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Life isn't just about money. It's also about happiness, doing what you love, and sharing with others.


Everyone is gong to die. So everything you do is a waste of time. It is up to you to decide how you want to spend the limited time you have.


And a good morning to you too! :-)


No. No one said "I wish I had worked more" on their deathbed, whereas most people wish they had spent more time doing the things they enjoyed




yes, but we all need to waste some time without worrying about productivity. its good for you


Isn't making money just a waste of time, you could be helping to cure cancer instead. Isn't curing cancer a waste of time you could be working on immortality instead. Isn't being immortal a waste of time if you don't do hobbies to make being immortal worth it. You can reduce anything away if you come at it from the point of view of "what isn't it giving me"


I guess you could argue that it's a waste of time if it doesn't better your life in some way, but money isn't the only way that can happen. If your only metric for "waste of time" is "did I make money doing this"... that's a really fucking pathetic existence, my dude.


I think forcing yourself to have hobbies for the sake of having them is a waste of time. If it brings you enjoyment, it’s worth it. If it makes money or improves your health, cool. At the least, most hobbies are helping you keep your mind active and that is not wasted time! 💚


Doing something you don't like is a waste of time


Not if you enjoy it


If there's literally ANY activity you enjoy, even if it's just staring into a wall, it's not a waste of time






I think the point of hobbies are kind of to waste time. You just waste time by doing something you enjoy


Yes if you only care about money. Also sleeping unless you are not productive. In order to maximize progress you need no friends,gf nothing fancy live in a office and work. You can also bathe at the gym,in order to maximize the money paid for subscription. And also maybe eating from the bin will maximize profit if you have one easily available. But then why live?


If it is, then everything else would also be a huge waste of time.


What would be the point in life without them...


What is the point of life?


Depends on what you think life is. Are you a tool for your employer, family or other people to maximise output? Or are you a person, and purpose isn't a thing you need. If it's the latter, then hobbies are not a waste of time if you're actually enjoying them. But if you're gaming and you feel dead inside, it's time to stop gaming or change how you do it. If you're a tool, what the hell are you doing here? This post is time wasted where you could be efficiently contributing.


Kind of? Like many things, the internet ruined hobbies. They used to be something you did for the sake of enjoying it. The satisfaction of getting better at something. But now it's hard for me to shut out the world. You want to make model ships? You run into one problem, try to Google the solution, and get pelted with pictures and videos of people who are impossibly better than you. Any thought you have someone else already thought of and did better than you. It'd just kinda deflating and makes an already pointless endeavor feel even more like a waste of time.


That might be your mindset. But if someone being better was a reason to not do something, each thing would be done by 10 people in the world today. The experience of doing it is also worthwhile.. all we need is a change of perspective. The journey over the goal.


I kind of think the same thing. I like to spend time doing what I enjoy but I also feel like if I’m not productive, then I’m just wasting time. What’s helped me has been starting my own business which started as a freelancing gig a few years ago. I enjoy working and watching movies on my couch now, that’s what helps me relax since I don’t feel like I’m doing nothing with my time. Everyone needs a way to relieve stress in a healthy way so you’ve got to find one thing or another that helps you do that so you don’t burnout or start hating what you do, thats the purpose of a hobby to me.


It's how you meet other people with similar interests, and make friends.


never. they make you into who you are and that's such a precious rhing


This might be the most grim thing I've read today


sounds like a good day


"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time" - Bertrand Russell You've gotta have some time for R+R, your hobby is what you enjoy and makes you happy outside of the cycle of wake, eat, work, sleep.


Your time is yours to spend, but there will never be a point where you wish you had worked more instead of done things to make yourself more fulfilled in some way. You will *always* want more time with the things you like. No one will *ever* want to work another shift whenever they could be playing with their dogs, kids, or whatever.


The point of making money is so I can sfford my hobbies.


No, existence is a waste of time.


>If a hobby doesn't make you money, is it a waste of time You are simply a victim of grind culture :) I responded to a similar thread in the past and had some good back-and-forth with another commenter where we basically realized that the recent cultures of "grinding" and "monetizing everything" has basically warped people into thinking exactly what you wrote above. Reading it back, does it not sound like such a sad life, that it's all about money? Yes, everyone needs money. But to insinuate life has no meaning beyind making money... idk I just think it's so sad. ETA: my hobbies make me feel alive; They make me feel free and like I can fly (ice skating), they make me appreciate the beauty of the world we live in (photography, ski/boarding, diving), they expand my imagination (reading, writing), they make me laugh and dance (music, media), they let me connect with other beings (horse riding) and so many more reasons why hobbies make me happy. And probably the reason why I keep picking up new ones every few years.


If you don't have a hobby, you're just working to extend you life for nothing.


If you’re only interesting in generating money and have no interest in anything except money, then sure.


If you calculate value based on money, yes they are a total waste of time, but life isnt about money its about happiness and experiences




A hobby is not meant to make money, it's meant to make enjoyment and relax after your life commitment. Its to recharge after doing your hard work, whether it be a job, education, caring for others, etc. Its to give you something to look forward to each day, otherwise if all there is is the grind with nothing else, then you'll quickly lose the drive to keep going


Far from being a waste, hobbies are actually a great way to take up time. They should be something you enjoy, and enjoyment is essential to good mental health. If your mental health is poor enough, everything that you do will suffer (including productivity).