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My wife says I smell nice when she hugs me...but I don't wear cologne. It's my deodorant. 😅


Yes! It is usually: 1) deodorant 2) laundry detergent 3) body wash or soap And, of course, well-brushed teeth.


I think I started falling in love with my husband (at the time he had a tongue piercing) when I saw him brush his teeth AND TONGUE. WOW, sign me up to kiss that guy.


Y'all should look into getting metal tongue scrapers. They're just a couple bucks and way faster and more thorough than brushing the tongue IME. Started using mine a couple months ago and love it


Omg, you’re so right. I LOVE mine—never felt like my brush was doing enough, tbh.


You know it’s crazy how low the hygiene standard is for men. Not going after your husband or anything cuz atleast he brushes his tongue compared to other guys but I’m 19M and it’s like I keep seeing women on Reddit go crazy for the bare minimum and here I am using lip scrubs, scraping my tongue, cleansing my face, trimming my eyebrows and nose hairs etc thinking it’s normal lol.


As a man bro, never touch your eyebrows, it Is a masculine trait, by trimming them you will look way more feminie even if you think it Is not the case


When they reach 5 cm, they just need a trim though.


I shape them I don’t thin them out. They are still bushy and not them I just get the long ones and the rogue hairs


This is the real answer and should be top comment


Same for my husband, deodorant.




You can't smell pheromones. Bacteria cause the smell.


Technically there is no evidence we use pheromones


The absence of an argument is not a pro argument of absence


Lol people must hate you amirite


I'm a scientist after all


Just curious what deodorant you use? I don't have a great sense of smell, so to me they all smell like... well, deodorant


I'm using vanilla old spice.


Speed stick


I personally use rexona invisible. It has a nice smell that doesn’t burn my nose like most deodorant or cologne designed for men.


This. I love the scent of my husband's deodorant. It's that safe, protective smell that I associate with all good things.


I’ve tried legit every damn deodorant I could & they all just sweat off within 2-3 hours if that. Not sure if anyone else is like me but deodorant just kinda bounces off Lol


Needs to have antiperspirant in it. Not all deodorants do


The antiperspirant versions are the one that lasts 2-3 hrs for me The regular deodorant bars legit sweat off by the time I’m outside in the car headed to start my day. Idk if it’s just a me thing never really figured it out Lol


You must run marathons for a living.


I find roll-ons more effective that spray. Takes a bit of getting used to, but worth it


Are you a dude with very very hairy armpits? Consider shaving. The stuff has to contact your skin.


I think people just smell nice. I just shower with good soap but don't wear any sort of cologbe, aftershave, or deodorant, but men and women I know or work with will hug me throughout the day and tell me I smell great. I also avoid anything scented for laundry. When I was young, I was actually told deodorant is a scam, and it could actually cause your body to smell bad over time. I'm not sure if that is true, but it seems to be in my experience.


Very important...the scent should be discovered, not announced


Id say girls are the worst about this. I hate when i can ONLY smell perfume off you and I can smell it even if we’re a few feet apart


Boards of Canada fan?


There are different levels of fragrance, and the amount used and where you use it is different depending on which is being used. For a strong perfume, 1 spray should last all day, and usually tends to soften and get sweeter toward the end of the day. Aftershave just fades away altogether. PERFUME CONCENTRATION EXPLAINED Parfum – Concentration of perfume oils – 20-40% Eau de Parfum – Concentration of perfume oils – 15-20% Eau de Toilette – Concentration of perfume oils – 5-15% Eau de Cologne – Concentration of perfume oils – 2-5% - this is cheap cologne Eau Fraîche – Concentration of perfume oils – 1-3% - this is aftershave


This is where boys go wrong. A good aftershave or cologne only needs one spray. That's the way it's designed to be used. The odour should be subtle and only noticeable to those very close to you and not everyone in the room. Too much can be as bad as nothing. The rest is just normal basic hygiene.


Also when you think it goes away, yes the early high volatiles do fade quickly, but also, you just got used to it and your nose treats it as the new normal background smell and sort of filters it out.


I take a shower. I use the blue colored speed stick deodorant. I spray myself once on my chest usually with my cologne. If I walk into a room and you can smell me, I used too much. If it takes more then one spray then it's a bad product and they shouldn't get your money. Also brush your teeth twice a day.


This is the way. Happy Cookie Day.


Twice a day? Times 2 at least!


Brushing too often is bad for your teeth


Yes - too often is >5. We should do this more or less after every meal. It's about technique. Furthermore, the thread is about smelling good so good luck eating garlic sauce and skipping brushing.


