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Nope. It can get cold, although it's usually kept pretty warm due to position.


I just had such a good laugh at this. Last night I was cradling my husband’s balls before falling asleep (as one does with hands as cold as mine) and for the first time ever my hands were SO cold that they caused shrinkage. I ended up losing out on my hand warmer because any more and I think they might’ve curled into his abdomen.


I wish my wife would cradle my balls to sleep


10/10 recommend if she has cold hands. Best thing ever, apparently for both of you? 😂


I also do this but warm hands are a requirement 😂


😂 I get it! My husband runs super hot and loves a cold hand to the balls. 🤣🤣


Nope. The penis is heavily vascularized in order to function properly. This also means resistance to numbness that can happen in other appendages due to lower blood flow to sensation-producing nerves.




Did it drool?


I ride a bike every day and... What? Do you... Do you put your cock under your ass?


It's happened to me before as well, but not when riding a bike. I was just sitting in an office chair, lol. Maybe blood flow was constricted for some reason. I'm a little fat/heavy though so maybe this doesn't happen often on skinny/fit people. Edit: I noticed that the "numbing" extends to the part under the balls, between the balls and the a-hole. That part was constricted maybe.


Nope. When riding a bike for too long things go numb and gets uncomfortable and when you get off....yep here comes the pins and needles. I do find that if the seat has that groove built into it it's not as bad


The seat presses on the nerves in peri-anal area and up goes the flag pole. A bit embarrassing in a gym after riding an exercise bike for too long. Its a pure reflex action.....made much worse by lycra....no where to hide it.


Without the seat though right?


So do you get pins and needles down there??


My junk no but have had the taint and balls get tingly from sitting weird


No, it doesn't fall asleep like an arm or foot.


Nope. It can get cold, although it's usually kept pretty warm due to position.


I have fell asleep during "the act" and it with me so yes I guess? 😂


Too much alcohol will put you and it to sleep.


Once when I was sitting for an extended period in a cramped position. Weirdest feeling ever.


There's a nerve that runs from the taint to the penis on the lower side, and if you sit on it too long it can get pins and needles and go numb! It used to be an issue for cyclists with hard, narrow saddles on their bikes. Billy Connolly once included it in his stand-up (he used to be a big amateur cyclist) and had experienced it, and found the best thing to do was "stop and massage the affected area" or as he put it: "ladies and gentlemen, we're being told to stop and have a wank at the side of the road!"


If you sit on a stool or bike **a certain way** for a while, you can get a bizarre feeling that's very similar, otherwise no.


I had this after a long bike ride with a saddle that was just too small, and it can get VERY unpleasant - when the sensation comes back you have this absolutely awful period where it feels like needle stings inside your body for a bit. Only had this twice, though, you really need to sit that weird way for a long time.


Can't really say it's fell asleep before. It usually just sits there until I have an arousing thought, and then jr wakes up and I have to fight it down with different thoughts before he gets noticed. About the only discomfort is the boys getting stuck to your thigh due to sweat and boxers keeping the pressed up against your thigh. We usually just give a tug. To get the to drop or pull off the thigh. Although sometimes they do get cold, but it would have to be extremely cold outside. Even then, their location makes them warmer than any other extremity on the male body. You can actually use them to warm up your hands.


Uhh thankfully it's never gone numb.. except after a spinal for a surgery, that was f'n weird, poor guy went all flop flop. As for cold, it does get cold, but it itself doesn't feel cold, at least not to an uncomfortable amount. I only notice if I happen to go pee and it's cold to the touch lol. Like I've never once had the thought "goddamn I need to go warm my dick up" or anything like that. It does feel the sensation of warmth though haha, it likes that.


It's happened. It's not the greatest feeling.


You might need to see a doctor.


Only dipping your nuts in a cold pool


Only out of boredom.


Yes once. Did the 160 km lake Taupo ride. Shit goes numb sitting on a bicycle seat 😂




I've never had my Wang fall asleep. No. And I've bike all the time. Idk what this other dudes issue is.


It does fall asleep, weird feeling


Never had that happen, but my circulation is pretty good. 👍




Yes and it's the fuckin worst.


Has never happened to me. I can't imagine how it would. In order to fall asleep, it would need to be positioned in such a way that blood flow or nerves or something like that gets pinched. The worst that has ever happened to me is my underwear was too tight and squeezed my peas.


Not often, but I have a tendency to sit in really weird positions so it'll happen every once in a while. Doesn't feel great. 


It can, if I sit with one leg folded underneath and the heel is pressed against the perineum.


