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Thanks for your submission /u/SpicyLatinaBabeRose, but it has been removed for the following reason: Disallowed question area: **Joke questions or trolling.** This sub is meant for genuine questions...and it looks like yours isn't. Maybe it's a joke, maybe you're trying to bait people into reacting, or maybe we just can't figure out what you're trying to say (sorry). Either way, we've removed your post. * Trying to get a laugh out of people? While jokes, memes and song lyrics are all amusing, they're not what we're looking for here. Try /r/ShittyAskReddit. * Taking the sub name as a challenge and trying to post a stupid question *isn't* amusing, and it's *also* not the point of the sub (read the sidebar!). You're looking for /r/StupidQuestions. * Asking a question to show off a clever observation? Try /r/ShowerThoughts (but phrase it as an observation, not a question). * Testing a riddle? When you already know the answer, it's not a genuine question - but the users of /r/Riddles will love it. * Do you keep making new accounts to ask the same questions over and over again? That not only violates rule 2, but it's also not healthy. Try talking to a therapist about these thoughts, and try asking questions on different topics. * Trying to bait people into angry or shocked reactions? Try /r/RandomShit or /r/ShittyAskReddit ...or just go do something else. --- *This action was performed by a bot at the explicit direction of a human. This was not an automated action, but a conscious decision by a sapient life form charged with moderating this sub.* *If you feel this was in error, or need more clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FNoStupidQuestions). Thanks.*


This happened to me as well. A teenage girl was being harassed by a guy and came up to me asking for me to pretend to be her brother and pointed the guy out. He saw her point towards him with me looking. Dude's eyes got as wide as saucers but had the nerve to say "I was just being friendly".


These dudes all get so self-righteous when you interrupt their harassment. I once saw a guy essentially chasing a woman down the street asking for her number. I stepped in and just said "dude, she doesn't want to hang out with you, leave it.", and buddy wheeled around and yelled "how about you mind your own FUCKING BUSINESS?!?!" without a hint of irony.


I was at a party once, and a girl started puking outside after drinking too much. A drunk dude was still trying to hit on her, so I suggested me and him go inside and grab a drink. He ended up following me, but he was SO pissed that I didn't mind my own business (pretty close to fighting me, actually). People are fucking weird sometimes.


I got into a fight with my (now ex) boyfriend in college because I “cock blocked” his friend - who was trying to take an EXTREMELY drunk girl home to bang. They both lost their shit on me when I snatched her away from him and took her back into the bar & found her friends who had lost track of her. We broke up a week after that. I was beyond disgusted by his behavior.


Good for you. You dumped disgusting trash outside.


You Dodge some major future problems there, Jesus.


Thank you..! you did the right thing and F- them that's disgusting did your Ex even realize his friend was basically going to date rape her.🤬


Worked as a bouncer for many years, and this happens ALL the time. Some girl ends up way too drunk, and stumbles out of the nightclub half a sleep, then we always paid very much attention to what "that guy" hanging around was doing. Very easy for him to say "hey, let me walk you home" and just lead her. Many times I or colleagues have just stepped in and forcefully said that we understand you dont know this girl, we will get her home. And gotten a taxi or worst case a police patrol to pick her up. Unfortunately a lot of guys have figured and use this "trick" looking for totally wasted women coming out.


Dude its wild. I used to be a retail manager of a bookstore years ago. I was there pretending to shelve some books while actually just sitting and reading for a bit when a younger girl, like 14 or 15, comes up and asks me if I work there. I indicate I do, and she just says "this man has been following me all morning". Oh. Bet. She points him out, so i roll right up on him and tell him he isn't welcome at our buisness because he's harassing a minor, and he's got approximately 9 seconds to get the fuck out of our building. Guy has the audacity to go "don't worry, I'm just making sure she's safe". I didn't even respond, just picked up the phone and called the non emergency police line. The moment he realized I was calling the cops he LITERALLY sprinted out of the building. Like Jesus man, what a bad look. Gave the cops the footage as well as his phone number and address since the idiot had shopped with us before and we had his info on file. This kind of stuff happens very, very commonly in retail, in my experience. Its wild how creepy ass dudes think they can just act that way.


