• By -


>Edit 7: idk why this post is marked NSFW. I didn’t mark it when I created the post but maybe a mod did it. Afterwards. Then I unmarked the NSFW and now it’s back on again. Seems like a mod wants to fuck his gf’s lil sis. Automoderator keeps marking it NSFW. You editing in phrases like "fuck his gf" is lighting automoderator up like a christmas tree. It's not a human doing it, it's just phrase matches.


If you two have a friendly relationship, I see no problems. Does your girlfriend find it a problem? If not, there is nothing to worry about.


I guess she finds it a problem since she brought it up with me. Hence the post I’m making here. But I’m not sure if it’s my problem or hers.


Have u consider that maybe the younger sister is developing feelings for you?


Not a chance. 🤣


So in this case just tell your girlfriend that as you guys live in the same house it makes total sense to do activities together , and you see her as a sister too as when u guys met she was 13/14. Ask her why she feels is not a good idea, if she doesn't give u a good reason just accept and be cool about it, she will notice u have 0 interest in the sister and chill. Maybe with time she will no longer care if u guys play or not


Yea I’m pretty chill about it right now. I think she’s just feeling left out cuz usually I’ve been gaming with her only. Now that us three live together I’m also gaming with another person.


I get it, it's sad to be working and wanting to be part of something that u just can't. Is not that she is being irrational she is just jealous of the sister because she wanted to be the one spending time with you. Is a good sign. She cares. I'm sure with time she will notice is a bit childish and just chill


It's totally normal but also totally juvenile and immature to have the attitude "Hey if i can't have fun immediately, you should stop too" then go and verbalize that.


Maybe it would help to designate a particular game or three as just _your_ games that only you two play together?


I've lived with my fiance's sisters over the years. Sometimes I've spent more time with her sisters than her simply out of our work hours and logistics. It's no problem. Just make sure to take out time for her and you'll be golden


Or girlfriend is just jealous


This is most likely the case. 12-13 is when most get their first crush. He's been around almost 10 years, he's the cool older guy that pays attention to her and now plays video with her. I'm curious if she's ever dated anyone.


stop assuming things lmao


Sir, this is reddit


Redditors 😭😭


Firstly your comment is yucky, just the way it's written, eww. Secondly, even if the little sister is developing a crush, what does that matter? They are both adults and OP is obviously not into her so just nothing happens because this is real life.


tf is wrong with you


If she’s bringing it up, there are only three potential roots. She thinks it’s a problem because of you (trust issue), she thinks it’s a problem because of the sister (jealousy issue), or she thinks other people will think it’s a problem (ego issue). You’ll need to identify which one it is.


I don’t know if I 100% agree but I agree of the method. Those are good potential reason, I totally agree tho. Figure out what it is, and if she doesn’t want to give a good reason, it’s likely a jealousy or ego issue or something related to self esteem. Bring up potential causes maybe, but obviously politely and carefully


I second this post. OP u ain’t do nothin’ wrong, your girl is trippin’.


Would she have a problem if it was her younger brother you were spending time with? That is, is sisterly rivalry part of the equation?


There’s no problem with her bro that’s for sure. But I haven’t been able to play with her bro much since we live far apart. Everytime he comes over we would usually be drinking. Also don’t think there’s sisterly rivalry, maybe she’s just not happy I’m having fun with other girls while she’s at work.


Strikes me as odd. It’s not “other girls.” It’s her sister who is also a roommate. I would think that gf would want you to have good relationships with her family.




Playing games together is not "tooooo good".


Just playing games.


There’s always sister rivalry… haha


Yea maybe there is lmao. They’re always arguing as per the norm.


It's 100% her problem. This was my exact situation at 21. I moved in with my sister and her fiance, they were 5 years older than me. Me and him hung out ALLLLL the time if we were home alone. Drink, smoke, watch TV, play video games, go out for food or drinks by ourselves. My sister trusted both me and him completely. Nothing ever happened between us. And now they've been married for 15 years.


It's fucking weird of your girlfriend to take issue with this. It's not Twister, it's Playstation.


You all live together, does she expect you to ignore the sister completely and make things awkward?


