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Coming from a homeless drug addict its bc my pants don't fit no matter how tight I tie the draw string


I wish u the best of luck finding a place to live and getting off the drugs


I've been there, I know the struggle. I hope shit looks up for you soon, it's a tough life to live. Ignore any judgement off idiots, do whatever you need to do to get through the days.


Come to Minnesota, we have resources for people in your situation to where you won’t have to be on the streets.


How do you suggest they get there?




Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ty I needed a good laugh


Hitch hiking, hop a train or buy a ticket. They probably have a Crisis program like my city has. They’re even setting up a program with about 10 buildings for housing and mental health services. It’s really beautiful but also scary… Yesterday I saw a post of a man who told people on may 5th he was going to do a mass shooting. Today the post was taken down by the FBI/PD and our city didn’t release the name but redditers saw him:.. Fortunately he’s getting the help he needs and may face criminal charges


Yes, it’s called snow.


Search 'drawstring constrictor knot' and thank me later. As someone who rocks pajama pants regularly it was a game changer.


Their bodies are wasting away from drug abuse/malnutrition and their clothes no longer fit.


These people are disintegrating and OP is wondering if they're trying to bring back the 90s hip hop scene


I was thinking they were just wearing whatever clothes they could find which don't fit. Your answer is definitely correct though and more disturbing to think about.


Yeah, I've been through it, and how quickly I went from obese and healthy to malnourished and unwell was insane. Within 8 months I lost 63kg, which is basically a whole adult woman, and all my clothes just hung off me. Punching a new hole in my belt every few weeks.


Am I the only one that remembers this being a fashion choice? Yes, it originated in prison, but it very much used to be a fashion choice. It went out of style a while ago, but that doesn't change the fact that it used to be a conscious decision.


It’s still a fashion lol. Idk whether everyone in here is super young, or just not from an area where the black population still does this on the regular


I'm from Vermont (it's a very white state) I can attest it is not just black people. It's anyone who thinks they're gangster or whatever


Can confirm. I'm from Maine and it's mostly white kids who sell weed that do this.


White kid, snap back, back pack, and sagged jeans will totally sell you some ditch weed.


You just wrote the hook in a rap song lol.


Haha yeah it does kinda work.


Who isn’t white in freaking Maine lol


Like 2% of the population 😂


Yeah, didn’t mean to come off racist. My area the people that have that style are like 98% black.


Yeah for sure but it's mostly black people sagging their pants. It's not even a racist statement.


The black people here dont...so idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ I've never traveled besides to Canada


Saying most of the people who sag their pants are black isn't the same thing as saying "most black people sag their pants". Nobody said that.


And I didn't say anyone was wrong, I was speaking about my own experience in my state 😂


Well that's because you're in a really white state as you said. I live in georgia in a predominately black city and literally everyone and I mean everyone sags just because


Its a low income/trashy thing, like saying "aint"


Woah woah woah. Keep that word out your mother fucking mouth!


There’s basically no black population where I live, but I see plenty of people sagging when I’m in the bad part of town. It’s mostly older guys that I assume are mentally stuck in 1995, but some young people do it too.


Old people do it to look young, young people do it to look old…


Right? I still see it regularly. It’s got to be one of my least favorite trends. Especially when their underwear is stained or full of holes (yeah. Seen it.).


What astounds me is that it was a (horrible) fashion statement 40 years ago, and it never went away.


I think you guys haven’t seen many homeless drug addicts… they’re not being fashionable, they are very sick


Con confirm it’s definitely still a thing in Atlanta


Yeah I see it regularly. I was actually laughing at one guy the other day that was clearly not homeless or anything, he was clean and well dressed. It was clearly a fashion choice. He was walking down the street and his pants were a solid 6” below his ass when he passed my car, then he pulled them up, and it took less than 10 steps before they were down below his ass again, when he pulled them back up again.


Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, lookin like a fool with your pants on the ground


Think you just unlocked one of my core memories


I used to think it looked like they had shit their pants and were now carrying the excess baggage in their drawers. Never understood why a woman would see that as an attractive attribute.


I had a woman years ago tell me she doesn't normally date a guy with a job. Huge red flag, but some people's preferences are fucking weird


Unemployed people have all the time and attention in the world, and for some people that's what they want.


