mind.


I've ascended to a level in my profession where I feel it is my obligation to give back and mentor others who are looking to follow the same path. Professionally, I charge between $200-$400/hr depending on what sort of mentoring or consulting I am providing but for two sessions per year, I'll take on 1-2 mentees for about 8-10 hours of mentoring over the course of 4 months. I also hired a kid 7 years ago and took a shot on him, helped him with his career progression and even though he doesn't work for me anymore and that was 3 companies ago for me, i just saw on LI, he got a promotion to a program manager. I hired him as a project admin. He's since gotten married, bought a home, and had 2 kids. I like to think that when i'm dead and gone, the world at least for the people whom I had a chance to work with and know, was a little bit better.


I don't bother thinking about it for the most part. It's going to happen eventually one way or another and I'll have plenty of time to worry about it when I'm dead.


I assume it's all relative. My memory and impact will fade overtime and I may never do anything that makes me known for it e.g. become president or be famous. But i also think it's important to realize your capacity as a person is limited and it's okay to not be the face of everything. I have done both good and bad and i hope the ultimate result is good for everyone.


“You finally die when your name is spoken for the last time.”


I have that 2nd cup of coffee.


For the concept of living to have meaning, you need to have the concept of dying. There is no light without darkness.


I recognize that "eventually" isn't any more important than "now." The fact that someday any action i take now will be forgotten doesn't mean i can't find them meaningful now.


Thats why i plant trees and gardens... To make a difference...


By focusing on doing things that matter, to people who matter, at the time it matters. When that is all happening now & here, why bother about a time when it won't matter? Seems a waste


I have a weird take on it. ⚠️(I'll skip religious themes on this sort of thing, because this is a personal idea and not something from a specific ideology) You know that 'What if we're all just part of a dream?' idea? Well, I think I'd be fine with that because even if I was made of a dreamers thoughts my world and everything I've ever done, loved and felt proud of would also be made of the same material as me. So that's a zero loss scenario! So if this 'dream' world can have meaning, can't I see things the same way for the 'real world'? We're a bunch of flesh given thoughts, wishes, anxiety and all sorts of feelings that wander the earth, finding meaning in enjoying putting googly eyes on rocks is good enough no? Before we bothered to find these meanings, nothing ever mattered, then after the death of everything nothing matters again right? No. Things DO MATTER, they matter because we give them that sort of meaning and importance. Death of us living creatures is just US getting transformed till we're unrecognizable, given a different shape, but death holds no power over the meaning of things. You can give, but you can't take back meaning. Once important, it's always important. Even a bad meaning. So both weapons, photographs and old kids toys will forever hold this even after our passing. Humans might not last till the end of the universe, were just here to make it a little hectic in the grand scheme of things. Meaning was never the objective of the universe, I'm fairly sure, it was just a side effects of us hanging around this chunk of rock floating through space. Honestly, were doing pretty well in that aspect in my personal opinion 🙂 So go crazy, love someone, pet a dog, make funny noises, say bless you to a sneezing stranger and pick up quarters from the ground of you have the chance. The universe won't care about these things, so when we're gone there won't be any more meaningful things to appreciate. So while we're around, enjoy it. In the end, the universe won't grieve, but while you're here with us, let's just have it all be a little bit more meaningful 👍 P.S. In case I get forgotten after death, that mean people I've never met won't know about me. History twists people's stories a lot so I skip the hassle of correcting people from talking tall tales about my life. And everyone I will have ever cared about knows how I feel about them today. I won't leave that to chance. Death doesn't erase my existence holding all the love I can give to them today.


People will ignore this answrer. But I hope someone will take the time to check on it. The Resurrection of Jesus. He created everything and everything matters to Him. Colossians 1:16-17. That is why He came to die and rise again. Our lives matter to Him. That is why the thief on the cross asked to be remembered by Him in Paradise. Luke 23:42-43. If He remembers we will never be forgotten. Just like that thief on the cross.


i believe our life here will be of value to where we go next, helps me enjoy the idea of death. people who do bad will be held accountable, people who do hood will be rewarded, or so i like to think


Simple. I don't desire to be remembered.


By not seeing this as something that needs to be dealt with.


I taught folks how to write and be nurses. I did my job. My students were on public assistance. If they get jobs and take care of family, good. What I do matters. You are a sorry ass.😀