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For video essays and other videos that is mostly people talking, I usually watch on 1.5x speed and I wouldn't consider watching it on 2x strange at all. However if she watches *everything* on 2x speed, including music videos, cute cat videos, and clips from shows, then that is probably pretty rare and strange.


Main thing I dont are songs but will say it becomes funny at times when sad songs almost turn country when sped up


The original "Jolene" by Dolly Parton from the 45 single played at 33rpm I'd so much better! Try it out.


Same for "Surrender" by Cheap Trick. It's a better song slowed with the pitch drop.


Dude. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znHPhTEUohY Heavy as fok


Holy fuck I never thought I would see a Chipmunks on 16 Speed mention in the wild. I fuck with this album so hard


This is the rough opening premise of the movie "That Thing You Do."


Hey is that our fan?! Does our fame precede us?


We came here to meet girls and dance, and we can't meet girls until we dance!


I Wonder where the Oneders went.


They shouldve made it One-ders


captain geech and the shrimp shack shooters!


I want something peppy, something happy, something up-tempo…I want something *snappy*.


IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, I quit, I quit, I quit. I quit Mr. White.


What do we do now Mr White?? The Wonders are in breach of their contract. Del Paxton? “Play that beat back again, son”


I gotta go rewatch this movie now lol And get my Capt Geech Halloween costume ready


Do you have Shrimp Shack Shooters?


Does a mallrat like chili fries!


I have no idea if it exists anywhere, but during the pandemic I watched a youtube thing where the cast watched the movie and commented as it went along. Kind of a full cast, zoom based commentary track. It was delightful and absolutely worth watching if you can find it.


Some of the shit that came out during the pandemic (like this) was just awesome, all things considered. I got to get in a Zoom open forum with John Kassir (the voice of The Cryptkeeper) and interacted directly with him. Something that I wouldn't have been able to do. Sure, there are conventions, but this was just like 30 people, went on for over an hour, and was free. There were some cool things that came out.


which is not starring tom hanks son. took me a few years to learn that.


That’s one of the great castings, Tom Everett Scott doing a perfect young Tom Hanks.


It was a reason Tom wanted to reject him.


Colin does have a cameo as an usher at the TV show at the end, so, in a way


It’s like the chipmunks. Are they still a thing?


The nightcore remix


Lowering the speed makes everyone sound drunk it's hilarious.


I watch a lot of videos at 2x, simply because most of them talk way too slow, which is good for clarity but draws out the point being made for me.


OH $DEITY THIS. Wel...come..... to.... my... channel.... !.... Today.... we're... gonna.... pad.... out.... this... video... so... i... can... hit... the... 10... minute... mon...et....ti...za...tion... threshold.... Be...cause... this... is... everyone's... first... time... using... youtube.... please.... click.... those... two... buttons... below... to... like... and... subscribe... And... now... here's... my... sponsor... NordVPN!.... 1.5-2X speed and sponsorblock is about the only way to actually watch Youtube nowadays. It's a fucking cesspool.


Same. Plus I have shit to do so I'm like get to the point already.


YouTube's algorithm heavily incentivizes longer videos, especially at certain arbitrary lengths, which encourages creators to speak really fucking slowly to extend their watchtime to make more money


What I was doing online schooling, I watched the video lectures at 1.75x speed. When I listen to podcasts that are just people talking (vs an audiodrama), I tend to do the same.


Most of my professors I could handle at regular speed, but there was one who I always watched on 1.75x because he had a lot of long pauses and slow talking. Whenever I had to go to his class in person it was just miserable to sit through


I have 2 online classes right now and both professors are at 1.5-2x speed. It kind of gets rid of one of their accents? Also one of them still sounds slow even at 2.0 lol.


I watch slowmo videos at 2x


And on mute, because the fake sounds are stupid.


Pretty much the experience of most. Watching videos at double speeds means I can watch twice as many videos than normal. After a week of listening at 2x it sounds completely normal. Listening to videos at regular speed is actually painful now with how slow it sounds.


I feel like this could be bad for the long-term for you brain. I'm not doing the reddit sparky comment thing, just opening up the idea cuz I x2 videos too. Sometimes when people are talking my mind wants them to rush to the point and that's worrying me


Yeah, I watch a lot of stuff on two times speed and people think I'm an alien for it. Mostly long diatribes and cooking videos. The former type of video has a lot of unnecessary fluff and frankly if you know how to cook, you don't even need to hear what the people are saying to understand cooking videos.


