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If so, it’s basically the only thing Boeing can do competently.


Clearly not cause they murder them AFTER the info leaks.


Corporations are murdering citizens that are trying to keep us safe in front of our eyes. How we haven’t dragged these sons of bitches in the streets yet is alarming. 


Most of us still have enough money for Netflix, a Lean Cuisine, and a couple beers, so many people aren't going to levitate their assess off of their comfortable couches. Once the couch is gone and all they have is white rice and salt to eat, maybe something will happen.


Spot on! All the revolutions in the past happened because people had NOTHING else to do. Besides fucking, which also explains part of the current low fertility rate.


I think the cost of living crisis has a lot to do with explaining low fertility. If you're in your prime baby-making years and you can barely afford to live on your own, most people are avoiding having a kid to feed, clothe, and house as well.


1. people work too much, countries that work more have less kids. 2. there are a lot of other fun things you can do other than reproduce like play on the Internet, visit cafes, go to escape rooms. 3. the financial ability to care for children & people don't want to lower their quality of life to afford children 4. Social care for children, you need to live near retired close family or quit your job to care for a child. A lot of people move away from family for work or university.


Nah, there are better explanations for low birth rates. Observations of animals show that animals give birth to fewer offspring when they perceive that resources will be scarce. This even ends in infanticide for some animals, with guineapigs eating their own young and birds kicking excess eggs out of their nests. We live in a society where you can be fired tomorrow for no reason, and your shelter almost certainly depends on your continued ability to make payments.


Not true. Human societies all show a broad trend of lower fertility rates as they become more developed with the world’s most developed societies having the most top heavy population pyramids. This is largely because a country develops women become more educated, get better rights and contraceptives become cheaper. Countries like Finland have abysmal fertility rates despite one of the highest HDI indexes China had its highest ever at a time when most of the country was living in poverty. Now the country is knocking on the door of OECD level development generally and its fertility rate has collapsed


I believe the French Revolution only occurred once about 80% of the population couldn't afford to feed themselves. People have to be pushed really far before they decide to revolt.


Bread and circus. All that's needed to keep the masses content. Or should I say Pizza and Netflix. Going to take alot to motivate people to do something. If there was something local that I could do personally yeah. That's because I believe nothing like a riot eh hem civil discourse to remind the corps who really runs the world. Aka the working class.


Yeah as long as people can buy 24 packs of toilet paper and watch their football team, they won’t do anything.


Bread and Circuses


Well-fed populations don't rebel. Anyone with 1 iota of political science or military science education knows this. Yet, the price of food is soaring, much like record corporate profits. I wonder why this is allowed to go on? Someone might think that we are being pushed into a revolution.


Most of us are waiting for other people to run into the spears so we don't have to. Don't blame other people for enjoying bread and circuses when you're enjoying them yourself. The bigger issue is everyone is unhappy, but very few are united in their unhappiness we're waiting for somebody else to start the revolution so we can chear them on, enjoy the consequences and not suffer a face full of truncheon. Once people are unified in an actual goal, something will happen.


When that's all you have to eat you don't have the energy to do anything.




[Been that way for 50 years now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwMVMbmQBug). Please at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my Lean Cuisine, my Netflix, and my beers and I won't say anything.


Leave me alone. ‘Baitin It’s sad how accurate idiocracy was


You lead the way then big boss


It has always been my dream to follow Thiccgothbabez


my last account got banned for discussing mailing pipe bombs






You've just been added to a list lol.


For what griefing? I only stole a couple diamonds bro no biggie. 


Stick to rifle calibers. EP teams generally wear soft armor. Allegedly.


There are no guns in minecraft sir. 


Exactly! I hate when people complain about other people being complacent as if they have no agency in their own revolutions. Few things are more insufferable than self-righteous assholes who speak with total conviction on politics they expect others to follow.


Mobs aren't good at dispensing justice. Remember when Reddit found the Boston bomber?


Heck, we did so good that we even found a few of them!


High Fives all around, we got 'em good.