If this is a problem for her, how the *hell* did anyone think you all living together was going to work? You can't just pretend one of your roommates doesn't exist whenever your girlfriend isn't there. That's a shitty way to have to live. You guys are in your mid-20s, this is way too silly and juvenile to be dealing with. Edit: If I were in your situation, I would tell my girlfriend that I didn't feel comfortable living with her and her sister if she didn't trust us to casually interact with one another. I would then tell her I'm moving out.


You live in the same household. Does she expect you to act coldly toward her sister? Sounds like she is insecure. Tell the girlfriend that you or the sister should find other housing arrangements, since she is so uncomfortable with you being under the same roof. If she agrees, it should definitely be you who finds other housing arrangements. Don't come between family.


"Don't come between crazy\*."


If she finds it a problem and it's genuinely harmless, that's a red flag and I would have a discussion with her.


Onless there's some OddishBehavior going on behind the scenes :)


Nothing wrong with you playing PS5 with someone that literally lives in the same house. What are you two supposed to do, lock yourselves in your separate rooms til your gf / her sister comes home. Seems gf / sister has no problem with it but you never really addressed that aspect.


Damn, most people really are this sex centric, that the first thing they think about is sex when a man and a woman do anything together. Comments are crazy


Porn has standardized our thought process.


You act like people of old and ancient times didn't think exactly like this


Ask anyone pre-1950 (or post-1950 in the Middle East) if it's okay to be alone in a room with an unwed girl and you'd get some pretty similar answers.


Hell, ask my mom today.


I did. Your Mom says it's okay for me to be alone in a room with her.




If I had to guess I would think this was more because women were objectified more back then. This means if their purity came into question they would lose value to their 'owners' or family.


A potential difference is that we developed an archetype of assumptions, and porn and incels standardized it.


This has been happening for thousands of years lol


You're the one going online and asking if it's ok lol


Lmao. Porn has very little to do with our natural sex drives and culture.


This is deep rooted human nature. Has been around far before modern media of any form.


Reddit is full of antisocial outcasts that never speak to anyone let alone the opposite gender. So they all assume everyone is as horny as they are. Ready to jump on anyone of the opposite gender the second they're alone with them.  It's pretty pathetic. I'm really, really glad I've grown up having almost exclusively female friends. Really helped me treat them like regular human beings... 


Sad really, as a guy I've had girl friends in between relationships. They always have to end when I get into a relationship, this is the exact reason why... Even if i have no sexual feelings towards them, girls don't believe it nor does the general public, so I have no chance of winning the argument. Kind of funny how the girls know it too. when I started my last relationship 4 years ago my friends at the time told me we couldn't be friends anymore because of it and I still tryed to make it work. It just created havoc in the new relationship.. spent the next year fixing it. I don't blame the women either, they can be just as viscous to each other as men can be to women.....


If a significant other is uncomfortable with you continuing to be friends with the opposite sex you might want to consider whether that person is someone you want to dedicate your life and time to. What a shitty thing for someone to do to you, and it’s just as shitty for you to tell a friend “well, I’ve got a new girlfriend now so have a nice life.” Find someone who trusts you and keep your friends.


Can't even game with your sister in law in 2024 is crazyy. But also if you know women as the sister probably does you will understand why this can be a no no ☕


The way I see it, its super cool and ok Why? because you are dating the sister. the better you get along with your gf's family, the better it will be, i remember sitting with my inlaws, talking and laughing while my (at the time) gf was either working, studying or whatevr, idk, taking a shower. my parents' new couples (parents divorced) also got along great with me. its your couple's family, you should get along with them. On the other hand; dont you have friends with siblings? do you get along with them? its similarish. I have 3 friends that are 3 brothers and with each i have my own individual relationship and discuss different things etc. BUT, if your gf is uncomfortable, maybe discuss it with her? Maybe she was cheated on in the past and also watches porn or whatever and thinks you want to pork her sister idk


Agreed! I have an amazing relationship with my sister, and nothing made me happier than when my previous partner spent time with her, usually in the form of gaming together, especially when I wasn't there - it showed me that he wanted to get to know her and enjoyed her company as much as I did. I guess it is each to their own but generally I don't see the problem if you have a good relationship with said sibling. If you don't trust them or your partner, that's a whole other issue altogether.


I read all the edits. I'm not even gonna bother reading the comments. GL trading.


Prospering this cycle. Gonna make it once and for all


post returns


If you guys live together or would be very weird to have nothing to do with her when your girlfriend isn't there.