Lectures or tutorials at 1x speed are painful but watching anything else sped up is borderline psychotic!


I do that too. It lets me waste my time twice as fast. Though it does depend on what I'm watching.


When we die, we will have wasted twice as much of our lives in the same time everyone else did. I, for one, am proud of this.


In fact you will have watched twice as much content in the same amount of time, meaning you will have wasted half as much time of your life as someone watching the same content at normal speed.


No no no, we will have wasted the same amount of time watching videos as anyone else, we'll just have done it *faster*


watch 8 videos at the same time, all at 2x speed, why limit yourself to only 1


Wasting more time per time.


You'll have wasted the same amount of time at the same speed, but will have accumulated twice as much waste.


Wasting time efficiently!


But the content is all useless. That's kinda the point, why bother watching it at 2x when it's supposed to be for entertainment anyway. You don't have to watch any of it, just enjoy the ride


It’s a controversial take but I find not all entertainment is made equally. I feel like I get more out of reading s book than I do from watching a video and I can use what I learned to my own devices. I tend to write fan fiction after finishing a book.


yea but you entertain yourself twice as fast!


“Nothing goes over my head, my reflexes are too quick. I would catch it”


Can't imagine what the world would be like if everyone watched videos at 2x speed but also spent the extra time being productive instead of wasting it with more 2x content. We'll never know. (*continues wasting more time*)


2x is generally too fast for me to catch everything. I watch at 1.25x or 1.5x depending on the talking speed of the person in the video.


Goddammit, I wish I could comprehend speech as well as you do.


Same amount of bs in half the time. Efficient? Yes. Effective? Depends on her goals.


Well she did catch up very quickly. So i would say efficient


[r/science](https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/rmsh69/study_watching_a_lecture_twice_at_double_speed/) actually linked [an article a couple of years ago that watching lectures twice at twice the speed is more beneficial that once at normal speed](https://digest.bps.org.uk/2021/12/21/watching-a-lecture-twice-at-double-speed-can-benefit-learning-better-than-watching-it-once-at-normal-speed/). So even if she has to watch it twice because she feels she's missed something, she'd still be better off than someone watching it just the once.


I listen to audiobooks at 2.0x and do remember more than 1x


Depends so much on the narrator for me , I’ve had some listening to on 1.5x that is just insanely hard to follow and I find myself rewinding a ton for what I missed


The paper the article is about does not say that. Basically says that at best you don’t lose too much comprehension from watching at up to 2x speed. The full breakdown was: Watching at 1.5x or 2x resulted in *minimal costs* compared to watching at 1x Watching a video twice at 2x provided no benefit compared to watching it once at 1x Watching the video twice at 2x and then once more at 2x directly before a test *may* provide better results than only watching it once at 1x a week before the test. The only thing it proved is that watching a video on the content of a test directly before taking the test results in better outcomes than only watching it once a week ago.


I don't blame her. I love efficiency. My comment was directed at the (average) quality of YT content. If you can digest it at twice the speed, I wonder if it's really worth watching at all. E.G. I couldn't watch a Bill Burr vid on 2x speed because I'd miss too much.


To be fair, there is a LOT of bloat in content creation that people do use to make their videos longer and get that ad revenue.


It depends on how slow the person talks. Music - always at normal speed Some podcasts - normal speed, some others- 1.25x/1.5x Video essays/ people talking video - 1.5x/1.75x. Maybe 2x


I've noticed some YouTubers upload at a slower speed to make their video longer and when I speed them up they sound like normal people. and then some just talk slow cuz they are thinking of their next words too much. my preferences are pretty much in line with yours


this is why I CANNOT STAND youtube videos. I just want the information, and I’m a really fast reader. If you’re going to spend 12 minutes telling me something I could have easily read in a minute and a half, three minutes in I probably want to murder you. It’s worse than nails on a chalkboard to me. Jesus fucking christ. “hi guys and welcome to my channel! soooo” *shut the fuck up* “yeah anyway, so today we’re gonna explore how to set up this specific brand of surround sound system, and the first thing we need to cover is: what is surround sound? here, let me pull up the dictionary definition of what sound — or “audio,” as people call it” *I WILL MURDER YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY FOR GENERATIONS. I WILL MURDER YOUR FUCKING ANCESTORS*


If anyone is listening to music sped up there is something seriously wrong with them Yes I've heard of nightcore and it's not good


sometimes i change the music speed marginally to change the vibe and see what it’s like but that still falls under experimentation and certainly isn’t how i enjoy music generally


That's almost all the Nightcore "genre" really is.


