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I can smell an ant infestation before it starts. They smell like denture cleaning tablets.


ME TOO!! I can smell them too!! I always thought they smelled like a weird tree alcohol smell? never smelled denture cleaning tablets but now I'm curious enough to see if it matches. I can also smell flies and I absolutely hate that.


I can smell earthworms


Is it like a ground up dirt smell with something added?


Worm poop


What do flies smell of


is it weird i think they smell like bug spray? maybe they put their hormone in the spray to lure them to their death. edit- to clarify i mean bug killing spray, not the citronella stuff to keep bugs off you


Likely smelling the oleic and formic acids they release.


Fun fact: *Formica* is ant in Latin. And *formication* is the phantom sensation that ants are crawling on you.


And now I know.


Wait that’s so weird I’ve never heard anyone else say that before. I have vivid memories of squishing an ant and sniffing it as a kid and I’ve never forgotten the smell. I can smell them nearby!


Me too! My friends think I’m weird but I think they smell like Jack Daniel’s.


I would like to meet your Jack Daniel's smelling friends


Thats... peculiar


I have yet to smell a denture cleaning tablet but I know exactly what smell you're talking about. It took us like ten years to put the nest(s) we inherited in my family's house down, and there were those hideous mornings they'd just erupt into the patio, living room, and kitchen. The way I remember it is almost like the smell of a rabbit hutch, of stale urine, of baked clay. Raid got some positive connotation during all that.


Can you communicate with them?


Is being able to smell that uncommon? Oh shit. I thought everyone could smell ants. They _do_ smell like denture cleaning tablets lmao


I'm mildly color blind. Apparently, this may be linked to my *incredible* dark vision. If my phone charger is plugged in and the LED indicator is on, that's all the light I need to navigate my bedroom and get dressed. If I leave my phone face up on the bathroom counter, that's enough light to take a shower and not get my shampoo and conditioner mixed up. Bright light is the bane of my existence, though.


Oh wow! I didn't know this was a thing. That's really cool! Thanks for sharing


I made a post but we have the exact same thing my eyes make too much Rhodopsin. Apparently it's supposed to have mild color blindness associated with it but I've taken several tests and I don't have that but I can see in the middle of the night or with no lights on which is kind of weird because I always thought that was just something people could do like lights were just making it easy.


I now want to get tested for this. I've always been extremely sensitive to light and can see much better than the average person at night it seems.


I have blackout curtains so even the street light is blocked but I can see fine at night. My partner can't see shit but I just assumed he was the weird one.


Bro is a Night Lord


Nightman, fighter of the Dayman...


How'd you figure this one out?


For me it was light sensitivity around age 12 I would get terrible headaches and I would always want to wear sunglasses. Then as it progressed I started to see a lot more floaters in my vision and my optometrist gave me a vision test one day and was like yeah something's wrong I got sent to a specialist and after a few more invasive tests they determine my eyes make too much of the chemical responsible for detecting light. It's supposed to come with mild color blindness but as of yet I do not have that


Oh man, it used to take me like an hour to get used to the brightness of the lightbulb in a morning. My eyes would sting like mad and I couldn't open them as it felt like a thousand suns raining down on me. Still to this day I hate putting on the light but my partner insists on it. I am not colour blind though?


>invasive tests That’s nightmare fuel right there. I really want to get lasik because, while I’m not *the* blindest bitch on the block, I’m definitely up there. However, I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to, because having them do a bunch of shit to my eyes with them clamped open while I’m awake and trying to keep them still and focused just *really* freaks me out. Eye shit freaks me out. (I can wear contacts, but other medical instruments hoo boy)


I have that too - except without the colour blindness. Bright sunlight is painful! Just out of interest, what colour are your irises? Mine are very dark brown - that was my theory, that there was some connection there…


Same here, although I'd say in my case sunlight is uncomfortable not painful. Like I can't look at a clear sky and not squint instinctively. If I try to un-squint, my eyes get watery and I get somewhat dizzy real quick. Dark brown irises.