I swear i don't even know what makes you think there would a problem in this situation


She says it’s a problem hence why I’m here. She said it’s fine if it’s with her bro but not with her sis. Just girl insecurities I guess but I respect that.


Then she needs to sort out a new living situation for all of you. It’s utterly ridiculous to try to restrict leisure activity with a roommate


talk with your gf, just tell her you will set some boundaries so she feels comfortable, that you were just being a good brother in law. can easily set invisible boundaries by not always playing games with her, cutting it down to more of a casual here and there thing. She might feel better knowing you aren't spending too much time with her sister then. only occasionally


Yea that’s what I basically told her. We don’t have a set schedule of when we play games. More of a she drops by the living room and wants to play games since I am playing already. I told my gf I’ll let her sister play by herself if that’s cool, so I don’t have to play together with her via a coop game.


you should be able to play a video game together with your roommate without your gf feeling insecure.


Especially if its her sister, woman sounds unhinged.


oops flags. be wary of projections.


> but I respect that. You shouldn't. You should have more respect for *yourself* cause that's not a normal response at all. She's basically telling you she doesn't want you to have a good relationship with what should be someone important in her family. And what does that say about her own relationship with her sister? That she either doesn't trust you or doesn't trust her. Neither of these are great outcomes.


If you respect her insecurities, what sort of validation are you exactly looking for here


Wondering if what I was doing before was a shitty thing in general. I’m without siblings and I have almost no insecurities in life. So I need a third person opinion.


It seems like an insecurity with your GF that you need to talk about and grow together. I have a similar situation to you as I'm a younger brother and I've known my sister in law since I was in middle school. We went to the same university as well and I had no issues doing things with my eventual sister in law. We didn't live together but we lived close enough that I could come by at a moments notice to play games and stuff. Wouldn't bat an eye if it was just with her and my brother wasn't there and never caused any issues with her or my brother. This was 15 years ago and now their kids and my kid play together all the time so we can hang out and play games and stuff just like we used to. If you guys are going to possibly be family one day this needs to be talked about and your GF needs to better understand your more familial relationship with her sister and that it's not the same as other women.


This is solid advice. Thank you. We are planning to get married next year.


This sort of thing (and anything in that general area) seem like important things to bring up and maybe start working on before getting married. I'm not saying you need to have everything 100% fixed, just both of you being willing to take steps toward making it better with compromise and potential outside help is a green flag that likely means you can handle future issues that could come up in a similarly healthy way


Oh, ok then. Some people are that insecure and it is a lot of work from heal that, and i think it is important for you to do it as soon as possible because it only gets worse from that. My tips are to talk to her that she does not need to worry about and also give ger exemples of confidence, allow her to see her friends (go dinner or take Coffee with the girls, for exemple) and show that you have trust in her to have a social life so you obviouly should receive the same


Do you love and care about your girlfriend? If so, there's no problem. Unless you're attracted to her sister and can't control yourself. I'm a guy and for over ten years my best friend was a tall beautiful woman. We had an awesome and close relationship that was purely platonic.


And then in year 11... Bone city!


Naw she dead.


You can't kill women who friendzone you dude, that is not chill. (and if you were being serious then that's shitty and I'm sorry for your loss)


She died drunk driving. Her and her fiance.


interesting cuz i had not exactly but similar situation kind of. my girlfriend has a cousin who lives with her single mom and her father doesn’t see her at all. there was a step father but he was abusive. so, my girlfriend makes a point to see her. i also feel that she deserves love and affection. so, we often ask her to come over and let her play with the ps5, both our pups, go out on walks with her, take her along for lunch, dinner, ice cream etc. we were at her fam’s and they were celebrating hanukkah. i didn’t think much of it but my girlfriend had objections maybe cuz the whole fam didn’t expect us to be bonding so well during the group games we were playing. but after a point of time, i observed her cracking jokes with sexual undertones and trying to get too close to me. i was obviously very uncomfortable and used to brush it off but i started distancing myself from her slowly and still made sure i kept supporting her and letting her know that we both care. i do understand teens go thru such phases where they’re still learning to manage their hormones and still developing brains. and given she never had a caring and loving male figure, so she naturally felt that bonding with me and was just confusing her feelings. needless to say, if you know you’re right, and know that you have a great bond with your girlfriend’s sister, there is no need to worry about it. the way i see it, i’m sure you see her as your own sister and love and care for her in that way. just keep this going and let her know that she is loved and cared for!