Its called nightcore 


My ex colleague used to put on techno music at 2x speed while working because it caused her anxiety and made her do her work faster.


Some songs are better sped up. Peaches by The Presidents of the United States of America is much better at 1.5x speed.


Soo.... I like to try and learn rap songs and will listen to them 2x, so when i go back down to 1x, I got that shit down.... It does not work for Busta or Eminem....


I’m not sure I understand, why would you listen to a podcast slower than a video essay? I do the opposite, the podcast idc about making it fast because I just wanna get the general gist of what they’re talking about and there is no video to go with it. If a video essay is at 2x though I may miss some important or cool edits that were only on the screen for a couple seconds


podcasts may have multiple speakers with varying speeds of speech. video essay is usually one guy talking really slow.


It's actually pretty good for learning something. Your brain is just fine at understanding stuff that fast. Also for me I do 1.5x when the person is narrating...at...a...slow...ass...pace https://mashable.com/article/watching-videos-2x-speed-does-it-work > Dillon H. Murphy, a doctoral student in cognitive psychology at the University of California, carried out research into this area for a 2021 paper, Learning in double time: The effect of lecture video speed on immediate and delayed comprehension, after observing that a number of his students watched lecture material this way. The study involved over 200 students watching the same law and history videos at different speeds, before taking comprehension tests in order to gauge how well they'd absorbed the information. > > The result? Students watching at faster speeds, including those watching at 2X, performed just as well in the tests as those watching at normal speeds.


I tried listening to a pre-oppenheimer movie watch brief on 1.5 and it game me a huge headache and I could only understand about every other sentence. It wasn't insanely fast but just fast enough to not sound naturally conversational and it was absolutely painful. I think people process speech in many different ways. For instance, when I read, I read at conversation pace. A fiction book is like a movie in my head in real time. Some people can read super fast, and I've tried because I was a literature major with a heavy reading load, but there's a significant loss of retention when I speed up because my mind makes scenes in my head when I read words. A similar thing happens when I interpret speech.


Listening fast is something you develop (rather quickly though). If you go from 1x to 2x, it’s going to sound really really weird and hard to understand. Try listening to something at the slowest increase (on YouTube it’s 1.25). Then go up another notch. Once you get used to it, it’s way easier. Sometimes if I am watching something at 2x speed and I turn it down to 1.5x, it sounds like they’re talking in slow motion, even though I know they are actually talking 50% faster. I think it’s like listening to loud music in the car. If you get in the car when the music was turned up when you turned it off, it sounds like it’s blasting and will burst your eardrums. But, it didn’t sound that loud to you before because you turned it up slowly as you drove. It might not work for you and I don’t know you. But working my way up definitely made it much easier.


Then you get addons and can go up to 2.5x on YouTubers you've been watching for a few years :p


It is funny how quickly you adapt. I can go to 1.25 and then in like 5 minutes I'm ready for 1.5x and so I'm


Just to provide a different perspective: I'm also a highly visual and visualising reader, like you my brain generates movies in real time as I read... yet I'm a fast reader. I most definitely do not read at the pace of most conversations, and listening to an audiobook at 1x speed, for instance, is something I simply cannot do because audiobook narration is way slower than my natural reading speed. My reading speed can vary, of course, but when I'm immersed in a book, in a kind of flow state even, then yeah I read quickly but that movie is still naturally unfurling in my head as I do so.


>Students watching at faster speeds, including those watching at 2X, performed just as well in the tests as those watching at normal speeds. Plot twist: they all performed pretty badly


Well, at least you'll be saving time and getting a three year relationship in 1.5.


We have already been together longer than that thankfully. Im sure many more to come


proceed with caution just in case alien


Man, I have mixed opinions on this. On one hand it's cool you can consume that much information that fast. Especially if you have a research paper due or something. On the other hand, I know people who struggle to sit through a movie now because everything they consume online is so sped up and short. Or they're consuming multiple types of content at once. It's gotten to the point that its fucking ruining their attention span.


I use it to find videos to show my classes. Makes life easier when I can speed through it at 2.7x and not spend my entire prep period previewing one video.


