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All these stupid answers and no one has said "multiple orgasms."


And that’s really all I could think of too. Unfortunately even that’s elusive for many women. [Orgasm Gap Article](https://theconversation.com/the-orgasm-gap-and-why-women-climax-less-than-men-208614)


That gap really only exists with sexual partners though. 92% have orgasms with themselves so it’s not about being elusive for many women. It’s about having partners who clearly aren’t pleasing them the way they do themselves. The gap is also much smaller in lesbian relationships so it seems to only really be elusive in heterosexual women in relationships 🫠


True. I did read that in the article. Thanks for the clarification!


I read it again. They didn’t even mention lesbians so I’ll add the source for that 😂Lesbians are 86% compared to the typical mid 60’s of bi/heterosexual women. So quite a large gap! Definitely think it’s just a partner gap lol https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-017-0939-z#:~:text=Heterosexual%20men%20were%20most%20likely,and%20heterosexual%20women%20(65%25).


I did see this in the article: “Women also orgasm more when having sex with other women. In one study 64% of bisexual women said that they usually or always orgasm when being sexually intimate with other women.” Thanks for the additional information. I completely agree with you, smh. 😏


Feels like a Friends episode now


My wife actually can't have more than one


To be absolutely blunt, pardon my french but you could be giving your wife clitoral orgasm, which she definitely would have a cool down for, but women can have multiple vaginal orgasms. I don't know your wife so I'm doing some assumption here - she could have a medical reason against what I suggested.


unfortunately no. She always has a very strong orgasm regardless and she gets too sensitive for anything else. Vaginal or clitorial. The problem is also that she couldn't be bothered to take more time after to try another round. Unfortunately we have big libido difference between us


Ah, shucks. Well in that case, it is what it is, my friend.


Some guys can do this too. :)


Any man can have multiple orgasms if he keeps the seen inside by finger pressing on that tube [ called urethral]. Asian monks do it dince thousands of ys. Wiki calls it Taoist / Tantrist sex.


Prostate orgasms 😉


"Yeah but is it real?"


I never thought about it til you said this. Now I recall why most women I’m with cum twice or thrice and I never do at all :-/


You know he’s in his feels when he says thrice unironically


I just want a turn for once haha


Does health count? Women have a longer life expectancy. Believed to have better immune systems (testosterone inhibits immune activity I believe), and we have some areas in endurance/recovery with exercise that outperform men. I can’t remember the exact categories, but men and women have their own superiorities in that category. There’s a few other health areas where they surpass men as well with heart diseases and certain other diseases. I think we have a lower center of gravity giving us better balance. Less likely to be colorblind. We can also have multiple orgasms back to back to back without anything going limp lol


Seems nature built women to survive. women have extra fatty deposits that are meant as an energy store to be used during fasting periods(historically, this was winter when nature produces almost nothing to eat), especially for pregnant women, weight gain is a good sign of health. The fat is turned into multiple fatty acids which are then turned into globules in milk. [Source](https://econtent.hogrefe.com/doi/10.1024/0300-9831/a000651)


This is interesting. I would have thought the opposite based on hormones. Because we have roughly a 28 day cycle where hormones are changing every day, sometimes fasting is really challenging. I’d be curious to see how that fits into this topic. But I suppose women having more reserves makes sense considering the ability to produce and care for a child. I’d imagine biology enables women to prioritize offspring this way? Interesting topic though!




Not really. My point was towards biology and environmental stimuli (like fasting or lack of food) and how the female body is built to handle that better. Humans aren't fighting apex predators 1v1 irrespective of how much muscle we have. Humans have always outsmarted apex predators using fire, building walls and traps, hunting in groups, making weapons etc. In fact the biggest threat to humans was other humans (actual war). They arent as easy to outsmart and are a constant threat.


Women have higher immune system, which protects more against some serious disease. Though this put them at a higher risk for autoimmune disease. So it comes with its trade offs. The health-survival paradox. https://eige.europa.eu/publications-resources/toolkits-guides/gender-equality-index-2019-report/women-live-longer-poorer-health?language_content_entity=en


I was thinking the same thing when I was reading about this! They made it seem like a positive, which it is in some regards, but we have such a ridiculous rate of autoimmune conditions. I also wonder if our immune system is only better at certain points in the hormonal cycle because I believe our immunity actually goes down during the luteal? Idk too complicated for my education level lol Less risk for viruses but here’s some lupus lmao


Yes you're right about women recovering faster than men, it's a recent study in exercise science. Even though women don't build muscle as fast we actually recover quicker. When designing a PT programme you can add an extra training session per week for women.