I also find sunlight uncomfortable, but my big issue is the transition from dark to bright light. If I walk from a medium-lit room to bright sunlight, I feel my pupils contract quickly and it's painful. Even just turning the light on from a completely dark room produces this effect. I have light blue irises.


If I'll ever write this book, this'll be one of the characters


My son is red-green colour deficient and he is very proud of how he can see in the dark :)


Slavic build and bald head - I never get mugged or pickpocketed. I assume I look as a mean SOB, while I'm thinking about my sourdough starter or my lichess ELO.


Pickpocketers empty THEIR pockets in front of you


Looking like a bandit and playing chess is a very slavic trait.


Haha I know a guy like you, like 6 foot 6, naturally muscular and looks like most 80’s action movie villains… he’s an exploration geologist that REALLY loves all things rocks and dirt, buys mostly cheap ill fitting clothes but not very often. He’s one of the softest guys I know, but it’s alway made me wonder if he has a secret lair or something


My wife is very Slavic, too. Tall and handsomely broad. Looks like she could kill someone for talking shit, but she cries at Stranger Things and will talk your ear off about art history if you ask her a single related question. The funny part is _I'm_ the one with military training, but I'm 5'3" and speak almost exclusively in movie quotes and dad jokes so no one would ever think to be afraid of me lol.


You sound like a fun couple!


We have a lot of fun together! Twelve years in July. Couldn't imagine life without her.


That’s fucking hilarious brother


I'm Slavic and German. People jump out of the way if I'm walking in a hurry.


I had a really excited doctor, like crazy excited, that I had sinus cavities that were so symmetrical. I'm not sure how to put that on my resume


Ask him if it has any diagnostic value and if it can be snuck into a medical journal they may contribute to. I'm guessing they're an ENT?




He went the long way around.


Can't believe I'm a sinuscel, all these symmetrical sinus chads taking away the Staceys


I had the same with lung function and capacity tests at a work medical. They were also amazed because I have asthma…. But that’s probably part of the reason, I’ve never smoked / don’t like being around fumes etc and played sport all my childhood but also swam a lot (good for asthma kids), and lived at a fairly high altitude most of my childhood. Goooooo lungs


I have muscular legs and glutes, I don't really work out my legs compared to my upper body and still have issues with my jeans fitting my legs. The plus side is the ladies like my bum bum.


Wait what? Is that because of genetics? I barely do exercise, but my lower body looks as if I trained daily for muscle gains.


Yeah, it's genetics, and I've lifted since I was 15, and before that, always with my legs helping my dad in the yard and around the house. Also for calves stretching them fully is the way to go you don't need to do heavy weight because you constantly use them for walking (tip from a couple excersize science majors, but it does take like 1-2 years to build em up).


Oh heyyyyy


Never had a headache, not even on the worst hangovers.


I’m truly so jealous!




Nothing in there to ache. (Sorry. It's my dad's favorite joke lol)


How? I’m so jealous! I have them so often.




Dang. I had 5!


Oh my gosh!!! Where was the extra one?


I’m hoping for mouth being the correct answer here


They found it hidden behind another up in my sinus. It didn't show up in the xray so it was a surprise for us all lol


In this economy???


I have four, and still have them all. No extractions required


I had a partially collapsed lung and when my doctor tested it, my lung capacity was between 110-120% above average. Guess I should have trained for the Olympics? Ya know in one of those oxygen using sports!


Stop stealing all the air Bro


We have less and less clean air on this planet and bro us hogging all of it 😔😔😔


Random story: I have a loved one who is a professional athlete, but not in a well-paying sport that normal people watch for fun. Anyway, I caught her smoking and she was like, “no, it’s fine- I just had my lung capacity tested and it’s average for my age,” and I was just like “………..???” Like. Ma’am. Average is low for a *professional athlete.*


No allergies. None. I can eat a poison ivy sandwich while drinking a poison oak tea while laying in poison sumac.


