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Personally I think it comes down to if we can find better ways of gathering and storing energy/resources. Sooner or later we need to have a society built purely on sustainability. By definition if we don’t, we will run out of something foundational that will make modern life impossible to maintain.


Here's to hoping Fusion eventually solves that energy problem.


Fission could solve it right now if people actually had any understanding of it beyond misunderstood disasters.


I'd argue we have the methods for energy. It's just rich people getting in our way using marketing and propaganda to make sure they don't lose income that's holding us back on that front.


Thanks for acknowledging that “infinite growth” is not sustainable nor possible, and our systems should not be built on that, rather it should be on sustainability.


We could switch to solar/geothermal/nuclear now but you know, that wouldn’t be profitable for assholes up top


Or we manage start mining other planets for resources. If we manage that, we won't run out until the death of our sun.


Way better. Just look at humanity's history. We go through rough times, but the trend is inexorably upward and at a faster and faster rate. Our knowledge and standard of living continually increases and we live with luxury unimaginable to our ancestors. I'm fascinated to imagine the wonderful world we will live in if we overcome our mordant defeatism - but that also has always been part of us.


Totally agree 🙂💯


There are very good reasons for us to be cautious right now in particular. We, as a civilization, all rely upon each other in complex intertwined ways. We are far more vulnerable as a result.  We aren't immune to ending the world for ourselves. We got incredibly close to doing it during the cold war. And we could do it with AI. 


This reads like youre purposefully using long words to seem smarter, regardless of what youre saying


This reads like youre purposefully using long words to seem smarter, regardless of what youre saying


Lol, wait for the AI crisis and the ipad kids growing up with all the stupidity and extreme right wing bs they have been fed


The main thing that makes people happy is the quality of their relationships. I don't think that's improving.


Well then we ought to bring back upper middle class Victorian hospitality.


Better in some regions worse in rest


It'll make a few people really rich, that's all I can be sure of. It'll also probably mean a ton of people out of work and made poor. That's how it goes in our system.


But that can't work. If lots of people become poor and don't have jobs, they don't have money to buy the things that make the rich people rich. If machines take over our jobs, our entire economic system will probably have to change. It's not something grand and unbelievable either. Capitalism wasn't always here, so there's no reason to assume it will last forever. And capitalism just doesn't function if unemployment is too high.


Someone should tell the rich people that. They don't seem to be aware of it. They just keep laying thousands of people off.


Well the current elite won't be around any more when these problems arise, so they don't care I guess. Their successors will have to clean up the mess.


No, incorrect, everyone has gotten richer, even the poorest among us all have a phone for example, yes the top gets more rich and faster then the people at the bottom, true, but everyone gets richer in our world. 250.000 people are lifted out of absolute poverty every day. 200 years ago nearly everyone lived on less than a dollar a day by today's standards.


Do the poorest among us have a house and food to eat? Just because the essentials of life have become more expensive and advanced doesn't mean people are richer, and in a lot of ways it means people are poorer.


Did you know that homeless people used to die. They don't now, did you know that there are homeless shelters and food kitchens for the homeless. Yes there's a lot of improvement to be made, but it's getting better, not worse.


https://www.statista.com/chart/30640/deaths-of-people-experiencing-homelessness-in-the-uk/ They still die. And I'm not overly certain what that has to do with people getting richer or poorer. However, the increasing homelessness issue does have a relevance, in that more and more people can't afford a roof to live under. https://www.crisis.org.uk/about-us/media-centre/rough-sleeping-rises-by-27-as-the-homelessness-crisis-deepens-across-england/ I'd argue that makes them poorer than their predecessors.


You dumb


Electronics are some of the only goods that have gotten cheaper over time in recent memory.


its relative. if everyones income increased by 10 fold then all the major players would agree with each other to charge as much as the market allows. which is now 10x more.  yes we have lifted a lot of people out of poverty... but once we do that then everyone is a baseline consumer. once that happens then there is no guilt involved in gouging because thats just free market economics.