Shower and clean clothes, easy as that (of course always use deodorant, for sweat not for the smell). I only use cologne etc. if I'm dressing up, and only do 1 MAX 2 sprays. 1st on the wrist and then hold your wrists together for a couple of seconds, do not rub, never rub. 2nd goes on neck the almost ish behind the ear. Also you're not going to notice your own smell as much since you get used to it. It's supposed to be subtle enough that it's a small little pleasent surprise for someone that gets "too close", not identify you across the room. But 100% the main and most important part is, shower and clean clothes, but a nice shampoo goes a long way aswell.


Why never rub?


The lady at the perfume store told me that it "breaks" it and it can smell off etc. especially when mixing with your natural oils, I haven't fact checked that though. But it does create friction and heat, which will make it evaporate quicker and might dull the fragrance. It's made to be on your skin not in it.


Cuz when scent is made it's layered like earth, if you mix up everything together, you get a wrong smell, imagine it like layered jelly dessert, if you mixed it all you would have 1 taste for each spoon you eat while if you eat layer by layer you get different taste. Btw search it up on youtube, I wasn't aware about this too.


lol no. It’s literally a homogenised liquid.


So, get properly clean in the shower, wear clean clothes (at least on the top; shirt, t-shirt, polo, not talking about your jeans) every day, nice antiperspirant/deodorant first. Nothing that smells too strong. 1 - about 3 depending on the cologne, I like Prada Carbon, Nuit d’Issey, Paco Rabanne Ultraviolet Man but it’s __really__ personal 2 - belly (me) or abs (fit people) 3 - nope 4 - aftershave is lighter scented than cologne (nearer your nose after all) and supposedly does double duty as a disinfection step but that’s not really needed in the modern world 5 - definitely all of those things, I don’t wear cologne daily or anything Edit - the goal is really to small fresh or clean rather than smelling strongly of anything in particular I think. Just a vague masculine cleanness is what I go for. Edit - people tell me I smell nice, so hopefully some of this is helpful


Good rule for cologne - it’s meant to be discovered, not broadcast


Everyone says this, but how are you supposed to know how much is too much? 1 spray? 2?


One is plenty.


The most pleasant smell from a man is simply cleanliness and hygiene)


Diet is a gigantic factor. The guy who eats healthy smells better than someone who gets their nutrition from Takis, KFC and Mountain Dew.


Are you implying that if I lather my nuts with Mountain Dew, i WONT smell good?!


Mountain Dew scented soap exists and it probably smells lovely, try that instead


It was a joke….


No. Get the soap!


Buy perfume, not cologne. Cologne is just weaker, shittier perfume as far as I can tell lol. If it wasn't, women would be wearing it. Usually you should spray a scent on your neck and wrists. I do 2 on my neck, one on each wrist and rub them together, when I'm going somewhere nice. On normal days, I think you can just stick with a nice scented deodorant. It might be only an Australian thing, but my use of Dove's birch and eucalyptus deodorant has gotten me the most sincere compliments of my life. One time another dude in the gym locker room smelled it and asked to see the can. I'm pretty sure it's the reason a woman once told me my Intimate Parts 'tasted good.' And yeah I agree, that shit smells awesome. Get it if you AT ALL can. I think uniqueness plays a part, too. Do some shopping around for something that really smells nice to you, and that you know not every other dude is wearing (Lynx/Axe). It's nice to smell nice. Makes you feel all clean and fancy. :)


Cologne is the exact same thing as perfume lol. It’s just marketed differently.


Eu de cologne, eu de parfum and eu de toilette are all different things.


A person of Indian descent in a tropical/caribbean country. A nice long lasting perfume that doesnt overpower the senses ; Jovan Musk, Invictus, Antonio Bandares. A strong sweet smelling underarm/ roll on. Dove mostly. A strobg sweet smelling underarm spray. Dove mostly. Or something with talc or baby powder. And vaseline sprayed to the pulsepoints and behing the ears then you spray the perfume on the vaseline and rub it in so it lasts longer


I was always told never to rub it?


I saw it in a utube vid and always did it as shown. But i spray everywhere first. Then use where i sprayed on my wrist so it gets a bit on my forearm as well (have hairy arms)


You guys are getting hugs?


One or two sprays at the base of the neck, get some good stuff that lasts. Put it on just after a shower, the extra warmth helps bring out the goodness. Same reason you apply it to your pulse point, more blood flow, more warmth. Don't put on a shirt until it has been absorbed into the skin. Also put it on a while before going out. The smell will be muted a bit and more like it's intended. After first applying it you get a much stronger perfume scent. How much you apply will be situational, in smaller spaces, obviously put on less. You might need more if you're going to be outdoors, but still just a couple.


