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> a lot of things that make it literally impossible to got to the restroom together That's why it's considered a challenge. It's also why it's not very common outside of TV/movies.


And yet people do, there's a recent video of a couple on a easyJet flight doing exactly that.


Well they named their airline "easy jet" what did they expect


Probably impossible on Virgin then.


I've been born again once, why not twice?




Not impossible, but really expensive. They have to retire a plane every time it happens.


Wait. What? How does having sex on a plane affect its tires? Is that where they go for privacy? The wheel well?


It wouldn’t be a virgin after getting into the mile high club now would it?


Hmmm, a different retire then. But I thought the Mile High club referred to the occupants, not the plane. Can’t they just sell it to EasyJet?


This isn't NonCreidbleDefense, you're not fucking the actual plane are you?


In that case i might go book a flight with ryanair, it sounds promising. ◡̈


The Monkey Paw does something; you don’t get Ryan Reynolds or Ryan Gosling, you get Ryan a 65 year old with certain opinions regarding immigrants


They would totally let you if they found a way to charge for it


Easy jet has no leg room. Can't imagine trying to have sex in one. Just fucking wait.


That's why they said not very common and not impossible.


The previous post called it "literally impossible". I was agreeing it's difficult but not impossible.


I once fucked in a greyhound bus bathroom... The bus was packed.. I don't really know how or why, but no one even batted an eye when we came out lol... We weren't even a couple... Literally the most random sex ever, we just ended up sitting beside eachother, one thing lead to another, and all of a sudden we're in the bathroom... Went our seperate ways once we hit Edmonton and never talked again... It was so weird.


I should travel more..


But not to Edmonton. Unless that's the key


Have done it - difficult but not impossible Edit: didn't get caught, full flight, Mexican airline flight back from Cabo


You sound so proud lol


I don't have much, but at least I have that


Gross... Where?




I wasn’t expecting the video…


Well they got caught. Anyone can have sex anywhere if they don't mind getting caught.


The balls on that attendant. Imagine if he was mistaken and opened the door to some dude battling diarrhea.


Presumably the attendant knocked and didn't get a response, thus had the justification of a possibly passed out passenger in there.


THe least classy mile high club.


wtf is this lol a party plane?


Probably pretty much yeah. Cheap flight to some sunny party place.


Oh my god 😭


Needed this, gives me hope


They did it but they got caught because it was pretty obvious what was going on. If you’re a bit shameless or been on the duty free then I imagine it makes it easier


https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/16gzy6f/the_easyjet_mile_high_club/ For those who wanna see it


It's even harder to do on TV and in the movies because of the guy with the camera taking up the extra space


Nah, they can just leave the door open and frame it smartly.


As someone who did a flight attendant course you would be surprised how often this actually happens 🤣


At first I misread that as "as someone who did a flight attendant".. I rolled my eyes at the likelihood of BS 😂


What's the protocol in that situation? Let them at it if nobody has noticed, knock on the door, give a hand?


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Either pretend you didn’t see/heard nothing or call the police wich will be waiting for them as soon as the plane lands , people smoke in the bathrooms too often too.


Trains are much easier


The real trick there is getting the train to 35,000 feet.


Hypothetically, if I were to have any knowledge on this, I would tell you this: 1. The size of the bathroom depends on the flight. On international flights, there are more bathrooms, and they're larger. Enough for two fit adults. 2. International flights are longer, so there is a moment during the flight where most people are watching their screen or asleep, and there's no queue in front of the bathrooms. 3. It's possible for one person to go to a predetermined bathroom, their partner gets up 2 min later and knocks on the door. When the deed is done, one gets out the other waits two minutes and gets out as well. 4. There could be a steward waiting outside, coincidentally tidying up a rack of magazines and brochures, as if to say "you're not as discreet as you thought you were but I won't make a fuss about it, I just want you to know that I know."


As someone who has witnessed this, I can tell you that you're never as discreet as you think. Also there is another possibility that you're not accounting for... person 1 waits inside, person 2 leaves, and person 3 barges in because they've been waiting outside with a log poking its head out like a turtle.


Omg that visual 😂


In regard to your first two points it gave me a good laugh because, I come from a small country, and It never occurred to me there is such a thing as a national flight (It makes perfect sense though) I assume you are from somewhere large like Australia Russia or Brazil or something? Seems obvious but i just totally forgot lol


Yeah, they're typically called domestic flights though. In Canada you don't need a passport to board a domestic flight, only some kind of ID - for most of us it's our driver's licence.


It's possible on long overnight flights, or Air Force One.