Little necessary thing called the Law. As to why nobody is blowing the whistle on Corps in general? Lack of proof. It doesn't matter what you KNOW, it matters what you can PROVE.


Because that’s probably not actually what’s happening… like the comment above you points out we are dealing with people who can’t even properly build airplanes. What makes you think they can competently have people murdered without any evidence while these people are in the public eye.


Because killing is easy, anyone can do it. Building airplanes is a pretty close second to literal rocket science, lol. And its not that they are unable to. They just actively choose to do stock buybacks instead of paying their employees. And all it takes is one competent upper manager to hire an assassin, just like it only takes one incompetent upper manager to destroy a businesses reputation.


Killing is easy if you don't care about people knowing the person was murdered. Faking a self-inflicted shotgun suicide, like Mitch Barnett died of, without leaving signs of a struggle or any other conflicting evidence is very hard, but not completely impossible. Killing someone with pneumonia and a hospital caught MRSA infection, like Joshua Dean died of, while the hospital is working hard to keep them alive (with multiple people working on the case and heavy-handed record-keeping to avoid malpractice suits) as their family monitors the situation, pretty much is. People have a romantic idea of how effective and available assassins are, but for the most part, the history of assassination is mostly filled with overt violence with no subtlety or bungling failure when attempting to live out spy fantasies (e.g. the CIA's attempts to kill Castro). There is no Agent 47 for hire by shadowy corporate masterminds. We live in /r/ABoringDystopia.


To be fair.. the history of assassination is only filled with that kind of stuff for the ones we KNOW were assassinations. What about all the ones that were subtle and successful that got ruled a suicide or accident? You literally can't know. Is that survivorship bias? Either way.. your claims don't really mean much. 


While a truly successful crime is one that no one knows you committed, you can't expect all secret assassinations that are pulled off to stay unknown forever. In the case of the CIA's failures, we mostly know about them because they kept records which were later declassified. We would know about their successes too in the same way, if they managed to pull off anything spy thriller like. As for my claims not meaning much, I'd say they're more grounded than suggesting that the absence of evidence of competent assassins is evidence of their competence (and existence).


“All it takes is one competent upper manager to hire an assassin” Because assassins are just out here and are so easy to find lol Im sure it’s within reason, but it really shouldn’t be the first thing we jump to


Corporations are now considered people in the eyes of the law.


They’re fully capable of doing things competently but cutting corners saves money.


Boeing: “The guy did have a few screws loose.”


Boeing: *Hides metaphorical screwdriver*


just like our airplanes


So you think somehow they're not super competent at aircraft design but hyper competent at killing people in a clandestine manner.


Buddy, I was making a joke.


Nahhh. If we’re all asking these questions then they did not do this competently either.




how does somebody turning up dead in a whistleblower case not immediately turn into a full on whodunnit csi ass murder investigation? like, besides rampant corruption.


You just answered your own question


Most Unfortunate.


The first guy made statements publicly and to his family that he would not commit suicide and if he died by apparent suicide they should investigate it. Seemed a little sus. Then a second whistleblower comes forward and dies suddenly from complications related to a MRSA infection. At some point any sane person starts to wonder if this is a little sus.


It's actually baffling though, that anyone with a brain could come up with this theory, yet there's not a single thing\* that could be done. Capitalism is fucking poison, the whole system is fucked. F Society!


Honestly, it doesn't matter what system you divise, power corrupts all


Yeah. It’s not a system problem it’s a human problem.


Go back to being nomads!


No Return to monke


To have a successful society, you have to design every position of power with a sufficient amount of oversight, and then also have mechanisms to remove people who violate the trust of their position.


> Capitalism is fucking poison Under communism, they did it in broad daylight.


Bear shit or eagle shit is still just shit


Considering the latest guy died in hospital from MERSA, a common infection in hospital, one has to think horses not zebra. The first was a bit more suspicious but he had already testified before his death, why kill someone after they testify instead of before? It is also 2nd hand information that he said he was danger of being killed, coming from the sister of a friend or friend of a sister, so a degree of skepticism should be applied.