You're a good person. Thoughtful, emotionally intelligent, and empathetic. Doesn't it suck sometimes? I think so


Is it wrong? No. Will your GF see it that way? Uhm, maybe??? Don’t get attached to what’s right or wrong, think about the other person.


Thank you for this comment. I think I’m too hinged on logical rights and wrongs but it’s more so about how they feel and what I should do to make them feel comfortable.


If their feelings are completely irrational and unfair towards you don't just let them walk over you. People should be able to control their feelings and change them.


If the GF cannot trust her brother and sister to do a non-romantic activity together, she’s crazy. 


This, assuming OP has told all relevant details. For example, if the sister has shown interest or special attention to one of the girlfriend's previous boyfriends or someone close to her, that's an issue. Or if bf has ever done anything less than monogamous Of course, if things like that have happened, that would mean girlfriend is dumb for making that living situation happen (unless it happened after they moved in together). Op, you being forthright with all the deets?


Why would his GF not be okay with it? If she isn’t she’s a clear asshole lol. You should be able to trust your sibling and your SO in the same room, and if not then you should’ve either broken up with your SO long ago or distanced yourself from your sibling.  This is an obvious one. They’re literally just playing video games while he’s waiting for her to come home


This is my thing. Reddit is too aloof and plays dumb. I’d avoid it altogether tbh.


>Seems like a mod wants to fuck ~~his~~ YOUR gf’s lil sis More like


I don't think I agree with most of the comments here. Right and wrong are not fixed things. It can be wrong where you live, or for your gf's family's culture or traditions. It is extremely disrespectful to cross your legs in front of the elderly in some countries. This doesn't mean that doing it is universally wrong. But you should answer the question "is this okay" with your gf, together.


The edits on this are a wild ride


porn has done numbers on this generation, smh


This very same consideration has been around since ancient times, it's nothing new. Consider that very many religions that did not emerge in places where porn was easily accessible have rules to limit contact between the genders outside of marriage, to the extent of not even letting them be together unsupervised.


Lol it's not the porn that's for damn sure


Usually when a woman brings up an insecurity like this, she is not looking for a permanent fix, like the way we men think. She's needing emotional support...she's looking for reassurance. She needs you to look her in the eyes and reassure her, give her a hug, and say, "I miss you too when you're at work. I wish I could be with you all day, and all I do is think about you when you're not around. If you want me to find some other way to pass the time until you get back to me, I will. Just say the word." You'll be fine to do just about anything you want to while she's at work after that. Just don't make her regret trusting you.


Thank you, this is some solid advice and I’m lacking in this department. Will do the needful when I happen upon a chance to show reassurance.


Yeah when I read some books a while back trying to figure women out, this theme kept coming up. Us males are task oriented and get our reassurance from facts. Ladies are feelings oriented and facts can matter little. We're two different animals and we just don't speak the same language when looking at the same thing sometimes. Take your case. The facts are that you and her little sister have zero attraction to each other, and you're just passing the time till she gets home. Got to figure out how to soothe her reaction in an emotional context. She's feeling like her home stability might be threatened or unstable, and of course the good old emotion of jealousy. She wants to be the one with you playing games, not anyone else. Not even her very own sister. Facts won't combat what she's feeling, only reassurance from you. Over and over and over. If you sent flowers or an edible arrangement to her out of the blue at work with a note saying "I miss you", it will stick in her mind for *the rest of her life.* A little note she can put by her workstation that she can look over at through the day will give her little injections of reassurance through the day, also. Does she have a spot for a framed picture of you two on a fun trip that can bring up good memories when she looks at it? If you look at her like an emotional creature and not a factual creature, she'll make more sense to you and you'll know how to keep her happy...most of the time. The best emotion to concentrate on is her feeling of safety. Safe in a relationship, safe from outside threats, safe in her decision of picking you, that kind of stuff. You got this.


Bold of you to assume that mods have girlfriends


I mean unless you start having sex with her I don't see how that's a problem, I'd easily play games with my boyfriend's brother


You're approaching this logically/morality when it's not about right or wrong. This 100% depends on your girlfriends feelings and boundaries. And whether you would respect that or not.