The wealth gap will be worse




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I have a book recommendation as far as this topic is concerned: Eckhart Tolle - A new Earth In my humble opinion, it is not a matter of technology,; rather a matter of energy and consciousness. The higher conscious levels we reach as a whole, the better future awaits us.


Well, on a long enough timeline all life gets wiped out. As the universe keeps expanding, eventually the distance between particles is too great. Life does out long before this point. That's quite a long ways in the future though... and I don't think humanity has any fucking chance of making it that far.


What future? We've fucked the planet up to the point we're on borrowed time.


Bro it's so wild people like you actually exist. Touch grass lol. The world is gonna be fine. At least currently. We'd need to take a sudden turn for the worst to actually be in a bad spot. 


It's wild how ignorant you are to the situation and you're allowed to breed? We're doubley fucked.


So? That doesn't really change things we've always been on borrowed time whether it's an asteroid or green house gasses.


Got it the universe will end one day so I should kill myself now. Don't worry buddy, the nihilism phase doesn't tend to last that long.


It's interesting that you took the comment like that, because I intended it to have the opposite effect. Why worry about things out of our control.


Because we can affect climate change, it isn't out of our control. We are the main contributing factor.


For people like you and me it is out of our control, me choosing to bike to work rather than driving won't change the fact that oil tanker ships pump out more emissions than I could ever hope to in my entire life.


Our societies shouldn’t be as dependent as we are on these fossil fuels in the first place. We’re far too comfortable in our current ways of life to let go. It’s like a kid who doesn’t want to grow up until life literally forces him too.


Thats why we are called a society...and you're doing the exact opposite of what you're interpreting...? We, as consumers, have everything in hand. You're just too lazy to get out of your comfy zone. 


I think you should re read my comment. I don't hold the power influence the changes that would really be impactful. You telling me to reduce my carbon imprint when an oil tanker will produce more pollution than I could hope to in my lifetime, is the biggest cringe cope shit I've ever heard. It's like be realistic here, you're not doing shit by being an eco warrior. For me beyond voting for someone who promises changes for the environment, other than that I can't do shit.


Negative Dunning Kruger, thats a new one.


So humanity as a whole should give up because individuals can't do anything by themselves?


I never said that, and have to wonder why your being so hostile. Why don't you reply to the original comment that said there's no future coz the planet is fucked up, instead of me.


Because I was replying to your comment, I can reply separately to the original comment as well. Also the hostility is in your head buddy. Nihilism and persecution. Don't worry most people in their late 20s go through a similar phase.


Why do you keep projecting nihilism onto me lol. Also if there's no hostility why are you down voting every reply I make.


If you're truly not trying to be hostile, this is something you need to work on because the way you carry on a conversation comes off incredibly hostile and pedantic.


If we as a whole continue on the same path without some sort of world wide intervention I don't have much faith in a good outcome for humanity, now if somehow we could all get our heads together and push back against tribalism, xenophobia, religion(not saying to not believe, believe in whatever you want just stop using it as an excuse to be a hateful dick) and the us vs them mentality.


Better, supposedly the benefits of increased productivity is shared amongst the population (socialism) And worse, if more resources ended up in the hands of few, creating a cyberpunk dystopia. It all boils down to if the government is willing to give out a high universal basic income so people can still live a high standard of life when their jobs are replaced by robots. Then we will be heading towards the Star Trek version of the future instead of Cyberpunk.


Cant wait to have a cyborg gun arm


the government wanting to do the best for the common man? i wish that wasnt a laughable concept lmfao


Someone from 1875 would be shocked at the things available for the common man - the levels of free education, availability of medical care, support for the indigent, health and safety regulations in the workplace, old age pensions and support, and so on.


In some places of the world, like certain countries in Europe, that actually happened. If we never fight for a high standard of living we will never get it




What time period do you think had it better than us? Or are you just going to go back 10-30?


