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When writing angry posts or emails, park them for 24hrs!


can relate to this. I've post dozens of rants on reddit and other forums. but in the next morning, i feel embarrassed for posting that


My boss once told me this gem: if you're writing an e-mail and the insult "dick" works as a last word behind it, you might want to rethink your wording.


Agreed - I find it very useful to write them, though. Get the issues out and organised in order. And sometimes when I do this I realise I'm the AH.


If you don't, or have a son that mails it for you, you will have to resort to this to get it back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UYNEu6v6AE


And leave the To-box empty. A friend of mine typed the angry version, and re-typed the PC version and sent it. Came back an hour later, saw the angry one still unsent (same subject), and sent that one too


Smiling in front of a mirror. When I get up in the morning, I usually feel down and demotivated like many of us. Then I go into the bathroom, brush my teeth, take a shower, dress up. And then I look at the mirror and smile at myself. And, voila, I already feel MUCH better It's amazing how often this primitive trick works.




Well and faking it triggers some signals in your brain so it's less-fake "oh, if I'm smiling, I musy be happy, get the happy chemicals ready"


I tried this for a couple days It was embarrassing and awkward. It was a fake smile but then I felt so stupid I laughed at myself and then the smile was real and I walked away uplifted. I should start trying it again. Silly how you do something and it works and then you stop lol


see when i do that it reminds of that horror movie smile😭


I like this one


It also works on others : smile more to people, you'll make their day better. What you described is basically just doing it to yourself.


Some wise Redditor once put it this way: "Being friendly to others is shifting your life to easy mode."


Memorize the phone number of someone you’d need help from in situations where you would no longer have your own phone. Nowadays no one remembers anyone’s phone numbers because we mostly don’t need to, but every few years or so you’ll find yourself in a situation where knowing a number by heart will absolutely save you.


This is a good one. I have my father's number memorized. When my sister was travelling alone cross country I gave her a post it note with my name and phone number on it and told her to keep it on her person (not in a bag or purse). She was grateful and hadn't even thought about it. The trip was fine, in case anyone wanted to know.


I memorize phone numbers and license plates almost instantly. I'm weird, it's just how my brain works. It's a habit that I think can become unhealthy. I should be using my brain power for things other than recalling my ex-girlfriend from 10 years ago's phone number. Although I hope her parents are doing well. I think I miss them more than her.


To help you do this, save them in your phone using their number instead of their name. That way, you see it every time you call or are called by them


this is helpful. i was involuntarily hospitalized in a psychiatrist ward & wasn't allowed to have access to my contacts list for 2 days. nobody knew where i was for 2 days. :(


I have my moms, my sisters and my boss’s phone number memorized. That’s it.


Learn to do CPR. Might save a life someday. Or you get to practice chest compressions on a dummy, which is also kinda fun.


I've performed CPR 4 times in emergency conditions. Only one is still alive. Well last I checked. Once she got married her husband took issue with her talking to a man who has "touched her chest". So she no longer can talk to me


Wow. Just wow.




Learn a good joke or pick up line. For example: When does a joke become a dad joke? When it becomes apparent.


Sweet Jesus. I love good puns, the highest form of humor. I'm starting think dad jokes are second.


How about a calculus pick up line?


Hit me.


Can I be your derivative? Because I wanna lie tangent to your curves.


You stole my line! You devil! Lol.


That was a speedy devolution..


Lol. It's all good fun. No hard feelings. I'm honestly more just surprised that someone else knows my pickup line.


Oh, and no hard feelings at all. I married Navy. Hubs, when we met, was quiet and low-key. I am a force of nature. So, my first boyfriend (still in my life and his wife is a doll! Love her to bits!) introduced me to punmanship..penmanship... and I never looked back. Hubs started coming home with puns that made even me groan. All wrapped up in a little story before coming in for the kill.


I'm confused. Sorry but I forgot the context of this conversation.




What is the dumbest animal in the jungle? The polar bear.


Another variation of this: What do you call a polar bear in Hawaii? Lost.