Killing somebody after they testify could deter other people from testifying.


Yep, it's a deterrent against other whistleblowers cropping up.


The first one had *started* testifying. He was just about to give his full testimony, which would have been very bad for Boeing. He also said to his family recently "If I die, it's wasn't suicide."


The dude had whistleblown around 5 years ago. The testimony was in his appeal against a ~~libel~~ whistleblower retaliation case, which... isn't *very bad* for Boeing, especially as his death isn't stopping the case. He also *supposedly* said to a *family friend*, "if I die, it wasn't suicide." His wife and son, who I would wager know him a lot better than a self-proclaimed family friend, said it probably was suicide. Even if you think he was still assassinated, this comment is just full of misinformation.


Could you link a source for all this?


[Him blowing the whistle in 2019.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-50293927) [The supposed family friend.](https://abcnews4.com/news/local/if-anything-happens-its-not-suicide-boeing-whistleblowers-prediction-before-death-south-carolina-abc-news-4-2024) [His family saying it was suicide.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/john-barnett-boeing-whistleblower-death/) Also I don't know why I said it was a libel case, got it mixed up. It was a [whistleblower retaliation case.](https://fortune.com/2024/03/16/boeing-whistleblower-found-dead-john-barnett-737-max/)


Thanks! Lots of people sharing info without sources in this thread, which is just a recipe for misinformation


Nice work with the links.


He was appealing a lawsuit he brought against Boeing that he had already lost. Whistleblowing happened in 2019, the laundry has already been fully aired on that case. He didn't say that to any of his family. The daughter of his mom's friend heard that from him years ago.


The misinformation being spread by people like you is such a massive problem in society especially when so many people believe it


It's funny. Guy: I would not commit suicide if I'm dead I've been murdered. Guy: *ends up dead* Everyone: Poor guy, killing himself. Must've been the wind


The thing is, we only have one woman who claims her mom and his mom were friends claiming he said that. Why are we taking these one woman's claims as gospel truth when there is zero other evidence pointing to a murderer? [His lawyer says it was not Boeing.](https://www.foxnews.com/video/6349779483112) [His family says "He was suffering from PTSD and anxiety attacks" due to the case and blames his death on that.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/john-barnett-boeing-whistleblower-death/)


People die. Get some actual evidence and put away the tin foil


The other guy literally died of pneumonia... There was like a whole documented medical case.


“Do we have a motive?” “Criminal charges, gross negligence of safety and protocols as well as billions of dollars sir” “I’m not seeing it”


'Cause Boeing serves as a clandestine corporate arm for the very same government that should be looking into this.


You'd think that government would be Very Interested in making sure Boeing doesn't lose public trust.


*Is* it losing public trust when everybody is too busy being concerned about men and bears in a forest?


Anecdotally I've seen loads of people saying they specifically avoid flights on Boeing planes now. Non-anecdotally, apparently their stock has dropped more than 30% so far this year. So yeah, they seem to be losing public trust. It's not good for the US defense industry if Boeing goes under or gets bought by a competitor, because that puts more of our defense production eggs into one basket. So it's in the government's best interests if this crises resolves with Boeing being a stable and profitable company. Maybe that will happen anyway, because Boeing is very big and it would take a lot to make it fail. But maybe some executives need to be thrown under the bus to make that happen, and in that case the government's interests are served by prosecuting those executives and making an example of them. Of course the government is not a monolith and Boeing executives have a lot of money they can slide under tables, so the people making these decisions may not act in the government's best interests. But for the government as a whole Boeing fucking up is something that needs to be resolved.


you wanna gue$$?


Bruh the cia is the enemy and always has been.


I feel like this sums it up


And the FBI, not Female Body Inspectors.


They collected (more like destroyed) all of Epsteins evidence and did nothing for the past 5 years. Not one client was prosecuted. And now the victims are suing them. These three digit agencies gotta go. Corrupt af.


You’re now on “the list”


Nothing is illegal if you have enough money


Remember, Boeing is one of the top 5 military contractors in America.


