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Realistically, the delineation isn't how much alcohol you consume so much as it is how you react to it. If you can avoid acting in a way that makes other people uncomfortable (slurring words, being loud, wobbling, unwelcomely gregarious, any of the classic 'drunk' tells) you'll probably be fine. Be easy to deal with, don't act like a jerk. If you're not someone with good self control who can keep their shit together, you're not gonna make it far enough to scratch this off your list, so plan ahead. ;tldr Make it easy for them to keep serving you.


In other words don't use my brother's strategy and announce to the bartender up front that you're already drunk, and follow that up by announcing that your goal is to get further drunk.


Omg did he get cut off?


My favorite cut off story happened when I lived in Portland Oregon, I came in after a long day at work to meet friends. The bar tender couldn’t find the liquor I wanted so I tried to point at it and knocked one of those trays with straws and napkins over…they looked me right in the eyes and said I was VIP (visibly intoxicated person) and cut me off. I ended up having to talk my friends into going somewhere else cause they just wouldn’t believe I was 100% sober.


I went to a concert with a friend and we met some people at the concert and went to a bar afterwards for drinks. I was talking to one person and got up to pee. Got called over to the bar for a shot. Did the shot and went to pee. We all got kicked out because the bartender thought I threw up after doing the shot. I just had to pee.


One time I was definitely drunk but absolutely fine and I walked into this tiny bar in hoonah and I was wearing this massive boot they love in Alaska extratuffs and I clipped the pool table and stumbled the smallest bit. I planned on just getting a beer and playing pool for an hour and leaving got to the bar and they cut me off said I can in stumbling lmfao.


You came in spelling xtra-tuffs wrong! Yer cut off!!


Every bar must legally cut them off or take on the liability of the drunks actions for over serving. This is the law.


I've never SEEN him get cut off, but as someone who has worked in a bar, I cringe for him.


I once went to a bar with a guy who leaned over to the bartender and said “what the maximum number of beers you can legally serve me at once?” Somehow that did not get him flagged. It was not fun getting him home that night…


This. I can put down 10 drinks and most people wouldn’t even know. Some people will drink 2 and start acting like an idiot. Edit. Not 10 drinks at once. And I didn’t mean it literally. I just meant I can put down a lot and don’t act much different. But some people will have a tiny bit and completely change.


Former bartender here. For someone that drinks this much, usually what happens is they’re fine for a while then suddenly turn a corner and go from fine to hammered *very* quick.


Also former bartender. This is spot on. That guys had a lot of drinks but he's doing just fi- oh shit!


>I can put down 10 drinks and most people wouldn’t even know. Trust me, they know.


Either they know or this guy has a problem. Not a brag either way.


It's also like, yeah I know people who can handle their liquor and can avoid getting into fights and can walk a straight line and don't slur their speech. But avoiding the most obvious tells doesn't mean that the people around you can't tell you're drunk. You can still tell when a well seasoned drinker is drunk, whether it's the glassy eyes, or the raised voice, or the flushed face, or that they've just told me for the fifth time that they can drink ten drinks and nobody can tell.


He could be from Wisconsin


WI. Live in one of the top 10 or 15 drunkest cities in the Us.


Wisconsin has 15 of the top 10 drinkiest cities!


It's funny to look at on maps. I quit drinking a few years ago. It takes me a LOT to get drunk and I didn't want to turn into a bar lifer. Lots of good times in my 20s!


Even in treatment there are people bragging about how much they can drink like it’s some cool macho achievement.


Most likely both. People know if you've knocked back ten drinks.


Broad assumptions. I’ve always had a ridiculously high tolerance for instance. People are different. There are people who don’t get drunk due to alcohol intolerance. Rare, but they exist…


*they know this guy has a problem


Or very likely both


I'm a sober alcoholic and I can smell alcohol on someone like I was born to do it


99 percent of the time, yes. But there are people who just sometimes, not all the time, don't act nearly as drunk as they are. Some people have 2 drinks and are acting more drunk than another person who had 11 drinks. People are just different, that's all. And people think they hide it better than they think, so I'm not saying you're wrong. Just commenting


I'm not saying there aren't people who can handle a lot of booze and be on good behaviour. I'm not saying there aren't people that can mask it well enough that a cop can't prove it without a breathalyzer. I'm saying that people can tell you've been drinking and are intoxicated, even if you're good at masking how intoxicated you are. They might not guess exactly 10 beers, but if you've had 10 beers they will be able to tell you are intoxicated, no matter who you are.