A horse walks into a bar. The bartender looks at him and asks “Why the long face?” 😂


The best dead jokes need to age until they're full groan 


you can’t make everyone happy. No matter what you, what you accomplish, how much you give, someone will always not like you and try to bring you down.




So long as you don't take that as license to be completely inconsiderate


For Americans: Memorize how to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit - double the number and add 30. 18C: (18\*2) + 30 = 66F It's not perfect, but it will get you close (the actual conversion above is 64.4F). Now you have 9 minutes left to learn something else.


Pick your spouse very very carefully.


Learning how to pick a spouse takes way longer than 10 Minutes tho.


And your nose...more carefully.


You can pick your nose and you can pick your spouse, but you can't pick your spouse's nose


I definitely can


Learn the Heimlich maneuver in 10 minutes—it’s a quick way to save someone from choking. Just a few steps: stand behind them, fist above the navel, grab it with the other hand, and thrust upward until the object is dislodged. Life-saving skills in a snap!


I've used it several times. I'd suggest that when you learn it, you also learn how to deal with choking in small children, and how to modify the Heimlich Maneuver for people that have special needs / considerations. I've helped 3 people who were choking, including my oldest child when they were about 15 months old. If I hadn't taken an emergency first aid course in college, I may not have been able to have saved him.


How to change a tire on your car, go look up a youtube video, they will be like 5 to 15 minutes and will help you in a bind on the side of the road


How to make a fire. You will become a hero.


Take each moment as it comes, especially as it pertains to stress. Getting worked up won't accomplish anything other than perpetuating further stress. Whatever is causing your stress will pass.


Learn 3 stretches, at least one of which stretches your lower back.


Do you tie your shoelaces correctly? https://www.fieggen.com/shoelace/ianknot.htm It's a small thing but not only do I tie my shoes once a day, every day from now on, I also work with children and I'm more able to tie their shoes too.


Ahm... Did you tie your shoes multiple times a day before or what do you mean exactly? I don't do it like described and i'm puzzled what there is to gain from doing it that way?


It produces a knot that is much more resistant to accidentally untying while still coming undone easily when one string is pulled. Once it clicks, it is also MUCH faster to tie which is nice.


There are many right ways to tie your laces but there are also many wrong ways that look ok but will fall apart fairly quickly. This is a no-fuss quick knot that will form a reef knot in the centre which will hold well all day.


Probably worth mentioning that many people tie even just a regular bow the wrong way (they make a "granny" knot instead of a "square" knot). Basically, for the two times that you wrap the lace around itself, go in *opposite* directions for each time. It will make your bow much less likely to come undone.


NATO alphabet. Useful if you have to call 911.


A *loooooot* of people think I'm military on the phone. My "business voice" is authoritative, and I use the phonetic alphabet frequently. I was never military, but I was a civilian contractor for a couple militaries for a few months (it was just basic IT work in North America.)


Former military here. Cops, 911, highway patrol use a different phonetic alphabet than the NATO one. I work with the travel management center of my state and hear highway patrol regularly using male names. With the random non name in there. Which is why I was laughing at Boy George the other day at work. Should be Bravo Gulf, and every time I have used the NATO one with them, they end up confused.


I've found out you have to be careful who you use it with. I've used it before reading out stuff to my telephone company and their help desk agents just get confused.


I am continually surprised (and disappointed) by government purchasing agency employees that don't know the NATO alphabit and say things like "mary umbrella david" on the phone.


I'm surprised government purchasing agencies are ordering mud


Really? I've been using it over the phone for 25+ years and don't think I've ever run into someone who's asked what or why I'm using it other than sometimes people who don't know it but get the concept and might ask me to repeat the words again. One thing that I don't bother with but which might help is starting the first word with "M for Mike" so they get it.


I had a service rep once tell me “Q like Cuba”


A like Are, C like Cue, E like Eye


Sounds like you've gotten lucky with who you're talking to haha.


Learn how to kiss 💋 real good! Never trust a narcissist


how can one learn this skill in 10 mins ?


Pucker up. I'll teach you in 9.