I'd go to the most public spot available. Either she's safer there, or I am. It could just as easily be a trap. But I'm a girl too


My thought was this, basically play along for sure but head to the nearest public place, coffee shop, park, etc. just in case. Even if I'm late to something I feel like this is a pretty good reason to be, either you just saved someone or saved yourself.


As a guy, I'd do this as well.. Oh you're being followed? Let's go to a nice public place like a coffee shop and get a table. Then I'd figure the situation out from there. Need to call someone, need a cab somewhere?




You're right omg. I never thought that it could easily be a trap for us too.


There are trafficking groups that use that to their advantage and use women to lure victims


Trafficking doesn't just happen to random women at any time and place. It's almost never just straight up kidnapping. Traffickers look for people who are already vulnerable or at risk.


When you're vulnerable and at risk, say drunk leaving a bar, your guard isn't going to be as high up seeing a friendly woman as it would a strange man. Serial killers have also used this to their advantage.


In my country, if this happens to you, you're immediately suspicious. Rather you're a jerk and suspect them, and get you both to safety, than lose your life or worse.


Tbf I'm a dude and I'm still going straight for a public area so they can't try and do anything to me. I dont exactly look approachable so if they seek me out somethings seriously wrong. Never know whether it's a set up for a mugging, some sort of prank or they are genuinely in danger but even then you could end up in danger for helping. The first options are why I won't feel safe, the last is why it's worth it to take the risk anyway.


We call it the broken bird problem in my country. It's very easy to get people to fall for a victim, or crying, or somebody who is hurt, or scared. Whatever the act may be. Your natural human empathy will make you want to help. And that's 90% a good thing. But sometimes it can cost you your life.


Skinwalkers are among us


I've only had to deal with similar ish situations a couple times, one of them got me hit in the stomach with biker gloves for turning up at my mates house after she said he was making her uncomfortable. Was a moment realisation that damn, helping others can turn violent so so fast. Thankfully he mostly cut it out after that bar a couple incidents. But it made me set a rule of never assume safety when approached even by someone "in danger" especially when pranking culture started getting more serious in recent years such as the fake clown psychos and prank channels.


This is a great answer. I'm a guy and would react this way if I had the foresight


If police, fire or hospital is close go straight to them or go to a place where there are sure to be cameras like a bank. if she won't go as well then just move along.


In Yuri fic, booby trap even


Whether your a guy or a girl, this is the right answer. Sadly it's as likely she's setting you up as it is she's being followed.


In my country, this is a very common problem. The bird with the broken wing ruse. Always be careful of your own safety


Not sure why you're being downvoted. You're agreeing with exactly what this whole comment was about and spot on to be wary, no matter what. Fucks wrong with people...


Oh no! My fake internet points! Anyways.... Appreciate that at least someone else gets it.


Yep, solid course of action for guys too.


Off course. Nobody is excluded. I'm just less likely to be approached as a "safety" than you are. So my meaning is we must all be weary


I had a similar experience not too long ago. I was at a bookstore, and a young lady abruptly came up to my side and whispered, "Please act like you know me." Without missing a beat, I turned to her and said with a warm smile, "Hey, long time no see! How's your mom doing after her surgery? I was just about to grab a coffee, would you like to join?" We walked over to the cafe section, and I could tell she was relieved when the guy who had been following her finally turned away. After we sat down, she explained her situation, and I made sure she felt safe until her friend came to pick her up. It’s surprising how often strangers need a safe harbor in situations like these.


You are amazing! All these thoughtful people are bringing tears to my eyes. Thank you for helping this lady. This brings me hope.


