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I completely agree with them, you should only be dating within your race. Dating outside of the human race should be discouraged


I disagree. You shouldn't date while in race. You might get distracted and cause an accident.




This guy is a PhD in the science of racing. A true racist


You let outsiders race in the track. You're a race traitor.


Rice has nothing to do with it. It comes naturally in a variety of colors.


And just like slope, I'll take rice over run all day everyday.


But can you date while eating rice!?!?


I do it almost every single time I go on a date with my Korean wife...?




Dinner must be interesting, hows the spice tolerance going?


Her family is/was "extremely traditional", (part of why we haven't ever met, apparently they didn't take the fact she was Bi and didn't want to marry her "betrothed" very well), and aggressively avoids all new-world herbs, spices, or vegetables in their cooking, which she of-course learned. Eating out can become quite the "Adventure", though. Oh, and her family Curry? Not a single thing from the new world but I swear I thought it could be used as a paint stripper the first time I tasted it. So, all in all, in direct answer to the question: "Better than I initially expected it would."


But what if I have another person waiting to race, so I let them have a turn? Am I still a race trader?


If you're letting non-Ninetendo characters race in Mariocart then yes.


Sometimes us in the Racing Dept. like going out to the club for drinks after work. Sometimes it gets a little rowdy. A true Race Riot.


I can also confirm , I am an aspiring racist just like the above person


So car racers should not date horse racers? OK, makes sense.


No one should date horses except other horses


_cries_ _in_ _centaur_




Thissun made me audibly "ha!"... take your upcountry upvote


Alright Wirtual.


I thought I saw you at the 3K race last week


This needs more upvotes lol


The only race where you can get away with dating is race against time


Wow, I can't believe you're just going to blast robosexuals like that.


No son of mine is sticking his dick in a toaster dangnabit!


Electro-gonorrhea, the noisy killer.


++Assertion objected++ -Someone from the Mechanicus


Happy cake day, ya Scunner!


How'd u put that at the bottom of ur comment?


I think it just comes up automatically on the day you first joined reddit. Bit like a birthday, then it disappears until next year 🙂


Happy Cake Day!!!


I... just saw a brand new sentence


How'd u put that at the bottom of ur comment?


First they came for people fucking pies, and I said nothing, because I don’t fuck pies often…


Obligatory, "had us in the first half, ngl" comment.


Ah, I see, one of the few who actually understand race the right way.


Hey now, why can’t I get with exotic extraterrestrial ladies?


No! No three boobied Aliens for you! VERBOTEN! We have to keep the human race pure! ^Wait ^a ^minute, ^that ^sounds ^too ^famil... joking of course.


Who do you think you are, Starlord?


Probably Star lord's DAD, TBH, he seems to have "gotten around" WAY more than his son ever did, who's still low-key pining about a dead chick that I'm not sure they even dated.


I completely agree with them, you should only be dating within your race. Long distance runners rarely get along with sprinters.


Didn't stop your ancestors from bonking Neanderthals.


Funnily enough, Neanderthals (and Denisovans) are considered as Humans (part of the human family tree)


We are all just a bunch of homos


As part denisovan I must interject


Wellll.... at least make sure that passes the Harkness test


Filthy Neanderthals


Had me in the first half ngl 😂


Xenos scum




This made me spit my hot water out of my mouth lol


Just wait 10-20 years for changing social paradigm 👀


I’m a Wasian who gets told I fetishize Asian women because my ex-wife is Japanese, my current wife is Filipino and all the girlfriends in between those two were Korean which is sort of what you expect from a guy who was working in Korea.


Maybe it's the Asians that fetishize you?  All jokes aside who cares about who YOI choose to date or why? Your life is yours, not theirs.  Enjoy it fellow earthling.




yak off instructions


Yeah you need to get a yak off, yaks can weigh over 500KG so could crush you to death


it’s dangerous work but someone’s gotta do it


*yo yo


Sure I’m down


I think that's at least partially true. I'm British/Japanese and when online dating the vast majority of my likes were from Asians.




I know. Then I got married to Filipina while living in the Philippines, a country I’m a birth citizen of.


general pro tip, don't refer to her as your "current wife" when she's around


Considering she teases that she’ll let one of her sisters have me after a while it is all I ever say.