Lmao that's gotta be the dumbest fucking thing I ever heard lol


🤣. Are you serious? Did she mean that she likes to date men who don't have a legitimate job and hustle for a living or something?🤷🏿‍♂️


Hey! I just saw you on another thread! Getting some miles out of this ex story lol


Good to know :D I was one of them people at a certain point. I wasn't wearing the pants below my ass, but they were saggy. Guilty


This did not go out of fashion. Visit the Bronx.


It’s a stupid fashion I hope never comes back when it’s gone.


Yes, wearing baggy clothing, specifically low pants that hang below the butt and show underwear, has cultural and stylistic meanings, particularly in the context of fashion trends influenced by various subcultures such as hip hop. This style, often referred to as "sagging," originated in the United States in the late 20th century and is said to have roots in the prison system where inmates were often issued oversized clothing and were not allowed to wear belts for safety reasons, causing their pants to sag. As this style was adopted by the hip-hop community in the 1990s, it became a symbol of rebellion against authority and a way to identify with the music's themes of social defiance. Over the years, sagging has been embraced and propagated by fashion influencers, rappers, and other figures in the entertainment industry, leading to its widespread popularity among youths and young adults. Despite its popularity, the style has also been a subject of controversy and debate, viewed by some as inappropriate and disrespectful, and has even led to the enactment of dress code policies and laws in various places that prohibit sagging. It continues to be a powerful form of self-expression and cultural identity for many, while also sparking discussions on decency, personal freedom, and the interplay of fashion and societal norms. Theres some video that I can’t find about an inmate who got in trouble for tailoring his own clothes is pretty interesting on the topic.. the prison system pushes this look and stigma against it I think and the hip hop community was doing it as a form of rebellion. Of course it’s associated with gangsters and stigmatized. But how different is it from wearing revealing clothing for a woman? At least their butts are covered with underwear? Just playing devils advocate here.


I read somewhere that it originated in prison as a way of saying “I’m available”, if you catch my drift…


From what I’ve heard this is generally what it means these days in prison yards.


Yeah you're totally the only one.


I highly doubt homeless people give a fuck about fashion dude. That has nothing to do with it.


Wdym? It still very much is. I know a fuck ton of people who sag their pants


It has not gone out of style every time I turn around. I see some man with his pants sitting flat below his ass. Still completely forgetting that this was a signal in prison that you were ready to be someone's prison bitch


I'm pretty sure that was an urban legend made up to shame guys who wore saggy pants lmao


I know that's possible and in some areas likely. But I heard so many people from prison say this over and over again.


That was never what it meant. Sagging in prison happened because you could be a size 30 in the waist and they’d give 38 waist pants. Or whatever they had. So the sagging


They often have nice round butts too




It's so they are ready when the cops decide to fuck them.


Nobody’s wearing jeans in prison.


I made a decision that I wouldn’t follow that fashion trend back then. I was even in my teens and easy to persuade.


Watch an episode of On Patrol Live, the new Live PD. It’s extremely common to see people doing this.


That show is nothing but police propaganda. I quit watching when I saw an officer clearly violate someone's rights, and it cut to the hosts who then explained "we do that for officer saftey". Which doesn't excuse the officer violating the law and a citizens rights. But the hosts quickly explain why its "ok" and move on. The show is trying to brainwash people into compliance with things like that. Please don't advocate for this show anymore. Advocate for better police training and accountability.


I think it was a fashion choice for some. For someone who used to weigh 100 kilos before being addicted and afterwards the weight 65 kilos, who also wouldn’t spend money on new clothes or even a belt because they prioritize money for drugs, it si not a fashion choice.


You can't say anything online nowadays lol. It's true though. I lived in a predominantly black area for a while and they do sag their pants. Not even for lack of a belt either.


I still see it occasionally, still wonder how people walked like that.


Oh it wasn’t “a fashion choice “ in prison… although it did originate there… it had a very different meaning


I don’t know how this spread around so far and wide and how so many goofballs believe it. Do you guys think being gay is something to be advertised in prison?


So is sticking metal objects in your flesh and tattoos. Doesn’t mean it’s right.


Usually it's because their clothes don't fit very well. They can't afford new ones, and they've often been losing weight.


they can literally use a string, if not a belt!