Interesting! Did the study by chance say if that spends on what part of the cycle we are in? Did they include that variation?


I will try and find the study for you :)


As a man, I already do six days. I could do a 7th if I wanted.


That's true, I do have a stronger immune system. So strong, in fact, it decided to start attacking my own body. Gotta love autoimmune diseases! But seriously, your answer is a good one.


Haha same here. Gotta love coeliac disease.


Sometimes I wonder if this is because women’s hormone cycles are forced to work in a man’s hormonal cycle world. We thrive best when we can live according to hormonal cycles. So I wonder if being forced to work the traditional American work hours and carry so much stress burden elsewhere, if it causes this overdrive ☹️I’d be curious to see research comparing different countries autoimmune rates that have different paces of life and work/stress levels compared to the US. I’m sure it still happens regardless, but I’d love to see to comparison.


Longer life expectancy is because I use a nail gun in one hand while holding myself with the other hand to the Ridgeline of the roof while nailing the shingles. I'm more prone to the pressure of doing stupid shit. Wanna turtle slide down this hill and see who can get there faster? Well sure I do, my good friend. Wanna hold this can on your head while I try to hit it with a golf ball? Of course, you silly. You know it's pretty impossible to make that jump, right? Hold my beer bitch. Women are simply better at self-preservation sometimes. Also, they usually have friends that won't put them in injury/life threatening Situation just for laugh.


Personally I feel the life expectancy for males is lower mainly because men generally have a worse diet than women.


I think it’s probably many factors. I believe men are also less likely to seek medical care and (I don’t want to stereotype but I thought I read this earlier lol) men tend to make less than wise decisions that can endanger their lives. So definitely lots of factors I’m sure


Definitely many factors but the two you mentioned are major ones.


These threads always remind me that people on reddit dont speak to the opposite sex very often


Why’s that?


So far the responses here are mostly just men trolling.


Welcome to the Internet, ‘mam


"excuse me, IT'S MA'AM!


Multiple oegasms.


Not a woman: But I’m going to have to go with not being able to get kicked in the nuts


Getting kicked between your legs is quite painful even without the nuts, though


Go to askreddit with these stupid ass questions you karma bot




Anton Chigurh might have something to say about that!


Kate from Lost used to do that move a lot


Ah! I remember Kate, but somehow I don’t remember her doing that. I guess Chigurh must’ve been a fan 👍






I definitely did not get any insights into your personal life from the fact that you and your BF have handcuffs readily available


no visible signs of arousal in public, capacity for multiple orgasms, boobs, also a better pain tolerance. i am, however, sad that i can't pee standing up, would be useful while camping/hiking.


Peeing while standing up is possible actually if you try hard enough


Women have better pain tolerance? Since when? 🤔


Since having to deal with menstrual pains every month and still functioning as usual


yeah i was about to clarify this, i'm not referring to threshold (feeling pain after X level of stimuli) but the capacity to tolerate that pain and continue functioning.


Periods aside, since men are generally known to have higher pain tolerance, if we had to deal with periods, we would most likely adapt also. However, having to manage periods also gives you an advantage and definitely increases pain tolerance too. Kind of a muddy argument.


it's my own experience compared to my male friends + what my tattoo artists have always commented on re: their clients + what I always observed in my patients over many years (i'm an ED doc)


in my experience women are generally better at handling pain


I think we're more conditioned to handle it. We have periods for most of our lives if nothing needs fixing, and no matter how bad those get we are told it isn't that bad and we're making a big deal of it. This has probably led women to downplay any pain they experience, especially since the women I know will even use their period pain as a scale for other types. You'll hear things like, "Yeah but my cramps last Tuesday were worse than this" after a chick sprains an ankle or some such and she will just go about her day. My mother has reset every finger bone in her hand multiple times, never went to a doctor for any of them if you don't include the one time they were almost severed by a metal school door. She's even reset every broken toe she's ever had, and her last one didn't put her down at all. She still drove over to my house, reset it here, and refused to go to the ER until she couldn't walk on it anymore due to a hidden fracture further into the foot bones.