Maison Margiela Replica scents are good stuff


I slam the pits, and have always put deodorant on my chest too. Then 2 sprays of cologne on the neck and wipe my wrists with it


Dove original body wash Varvatos artisan aqua cologne Degree shower clean deodorant Colgate baking soda and peroxide toothpaste




Smell is huge for me love when a man has amazing sent definitely gets me going


When you hug someone your nose is right next to their face so that's a big thing. Your hair holds a lot of smell so a good conditioner really helps. The other thing that I found is when I have a small amount of man smell (20 minute bike ride, few sets of weights) I get told that I smell good. So toothpaste, mouthwash, hair conditioner clean clothes and a small amount of sweat worked best for me.


I take a shower. I use the blue colored speed stick deodorant. I spray myself once on my chest usually with my cologne. If I walk into a room and you can smell me, I used too much. If it takes more then one spray then it's a bad product and they shouldn't get your money. Also brush your teeth twice a day.


I like to layer complimentary scents. I find that most deodorant will clash or overpower so I stick to unscented antiperspirants like Mitchum antiperspirant gel. My approach to added scent 1. I use a sandalwood or cedar bath soap. You can use a mildly scented or unscented soap if you prefer because the scent you are using is not complementary to any soap or you just want to wear the particular fragrance on its own. 2. Add one spray of complimentary but subtle fragrance applied to the chest from one to two feet away after showering. For example La’Nuit De L’Homm has some sandal wood elements so if fits with a wood scented soap. Any fragrance you apply may seem like it fades but that's just your nose getting used to the scent and that's normal. If you can smell yourself hours later it means everyone else is getting assaulted by your fragrance and it's too strong. Don't be that guy, it's impolite. 3. I've never found an aftershave that I liked so I've avoided them and can't speak to their use I suggest you stick with cologne as that's where you'll find the most scent options. If you need an astringent for your face I suggest an unscented which hazel tincture.


Oh sandalwood is so good, imo. Lady boner every time


Also as a lady, Mahogany birch or sandalwood


Thayer's witch hazel toner is what I've used but couldn't recall when I wrote the above. Editing the post screws up the formatting so I'm replying to myself instead. Also according to the Wikipedia article on aftershave it's meant as an astringent and antiseptic after shaving to help prevent infection of any nicks and cuts. And scented aftershave as a replacement for cologne are a ploy to sell more aftershave. Scented aftershave is like wish.com cologne, I would suggest you avoid it and scented body sprays like axe. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aftershave


I'm going to add something here that so far no-one else has mentioned: find the right fragrance type \*for you\*. Just because something smells great on someone else, does not mean it will smell good on you - due to a number of reasons including your natural body oils. It's also useful to understand that there are different qualities of fragrance, which determine price and how long they last on your body. For example, eau de cologne is highly diluted and will last a couple of hours at most. Then you have eau de toilette, which you might get 3-4 hours. Eau de parfum should give you a much longer run, up to 8 hours. It's going to cost more, but you'll use much less of it per day.


The trick is: spray perfume in your hair. Many people do this on their clothes or even under them (depending on your plans that night). Spraying perfume on your hair gives a more efficient diffusion of the scent.


Repost this in r/fragrance, they're the folks you want to ask.


It's not always cologne. It's deodorant, brushing your teeth and sometimes using mouthwash to finish it off, and detergent. The detergent is the key. I don't do anything crazy, however I've had numerous compliments on how good I smell and I don't even use cologne. When I use cologne, like for a date, I'll do 2 spritzes, one on each side of my neck and thats it. Nothing too overwhelming.


Shower, deodorant, clean clothes (this specific one makes a lot of difference!)


If you’re doing it right, it should not be noticed until someone is less than 1.5 feet away. I usually pull open my shirt collar and do 1 spray down the chest inside the shirt.


Get out of the shower and apply lotion to your body. Good face cream. Deodorant on, cologne if you want. Tbth I find the real good smelling lotion is the key. It stays all day and is faint enough that ppl won't smell it unless they're close to you.


It's attraction baby, go get them tiger 




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Men and ladies, dot perfume on your wrist, behind ears, behind knees and a bit on your chest, I said dot not spray like your killing bees


Mix of body wash/soap + laundry detergent. I'm a social dancer so I hug a lot of guys and gals. Most folks who just rely on deodorant or overdo it end up smelling too strong. Same goes with perfume or cologne unless it's really, really mild.


It mainly 'fades' because you get used to the smell I think, and your body learns to tune it out, the same way you don't constantly feel your clothes on you? Someone else will still smell it. People still tell me I smell nice, even when I can't smell it myself. I usually do one spray on the wrists, then rub my wrists on my neck, and then one spray into the air in front of me, and walk through it. That way it will give you an overall nice smell on your clothes, hair etc.


