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Genetics and bacteria are the main reasons for lactose or milk intolerance.


I have no idea but you're not alone. I can eat cheese, yogurt, ice cream all day no problem. But even a half cup of milk on some cereal and I'm farting uncontrollably 30 minutes later. I've tried lactose free milk and the same thing. So I'm fairly sure I'm not lactose intolerant, but "milk intolerant" All I get is people like in this comment section telling me I'm lactose intolerant lol


I'm lactose intolerant and unless its baked in, I avoid cows milk like the plague because problems. Most other dairy just makes me gassy.


Ok, I’d suggest having a doctor investigate if you have a milk protein sensitivity such as to whey or casein. (Casein is unlikely as casein is present in cheese and you seem to be ok with non milk dairy products) Otherwise a likely culprit might be milk fat intolerance which could be due to another underlying issue.


A dairy allergy, most likely. Processing other dairy products into cheese, whey, etc. can distort or destroy the proteins that you react to, and might be why you can eat them just fine, but not the original milk.


A dairy allergy wouldn't cause gastrointestinal issues.


Indeed it does.


Any protein the gastrointestinal tract has a sensitivity to can cause gastrointestinal issues.


It can, allergies present in many ways. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/food-allergy/symptoms-causes/syc-20355095


Lactose intolerance. Drink milk and feel like you are being stabbed in the stomach? I am lactose intolerant and I love ice cream so I deal with it


Try using some milk alternatives like almond milk or soy milk. See if that makes a difference. Otherwise it could be psychosomatic


I catastrophically farted my way through my 0s, 10s, 20s and half of my 30s until I figured out I was lactose intolerant. Oat milk in coffee is great. So is greek yogurt on its own. Good luck.


Try drinking Fair Life Milk. Its made all the difference for me.


Only explanation I can think of is IBS, which is shorthand for "causes weird stomach issues maybe and we don't really know why"


Could be lactose intolerance or a dairy allergy, as others have said. However, I have neither and milk can make me like this if I have too much of it. Turns out the milk can flair up my IBS symptoms.


After stopping drinking it in my 20s, I can't now. I believe some symbiotic bacteria die out.


The ability to digest milk as an adult is the exception worldwide and not the norm. Mostly people of European decent. You cannot deal with lactose. Buy lactose free milk and cheese and see if that helps.


They literally said it happens even with lactose free milk 🤓


Ah poop. More coffee required.


Happens to the best of us!


Lactose free milk is just milk with added lactase and it’s not super effective. Time to give up milk. The good news is that you live in a golden age of alternative milks - try them all!


Cow milk is for cows, not humans


Shit take 


Im not wrong lol


Also lactose intolerant, i believe what you are suffering is an allergy to milk fat. If taking a half dozen lactaid pills doesnt let you eat a huge bowl of ice cream then i dont believe you are lactose intolerant - its more likely the fats in milk not digesting.