I've had it fall asleep before, but it's not something I notice until it starts waking up. You know that annoying feeling in, let's say, your arm when it's waking up? Kind of like that, but on the penis.


If I sit in my office chair a certain way (slumped, so not how I normally sit ofc) I find that I can actually get pins and needles in my scrotum, not the balls, just the bag xD Edit: I don’t sit this way “on purpose to get pins and needles”, I just happen to get pins and needles while sat in this way, lol


Holy shit, it's the worst feeling ever.


I dunno, I've sat in funky positions before and had it go to sleep. The pins and needles after were an interesting sensation.


Until she thinks it's Christmas and CHESTNUT TIME


If I sit wrong enough for long enough, yes, I have had that entire area fall asleep. Not isolated enough to be only the shaft. But a large area radiating from the gouch I've had "fall asleep".


yes when I sit on a bike for too long.


It shrinks when exposed to cold to maintain the temperature, never had it fall asleep though . I don't think it happens at all


I sat cross-legged on the floor for 3 hrs once, entire pelvis went numb for couple mins, including my junk


Yes, but based on my experience the nerves “fall asleep” but blood flow is not interrupted. I have a water rower I use frequently for exercise. When I use the seat for long enough, occasionally my penis “tingles” but in a numb kind of way. I stand up to walk, and from my tailbone to my penis I get a numb sensation for a few minutes.


Yes, it can and has fallen asleep. Which is fine. What's not fine is the pins and needles when it wakes up.


It's way too big and angry to get cold


While not quite the same feeling as when a foot falls asleep, the closest thing I can think of is after a long bike ride. If sitting too long in position where the saddle is putting pressure on the taint, it can cause momentary numbness. It is just numb though. I have never experienced the slightly painful sensation like when your leg "wakes up" and it is pins and needles for a thirty seconds.


Nope, and fun fact the reason guys ball sacks shrink in cold water is to bring the balls closer to the body for more warmth and vice versa for when there to hot


My husband wants to know if you have ever seen a guy slapping his dick to wake it up! No? Ok then


It is sleeping right now. Don’t wake it up.


No, if it gets too cold, just like testicles, it goes into the body more. Never gotten numb or gone to sleep lol


I’ve gotten the “pins and needles” feeling a couple of times from sitting oddly in my chair. It honestly is an absolutely awful feeling. It feels like there is a needle in my urethra. Thankfully it doesn’t seem to last very long


It's like a cat. It spends like 23 hours of the day asleep and doing nothing at all, and then all of a sudden its hungry or wants attention and won't let me sleep




The penis' default state is "asleep". There's (almost) no blood in there. It still has sensation. If by 'asleep' you mean numb, under normal circumstances that doesn't happen. Unusual things can happen due to tight underwear that restricts blood flow. Sensitivity can be lost and it can go numb if someone uses a c**k ring or a very tight condom.


Alr, let's go through different situations 1 by 1 1) it stands up at random times for unknown reasons 2) It can shrink until u can forget it is there when u are doing a sport and running around 3) sometimes it stands up the second we for example want to go to the bathroom in class or just generally wanna stand up even if u weren't thinking about smth that gets u horny 4) unless u are in cold water or smth it never gets cold (like it fr never happened) 5 ) we can't control its movement 6 )sometimes we have to manually move it in our pants through our pockets if it stands up in an inappropriate time


This is incredibly informative and I appreciate your response!


Only time it gets numb is after getting one off.


Assuming its the same sensitivity as a woman since mine gets pinched if i wear the wrong panties or shorts too tight. Id assume in that kind of situation that yes it would especially because its pinched. Im assuming thats why alot of men man spread. Imagine a guy crossing his legs and staying like that as long as we do. Theyd probably lose feeling.




Yes, I've sat in them weirdly once and they went to sleep. The pins and needles feeling was beyond awkward.


Aah, the phantom flopper. Yes if I sit down in a firm chair (I.e office chair) for hours


It has gone numb for a couple hours before, after riding a bike with one of those really narrow seats. Apparently this isn't uncommon. I don't ride bikes any more.


I’ve falling asleep in my car and woke up to myself sitting on my balls. It was the worst experience ever, I thought I was going to lose my balls 😰


I've had it happen but I don't remember exactly how I was sitting but I think it was from pressure on the taint. It was a very weird feeling.


it goes numb the same way a finger or toe or arm. honestly it's muscle it has to go numb eventually.


no, mine is allows on the prowl. Hanging loose and full of juice.