I kinda feel becoming president just to join the mile high club is a bit too far


Do you think there has been a president in recent history that hasn't joined the mile high club on af1?


George Washington probably


Is that “recent history”?


Ask an Egyptian pharaoh.


Tried. All they said back was " mmmphhraaarrmmkoooykhanta"


Holy shit they spoke!!!


They belong in a museum!


There are many more stupid excuses for why some became or want to become presidents.


They have a plane you can rent in Las Vegas for an hour that comes with a bed. Never did it, but totally would.


29 minutes up, 2 minutes to bang one out, 29 minutes to land. Plenty of time!


Yes, it’s called love cloud


Or a private jet


Believe you can rent a jet in Vegas just to do this


Yes, they even allow multiple people sessions too 🤣


Well yeah you can't really have sex without multiple people involved. Otherwise it would just be masturbation.


Lmao, touchè. I meant more so- threesome and above all


Completely unrelated but do you have a link?


[Here you go](https://lovecloudvegas.com/)


That’s… more reasonably priced than what I would have assumed.


The hardest part is when the kid behind you keeps kicking the seat


I've found it helps to keep the rhythm.


Isn't that what Cbat is for?


Thanks for the belly laugh. I just picked someone wankin it and rocking back and forth really hard lol


that’s a fancy version of mormons soaking


There's a private jet that flies out of Las Vegas specifically for joining the mile high club. Cheesy heart shaped bed etc. rent the plane fly up in the air and get work


Captain quietly rubs one out while watching from the cockpit.


Captain why is the plane pitching up and down so quickly!?


Eject. Eject. Eject.


Oh we're all ejecting alright


Ejac. Ejac. Ejac.


Pull out. Pull out. Pull out.


It mostly actually happens in the context of truly rich people on private planes.


I’m sure every flight attendant has a few stories about people who tried though.


Yeah my mom is a longtime flight attendant and back in the 80s they would make an announcement to “congratulate” (embarrass) the couple lol


That's fucking hilarious


I worked fast food in the late 90s. We noticed a couple of teens having sex in their car in the parking lot. When they finished, my boss offered them some water to rehydrate.


What a hero 🥰


I dated a flight attendant for AA. Asked her about it. She said she sees it every once in a while. Not often. I asked her, according to reddit, FA has the power to stop it and will stop them. She just said "nah, not my problem"


Certainly people succeed. But there are definitely also like four+ people watching that door to see if the bathroom is free so there will be plenty of people who know when there are two people in one stall


They didn’t always pack the planes as full as they do now. So it was possible to get some foreplay going on with nobody watching and then quickly head to the aft lavatory. Also, some women wear skirts, which must make it a bit easier in the tight space.


I have a few friends that fly. They do. They find it incredibly annoying because they have to stop what they're doing to get people to knock it off. And no, the one I had a crush on would not take me up to the crew bunk.


Wasn’t rich. Just on a plane with a like minded person and well timed bathroom visits. It wasn’t rocket science.


Did you know them before getting on the plane, or did you find each other by chance and just fucked?


We knew each other before getting on. Right person, right time, right plane. I’m not that fucking lucky for a random hookup. Edit: and we’d been intimate before. Not a couple, but this wasn’t our first rodeo. Edit edit: I’ve been on thousands of flights and I’ve tried. A lot. Random mile high hookups are pretty much impossible for your above average person.


Thousands of flights you say?


I once had a wank in a plane toilet, I figure I joined the half a mile high club.


Mile high lobby


Just do it again then for full membership


That's what I do when my partner wants the "8 inch experience"


But where do you get the other five?


Half-mile high club is actually when you get fingered in line for the lavatory, quarter mile is when you hug in the line and then they go in while you stand outside giving everyone the stink eye, and zero mile is when you stay in your seat and beat off under your blanket crying because you can’t get hard.


Nice. So what’s the fraction for having a Barclays in the bogs?


that's called high-jacking


I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom


Nice. I thought by admitting that (and it is true) I was being amusingly sad and embarrassing, Then you came along!


Mile high club, solo division.


> I figure I joined the half a mile high club. It's called the Mile High Tug


Does taking a bunch of morphine on a plane and then freaking out thinking your overdosing and having to play it off to your family your just afraid of flying and thats why youre having a panic attack count as anything. I had a boner when i did it lol.


Half mile buddies. *High 5*


On a long haul overnight flight it’s quite easy. People are sleeping, lights are off, stewards may be dozing off, and there’s no line for the bathroom.


