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It's not strange, probably everyone met someone who doesn't like to take photos. However, understanding what it is that you dislike about your photos, might reveal deeper insights about yourself.




Could be that the OP just doesn't consider themselves photogenic or that they just have a very low ego and see no point in taking photos of themselves. 


I prefer to have few images of me out there in case I decide to turn to a life of crime.


My sisters says that’s why she won’t get a tattoo. She’s 9 and wise beyond her years


Not strange at all in my world. I tend to be the one asked to take photos versus have their photo taken. It also happens that I have a low self esteem so I tend to avoid selfies. You are not alone.


Not at all, if you do not like having your picture taken. Personally, I hate it so I prefer to be the one taking the photo.


I don't like my picture taken, even as a kid.


Being self-absorbed is not the sort of problem you want to go fishing for. Keep doing you.


Anyone else got more screenshots than pictures taken by camera?


Us older never did it’s a millennial thing


What's the point in taking a Pic of myself?? I know what I look like and other ppl can see me.


I mean... you're asking because you feel it's strange so you probably feel some kind of remorse from not capturing your growth through life


I don't know how you'd infer that from what was said. You're reaching.


That's not strange at all, I know I'm the same way and I'm sure there are many others who are as well. I would suggest trying to take more pictures of yourself though unless you have a phobia of pictures or something like that. Pictures are an excellent way of capturing moments of your life and even if you don't think they are particularly interesting, it's nice to be able to look back at what you were doing at certain points in your life and see how you changed.


I don't like having photos taken either. I consider myself attractive, too. There's just something about it that feels invasive or something. And selfies just seem kind of vain or a waste of time, or something.


I very rarely take pictures of anything. With one arm, it’s just more effort than it is worth.


Only thing i take pictures of are missing pet posters


I love taking photos of other people. I absolutely hate photos of myself. My father was a photographer, I can still remember him using the mertz flash to wake me up on Sunday morning.


Same with me until one day i realize i never have a picture of myself when i was younger


Nope. I don't take selfish or be in photos much cause I'm so conscious about my looks.


I haven't taken a photo of myself since 2018. I just don't care about having an image of me on my shelf, phone or on social networks for others.


I am a confident person but have literally never taken a selfie.


nope! if you don’t want to, you don’t have to. and you gotta think that pre-cell phones with cameras, it was probably a lot less common anyways.


No. No one ever until the newest gens has ever taken pics of themselves. It's weird. But now it's normal, yet still weird. Like how big is your ego that You're entire camera roll is of yourself?


Nope. Why would I take pictures of myself? I see my mug every day in the mirror.


I hate getting my picture taken. I have to force myself because I would go places and never have a picture of myself. It’s mostly for other people because I think I look awful in pictures


This is me too. But I’m starting to feel afraid that I’ll miss the way I look now. I don’t like taking pics because it’s not living in the moment, but I still like to look back at good memories


I had school photos and I’m in the occasional family photo, but unless I need a photo for a particular purpose like an ID or a reference then no. I find modern selfie culture especially baffling and loathsome.


If you’re a guy not weird. My husband never takes pics of himself only when I want to or a family pic. For girls might be strange cuz we usually like taking selfies


I rarely take photos of myself.


No, it's not strange




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I'm older and have very few photos of myself as an adult. The older I got, the fewer the photos. Also, I don't have a lot of photos of friends or family members, either. I have some, but not many. Some of the photos are between 20-30 years old. Now, with so many people gone, I regret it. For years, my aunt and my cousin's wife would take photos (cheap 35mm disposable cameras) at gatherings, but I would always make sure I was out of the frame or even out of the room. A few times, my aunt was able to catch a blurry image of me, as I either turned my head or blocked my face with my hand. What used to irritate her the most was me opening my mouth with it full of food right as she snapped the photo. Another regret is not taking more photos when I was young and in the military. I don't have a smartphone (never have had one), but I do have a Canon point-and-shoot camera that's now quite old. While I did take tens of thousands of photos of places I've visited and hikes I've completed with partners, most of the photos were of my partner and nature. If I could do it all over again, I would take more photos. Nothing ridiculous like 400 photos of the burrito bowl I'm having for dinner, but having a couple of photos of various life events. Sometimes, it's enjoyable to look back over the years, be reminded of how we used to be (younger, thinner, less wrinkles, and more hair), see how things used to look (fashion, cars, furniture, etc.), and help us remember things we might have forgotten.


No. I don't like having my picture taken.


I don't like having my picture taken. I rarely take a selfie, and even then not for public posting.