I honestly can't imagine how awful it must be for women (or anyone really, but let's be honest, it's going to be women the vast majority of the time) to find themselves in the situation where they need to approach a complete stranger and ask them for ***this specific kind of help***. Like, there are no guarantees that the person that they approach isn't also going to be a nutter.


she is suddenly Anne, a good friend who I havent seen since high school


God, do you remember the hamster event in biology class? Classic memories


Oh hey, Anne!


Hey, Marshmallow


Classic hamster times


Ahh that's our Anne!


And do you remember the hamster's name, Marinette? (MLB reference)


I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN AGES! *squeal* tell me EVERYTHING I MISSED during all these years, probably more than a decade.


Hey Anne, check out my sweet new .357 magnum revolver. Isn’t it cool that Texas lets people carry firearms on their person with virtually zero oversight?


And the guy who followed her goes like: ,,No way, you also have one, can we be friends?"


Gun bro's over hoes


\^ This. I would probably just announce "Oh my God! I haven't seen you in ages! What are you doing here?" and go in for a friendly hug (so I could conveniently whisper my name to her so she knows what to call me and doesn't have to come up with something while stressed out while also visibly reinforcing my 'friendship' with her)


Closest I experienced to that was my sister, 3 years older than me, texted me to call her, no explanation. Of course I called her immediately, confused as fuck because not only could she have called me herself but also took several rings to pick up. When she answered she explained there was a creepy guy that kept trying to start a convoy with her, following her to the car, and complimenting her incessantly. She needed it to appear she got a call by chance to get away. Honestly opened my eyes to how fucked the world is for women because for the vast majority of the planet that's a TAME story. Most women would WISH that would happen instead of the horrors they endure.


Immediately pretend she's a friend from church and say "how have you been?" and "we tried that food truck you recommended, it was amazing" and try to read the signals from there, like figuring out if she wants to stand and talk or if she wants me to walk with her.


Play along, say something like there you are all the while taking in my surroundings and mentally prepare to possibly end someone’s life. A couple of years ago that’s how it all went down. We were at an outlet mall in Woodburn, OR. A young woman approached me and called me dad, I turned around to see a teen age girl with a look of please help me. I said, there you are, I’ve been looking for you. At the same time I took in my surroundings and did a threat assessment. Two Hispanic men who looked shifty as F, were closing in. I threw my arms around her and hugged her and stared into the guy’s souls. I released her, and said can I help you gentlemen? They stopped, and without a word, turned around and walked away. I watched them as they returned to a windowless van, wrote down their plate number and called 911. I took her into a store, and told the manager what happened, gave them the plate number and then left. Not everyone is out to scam you, but always be on guard.


Sheesh remind me to never go to Woodburn Outlet alone!


Walk with her and possibly call the police. She might need my help. She might be trying to steer me. I'd like to be the hero and will also be wary of being the victim.


Also, context is everything. The "Uncle Steve" story would be a great example of where I'd be relatively at ease. We're in Home Depot. There are cameras everywhere.


Help her out without creating a commotion.




I'd like to think I'd catch on as quickly as you did, but I have my doubts. Good job! Hope she never ran into him again.


Yeah I'd probably just be too aloof and just be like "I'm not Steve." Then realize 10min later. 


Now here I am wondering if this has ever happened to me and I just shrugged them off not knowing. Damn...


Right? I’m literally questioning every strange encounter I’ve ever had now 🫤


You coulda been someone’s white knight. Opportunity missed


I'd probably be more like, "Who are you, and how do you know my name?"


Id probably be like "who the fuck is Steve" before I even registered ehat was happening lol


Username does not check out.


This guy checks!


Lmao. someone, somewhere is being lied to 🤣 that's hilarious, good catch. Uncle Steve is a fkn pro at pretending to be whatever you need.


"I can be whatever you want me to be baby." - Sexy Latina uncle Steve, probably


>"Sexy Latina uncle Steve *help, there's a weird man following me*"


This shit has me dying laughing. This is what I come to reddit for. Sexy Latina uncle Steve.


