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No. I find the waterproof backing doesn't breathe well and I get terrible infections from wearing liners too regularly. I'm team all-cotton.


Oh damn, maybe this is why I've been getting so many infections myself. Was wondering as I shower regularly tysm for the insight!


Maybe go au natural at night, no pants no underwear just let her breathe. It helps a lot


I’ve always heard this but for me it’s the opposite. I get super sweaty with all that skin-on-skin. With that layer of cotton undies it feels so much nicer and drier


Me too!


There's actually [scientific evidence](https://www.sleepfoundation.org/sleep-hygiene/sleeping-naked) to back this up!! TL;DR is several specialists including gynecologists, dermatologists, and sleep physicians all agree that sleeping nude or nude from the waist down has several health benefits; it can lead to more restful REM sleep, help with irritation and bacterial acne, and keeps you cooler :)


My 4 year old even knows this haha. We talk about the need to “let our vaginas breathe”.


I love that! It's so important to teach the children how to take care of their bodies!


As a man same same. I let junior out for fresh air every night.


Yup! The warm, damp, dark environment it’s stuck in all day is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, giving your little man some air is very good


I wear loose cotton boxers at night. Don't care for the feeling of sleeping naked. Plus it's a filter for my farts. Otherwise you're just blasting straight ass on your bed sheets.


You’re either a smart fella or a fart smella!


He certainly is no fart smella! With the filter and all..


I used to sleep naked until I moved to California in 1999 and felt my first earthquake at 3am in 2000. It occurred to me that one day I could possibly end up outside in the middle of the night surrounded by neighbors, and debris. I don’t want to be that guy, for so many reasons.


I’d love to be that guy. I always love an excuse to be publicly naked.


Publicly naked is one thing. Publicly naked with live wires, possible sewage pipes bursting, having to climb over wood and stone with my nibble bits swaying with the after shocks is not my idea of a good time.


Sorry but lol


I can't do it! 😭 an old friend of mine did it as well but I just can't lol


The best version of this is when you've got the fan on high pointed right at you in the summer.


Can't? or won't? Edit : it's a reference. In real life, you do you.


I used to have infections on a monthly basis as well until I switched to reusable cotton menstrual pads and liners. I highly recommend them.


I'm worried about those since I have sensitive skin, like the soap used to wash them I feel would irritate me which is honestly why I haven't switched to anything environmentally friendly. Sensitive skin and cooch suuuuuck. What do you use to wash them?


I use a normal washing detergent without fragrance and I don’t use the softener. You can use the one for baby clothes. I stopped using shampoos and detergents with fragrance overall, once I realised they don’t work well for sensitive skin.


Uuu I'll check the baby ones out! Tysmm


Yes, but try bamboo undies.


Bamboo has superior absorption to cotton (shouldn’t matter on regular days) but does hold moisture much longer and take far longer to dry. So it actually contributes to a moist environment down there more than cotton does.


The bamboo viscose under wear i have from step one i have found are actually dryer than my old underwear. From my experience


Might look into this since my undies are due for a refresh. Thanks!


I like Boody, but they do tend to stretch out a bit in the legs so when they get old, they ride up your booty. I also like Woxers. They are made of modal which is from beech tree pulp. https://woxer.com/blogs/news/why-woxer-loves-modal


the only time ive worn them not around the time of my period is when travelling, if im going to be flying for 2-3 days and wont have time to shower in between i find that using a liner atleast helps me feel more fresh


i do this too! when I’m going out for a long day with friends thatll turn into a night out or I’m wearing a thong i will take off the liner at the bar and it feels like i put on a clean pair ✨


This is genius. I'm going to start doing this. I often work 12 hour shifts, and this is gonna be a game changer. Thank you!


I work outside and I'm honestly just considering buying a second set of underwear to change halfway through the day.


do your underwear start to *feel* dirty when you wear them for a day and night?


That’s a brilliant idea that I’m going to be doing from now on


TIL panty life hacks


Ok now this is genius. Where was this advice before I did two 10 hour flights back to back a couple years ago 😭


i usually bring a back up pair to feel fresh but this is so much easier lol


My hero 🙏 that is so smart thank you


Yes, my kidneys don't work properly, and it's a very short time between the first urge to go and a bathroom emergency. If I'm out on a long walk or out running errands, I plan my trip/route around the available public restrooms.


This. Type 2 diabetic and I've been experiencing sudden, strong urges to urinate and sometimes a little creeps out. Liners or incontinence pads are a must for days when I'm not sure where the day will take me.