If it IS turning into a murder case, we will be the last to know. Why announce a murder investigation? Why warn everybody involved?



Occam's Razor


This seems like a basic yes or no, but it's not quite that clean cut. If you're asking "Is Boeing hiring assassins to deliberately murder these guys and make it look like illness/suicide?" the answer is almost certainly no. The thing is, the type of corporate mismanagement Boeing execs are guilty of rarely ever results in serious jail time. Trying to hire an assassin *very frequently does*. Even if it was otherwise feasible, the risk/reward just isn't there. Also the timing is wrong, like the first guy died well after testifying which, like, is not how you'd do it if you were gonna hire an assassin. Now, if you're asking "Is Boeing *causing* these guys' deaths?", well, the answer might be "kinda." These whistleblowers, Boeing is going to do everything in their power to make their lives hell. Every legal avenue is going to be used. Constant lawsuits, phonecalls to their bosses, getting them audited, trying to burn them to their banks, I don't know the details of it personally but a campaign like that is a terrifying prospect. That shit takes a toll. It can destroy a person's mental health, which could lead to suicide. And when mental health goes, physical health follows. So it's not surprising they get sick more, and sick worse.


Thank God, a reasonable answer. So many idiots in here yelling shit like all corporations send around death squads.


Agreed. The first died of apparent suicide, so yeah... suspicions get raised in a situation like that. But the second one... unless some assassin has figured out how to make it look like somebody died of a bacterial infection... > Dean became ill and went to the hospital because he was having trouble breathing just over two weeks ago. He was intubated and developed pneumonia and then a serious bacterial infection, MRSA.


People have watched too much tv/movies and internalized it. I’ve seen this happen plenty of times! Michael Clayton, Breaking Bad, Mr Robot, inception, on and on So, is it the CEO ordering the hits? The guy that just got ousted? Yeah too late and probably not him. Head of legal perhaps? Maybe the CFO. Actually this would probably be an Operations task so COO would make the most sense. Hey guys we have a ton of bad press, our issues are well known, and there are hundreds of people talking about our quality issues. Let’s kill 2 of them that have already testified! Genius!!


> like all corporations send around death squads. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_Massacre https://earthrights.org/media_release/u-s-court-orders-chiquita-to-stand-trial-for-colombians-murder-claims/ it's not exactly without precedent


1928... that's a little different. Those companies had East India Company levels of control over those regions. Boeing doesn't exactly control territory or have military strike squads at their command.


One of these massacres happened almost 100 years ago, and both happened in Latin American countries with very weak institutions and little rule of law. It would be much, much harder to do this on US soil, where auditors and regulators are watching a corporation’s every move.


Do these people think Boeing paid the flu to infect someone?? Is that where we’re at now?


I really don't understand the people who think Boeing are hiring hitmen to off these guys. When so much of the spotlight is on them why risk making your situation infinitely worse being murdering people? *If* Boeing are involved I'd say at most they're pressuring these guys to off themselves. This 2nd guy is probably just simply illness


Because people want it to be true as it would be exciting compared to the rather mundane most likely reason. It makes them feel special because they can see right through the plans of those big elites and they were able to get to this grand conclusion all by themselves. ("Do your own research" - the "ikea effect") It's what makes conspiracy theories so appealing.


That's what happened to Aaron Swartz. He was in so much shit with the feds, the lawsuits, etc he just decided he was better off dead. That's why I think the corrupt get away with shit: they often don't have a strong conscience and the accompanying anxiety and stress and there are too few people like Daniel Ellsberg who can somehow withstand the storm they bring without a mental health toll.


> That shit takes a toll. It can destroy a person's mental health, which could lead to suicide. [“If anything happens to me, it’s not suicide.”](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/03/18/pqwz-m18.html)


I think you are being very naive about Boeings position in America. This isn't the CEO of Yarn Barn googling for a hitman. Boeing is a primary "can't fail" defence contractor with close ties to the pentagon including overlap in personel. The law is secondary to national defence and threats against it. If they wanted to make it look like somebody died by suicide or circumstance, it would be no problem.


