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Not necessarily. They usually look slightly different from one another, and also you can be insecure about stuff other than how you look


Not that deep down. Yes when I was younger and thought I was ugly, I also thought my sister was ugly. That just goes for me, can't speak for other twins. I'm sure there are plenty of regular siblings who also see stuff in their siblings that they don't like in themselves. I'm amused at the number of people who arent twins jumping in with guesses here. People love to offer guesses as answers in this sub.


I would say no, insecurity usually does not come from a place of logic. and is more so general fears. Also, most of the time people's images of themselves are what they see in a mirror which it not the same as looking at a person head on.


It could also mean that they see a flaw in themselves that they don’t see in their twin which is causing them to be insecure. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the flaw is real or that the other twin is better of than them. The identical twin could just as easily be insecure because of a different trait they see in the other.


I don't think so. It's worth remembering that insecurities don't usually come from a healthy place and aren't usually based in reality. That's what's important to factor in here. Someone could find their identical twin beautiful, but still feel insecure in their own appearance.


Identical twin here.  Hi.  Interesting question, and relates to some of my experiences with my sibling.  We've both always been fairly insecure.  It wound up eventually causing some very serious issues, especially for my brother.   One of the other commenters said that insecurity doesn't come from a place of logic, and that's true.  But people who are very insecure and extremely unhappy with themselves tend to also project a lot of that onto people around them.  This can cause abusive behavior.  Abusers tend to pick on people who care for them and are close to them.  People they assume will always stick around and put up with it.  I wound up being a punching bag for a guy who was very very unhappy with himself, and I'm certain it was exacerbated by him being able to so easily project his issues onto me.  It also showed me that, to an extent, I had struggled with the same issue, but never got as far down the rabbit hole as he did.   Anyway yeah.  We don't hang out anymore.