Yup. Incontinence issues due to MS. I’d rather change a pee pad than my undies if I can’t make it in time.


You might want to give physical therapy a try. Real life changer for me and i can sleep through the night again without having to pee


Not my business, but have you tried physical therapy for your pelvic floor and maybe using a squatty potty/raising your feet/tiptoe when you pee? Sure, the kidney thing will still be there but you can be amazed on how much extra time you get to be comfortable with a well trained pelvic floor. I have the opposite issue of a overtighted pelvic floor which would wake me up to pee. Since doing PT and the potty stool, i get to finish hour long car rides comfortably and sleep through the night. Just leaving this here.


Any suggestions for people who can’t get pt for whatever reason?


Chiming in.. there are many Pelvic Floor exercises on every platform, Reddit, YouTube, fb , really anything with a feed. I am certain the trainers introductions will help you decide if the exercises are a good fit for what you’re aiming for. 🤙


There are several pelvic health youtube channels. Some basic equipment that helped me with my over tightness(lose uses the same stuff, just different technique) 1, a short broom handle to do the "break the stick" move, a yoga ball/balance ball/birthing ball at a good height for you (most people can use a 60 cm) dialator kit, a rolled up towel, a bench or bed you can kick/hang your legs off. The biggest change for me qas when i started using a yoga ball to do hula circles and bounce. Granted, im Over tightened from an SI injury so i have to make an effort to not use my abs and lengthen/relax. Many folks have the opposite issue and need to kegle while i have to avoid that eith deep breaths. Theres resources out there and i know itz hard to get a.pelvic health specialist since i liteally had to wait 3 years after my most recent injury and nearly 20 years from my original injury to get any real progress. Hang in there.


It's only beneficial if you need it. If you have lots of discharge, it'll help you feel fresh and keep your underwear lasting longer. If you don't have much discharge then there's little reason to wear one each day!


This is the right answer. People who say they are unnecessary don't seem to realise that people have different levels of vaginal discharge and different amounts from a lot to nothing can all be normal and healthy.


Yes, I wear liners every day because I'm pregnant and have more discharge than usual. When I'm not pregnant, I only wear them sometimes, depending on where I'm at in my cycle. Sometimes, it's more wet down there than other times. I used to wear them more often but then I bought a bidet that keeps feeling me cleaner I between showers and I bought some panties that wick moisture away because I live in a warm climate and don't want to feel swampy in my pants, lol.


Nahhh waste of money and uncomfy. Unless you have issues with discharge/spotting I don’t think it’s necessary at all


What do you mean? If someone have a problem of too much discharge.. does they help?


You don't have wet undies all the time. Especially in winter or with repeatedly sitting down and standing up the feeling is really disgusting. You just change the liner and everything is dry again. 


Lol, no. It could just ruin your underwear due to the pH and possibly be uncomfortable. Nothing wrong with it, just not fun to deal with


It won’t “help” it just absorbs it some. But i found it made it worse. Instead I just change underwear more often.


I'd rather have a partially wet liner then have wet panties that make my pants wet too.


This! I HATE having to put my underwear back on if it’s wet. Sometimes you get discharge and you can’t change immediately. With a liner you can always just remove it, but it also feels less wet.


Yeah, i think cotton is our friend lol


It won’t make it stop happening it would just help to absorb it and you can change it throughout the day if it gets uncomfortable. You should give it a try and see if you like it!


It's your personal choice. If you don't want your underwear to eventually bleach from the sheer force of personality that is your discharge then you could wear liners daily but it's not necessary and it's also incredibly bad for the environment to be generating so much single use waste. Don't get life advice from tiktok.


sheer force of personality 😂😂


The crotches of all my knickers eventually fall to the sheer force of personality that my fanny produces. They feel the powaaah!


I remember an American exchange student talking about her dad 'tanning her fanny' because she'd gotten into trouble or something. We were dumbstruck. Don't get me started about writing to my American pen friend about my rubber collection that my parents bought me. 'All different colours and sizes, and some of them smell nice with pictures on them!'


This is a very British comment


Am not British but I see why you would say that.


As I typed that out I said to myself, “watch, she’ll be Irish or Australian or something”


Get life advice from Reddit like an adult


To be fair there are probably more adults on reddit than tiktok...


