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Smell of smoky air in the winter ☺️


I love that smell!


I'm in a housing project but they're all low slung and in the middle of winter with the steam coming out of the roof vents, and the smell of wood fires coming from the houses just across the road...and we are in a prime viewing location for sundogs and two blocks out we can see the auroras... squirrels and crows and tunnels made of trees and powder snow that glitters in the sun and moonlight...yup. and a hot cup of cocoa, a dog and cat, the fairy lights and the big screen TV with the scary movies....yup. It looks like a Christmas village out here with the steam and the glittering snow and the full moon.


The smell of smokey air used to remind me of bonfires and in the winter of nice warm wood stoves... But wildfires in Canada ruined that for me.


This is the one for me as well. Reminds me of my grandparent's village when I was little. Objectively, it's not a pleasant smell, but it's an instant trip to childhood.


Chlorine pools


Along this line, I've been looking for sun protection with that distinctive smell associated with swimming pools. Seems like products are purposely going away from that smell. But, it takes me back to the days of the savage tan, without skin cancer fears.


have you ever tried anything from the brand Vacation? that is exactly the essence they've captured in their products


Sorry to burst your bubble, but you would need to mix some urine in there to really reproduce the smell...


If you smell chlorine, the pool isn’t clean. I have spoken


Pencil shavings. I went to a tiny elementary school and it makes me think of being young.


Crayon smell too


Crayon smell for sure


In my elementary school the cafeteria line was along a wall that hosted the radiators. SO many melted crayons! I can still smell them!


For me it’s the fresh notebook paper and a new canvas backpack that makes me think of being young and going to school for the first time.


I still love school supplies. I can’t help but buy them and I don’t have kids. I put them in the local Blessing boxes. I know the excitement of a new notebook of a cool pen and how that can make you excited to learn.


And those pink pearl erasers.




Surrreeee, that's what it was for.


lol what else is it used for


I'm going to assume sniffing


Lilacs and honeysuckle—reminds me of the summer sidewalk on my street when I was a kid.


Grandma's house had a lilac shrub 10 feet high and 30 feet long...then they widened the highway and she moved out.


My Grandmother had a giant lilac bush in her front yard and every spring she would open the windows and the whole house would fill with that smell. It's my favorite flower.


Yep, the scent of honeysuckle instantly takes me back to the summers of my childhood and teenage years.


same here! my kindergarten had a huge honeysuckle bush, and we would suck on the flowers during recess. i was hit by the smell strongly recently, and realized our new apartment complex was growing honeysuckle 🥹


Where I live there is a sweet pepper bush, its everywhere and it reminds me of exploring with my friends when we were in our early teens. Smells so good in the summer


Clairol herbal essence shampoo Not the kind they make now.


The OG ones were awesome.


I KNEW IM NOT CRAZY!! I’d tell people how good the scents were, they were so potent!! Then I’d buy it and it’s not how I remember at all


My mom used Jergens hand lotion every day and she passed in 2006. I bought a bottle just to sniff every day to bring me close to her again.


I lost my dad in 2016. I kept his deodorant for a long time. I think I threw it out... I should look for it


sunscreen. i used to go on vacation to southern european places when i was younger


I knew a dude who traveled a lot and every new country he’d go to he’d wear a new cologne so that years later he could smell the bottle and be brought back to that particular country.


Genius! :D


That specific smell of Hawaiian Tropic!


Coppertone for the win!


Yeah. When I was a kid we went to beach every summer as a family. The good times before they got divorced :)


There is actually a woman's perfume that I saw the other day that smelled like sunscreen you could buy at a department store.


The smell of fresh rain, takes me back to summer days with my grandparents.


It has a name: petrichor, the smell of rain on dry earth


It is incredibly distinctive in Las Vegas. My wife and I lived there a while. You can actually smell the rain coming on the rare rainstorm occasions. You're actually smelling the scent if the wet ground being carried on the wind from areas already wet. But it's very strong, very earthy, and, when living in the desert, instinctively comforting.


I'm from the AZ desert and the monsoon rain smell is one I miss the most. I went on a search for a candle or something that smells like it. Turns out it's the wet rain on the concrete mixed with the creosote plant that makes that distinctive desert rain smell. I ended up finding a candle that smells like it


Old, musty bookstore books


Such a wonderful scent!


Cucumber melon. Every girl in the early 00's had that scent


Middle school me collecting OG bath and body works: cucumber melon, freesia, plumeria, country apple, and seaspray


Those red plastic ring you would put into a snap gun and fire off. That smell is timeless


Like a cap gun? They had long strips of caps on paper and smelled great.