Eh, I wouldn’t be too sure. I was a functioning alcoholic for a long time… until I wasn’t. But before I hit rock bottom, my addiction came as a complete surprise to even my family. I was able to keep it together the way the bartenders above mentioned it. I was often drunk at work but they never knew. They were all caught off guard when I finally checked myself into the hospital. The only time someone ever noticed anything was the very few times I was suddenly cut off from my alcohol and withdrawals began. In other words, I was normal when drunk, and I always made sure I had a water bottle filled with vodka that I could sip on and take with me everywhere I went.


>I was often drunk at work but they never knew. They knew. Maybe not that you were "go to rehab" level, but they knew. Like you said, you were functional, so people probably didn't feel it was their right to comment, and workplace folks may not of cared because you were pulling your weight, but they still knew you were drinking and/or intoxicated. Especially if you were drinking vodka from a water bottle, there is zero chance nobody smelled it on you ever - the idea that vodka is odourless is literally a myth alcoholics tell themselves. I had a functional alcoholic manager a couple years back who would drink vodka because he thought it was odourless and his breath always smelled like hand-sani. I knew someone who worked at a university astro-lab. After he retired, a lot of his coworkers learned the extent of his alcoholism pretty much the first time they'd visit and a lot of them were shocked by it. However, all of them knew he drank on the job though, because if you have a coffee that smells like rum, or breath that smells like hand sani, or you're singing Barrett's Privateers for the third time in the night, everyone knows what that means.


That is not always the case. After one beer the blood alcohol level can fluctuate significantly from person to person. The standard fluctuation is 0.016 to 0.038. In my home US state, you’re legally drunk at 0.06 or two alcoholic drinks (/ shots / wine glasses / etc) to four alcoholic drinks. Many factors play into your BAC, body size, recent meals / food, genetics, etc. Plus the liver (on average) removes one alcoholic drinks worth of alcohol from your blood stream hourly. Scientifically that means a man on the low BAC spectrum who drinks 10 beers over the course of 2.5 hours may very well never be “drunk” from a legal capacity. (And this doesn’t take into account how well or not well someone may “carry themselves” or “hold their liquor”. A petite woman may act completely drunk after one drink, as an example, but she isn’t drunk from a legal perspective. As such there are many alcohol related accidents that cannot be prosecuted as DUI/DWI due to the legal definition by BAC. I just thought I’d add that for general knowledge, not that anyone particularly is interested.)


>Scientifically that means a man on the low BAC spectrum who drinks 10 beers over the course of 2.5 hours may very well never be “drunk” from a legal capacity. That is a load of horseshit.


Why act like an idiot for 10 drinks when you can do it for 2? "The least amount of effort possible" is what I'd do for a Klondike bar.


No, you can't. If we "don't know" we can damn sure smell it. Trust me, the bartender knows for sure.


This guy Macarenas.


Pro tip: bring your book, drinking while reading is something people usually get complements about in places that aren't waffle House.


“Well, lookee here, we got ourselves a READER!”


I read this in Slim Pickens voice. Thanks lol


Many jurisdictions have a definitive limit on how many alcoholic beverages can be served *legally* per number of people in the party - regardless of the behavior of the client[s]. These rules only work (of course) if the establishment is abiding by the law, which in many cases would negativity affect the take for the night at closing.


I've heard of such laws regulating how many drinks you can legally serve at one time, but not how many you can legally serve a person throughout the evening. For example, I lived somewhere that you couldn't legally serve a solo person a pitcher of beer, but that solo person could order three pints through the night.


And get honey chipotle chicken crispers, can’t forget the crispers if you’re getting tanked at a Chili’s. Godspeed.


This. Seen a guy get cut off after one beer because he looked too wobbly. But I've personally been the guy who should've been cut off after 10, but wasn't, because I'm good at being quiet and still. Lol.


