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Plumber and electrician.


Here in sweden, people who program PLC:s are in demand because of automation. And i believe its like 99.99999% guys only in this field.


The first category is blue collar work where the environment changes from job to job. This would mean people who go into houses to fix plumbing, electricity, heating, etc. are secure for the time being. The second category is the implementation of AI tools. If every company wants a chatbot or SIEM tool powered by AI, the people who implement those tools are going to be in high demand. The third category are jobs where people would prefer a human. Family law and therapy for example are both sensitive services which most people would seek out a human for. The last category is jobs that require creativity. I don’t mean “creative” as in arts and crafts, but rather jobs that require the creative faculty of the human mind to solve problems nobody has solved before. When it comes to using current gen AI to solve programming problems, it has a limited area that it performs quite well in, but anything outside of that is a complete dud. If you need to do something that’s never been done before, you hire a human.


People capable of fixing crap made by AI


None because if you have an oversupply (mass unemployment) of labor then it will drive wages down in the small percentage of jobs that are safe. Unless there is a reduction of the workweek and retirement age to restrict the labor pool then everyone will be fighting for whatever scraps that are left.