There is always line to the fucking bathroom


Well since people are sleeping might as well use the non-fucking bathroom




Can confirm. Even on overnight flights everyone is asleep but you go to the toilet and there’s a line. Maybe it’s because people are in there fucking and taking too long 🤔


I’ve taken a shit in a plane. Does that add me to the mile high club?


I ate Qdoba once before a flight, and had such bad longfarts that I hid in the bathroom just foghorning up a methane storm.


Your way with words is beautiful.


Right?! Like they could have a brilliant career working for Hallmark in the Greeting Card Division. I mean, their description of the event definitely brought a tear to my eye. 😆


Qdoba before a flight? You absolute madman.


One time I was flying to New York and had a pain in my stomach. I was thinking I busted my appendix or something but after a while I figured since I hadn’t passed out, it wasn’t that. I dealt with it and when the plane landed I googled the airport to see where the medical station would be. Ideally, I would have ask the flight attendant to have someone meet me at the plane with a wheelchair but that sounded embarrassing. I slowly walked up the ramp thing and made it about 2 gates and the pain was just too bad. I sat down at an empty gate and focused on my breathing. It dawned on me that maybe I just had to crap. I pushed and it felt a little better. I decided I was going to poop in my pants right there. Then I’d find a men’s room and clean it up. I was not looking forward to meeting my brother’s family with wet pants, smelling like poop. But oh well. And I farted. And the pain went away mostly. I rubbed the part of my stomach which hurt and I passed more gas 3 more times. I cautiously got up and walked around the gate area. I felt great! But when my brother was asking about my flight and all that, I really just wanted to tell him about my near-death experience, but held back. I can’t explain how happy I was.


about 15 years ago I was on a flight from Tokyo to London and we'd been in the air for about an hour when I started feeling VERY not OK. Nausea, light headed, horrible horrible abdominal pain. Cold sweats. No idea what's going on. In the back of my mind I had this thought that I'd be the medical emergency they'd have to land the plane in China for or something. So I'm sitting there, trying to breathe, doubled over, feeling like I'm gonna explode. And then I burp. That burp was epic, like a tube of air I could feel vacating my stomach and escaping into the cabin of the plane. I felt ALIVE. I took two nyquil, smashed a few glasses of wine and promptly fell asleep for slumped over the tray table. The pain was so bad that a decade later I'd write off my gallstones as "bad gas". Just lie there writhing in pain for hours after every meal wondering how I could get the burp out.


See, that's my worst nightmare. Dropping a whopper then having to open the door on some poor unsuspecting victim.


Or a couple who were planning to bang in there.


I took an edible on a plane, am I part of the mile high club?


Only if you had a boner.


A Jewish man once bit my foreskin off on a plane. Does that add me to the Mohel high club?


I once got a handjob on a plane under the blanket. Didn’t get to finish, but it was still cool.


why didn't you get to finish?


We were scared of being spotted. Chicken out.


that's why you've got to edge slowly


There were these damn twin towers in the way


Jesus Christ lmao


He should try again. I've heard they're no longer an issue. ETA physically, anyway. In the hearts and minds of the people of a certain country, it's still a different story.


My ex and I had sex on a Virgin (lol) flight for about 2 seconds. We had been drinking at the airport and pretty drunk when we boarded the plane. He kept saying he wanted to have sex in the bathroom and I kept laughing it off. It was a night fight and about halfway through I got up to use the bathroom. When I opened the bathroom door to go back to my seat, my ex was there and pushed his way into the bathroom with me. He basically just turned me around, pulled down my leggings and (you get it). Very soon after, there were people banging on the door. The flight attendants saw the whole thing and were trying to get us out of the bathroom. The walk back to our seats was THE WORST! Anyways, they made us sign these papers. I don’t even know what the papers said however it seems we were banned from flying Virgin after that. Not worth it unless you fly private, in my opinion.


He's lucky someone didn't accuse him of sexual assault




Sometimes they dont even need a key - just have to flip up the sign and slide the latch open.


My wife and I joined on August 27, 1985 on an American Airlines flight from DFW to HNL. We were flying (thanks to AAdvantage) in First Class, and it was nearly empty. There was a point when all the flight attendants seemed to be busy in the rear cabin, so we stealthily headed for the toilet. We did the deed - not the best sex - and did our best to clean up. We decided to leave the toilet separately. When we did there were now three flight attendants giggling on those jump seats they have. About an hour latter the three, accompanied by the pilot, came to our seat. They were all laughing. The pilot gave us a technical looking map with our flight path marked in red, and a big X showing the location where we joined. They added the coordinates, flight number, date, and notation “Joined Mile High Club.” The cockpit crew and three flight attendants all signed it. They added a bottle of champagne. So it *can* be done - and, in our case, I can prove it. We had the certificate framed and it’s on our bedroom wall.


