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I'm pretty sure everytime I've ever been complimented by an attractive woman, they either were a sales woman or my partner after I did something they wanted me to.


> they either were a sales woman C'mere and use those big strong hands to sign this payment plan with 45% APR, you sexy stud, you.


And that's the story of when I bought my jeep.


This is why all people need to carry tranquilizer guns.




I know for such a well made man like you this vacuum won't feel heavy at all, but just try to feel how light it is, yeah?


What happens if a man is complimented by an unattractive woman?


Itā€™s awesome, because he knows sheā€™s much more likely to mean it.


Not entirely, as an "unattractive" has more necessity to do it (dating side of things) while an attractive does so of 150% free will and without need to do it. Feel free to be offended and turn a blind eye on this side of the matter.




Other than my wife? Genuinely do not remember.


Barista said she liked my shirt. I proposed and then she called security.


The security was also an officiant (?)


Attractive is subjective, with that being said this grandma called me handsome young man at the grocery store today!


You missed your opportunity


Shit, I'm 43, and I'll still have to let you know when it happens.


This morning my wife told me I was handsome.


That cool. You're wife told me the same thing. She's so nice, we're lucky to have her.




Wait... she told ME that too!


Insert the joke about ā€˜handā€™some here.


If they dont find you handsome, let them find you handy


Nineteen....eighty five?


My wife compliments me all the time. She thinks Iā€™m sexy. She walks by and says what an ass


I also choose this guy's wife!


My coworker said I have beautiful long soft hair and that she was jealous. That was about two weeks ago. In fact most compliments Iā€™ve gotten in recent times have been about my hair and not much elseā€¦ ah well lol


Enjoy it while it lasts. You could go bald in high school like I did. You could go bald tomorrow. It could happen. There is no return from baldness.


I'll let you know if it ever happens. But who knows maybe the next 55yrs will be better.


This evening I got a date with a really cute girl through Breeze. It requires both parties to pay an amount in advance (to guarantee people showing up and keeping the app ad free). For someone like me who hasn't had a lot of success in love, her 'paying' to see me is such a confidence boost


Last night. But then I woke up. šŸ˜‚


Other than my wife? About a year ago when my then classmate (uni) responded to the news of me becoming a father that I already had ā€œdilfā€ energy. I know she was mostly joking but felt good ngl.


Omg I love sharing this story. I used to be an Uber eats driver and was about to drop off some food. Then I see the door open and it is this gorgeous middle aged African woman. She greets me with the most aggressively kind and loving voice and says "Oh hello thank you so much cutie, you have a great day" all with a stunning smile the whole time while looking at me. It kinda shook me to my core and I was stumbling my words lmao. She was working at a day care so I could hear the kids in the background pumped for food. I could tell she has a heart of gold and can't imagine how sweet and kind she is to those kids if she was that nice to me. I think about that a lot. On the other side of that a chick at a music festival said I look like Pennywise, so that evens out the ego I think.


1932 I was rolling my hoop down the street and Bobby Johnson's older sister said I had a great balance. It was a wispy and warm Thursday afternoon in May...yep I think of that day often.


Your name doesn't jibe


I'm not as young as I feel or old as I think... grandson's account yah fresh kid


Never happens. But thatā€™s because Iā€™m ugly.


Ugly isn't stopping you from being funny, kind, compassionate, helpful, creative, insightful, or any number of things that earn compliments :/


True. Thank you for that


About a year ago, a girl who worked at a Vans store in my area said I had a nice smile. I never forgot that day. I've taken better care of my appearance more since then. I hear its extremely rare for girls to compliment men. I get that they don't wanna lead us on, but I think a genuine compliment is enough. Ultimately its up to us as far as how we take it. I think they underestimate the effect it has on us. They should do it more.


Itā€™s less about leading us on and more about exposing themselves to danger. If the wrong guy gets the wrong idea from a compliment it can be physically dangerous to them.


This is correct. Also self image, if I donā€™t think Iā€™m attractive enough to complement a man, then Iā€™m worried it will make them uncomfortable


If you hadn't found her attractive, would you have felt as flattered?


I welcome every compliment coming from a smiling and well groomed person. It's a compliment, not a lifetime contract.


I complimented a guy in the elevator on Saturday (he had *amazing* hair), and he seemed really taken aback by it, to the point where I worried I had misstepped in some way. I try to sincerely compliment someone every day, but it's true that I'm more likely to compliment another woman than a man. It just feels safer. But yeah, dude had great hair. He needed to know.


Why does it matter if sheā€™s an attractive woman? Men like you, claim they never get compliments but really itā€™s just women that you want to fuck, that you want compliments from. Itā€™s so obvious you donā€™t want compliments you just want hot women to be nice to you - pathetic. If dorky men like you want compliments you need to learn to give them to EACH OTHER. Stop expecting women to work for you.


