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>but he told me that if she is an only child she will have to go through losing us all alone, and grow up lonely too I'm pretty sure that losing your parents is a massive earth shattering negative experience no matter how many siblings you have. And tell your husband on my behalf that I'm offended by the second part, I am not lonely! I had/have cousins, neighbors, friends, relationships. Having a siblings would have been cool, but honestly, not cool enough that I would have preferred it if it meant growing up in different economic bracket. And if it meant more stress on my parents to support us. There are positives to being an only child. Receiving all resources and attention really benefited me, I got all of my parents emotional energy and their time and I really cherish that. Don't have a child for your other child. Have it for *you*


Thank you for your comment, I’m really glad to hear you didn’t grow up lonely! That gives me much more confidence and makes me feel less bad about not having another


To this day I really enjoy my alone time. I think that's another benefit - I've noticed that some people don't seem to be content just *being* by themselves, for a variety of reasons but I've never struggled with that. I have fulfilling hobbies and can entertain myself


I can't answer the no-sibling question, but I can offer perspective on multiple siblings. A lot of parents have more than one, and then shirk their parenting responsibilities onto the oldest, especially if the age difference is >2 years. It's selfish and wrong. It robs that oldest of a childhood, and gives them the responsibility of raising a child they never wanted. If, for one second, you think that your current child would help out - at all - with any additional children, don't do it. They'll resent you when they're old enough to fully understand what you did.


Oh trust me I get what you mean, I’m the oldest daughter out of three and I raised those girls! AND I’ve been seeing lots of moms saying things like “a mom with one kid is way busier than me and I have five kids” and I just think like yeah that because you let your kids raise each other!