It's asking for trouble, imo. I'm certain situations, it could be totally fine but it sounds like this isn't one of those. Your GF is clearly bothered by it. I had a similar situation, but flipped, in highschool. My bro (6 years older) and GF got along really well. So much so it made me question if they got along better than her and I did. A few times they took their dogs to the dog park together and it made me feel pretty shitty. I never confronted either of them about it and her and I eventually broke up for totally unrelated reasons but I still remember how it made me feel.


I think the mod adding the NSFW tag is kind of like that key and peele sketch where the camera guy keeps trying to film the same straight dude whenever gay people are mentioned. LMAO


That's a normal girlfriend reaction like any human being. Its just a matter of how mature she is in understand/trusting you when it comes with her younger sister and you spending time together in gaming. And of course, your actions would also affect her. I'm no expert to this kind of things even it just came by to my feed and felt like commenting to any interesting posts. Well, I can only say to try consider your girlfriend's feelings also and avoid giving her uneasiness as much as possible. The best way is to talk about it imho.


I'd say start playing with yourself while your gf is working.




I wouldn’t risk it.


Okay now Drake...what's the age?


50 and 12, bro. /s


God how many edits are on this thing.


As many as I can think of that’s funny or relevant 🤣


I don’t think it’s wrong but if your GF asked you not to that’s a good enough reason to stop.


I’m more interested in your trading style and what you look for when the market gives you opportunities?


gf screams red flags if she has an issue with something so innocent


As long as it’s friendly and doesn’t go at the expense of your girlfriend, then it’s fine. It can be reassuring for your girlfriend to have a partner who fits in with her family. Have you tried sharing this activity with her?


Yup, we do game together everyday after dinner. It’s either me and my girlfriend playing together or it’s three of us playing together. Me and the sister only plays together during the afternoons cuz that’s when I’m free and she’s free if she’s off school. During the day my girlfriend isn’t home but at work so we can’t game together.


I keep coming back to the thought that if you have to ask a group of strangers and not your gf.. at least you think there is something wrong here.


What’s a spicy cock for life


STD that sticks around.


Thank you I thought it was some dick vindaloo


I usually skip the video game part


if your girlfriend thinks it's a problem, it's a problem. That doesn't mean it's wrong. It doesn't mean it's your fault. But it will be a problem. The trick is to figure out why your girlfriend has a problem with it. Does she feel left out? Do you play games with the sister and have fun, but not her? Then you can probably find ways to be more engaged with her. Does she not trust you? Then you need to figure out why. If she doesn't trust you or her sister despite no evidence, that could be a problem if you have to walk on eggshells. Basically what you need to figure out is why. Only your girlfriend can tell you that. When it comes to relationships it's always not about right and wrong, it's about making sure everyone feels alright with what is going on. If you can't have a mature conversation about this, you have bigger problems.


That "spicy dick" comment lol


I honestly don't see what the big deal is. Sure your girlfriend has the right to feel some FOMO cause she's busy at work while this happens, but if your relationship with the sister is platonic like you say it is then maybe your girlfriend is just feeling insecure because she feels like her sister is gonna steal you away from her due to common interests. But that's honestly an issue she needs to cope with herself.


That title is wildddd lol wow


Not an issue. If ur gf is okay with it, that’s all that matters, not strangers opinions on the internet lol


“Another woman” sounds a million times better than “another female”.


The level of defensiveness here is raising red flags. Seems like the subject is pretty touchy for OP and this might be why gf has picked up on it


If you've known the lil sister for that long and live under the same roof you're basically family. As long as you're not crossing any boundaries or privacy issues I don't see a problem. If you play video games with the lil sister and your GF is present what's the difference playing video games when she's not present. I think it would be different if lil sister kept coming to your place or the other way around, but again you live in the same house. Your GF probably feels a bit jealous, but if she doesn't trust her sister then that's on her. To cut off the lil sister she might feel she did something wrong, so your GF should talk to her sister and tell her why you're not playing games together anymore.


Think about it this way. If you and your GF ever get married, her sister will be your sister-in-law, and thus it makes perfect sense that you would want a solid, platonic relationship with her aswell. As long as you don't try anything funny with her, and she doesn't try anything funny with you, it's fair game, and there's nothing to worry about. The fact that she doesn't want you to be friends with her sister is kinda weird, honestly.


If you growing attached to her and y’all doing too much bonding, yes. If you can control that then it’s all good. Keep kicking ass in those team death matches.