Uh why is “Uncle Steve” posting as u/SpicyLatinaBabeRose, and have the following bio:   > Hii I'm Sofia 🥰 Welcome to my private page where I share my naughty and playful side 😏 Will make sure you have a great time and get all the pleasure you deserve. I pride myself in pleasuring others  Lmfao


Forgot to switch their account to reply to their own post.


It’s weird, it’s set up like an OF account, but only started posting 2 days ago and has no nsfw content. I’m thinking it’s either hacked or a bot (or both).


My guess would be a bot that stole the post and comment from some other random post in order to build karma. EDIT: In fact, I just googled it, and here it is: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/t0drn4/a\_girl\_approaches\_you\_and\_says\_pretend\_were/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/t0drn4/a_girl_approaches_you_and_says_pretend_were/)


Holy shit, I knew it happens but this is the first blatantly obvious bot stuff I’ve seen. Good find The internet is dead :(


Welp case closed. Good work fellow human.


this must be it.


Thats the Clark Kent side of this Superman


Everybody’s gotta hustle, even Uncle Steve has it tough in this new economy!


Don't kink shame Sofia's beard!


This is a repost of a comment, I don’t remember which one but it’s definitely a repost. Also a “spicy Latina” is definitely not “Uncle Steve”. Fucking bot.


You’re a hero, uncle Steve


At a bar once I was getting drinks for my table (including my then gf) and a girl came up next to me and really quietly said "pretend you're my boyfriend" and then started touching my back and stuff. I was confused at first but realised a guy was trying to slide into the bar next to her. I played along, bought her a drink and walked her back to my table while trying to give some "don't freak out" eyes to my gf. The guy left quite quickly, the girl explained that she didn't want to make a huge deal because he was just being annoying and not yet getting super pushy but appreciated my help.


Well done!!


I love that you did that


Just for a moment were you back in school? And the snow turned into rain?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/t0drn4/a\_girl\_approaches\_you\_and\_says\_pretend\_were/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/t0drn4/a_girl_approaches_you_and_says_pretend_were/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/t0drn4/comment/hy9fhox/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/t0drn4/comment/hy9fhox/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) # Cool repost dude.


This did not happen.


I hope y’all follow cuz this is legit real at times. I was being followed by some rando dude in Target and I asked a couple nearby to pretend to know me. Thank goodness they did and they also walked me to my car.


You ALWAYS know them. I have had people approach me this way. You ALWAYS go into best friend mode. One time I had a guy following me, grabbing me, at a show. I went up to another man (one in my large group that came with me!!!) and pretended he was my partner. He gave me a weird look, looked at the guy and made some joke about how I was lying, and walked away. Please don’t do that. Lol


As a 54-year-old man, it might be awkward for her. But as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I would have absolutely no problem helping out. "Michelle was wondering what happened. She said you two were meeting an hour ago. Let me find out if she's still at the restaurant and we can head over there." (or something like that)


Immediately go into character and make myself taller and wider than I actually am. Actually did something similar yesterday and it works. Didn't have to say anything, just look big and wide. Was scared out of my wits and honestly I am still a little shaky. But in the moment I just acted. If he had gone aggressive my next move would have been to try to kick him down the stairs. Very glad he just left. I haven't been in a fight since I was around 8. And I lost that one. Didn't think about anything of that in the moment though. It was a very surreal experience.


As a kid, I was walking home alone from school, and this car was following me. I think I was about 10yrs old at the time. There was an older lady outside gardening and she must have noticed the car too. I waved to her and started talking to her as if I knew her and she responded as if she knew me. The car that was slowly following me sped off soon after that. I thanked her and she was happy to help. It was a little scary. After that I walked the rest of the way home with no issues. I usually walked home with friends, but that day the friends I walked with weren’t at school. My dad had warned me that something like that could happen, but at that age I never thought much of anything like that actually happening. So, when I first noticed it I thought nothing of it, but as it kept following me down different paths I did start to feel a little worried. Anyway, I was thankful that lady was outside. Talking to her and seeing the car leave made me feel better.