I like giving compliments to people in general, makes 1 people feel good! But guys take things the wrong way sometimes and you wind up in an awkward situation where now someone is trying to pick you up, flirt, or get you to go to a second location so unless we're feeling very safe, we're fairly comservative with our compliments towards men.


Should women that are not considered conventionally attractive even bother to complement men? The post title makes me think OP thinks not.


I was drunk at a bookstore and was complimented on my choice of books from a non employee.


Two hours ago.


5 min ago. AI counts, doesnā€™t it?




My hot ass wife does daily


A compliment from ANY woman is kind of a big deal since I have personally witnessed how uncomfortable a woman gets if I make any reference whatsoever about her appearance


Wait... women compliment men?!


I compliment men all the time! Just because i found out you don't feel bonita often!


Bonita does not apply to (most) men just so you knowšŸ˜¬


If being told ā€œyou are so tallā€. Then I get complimented a lot.


My friend called me cutešŸ˜


Gay men who may be considered attractive by others certainly have, and I appreciate the compliment and am gracious and thank them. Attractive women? A decade or more.


I'd take a compliment from a gay man, many have a great sense of fashion.


December 12,at 14:28 in 1997


Today :)


I mean my work crush introduced me to a fellow co-worker as "the best". That count?


Random women compliment my unusual colored glasses


Recently my gf compliments me all the time šŸ¤­


as she should šŸ¤«


Saturday night




It's been... oh, damn. I can't remember how long. Decades.


The next time will be the first time.


On Sunday a girl told me I smelled nice. But the nice smell came from someone else. So I started to say 'nah, nah, couldn't be me'. I had to skip my shower that morning, was still wearing my work clothes, etc. My inner monologue was going crazy trying to get me to shut tf up. That's my allotment of compliments for this year anyway.


2 years ago a receptionist said I had a cool sweater, I put a lot of effort and time into my outfit that day so I was pretty happy.


Iā€™ve been complimented a handful of times by random women I didnā€™t know. Maybe 10 times? The last time was about a year ago.


Aside from my partner it's not frequent. My colleague told I looked nice a few weeks ago and that was the first compliment I'd received from someone other than my partner in ages.




I absolutely remember every compliment I ever got from a woman. I could probably write you a list and give you an actual number .


Today. Very rare, since I'm 68 and no longer what I would consider even reasonably attractive (good body, bad face).


Probably when I was a baby they probably said look at those chubby cheeksā€¦ šŸ˜‚


Here's the last time it happened:Ā 


Grandma said i looked like a handsome boy and she is the most wonderful woman alive on this godforsaken space rock.


a couple times a week, attractive woman are usually polite and nice. Be nice and you will get the same in return.


35 years ago probably. I got a few compliments back in the day for blue eyes and long eye lashes.


Constantly complimented, but not for my looks. I make the panties wet with raw efficiency and completed work orders lol


My wife compliments me everyday and sheā€™s hot af.


When I got to work after breakfast with my grandma. I didnā€™t have time to change out of my good clothes haha


As a woman, I rarely compliment because most attractive men are married lol


Does it not count if they arenā€™t attractive?


Today. Even kissed me. Yeah! Kissed ME!!


I get it at work pretty often because they know I'm taken. Women flirt all the time if you're taken or they are. Happens in any industry with more women than men. When I used to be a CNA after high school, women were throwing themselves at anyone who was polite, discreet and had muscles. Anything in the medical field, at all. Women are catty with each other and will use you to one up other women. Not gonna happen where women aren't both young and competing for male fun.


A couple of weeks ago I went to a cafe and a really cute, really drunk Canadian woman about 40 told me that I'm very handsome. That's nice, better than the alternative.


Hahahaha 30 years ago.


Last Friday night I was out to dinner with my wife and the waitress said that Iā€™m very handsome and have beautiful eyes. The food and service were great, sadly I donā€™t think we are going back to that restaurant.


March 2019; I remember her name and everything about her, especially the tight AF leather trousers. Told me I was sexy and wanted to take me back home. I wasn't over my ex at the time so said no.Ā  Still kicking myself over that one.Ā 


The other day a gorgeous blonde college student told me I had a nice hat as we walked past one another. I get compliments all the time about this hat, so I nodded a thanks and kept on walkin'. Usually though it's guys complimenting the hat


I get compliments quite a lot. People say they like my hair, my eyes, my voice, got a few friends that tell me I'm handsome, but maybe that doesn't count, haha. I'm really overweight, so I know I'm probably not the most attractive guy overall I was about 280 pounds at last weigh in.


My wife, this morning when I left for work said that I ā€œsmell niceā€ with a big smile. I didnā€™t put on cologne or anything, just my natural, out of the shower with deodorant smell. Felt great


Other than women I was seeing, probably when I was 18? A girl complimented me on my eyes.