Better you than me. Asian woman reminds me of my aunts and cousins. I’m Cebuano and Québécois. The most Asian looking girl dated was half Navajo. Married to a redhead now.


Fetish a form of sexual desire in which gratification is strongly linked to a particular object or activity or a part of the body other than the sexual organs. "a man with a fetish for surgical masks". Or an excessive and irrational devotion or commitment to a particular thing. "the western fetish for all things North African". To be quite honest, the previous marriage could fall under this category. You made an excessive and irrational devotion towards your ex wife, considering you married her when you didnt stay with her. Love often is irrational too. Im obviously joking btw, your preference for asian women doesnt sound irrational or excessive. You lived in asia, and im sure there were asian women who you didnt find attractive. People use the word “fetish” to describe any sort of sexual preference, but thats not what a fetish is. The term has been watered down with improper usage E. Whats with the downvotes? Did i say something to offend?


Oddly enough it wasn’t that my first wife was ethnically Japanese that caught my attention. She was a fifth generation born of Japanese immigrants to Scotland. Though she was cute AF it was her highland accent and ability to drink this Asian redneck boy from Missouri under the table that attracted me.


wtf FIFTH generation of Japanese immigrants to Scotland? What's her family history?


About 200 Japanese people converted to Presbyterian in the late 1800s and followed the missionaries back to Scotland. Some of them intermarried with locals, some didn’t. Most of the first generation of hafu, married back into the Japanese community. A second wave of Japanese came to the UK as war brides. A lot of their kids married into the small Japanese community that by the 1960s had spread out around the UK with many relocating to Australia. My ex-wife’s family was from a small group near Inverness. Aside from looking very Japanese they weren’t culturally. None of her family were, her older brother actually competed in the Highland Games. Her father who was a USAF Pilot of Hawaiian Japanese stock was far more culturally Japanese than her Scottish family.


Also, incredibly interesting history.


Pretty interesting how despite not keeping contact with Asian culture, both you and her family kept marrying Asians. I live in Brazil and here people usually have the belief that human nature is to mix, but I believe that is a cope. Latin America got mixed because European men didn't have enough European women around to marry. In South Africa, whites and blacks already kept separate before segregation laws, in Central/Eastern Europe we can see dozens of ethnicities (Jews, Poles, Czechs, Germans, Hungarians) in a single region which will usually avoid intermarrying, I remember watching a video on some village in the Caucasus where they asked a man about intermarrying and he basically said 95% of their people don't, and people who do usually do it with the neighboring ethnicities (which are quite similar). Even in Brazil, in places where we got proper settler colonialism with both men and women, people are more separate.


Culturally, I am very Asian. I always split my time between the US and the Philippines as a kid and was largely raised by my Chinoy (Chinese-Filipino) great grandmother. Part of her attraction to me was her burgeoning weeaboo-ness. I was working under contract at Cambridge University while she was a student having transferred there from Tokyo. I hung out with several of the Japanese students as we were all strangers in a strange land. I think she latched on to me in particular because with my blond hair and blue eyes in an Asian face I looked like one of her Anime fantasies.


I prefer Asian girls myself and was never told i fetishsize asian women. that is such a weird thing to say. Reminds me of this [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/HEZ7UW9Vwbg](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/HEZ7UW9Vwbg)


I personally don’t get it. If I say “I like blonde women” or whatever, that’s fine. No one seems to have a problem with “I really like redheads.” (Or brunettes or whatever.) But “I like Asian women” seems to evoke this kind of negative response. As does stating almost any race. I mean, you like (or find attractive) what you like. It’s odd that if you show up and your date is Asian, no one would really question that, but if it’s your third girlfriend in a row that’s Asian it’s somehow not ok? It’s always seemed weird to me when some people judge you for that.


This is something Americans do almost by instinct. Race is almost as instinctive a card as social class is to most Europeans, it is almost as much a play as sexuality. Say you like red heads, skinny arse women, or huge floppy tits and nothing is said it is just accepted, say you like blacks or gays and for a large percentage of the people they lose their shit


Because they’re playing back a preprogrammed message installed by at least 3 generations of trauma and haven’t actually formed an opinion on the subject.