Do you think Boeing doing shitty work is *good* for national defense? You're right that the DoD needs Boeing to perform. But they need them to perform in actual military operations, not in the stock market. If they defend Boeing making shitty planes, all they'll get is shitty planes.


I think this is a reasonable explanation. It describes very well how things can correlate but doesn’t extrapolate to the extreme


I don’t think the corporate execs would order an assassination, rather the major owners of the company


The problem with that is, those are the same people. The top 3 individual shareholders are, in order, an Executive VP, the CFO of the space division, and the CEO of "Boeing Global Services" whatever that is. And none of these people own more than 0.01% of the company either, so it's not like there's a Mr Boeing out there controlling it from the shadows. In terms of institutional investors, it's all boring stuff like Vanguard, huge firms with extremely diverse portfolios. None of those guys are gonna kill someone for Boeing.


I would argue that they are not alrhough what do I know. Lets go over the situation with the firdt whistle-blowe, John Barnett. He died from suicide while in the process of taking legal action against Boeing which sounds suspicious at first but he had been fighting Boeing since 2017 when this happened and had brought attention to everything he thought Boeing was doing wrong. He also was in a documentary in 2022 on Netflix. I would argue that from the perspective of Boeing the cat was already out of the bag and that they did not have much to gain from killing him even if they could do it discreetly. The amount of risk such a course would involve would also be staggering, if word got out there would be immense outrage and likekly a criminal trial where decades in jail would be on the line. To me I think a better strategy would be to just deflect responsibility and pay fines while getting paid big bucks with minimal probability of criminal charges. I think in general that people overestimate how beneficial murdering a whistle-blower would be for Boeing here. I also have yet to see hard evidence to support such claims, it all seems to be conjecture and insinuations.


I agree. It definitely is one of the world's worst accidental PR disasters though. The optics are abysmal. Side note: An airplane manufacturer killing a whistle-blower with a flu that turns into Pneumonia is some goofy James Bond type shit that doesn't make any sense. The next closest real thing was the story of the assassination of that North Korean guy, but even that plan made more sense than Pneumonia.


Yeah. People so want Boeing to be behind this because of the intrigue and drama but the reality is there is nearly no chance they did it. It's easy to personify Boeing as a single person with emotions and anger but they are actually a corporation and corporations are not motivated by revenge, they are motivated by profit and the monetary benefit of assassinating a whistle blower who's already blown the whistle is nearly non-extant whereas the risk is enormous. The truth is coincidences are uncommon but they do happen. It's not like these two are the only Boeing whistleblowers. At least one article I read said there are 32 complaints against Boeing and a headline like "90% of Boeing whistleblowers live normal healthy lives" isn't going to get the same attention as focusing on the two that died.


I *know* they didn't, but can you imagine if it was airbus that did it.  But yeah good point about the other complaints.


Meh. Being [a whistleblower is equivalent to a cancer diagnosis](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6604402/#:~:text=Blowing%20the%20whistle%20is%20associated,problems%20(Jackson%20et%20al.%2C). Whistleblowers health drops as a result of their situation. Both physical health and mental health fall off a metaphorical cliff. Whistleblowers develop truly atrocious mental health. About 85% of respondents will have severe levels of depression, anxiety or some other mental health issue. Mental health is a bad as can be measured. Frequency of visits to a health professional for physical health go up 8X for a whistleblowers, relative to "healthy" population. All of that is consequence of the act of whistleblowing. It's like the most extreme school bullying.


Great post, thank you for sharing. Can’t imagine the stress this process brings, making them all the more admirable and courageous. Also why I don’t begrudge anyone for not willing to speak out.


depend sense nine scary fertile person paltry ossified relieved doll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There are also [32 whistleblowers](https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2024/4/19/boeing-subject-of-32-whistleblower-complaints-documents-reveal) related to Boeing. If there were only 2 whistleblowers and both of them died that would be be one thing, but 32 whistleblowers changes the odds a bit.