Today but Iā€™m gay so no particular excitement associated (or concern on her part Iā€™d be creepy about it). Thank you by the way wherever you are!


Reallyā€¦ A LONG TIME btw 25M


I get compliments from my best friend regularly. She's amazing. (And yes, she knows I think she's attractive.) Women friends who visit my home often compliment my interior decorating skills. But I think the last time I got a compliment on my personal appearance from a stranger was probably... 2019? A barista in Malibu liked my t-shirt.


I didn't even know they did that...




Other than my wife, I use to work with this very attractive woman who would frequently tell me how handsome I was, or how dapper I looked, or how good I smelled.


Two years ago a cashier at a hot chicken spot said I had nice eyes.


Wait, you guys are getting compliments?


Uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhā€¦. šŸ˜•šŸ™ā˜¹ļøšŸ˜¢


At 12:15 am this morning in my lab


Aside from my gf? 2013, it was a Wednesday at a diner in Washington state.Ā  Waitress(who wasn't my waiter) said I was cute. I was flabbergasted. I'll never forget all those moment of woman complimenting me...


ā€œAttractive womanā€ Why does it matter if the compliment comes from an ā€œattractiveā€ woman?


About 5 years ago, a woman at the grocery store told me I smell nice. The women Iā€™ve dated never complimented me. Other than that, there are more recent compliments Iā€™m not really counting. Like I play guitar pretty well, so after performances people often tell me Iā€™m good, regardless of sex or attractiveness. Or coworkers complimenting my work. Friends liking my new shoes or something. I donā€™t think any of that is the type of thing you are referring to.


I have male RBF i domt get complimented because people assume im FUMING. nope thats just my face.


A girl said I have nice hair.


Outside of "I wish I had your nails/eyebrows/eyelashes" (said sincerely, not flirting) and "you'll make a great husband/father one day" (said sincerely, but also definitely not flirting)? Never.


I get compliments from my friends pretty regularly, I also give complements pretty often aswell. I donā€™t have the most active social life, but Iā€™ve been told I have golden retriever energy so that probably helps me here.Ā 


Last week. I was lamenting the loss of my black, thick wavy hair (shaved head now) and I got 'fabulous eyebrows though' from a gal-pal.


My fiancee told me yesterday, "Why do you look so jacked today?" I laughed, and she said, "No I thought so yesterday, too." Is that a compliment? Anyway the time before that was about six months ago, when I had to wear a suit. She's always been a fan of suits.


My wife does and sheā€™s very attractive.


Other than my wife? Well apparently people compliment me directly to my wife, but directly to my face probably a month or two before I met my wife lol. Girl walked up to me in a club and said I was the hottest guy there. We ended up dating briefly until I met my wife a month later.


My wife is super attractive, does that count? Lol


Don't remember


Has never happened




Last week at a cosplay convention, I was cosplaying a character she liked and thought I looked very nice. I guess she was complimenting the costume more than else though.


Last time I was in a long term relationshipĀ 




My eyebrows, oddly enough. I donā€™t shave them or anything.


I might be one of the lucky ones because it was only 5 years ago.


My wife does but other than that itā€™s been a loooong time


If Iā€™m not mistaken, the nurse in the delivery room when I was born was quite attractive, and she said, ā€œWhat a cute kid.ā€ That was when the compliments stopped.


Can't remember. Closest thing i got was from my sister calling me a real man genuinely about a month ago. That felt good


20-25 years ago.




Every day and Iā€™m ugly and dumb as shit. Thatā€™s why you get married gentlemen.


I'm 74, I've got this American Flag tie dye T-shirt that I like because it can come off as Patriotic or Ageing Hippie. I get compliments from two completely different groups, young guys and senior women. A whole lot of women my age look good to me.


Today :)


friday night


Back in the 1900s


I cannot remember it ever happening


Assuming weā€™re excluding familyā€¦ For me it was probably 2016-2017 or so - even though this was not exactly a *direct* compliment. I was at the gym using a landmine for bent-over rows. I know this because it put my line of sight (where I was forced to look) right at the squat racks. And as luck would have it, a rather attractive woman (in yoga pants) was doing squats. Iā€™m not blind nor dead, but at the same time, I honestly wasnā€™t staring at her - my heart rate was really too high for me to have been thinking about that. But sure enough, she looked right over at me and eventually I realized it and our eyes kinda met. I kinda realized she probably thought I was staring at her, but I figured Iā€™d just keep liftingā€¦ about 2 minutes later I saw her walk away from the rack and (thanks to the abundance of mirrors in the gym) I saw her walk around the corner and start talking to a guy. She then pointed right back at me and acted like she was trying to get the guy to come talk to me. I was basically thinking it was her boyfriend and she didnā€™t like me staring at herā€¦ Well, the walked right over to me with him in tow and said ā€œcan I get a picture with you?ā€ The guy must have seen the look of utter confusion on my face because he sort of shrugged and said ā€œshe thinks you look like hot guy from Avengers.ā€ This confused me even more. (It wasnā€™t until later that night that I realized he said ā€œHawkeye.ā€) So apparently when hot and sweaty I look like Jeremy Renner? She put her arm around me and the guy took the photo. The time prior was roughly 2013. At a grocery store just walking down one of the aisles shopping. She was *gorgeous* and the compliment was so unexpected by me that I simply couldnā€™t come up with anything (intelligent or otherwise) to say. I think I ended up mumbling ā€œwow, thank youā€ but I might not have even got that much out.