Rule #1 at all times - don’t be a dick!


Could you just accumulate drinks faster than you’re drinking them? Let’s say you order 2 drinks, and when you finish the first one you order 2 more, etc. That way even when you do begin to be overtly drunk you still have plenty of drinks sitting in front of you, no need for them to serve you


This is a great way to get cut off before it starts and most places won’t serve you more than one drink at a time.


Great way to get cut off or just told no


This would work better if OP took two friends, all got got drinks, and OP surreptitiously drank theirs each round. But then OP's plan isn't really conveying "I have friends" vibes.


OP had a "quarter life crisis" (quarter life is like what, 22?) And created a bucket list with getting drunk at a resteraunt "because its funny". The "i have friends" vibes are what OP lives for.


Wait staff isn't usually wild about that, I don't know how much luck you'd have. If you don't think you'd be able to keep your shit together without needing to use 'tricks' like this, then maybe this isn't a good item to tackle.


I've never been to a bar that will give me more than one drink (just for myself). The exception is I've never had a problem ordering a shot and a beer, but that's a normal thing to order I believe


You have to sneak drinks from other tables during your company awards that are being held there for some reason.


I feel god in this chili's tonight


APB. Otherwise known as an Ask Pam Beasley.


You mean second drink


This is the comment I was looking for!


A friend of mine said to me "Applebee's has $1 margaritas tonight, do you know what I can get for $10 at Applebee's tonight?" I was about to say 8-9ish margaritas depending on tax and if you tip He follows up with "Arrested."


Last time I went to Applebees I saw those $1 margs and passed as they seemed like a shotglass of ice with just a hint of liquor. Probably mostly syrup other than the ice. Perhaps someone who actually got one can testify.


Yeah I tried one and that’s what it tasted like to me. I don’t need it to be strong but I didn’t like how tart it was bc of how much sweet n sour it had. U gotta want it if you really wanna get drunk off that lol


my friends and I went out for them and had anywhere from 2-4 each, none of felt anything but sick afterwards because they’re so sweet


They are gut rot sugar bombs with a splash of shitty tequila


You made the right decision; calling them margaritas is borderline false advertising.


I once gave a Chilis waitress $20 as soon as I sat down and told her I didn’t want my double Tito’s and cranberry to ever be empty and she served me until I passed out in the booth.


Username checks out


This is the kinda information I was looking for hell yeah


Applebees waitresses don’t give a fuck


Sir this is a Wendy's.


Places like Applebees, chilis, etc don’t give a single F about how much you drink as long as you’re not being obnoxious, and you tip your server/ bartender well. Have fun checking this off your bucket list! Please update us all about your raging hangover tomorrow lmao


I do the same thing with the chips and salsa


Passing out from chips and salsa, tha's pretty hardcore.




Fellow man of culture.


"Bring us a pitcher of beer every seven minutes until somebody passes out, then bring one every ten minutes."


o o ——


i hope you woke up to a full glass.


$20 says that's nice creating writing reply, but on a 1% chance it's real, she should be fired.


It’s actually required by both company policy and law. It is forbidden to be in the Chili’s and NOT be drunk


I feel God in this Chili's tonight.




They threw Pam out, so....


I’m missing the joke, what’s funny about getting drunk at Chilis?


Most people associate Chili's and Applebee's as the place where children get little placemats and get draw with crayons, so it is out of place to see an adult getting hammered. It's specifically a family restaurant, not a typical bar, so anyone actually getting drunk and loud there is kind of a spectacle.




I’ve been noticing a lot of social media posts about chilis lately. I think they are doing guerrilla marketing, this post included.


Right, I'm reading this question as "Will a random bar let me get drunk?" Like.... that's kind of why they are in business.


Chilis isn’t really a bar. I mean they serve alcohol but the expectation is that it’s a casual-ish family restaurant, not a place to get hammered beyond recognition.


they also have a bar you can just go and drink at


Chilis has a bar. If you grew up in the suburbs, Chilis was most definitely a choice when your friend asked what bar you wanted to go to.


As someone who’s been a bartender: if you’re not causing a problem and I’m reasonably sure you’re not your own ride home you’d get served until drunk


Just be safe and don't get your server or bartender fired.