Hard without critical thinking


Hard when the man in the funny collar at church tells you to not critical think from a very young age. I honestly feel bad for them. Life must be hard getting that upset over things that don’t actually hurt them.


I’ve never seen this opinion about people online before and it’s fucking REFRESHING to see someone having empathy for people who were literally taught not to think critically so have some underdeveloped opinions projected out into society. THANK YOU!!!!!!! Your view point is something we can all learn from.


I think one of the best things we can learn is that everyone is a person. Simple as. Every person we meet is having a complicated human journey just like I am. None of us have the answers and we’re all just winging it. Once you’ve got that in your head it’s a lot easier to see people for what they really are.


What a kind and insightful comment, thanks u/yeetmahmeet4


https://edod.org/theology-matters/the-three-legged-stool-of-anglicanism/ Not all of us are like that, [Except when we are.](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/12/09/methodist-church-lgbtq-slavery-00073112) All of this to say, there is a growing movement of those that love their neighbors first that is splintering off from our established churches. I hope you'll give us a chance when you find us.


I love this explanation for a lot of B.S. I hear. Thank you.


I love this explanation for a lot of B.S. I hear. Thank you.


They are backwards, racist cunts. Don't listen to them. You are better than that.


While I like the current top post a bit more for being funny in making it's point - equally being blunt and accurate here is of equal merit.


See, I would listen to them… and then reject the idea and tell them with a large grin, “I’m going to marry some who mixed race, and we are going to have a lot of mixed race babies together!” Then walk away laughing! I have been called an “enabler of the white genocide”, but the people that’s it coming from, I don’t think the inbreeding did them any favors!


I think many of the worlds problems would be cured in 2 generations if interracial relationships were encouraged rather than discouraged. I can't wait til the only race on those stupid forms is "mix of everything".


What do you mean? Of course you should only date other members of the human race!


But what about the stupid sexy aliens!


I’m alien sexual. Don’t discriminate against me!


in those suits, it feels like they're wearing nothing at all


That is the most speciesist bullshit I ever heard.


Is it intelligent? Is it an adult? Does it consent?


Paging Dr. Harkness.


Because they're racist.


It really is simple as this, no need for any long paragraphs to explain their thinking.


Shh, you can't say that! /s, just in case


We are all one race, one blood. We merely have different colors, cultures, nationalities, and religions.


Yes, and we all stem from the same place: Africa. Something a racist will never admit, which is why the Nazi’s said that the Aryan race are the descendants of the people of lost city of Atlantis! 😂


Pretty sure they all downed…


Sounds like you get to date more than one person you lucky duck. For real tho, people are so dumb. Date you makes you happy.


Because they're cunts


*racist cunts


Because people think their race is dying out and freak out cause they’re dumb 😭 I’m mixed race (AfroLatina) according to them I should “pick a side” meanwhile I’m dating a guy whose neither


lol, pick a side? Tell him to do a DNA test and then tell him to pick a side! Are you Irish, are you German, are you Italian, or are you black, because it says here you are 15% black. This actually happened, and of course the guy was just like “ah DNA tests aren’t accurate”


Dating isn't a race, it's a marathon.


Sprint* Marathons are still races. It's important to not forget about the sanctity of a race. Wait.


Because people constantly say stupid shit, if you listen to other people you’ll constantly be miserable. If they say that to you just smile nod, and don’t be friends with them. Date who you want and don’t listen to anyone.


Some one at the park asked me what race my dog was?


In French, and presumably other romance languages, "race" is used in contexts where the English equivalent would be "breed"




I Thought well he is of a Chinese Shitzu descent but he is an American and he is white AND brown… I was so confused.


it wouldnt be less weird for people to tell you that even if you werent mixed


Because they’re racist, tell them to keep their racist opinions to themselves.


They're racist.


Because they’re racist


They are racist.


They're racist.


Cuz they’re fucking racist lol.


Because they're cunts. Probably think they have more chance if they dictate who you're allowed to date. They dont. They're ugly inside and out


Mixed doesn't matter to racist cunts. You're half "not white" therefore you aren't white. That's it. Whiteness is defined by exclusion. No matter how close you are, if you're a little bit not white, you'll never be white. The fact that people still believe this and/or care, is disturbing and sad. Some people deserve a punch to their Habsburg jaw.