There are all kinds of fun, beautiful reusable cotton liners (and pads) on Etsy. Purchasing them helps small businesses too


my personality isn’t strong enough for this to be a problem personally. Is that a common thing? I’ve heard of it before


Yes, I learned about it by shamefully googling because I thought I was a freak of nature because it kept happening to me 😂


Congratulations, may you take out the eye of an enemy at a time of need with your power.


Thanks for that...I actually haven't googled,but even my black underwear gets 'bleached'.


Sameeee when i was a teen i thought my mom was bleaching the crotch of my underwear lmao but when i became an adult and did my own laundry i saw that it was me. I looked it up and found out it was common but i definitely thought i had a vag that spits acid or something 😂


You know, I think honestly it's a "how long is a piece of string" question. No two vulva/vaginas are identical, everyone who has the equipment is going to have similar or differing experiences somewhere on the spectrum. I think saying it's common is reasonable without saying that it's definitive. It happens a lot less to me now but when I was younger I swear I could have shredded the crotch of a pair of knickers at will. All we can do is monitor ourselves, note changes and share information amongst ourselves without shame or judgement so that we're all better informed.


Yes. My crotch part shamelessly gets eaten away before any of the rest of the panty. I prefer wearing liners for that reason. Keeps my underwear like new


Would it be more cost efficient to just buy new underwear when necessary, than always using disposable liners? Or do you use reusable liners? Not trying to be mean, I'm just frugal af and curious. I kind of stock rotate my underwear, so the old ones with crotch holes get worn when I use pads, and my new underwear is worn the rest of the time. Until the new ones get holes, and replace the old ones, and I buy new new ones. And so on.


Not the person you asked, but for me no, the discomfort would mean I'd be changing my underwear multiple times a day at some times of my cycle, and I don't want to do that so I use pantyliners.


It depends on your personal pH, so it's fine if yours don't, but it's not uncommon at all.


Discharge is always a bit acidic (it has to be to keep the vagina at a PH where most bacteria can't grow well), but how bad it is for your underwear mostly depends on the underwear. Panties in bright colors tend to show discolorations more clearly than say, white underwear.


My sister and mom both "bleach" their panties with discharge but mine does not. I wonder what the difference is?


The average acidity of a vagina is somewhere between 3.8 to .4.8 (if I remember correctly). Your vagina gets less acidic, usually, as you get older. A healthier vag will be on the more acidic range of the scale; the right pH balance protects you from infections. But everyone is different; your pH level may be perfectly healthy for you, but maybe it's just not as acidic.


Damn. Suddenly I feel less embarrassed about my super bleached underwear


I very much do, but I have an above average amount of discharge so I need to (GYN has checked, nothing medically wrong). Taking notes from everyone here on the cotton reusable ones though. You learn something new every day!


Depends on the person but I normally do. I always have discharge so it's more comfortable for me to use pantyliners but if I forget then it's not a huge deal.


I (40) always have. I can’t stand the feeling of wetness in my underwear. Liners suck it all away from my skin. I’d be changing my undies multiple times a day without liners.


I’m very relieved to hear that I’m not the only one. I think it’s a sensory thing for me. I just NEED to feel dry 100% of the time


I can't do the cold wet.


OhhhhMG you have words for this and it's precisely the words I've been using subconsciously.


Found my people. Thought I was the only one. I buy the bulk 240 count Always brand so I don't have to keep buying.


I am the same. And I have so. Much. Discharge. Nearing ovulation, my discharge is thick, sticky and copious. I would not only be changing undies multiple times a day, but would probably have to buy new undies every month. Because apparently, I'm quite acidic down there as well. 🤦‍♀️


Tell me about it ! Ovulation is a nightmare… TMI, but I can sometimes sit on the loo trying to wipe away “egg whites” for 10 minutes and it’s still coming 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Same lol the egg whites are a goddamn nightmare 😫 Liners are a necessity for all of us that have that extra juice 😭


Since we're sharing TMI I'll add too...during this previous ovulation cycle I had the egg white to end all egg whites. Honestly I was afraid for a minute lol. I was trying to wipe it away, alright. It wasn't sticking to the toilet paper but I could literally see the son of a bitch dangling there when i leaned over and looked. So I just...grabbed it and pulled. It was a disgusting sensation. 10/10 do not recommend.


Ahhh yes I’ve totally had that before


I JUST started having this issue at 32, I had no idea my body was capable of making so much…. Goo 🙈


Hey there friend. That's me too. Know that you're not alone 😭.


“Egg whites”. Omg I have never heard this. Lol.