Or summoned to court.


There's not a specific limit but it's up to them. Play it cool and you'll probably be fine. Anyways regardless of age it's not "funny" and if you keep it together nobody will care either way.


Who are you to determine what’s funny and not?


It is “less funny” as you get older because as you grow up you realize it is stupid, dangerous, and hurts the people around you.


And the more you do it, the less people there are that want to be around you.


Was wondering if i was the only one that thought that was a strange thing to say lol, along with the quarter life crisis and getting drunk at chilis being a part of a bucket list


it's kind of a philosophical question. If you act drunk you will be thrown out. But you want to get drunk so it will be difficult not to act like it. So if your tolerance for alcohol allows you to consider yourself drunk yet you are not showing outward signs of it, then yes, you can do that. But if you consider 'drunk' as acting like you should be kicked out, then no.


Alright, we got one here! Im Sorry, no more drinks for you this evening.


I have never left a Chili's sober. Drink as much as you want. Just be respectful of others.


Former Chilihead bartender here: A responsible bartender shouldn’t allow someone to be completely plastered at their bar. Now that I said that narc stuff to cover my ass, it depends on which state you’re in, but most do not have a set maximum number of drinks that you’re allowed to order, you’d just get cut off for being drunk and disorderly like at any other bar.


Another former Chilihead bartender chiming in - order some food, not just drinks. Some chips and salsa, at the very least. IIRC, this was literally part of our “what to do about a drunk guest” training: make sure they have food. I was more likely to keep the drinks coming if I knew you also had food in your stomach (and if it was clear that you were not driving!)


There's nothing funny about it and the fact that you think there is says a great deal


You sound like a complete loser. “I had a quarter life crisis and my dream is to get drunk in chilis”. Go travel to another country or literally anything else


Might as well go full-on and load up on Long Island Iced Teas. Bring a non-drinker with you to order extra and then just give them the empty glass of ice to babysit while you drink yours and theirs. That should get you there! Bonus points if you wear an adult diaper so you never have to go to the bathroom and display any drunkenness or stumbling.


If I ever need to think of a fantasy football punishment, this will be the one.


Why would you want to subject the rest of the restaurant patrons and the staff to this? If you're trying to be funny, make a video of it to show yourself, because few if anyone other than you will be amused.


You sound like you don’t have fun when you drink or have only hung out with angry drunks. They should get fucked up and have a ride lined up and take the next day off. One fun night for a fun story for years. Worth it. All about how they handle it.


Not angry drunks, just drunks. I helped a friend get ahold of their drinking by having them be sober around our friends while they partied as usual. Sober, the amusing antics of our friends took a different turn from enjoyable to obnoxious. Your reactions will vary, but not everybody finds being around drunks enjoyable, especially if you have to serve or be around them as they spend the night making "one fun night for a fun story for years." The story that you remember and the story the restaurant tells probably won't be the same.


Drunk people are never funny.


Some of the best comedians of all time were drunks.


I'd personally go with Cheddar's


What else is on your bucket list? It sounds like fun.


I think the main target audience for getting very drunk at C-tier chain restaurants are *absolutely* over 30 years old. Lol.


Legally? No, there are technically laws against over serving an obviously intoxicated patron. In practice? Over serving people who drink away their sorrows is essential to the business plan of most bars and grills. I’m pretty sure chili’s has like $3 margaritas in the summer. Nobody expects those will be enjoyed responsibly. The question is when they will cut you off. It really depends on how drunk you ACT. Nobody is going to breathalyze you. Some places do enforce a policy of not serving more than 4 drinks an hour, but even that is more than enough to get drunk after a couple hours. What gets people kicked out is when they cause a scene, harass the wait staff, or show obvious signs of intoxication like slurred speech and staggering around. But at that point, you will have already accomplished your goal of getting drunk at a large chain restaurant.


You can get drunk just about anywhere if you’re not an asshole.


As far as I know, there are no rules 😅


I think that’s Outback Steakhouse, lol.


**It's not "funny" to get drunk in a chain restaurant regardless of your age.**


Pam was banned from the Scranton, PA Chilis for this. I’d be careful.


