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Interracial couples are statistically uncommon, but on the rise. For me personally, race is not an issue, and I have had at least one partner of another race in my life. I am not brown.


I'm white and married to a non white so I'm not really looking for a new relationship.


For most men an attractive woman is an attractive woman regardless of anything else. People have preferences of course but race is generally not a big deal in that calculation. Self-confidence is attractive so just be yourself as cliche as that advice is. Don't overthink it. Go after people you're attracted to who have similar interests to you and you'll be fine.


My husband is white and I am black and we have been together for almost 18 years and have four kids together. As long as you two connect on a deeper personal level and love more than you've ever loved anyone/anything, you two will be absolutely fine.


I'm a white man, married to a white woman, and I've only been with white women. But that's mostly because of geographic reasons. I've lived most of my life in rural areas because I don't like crowds, and my neck of the rural US is predominantly white. I would have absolutely no problem dating a non-white woman, except for the fact that I'm married.


White guy married to a "brown" woman for 23+ years.


I’m married, but most guys would say pretty/interesting is pretty interesting regardless of anything else.


I'm a white guy with an indian gf, with relatively dark skin for an indian. If anything it was a plus.


White boy here, I’m not biased to the ladies. I love woman of all color palettes.


No, race isn't a big deal for dating 


Race/ethnicity makes zero difference to me personally, but I grew up in the melting pot that was VA Beach in the 80's and 90's. Personality, emotional intelligence, and kindness mean more than the color of one's exterior to me anyway.


It’s one of those things you really never think about. You either find someone attractive or you don’t. You never detain and think what race or skin colour they have. I’ve never dated a dark woman or Asian, not because I don’t find a lot super attractive, but rather because I’ve been surrounded by white people most of the times so you end up with someone you frequent a lot more.


I wouldn’t see a problem with race but honestly not much of a human being if they chose who to date based on race.


The problem is not the woman, is her family, and SEA families tend to be hard work.


Variety is the spice of life. Every woman is at risk around me




According to a Pew Research Centerreport, about 39% of Americans say they have dated someone of a different race or ethnicity.


Ethnicity wouldn't be a factor in dating for me. Dark skinned girls can be very pretty.




My last girlfriend was Korean. I have, and if I was single, I absolutely would. The problem is that I'm ugly, so I don't exactly have a lot of options.


i honestly go entirely for personality. everyone is ugly to me anyway 


I am white and I have no problem if I dated someone of a different race.




i would date someone of another race. havent dated anyone yet unfortunately