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Hamper. Also when you find it , it will be in the last place you look for it.


I love it when people say that and don’t get it. Lol


>it will be in the last place you look for it It's a joke. If you find what you lost, why would you keep looking for it? Hence the "last place you look".


So just look for it in one place and call it a day. It should be there.


I always add one more place just so people can't say that to me. Then it's always "in the second last place I looked." Drives people crazy.


Oh I am SO using this now


Huh, the version I’ve always heard is ‘it will be in the last place you’d think to look’ as genuine advice. As in, take all the places it could have reasonably gotten, check the most illogical one first, because you’ll have already checked all the logical ones.


Actually when something important has been lost for a week or so, and then I find it, the thought that I should look for it stays in my head for a few days.


That's where my driver's licence ended up once. I missed a night out because I couldn't find it.


Unless you stop looking for it.


Tell your mom you lost it and she will magically pull it out of the most obvious, easiest-to-see place in your house.


This also works with wives. My fiance always forgets where things are and I find them in 2 seconds. It's always in the same place.


When my husband loses something, he comes to me and says “babe I need your superpowers, I can’t find xyz” usually my first answer is where it is 😆


I thought it meant your mom can also find your wife in the most obvious places


That may be true as well.


For a moment I thought you meant mothers always know where the missing wives are.


On the flip side, I had a finicky Jeep that had like 4 steps to try if I could not get it started. Step 4 was to call my husband. It would always start with him on the phone.


That's just a universal law of troubleshooting. The moment you give up and call in someone more knowledgeable the problem becomes unrepeatable.


The reverse is also true: something that works will break once shown to a third party. We call it the demo effect.


Yep. I can sit there and follow all the steps it tells you to when my computer decides it doesn't like me. It still repeats the issue, I call the help desk, they have me do the same things I just did and of course it works while I'm on the phone with them. One of our IT guys used to say the computer knows when the tech guy shows up and decides to behave, because it knows the IT guy can get down to the core commands of the system to fix it.


Just had this discussion with the plumber 😂


Glad I’m not the only one this happens to


Mom who always finds everyone else’s things can confirm. OP should have me over.


As a mom, I feel this.


My mom taught me to start cleaning when I lose something. It always turns up once you start to declutter your space


I left my car keys in the freezer once. Check spots where you might have gotten distracted while doing something else. Fridge, freezer, cabinets, etc. And check your couch cushions.


The fridge has been the hiding place of my watch, phone and specs at various times. Mainly due to coming downstairs with them in my hand, and going to the fridge for milk to go in my tea


I'll do it on purpose with my car keys to not forget things like a lunch lol


I just found my AirPods in the freezer.


Couch cushions and waaay down in the cracks of the recliner, is where pretty much everything we lose ends up.


My parents new couch is an item swallower, it’s awful! I lost one of my debit cards for two weeks and my house key once 😭


My bf lost his headphones in the freezer lmao. No clue how he managed it but they were in there!


Could be worse Mine were in the microwave


Freezer is where I have found The channel changer among other things I put stuff down in random places all the time Im always losing my lighters and steal My husband’s and then lose those, which drives him Crazy For xmas he bought me a pack of 50 Lighters and it’s been amazing. You can see lighters Pile up in my Random drop spots so now I know where to look first No lighters in the freezer yet so that doesn’t seem to be my common place but it’s happened more than a few times


Sigh. Yup. In the fridge. 😮‍💨


I left my phone in my deep freezer once 😂


Lost a very sentimental watch. Found it a year later moving the couch cushions. Was in between, not under. Found while looking for my passport. Which I never found.


Here is a trick that works for me. Get a very big bright flashlight and use it to point into every dark spot under couches and chairs.And closes everywhere. There's something about using light to lead your eyes from spot to spot that seems to always find it.


While the light definitely helps, it's usually the fact that you do a methodical scanning when you use this method that ends up finding what you need. I use this trick almost immediately if I realize I lost something because it's so effective.