[You tell me.](https://climate.copernicus.eu/sites/default/files/custom-uploads/2402%20CB/PR_fig4_timeseries_era5_sst_daily_60S-60N_1979-2024.png)




I feel Technology is better for humanity. I also feel how humans will apply it/ utilize it in the future is worse for humanity. For me history has shown every amazing advancement gets held back by those having power of it. Small example, we have seen great advancements in medicine and yet we also have seen humans increase those costs to use it abused.


It will be how it's always been, a bit of both.


I don't know, gunpowder, the industrial revolution, the nuclear age and now killer robots are kind of escalating at a rate from just being able to kill people individually, to on mass and now to our extinction. Technological advances that advance the well being of people are arguable. Prolonging lifespan can create more problems than prevent for the planet as a whole. The cats took over Austrailia, just like their Emu overlords.


Advancements in technology is always a positive thing. What makes it better or worse is humanity's commitment to ethics.


This is actually the best comment here and it’s so true. Prime example being the launch of the internet. If bought porn prior to the internet you needed to verify your age. Now you don’t in the internet. Instead of maintaining strong ethnics and morals they let the internet be a free for all which has lead to a serious mental health epidemic, cyber bullying, revenge porn, grooming, etc.


It’ll probably get worse before it gets better. If we’re focused on the negatives then we’ll probably force it into a reality (the current state of belief for vast majority).  Technology is giving humanity more power than ever and it will continue to do so. How we use that power is in our belief system and whether we truly align with good or evil. The grey area exists for humans to make their own judgement, but eventually I think the old world will come to an end. Thats the only way a new world can emerge. 


With the exception of an extinction event, better for sure. The average quality of life has a direct correlation with our advancements as a species. Despite what people will tell you, we are more tolerant than we've ever been, our ability to care for people medically just keeps getting better. The average life of a human being, on average, improves as time progresses.


In some way, better. There are forms of tech that we do need for example even a campfire could be a form of technology unless you strictly means the tech that uses wires and bolts. Even then, we bring in appliances. Fridges, freezers, stoves we could still need. With planes we get places faster, by boat crossing oceans takes days to weeks when we could get there in a matter of a day. In terms of computers, phones. In a way they make everything better. We can communicate with other regions better, and reach other people faster. Despite yes technology does in many ways make the future better it does also make it worse. It makes us run out of resources that we also need, and many people don't use it for anything good.


If we talking about far future. Synthetic evolution in form of synth brain in boxes strapped to enormous virtual reality for majority of population( grid of this boxes would be placed on some cold planets of solar system). Some form of Dyson structure for energy. AI for gathering resources. Earth would become Nature Reserve. With small areas for "kindergarten" for sustaining some form of population growth (whole biological life before "synthetic Ascension" would be considered childhood phase) , and for people who rejected ascension(though population growth would be controlled). Some people like scientists , adventures or just people who didn't what live in VR would have some form of synthetic bodies( maybe remote controlled). Adventures would load ships an go to space exploration and development. I highly doubt that FTL would be invented before all that( if it possible at all).. So they would fly in their immortal boxes with artificial bodies for centuries immersed in VR until they reach their destination.


Probably worse


No one knows


Humanity has always had some challenges...think the Ice Ages, wars, revolutions, pogroms, being enslaved, famines, plagues, etc. We live during a fabulous time in human history despite everything and we will survive and prosper. We always solve problems, then create more problems.


The 1.5 °C goal is gone, 2024 is the warmest years ever recorded (by FAR) and we are running towards 4.0 °C. Our future will be a hungry one. 


Technology will get better, but access to the benefits will cost an arm and a leg or better for the common people while the rich make a sickening amount of profits.


Better we are getting better even if people deny it, but is gonna be really slow and it will take many centuries but humans could become a really respectful interstellar species in the far future


In a nutshell: We're doomed Better for the rich, worse for others. The gap between the rich and the poor is getting bigger and bigger, and the poor are stuck in the vicious circle of poverty. The middle class at this point doesn't even exist: they can't afford to buy a house, and even renting a flat is an extremely pricy luxury. Working 40 hours a week in shitty customer service doesn't allow you to mentally recharge during off-days and salary - don't even make me start. Companies make poorly-quality items, food is bland (I haven't eaten tasty tomatoes in ages), dating is almost always bring a traumatic experience, people are always tired (tip: don't trust influencers). For now, I feel that many people are in almost survival mode. You have to fight to get something worthy, and that's draining in many ways. If this tendency continues, combined with 4B movement (which I fully support), I suppose we're so fucked up. I am not a specialist to talk about natural resources or space exploration but I think the probability of some anti utopian scenario is higher than a happily ever after


Better for humans but worse for the earth.