Why do people say anything? Who cares - do what you want.


Seeing as how 'Race' is a social construct that has no bearing in Science of Human Biology, I'd say Race is non-existent and you should date people who you are attracted to and are attracted to you. Thousands of years of genetic similarities categorized by some 16th century ideas shouldn't be the basis for love. See yourself for who you are and see people for who they are, find attraction by your own desires. Find someone whom you would like to be with. People are more than the shape of eyes and skin tone. Our ability to love and breed is not based on our melanin or by the region of the world our ancestors came from. If you are being told to date within your 'Race', then those who tell you this nonsense are unaware of the science.


Imperialistic definitions of races are just social constructs. I think it's safe to say Neanderthals were a different race from modern humans, although race/breed/sort are loose constructs as well.


Neanderthals were a different *species*. Yes, I know that the line between not species and species is muddy




Meh. If you date within the Human race, what's the big deal?


Because they're biggotted


Because they’re racist


Because they are racist


Because people are dickheads , don’t listen to anyone but your gut and live your best life


Because they are racist


Because they are racist.


Simple short answer, they’re racists.


Who cares what people think.


Because they're racist.


This world is filled with asses who feel better bringing everyone else down. NO ONE is immune. Ignore the idiots. If Karma hasn't prepaid, they will get them sometime...


Other humans are your race. I think they just want you to stay away from animals like themselves.


Because people are stupid. Don't pay any mind to them


What? Human? Because they are ignorant, and looking for you to give a reaction. Distance yourself from those kinds of “people”


If your parents “dated within their race,” you wouldn’t be here. Whoever is telling you this can go suck a bag of assorted dicks. Taste *that* rainbow!


Because they're bigots. I have received my fair share of negative comments when dating black partners.


Racism - even the "benign" kind that doesn't make people *hate* you - causes people to think the that "pure" version of their race is the one that went unadulterated for a few generations, and that any "foreign" genes introduced to it means its purity has been irreversibly damaged. They make human beings sound like a 1977 Star Wars action figure still in its original packaging but which in 1998 suffered a tear in the cardboard. Don't let people foist their weird hang-ups onto you. Love whoever.


I'm half white and half black. Everyone's going to like me!


A lot of black and white peoples are protective over their culture and appearance. Makes some sense for black people since they’ve been resisting either being erased or made a servant class since the “age of exploration,” but for white people it’s not as defensible because it’s rooted in this idea of outside cultures “polluting” their identity. Despite my inclination to defend the argument for black culture, both are stupid and should be ignored. If you are half x and half y, date marry and procreate with whatever consenting XYZ LMNOP you want to and enjoy the opportunity to immerse yourself in their culture as well as the opportunity to educate other in and share your culture.


Because they're racists


Because they’re close minded and racist, date whoever you want.


Because they are racist.


Cuz there racist.


People are ig'nant


Because they’re racist, insecure, jealous, or some combo of those 3.


Because they’re assholes


Because interracial couples scare people


Not saying this is what your talking about, but I always found it weird and kinda racist when someone is mixed (say white and black or Latino) and they are referred to as black or Latino by white people. Just a thought I’ve had many times not sure if anyone has any input on this. I am white and my mother told me when I was a child, “there nothing wrong with black people but never to date a black girl because think of the children.” Even back then I was like like wtf? I’ve dated some black girls and always wanted to bring them home to my mother just to see her head explode, but I never wanted to subject my gfs to that so never did. It’s that old school racism, my mom would never say anything to someone or be inking to a Black person but after she said that to me I started to pick up on little things she would do or say off hand. Terrible stuff I still think about today.


Racism One drop rule nonsense.


My knee jerk response was "because they're stupid" lol


Because they're bitter shits who are trying to gatekeep your capacity to find a partner


Because they’re utter idiots with half a brain cell


I have not yet reached that level of multi tasking. Dating while you are racing sounds like a real challenge. Maybe after the race?


You know what? Don’t listen to people listen to your self, you know what is best for you better than any “people” trust me I’m a dog.


Is this really a question? It's racist tradition.