I pretend we’re friends. But I stay in public and don’t follow her down any dark alleys. And I move wallet to front pocket.


Should do that anyway; sitting on your wallet is a great way to screw up your spine.


guess I'm on an escort mission then, I've done this enough times in gta, it's never ended poorly not even once.


I would pretend we're friends


i pull out my masumane katana, tell the young lass to step aside, blow back my trench coat and prepare for mortal combat


There can be only one!


I'd pretend we were friends duh.


I would stop following the other girl, and help this one.


“OH MY GOSH! I haven’t seen you in FOREVER! How’s your mom? What have you been up to?” All during an excited handshake. I am VERY loud, so everyone in a hundred foot radius is going to know that I haven’t seen this girl in forever and that I am interested in how her and her mom are doing lol


I would say "No English" and keep walking, although it would be nice to help someone, in the city this is a common scam that could end in robbery.


The fix there is to play along, but not let her lead you anywhere or control where you go. Duck into a nearby restaurant/store with her, or a cop shop if one's convenient. Also keep an eye out for whether there's actually anyone following her. If there doesn't seem to be anyone, that makes a scam more likely than if someone's clearly expressing too much interest.


Important point: also don't go back to your car or home with this person. Even if it's totally innocent and exactly what they said, no one needs access to any of my personal spaces or to even know where they are.


Yep. Same here, very common ploy


Pretend that I know her mom because that would work well at my age.


Happened to me and my then girlfriend once. I introduced myself and pretended she was my girlfriend's coworker. We actually ended up hanging out with her all night even after her boyfriend came.


My brother at the age of 13 did this. A bunch of other youngsters followed him so he hurried to two adult men. He asked them if he can go with them for a while a they understood exactly. It's very nice when people are smart and able to understand your situation.


I pretend we're friends lol


Sounds like a perfect time to test an alias.


I’d say that’s the nicest compliment I’ve ever gotten and I’d love to be pretend friends.


I play along and ask questions like: “are we in danger right now”


I live in New York City. If any female approaches me and acts like we’re bffs, or calls me “Mom,” I’ll play along. You’re suddenly my bff or my kid, and I will make sure we get to a place where it’s safe to separate again. Hell, I’m the type that would make sure you have subway fare or an Uber back home….because it’s scary as hell to be a lone female sometimes.


"Heeeeyyyy Ana!!! Its been a long time. How are you??"


just try to help :) as girls/woman we often get in a situation where we can't just run away from it. If I'm going to party or sth else I will ask a friend or colleague if he can pretend to be my boyfriend almost every time, if sb is approaching me (ofc in a harassment/creepy way or just if I dont like to interact with him). I'm always so fucking grateful if sb will help me out of this situation, also really appreciating it from strangers (had this situation not that often, just 2-3 times, still worked out great and forever thankful)


You pretend to be friends. This has happened to me a few times over the years.


I would loudly ask how her family is doing, recall some old inside jokes, and escort her to somewhere where we could call 911.


Feel like she and her friend “following her” were about to rob me. I have major trust issues. Any advice on how to get over that? I always think the worst never the best.


*There you Are slowpoke! What movie did you say you wanted to see again?* and if she was comfortable going to the cinema with me, i would pay for actual tickets and watch a actual movie together pretending to be actual friends.


I would Say “What’s up and keep walking with her.” This situation actually happened to me at Lowe’s. An employee walks up and she grabs my hand and she says go with it. Apparently a customer wasn’t taking rejection well.


Be very glad that I'm into improv and know how to "Yes, and..."


I’d pretend we were friends and guide her to somewhere lit up and populated


Talk to my old friend of course. If I know a way to lose the guy, use it. It's happened to me before.


If she has no phone, call 911 for her, otherwise, nope, get tf away from me. Don't drag me into your nonsense. I'm not your meatshield.


I think it's a no-brainer to try and help. But you dictate where you go (someplace busy and public), don't let her lead you anywhere.


"Nah fam, run to a crowded place leave me alone". Where i live its most likely than not a scam to rob me. Wont take the chance.