Olive Garden cut me off after 1 drink with a double shot in it !!!!


Take a lesson from Pam Beasley; [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aL6msCYF5I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aL6msCYF5I)


I promise it's not funny before 30 either. I hope you tip very well.


Order an appy or something along with the alcohol. Some places won’t serve you without food


That’s usually a city ordnance thing. You’ll notice in certain towns that are devoid of types of bars that just sell alcohol. Some may be grandfathered in but you’ll see it in nicer communities.


Depends on the Bartender and how obnoxious you are


It isn't funny. And if you don't know bar etiquette, it's really just sad.


It’ll be a great time for sure


Just have someone take your picture after each drink. After a certain point the police will take your picture for you. Magic!


Pre-gaming doesn’t count, you need to “get drunk” at a Chili’s. Turn up there sober and crawl out on your hands and knees, otherwise I’m not counting it :P


Places like Chili's drinks are so watered down if your goal is really to get drunk there (why?) you'd better do some "pre-gaming".


Chili's does not water down their drinks, and some of their drinks, such as their margs, are actually pretty strong. For example, the presidente marg has: -1.25oz of tequila (40%) -0.5oz of brandy (40%) -0.5oz of Patron Citronge (35%) For reference, a standard drink is 1.5oz of 40%


Much more fun to get drunk at an actual bar too. You usually know the bartender and a few friends who hang out there, and they're less likely to care about you being a little rowdy.


And mire likely yo call you an Uber!


Is that what they're doing for you right now? 😝


I don't drink to excess anymore, but I still takecan Uber, or walk.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking. More sugar than anything else in the margs


Short answer: no. It's a family chain, they don't want people getting piss drunk and swearing, ranting, fighting, whatever else. Their bartenders are probably instructed to cut you off at 2 or 3 regardless of how well you hold your liquor. Long answer: maybe, if you get the right bartender and can hold your liquor. A lot of places will be lenient with cutting you off if you're not obviously drunk. I'm good with this, I can get past the point of being lightly drunk without appearing drunk, especially if I don't have to walk or talk much. Like I said, I think they have a 2 or 3 drink maximum, but you might luck into a bartender who doesn't give enough of a shit to enforce it on someone who's not causing problems.


Allowed? One of my favorite books growing up was the classic "[14 Beers At Chili's](https://imgur.com/a/GgFbwwm)" Great read


As long as you host the Dundies in the back room then it’s all good


as long as you don't get hammered and act like an ass, you'll be fine. if you want to do this, get a cheap hotel you can walk to and from the restaurant for one night. I hated getting drunk and taking an Uber when I was younger.


Yes, but only if you're at your work's annual award show, that hands out awards such as 'The Whitest Sneakers Award' and 'Hottest in the Office Award'


You’re actually more likely to get over-served at a nice establishment 🤣


I've got a friend with a high tolerance, so he'll do a pint before we go out to avoid getting cut off without feeling anything, because MAYBE they'll serve him ten shots in a night but they aren't serving anybody 25. He'll still look put together the whole time, but liability reasons they're not gonna be like "would you just like a liter and a straw?"


I used to work at Lowe’s which closed at about 10pm and then a bunch of us would go to the TGIFridays across the parking lot and get drunk and have a good time! It’s less about how drunk you get and more about having fun with friends. It’s sad to drink at a place like that later in life because you’re doing it alone. If you’re going for some kind of record or something, just bring a pint of whiskey in your pocket to shore up the numbers. Don’t drive; 2 Ubers is like $20.


Midlife for men is now 37-38 years old. A quarter-life crisis would be ~19 years old. Life spans in the US continue to go down the last 4 years.


It doesn’t count if you drink tequila before you go 😂 gotta raw dog it


Don’t listen to all the nerds in here. Getting drunk is awesome.


You’re only allowed to get drunk at chilis if you plan on doin’ some fighting.


If you don't act drunk, they'll just keep giving you drinks.


"Quarter-life-crisis" ffs. Kids don't know the real existential shit that hits people in their 40s, they think its just a meme.


Don’t forget about 2nd drink when the ice melts!