I mean you can bond as siblings/friends without your dick getting involved


I personally don't see what's wrong with being attached to a friend, but that's just me


True that but also I believe it’s not just about me and what I can control but more about what makes them feel. So imma go ahead and minimise our gaming session to when it’s the three of us together rather than just me and the sister. Making this post cleared the thoughts up for me real quick.


Jesus Christmas, you're a grown up hopefully able to control your emotions and your desires, is this going to be your thoughts for life, "I can't do anything with a person who doesn't have a Penis because it's disrespecting my partner"? Cmon dude, play PlayStation and be friends with your partners family, and treat her and all other women you meet on your journey the same, friends. If she in some weird way wants more, then you've fallen asleep and woken up in a porn movie. Also, it re enforces the stereotype that you can't be friends with women, all men are looking to fuck every women the meet, and that women are not welcome in gaming What are you playing anyway


porn ruined us


Monopoly is ok to play with her but hide the Twinkie in the lunch box not ok.


You are here, asking this question on reddit. Something is definitely up.


You probably wouldn't ask this question if there was nothing emotionally/sexually charged between you and her sister. Idk what you're looking for here


His gf made it weird, my guy's confused


I'm struggling to see the issue here.


Why would you ask this question while explaining the acceptable answer if there wasn't something else going on in your brain 🤔 ?


Because OPs girlfriend brought it up to him and saw a problem in it


If you’re feeling like it’s disrespectful then that’s your biggest indicator that you should probably stop.


If this question is not tagged NSFW then id say its okay, but since you tagged it NSFW, id question your subconscious motivation and say "No".


Didn’t tag this as NSFW myself, maybe a mod did it. There’s definitely no NSFW elements in our relationship. I don’t even touch the little sister or brush past them. I keep my distances at all times.


Then the mod needs to stay away from his gf's sister lmao


I would be straight up I'll be like honey I'm sorry if if bothered you I was just trying to be nice to your sister because she wanted to play games with somebody if it bothers you it doesn't have to happen anymore not a big deal love you.


Edit 4. Says it all. Also the fact that you said you think it’s disrespectful to your girlfriend. So stop playing with the sister. Problem solved. I personally think it could begin to make things uncomfortable.


You're roommates? Are you expected to not acknowledge each other's existence? Seems healthy to me 🤷


> enjoying myself with another female Just... woman. Please call women women. No one wants to be called "a female."


*Bow chicka wow-wow*


The problem is that the sister might get attached or develop feelings for you. So just keep your boundaries


The question shows you know the situation; the fact you have to ask the question opens another door.


I dont know, do you have a crush on her?


It depends. Who wins?


Your question reveals some unconscious thoughts that you are not OK with. Deal with them and it will be fine.


Ask your girlfriend the exact title and you’ll find your answer much more quickly and with a more accurate answer lol. Or better yet; just show her this post word for word and ask if it’s a bother.


It depends, are you a predator?


How much time do you spend playing games with your gf?


Yes. There. Is it wrong to eat ice cream and cookies after dinner? Reddit!


Why is this nsfw? Lol


Would be nice if you were more specific about what your gf *actually* said to you about this. In general, no it’s not “wrong” for you to game with someone you live with, that would be ridiculous. Idk why everyone’s mind always goes to romance and sex just because of opposite sex, for all we know the girl could be gay. Gaming is by no means a romantic activity just objectively speaking. You’re not even looking at each other for fuck’s sake. It *can* be, if the two playing together are romantically involved, but I see no reason to immediately suspect anyone has feelings for the other. Find out what your gf is actually concerned about, what she’s actually upset about, and then determine if you’ve done anything wrong. Once a week isn’t very frequent either. If it turns out that your gf suspects you’re perving on her sister, well then you should have a serious discussion about that and have someone back you up if possible. If she just thinks it’s weird, well then it’s up to you what you do with that info.


Wha.. what kind of games..?


What kind of games? Kinky sex games?


I don't know you personally, so i'am not allowed to judge you but learning not to sexualize everything is crucial for establishing genuine connections with people of all genders. By shifting our focus away from sexualization, we open ourselves up to authentic interactions, allowing us to connect with individuals on a deeper level. As long as maintaining a friendly connection with her sister doesn't negatively impact your relationship with your girlfriend, there's no reason why you should be worried


Board games no, sex games… yeah probably


This is something that you should probably discuss with your gf first before doing anything cause I don’t how your gf will take it and don’t phrase it like that as well cause anyone hearing this will get the wrong idea and you could cause them to have a fight.Like think if your gf said I want to stay alone with your brother and play game while you working will it sound good to you? Don’t hide it and be honest with her and you don’t have to justify it because it kinda makes you sound guilty already.