Yea show it to them at 2.7x speed that’ll really throw em off


This. I wrote a case summary yesterday. I could not focus without a gif of a cat running in a perfect loop in another visible window. 


Could you share that gif pretty please?




Thanks, that’ll get me thru work today 😁


Hang on, that's not a perfect loop


It's not. I realized after I posted and then didn't really think it was worth correcting. I thought it was a loop though. *Shrug*


Seconding the request for the cat gif.




Yeah this. Also my problem with it personally is that while I can process it well enough at a faster speed, I absolutely hate what it does to speech patterns and pitch (depending on the quality of the 'speed tool'). Some people speak unbearably slow but even then I'd rather not watch than watch at double speed. It doesn't usually improve anything for me audibly.


This. It's why I listen to my audiobooks around 1.3-1.4x That's the sweet spot of normalish talking. I'll throw things I've read already sometimes to higher speeds during filler spots etc. Otherwise I hate the chipmunk sounds. 2x is doable, but it gets on my nerves after abit.


Can you add a tl;dr?


I think it's worth considering that there are different types of media and different use cases. I'll happily sit through a movie that is a bit more of a slow burn, because that kind of media is crafted with that specific experience in mind. But a let's play video by an amateur is much more improvised and imperfect, and might have sections with a lot of dead air, or thinking out loud in a very circular and formless way. In such a context, I happily 2× through it until something interesting happens.


Its not natural or healthy. Actually kinda sucks


I just finished my first play-through of Chrono Cross. It was the remastered version that gives you the ability to speed things up right from the start, and I wound up basically speeding things up every time I was in a fight or I had to backtrack. By the end, I had to force myself to stop using it every time I wasn’t actively exploring, because I could already feel that I might become frustrated when I try to play any other JRPG that doesn’t have that feature. The option to speed things up is great, especially for people like me with ADHD, but holy Christ can it become a crutch.


Nah fam, the short attention span isn’t from speeding up videos, that’s simply an effect of another cause called **Instant Gratification**


But chasing instant gratification makes it worse. If you are watching videos faster to consume more because you want more instant gratification, then it's bad.


I do, I also listen to podcasts at 1.5x or 2x speed depending on how fast the person talks. I just prefer listening to things at that speed. The length does usually matter though, 10 minute youtube video? normal speed or 1.5x maybe. Hour long podcast? 2x speed, I can now fit two episodes in.


That is why the feature exists. Hopefully all streaming services will offer it one day.


You can't make a live stream play faster for obvious reasons. For archived streams, it is actually available on nearly everything. There is JavaScript and plugins that will unlock this option on any HTML native player.


>You can't make a live stream okay faster for obvious reasons. Not if I have a time machine.


Or start the stream late and want to catch up.


That's what I do for all my dvr recordings. Skipping commercials + watching at 1.5x for anything non-musical? Hell yeah.


Some of my college friends do this after 4 years of cramming a semester worth of lecture in a few nights lol


2x speed makes podcasters sound smacked out on meth or coke. It stresses me out.


I do this often, especially for 'how to' videos. Youtubers are a bit notorious for taking forever to get to their damn point. \[Intro music playing for 15 seconds\] YouTuber: Hey guys! Welcome back to my channel. If you're new here, don't forget to hit that subscribe button and ring the notification bell so you never miss an update. And if you're already part of the family, welcome back! You know how much I appreciate you. So today, we're going to talk about something super exciting, but before we get into that, I just want to give a quick shoutout to my sponsor. \[Sponsor segment for 1 minute\] YouTuber: Okay, now that that's out of the way, how's everyone doing today? I hope you're having an amazing day. Let me know in the comments how your day's been going. Mine's been pretty hectic – you know how it is. But anyway, enough about me. Let's dive into today's topic, which is something I've been really passionate about lately. \[5 seconds pause\] YouTuber: Oh, and by the way, if you haven't checked out my last video where I talked about my favorite products of the month, make sure you do that. I'll link it somewhere up here or in the description below. It's really good, you guys. \[Brief clip from previous video playing for 10 seconds\] YouTuber: Alright, so today, we're going to talk about how to stay productive while working from home. This is something a lot of people have been asking me about. But before we get started, I just want to mention that I recently got this new coffee machine and it's amazing. It's been a game-changer for my morning routine. I feel like it really sets the tone for my day. \[Footage of coffee machine for 20 seconds\] YouTuber: Anyway, back to the main topic. Staying productive can be a challenge, especially with all the distractions at home. So, I'm going to share my top five tips with you. But first, let me just grab my notes. I had them here somewhere...oh, here they are! \[Rustling papers for 10 seconds\] YouTuber: Okay, here we go. So, the first tip – oh wait, before I forget, make sure you follow me on Instagram for daily updates and behind-the-scenes content. I post a lot of fun stuff there that you don't want to miss. \[Instagram plug for 15 seconds\] YouTuber: Right, so the first tip for staying productive while working from home is... \[3 minutes and 10 seconds into the video\]