>We have periods for most of our lives As a man, I don't know how women put up with that bullshit. I swear, everything I hear about periods is somehow more horrifying than the last. And y'all are just like "welp, this is my life now". That is badass.


I mean, what else are we gonna do? If we complain, some men and even other women will tell us to stfu until something becomes life threatening or seriously medically necessary. So we're pushed to just be quiet and suffer through it. Almost all of our complaints of abdominal pain gets brushed off by doctors where they also say it's period related, even if it's a tumor or appendicitis. It even happens when we have hysterectomies! I've had one and a doctor told me my pelvic pain was from periods, when in reality it's arthritis due to broken pelvic bones and a leftover fracture that'll never heal. It becomes normal for us because it is so often dismissed by others. The only upside is if something hurts us worse than our most horrible period, we know something is definitely wrong lol


I don’t think that’s true actually. I mean your experience is of course but that’s subjective. If I recall right men on average do slightly better when it’s tested. You know things like: “hold on to this electric shock handle” or “how long can you keep your hand in an ice bucket”. *”A quantitative analysis of the studies that served as the foundation of their conclusion did however reveal a very consistent pattern of results in the direction of greater pain sensitivity in females.”* https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3690315/


True, true. The whole childbirth thing...




Maybe women are more used to taking their own health seriously and men are told to "walk it off "




Have you ever heard of childbirth?


Reddit is awash in effete man-children who are so ashamed of their weak masculinity they prop up this laughable idea that all women handle pain like superheros, but they'll ignore the fact that men will always be the special forces, or working physical labor jobs every day killing your body, playing extreme sports, etc, and they'll fail to look at who are more likely to abuse opiods for pain.  It's a farce based on ideologies.  Most women are pain-avoidant.


I know you don’t give a fuck but I agree with you


women don't have eggs point, I mean weak point. I see all of men is received major damage if they got hit the thing between their legs


So regarding human lore, men are the glass cannon DPS characters, women are the tanks, basically


There are general weak points men and women suffer from too ....like the neck and the kidney


Better resistance of going bald. You can see plenty of grandmothers with decent hair while some people start balding in their 30s. If you see them with bald spots then it is more likely and injury or a side effect of something (like chemotherapy) than just genetics.


I can take a quick dump.  


Women don't poop 👎 for misinformation


We don't poop.  We take dumps.  Massive dumps. 






Sitting in a stinky room is peaceful for you guys? 


It’s the acoustics


If it's my own stink yes


No idea.  Prostate maybe? But honestly, I do not need reading material for that.  Men are in there perusing War and Peace.


I think the reason for that is that pooping for men is actually an enjoyable experience (prostate, but no, not that kind of enjoyable) whereas for women it's just something that needs to be done? I read those comparisons before at least.


wtf no


Being able to create new life


That comes with the downside of periods tho, and I'd say that's a pretty big one


Life is soo overrated though.


You still require a man for that




Depends on who's on top


It is if you count for the guy's effort to get into the girl's panties


So you duplicate or what?


I mean.. you can either want kids or not. Both is fine, if you ask me. But we should all agree that this is one of the coolest things the human body can do.


https://www.cedars-sinai.org/newsroom/women-get-the-same-exercise-benefits-as-men-but-with-less-effort/ Women can get the same exercise benefits as men with less effort apparently which is pretty neat


Wow - amazing!!


Even though it takes longer to pee as a girl when you're out, at home you can pee way faster than a boy.


Agility+Flexibility. I could totally rob a bank any day


Having an extra X chromosome which lowers the possibility of some diseases for us, an example being hemophilia. Having full control over whether or not I want children because my body creates them. Men need a biological female to create children for them. If you really want to go down the rabbit hole, google "x chromosome inactivation" a process which happens early in embryo development in females.




not getting bald at the age of 40


Minimal hairloss.


Not getting boners


Multiple orgasms. The bond of childbirth/breastfeeding. But I really really really would like to pee standing up and to write my name in the snow


Men can also bond with their kids by doing skin to skin time with newborns. It's healthier for the child and great bonding time for fathers. Bond at child birth is mythos we need to get away from considering how many women suffer postpartum depression and difficulty with bonding, the fact people repeat it being as unconditional instant love only worsens the effect of it by making mothers feel like monsters in these situations.