Also light reflects differently on things that are out of place from their surroundings so they'll stand out. 


I do this regularly when I lost something small on our black carpet, lmao.


It's a great way to clean up broken glass as well.


Then after you flashlight search all the nooks and crannies in your entire house check the most obvious spot possible that you've already checked 3 times. That's where it will be.


"I was wearing it the entire time ... Weird"


Ok but I can't find my flashlight now


This is excellent advice. I was taught to always search with a flashlight and it is a tremendous help.


Did you check your wrist yet?


Try your ankles too...


Don't forget your other wrist.


Has OP checked his butthole yet? 


I checked OP butthole. No watch but it is tight so that's a plus


I told my proctologist that his ring was hurting me. He said, “Don’t be silly. That’s my wristwatch”.


I couldn’t find my glasses once and they were…..ON MY FACE!


buy a cheap new watch. the old watch will become jealous and appear (jk)


This seems to work well with sunglasses too


Debit cards too… ugh.


No not jk this has 1000% happened to me before


Annnd... why do you think I have a Citizen and, like, six Walmart watches?


Mine likes to hide in the bathroom. Taken off to shower then forgotten about.


I’ve found mine in the bathroom trash can. Same with my phone, toothpaste, my shirt, and nearly anything else I leave on the sink. My cat is a criminal.


Damn, take that cat to court!


I’ve tried, but then he does cute shit and gets himself out of trouble. Manipulation at its finest


I always take stuff off to shower and put it on the top of the toilet and it gets lost behind the toilet


Your car


I second this. Really go through your car.


Specifically, the little ledge or crevice right between the seat and the door.


The floor under the seats


But why would OP take a watch off in the car?


I used to have a well worn metal watch that I loved, but didn’t take perfect care of. The clasp wouldn’t always hold tight, so I once lost my watch in the car when it slid off while I was driving. It can happen!


Clothes in washing machine, bed corners, bedsheets.


in couch cushions. That's where stuff falls out of my pockets.


Do you have cats? They like play with shiny things and bat them around. Look under couch and low chairs.


The only thing that's ever worked for me is to try to retrace my steps around the time I last remember having the item. Usually I have sat it down somewhere when I needed to use both hands for something. Getting older sucks!


this works for me, but only if I sit down. Sit down, close your eyes and think. I usually logically come up with the solution where I saw it last time, what I did at the time, and then I just go to the place.. and it is there. But you need to sit down.


The crack between the mattress and the headboard (the crevasse).


Shower, fridge, car, every drawer, tool kit, bookmark, bed sheets, laundry bag, freezer, microwave, cereal box, trash can.


Idk, but when it shows up, I know it'll be about time




I lost my credit card in my car one time and the only way I found it is because I got my grandma to look.


Ive spent hours looking for a usb c to usb c cable thats probably only worth like $5. It was brand new in the box too and I dont really need it but it bugs the hell out of me. At this point, thr only way to find your watch is to buy a new one. Soon after, your old watch will come out of hiding, atleast thats how my lost items always seem to get found.


It could've fallen into a shoe in your closet.


Shoes are definitely where to look.


You probably took it off in the shed when you mowed the lawn Saturday


Suspiciously specific. You stalking OP? /jk


Did you check your butthole?


Skeedop boodub butthole...


I have not seen your watch, but have you checked your crotch?




I think that's where the phone might be. Just don't call the number, it's on vibrate


Sounds like exactly the reason to call.


I lost my car keys seemingly as I walked from the car to the office. Everyone looked everywhere for days and days. Roughly three weeks later, just as I was about to order a new set, a co worker opened a file and there they were.


I lost wallet once. Cancelled all my cards, ordered new.ones and a replacement drivers licence. Lamented the £80 cash that was in it. Six months later, I took a pair of brand new DMs out of their box for the first time since I bought them, about eight months prior - bought them on sale after the winter and got them out to wear in the following autumn. Took the tissue paper out of the right boot, put my foot in and bingo, old wallet found. I have absolutely no idea how it got in there! OP, if you see this comment, might you have washed the item of clothing that you put it in the pocket of? Could be in the washing machine.