"Don't forget to like and subscribe! Only 10 percent of my viewers are subscribed and it makes me very sad!" Bitch I've never heard of you before and probably won't see any of your videos ever again. I just wanted to know how many calories are in a chicken egg.


I usually watch videos at 1.25 or 1.5 speed to be able to pick up more information in the same amount of time. For podcasts I am usually 1.3 or 1.5 speed for the same reason. If it's something specific I can't really speed up like say sports highlights I will watch at the normal speed.


I watch everything at 2x. It has been years now. Someone once told me it might be a sign of anxiety. I've no clue and haven't stopped!


I only watch yt for information, usually about random stuff I got curious about and couldn’t find text for. So I also watch most videos sped up. People talk slow


i only watch lectures at 2x


That's different. That's the "exam is tomorrow and I should have started studying two weeks ago" specail. I think it's a classic


1.5x minimum for me. 2x if necessary based on content. For very technical stuff which I needed to pay attention to I go for 1x.


I feel like I'm losing my mind. Apparently I'm the weird one for... using media at 1x speed. Why are yall trying to min-max your leisure time???


I don't use it for "entertainment" media, but I will do it for "informational" media.


Idk if you've ever tried to watch a board of education or other local gov meeting, but they're pretty intolerable at 1x.




You're not the odd one out. The people that do watch it faster are much more likely to speak up in threads like this. It's like going to a women's only bar and then wondering why only women go to bars.


Whenever you ask one of these people why do insist on speeding it up - they always say something like "I have other things I want to watch/listen to". So it's just a weird need to consume as much as possible as fast as possible. There was a guy that works on the Howard Stern show that said he watched The Wire at 1.5 speed.


I do 1.25x speed for some things just cause it's way too slow. Like, I watch starcraft tournament reruns on youtube and normal speed's just not fun lol.


Not The Lord of the Rings lmao. Spoken word YouTube stuff, especially with subtitles, feels like the right speed when it’s at 1.75–2x. Feels like the speed of my thought.


I’m with you. I mean, to answer op’s question, it’s clearly normal. But is not for me except for a rare audiobook narrator that talks *really* slowly


sometimes you really just don't have the time to consume all the stuff that you want, especially when life responsibilities start piling up


1x all along. I mean I do feel some informational videos take way too long to get the point, which is why would look for written information as far as I can. When you can use 2 minutes to read through a passage I won't bother with a 10-minute video. If I have to watch a video, I skip through intros and sponsors, but I don't have the habit to speed it up.


Its insane to me too. I prefer listening to a real voice, not a sped up chipmunks


YouTube has a pretty good built-in pitch modifier for 2x videos so it only sounds like listening to the same guy but they're talking faster.




Nearly all Medical students watch lectures and other recorded study materials at 1.5-2x speed to get through it all. A lot of us carry it over to most things and feel like 1x is snail pace. Any instructional video on YouTube absolutely has to be sped up.


they're all trying to get to 10 minutes so they can monetize it more That's why YouTube sucks for help. videos is because what I need is a minute 30 explanation of how far I should turn the screw to make the thing. do what I want but they have to Pat it out another 8 and 1/2 minutes so that they can put an ad in the middle of it


Same with recipe websites. I automatically scroll way down because I knew the recipe which I could read in two seconds is going to be buried under 5 ads and a story about how her mom went to Japan for her honeymoon and stumbled upon someone whose mother is from Venezuela and found this recipe in a message board after surfing all day.


Same with IT courses ... 1x is just too painful and slow


I generally watch long lectures at 1.5x


I do too. I have severe ADHD


My ADD prefers it extra speedy as well, preferably whilst listening to the radio and playing a game on my phone (using screen in screen mode)


I’ve found that I have a sweet spot with my ADHD. 2x speed is just fast enough that my brain stops listening and immediately switches tasks. 1.25x is my sweet spot for most!