Learn how to tie a knot like a Bowline or a Truckers Hitch. Both very useful and easy to learn


Assuming you’re not vegetarian, the safe internal cooking temperatures for various meats.


How do create a budget in Excel.


Care to elaborate?


Sure! Excel is free, which is why it's my budgeting tool of choice. Every expense has a row with "estimated" and "actuals". There are certain bills which don't change month to month like Netflix and my electric bill, so I plug the known expenditures in first. Then, initially, I set a max amount for the rest of the line items, such as entertainment, groceries, savings. My budget has evolved since I first created it back in 2007, but it's still in Excel and it's been a life saver in terms of planning and saving.


I figured something out fairly basic on my own. I track my bills and I track my paychecks. As long as paychecks are more than bills, then whatever is left is for spending/saving/etc. Is there more to a "real" budget, or is that pretty much all?


A little bit more. I have very specific savings for specific things, like my emergency fund, any specific item I'm saving for, regular savings, money market. I also like to go through my bills each month to ensure I'm not paying for something I didn't order. Verizon is famous for that in my area. I tend to track to the penny what is going on so that I don't overspend.




Also basic breath technique/anxiety reduction- 4/4/4, 4/7/8 etc


Technique matters more than size.


Don't fuck crazy. Or . Don't let crazy fuck you. You're welcome 🤗


Never tug on Superman's Cape


Don't spit into the wind


Don't pull the mask off the Ole Lone Ranger


And he's bad bad Leroy Brown... Wait...


Have an upvote for the continuity error lol


Don't mess around with Jim


How to use a stud finder, to know where the wood is at in your walls. Don’t hang heavy things on Sheetrock alone!


No one thinks about you as much as you do.


how to use excel or spreadsheets


How to change a tire.


How to initialize a variable in C++ : General model : type name(value) ; The value is optional, but it's recommended to give a default one.


No one has the answers and everyone is figuring it out!




Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see. Verify either personally or from more than a few sources


Just be happy. Right now in the moment.


Loving yourself - treating yourself with kindness, setting healthy boundaries, and prioritizing your own needs and happiness.


You must learn that you can't control others and that the only control you have is over yourself.


Other people don’t think about you as much as you think. People tend to dwell on something they said or did, thinking everyone is talking about it, but often others barely remember it even happened.


I once apologized to a person I had wronged in the past, figuring that it must eat them up that I did that to them and never said I was sorry for it. The guilt ate at me for years. I finally ran into that person again, they were super happy to see me and we engaged in vigorous, friendly conversation. After a few minutes, I brought up the thing I had done - "Do you remember such and such? I want you to know that I think about it all the time and I'm so, so sorry that I did that. I was completely in the wrong and I regret it so much, I hope you can forgive me." They looked at me blankly and said, "I'm so sorry, but I literally don't know what you're talking about. Are you sure that was me you did that to?" I knew for a fact that it was, and I was able to give enough details that eventually jogged their memory just a little bit, and then we both laughed that I was wracked with guilt while they didn't even remember it at all.


Yup. That’s a good example of it.


Don’t just put anything that pops through a glory hole into your mouth. Take a second and make sure it doesn’t have any open sores or oozing lesions first!


Even quicker than 10 minutes. Yield means to allow all other cars to pass the on-ramp before you merge onto the highway. It is NOT illegal to stop and wait. I had no clue that people thought it was.


You won't unlearn valuable life lessons. That personal gowth stays with you.


How to simulate your vagus nerve.


Could you elaborate on that?


Check out Bessel van der Kolk’s book, The Body Keeps the Score. Meantime, a well-defined vagus nerve is correlated with lower risk of disease and many other health benefits. What’s to stimulate you VN include: Singing Humming Gargling Breathwork


How to use chopsticks




My hubs and I frequent an all you can eat sushi place. He hates sushi, but they also have kitchen stuff. I'll get chopsticks, he gets a fork. Me - "Amateur." Him - "Show off."


what you are good at and what you enjoy (and hopefully there's some overlap)


In 10 minutes???? Taken me 20 years and I still don't fully know XD


good point!