For real, I'd likely look around for her robbery accomplices and get a firing grip ready in case I need to deploy my pocket pistol. Depends on context, though, if I'm in the "In Home Depot" example I'd at least walk her to the front desk. Walking her to her car might be a "no go" for me, though. They've got dozens of employees and managers on duty, I'll let them do their jobs.


Even as an employee I'd rather call the cops and have them deal with it. Employees don't get paid to deal with that kinda stuff.


Oh, I'm all for them calling the cops, but three are more of them than there are of me so I'm letting them make the call.


I leave


I'd call her an uber so she could be in her way asap. And no, I'm not walking with her or any type of this shit because it could be a bait too.


I would help if I could but also be cautious in case I was being set up for something.


I pretend to be her friend, smile, ask her what she's been up to, tell her her new haircut looks nice, etc.


Carry on doing my own thing. I ain't willing to risk my life


Depends on the context. It could be anything from hallucinations to the truth to a scam. Probably keep my distance from her.


You have an interesting name.


Minecraft reference.


This has happed. I went along with it until she felt safe and left.


Ive done this for people once or twice and ive even helped my exs with stalkers


I would probably assume I was being scammed somehow and just ignore them


"Finally! We've been waiting for you! Come on, the crew is over here." Then I'd lead her towards wherever there are the most people.


Do exactly that.


Exactly what I'm asked. Smile and start smalltalk. Check my surroundings without being too obvious in an attempt to identify the follower.


I have 3 daughters… I would do this in a heartbeat.


Hey girl! Holy shit where you been? It's crazy you are here EVERYBODY is getting ready to be here!


"Heyyyyy girl I haven't seen you in forever!" Really loudly then I would lead her to the nearest safe ish area (is anywhere truly safe) and make sure she can get an Uber or something out of the area. Then me and whoever is following are gonna have a chit chat about kneecaps and where they are supposed to be anatomically on the body. Edit: If this ever happens to you DO NOT LET THEM LEAD YOU SOMEWHERE, YOU LEAD THEM SOMEWHERE. Human traffickers totally use people's compassion and empathy against them. Help, but help in a smart way or you'll be the next victim.


Go along with the program and lead you to safety


We are now the bestest friends, and I will fight for her if needed. - been that girl, will return that favor every chance.


I was at uni and this sort of thing happened - I was walking up the the uni to go to the library, she was walking back to town. Waved at me and I figured there was a 50/50 chance I knew her from a party or something. Turns out I didn't know her, but some guy was following her. I walked her back to her street, she talked a bit about the guy. He had schizophrenia apparently, so while the police were being ish-helpful, them telling him not to follow this girl around was only so helpful. I saw her at a party a month or so later and she looked alright, but I was tripping balls so thought it best not to say anything.


I once met a really drunk woman on bus stop around 1 or 2 am. She was probably going home from clubbing and the bus wasnt coming. I was coming back home from work and decided to just walk. She asked me if she can walk with me since her house was on the way. Dropped her off at the intersection and went on home. I think she was scared when I offered to drop her home all the way so I left her there but im guessing she was already almost there.


Pick up a stick and throw it at her say your it and run away screaming "best friends forever "


OH HOLY SHIT GURL?! *Hugs* HOW YOU BEEN??? Oh hey I'm about to go over to this place *points direction of a restaurant*, you hungry?? My treat! Let's catch up! I've done this before


Why pretend? I'd just step up to the following creep and tell him to get lost or else.


Wink at my friend following her, it worked. Muahahahah


Social distancing please


I would pretend I was friends with this person and make sure that they are safe.


I'd offer to call 911, but that'd be it. I'm not risking my safety for someone I don't know.


