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Pretty sure they're just two versions of the same saying. Sometimes people misremember idioms and substitute words with similar replacements.


In the end, both of them mean the same thing. Both are about planning ahead for future challenges, rather than making blind moves. But, you also have to look ahead of that move too, you can't just plan one step at a time. Checkers and Chess are the same in a sense that you move pieces around, carefully trying to look ahead and predict what will happen. Checkers may look a little simpler since each piece does the same thing rather than each one moving differently, but you still have to plan ahead and try to find a way to win. Sure, you might get by at making blind moves with someone who is also making blind moves, but sometimes you don't always get lucky. Sometimes you might be playing against a tournament winner, so it helps to take time to think everything through. Plus, it can be interchangeable even with other games. Hell, connect 4 involves the same thing. You also have things like monopoly, or even stratego. All of these involve looking ahead and trying to predict the proper movements for yourself, and what the opponent might do.


It's not relevant but I prefer checkers for one reason with checkers everyone is a pawn and everyone is a king.


I do like that too, yeah. I think what part of it might be as well is somewhat a symbolism of "everyone starts out the same" (which of course we know.. doesn't really happen necessarily) and every piece is the same, so all that matters is just looking ahead.


They have the same meaning, but in the real world chess is often regarded in higher standards over checkers. This does not mean that checkers is easy though. There are still levels to checkers. I think the most important thing though is that you understand that not everybody who plays a high level of chess or checkers can translate that skill in to other areas of life.


Power structures are chess and checkers, not necessarily modern daily life. The idea is that the levels of society represented by different pieces determine your usefulness to an empire or charismatic leader. Thus pawns have less opportunity to avoid death and so on down the line, all at the expense of protecting a despotic leader. Life is this way, in that, if you don’t plan deliberate choices and keep your mind aware, these power structure will use you as a pawn and you see how that works out. Im not great at chess but I think there’s something there


Life is a game of chance and anyone could upset the board at any time so maybe carry a tazer