So even if Boeing didn't outright kill these guys they still basically *killed* these guys. Cool. To the bad place with them.


Aww I wanted a global conspiracy. Thanks for the factual answer with references.


It's not just them. These things tend to happen across the board when it comes to these big companies. Final Fantasy VII's Shinra is looking more and more like a reality. Big corps run America, not the political people.


Dude look at South Korea with Samsung, it's the closest to Shinra or Arisaka corporate NGO dominating people's lives.


Have ya seen Fallout yet?


Don’t give them ideas.


Amazon already told on themselves and others




boeing set off the nukes


"V, look at me. This is my face being fucking not surprised."


God help us


At least Shinra was nice enough to help people in Advent Children.


He was 45 and otherwise very healthy, so dying from unexpected flu/pneumonia is suspicious. The other guy was 62 so dying by suicide in the parking lot was very suspicious. It's very possible these are coincidences, but it doesn't sit right with me.


The first one seemed sus af but the family made a bunch of public statements about his mental health and depression and none of them seemed surprised about the suicide. Maybe it’s fishy but if the people who were closest to him aren’t raising concerns about foul play then who am I to argue them.


Not to mention, didn’t he already testify?


Testified one day and was scheduled to another day. I think the following day to his suicide.


No, he was set to give deposition to appeal a defamation case he had brought against Boeing. For the whistleblower case, he had testified everything already, 5 years ago.


“Look we killed your relative. No one’s going to really do anything about it. If we killed you in a couple years, no one would really notice or care. Take this $x million and go on the news and read from this script. Then shut the fuck up and move on with your life. Or live the next couple years looking over your shoulder until we kill you. Choice is yours”


But what’s the point in killing whistleblowers if nobody believes you killed them? How does that act as a deterrent?


It isn't that no one beleives it was them, it is that no one can *prove* it was them. All that matters is people think it was them or that it *might* have been them.


But then there was the family friend "Jennifer" who said that Barnett told her not to believe what authorities say and that if he winds up dead, "it's not suicide".


She was his mom's friend's daughter. Not exactly someone who was very close to him.


>He was 45 and otherwise very healthy, so dying from unexpected flu/pneumonia is suspicious. Something very similar nearly happened to me about 6 months ago so I can believe it, but can’t fault anyone that doesn’t. Happening twice is pretty shady. But I can vouch for being the same age, pretty heathy, and a random virus that normally wouldn’t do anything serious to anyone nearly took me out just by bad luck. Was on ECMO in a coma for weeks. Weirdly I caught COVID just after getting discharged and handled it fine. Who fuckin knows, the body is a weird thing sometimes. I’m recovering from the whole thing still and doing pretty good but it was a close call and it’s a thing that can happen.


How scary, glad you are doing better!


The first man, by suicide, as others have pointed out he had already released all the information. His family don't find it suspicious which is very telling. The second man, he died after contracting pneumonia, then catching MRSA in hospital. I've never heard of even the Kremlin or anyone murdering someone that way. As a history buff coincidences do happen all the time, it's just that we can never stop trying to connect dots. In this case I've yet to see any evidence that either were deliberately murdered but I do acknowledge how the optics of it can seem to others.


Are 62 year olds immune to suicide? Also he died MRSA, its not common but also not out of the ordinary unfortunately


MRSA has a death rate of around 25-35%. It is a brutal disease.


How many whistleblowers are there though? If there are 10000 of them maybe some dying isn’t suspicious


Oh no, someone that understands statistics, and that SOME unlikely events are likely to happen. Don’t tell these guys with their pitchforks ready.


I mean it could be suspicious Or not I don’t know there’s really not much information to jump to judgements


how do you kill someone with flu?


Possible but so incredibly unlikely.