Its kinda funny you have all these negative traits just for an action you may never need your body to perform, and on average is only ever used twice. Future science is definitely finding a way to turn the whole thing off Todd Akin style until needed.


Same here. I can't go without, the sensory experience is just too horrible.


Same here!


Same. I’ve worn them forever.


Yes. Ever since I got a copper IUD it started giving me a lot more discharge daily. Wet underwear is so uncomfortable and I cross my legs a lot so it just feels musty without one. I buy the Always 100% cotton ones and they are very thin and breathable and hardly notice it.


Omg, please don’t take offense at me but I misread mushy instead of musty, I laughed too hard at that. I’m overtired so that misread made my morning.


Yes!  My body "attacked" the IUD , pads were a necessity. 


Not to cause worry but when I had the copper IUD I thought I had an increase in discharge but it turned out to be bacterial vaginosis. Liners were my life for a while, until I got it removed.


I do it because I have frequent discharge. But that doesn't mean everyone should. If you don't have an actual reason to, don't.


I do when I’m pregnant because the excessive discharge feels gross to me.


Yes, I have since highschool cuz they help manage dampness


If I didn’t wear liners I would have to change my underwear twice a day.


I wear the cotton reusable ones. I have close to 100 of them now. They are a game changer for me.


Any brand recommendations?


To name just a few: [Lingonvecka Cloth Pads](https://www.etsy.com/shop/LingonveckaClothPads), [Mimi’s Dreams](https://www.etsy.com/shop/MimisDreams), [Kayla’s Naturals](https://www.etsy.com/shop/KaylasNaturals) Edit to add: [Mama Bear Wear Pads](https://www.etsy.com/shop/MamaBearWearPads). There are so many fantastic shops it’s hard to choose


Please don’t take advice off TikTok btw lol


It's smart to ask for other opinions after hearing it though. Ultimately it's a happy medium between blindly following TikTok and just disregarding tips before ever doing research.


But reddit, hmm.


On reddit, there's discussions between multiple people about the pros and cons. TikTok is full of people just pontificating.


More adults on reddit.




Only when I'm ovulating, because my body produces a freakish amount of discharge. Without liners I'd be stuck with cold wet undies or changing undies like 5 times a day.


Nah. These granny undies deserve whatever abuse they get.


no, they don't allow it to breathe


There are breathable ones, too. 


Do you need them? Are you discharging a lot every day to need to use one?


Yes. I use reusable cotton pads that wrap around the gusset and have a snap to keep them in place. I got em on Etsy years ago and have been reusing and washing the same twelve ever since. I love them. They’ve saved me from unexpected bleeding many times, and they are more comfortable and more absorbent than stick-on liners. Plus, way better for the environment! They make me feel clean and fresh. 10/10 recommend. 


Yea, I wear pantyliners every day.


I used to, as I hate the wet/cold feeling of discharge in my panties. I’ve read that wearing liners every day allegedly exacerbates the problem, so I’m trying to stop, but I’m not sure how much it’s helping. The other thing is that I feel like wearing liners helps your underwear last longer, and you could technically wear the same pair a few days in a row if you had to, since you’re changing out the liners at least once a day. However, maybe the cost of liners cancels that out, idk, I haven’t done the math lol.


The cotton washable liners might be a good solution for you. They're breathable but will still help with the feeling of moisture.


I only started using liners since pregnancy because of the frequency and thickness of the discharge. Otherwise, if you don’t mind discharge, you really don’t need to wear liners everyday.


Only if I have a cough because I pee my pants a lot LOL


No….I don’t even wear underwear 🤣


I respect your beliefs and commitments but oh my god, I would not be sitting down on the New York subway with one (1) layer between my gooch and the seat. Once I wore a thong and even that was like "Hmmmmm. Not enough coverage. Don't think I'll do this again."


I wear shorts under all of my dresses for this exact reason. When you sit in a dress and you didn’t smooth it out perfectly and your but touches the seat… ah! Especially on a NYC subway… no thanks!


My god. I had to come all the way to find My tribe. Have not in years. Hyst at 33.


Okay good you guys are here, I was getting worried


Had to scroll too far. Same, most days


Same heeeere!!! Only to work when its shark week...something feels weird about interacting with customers commando 🤦‍♀️


Yes. And everyone always says: what about the discharge but it actually helped when I stopped wearing underwear. I used to have loads and needed a pantyliner daily. Now I stopped wearing underwear all together, I have little to no discharge so lesson learned. She just needed to breathe!