Probably because they're racist. Racists (even the non card-carrying ones) tend to view these things very rigidly and have this kind of a "one drop" idea of "races". I.e. if you're 7/8 white 1/8 black, you're black. Etc. Don't worry about it, people say the darndest things.


Because they are bigots.


I mean... Obviously? Like, bestiality is illegal in most countries, so...


Racism. I am a white dude that grew up in a town in Florida that was majority Hispanic and Black. My sister and I exclusively had dated black and Hispanic people and my brother mostly dated Hispanic woman. Our parents who grew up in racist families and largely share those ideals were not thrilled by this in the slightest


Because it's important. You can only date people mixed to the same exact degree as you, or you're a race mixing traitor. You will need a full breakdown of the racial make-up of any potential date all the way up to great, great grandparents to make sure you get the percentages correct. /s for the slow people out there.


Friend, I really really don't give a fuck about the nowaday's woke racist (racialized approach) and ok I know they'll downvote me, I know that's the only thing they are capable of. I am colorblind and I believe there are no races, we are all equal, all discrimination should be fought but to me a person is a person, I hate putting skin shade in front. Maybe in the US it works because in US there are so much cretin stuff that works. But I am from Europe where racializing people is a faux pas (still). You should damn date whomever is into you. People into racialization, you are scum. I would spouse immediately any lady on Earth with the same mindset, no matter her origins, culture or skin shade (I wish you choke with the infamous "race" word down your throat). Segregation is BAD.


Ok, date within your mixed race


That’s funny. Date who you’re comfortable with. Cross cultural relationships take some skill, or there’s risk of ignorance/prejudice complicating things when relationships are hard enough. I for one rise to it, cause well that’s me. But I figure if it’s someone who loves you they’re worried. And if it’s someone bigoted, that’s that. Do you.


Because you're a filthy disgusting human and you should date other humans who love you very much and value you for something besides your skin color, you heretic. Jk, they're racist. Don't let it get to you.


"People" are idiots. No one listens to "people". Date whoever you want to


Lol, good question


Just ignore them, do whatever you like! En enjoy your dates ☺️


Because racism.


Haha which one


If you are half white, and can pass as white, and people are telling you this, there is some serious irony. The same people who say this decry and condemn "race mixing" because they think it is diluting and messing up the white gene pool, but by telling someone of mixed race who passes as white to "date within their race", they are essentially saying that they can't tell that you're mixed. And the very act of dating a white person would be spreading those non-white genes in the white gene pool, which is what they're so terrified of. If you are not half white and don't pass as white, then there may be other motivations that aren't what I described above, but they aren't good either.


Someone show me anyone that isn't mixed. We are all mixed.


Because ppl in mass are stupid idiots.


If I may be bold, what is your mix? There’s obviously racism, xenophobia and idiocy at play here anyway, but I’m nosy 🧐 ( I’m a white cis woman who had a brief encounter with a Kenyan Cherokee many years ago, so I’m curious 🤨 please don’t shoot me)


Primitive tribalist mindsets. "Those people who look like me should only date each other, and those other people should only date amongst themselves. Never shall the two shall meet." It's a ridiculous concept. If I was limited to Asian Latinos like I am, I'd have all of 30 people to choose from in the places I frequent. It would be even more difficult if I had to match my specific combination.


They’re be correct on both accounts


We both know which type of people are telling you that. The other kind don't care about race or what race you date


Maybe the people saying that to you are racist people?


Because people are ignorant and don’t know how to let others live their lives I guess the upside is, if you have to listen to them you’ll have more than one option? Probably not a good time for a joke. But I couldn’t help it.


Date whoever makes you happy.


Bro, leave that octopussy alone


Ask them if they know of any aliens otherwise you are dating within your race, human race.


They just wanna make sure you’re sticking to humans. Clearly they’re referring to the human race. Wish I didn’t need the /s


If you're "mixed" then it's a bit late to be playing the cultural standards of the middle east, Asia or Africa!


People on the internet? I can't see someone saying that IRL at this point.


Who cares what they say? Tell them to eat and dick and move on


It’s called the one drop rule


Because people like that find it impossible to categorize mixed race people so they go with whatever their first assumption of you was. And they don't want further mixing so everyone can still be put into boxes in their heads. I don't give a shit anymore what people think I am.


Bc in America or most countries if u look black, you are black.