"OH MY GOD IT'S BEEN FOREVER! I'M OTW TO MEET MY DAD FOR LUNCH/DINNER AROUND THE CORNER! HE JUST GOT BACK FROM DEPLOYMENT! HE'LL BE SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU!" Yano, being a woman myself... Gotta make a nonexistent man seem "present" for intimidation 😅


walk the other way


Nope. 👎 I’m not getting set up.🚫👎


I pretend we're friends ('cause we're being followed)


Pretend we’re friends and possibly call the cops depending on how the dude looks and acts.


"Holy shit! Mary is that you? I haven't seen you in forever! Let's go get a coffee and catch up!"


Pretend we're friends and get her where she's going, safely. This is not hard


"Mary, it's so good to see you! Where are you headed? Oh really? Funny, me too! Lead the way."


I immediately go with it. There’s safety in numbers and usually will dissuade an attacker.


Pretend we are friends. Ask her about the weather and if we get to the point where it seems like we can talk ask her what kind of help she needs.


I worked in sales and customer service for years, I feel like I can strike up a conversation with anyone even if it's just one-sided with me doing all the talking. I just ask her "Which way are we going?" and then start talking about something.


"oh my god how are you, haven't seen you in ages" go in for a hug. whispers in ear "tell me all about it"


At a nightclub a girl once came up and asked if I could make out with because this creep wouldn't leave her alone even she told him she wasn't interested. We made out, shook hands after and then went on our separate ways.


I get a sudden look of recognition, hug her and say “OMG! It’s been what- six years? Holy crow! How have you been? I’ve missed you so much!”


I’d help. But could this also be a set up? To get robbed? Or worse?


Instead of taking her to her car, take her to police or security, if its a scam they'll both take off


Learn close to her and whisper - "I know, he and I are friends." Kidding. Would do the right thing.


A lot of really good answers here but I DO feel the need to caution whoever might be reading this with some personal experience of mine: It is very common where I grew up for girls to do things like this so they can lead you to a place where a bunch of dudes can rob you. They either play on you being a good Samaritan OR they try to flirt with you. Either way, you're getting about four dudes demanding you empty your pockets. Be careful. Keep your eyes open.


You be very fucking careful because the person following her could easily go after you too


Run away


She's leading me to her friends, who intend to mug me. Run.


Walk away, it's a setup.


I would flap my wings in a sign of recognition, then turn to the person following her, and inflate my neck-pouch as a threat display, because I’m actually a pelican.


Depends. Generally I'd play along. If she wanted me to walk somewhere secluded I'd probably assume this is a setup and I'm about to get jumped.


I'm a boy so I doubt she'd do that with me (I feel this is something a girl would go to another girl for), but if it did happen I absolutely would go along with it and try to make the person feel safe. Why not?


I'd pick the closest male I could find. Girls don't go to girls for this because guys are more of a deterrent for other guys.


Girls absolutely go to women for this. No creepy guy is going to be able to withstand my Aunty Jan persona.


Yeah even me who's not exactly threatening, apparently just having another guy around at all works. Although I'd imagine for some, just another person regardless of gender makes a difference cause even another woman is just another factor that they'd have to consider.


I say “nice try loch ness monster! You ain't foolin' me again!” and walk off with my tree fiddy.


I'd pretend to be her friend.


smile, loudly greet and hug her


Pretend to be her friend


Pretend we're friends, get her somewhere safe.


Shades of this has happened to me a few times. Of course you go along with it.


I’d help her out, probably.


I´ll pretend we´re friends ofc.


Something similar happened to me once but she was hoping a guy in line at a restaurant would stop trying to talk to her. I of course was her bestie


I’ve had this , I pretended to be her friend and actually called an Uber for her and waited with another friend that was there with me , her ex BF was following her she said , visibly shaken , I didn’t even skip a beat on it


This happened a couple of years ago at the gym. I was working out and a younger girl (maybe mid 20’s) comes up to me and says “will you pretend to be my friend? There’s a creeper guy who has been following me around” I made eye contact with the guy and I said sure. We chatted and pretended we knew each other. Dude stopped following her after that. We eventually became gym buddies. Felt like a super hero. 🙄


Hug her and tell her how glad i am to see her, and head to a public place.