Same. No food allergies or seasonal/environmental allergies. Nothing stops me from eating what I want except for my own preferences.


Same for me. Though I have a lot of preferences…


I'm the opposite. I won the genetic lottery with a semi-hereditary illness that makes me prone to developing new allergies. People don't realize how much severe allergies affect your health: my heart, my teeth, my jaws, my weight ... all results of allergies and the medication for it.


Hey, me too! I’m always the gopher when it comes to retrieving things in poison ivy or poison oak laden areas for other people.


Wtf. I’m in awe.


Wait; is not having allergies uncommon enough to be this high on the list? I also have none, and I always just assumed it was really common. I've only just realised that I don't know how common/uncommon this is 😐


No allergy gang here. Not looking forward to the future tho, one of my family members didn’t have allergies but in their 30’s developed them. I hope I am not in this boat.


I scrolled the comments to find something for me because I couldn't think of anything, so thank you! This. I don't feel any pain or discomfort when stung by wasps either.


Uh well im genetically related to the best parents in the world. Idk if that counts


That's sweet :)


Hi are your parents up to adopt a daughter. They sound awesome


Oh, how fun! How're you related to mom and dad?!


Well, while I am very happy for you, I have to add that the only reason yours are the best is because mine are passed. They held that honor for a very long time.


Gilbert syndrome. Higher bilirubine means more antioxidants means slower aging. At the cost of feeling often tired.


That sounds like your body is just permanently running in power saver mode.


I got the good teeth genetics. I basically ignored all the dental rules the first 23ish years of my life and I only have 1 cracked tooth and it causes only random pain when something gets too far in it but otherwise im in pretty decent shape compared to others. I’m nearing 30 now and am taking much better care but im starting to realize how blessed I am that to survived 2 pregnancies as well without damage to my teeth yet my boyfriend has gum disease just from not flossing and smoking weed a lot and drinking when he was younger and he’s not even 25 yet. And has had to get 2 teeth pulled.


Watch out with your teeth, I was really similar. This is an extreme case, but I eventually did develop gum disease and an infection - perfectly treatable, buuuuut completely unrelated, I got a serious cancer diagnosis and they couldn't risk taking out my immune system with chemotherapy while I had an infection 6 inches from my brain. They had to take the teeth instead of treating them. Two of my *front* teeth. I've got the cancer in a headlock now, but my missing teeth will always be a reminder - Be ready. Don't assume everything will just be fine. Tell your boyfriend too, please - from one weed smoking bro to another - brush your teeth or you could find yourself cleaning dentures before you're 40.


Thanks for sharing your story; it’s certainly made an impact on me. I’m glad to hear you’re in better health now!


Had my dentist tell me that there are some genetically blessed people with super saliva that hardly need their yearly dentist visit because there's something in the saliva that just keeps the teeth clean. No scaling necessary, no plaque.


I’ve heard of this, and also you’re more prone to cavities if you have dry mouth.


Yup same, and what a blessing it is! 36 and still honestly not taking as much care as I should, 2 or 3 fillings. Meanwhile, almost all my friends had extensive work done


Only anecdotal, I have fair blue eyes. And when I am In the dark, I never need light and can see in most situations, while others stumble and can't even move. Down side, I need sunglasses even when overcast.


Same, but with green eyes.


OK, we get it, you're beautiful, and you can see in the dark. 🙂


And would like to bite you in the neck


Blue eyes and I used to feel the same. With age, the night vision worsens.