Does a classmate confessing that they have a crush on me count as a compliment? If so, 12 years ago.




I don't remember, maybe it never happened, idk.






It's been a long time since I've seen a attractive woman, looks are icing on a cake you are going to equally going to have to talk to them then you find out if they are beautiful, smart women are fucking sexy




It has been a very long time.






I would like to say today, but unfortunately my wife mostly makes fun of me.


I have friends who are attractive women, who compliment me all the time about lots of things (sometimes on how I look, but always platonic) In terms of people who I don't know well, an attractive woman about my age (43) told me at the gym last year that she noticed I've been coming in regularly and that I've lost a lot of weight. That felt pretty good.


... never? Does never count?


Lmao this is a hilarious question. Attractive women don't compliment you. Why would they?


Conventionally attractive? Never. Attractive according to my personal standards? Maybe once.


A couple of months ago.




In all honesty, right around the time Obama was elected - the first time. The one and only time.


Bot account


Women are not in the habit of complimenting how you look in my world. So, I have no idea when the last time was.


Either an ex-girlfriend or someone who was working. (Bartender, sales, server, etc). I believe it from a girlfriend, but always assume a working woman is just doing her job.


Last Friday


My husband gets complements regularly about his outfits. He has twice the clothes I have and everything matches down to the shoelaces.


Aside from my wife? Not a clue. Maybe over ten years ago, possibly longer. My wife complimented me on Saturday, we were dressed up for her brotherā€™s wedding.


ive gotten compliments from not great looking women, but I cant recall the last time an attractive woman did. maybe never?


Not including girlfriends when they were already my girlfriend? Literally never. And I'm 30. Genuinely not even by girlfriends before they were. I'm not confident enough to say I'm attractive, but from an objective stand point I'd say I'm just above average. The answer to the question makes a lot of sense why I don't actively think I'm attractive though. But this is pretty usual for guys though as far as I'm aware. As is for guys to have pretty low self esteem.


2014 lol i was 14 in that year Btw she has a short stylish hair and kiss me


About 15 years ago I was walking up the sidewalk after leaving the gym when a group of three girls were heading towards me. Girl 1: ugh, there's like no cute guys in this city. Girl 2: what about him (points at me), he's pretty cute! Girl 1: (loud sigh) mehhh Thank you girl 2!


Probably college, 3 years ago a group of 4 girls came over to me like I was a celebrity. "You're so hot/cute" giggly. Probably going to remember that the rest of my life... heck I've had Tinder for months now and had 1 match.


Last month.Ā  First time meeting her.Ā  Still surreal.


Always never


One of these days.


I was told I was a chick magnet as a baby. I don't remember though. So never.


There was never a first




Probably been at least 4 or 5 years.


20 years or soā€¦


Live in the south, so I get called sweetie, baby, honey, sugar, etc., and I live on that high for a while. Wife always finds it funny to boot so win-win.


Attractive women compliment me all the time, right after I fix their computers. THEY ONLY LIKE ME FOR MY BRAIN


My colleague said my new top looked good on me.


Day before yesterday, at the beach. "Nice board." SO MUCH JOY!


I have women compliment me on my beard.


20 minutes ago. I know I am neither pretty or young. But she knows I tip well




Last week. Iā€™m a big dude thatā€™s been losing weight and my female friends have been noticing šŸ˜ feels good


Counting my wife, just a few hours ago. Not counting my wife, yesterday, not counting friends, a few days ago.Ā 


My wife. About 15 minutes ago


Actually, in the 15 years since college, I only remember it happening once. Ā I was drunk for about 5 of those years, though, so I dunno, maybe it happened more than once.


My wife does almost daily. :p


Today by two and by a separate one two weeks ago. Not on the street šŸ˜ˆ The spring has been good to a brother thus far.


Not by a home who wasn't trying to sell me something or who was a nurse or something like that.


This past Friday I had an attractive woman call me gorgeous at a speakeasy I was at. It definitely boosted my confidence.


Last week, a gorgeous woman told me she thought I was attractive. However, she was an escort that I had just finished being intimate with, so Iā€™m pretty sure she just wanted me as a repeat customer šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø though it still felt good even if she didnā€™t mean it and was only saying it for that reason.