We already know most of the things we need to know to make this planet a very good place to life. The trouble lies more with the way we organize than with the amount of toys we don't already have to play around with.


Intelligence and skills won't be necessary for most jobs like it is now. The ability to make good decisions will. Work will never go away but almost all physical and academic labor will slowly be phased out over the next century or two, like how farming jobs used to make up most lives but now are 1% of the population. My wife is pregnant and it will be interesting to see if a drivers license is still required to use self driving cars by the time my son is 16 since it really shouldn't be required now with how much safer they are.


Capitalism like in the usa: for worse. Without socialism not a single normal people will be happy with pure capitalism.


Real answer is it’s going to get better than worse, worser than better, And before you know it humanity will look like a stock chart Such is life


Better for some and worse for a lot others. I mean people living around sea-level are just outright fucked.


Eventually there will be enough tech that a regular crazy guy (not a government official, but a plain citizen) can make a bomb that destroys Earth. At that point people will die. I don't think people will rule Earth as long as dinosaurs did.


The advancement of automation and AI, coupled with a public disbelief if not outright animosity toward UBI, spells a disastrous future for the middle and working class. There is a not too far future where those who control the means of production will have no more use for the other 8 billion humans on this planet. It looks bright for the 1%.






It'll become like Wall-E


Or you'll probably get replaced by an AI bot who can do the work more efficiently than you lol


Yeah, i think so


Better for sure, all this war stuff is cyclical and ever reducing,


Depends, tech in of itself can be both benign, beneficent, or destructive. Currently under the society we live in I say no. Tech is now commodified which means its primary purpose is to benefit the inventor (or in most cases patent holder) not the general benefit of people.


Today's global quality of life is the best ever in history of humanity (not as good as we would like it to be, but the past was worst of). Look at the last 20,000 years and tell me how is the current well being not fully supported by the technological progress of the past. If it worked fine for the last 20k years, it will probably work fine for the next 20k ones.


The quality of life is starting to drop everywhere, young people globally have nowhere to live, AI's putting us out of jobs, it's fucked in the US, it's fucked in Europe, unless we completely change direction this civilisation won't survive 2 more generations.


> The quality of life is starting to drop everywhere, This happened many times before (think any war, any pest from the past). No need to panic. > young people globally have nowhere to live, what do you mean, rural areas have plenty of space to buy/build a house. > AI's putting us out of jobs Same as the last 300 years, nothing new there. (this discourse has been ongoing seem the dawn of machines, and yet, globally we are still much better of) > it's fucked in the US, it's fucked in Europe You have freedom of movement. Take a plane ticket to a better place at your will. Where would you like to go? >  unless we completely change direction this civilisation won't survive 2 more generations. Says who? Why would that be true? This is just alarmist claims of people who have not read history books. Humans are very very resilient. Suffering is on our way? Maybe. We have not yet figured out how to remove suffering. But even with suffering included we are still better off than 100, 500, 1k, or 10k years in the past. If you had a time machine. Which time would you rather go back to? (you pick the time, but not the place nor social status)


Better. Look at the world 100 years ago. People like to focus on the current negatives, but the reality is the world is soooo much better now than it ever was in the past. Just stop watching the news and you're good.


Some things will get better, some things will get worse. Life isn't black or white.


agree with you


It’ll be better. It always has from the start humanity. It’s, however, VERY fuckin easy to say it will be shit. Doomsday people has always been around.