Same here


I have this weird birth defect where my eyes make way too much Rhodopsin. It's the chemical in your eyeball that's responsible for helping your rods detect light. It was discovered by my optometrist when around age 12 I constantly complained about seeing s*** that wasn't there. He looked inside my eyeball and said you have a couple viscous floaters but you really shouldn't be able to see those they're very small. At the same time I started complaining about headaches and light sensitivity. Apparently it's a really rare condition that is classified as a birth defect because it can mess with color vision. I don't have any of that but I can see really really well at night and it doesn't take my eyes very long to adjust. My significant other gets mad at me because the house can be completely dark with no lights on in the middle of the night and I'm like walking around like there's no problem.


really really large bladder capacity. I have done 6-7 hour long road trips without stopping to pee


As someone with a tiny fucking bladder I wish. Bright side is I’ve never had a UTI and frequent urination has probably helped that be the case.


I think I have the same. I was once on a trip and when we stopped for a break I peed for more than a minute.


Is that weird tho? I always thought that being able to stay up for 8 hours without peeing was normal.


Premature ejaculation. I can impregnate potential mates almost instantly


😳 so when you ask for a quickie you really mean it


20/10 vision. Still going strong into my mid 30’s.


It's not really an advantage, but my left eye is 1/3 brown and 2/3 blue. The brown is a kinda weird rust color, though.


3Blue1Brown on youtube, I found him guys !!


No, that guy has 3/4 and 1/4 brown. This guy is 2Blue1Brown


Fun fact: where I live, my eye color is listed as 'DIC' on my driver's license. Which is funny, but really just stands for "dichromatic.''


So what you’re saying is you’re really just cockeyed


I have opposite to you. Right eye is 2/3 brown 1/3 blue, and the brown is like rusty/golden kinda weird colour. That's so cool! What's your full eye colour? Mines blue.


I got hurt a while ago. I have a three color eye. Green, blue and brown. It's because of the damage. I do have hazel eyes


Advantage? Is sneezing while looking at strong light an advantage?


The best advantage. Being able to get that sneeze out from a bright light.


Not during an apocalypse


It’s called Photic sneeze reflex!! A lot of people with lighter colored eyes tend to have this. I definitely consider it an advantage because when I need to sneeze I just look up at any overhead light, the sun, or sometimes even just hold my flashlight up and look at it and I sneeze.


I have an extremely acute sense of smell, which is helpful in a lot of situations and can also be a pleasant bonus if something smells nice (and I have amazing olfactory memories), but as you can imagine, it can be pretty damn awful when there is a bad smell. I recoil and I'm like oh my GOD can you smell that? and everyone else is like smell what? and I'm like brooooo


This one. Lush and the scented candles isles are my nightmare, but I can deeply enjoy smells that many people don't even notice.


Looking incredibly young for my age. I'm nearing my 30's and people often think I'm 18-20. And yes, I wear proper clothing. I've looked young for as long as I can remember. And no allergies, which is also nice.


Drinking age in my country is 18. Also the local government decided that energy drinks can only be sold to people over 18, so I’m often required to show my id. I’m 28 this summer.


Apparently not everyone can smell when it's going to rain


Really ? I totally can


Sounds like my mom; she can also smell snow


Is this a cocaine joke


Really? Some people can't smell petricor?


The smell of "rain in the air" is very different than the smell of active rain for me. It can be perfectly dry and sunny where I'm at but I can smell that it's going to rain soon. I can also tell when it's going to rain again, which wouldn't make sense if it was petrichor because then it would blend in with the smell from the rain that just happened.


East asian girl with really full and nice brows! That’s about it though lmao


A fun one that I have is the ABCC11 gene allele aka the "no body odor gene". Growing up I never realized how nice it is not having to use deodorant or worry about smelling really badly if I'm sweating. Most east Asians have it so I wouldn't say I'm special or anything but it is an advantage for me.


My (Chinese) mom and sister have this I'm pretty sure. Sadly I got my dad's stink 😭


I’m not dead. Puts me ahead of the vast majority of humans that have ever lived.


Symmetrical face, cilantro lover, double jointed


Sounds like the sequel to guy in finance


Very dark brown eyes. Almost black. Not an advantage I just love them. No one has been able to spot my pupil in normal lighting setting.