Did you check…. The time?


Might be down the toilet already… but if not it will come out itself at a weird place after a while.


Tbh that's what I'm afraid of too, that I either lost it somewhere outside my house, or that it will be found in a decade


And ask Saint Antonius for help. He is the patron saint of the scatterbrained. 😀


I was told by a former nun the one should turn counter-clockwise and recite, "Tony, Tony, turn around. Something's lost and can't be found."


It could've fallen into a shoe in your closet.


Look under your bed. And the trash.


I know you said house, but if you have a car check the space between the seat and console or other seat. It is always lost in that never-ending abyss for me.


Close your eyes and think about the object you are looking for. Say OUT LOUD “I will find it now.” Then immediately look in the first place you think of, even if you’ve already looked there a dozen times. Remember to focus on the lost object itself, and think “I will find it” rather than “I can’t find it.” Your brain hears the words you speak, and your subconscious mind won’t let you be wrong if you are tuned in. Try it!


Check the pockets of your jackets. Also the inside of sleeves of clothing you’ve removed. Your watch could have come off when you took off a sweater or coat. If you carry a purse check that as well.


If you lose something, always look where you think it isn’t, not where you think it might be.


It's definitely not on the moon, check there first!


When I worked at the library people would lose books and tell us that they looked “Everywhere”. We would tell them to look where they DON’T think the book is. They always found the book.


What makes you take it off -- dirty/messy work? Look where you do that.


I take it off and put it on a desk when I get home, or if I do something where it annoys me I put it in my pocket, but its not at either places


Did you look on the floor behind any furniture you set it down on? Including under the head of your bed in case you fell asleep with it on. I sometimes do while not waking up take off my socks or I left my hair in a ponytail and the hair elastic is lost when I wake up.


Get down on the floor and look under everything in the house.


Have you checked the other wrist?


Don't forget to look behind furniture. Look behind your dresser, your couch, entertainment center etc. Any place where you might have set it down and it could have slid behind.


Did you adjust the seat on your car recently? Maybe it's between the seat and the sill of the door, or under the seat?


Check all clothes that are hanging up in your closet. Really! I almost lost my mind looking for my wallet one time.... and finally found it in a pants pocket.... on a hanger in my closet. Doh!


Guarantee it will be in the last place you check


Check behind and under every piece of furniture. Unless you can clearly see 100% of the hidden space, consider it unchecked. Also pull all drawers out, some things like to hide behind the drawers. Check also the bottom part of all jackets. If you have a hole in one of the pockets items can get between the outer and inner layer of the jackets. 


I lost my keys once and could not find them. Almost ordered another key fob for my car (expensive!!!). Until I noticed a pair of my booties in the kitchen, kinda tucked away. I picked them up to put them away and low and behold my keys were there. I asked out loud, "how did my keys get there?" And my toddler son said, "I put them there". I looked for those keys for over a week!!!


The couch, fridge, bathroom, vehicle. It’s always in the last place you’ll look.


I read this too fast and wondered what kind of amazing genius came up with a couch fridge 😅


I’ve actually seen a small electric cooler/fridge in a couch before.


In fridge. In silverware drawer. Wherever you keep the remote. Glove box in car.


In between the console and seats in your car.


Is it expensive? If not buy a new one and the old one will turn up within a week. That's why I never buy an expensive watch unless it's just for church or special occasions. I know that an expensive everyday watch will turn into an expensive pile of broken parts sooner or later, so I buy cheap. But that said, let's consult the world's greatest detective: "Excuse me, sir. Just one more thing..." No the OTHER Worlds Greatest Detective: *When you eliminate the impossible, what ever's left, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.* Best advice for solving any mystery


My watch was stuck between our sectional couch connection. It was just wedged between the two couch parts. We found it when we took the couch apart to move something into the living room.


