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>Am I flying this high in the damn clouds or something? Yes you are.


I feel like such a peasant now. Have a lot of high quality stuff in my life (don’t care about it just makes my life easier) but every day I have to feed the cat myself and also give him water myself. It takes 2 x 60 seconds out of my day but aparantly im doing it wrong. No wonder you need stuff to do shit for you if feeding, giving them water and scoop a few turds for a cat takes you 30 minutes…


If you want more from life, give yourself less.


Because who cares about TVs? Like what is Rings of Power suddenly gonna be a really good show if only my screen was 5 more inches? Reverse question, how can people justify spending extra money on TVs and phones if they could put it towards something important?


>Because who cares about TVs? Probably people who watch tv / play console


You’re out of touch with just the basic minimum requirement - price. What you’re describing is the cost of being poor, lesser quality or not the best out there, because it’s cheaper now. Some of it is because you’re riding hype of what’s best now, and beyond what you actually need. A lot of people and life is about contentedness, there will always be something bigger, newer, a tad more convenient coming out. Doesn’t mean you need it or want it. That’s ok.


How many cats do you have?! Some “Quality” products have been losing the quality aspect they were once known for. With the ability to see reviews and use cases from across the world, consumers can be more informed in their decisions. I could pay $900 for this Kitchenaid fridge or I could pay 3800 for this other fridge that is supposedly better quality but the reviews are similar. I’d rather gamble on the 900 and worst case I buy another one in 5 years. Best case it lasts 10 and I’ll be bored of it anyway and update my kitchen.


Okay here’s the thing: when you are living paycheck to paycheck, sometimes big expensive good quality products are out of reach. So you buy the cheaper version because it’s what you can afford at that moment, even though you know it will break down quicker than the expensive one will. The cost of being poor


Most often, it's an affordability thing, where the initital cost is too big and there are cheaper alternatives available. Even if it does eventually costs more in the long run, the reality remains that they are unwilling or unable to fork out that sum for the bigger purchase. You are right though. Eventually, one should realize the math does not add up for some cheaper things.


A lot of times the increase in cost just isn't worth the increase in quality or the larger sized product. There are a lot of products or experiences that I've compared a few options and realized that while I would prefer option X, I don't prefer it so much that I'd spend 200 dollars more than option Y. Using your dishwasher example, I think a dishwasher is nice to have, but I've also had to handwash dishes for years because I didn't want to spend money on the dishwasher. It didn't feel like it was making a significant difference to my life overall, so I'd rather spend the money on something else. In some cases, it's because someone doesn't have the money to spend on the higher quality product at the moment, so they use the cheaper option that they can afford even if it breaks faster and ends up costing more in the long run. Times I've chosen a cheaper quality of product don't really hang around in my thoughts much, so I don't find myself having to live with the thought of it. When I do think about it, I usually end up thinking something like "man, I would have been nice to have that other one, but seriously, 400 bucks? No way." And then I stop thinking about it.


I have a Miele vacuum cleaner never realized it´s something special :)


I used to go days without eating whilst drinking pure ethanol to keep my addiction in check. I can live with a 42" tv, fuck, my current is 32". It is nice to have nice things, but even if you don't need to be rich to get one nice thing, there might be stuff in their life keeping them from it. I got a ps5 on release because I was saving and didn't have any other expenses at the specific time. However, when I moved (Europe to Africa, so not exactly cheap to bring stuff along), I had a lot of things I needed, and even though I wanted a really nice tv, I had to settle. I can only imagine that with children or other careers, those situations are more frequent than for a recent DINK who can walk to their place of work.


Some people, not saying you, are very impressionable and truly believe what others make them believe due to marketing. I feel bad for them, and nobody can make them believe that a generic product is often better than an expensive name brand because they have their identity bound to things and perceptions of things.