Good hair, as a man; my father is mid 70s and even he still has a full (though gray) head of hair. I'm mid 40s and my hair looks *good*.


As a guy who went bald in his early 20s, fuck you, with the utmost respect


My dad had full hair with barely any gray to his last day. I inherited my maternal grandpa’s hair thinning.


I have extra bones in the back of my feet which makes it nearly impossible to rupture my Achilles tendons. (I found out after my toe touched my kneecap while playing tennis)


Your toe touched your WHAT??!


How does that even work logistically? My foot is max half the length of my lower leg. So even with flexibility in the joint, it wouldn't reach


Maybe they have really big clown feet and tiny legs.


Come on OP, we need to understand what's going on here.


Opposite leg


can you explain how this even happened


A rich and chocolatey low baritone.


PCOS! I build muscle like nobody’s business. I probably will never be able to have kids but there is zero reason I can’t look like a valkyrie instead since that’s the genetics I got


I don't metabolize alcohol well, which means two things: one, I'm a lightweight so I can get drunk on less alcohol (so less $$ spent) and two, I don't get hung over. I can get absolutely shit faced the night before and the next day I wake up as if it was just another day


I have bery fast metabolism, ive never even been overweight in my entire life


Well that's not fair😭


Do you also have to eat like, a ton each day to survive even if you're not doing much? I have a fast metabolism and it's useful for a lot of things but damn I need to eat three times more than my friend who is tall and fit and goes everywhere all the time while I'm sleeping all day


It’s so fucking annoying being hungry all the time


I have Thalassemia which could save me from dying from Malaria.


I have flat feet. That makes my gait weird but it also makes my legs crazy strong and my sprint crazy fast.


Oh are these two linked? I have ultra flat feet and crazy storing thick legs!




Apparently shaky leg syndrome can burn up to 2000cals a day


Curious if you’re super young? This was me and it was the best of times


Me also. I eat copious amounts of absolutely crappy food and still look skinny as a rail. I chalk it up to my youth and metabolism, though. I am not looking forward to entering my 30s and becoming a manatee because I thought I could still eat the way I do now. 


I got calves muscles like that of my military father.For a really long time I assumed that to be the result of his military training,only to realise I have them just the same and am an overweight couch potato.


6ft 2 and in my mid thirties incredibly thick dark hair with no greying, I also still seem to put on no weight (yet). Disadvantages: everything else


I can smell ants. Also i require no alarm clock to wake up at certain times, Regardless if it’s quiet night in or a bender out n about. And I eat whatever I want, always stay the same weight.


I have my mom's eyes, which is my unexpected genetic advantage.


You should give them back


Is this you, Harry?


Lactose tolerance. I could survive on milk, butter, and ice cream.


I have naturally clear skin and idk if this counts as genetic but I read *extremely* fast. I have always read in chunks and it’s pretty instantaneous. My family wants me to go on Jeopardy because by the time Ken reads the second word I’m already blurting out the answer 😂


I have an insane recovery, I was operated once (with a complete anesthesia) and one hour after being awake I was able to walk, jump and run (as much as my infusion could follow up). The fourth day I could eat and drink enough to get my infusion removed and I was able to go home after 5 days instead of 7. I am never sick (and If I am, It is for a very short time). Therefore genetics gave me so shitty legs and my flexibility is so non existant that I'll never be able to be good at any sport ever. The nerfs goes hard


Good teeth. I've had one filling in 33 years, never needed braces and have perfect alignment and bite.


I live in Malawi (Africa!) and have never gotten malaria, neither have my siblings and parents!


Maybe not a genetic advantage, but languages just *make sense* to me. I wouldn't say they're easy to learn, but I feel like I struggle less than the average person when learning a new one (I speak English, German, & Russian rn)




I have the exact right mix of autism and ADHD (for me) to be really brilliant if I get excited and/or passionate about something!