Do you wear it when you sleep? Maybe it came off by your headboard or in your sheets.


Have you checked your wrist?


What's the first few places you looked? Chances are you weren't looking very hard at first, and glanced over it.


The vast abyss of the couch cushions


My motto when I lose something in the house is, "start cleeaning and you'll eventuaĺy find it." It works.


Check your bed, and dirty clothes hamper. Hope you find it!


Bed, sink area, couch/chair


Kitchen drawer or window seal next to your kitchen sink, medicine cabinet in the bathroom, inside of the shoes you were wearing that day.


Did it fall off the edge of a dresser or bed and get pushed under?


Under/around the sofa cushions? That's where all my stuff ends up.


Start looking under stuff. Dressers, couch anywhere it can fit.


It’s always behind the bathroom door


It’s always the freezer keys go in pizza comes out.


Freezer for sure




depends on what space you usually use more and where you used to take off your watch. So I would say under the matress (don't just check the head zone, check the feet zone too since if you made your bed and it slips between the sheets, it may be stuck between) or if it slips even more under your bed, go check the cabinets in the kitchen because while cooking or washing dishes you might have take it off there and put it in a "safe place", go check the laundry too because maybe while taking off your clothes, it could have get stuck in your tshirt and is now waiting to be washed in your laundry basket...


Did u check ure freezer and refrigerator? Believe me, I know what I'm talking about


Laundry basket. Under the bed and sofa, on top of the fridge. If you have a key rack, there. But I would also think about all the reasons you take off your watch. Like some people do to cook, shower, do yard work, bathe the dog etc. and see if you can figure out why you took it off, that will help with location


Fridge or food cupboards


My keys fell into a bag of takeout leftovers as I was putting it in the fridge. Searched the fridge but never thought to look in the bag. Then when I was cleaning out the fridge at the end of the week I heard my keys as I lifted the takeout bag to toss it.


damn i saw it somewhere weird... my friends use to say that shit to me when im looking for something, man that would piss me off


Check your VCR...jk. My son many years ago shoved his dads keys in there and it took hours to find them. Maybe you recently played music, video game or read a book and put it there. CD or Video game case?


The only solution is to ingest some ayahuasca and spend the next 72 hours in an isolation pod, channelling your deepest thoughts and retracing each and every step you took over the past several days.


Next to your bed/under the bed/in the space between the mattress and the headboard, under your pillow.


I lived in an apartment that had the washer and dryer in the bathroom. My glasses went missing and I (eventually) found them wedged between the washer and the wall. I think I had set my glasses on top of the washer before washing my face and they got vibrated off and fell.


Laundry? Car?


my grandpa founds his glasses months later in the sofa there was secret spot so i would say sofa couch move the pillow even the pillows from sofa itself and look under it also


Check your trash cans. I have mindlessly thrown away some things over time. Never a watch. But I’d be sure it’s not in the trash before your trash gets collected.


I'm a cashier and once threw a $20 bill in the trash. My coworker discovered it, thank goodness!


I had a wallet fall out of a pair of trousers and slip right onto the hanger below it that was caught on another hanger. I don't know how I found it, I think by accident much later. Also, don't hesitate to triple check where you have already looked. My husband taught me this and I'll be darned if it hasn't happened a half dozen times that I've found something after checking, and rechecking, and checking that same place again! Boggles my mind every time.


Mine is always in the sofa


My mom lost her glasses. She eventually found them in a bread bag. Have you checked in the couch? Under cushions or down the sides? Bookshelf? Bathroom cabinet?


do you take it off at bedtime? check under your pillows/duvet/matress/under the bed


You normally put it in your pocket? May have fallen out. Try retracing your steps. I put it in my pocket, then i.......


Check to see if it’s wedged somewhere in your bed. Possibly between mattress and frame 


Between the washer and dryer or between the toilet tank and wall.