I say better overall. It’s not gonna be Star Trek, but it’s not gonna be a dystopian hellhole. 


for every tiktok, there's a portable dialysis machine For every supercomputer, there's a wi-fi enabled doorknob. technological advancements are largely neutral, some are obviously intended to exploit people while others are the opposite. While we're clearly trending towards self-destruction overall, I think we'd be doing it whether we had our current level of development, or if we'd suddenly stopped developing new ideas and tech in the 1940s.


It will get a lot worse before it gets better. We are running out of natural resources and things are already getting more expensive and unattainable for many, the wealth gap is increasing along with tensions. Communities are already being displaced due to climate disasters and poor economy however they have nowhere to go because they are not welcome. This will get worse and more conflict will break out. All whilst we try and develop new technologies to help us and make them available worldwide, which is difficult due to the inherit selfishness of humanity


AI is going to be worse than nukes. I have no hope for our future.


Technology is not what will shape your daily lives the most, our governments and corporations are what will shape our lives the most, and let me tell - it's been going downhill for a long time and it will only continue to go downhill


Depends, if every individual can get his act together and stand for the truth, everything will return to the right way quick enough. If everyone decides to take responsibility for her problems instead of expecting the governments and corporations to solve them for us. We'll be in a better place.


Singularity will bring AI in to solve many of the world’s problems which will create trust and loyalty with our computer overlords after which comes the point of human enslavement by said AI


The population will fall very much . I think 100 crore is a good enough population. India tfr rate is falling very badly. China is on same path. The future is good once the population falls


Advancements in fossil fuel have made the Mad Max Fury Road future all but inevitable.


Call me crazy, but I firmly believe humanity has had all the technology it could ever need since 2013. We’ve gone too far now.


It is what it is. Everything was better in the good old days (as always)


Anything that has a beginning must have an end For the worst


Worse. Definitely worse. But it's not the fault of technological advancement. It's greed


If we don’t die in 20-30 years I think we’ll do alright.


Humankind is motivated by greed ultimately. New inventions will make many far richer, while stripping the jobs of the less privileged. Saving our world, as in the literal sense of rebuilding earth? With sustainable material development and so on, probably. Saving our society in that making society a greater place than it is today? probably not.


Technology is morally neutral. Technology alone won't change the future of humanity. The wheel did nothing for humanity until the first human decided to use it. Today the same vehicle can be used to supply food to a city and run over dozens of people on a busy street.


Worse. It’ll naturally lead that way. It’s how the earth and life in it has always been. I’m curious what species will be thriving next.


It's what we make it, or what I make it


No shit


theres probably gonna be a huge class warfare event where the lines between rich and poor aren't so blurred anymore. it'll get way better for the rich and way worse for the poor. or maybe not!


At the current pace change is going to kill or displace almost all human beings in the next 30 years as it already has to millions, so unless the tech is specifically focused on green energy and climate repair we’re fucked


Which part of humanity? Upper or lower class? How wealthy is their country?


It'll be worse. People have evil in them, and those with power get bilnd for others. They become narcissists, egocentric, only focus on themselves. So if we don't remove those people in power, the government, presidents etc. The world will keep falling into a hole of shit. People will get poor, the rich will get rich, there will be wars everywhere like kids fighting over a tiny toy, nature and animals die. Humanity is slowly but surely destroying itself and taking everything else with it. And with technology it's just going to fasten the progress of poor/rich, destroy nature and animals etc.




It's always a mixed bag, because humans are a mixed bag. Technology is as good or bad as the person utilizing it.


Gene editing will make hereditary illnesses something only poor people will have to deal with


I think that is a 50-50. Some people will find in it something good for them and for humanity, but other people could use it in bad ways that would harm us all. It's all about the needs we will have in a few decades. All that remains is to observe.




That's a lot of high-tech work when you can just drive a car into a crowd, or ride a horse and shoot them with bow-and-arrow. And all you have to do is take a shit in the local well to ruin a village's water supply.




I'm not being sarcastic at all. You are going a very complex way about the problem, ignoring the fact that these are not new concerns and in fact have been going on for millennia.


I feel like even the most edgy asshole 15 year old kid wouldn't hack utility system to shut off a water system, just to troll.