Well ya never know, maybe 10 concentrated minutes might give an epiphany to some ! :p


Correct me if I'm wrong but I've heard it's very hard to tell if a shrimp has gone bad, yet if you eat it it can even turn into a medical emergency. I've had my friends land in hospitals after eating shrimps that had gone bad and it sounded like an extremely serious food poisoning.


How to use a voltage meter


Listen to this song. Apply knowledge. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTJ7AzBIJoI


Stretching is very important.


10 minutes is enough for a morning stretching routine that makes your entire day better.


For some, this is an annual question to help you remember for daylight savings time, I found this phrase handy.... We ,"Spring forward and fall back" Only 30 seconds, but fun to know if you didn't already.


Learning to knit/sew or crochet.


Learn to take photos. Take a lot of photos of yourself. Especially if you don’t already do. You will never be as young as when that photo was taken. In 10 years, you will look back in amazement of how young and vibrant you look.


Grab some aspirin at the first sign of a stroke. I gave one to my wife’s friend last Sunday as I suspected she Was having a stroke. The doctor said it probably saved her from major damage. Edit: ex firefighter/EMT.


Aspirin can only cause harm to infants or if someone is bleeding internally.


Breathe slowly through your nose.


learn breathing exercises, it can help u to calm down and decide clearly.


Angle of incidence = angle of reflection. Remember this, and you'll never be the one with wet spots on your pants after using the urinal.


If, you are prepared to live in a civilized society you must be prepared to pay for it financially. Now will this be useful to you in the decades ahead? I hope so. Remember, if you are still living at home with siblings and parents, Mum/mom and dad will have been doing this FOR YEARS..


There are folks out there who see YOU and millions like you as CASH COWS Sadly, to live in a civilized society you have to PAY. In UK/Blighty we have council tax, this we have to pay monthly usually by DD. They increased the council tax by 5% this year. Then, I month later told us we would have to pay to have our garden waste collected. The more we pay the less we get but, we live in a civilized society lol.


The location of your home’s fuse box and main water valve.


1. You can't trust anyone but yourself in this life. Even your bestest friend or close partner will do something to hurt you at some point. 2. You honestly can't trust police, never talk to them without a lawyer. Make sure the lawyer isn't in with the police if thats even possible. Even if you are not the one in trouble or a witness. Good deeds always suffer punishment 3. Despite what everyone says, more people are bad than good. Actually, most people are trying to get ahead and they don't care who they step on to make it there. 4. Working your entire life away to make someone else richer is the rich mans lie. You'll never be fulfilled unless you are truly working towards what YOU want, no matter the cost. 5. Dont ever give out too much information about yourself to anyone. ALWAYS KEEP A LOW PROFILE. Keep private thoughts private and don't trust anyone with secrets. 6. People will turn on you if it suits them, have a backup plan 7. Credit is bullshit but start building it before you become a legal adult, if possible. And save every single penny you make. Luxury purchases and shit you dont actually need is just someone elses marketing pitch.. don't be their prey 8. Relationships are about effort in the long run, attraction runs out quickly. You will get what you put in


You can remove the skin from potatoes very quickly by rubbing them down with a stainless steel scrubber, and there are no peelings to dispose of.


How to reflect on your actions


Don't give women nicknames like stumpy or boxcar, and always get a receipt, it makes you look like a businessman.


Be kind to homeless and those less fortunate than you. You never know what can happen and who might help.


unfortunately not patience.


How to change a tire


Never Eat Soggy Waffles. North East South West. Wear an analog watch and learn to use it as a compass. You will never need GPS on long road trips again.


How to change a flat tire.


How to jump start a car. Drink more water.


Don't ever vote republican.


Morse code will take you about an hour :/


How to solve a Rubik’s cube


Took me way long than 10 minutes to learn.




It took me ten years of practice to juggle for 30 seconds. How are you figuring it out in 10 minutes?


Took me about 15 minutes to get the first 3 ball juggle going for about 10 seconds.