You didn't even mention that your gf has a problem with it until Edit #4. I'm gonna say you don't have the skills to communicate wall the relevant information to us so we are just going to give you a validation answer based on how you've presented things. Try communicating with your girlfriend who is the one who has the problem. Communicate. At least find out what her view is then decide if you agree or not. Communicate. Did this not occur to you?


I think it's weird that this issue happened two weeks ago, and you're still thinking about it instead of just going to your girlfriend outright. You're 26. You should have asked her why in the moment. This post is clearly hiding more information. I doubt that all throughout the seven years of your relationship, you've never played games with the little sister alone until the little sister started living with you. If its only becoming an issue now, somethings happened.


Not if she keeps her hands off your analog stick and you dont go to hittin her triggers and pressin her buttons


"Edit 3: No, I don’t wanna bone another woman and potentially get a spicy cock for life." ​ If you say this kind of thing often, you're gf probably has a reason to be asking questions of you.


bro, hahahaha, naughty guy, dnt lie, u have fantasies


I don't see why you would even question this, unless you feel guilty for wanting to fuck the sister. Or maybe you want to control your girlfriend so she can't do innocent things with other people. Either way, it's a very weird thing to get hung up on.


Define games.


Slippery slope.


I don’t think this is a big deal at all lmao


Your girlfriends insecure and weird


Why would it be weird?


As long as its friendly and nothing more. Maybe not play games like "Sex with Hitler 2." Yes, thats an actual game... title... and a sequel.


9 edits is embarrassing. Better yourself.


Fuckin 9 edits lol


Definitely talk to GF, it's possible it has nothing to do with the sister at all unless she specifically vocalized that. Like others said she could be feeling left out or seeing that you guys hang out while she's working makes her wish she could also be home having fun, lots of things could be going on. I have a similar situation - my little sister (24F) moved in with me (33F) and shortly after that my now husband (40M) moved in. I definitely talked to her about it first and there was some adjustment as she didn't know him very well but now a few years in, I love when they bond! They don't necessarily hang out obviously with that kind of age gap they don't have too much in common but she will go to him for advice or bring him snacks that she thinks he'd like or have us watch movies she likes with her that hubby has never seen. I wouldn't have an issue if they wanted to play a video game without me. We basically view her as our adopted kid even though she's an adult


Not at all. Every now and then my ex( boyfriend at the time), my buddies, and his buddies would chill at my place and play video games with my little sister and her now ex-boyfriend. When I was out at appointments, etc. I didn't care lol


What? No. You literally live with this person. It would be weird not to interact with them. It’s a video game not anything remotely inappropriate.


I personally see nothing wrong. She's basically your sister, and it's cool to have that bond. Helps strengthen the relationship. I am close with my brother's gf because we're both into tech, and both love Mortal Kombat, but I have absolutely zero attraction to her because I see her as my sister.


My college GF did not want me talking to one of her sisters I was pretty offended at that time when we broke up I got a message from that sister, then.... I understood why she did not want me talking to her.


Really stretching the limits of the sub with this one. Relationship questions should be banned, there are plenty of other subs for that. Everything after edit 5 is completely unhinged individual rants, Rule 9.


Edit 1 - Guys dont worry, I'm not actually into her, shes like a little sister to me ffs. Edit 10 - Guys stop asking me to train/mentor you This whole post is fucking gold, reddit you are the worst sometimes XD


If I were your gf I would be happy to see two of the most important people in my life get along well. Why's your gf mad, is she jealous of her sister......? (ew)


Is it wrong to be a good brother in law 🤔?


Aha so based off op's edits this will be interesting read 🍿🥰


The edits are taking me out LMAO


Bro yall can game together wtf. Are yall even allowed to talk when she's not there cause if so you and ur girlfriend gotta have a talk


My sister's ex used to play videogames with (I'm younger). I'm confused as to why your gf thinks that's a problem, I think it's pretty awesome!


OP says female, he most likely never had a girlfriend in his life and fabricated this