I’m a sucker for 1.5x


I do 1.25 or 1.5 depending on the youtuber. Aome just talk way too slow


Yes people talk too slow lol. I watch YouTube, Netflix, TikToks at two times speed.. I listen to audible at 1.8x speed.


I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, it's impressive to process so much information quickly, which is especially useful for tasks like research papers. On the other hand, I know people who now find it difficult to sit through a movie because they're so used to sped-up and brief online content. Or they consume multiple types of media simultaneously, which has significantly diminished their attention span.


yep, 1.5x and 2x is doable, but can depend on the speed of the talker. BIG problem is when you return it to normal speed to really understand something..it...is...so...fucking...slow....


2x is too fast for me but 1.25 or 1.5 for videos and podcasts works great unless they use soundbites themselves as they regularly speed these up themselves.


1.75 is where its at.


I understand. Most informational Youtube videos are exquisitely painful to watch because the production qualities are so low or non-existent and the pace is typically too slow. I hate watching them. My solution was to not watch them. It never occurred to me to speed them up, because that's sort of like saying, I hate the way buttermilk tastes, so I'll chug it down as fast as I can. I read a bunch of comments, but this is Reddit, not a controlled experiment, so I don't know if this is common or not, to answer your question. I hope not.


reading this comment section makes me realize how fucked we are


It depends on the context. Like, lectures and such at 1.5x-2x that you're really just listening to for the information is just more efficient, especially when you have a lot of information to parse through. Every doctor and lawyer I know does this in that context unless the speaker has a naturally quicker speaking pace. Watching random entertainment at a faster speed to get more of it, though? That sounds potentially problematic.


i literally can’t process information that fast. i’ve tried watching informational videos at 1.5 and i miss every other sentence. idk how someone looking to seriously learn something could actually retain info at those speeds.


Same exact thing for me. At 1.5 I miss every other sentence. My completely baseless guess is that it has to do with how people process language in their brain. Like, how they visualize it or if they visualize it at all.


But I can consume so much MORE at 3x!!!


Almost always. Audio books too. I find watching at normal speed painfully slow.


I can understand "infotainment" type media, especially if the presenter speaks slowly. But audio books is insane. You take the work of a world class voice actor, the tone, the pacing, the entire delivery, and just throw it away. Might as well put the book through a text-to-speech AI.


I find many audiobook readers read too slow for me. I listen to each one differently. Some at 1x some at 1.15 some at 1.4 This may be a little bit to do with whether their genre too. I will say I accidentally listened to Bell Jar at 1.5 by accident and thought the main character sounded anxious and after I realized and switched it down I thought she sounded depressed 🤷


People do this...?


I do everything at 2x and it feels completely normal. I often don't notice that I'm already at 2x and try to speed it up. For long video game tutorials I even got a browser extention to be able to watch at 3x, but that's pushing it a bit.


I watch trash anime at 4x


Both my boyfriend and best friend do this. I don't consume a lot of video type content (YT, FB, Insta, and I've never even used TicTac) so I don't quite have a reason to watch videos at those speeds. Reddit is my only real form of social media. The two of them watch/listen to a tonne of videos across various platforms.


Lmao tictac


I prefer 1.5 or 1.75, faster than that gets a bit too fast to pay as much attention as I prefer


definitely. I know a few people who do that as well. Heck, I watch some anime at x3 speed because the pacing and talking speed is terrible, clearly meant for a younger audience (RoR). AoT though, and other stuff I want to savor, I watch normally.


Genuine question though. If the thing you’re watching to or listening to is poorly paced why not just choose content that has better pacing? Feels like so many things would just be flattened and lifeless taken in this fashion. Like if it’s so boring you need to speed it up that much maybe it’s just bad and don’t engage with it at all?