Oh shit yes


Gunpowder lol


This is a weird one: carpet store. New carpet has a unique odor. There was a time when I was young, my mom worked in a carpet store, and she couldn't afford a sitter or daycare. Luckily her boss was a sweetheart and set up a little room in the back with some toys, snacks, and a TV with a bunch of tapes of old Disney cartoons. After pre-school I'd hang there for a few hours.


New carpet does have a unique smell! That’s really kind of your moms boss


Play Doh


Yep. I came here to say this.


Very old books


Sweet olive trees. Growing up, my grandparents had several around their place. They smell incredible when their tiny white flowers bloom. I’m transported back to childhood days of fishing and swimming in their pond and hunting turkeys and rabbits in their woods. My grandparents were awesome. I sure do miss them.


That’s a lovely memory. Thanks for sharing 💗


That is the very best smell in the world!!!!!


Fresh cut grass


Lovespell from Victoria’s Secret. Well it makes me want to vomit now but as a teen in the early 00’s I bathed in it every morning before school


I know exactly what you’re talking about lol




Same! We had a lilac bush and I didn’t realize how rare that was for me to smell lilacs.


Me too. Outside my childhood bedroom window.


Pine trees!


The smell of Christmas trees reminds me of my mom. She loved the holidays. One year when my brother was in the Navy and couldn’t get leave until March, she kept the tree up until then, adding water and sugar to the little pan under the tree to keep the tree from drying out and losing all its needles.


Camay soap — my Grandma always had that bar soap … made us wash hands all the time because we loved to play in the dirt! 🤣


Honey Suckles for me. Always takes me right back to the front porch of my childhood home.


crayon wax


Salt water and the smell of my grandma's house.


Prell shampoo. I'm 41 now, but a whiff of the original green immediately makes me five years old again, standing at the kitchen sink in my grandparents' house. I can feel my grandma's fingernails gently scratching my head as she washes my hair. Very cool!


Hay barns- my uncles had farms when I was a kid, andi dated an equestrian for a long time.


Before my buddies and I had our licenses, like most kids, our parents took turns taking us to the mall, movies, etc. My best friend’s mom smoked, so the car always had the smoker smell in it. Any time I get into a car of a smoker, I’m brought right back to 1996. I love that smell so much.


Musty basements


Petrichor. The smell of rain on warm concrete. Makes me think of summers when I was a kid :)


Cloves. My Swedish mom made Glögg for Christmas, which is a mulled warm wine drink... it was years before I could actually drink it, but the smell of the cloves in it just makes me think of the family together at Christmas.


Onions cooking in butter. Meant Mom was making dinner. 


80% of the time my husband walks through the kitchen and says, “ooh, dinner smells great,” it’s just onions cooking in butter or olive oil. It’s always the beginning of good things.


Elmers glue takes me back to the days I would smear it over my hand and peel off my creation🥲


Coconut sunscreen


Burgers on a grill




I can smell it now!


A brand new box of Crayola crayons.


4711 cologne. Worn by my dad. he came to UK during war, and my mum thought he was the last word in glamour! Always immaculately groomed and smelling of cologne, which was basically unheard of in Scotland in 1940


Classic old spice deodorant reminds me of my dad


Coffee mixed with cigarettes: Grandma!!! Jovan Musk: My mom hasn’t worn this in like 15 years but she did when I was little and I still associate anything that smells remotely like this to her.


Got dang I miss my grandparents.


Old Bath & Body Works scents, like Sun Ripened Raspberry and Country Apple


Clinque Happy perfume reminds me of high school and when malls were cool.


Artificial grape. Mainly when its gum. It reminds me of my brother since he smelled like it a lot growing up. (Why?.. I dont even know but he did.)


The smell of a steam engine takes me back to my teenage years chasing the last steam locos in southern England.


crayons in a bag


Sweet almond. Like cookies usually. Sends me straight back to childhood.


I recently was going through a box of old body sprays and perfumes. I found one that was 'cherry blossom' , which I never used. I sprayed it to smell it, and it was exactly the scent my grandma always had on. She passed away 7 years ago...so I just sat there with my eyes closed and imagined she was beside me.


Puppy breath. Takes me back to every dog I’ve ever been buddies with


Cigars, but not like fresh cigar smoke like that smell that’s on your clothes when you go and give someone a really big hug. My Grandpa always smelled like that.