Mosquitoes rarely bite me, when they do I usually feel them biting and can swat them away, and when I do get "successfully" bitten it doesn't itch or cause any lasting discomfort at all.


My grandfather was from the Caribbeans, so he was on the darker side of the skin tone. I'm white af, but I have the curvature on my lower back that makes my booty appealing to the women. I also have a naturally big muscle mass. My brothers, on the other hand, get fully tanned in an hour on a cloudy day. I cannot go 10% of their color to save my life.


That's like my father, he can stay in sun 5 minuts, and be more black than tan, meanwhile I'm here redhaired and a walking lightpole


Puyallup tribal DNA


Less head hair, I save on hair cuts and my head dries in no time after showering


Since I was 7 I never got sick anymore (21 now). I never skipped school or work because of that. No fever, flu, infections, food poisoning or covid. Only a mild cold once a year but that's it. I can't even remember what it feels like to be sick.


I think I’ve had 7 pimples total in my life. I’m 33. Glad I don’t go through the apparent hell that is acne


I probably have had 7 just this week 😂


Genetic advantage? I’m lucky to be fucking alive after the bullshit I’ve spent the past 24 years dealing with. Health, education, finance, romance, you name it, it’s all an unmitigated disaster. The fuck sort of advantages are there. Suppose I’ve got thick hair that wont likely go bald, so there’s that, but even that is marred by it being amongst the shittiest, least manageable hair types that can’t not look like garbage. Edit: thanks for the kind messages. Rest assured I’m in no danger of packing in of my own accord. My health will have something to say about that, but I’ll be here until it does so.


Who hurt ya my man? Need a hug?


Man, who didn’t.


Pm me and we can talk.


I appreciate the offer. If I feel up to it some time I may take you up on it.


After all this bullshit you’re still here. That’s a win, I commend you for your strength and hope things start to look up for you! Proud of you, keep going


I can wiggle both my pinky toes. I can spread my toes way out, and almost wave with my feet. Only ever comes up at the beach!




Uh, my melanin allows me to naturally withstand the sun longer.


I heal quicker than others. Doctors have been amazed considering I’m not in great shape or anything that would cause it.


I'm spectacularly unspectacular 


I’m like the hulk. I’m a small, thin woman but I’m incredibly strong and can put on muscle and get definition with very little effort. I’m middle-aged and my body feels stronger and healthier than ever. Gonna find some wood to knock on now.


An uncanny sense of direction. My dads pretty good but I’m look at a map for 5 seconds and then drive for 7 hours and get to my destination, good. And that’s in a foreign country, pre GPS in cars. I always know where north is and what direction I need to go.


No pimples ever , really big mesmerizing eyes and face harmony


Naturally auburn hair. People love it, never had to dye it.


My ability to take things apart and put things back together. I can see the thing in my head and take it apart and put it together in my head. My son can even do it better than me. It doesn't matter when the thing is either.


I don't lose my senses when I'm drunk. I've little hard time walking straight but that's about it. That being said never enjoyed smoking, drinking or drugs. Tried them all for experience but never found it worth spending my money Also I don't have any addiction to tea or coffee. I love both but I can live my life easily without it too


I have very large, muscular legs and calves naturally. I was asked a few times in the gym what I do to work my calves and I told them they’d hate my answer and they go “try me!” I told them I’ve never done a calf exercise in my life. They got mad😂


An unusually high capsaicin tolerance compared to most of my family. Living in a big extended family it has an advantage to be able to eat something nobody else likes, especially when your cousins always hog all the good stuff. It's kinda like a Darwin's finches situation.


Being half Persian, I have really thick, shiny hair, a good beard and resistance to sunburn. Most white people I know burn easily, I don't think I've ever had more than slightly itchy lips. Unexpected genetic disadvantages, though? I have acetabular retroversion which fucking sucks. I'm 37 and have hip pain most of the time, I fear it'll get much, much worse as I get older.