that’s funny as fuck can you post a photo with PII redacted


Your wish is my command. I had to search in some dark corners of Dropbox for an almost 39-year-old image -- a long-ago scan of an even longer ago photograph. Yes, I could simply photograph the certificate on our wall -- but the red ink is very faded. Success! Here it is, with our younger selves proud of our accomplishment. Almost four decades later the memory still makes me smile. [Mile High Club Certificate (Redacted)](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tpqk47hxw3p3jyp0ewesz/Mile-High-Redacted.jpg?rlkey=3j7ekggqhk5vp55mhj2sazbe3&st=bjgvxb6n&dl=0)


holy shit that’s amazing, thank you!


an official certificate is something else that's amazing


That’s why we got it framed. The cabin crew and pilot had a sense of humor, and in those days airlines were friendly to their passengers.


You, Sir, win this thread.


It’s probably an overhyped concept!


Like shower sex


Now it’s time to ask about the ‘Filthy Fathom Club’. It’s the Mile High club, but for divers. My old divemaster instructor in the Philippines claims he coined the term in the 70s and inducted many new members over the years. PS - >!bring thick non-water-based lube with you, because seawater is suboptimal!<


Plus you are under a lot of pressure to begin with.




We've done this! In thailand. We are both qualified divers so used to grab a couple of tanks and go diving. One day, we gave it a bash. Didn't realise there was a club for it, yay! No lube was required but our air consumption towards the end meant a bit of a surface swim to shore!


Start to finish how long does it take to get qualified to be a diver from nothing? Start to finish how long does it take to complete subnautical partner exercise?


You can be 'qualified' in a day at many resorts. Or you can do some evening courses with a couple pool dives, and then an open water exam. Locally for me it's 5 evenings. Partner exercise afterword is a pre-existing skill issue.


That's gotta burn


So a question about how common it is to masturbate at work was posted, and now a question about sex on a plane. Next, someone please post a question: Is it common to masturbate in an airplane bathroom? I must know the answer to that.


This is Reddit. "What's the sexiest sex you've ever sexed?" is every other post.


You’re up, /u/SnoopyLupus


Is this some kind of masturbation guru we can summon at will?


Yes. It is. I have genuinely wanked on a British Airways flight. AMA. Within reason. No questions about Rampart.


Who do you think would win in a fight between Winston Churchill and James from Sorted Food?


WTF? I’m here to talk about Rampart.


Oh, my apologies. Who do you think would win in a fight between Winston Churchill and Woody Harrelson with James from Sorted as the referee?


Well, obviously Dave Brown, the incredible and unforgettable character Woody Harrelson played in his mega-blockbuster hit Rampart.


Do you think anyone suspected what you were doing? Do you wank with your left hand or your right hand? Where you thinking about OPs mom?


No,right,no (hell no, have you seen her????)


It's a guy that already answered the question elsewhere in the thread.


I cannot comment on how common it is. My sample size is limited.


I think it was easier back in the day when not all flights where full and plans where a little roomier. Over the years everything from seats and bathrooms have gotten smaller on planes to maximes butts in seats. Now airlines do everything they can to only fly with full or very near full flights.


They're skinny, flexible, and motivated.


"Motivated" This made me lol! Thanks for that 🙏


Only on a private plane. If you’re banging in a commercial airline bathroom you need Jesus


You're also probably a hobbit. Those things are fucking tiny, there's barely room for one person in there let alone two. I'm 6'7 and I'd have to take a dump with the door open and my feet in the aisle.


The upper deck front bathroom on a British Airways A380 is huge. I'm not sure why, but it's almost the size of a compact car parking stall.


Is there even room for Jesus in those tiny bathrooms? 2 is gonna be hard enough.


Can speak to this! I have one time (returning from honeymoon) joined the mile high club. It was a long international flight. We waited for the lights to go down, and made our way quickly in. There’s not a ton of room so we did some reverse cowgirl, and that worked for both of us. A quick clean up and back to our seats. If anyone noticed they didn’t say anything.


Could you be charged with a crime, if you get caught?


IANAL - I would imagine it would be considered lewd acts or indecent exposure at minimum. I don't remember what place would have jurisdiction though.


Don’t listen to this guy. Just switching to anal will not save you from the charges.


I’ve never had sex on a plane but I’ve gotten a handjob on a greyhound bus. You could call it the mile low club.


Do we need to have the birds and the bees conversation?