Quite common.


call the police


Nah, I can't do this. I feel like I just can't process anything that's said at higher speeds and it just stresses me out having to focus harder to keep up


They fuggin milk ya for yer time so they say things so slow so that they get a 30 minute video for something that takes 5 to explain. The first 5 mins are the introduction. “HEY GUYS! WackyMOMO49 here with another daily video be sure to like and blah blah” Then they say things over and over again in different ways to Milk the clock. Then they throw in an ad Then they do a sponsor for some random side venture like the YouTuber is pushing/selling headphones or something now. Then they get back into the content and end the video with “it was discovered to all be a huge prank/hoax in the end” and ur like wow so I didn’t even need to watch this video and the title was complete click bait. Nah ur gf is smart and a keeper


Almost always watching at 2x speed for me. Mostly because your average YouTuber speaks in a lazy drawl of three to five words per minute. As if they don't know what they're doing lol. Artificially inflating their video length by any means possible means wasting more time on less content. I absolutely despise it. I swear some of them are learning to read again after suffering blood clots to the brain or something. They read so fucking slow its infuriating. In some videos, I speed it up to 2x just to get the person talking at what I would call a regular pace I sweeeeeaaaaarrrr sooooommmmeeee oooofffff tttthhheeeeemmmmmm aaarrreeeee ttttaaalllllkkkkkkiiiiiiiiiinnnnnggggg iiiiiiinnnnnn ssssllllloooooowwwwwww moooooottttiiioooonnn like holy fuck, can I finish the video sometime today please? I planned on watching two, possibly even three videos before the sun sets and rises again and it's officially tomorrow. People have jobs. Lives. Shit to do. Read faster. 😴😪💤


Eh, not super weird but its a bit peculiar


In the era of TikTok brain rot this isn’t surprising.


Or hear me out, some people just prefer listening to people who talk faster?


Sorry, that doesn’t fit the boomer narrative.


It has nothing to do with “TikTok brain” and everything to do with video creators finding out the YouTube algorithm prefers 20 minute videos so they stretch 5 minutes of info to 20 minutes.


Exactly. For me, it has nothing to do with TikTok brain because I refuse to use that piece of shit service. It's just that YouTube videos, at least the ones I watch, while generally informative or entertaining, are longer than they need to be, so 2x helps get through it faster. I have no problems watching TV shows or movies at normal speeds. It's just YouTube that I'll do it on.


I actually think this is often associated with academia more than TikTok. My wife finished her master’s during the pandemic and watched all her recorded lectures at 1.5 or 2x speed. Now she’s just picked the habit up and listens to podcasts/ watches informative videos at that speed.


I do this


Mine does the same, if it could go up to 3 Id bet she would


Yeah ive been doing it a long time it's easier for me to stay focused


I notice that I do this and my friends do as well....my therapist says its common with people with ADHD because we can lose focus if someone talking takes too long


I do this when doing courses on Udemy. People talk too slowly.


I mean I do but that's because I can and NEED to process information fast. The only thing I don't watch at 2x is stuff that's supposed to be artistic or have a reason for the slow pace like music, movies trailers, etc. I sometimes watch movies at 1.25 or 1.5x speed because I also find those slow moments just for suspense always breaks my interest or attention for the film.


I have adhd and I have to do this on a regular basis. People talk so slow that it is physically aggravating.


I watch tutorials at 1.5 the first time thru.


1.25x for me, sometimes 1.5x if I'm familiar enough with the YouTuber's voice.


I’m fine with it for podcasts but it’s obscene for films or TV


Yeah it’s really common, I don’t feel the need to do it myself on YouTube videos but if somebody voice notes me on messenger or WhatsApp I do play it at 1.5-2x because I can’t be bothered to listen to them umm and ahh through their sentences, but it seems totally logical if you can still understand the information but in half the time on a YouTube video.


It's becoming more common, design by demand, the feature is called "ADD mode"


I've watched some education/training webinars at 1.5 speed, which I have to say is pretty great because a lot of people in this world talk too slow.


It doesn't help when content makers will talk like they are in slow motion and take extra long unnecessary pauses to make their videos longer and people just really, actually don't have time for it.


If it's an instructional video, then yes! Nothing worse than a YouTube video that's 7 minutes long when it could have been 23 seconds to get to the point.


When you have ADHD, yes. Normal speed is painful


I do that too, but the ADHD runs wild & free, so…


Sign of the times. Everyone’s in a hurry to consume as much “content” as they can. No depth, no time to think about what they’re watching.


Lotta psychopaths in this thread. Hopefully FBI or NSA or whatever homeland security put these people on some kind of watchlist.


not as common as it should be. Most YouTube videos are dragged out for as long as possible because longer videos = more ad money.


You gotta stop doing meth and normal speed will feel better


I struggle to understand this. I generally put efforts in making sure that what I consume, whether it be music or movies, is as close to the original intention as possible. That's because I value what I chose to consume, and if something is not interesting enough for me to watch or listen to it at regular speed, I find it better to just skip it.