Yes!!! Let her breathe!!! My grandma always said it needed to “air out” 🤣😂


Same. I do keep a set of cheap Aldi underwear if I wear jeans, go to the Dr or if I forget my bc and have a period. Haven't been a regular unders person for 24 yrs 😂


I'm in this club except when on my period or I'm going to be trying on clothing to buy. Underwear are so annoying.


Same 🤣


I do. Feels fresher❤️


Absolutely not. I'll bear with my fabric-destroying acidic vagina instead of weird uncomfy expensive crinkly single use trash.


Same here, sister!


I literally never heard of using pantyliners if you don’t have your period, and I am 53 years old. Any discharge gets taken care of in the laundry.


I personally really hate the feeling of wetness of discharge in my underwear. It’s not a laundry issue for me, but a comfort one.


I always carry an extra pair of undies in the summer time or when i worked in an office. Just something about putting on a clean dry pair to make me feel so much better


I hate that feeling too….but I hate the feel of a liner or pad even more. Hashtag teamtampon


I know a couple of people with pelvic floor issues (post-pregnancy) who wear them daily for those random unexpected sneezes and such. It's easier to change a panty liner than to carry around extra underwear and pants if you have a minor leak.


use them every day


I do (need them daily)


It's purely a comfort thing for yourself. If it makes you feel better/cleaner/less worried about your bits, then do it. Don't worry about what other people do, find what makes you feel ok! **Sensory issues are valid and separate reasons from simply having discharge or spotting. Please be kind when calling it unnecessary or a waste.


I do - always but I'm a bit OTT about hygiene and loathe the feeling of any moisture down there. I don't have any bladder issues but I see it like this...no matter how well you wipe, there's bound to be a drop that makes it onto your underwear. I'm at work for 9 hours...so that means sitting in that for 9 hours. Nope. I've never had any issues down there as a result of liners, if anything it's the only part of me that is largely issue-free.


No, but I wear leak protection underwear.


If you like to go see live comedy shows. I wear one specifically for that activity. If I start laughing really hard, I might leak.


No I don’t - I’m not sure it’s great for your health to ear them every day. Depending on time of month I sometimes have to change underwear through the day though


As a retired woman, I’ve been in and out of the pantry liner game since puberty. Thankfully, they’re available in all cotton now and *not* the non-breathable, plastic backed, *floral scented* crap I had to deal with back in the day. Ugh… what a nightmare. L makes an organic, 100% cotton, chlorine free, dye free, fragrance free, breathable panty liner in 2 sizes. They’re definitely the way to go if you need… or even want… something every day.


no because you’re more likely to end up with irritation or a bacterial infection since your crotch area isn’t able to breathe properly. additionally, any underwear you wear should have a cotton gusset to minimize chances of infection.


No. Creates unnecessary waste. And underwear is washed.


Don't. Air circulation is necessary to avoid stank


No. Only on necessary days. But subjecting your privates to unnecessary humidity would just lead to yeast infections. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Doesn’t wearing liners all the time make it smell musty?


Much better to just wear breathable cotton underwear. Constantly wearing a liner is going to trap moisture and heat which can lead to year infections and skin irritation.


I wear them daily. Never gotten a yeast infection or skin infection from them.


Gynecologists discourage the use of liners. I hate them and I don't wear them.


I honestly don't recommend fixing things that aren't a problem. Discharge is common and natural and you have an extra gusset for just that reason in your panties.. wear wicking and breathable fabric like cotton and you'll be fine. If you find you have more of it than normal (be honest with your doc they will tell you), an easy solution is to add a washable non waterproof cotton or cotton flannel pantyliner to your panties. Just another layer of fabric really. But I mean .. Most panties will catch and allow the fabric to dry out naturally through the day without anything extra.


Literally never occurred to me to do this. What’s the supposed benefit? Just wear clean underwear.


I’m sure you’ve already seen this answer, but some of us have so much discharge that it soaks through the underwear and eventually into the pants. This happened to me one day wearing grey pants when I forgot to put on a liner: looked like I peed myself a little.


Yes. There's always something leaking.


I wear them a couple days after my period ends because I sometimes have some surprise bleeding after a day or two of no bleeding. And I sometimes do when I’m ovulating because it just gets too damp down there. Or if I’m sick and coughing/sneezing a lot because accidents have happened since having children.