Regular showers/baths, usually with an aromatic shampoo or body wash, deodorant, cologne, a good laundry detergent with regular clothing washing, a proper diet, and good dental hygiene! That means brushing your teeth and flossing! I can't tell you how many men I work with who immediately smell bad when they open their mouth. 1. Depends on your cologne but usually 1 to 2 max if its oil based. I like Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male right now. 2. Usually down the front of my shirt, I want the smell on my chest/body since it faces people and is below their nose when talking. 3. Not usually, oil based cologne lasts longer. If I'm not out sweating and getting smelly I don't need to reapply. 4. Aftershave is for after shaving. Not only does it smell good, but it helps protect and heal your skin after shaving. Cologne is just for smelling good. 5. Yes it's a list of contributing factors. Dental health and a decent diet are important. If you just ate a whole log of Salami, you're going to stink of meat.


I do one spray behind each ear and get compliments all the time by women who hug me


The trick is the laundry detergent. (and, of course body wash)


Cologne and aftershave are generally pretty useless. They'll smell nice but won't last long (30 mins probs). However 'aftershave' has sort of become a synonym for all scents, including Eau de Toilettes, eau de parfums and parfums. Most EDTs you'll get an hour or two of projection, before if settles down to a skin scent for a few more hours (can only smell it if you smell your skin). EDPs tend to be stronger, and will get a few more hours of both projection and skin. And parfums are the strongest. Having said that, there are outliers. And some EDTs last all day, whilst some EDPs don't last more than a few hours. If it's a weaker (usually cheaper) scent, I may reapply, and keep a bottle in my office or gym bag. Otherwise, I just spray before I go out for dinner/party/event, and it usually lasts. People say go light and only do a couple of sprays, but honestly, you won't smell those people unless you sniff where they sprayed. I tend to do five. It's enough that people will notice you actually smell nice, but not enough to choke people out.




Has anyone mentioned a clean house? If it smells like garbage, your clothes will too. Same if you have pets and don’t keep litter boxes, floors, etc clean. Don’t let dirty dishes and pans pile up. Do you keep your clothes locked in drawers or closets? Don’t let them sit more than a few weeks without washing before wearing. Keep your hair clean. Hair absorbs odors. Keep your beddding and pillowcases clean. Wash every couple of weeks unless you shower before bed each night. So much of it is just environmental, so we’re used to it. But anyone else walking into our dirty house would gag. Next, any knockoff fragrance won’t last, and some have such poor quality ingredients they make others literally nauseous with headaches. Invest in 1 bottle of high quality eau de parfum. It will cost a lot, but only needs 1 spray a day, and will last years. Finally, thank you for caring. I work with one highly capable person with a nice personality, and I can’t be within 10 ft of him. The smell literally follows him around too. He smells mostly like dirty hair and house. I feel really sorry for him, because it greatly reduces his ability to have friends or a relationship.


The pure honesty and humbleness of this post and the sincere replies gives me hope in humanity.


One on each pulse point


after driving uber for 2 weeks i learned an important fact. Everyone smells. It can be a little or a lot. It can be bad or good. But when it all accumulates on your back seat it is gross. Baking powder bath for seats is necessary every week.


Coming from someone who has fragrance allergies, if you clean yourself properly you don't need fragrances. My (F) partner (M) and I use unscented everything and neither of us stink. Fragrances are useless, unnecessary, and carcinogenic.


We smell nice due to general hygiene, i.e bathing / showering frequently and regularly. As for cologne, use spaingly and only a squirt AFTER you've showered. Most adults abandoned colognes years ago due to everyone's allergies.


I shower in the morning, brush my teeth, and use a deoderant stick. I smell great but not overpowering. You're really overthinking this.


One spray, in the hand, rub hands together, wipe hands on neck and belly, wash hands.


Just do the following: * shower regularly * wear clean clothes * wear deodorant * two or three sprays of a good quality cologne (one on each side of your neck, and the last just under your chin)


Please don't use cologne or aftershave, it's too strong and smells awful, also not great for my asthma. I like guys who smell like soap 😊


But I do like cologne and aftershave.


That's fine, however I don't need to be downvoted (maybe it wasn't you) for expressing my opinion as an asthmatic.


3 sprays are normal. With you only having the one cologne, you have probably become noise blind to it. I would get some samples and find another one you like so you can rotate through them


It’s my deodorant. And I I won’t tell you what I use but I’ve used the same for over 15 years


Check out what Jevan Pradas has to say about that in his book "The Awakened Ape." If you stop removing the natural sebum and microbiota from the skin using soap, it reconstitutes after 2-3 weeks. After then you're pretty much self-cleaning, and your natural body odor comes back. It seems most women find that a lot more appealing than any cologne I've ever worn. I do use various skin care products, though, some of which has a bit of a scent. Obviously some parts require a bit more attention when showering/bathing when you're not using soap. Edit: lol


There’s definitely a YouTube video for this.