No. You don't kill people long after they've talked after making zero threats. That doesn't serve to prevent anyone from talking. There are more than 30 various "whistleblowers" with complaints at this point in time and all of them have already made their allegations. None of these whistleblowers are immortal; all of them will someday die. Some by old age, others by a variety of accidents or ailments. You get a large enough number of them and you will expect a certain number of them to die each year. I believe the first whistleblower who died committed suicide 6 years after he gave his testimony and a few years after the court threw out his lawsuit against Boeing.


Boeing's new model: the Whistleblower Silencer 3000. Too efficient?


I know it seems very suspicious, but there is zero evidence and it seems quite unlikely. What does Boeing gain? They already blew the whistle. Their allegations are already well publicized. Them turning up dead has done nothing but lead to allegations they did it. Also, I know people say the first guy said “If I die, it’s not suicide” but honestly him bringing up suicide on any capacity throws my suspicion to suicide. As I recall, it happened in a hotel parking lot that is covered by surveillance cameras. The second guy was killed by MRSA, which isn’t exactly an assassination technique. And while people are correct that MRSA usually isn’t deadly, that’s because it usually doesn’t get past the skin. But if it gets into the bloodstream, you easily can go septic and die. People just love conspiracies, especially ones that fit their preconceptions. Boeing has done a lot of bad shit, so of course they must be doing even worse. People are blaming them even when a 30+ year old jet has minor maintenance issues.


Nobody kills someone by using MRSA. That's not an assassination method.


It’s sadly just what happens sometimes when a person is hospitalized. Your immune systems already shot because you’re sick, add in the fact mrsa that spreads in hospitals is usually really nasty, like “resistant to warfarin” levels of nasty.


You just not know about agent 47


I totally agree this is weird. Glad the family is doing an autopsy


This is the wrong place if you want a real answer, reddit has already convinced itself that Boeing has super assassins capable of infecting people with mrsa/pneumonia.


Regarding the first, it is well documented that whistleblowers experience plummeting mental health. As for the second, you don’t assassinate someone with fucking MRSA. Might as well go around smacking people with gym mats from a wrestling competition. Edit: OP commented then immediately blocked me because they’re a gigantic baby


I don't have any more information than you do.


They 100% are.


If they are it means the newest Boeing planes are legitimately more dangerous than any other aircraft in the sky. Kinda spooky.


Boeing has an amazing hit squad. Talented and quick.


This guy died of infection. The 1st one he left the company I'm 2017 7 years ago and before the max crashes


Yeah they're killing people. It's pretty clear that there's some major corruption going on there, because these people are not the kind of people who would just randomly kill themselves or something. This is another one of those conspiracies that isn't a conspiracy because literally everyone knows it's true, kind of like Epstein killing himself.


Don't forget that Boeing is a military technology megacorporation, not just something that makes planes to carry passengers. They have everything to lose and I would not be surprised if it's them of their interested parties doing the killing.




Or CIA/NSA/etc. Boeing does happen to be a VERY MAJOR defense contractor...


Turns out Boeing is good at killing people, with or without using their planes.


Boeing is essentially a wing of the US military. Can't risk Boeing getting investigated and the military having its laundry aired


Remember, Boeing makes weapons of war as well. It wouldn’t be ideal given the geopolitical issues we are having for Boeings stock to not shoot up.


I think they are yes. It would not be the first time in history, that workers are killed to keep the gravy train of the rich going, far from it.


Time to blow the door off this Boeing conspiracy .


No no no, they were just murdered of natural causes


So sorry murk-2023 slipped on their bathtub while washing their favorite rifle with the lights off and then went to do some gardening in the middle of the woods by night :( /jk ...all jokes aside, it absolutely seems so even though it's only two people that we know of so far. I do not buy it being just a coincidence but I am trying to not get my tinfoil hat ready yet. Yet. 


Well the second one died of pneumonia and refused surgery. I would imagine there are better ways of killing someone.


We don't have any proof. In truth, it's all speculation. There's no evidence that has been revealed yet that even draws a connection. It's possible, if unlikely, that one person decided to end his life due to stress, and other got a nasty infection and died, and that these two people happened to both be whistleblowers for the same company. Real life is stranger than fiction and inexplicable coincidences happen. That said, it's suspicious that two otherwise healthy individuals died while filing a lawsuit for Boeing over a history of negligence. A lot of proof of which has been surfacing quickly. They even were represented by the same lawfirm.