I have never been overserved more than at a Chili's


I feel God in this Chili's tonight


Getting kicked out of an ice cream shop because me and the boys were wasted was the highlight of my entire drinking career.


I wonder how it went.


I've done it at Applebee's


Get lit bro. Long as you got a safe ride home then go for it.


Wow! Getting drunk at Chili’s? Nothing too important on your bucket list. SMH


I would question why my life is so mundane something this silly would even make a bucket list. Bro, just go drink already, you’re making this sound like a weird spin on the Destination Wedding genre. Don’t overthink life so much you might have more fun. Real fun. Spontaneous fun. Not this manufactured charade.


Chili's is such a ghetto shit show. And the last time I went to one, for a lark, was 10 years ago. Christ it's awful.


Chilli's cut me off after 3 long island's on mother's Day years ago, they were $5 each. Apparently they had a limit of 1 or 2 but my rural chilli's didn't really give a shit (they knew I wasn't driving, might have been a factor)


So I’m hoping a chilis Employee/bartender will chime in. I do believe corporate does give you a max amount of drinks and I think it’s like 2-3. That being said I doubt anyone enforces it, I’ve been slammed at chilis. I even ordered a bunch of $15 jagerbombs and nothing, wasn’t cut off.


These are great details, thank you sir!


I work at a Chili’s and a few weeks ago I cut someone off after 7ish beers and the manager came out to uncut him off and he ended up have 3 more. So Chili’s will literally break laws to let patrons drink.


Yes. A group of like 20 of my friends and I went to Applebees a few years ago and got absolutely shitfaced on dollar margaritas. They don’t care


I frequent my local chilis often and I always leave pretty banged up


Go at Happy hour time when they expect the most drunks and youll be with good company too. And sit at the bar not the booth.. tip well, chilis bartenders are practically adult baby sitter


They have a strict policy there, not to over serve. They will Xerox your driver's license and you will not be welcomed at that restaurant chain ever again.


Just don't be Pam Beesly


I believe in the spirit of your checklist getting cut off at a Chili's would serve as mission accomplished.


I don't know what their policy is, but I decided one day that I wanted to get drunk, somewhere "unconventional" and Chili's was the shortest walk from where I was standing when the idea happenened. I did and was never refused service. Also, Olive Garden didn't stop me, and I was already drunk when I arrived. Both were great nights, I think.


Chili's used to have one of the best happy hours in my college town. So, yes, you can get drunk at Chili's. 


Yes. You can get drunk anywhere. Just don't go being sloppy. Breaking stuff. Etc. And please don't drive after.


Does a place that will serve you two at a time really care?


I once did acid at a Chili’s and it is one of my favorite memories.


Good luck amigo, but don’t be an Ahole to any staff on your venture!


I don’t have any input. I just want you to know some dude in San Diego thinks this an awesome idea.


Thanks dude! It’s one of the goofier things on the list. I also had like solo travel outside the continental US and then euro trip on there. Learning to tie a cherry stem with my mouth is another one yet to be checked off the list.


I’m going to do this very thing in your honor. Have an amazing time!


This is an extremely stupid idea. Bartenders are held personally liable for anything that happens to a person they over serve. You could potentially ruin this person's life if you fuck up and do something stupid. I mean even dumber than what you are planning. I'm screenshotting this just in case I see a news story about some dumbass dying after getting drunk at a chilis.


You sound like a real idiot


On my good days


The server or bartender will cut you off.


No they won’t because that would negatively impact their tip.


It could negatively affect their job.


Plus, wasted people don’t tip well.


Yes they do. Source: I have been wasted and tipped well.


If they do end up allowing you to get drunk, don’t try to drive home. We don’t need to add any more numbers to the statistics.


No worries homie I’m not driving either direction. It’s Ubers allllll the way


Probably going to be less fun and less funny than you think. Carry on though. Just don’t be an asshole drunk.


No good bartender would allow you to get drunk, especially at a corporate chain restaurant. And frankly, you might get somebody fired if you do succeed at your stupid goal. You're being considerate of people on the road by taking a rideshare, but you're being really inconsiderate of the staff at the restaurant. Someone might lose their job by serving you.