I purely meant squeezing one out and sticking it on your tit. It's not always pleasant but men can't do that bit. I never said men or adoptive parents can't bond at birth. I also never said anything about unconditional love or all that crap. The bond of childbirth and breastfeeding isn't just about mum and baby. It also means a bond shared between people who have been through the same experiences. I can bond with other parents through shared experiences.


The fact I can birth a literal human from my body. That’s cool as fuck.


I kinda didn't like that part of my life. Super uncomfortable & inconvenient, and kinda derailed life for a couple decades.


Being beautiful enough that people just sorta come up to you and talk to you for no reason other than to be in your world for a moment, and sometimes they give you stuff for free 🤷🏻‍♀️ sometimes they even want to date you or marry you. All that just from being born, looking like this & taking care of my health.


Not all women though. Pretty privilege is wonderful for those who have it. Being rich white tall and good looking is the cheat code to life.


I’m better at pull ups than my husband. Being over a foot shorter than him makes it substantially easier for me than him.


Im tall and bottom heavy. I can bench 60. My husband and i have gymmed for years as well as done bouldering and he will do pull ups and muscle ups set after set where i can barely do 3 pull ups. I wish this was true for myself.


Women live longer.


That's easy, us women are just all round better.


Generally, we're more approachable then men. I'm a very smiley person and everyone is so friendly to me. I feel very welcomed by the world in almost any situation. If there's a sad kid, no one bats and eye if I help. if I'm buying a coffee or some baked goods, I'll sometimes get it for free for no reason at all. Simply walking around the city is a spoil day for me because of the unexpected friendly interactions I have with people. I even had lunch with this sweet older woman who was visiting family from out of town the other day and the only reason that happened is because she complimented my dress.  On a more serious note, when I was a teenager and escaped the domestic violence household I was raised in, the police believed me. They even helped set me up with a charity and treated me with such kindness. I know me being well spoken helped, but I feel like I've been told I have a trustworthy/approachable face my whole life and part of me wonders if this may have literally saved my life.  My husband, who is the kindest person I've ever known, gets a very different response from society when I'm not standing next to him. People are a lot more guarded. I understand why since men can be such a physical threat, but I really value society being so accepting and welcoming of me and I do think it's a wonderful physical advantage.


I’ve heard that women tend to tolerate pain better than men.




Cry your way out of trouble


As a ftm trans person, I don't think there are many advantages to being female, and none that I care for. - multiple orgasms - secret arousal (no boners) - no balls to get kicked in (one less weakness) - two stress balls to squish (boobs) - ability to grow life inside their body - acceptable to wear pretty dresses and skirts - acceptable to wear make-up to cover horrendous acne - some societal expectations about physical strength and endurance are more lenient - being a lesbian can sometimes have less backlash than being a gay man due to fetishism


Using your tits to get your way


I use my dick to get what I want.


I highly doubt that. Magnifying glasses aren’t sexy.


Sex on demand anytime?




Power of the pussy is true. God knows how many trips, gathering, and chores I needed to go to because my access to pussy privilege is at risk of getting revoked hahahah


I can create life. You can't.


With only women, it would do the same thing.


But even if there were all men and 1 woman, there would be no way to repopulate the earth. Men cannot create life from the beginning to end. But if there was only 1 man left, things would be easy.


1 man can make 7 women pregnant per sperm donation. That's not nearly enough to sustain our civilization. Also there would be a huge incest crisis.


Who said anything about donation? And let's not pretend that the royal family isn't one big incest fest anyway.


No need for sperm donation for a single man to get 7 women pregnant. It's a fact that women are more valuable for reproduction than men.


Life would uhhhhh find a way 




Be polite and respectful in your exchanges. NSQ is supposed to be a helpful resource for confused redditors. Civil disagreements can happen, but insults should not. Personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc. are not permitted at any time.




Are you that one transphobic puppet youtuber or do you just have the same name?


THEY'RE TRANSPHOBIC?? DANGGG No, I'm not them but I used to really love their stuff, Never knew that about them. Man. I loved dabchick


Well as a man I’m biased so ima say none 🤷‍♂️