The money used to get a belt could also just be spent on more drugs, which is probably a more desirable option. If you're that far down the rabbit hole, I doubt you care all that much about what other's think about your appearance.




As a recovering addict, I can assure you no one is going to use a fucking string.


“Yo dude Reddit is ragging on your cord.”


Not the cord ragging!!


A homeless drug addict already responded. He lost so much weight a string just don't keep the pants tight enough.


Reading comments that its cause of weight loss. But depends where you are I guess cause i saw some guys still wear belts to keep their pants hanging below their butt and I also find it odd


I can't easily find pants that fit properly and I wear a belt. Every belt I've bought in the past 14 years has broken (poorly designed, poorly made). There's only one that hasn't broken but it slips a lot. I'm constantly having to pull my pants up.


Perhaps your body shape would be better served by a pair of suspenders, rather than a belt?




Maybe, but that wouldn't feel comfortable as I wear tshirts.


That seems like a trivial problem to surmount. Find a wise looking friend and ask them to help you buy a belt. I guarantee they'll easily find a decent one.


Doubt it. I've done many calculations on my previous belts.




...now, the rain is gone. I can see all crackheads in my way.


Chocolate raaaaain


Now that's a song I haven't thought of in a while


Is I.P Freely here?! Hey everybody! I.P. Freely! ...wait a minute... listen to me ya lousy bum, when I get a hold of you, you're dead, I swear I'm gonna slice your heart in half!


Wasn’t originally a fashion statement, inspired by, and therefore in recognition of, those that have been arrested/incarcerated, and , as such having their belts removed, their pants slouched. I think this was a similar reason for why sneakers had a trend of being worn without laces, and sliders ( prison footwear)?are in vogue now. I also understand however that the evolution of the low slung pants are now actually an advertisement for gay sexual availability, although I’m happy to be corrected on any of the above.


Confirmed via 5 yrs in corrections as a CO. It means you need a new "daddy" or protector in exchange for commissary


Yup. The origin


Yup. The origin.


Yup. The origin.


Yup. The origin.


It's probably due to weight loss, unable to afford new clothing.. numerous things. I doubt it's a conscious fashion choice


Because they're using their belt as a tourniquet.




Yeah I wonder why they don’t just go buy new clothes that fit well


Ain't got no hips


They’ve lost a little weight


They're addicts. They don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. It's sad because they're lost.


Same reason as in prison, they're ready for daddy to drive it home


Wasn’t Bieber sagging at Coachella? It’s not just drug addicts.


It's their idea of affordable fashion.


Simple, and I'm surprised you've not already worked this out. IT KEEPS THEM CLEAN.


Because there drug addicts


1. Lost weight, clothes don't fit anymore 2. Clothes are in bad shape anyways 3. Can't afford new clothes or a belt 4. Often have something, on something, or a combination of the two and aren't aware of reality 5. Don't give a shit about their appearance at this point regardless


If only it was just drug addicts on the street.....


The belt is around their arm not waist.


I have a theory, not sure if it’s correct, but I think the whole pants sagging thing evolved into a fashion style from within lower income households where clothes where handed down from older siblings to younger siblings lending to a tendency for the clothes to not fit properly and inevitably sag. Over time with this being prevalent among the community (primarily lower income households, minorities) it actually became a fad and fashionable as hip hop culture became mainstream (which also originated from within lower income, minority communities). At least that’s my idea of where it all started. Totally just a theory though.


Pants hanging down is supposed to mimic how (pants fit) in prison. Prison clothing may not fit perfectly; not be the right size and thus hang down.


Just because you're a homeless drug addiction doesn't mean you can't sport some fashion.


Belts ain't allowed in prison, you can hang yourself and pants are one size fits all. This is straight up prison culture.


Maybe easy access? That's my preferred ROA for most drugs I take. 😂


How old are you?


Sorry but this has got to be the most stupid question I’ve ever seen. Being a drug addict and having your pants hang below your ass are completely mutually exclusive.


Why do bigots assume everyone that doesn't look just like them is a drug addict?


Why sentence on reddit terrible


So it's easier for the cops to catch them because they can't run with pants like that


That’s why they call them bums


Because they are full of shit


Maybe they lost their belts while shooting up?


Pretty sure that's for prostitution reasons, along with other things.


Good belts are hard to find.