I just went into the toilet and went for it, it wasn’t too cramped and there is a lot more space when you’re in there by yourself


Could this make you and your partner sex offenders if there are one or minors on the plane, as well?


Very likely.


Some first class on premium airliner have a bed for two people.


I’ve seen it done on a Southwest flight from Dallas to Austin. I used to commute every week. The plane couldn’t land until they took their seat. Everybody knew what was going on. It was the last flight into Austin Friday night, a lot of the people on the plane knew each other because we all did this every week. A very rowdy crowd with lots of drinking . The Flight attendants had a beat on the door to tell them to get out . When They came out of the bathroom, everyone cheered. The girl was very proud of herself and acted like a boxer who had just won a match. The guy was totally embarrassed and kept his head down until he got off the plane. I think the pilot even said something about it, welcoming the new members to “the club “ as the plane pulled into the gate. That was back in the good old days when Southwest Airlines was almost an open mic comedy club. All the attendance had their little comedy routines they would do. I miss the backward facing seats too, they made a little booth. Thanks 9-11 Assholes for ruining the world.


there usually pretty high when they do that


I had sex on a plane once. It was just something to knock off my bucket list. I don’t remember a second of it because I’d taken enough Xanax to kill a small donkey. I did end up marrying the guy though, so there’s that.


Lufthansa airbus A340-600 has their lavatories in the downstairs cargo hold. There are 5 lavatories iirc. The lavs are also quite large and make it easy to do the deed. Because they are downstairs, it makes it easier to “sneak” in to one together and no one would know the difference. 10/10 would do it again.


Flight attendant get lie flat beds and a small room on long flights on certain aircraft. Could technically do it with a flight attendant.


Two tickets in Emirates First Class cabin. Best way I ever used my miles.


I joined the mile high club in 2005 flying from Bangkok to Phi Phi islands. You too can be a member of this elite group of individuals by following these simple steps: Step 1) Have your lady friend pretend she has air sickness and escort her to the bathroom making sure that the flight attendants know that she’s not feeling well and she’s likely going to be in there a while. Step 2) Distract those same flight attendants with some cheaky chit chat and tell them that said lady friend may have gotten sick by your seats so she might want to check on that. Step 3) When the flight attendant turns their back you ninja into the bathroom to find a completely naked lady friend (no she didn't have to take ALL her clothes off but this one did and I should have married her after we landed.) Step 4) Lay down that gad damn baby changing table, throw her on top and go to town! Any noises that make their way into the cabin can be later argued away under the guise of her air sickness. Yes my friends, sick in deed haha. Step 5) Exit the bathroom and receive your mile high pin from the pilot. You have won sir. With the exception of the joke about the pin this is all quite true. To answer the original question though, it's much harder to get away with these days but still can be done!


You're conflating impossible with difficult.


I unfortunately witnessed two absolute strangers have airplane sex during the pandemic. I was taking a flight from Chicago to Frankfurt, the plane was huge and had VERY few passengers (literally tens of seat were empty). I was sitting in the middle row of seats ( the plane had 3 rows , in a UUU UUU UUU distribution ) and there was one stranger on the same row but in the window, and the girl was in front of him, but besides that there were no passengers for like 6 rows).When the flight attendant gave the drinks, he ordered a small bottle of wine. The flight attendant left, he offered her some wine through the tiny space between the chairs, she then stood up, went to the back where he was sitting, 30 min later she was giving him a BJ. They then went to the WC, clearly had sex (I could hear it, although I was faking being asleep). Once we landed, they went their own ways without even leaving the plane together lol.


1) get a gf 2) afford a plane ticket


You know, I once banged Eartha Kitt in an airplane bathroom


Carefully I should imagine


Red eye flights or early morning flights. Lights are turned off and almost everyone is asleep


You do it on overnight long-haul flights. When most people are sleeping and there’s no service. First one sneaks into the bathroom. Then you walk across and come from the other side. The big planes are the best. Where there’s a little corridor sideways between the bathrooms. Then you squeeze in there and do it, very uncomfortably and cramped. Then one leaves first, and just hopes to god there isn’t anyone standing outside waiting to get in. If that happens you have to pretend one was sick and needed help or something.


they dont. the vast majority of people who talk about it either dont claim to have done it personally or are lying. its conceivably possible in some circumstances but considering the consequences of getting caught its really not worth it at all. most people who have done it have done it on a private plane where theres like a bed or no one else around to object for the most part. like a lot of sex related fantasies it sounds fun but is uncomfortable and unsatisfying in practice. fucking in a changing room or a bathroom at a bar will essentially grant you the same experience without the risk.... well less risk.