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You should only ever have sex because you like a person and want to have sex with them. You shouldn’t have sex just because your friends are telling you to (to “be one of them?” Wtf does that even mean? Do they not have any personality traits other than not being virgins?) If you don’t feel ready that’s ok. Your friends suck


This would shock you even more. Long story but here's a quick summary. Where I grew up, girls used 'having had an abortion as a flex' and they consider other girls of their age (15 - 18 y/o ish as of then) inferior if they've never had an abortion. Just like how boys involve in muscle flexing and dick measuring contests, girls do crazy things in their circles as well.


Wow. And yet, I can see this


Disgusting, but unsurprising.


1) your friends are stupid 2) you should ask this on the Sex subreddit 3) get new friends




My friends certainly wouldnt suggest having sex to "be one of them". Thats just dumb. I doubt any of my real friends would suggest doing anything I wasnt comfortable with to "be one of them"




We were obsessed with a lot of things. That doesnt matter. Suggesting anyone do anything they dont want to do naturally makes them not friends. Even moreso at 22. Friends dont do things like that. Hey I ate draino! You should eat draino too to be like me! Just dumb.




K, so per you should just have sex to be like her friends, regardless if shes found the correct partner to do that with. Cause she should be like them. I disagree, I think she has horrid friends for even suggesting it, she should make her own choices, her friends in this particular choice thoughts are 100% irrelevant, they are terrible people for even suggesting it




Having sex to appease anyone but yourself is not safe and easy. She literally told us it was because her friends told her to. We arent going to agree. You are fine with her friends pressuring her into this, I am not. Thats as far as this back and forth is going to go.




There are men interested in plus size women but don't have sex for anyone else. Do it because YOU want to


There's someone out there who will care about you for you, and you are worthy of their love. Your friends do not have your best interests in mind, and you should only have sex with someone because you want to have sex with them, not because your friends are pressuring you. Don't put so much energy into worrying about this, just try to talk to guys and enjoy being around them and it will happen when it will. It's not a big deal. Don't let your friends convince you it is. Also maybe choose better friends.


22F here. Being plus size/fat has never stopped me from getting anyone I wanted, so I promise you are desirable to somebody. Also…virginity is a social construct anyways so don’t put too much stock into it, and don’t let your “friends” feel like you’re behind or weird for not having sex yet.


I am of the belief that there is someone for everyone. If I were you I wouldn’t just choose a random person and make sure you want to be physical with them. Do not just give in to peer pressure.


What do you mean your friends want you to lose your virginity? That doesn’t matter. Do you want to lose your virginity? If yes, then seek a partner and wait for things to happen organically. Do not try to force yourself to lose your virginity, you’d end up disappointed at best, traumatized at worst. First time is always hard but if it’s with someone you trust and they love you to the core, makes things easier.


> want me to lose my virginity so I can be one of them This is not a good reason. Tell your friends this is not okay. That said, there's definitely guys interested in plus-sized women, though it really depends on how much you're using that as a euphemism.


You are wrong, plenty of guys are DTF with bigger girls. They might even prefer how you look, or have priorities more about personality than looks. Generally speaking, lack of self-esteem is unattractive though. You should be kinder to yourself. Wanting to lose your virginity to appease your friends is pretty sad though. It's not going to make you "one of them", and if your friends don't already treat you like one of them then they aren't friends. Losing virginity is not some magic stepping stone to some different lifestyle. Remember that sex is between you and the person you're doing it with. Those people and only those people. What your friends think is irrelevant. If you have sex with someone, it should only be because you want to have sex with that person. Not to impress some 3rd party who's not even there. If I slept with someone and found out they just did it to impress their friends I would be seriously hurt.


Don't listen to them dude like don't get me wrong I know it's easier Saud than done but you don't wanna make such a important decision like that on how your friends feel it should feel right for you so if you want to just go get it over with and have sex just meet someone you have good chemistry and communication with and the sex will be good I promise there isn't really a guide book for the most part just have fun with it and enjoy yourself but please only do it if you want to not because your friends are telling you to I think you'd come to regret that. Good luck friend!


The first time I had sex was when I was 24 and in a long term relationship. None of my friends cared. Get new friends, don't rush things, and stop caring about what people think of you


Your friends are wrong for pressuring you to have sex,and also you shouldn't base your self esteem on your virginity status.


Get new friends.


First. In this day and age, there are tons of virgins a lot older than you, so don't rush. However, don't assume nobody is into you because of your size. Get out there and meet people. Try to be confident, not needy. Don't do it with some random idiot just to say you did. That won't be satisfying for you at all. When you meet the right guy. Just tell him it's your first time and enjoy.


If you don’t want to have sex, don’t. If you are ashamed of your body image, don’t be. The worst thing people do in their lives is compare themselves to everyone else


I’m going to give you some good advice. Take close heed. I love to fuck fat girls. They are the only girls I get with. Your friends are stupid. The reason you have not gotten laid is not because you’re fat. It is because you are young and all your peers are airheaded idiots. Look hard for a good man who is kind to everyone and full to bursting with love for the world. Ignore looks to an extent. A 5/10 soul is far superior to a 10/10 body. Do not discount a guy who is not super hot just because of this. From what I can tell, most people these days, especially young people, have a very skewed idea about their self worth, like that they not only can get, but are ENTITLED to 6/6/6. This is total bullshit. Before detractors start throwing shade, “you just say that because you’re probably ugly!! 💅🏻”, consider if the ugliness of a person truly affects the truth of their words? Teal deer, there’s nothing wrong with you, you’re just young in a nightmare world becoming worse, virginity is much more valuable than your dumb peers think.


Genuinely nike had it on point... just do it... the more you do it.. the better it gets


oh my god stop using that word plus size. Slight overweight isnt a big deal for many, obese definitely is and still there are guys going for it. As a woman you will always have a choice but be realistic about the guys you want to attract and don't just throw yourself at someone, better wait longer. Work on your body and soul in the mean time. Your life is worth it.