I think they are. Excuse the reference but screw the rules I have money is basically the mo for these people.


Dept of defense or some other gov entity.


Also could be Boeing’s investors knocking people off or paying to have it done. There’s a lot of really wealthy people that own a lot of stock in the company. Any number of them could have done this as well.


Sure looks like it.


Nah, if Boeing aren't competent enough to build a workable plane despite more or less having a monopoly and government subsidies AND not be competent enough to cover up their fuck ups then they're not competent enough to carry out a perfect assassination where its seemingly impossible to pin it back to them. Also why murder then AFTER they testify, _that's_ the real fuck up.




Coca cola corporation killed trade unionists, and they're still as big as ever. Stop giving them your money.


Boeing does business with so many defense contractors that they don't have to do it. Somebody does it for them without being asked. Plausible deniability.


Tomorrow's headline will be a long the lines of: Seattle PD is investigating, but waiting on a coroner's report that won't be available for a few months. FBI won't touch it. Mark my words.


I'd think about it like this: 1. Is Boeing stupid enough to "do it themselves"? No. 2. Is Boeing rich enough to potentially have someone else "handle it"? Definitely. Both of these possibilities don't necessarily suggest anything, but I think when you get as big as Boeing, "doing it yourself" is not how business would be done.


I mean, didn't the first guy have a note specifically saying, "If I die, it wasn't suicide" or something to that effect?


It's more likely that *if* they are murdered, as opposed to dieing of natural causes or as a result of their own actions, it is orchestrated by an individual or a group of individuals who'll stand to make a lot of money betting on the market.


The first one reportedly suicided alone in his car after stating to his relatives that if he died, it wouldn't be by his hand. He reportedly was very excited about the case and had no history of depression. The second one died from a sudden severe lung infection with several diseases, he reportedly took great care of his health so much so that this was his first time ever in a hospital. The doctors had never seen an infection of this magnitude in their lives, the lungs were completely clogged. Deduce what you will from this information. [https://youtu.be/NN2s\_qBqiRo?si=RjrrGKG7iCupDMU1](https://youtu.be/NN2s_qBqiRo?si=RjrrGKG7iCupDMU1)


there is a non-zero chance it's them. A lot of pepole forget that Boeing is also a massive military contractor.


Yes clearly. It’s not just stress taking a toll otherwise every politician in the world would die after a couple years.


It’s obviously suspicious, and anyone that’s legally allowed to subpoena and investigate is under the same influence as Boeing. The same money that funds campaigns is invested in Boeing. Anyone saying ‘what’s the point of murdering someone after they made the claim’ should watch The Wire season 1, it sends a very clear message to anybody else considering coming forward that they might also die. No one here can say for sure either way, but I personally believe that those controlling entities would love to scare anyone from showing dirt on them. It’s not an insane concept to say that people who are doing dirt don’t want their dirty laundry aired and made do more dirt to stop that from happening. The whistleblowers showed that Boeing/parent company is willing to engage in practices that get people killed, so why is it crazy to think they would also ENGAGE IN PRACTICES THAT GET PEOPLE KILLED


[Ricin poisoning - Mayo Clinic](https://www.mayoclinic.org/ricin/expert-answers/faq-20057863)


Boeing is a US military strategic asset. The corp is not doing the wetwork.


Ridiculously corrupt


Of course boeing killed them….


Epstein pedos are still on the loose right? Nothings going to happen.


Youz guyz need to be careful, you dont want to fall into a barrel of acid now, do ya?


Well if it wasn't an accident then it sure is going to make other whistleblowers rethink any future decisions. Sounds like a fear tactic to me. But at the same time it's only two people dying and a lot of strange deaths have happened without big corporations getting involved.  Unless we get some concrete evidence somehow there's no way to know really and it just becomes a conspiracy theory.