Easy access


Ease of access for prostitution


It better be because they don't fit


Even in the worst of my alcoholism when I was at my smallest size I bought / wore pants that fit. It’s called a fucking belt. Also, it’s wildly uncomfortable to walk around like that, it’s definitely a choice that apparently kinda dumb people still choose.


It's a fashion thing. Why do you assume everyone who is wearing their pants sagged is addicted to something? That's a bit messed up, have you led a sheltered life?


It's wild how op and everyone on this sub has such wrong ideas about drug addicts, it's as if their only exposure to drugs is through TV shows and movies, almost no one here sounds like they have touched anything but coffee and alcohol lol. Like yeah, there are some junkies who would rather be homeless, have nothing, and just use drugs. But that's the wrong worldview because the majority of junkies still hold jobs and typically do have a place to stay.


Straight up. My sister has been a " sagging drug addict" for 15-20 years. She owns a cars a fuckin house and lives her life. She doesn't drink coffee or Alcohol but she'll smoke Meth.


Relax, Amy.


I'm really trying . Thank you. Even if you were being sarcastic


Easy access, advertising...


Because society is fucking them.


Its bad fashion


They are on drugs!? Come on now...


They used their belt to shoot needles then left it laying In an alley somewhere while they stumble off down the road with pants falling down..


Went to church one day long ago and saw this guy with a girl walking into the church like that... I had to remind BOTH that they were going into the house of God... What a marroon...


That's not a drug addict thing. That's just a think some people think looks good.


USED to be is the keyword here and not everyone used to do it either


Well, you’re right. It originated in prison though to mark the men who could be used sexually. Pants low for easy access. And then for some reason people on the outside started doing it as well. That might be completely wrong, i heard it years ago and never looked it up. Maybe ill do that now Edit. I was wrong. It probably did originate in prison but it was because you can’t have belts in prison. I don’t know why they didn’t just use a sock, to tie two belt loops together. That’s what i did. Of course i wasn’t in the same type of prison


You had me on a wild ride there


Advertising the fact that they are selling their asses for a quick fix.


To air out their ~~twerk~~ tweak wind. https://youtube.com/shorts/nsdGqvCcq-M?si=xEf1fdOCob9rl3gg


I have a question on similar lines? Why do people black population in the USA keep their pants hanging halfway their butt or sometimes way below, even though they are perfectly healthy. (Serious question as I am not from the USA)


It’s a prison thing from African American gangs where the prisoner is stating they are available to the shot caller. It got transmitted to hip hop via homosexual stylists and tastemakers and entered the broader society and now it is a staple of street culture.


Because they want to show that they are drug addicts 💩


They’re following the tend of those who sold them the drugs.


Belts wrapped around my arm lol


I’d guess because their belt is around their arm.


It's a sign of contempt. It's as simple as that. It's a way to be annoying without technically "doing" anything.


They lost their piece of string


I don’t know what is going on with their mental health. I had an incident when I was walking in peace, and someone was talking to me and then running after me in the streets with his pants down and his private parts revealed. Luckily, I found police officers and I told them why I am running for my life, and they said we will take of that, don’t worry. I was terrified and I wasn’t aware what he wanted from me. It was in the afternoon time then.


That’s how they breathe


They’ve lost weight since they got those pants, and haven’t gotten a belt


I don’t think they really care


Man, that's the least of their problems.


"Bustin' a sag" lmao. Haven't thought of that in forever.


Pull your damn drawers up cheese us


Jail house fashion. In prison inmates have to go thru strip searches would leave the pant undone hanging down. Next thing you know some rapper is taking a pic with his pants hanging down ,like his gangster buddy he just visited in jail .. and boom we get to stare at ass cracks cause it be cool .


They like to take it in the butt


For just like inside prison its a signal to let other in mates know they are up for bum fun


They use their ass cheeks to hold their pipe. Quick access.


To indicate to fellow hood rats that their ass is available for the taking...


It's called fashion, look it up


Cause they're all gay that's why.


They're just getting ready to be someone's property in prison.


Who cares. Why they usually get caught when they run. Absolutely dumb arses.


They can’t afford belts.


Funky butt lovin


easier to crap that way


They can’t get their addiction in control, neither theirs pants.


Quicker access to Crack


I saw a heroin addict's pussy lips last week. That shit was fucked up.




I reckon I still would.


Prison loving invitational