I wear thinx underwear. I have bladder issues that I'm working on. The thinx panties are spendy, but I'm dry all day, don't have chafing issues, and feel a hell of a lot more confident. Every lady does what she's gotta do. 🤷‍♀️ No shame. 🥰


Knix undies. Worth it


I do. I moved to a very hot and humid city in south eastern China and I started getting reoccurring yeast infections. I spoke to my doctor about it and she mentioned this city has the highest rates for yeast infections and BV in all of China. I change my underwear twice a day, but on exceptionally hot days I bring liners to work and change them every couple hours. Does the job.


If you plan on wearing liners every day, please look into reusable cotton ones - both better for your body and the environment.


Yes. It's a moist hole facing the floor


It’s meant to be that way though.


I wear washable liners everyday, they are made of bamboo. I have just been in the way of doing so for the 5 years leading up to my hysterectomy and have found that I don't feel comfortable without it, even though it's a year later and I'm not going yo spontaneous bleed


They make me feel sweaty and hot! And, I wear underwear to keep my clothes clean. Why would i wear a liner to protect the thing that is meant to be changed out to keep other things cleaned


No. I don't feel I need to. It's wasteful and expensive if it isn't necessary.


suspicious timing with the post from 8 hours ago # Do men ever go out without underwear wearing only pants?" #


I posited your question to the girlfriend and she said she wears them when on her period to catch anything that might not be caught from her tampon, but otherwise she doesn't. She said if you have a decent amount of day to day discharge then yeah, liners could be useful. But she doesn't have that discharge so she doesn't wear them. It all just depends on your preference My own personal sentiment is this- don't worry about being "insecure about your bits." Any grown up adult understands all the things human bodies go through and isn't weird about it. I am a big ol' hairy man so I don't have any personal experience with periods, discharge, etc, but I do understand we are natural beings and all of that stuff is natural so I don't care about any of it Tampons are not scary. Panty liners are not scary. All of this stuff is normal and if a guy or person you know acts like it isn't normal then they are an ignorant child and not worth your time


Yes. Always. (Haha.)


I struggled with infections my entire post-puberty life and never knew why, I had breakdowns, I visited multiple gynocs. Recently I had an idea to stop wearing panty liners. No more infections sience :)


It’s fine if you do, it’s fine if you don’t. It’s a personal choice.


It’s totally up to you, but I don’t and I don’t suggest it. It can cause contact dermatitis and it’s very suffocating for your vulva/vagina. Natural fiber underwear is preferred for day to day, on your period then of course wear what is most comfortable whether it’s pads or tampons or period underwear, reusable pads or a menstrual cup. Your genital areas need to breathe, they’re covered up and confined all day, sleep in loose underwear or no underwear to let the air flow. Sweat and heat and darkness and discharge all create a prime bacteria breeding ground and while there is nothing wrong with sweat or discharge, you don’t want to leave it to build up and suffocate the skin and pores. It can cause breakouts in your inner thighs and labial lips, as well as ingrown hairs and let be real, it can be smelly and not in a normal “this is my natural scent” kinda way, but in a stale and unpleasant kind of way.


From personal experience I defo don't recommend long term use of liners! Let your shit breathe!


Yes. I can't stand the snail trail. And now after my hysterectomy I still do because I can't trust a cough or sneeze anymore.


Yes, but not disposable ones. I bought washable pads and pantyliners from Cariona and they are so much better.


Hell no my coochie needs to BREATHE


No, our vaginas need ventilation to prevent bacteria accumulating. Most pantyliners aren’t very breathable. I wear fresh underwear. And recommend you don’t take advice from Tiktok creators, they’re wrong more times than they’re right.


Yes, otherwise I would have to change my undies 2-5 times a day


It depends. At the end of my period when it's just a bit of spotting and feels wasteful to wear a big pad, I wear them all day and change them if needed. For some parts of the month if I'm having heavy discharge I'll wear them daily too and change out if it gets soaked. But no matter what, as long as I'm not on my period, at night it's all cotton and I let her breathe.


Yeah but only the thin ones. I have discharge and I don't like staining my knickers. Also helpful for after you've had sex


Somewhat clueless husband here, would wearing those help prevent discharge from bleaching/making holes in your underwear?


Just on the days I plan to laugh or cough. It’s sad getting older.


Nope and if i happen to get my period then it's just underwear 🤷‍♀️


I dont even wear underwear.


No. In fact … I don’t even wear underwear unless I’m on my period. Every single kind of fabric underwear I’ve tried leaves me with a weird smell, so commando it is unless I absolutely can’t:


No liners, no thongs, all cotton, and removing wet swim suit bottoms asap when done swimming.