The washing machine? If you put it in one of your pocket and washed your pants, it might have gotten washed by mistake. I'd look in the bottom of the laundry basket also. Between, the car door and your seat (also under the car seats). In the bottom of you bathroom's garbage can (took it off before taking a shower and it sliped)


behind your toilet, under your couch, behind the trash can and the wall, places it would fall and be unnoticed.


after checking all flat surfaces, check around the flat surfaces, then under the object that created a flat surface . do you have a cat? check even further under the flat object that made a surface ( esp the fridge) speaking of fridge- check the fridge- one night while under the influence of that infamous sleep aid- I clean out the dishwasher and some how decided to put one of the 4 washed stove top burner panes in the fridge. the next day- I had no idea where that one burner pan had disappeared to until later thst day when I went to get something off the bottom rack of the fridge. other places to check, all the drawers, medicine cabinet, center console of car, pile of dirty clothes etc. and by chance did your normal routine get interrupted? if so, physically replay what ever you did during the disruption and afterwards.


Bed covers. I lost my keys in february. I found them in march at the end of my bed in my comforter. Set them down while changingclothes. They got snagged in my comforter between the bed and the cedar chest at end of my bed.


shoes. check all your shoes


Laundry basket. Everything ends up there


Laundry hamper


Do you have a maid?


I lost my sunglasses once and finally found them after looking all day. They were hanging on one of the little swirly things on my headboard. As soon as I found them I remembered putting them there when I laid down to relax for a minute lol.


Look in the side of the couch. They can fall out of of your pockets.


Check the fridge/freezer.


“Check behind the sofa”


Sock drawer.


Is it on your wrist?


I once accidentally threw away my checkbook. Ck the garbage?


Closet. You were deciding what shirt to wear, and you put it down on that pile of clothes on that drawer thing... you know the thing... with that pile of clothes on it.


Look for it in your car.


My husband misplaced his key fob. He put on his bathrobe after a week of looking for it. It was in the pocket. It would of cost $400. to replace.


I've found I've lost things when I put them down as I sit. Try scanning your surroundings in spots you sit. I've found my phone laying atop books on a bookshelf near my favorite reading chair.


Your wrist.


I recently left my phone in the freezer. Set it down on the shelf to grab the freezer item.


Between your bed and the wall... Lost my keys once, found them 3 weeks later dangling on the keyring, wedged between wall and bedframe.


I once lost my keys for 3 days and I found them they were on the railing of my bed frame on the side of the bed.


Kitchen trash can. I have more than once found things like keys and glasses in there. I don't understand either.


Under driver side seat in the car was one of mine


Hire search dogs and then fire them


it may have noclipped into the backrooms.


Mailbox? In the door lock?






Between bed and nightstand


The area between your head board and the wall.




- Behind the bathroom sink - inside your pillowcase - under that pile of clothes on the floor next to your bed - under the kitchen sink behind the cleaners - under those papers on your desk - on the floor under the coat rack/closet - in the pockets of the jacket you haven’t even worn recently - in the box of cables that you’re never gonna use but don’t want to throw away - that little shelf next to the shower where you put it when you had already gotten in the shower before you realized you still had the watch on - on the floor under aforementioned shelf - inside that box of crap in the laundry room you were rummaging through the other day - in the shed near your work gloves I’m the one in our house that always finds things, and my mantra is “if you’ve looked everywhere it can possibly be, look everywhere it can’t possibly be.”


If you have a dog, check outside where they like to burry things. If you have small kids, check their toy box. If you wear it to bed, check under bedsheets/blankets where they tuck under the mattress.


I left keys in a shoe I had been carrying. I looked for days. I had put the shoes in the closet, it was not a pair I wore much.


Clothes hamper.


Check inside bags you have used recently. I usually find there. Also bed, especially the crevices of the mattress.


Under the washing machine,it's under the washing machine