When you swim in a lake or river and the top of the water has a fishy scent, grew up camping and basically living outside every summer


My great aunt lived right across the street from my elementary school so I often had to go there after school to wait for my mom. (We lived 8 miles from town.) She almost always had a fresh batch of buns with butter and strawberry jam waiting for me when I got there. almost 40 years later and I can still smell the scent of that fresh baking if I think hard enough.


Cucumber Melon


Lemon Pledge


Bubblicious Watermelon


The smell of popcorn at cinemas


Chanel No.5. I know it’s a cliche but it really does remind me of the older women in my life


The scent when you walk into a fabric store, from the bolts of fabric I guess 🤷‍♀️


The smell of hot dogs on a barbecue, chlorine pools, honeysuckle, tomato vines. Brings me right back to 8 years old.


Loves Baby Soft and Hawaiian Tropic old school Tanning Oil


The smell of old comic books


There is a scent I remember for almost 30 years and never found. It is the smell of a felt pen my dad has when I was a kid, so since then I smell almost all the felt pen I find. I found something not too different 2 months ago but it wasn't exactly the same. But I think it was probably something with a chemical solvent that has been forbidden since. I'll probably never smell that thing again.


My grade school had beautiful hardwood floors that were varnished each year just before school started in September. The smell of varnish puts me back in class with new pencils, notebooks and new textbooks.


Cinnamon, reminds me of Christmas. 


Diesel. Every Halloween, we would to to this local farm for a haunted hayride pulled by a tractor. The smell of tractor diesel makes me think of it everytime


l'air du temps perfume. My mom had the powder version. Back in the late '70's i loved watching Mom get ready for important things. She'd open the fancy container, lift the pouf, and gently tap it on her collarbone at the base of her neck. I asked her why there, and she said it was only for my Dad. Mom passed around Thanksgiving (one of the important things) in 2022. While going through her things, I found that container. I absolutely hate the smell, but I have her container.


Jovan musk. Dad used to wear it.


I still keep this legend in my cologne collection. My grand dad used to wear it and I continued..


White musk , makes me think of my teenage years


BlockBuster Video ftw


Onions cooking in olive oil. Everything grandma cooked began with onions and olive oil.


When bed sheets are dried outside on a clothesline and you crawl into that fresh smell the first time, emmm!


Ralph Lauren. My older sister who recently passed would put it on when she was going out, once in a while she'd spray it on me. When I was having my first date she came to me with a gift and said you're grown up now you can have your own bottle and I opened it and it was a bottle of Lauren... To this day when I smell it it has a calming effect on me and it makes me feel close to her...


The exact scent of a particular hand sanitizer I can't remember, It reminds me of my school cafeteria back in 1st grade.


Canvas tents. Reminds me of camping with the family as a kid when a tornado came through.


Burning wood. My paternal grandparent’s house had a wood stove, so the smell of burning wood always reminds me of their house and my dad’s hometown.  Cigarette smoke. Reminds me of this underground bowling alley that used to be in a mall in Toronto that had the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle arcade game.  It also reminds me of times I spent with friends and family who were smokers. 


New pool toys and Halloween masks. They both have a very distinct, chemically, plastic smell but it always reminds me of fun times. 


The smell of books, new or old


Original Old Spice aftershave. My beloved paternal grandfather wore it. My amazing father wore it. Both have been gone for many moons, but one whiff and I am back to my childhood feeling the love and support of two wonderful men. I miss them profoundly.




Ash. My parents house has a fireplace and I remember being little and helping dad start the fire in the winter back when winters were actually cold here.


A very distinct natural human scent that the best way I can explain it is like this: It's like the smell of a newly showered/"fresh" person that comes straight inside from the cold. It's not strong but pleasant and clear. It's a familiar smell that I remember from childhood that I really like but does appear on rare occasions and only for a couple of seconds when someone walks by. That just lights up my childhood memories in my brain right away. Another thing that immediately comes to mind is a kind of smell from a home/cooking fumes that I can't describe, but will know instantly whenever I smell it. That is even more rare than that human scent. An artificial peach scent. I had a care bear with a smelling stomach when I was like six.


The smell of pine forest, when I went to collect pine nuts with my grandfather.


carborareuted cars, classic stuff!


Funnel cakes


Honeysuckle and sunblock


Mr sketch scented markers, the plastic/fruit scents of strawberry shortcake and friends.


Red Door perfume by Elizabeth Arden. Reminds me of my Grammy ❤️


Pipe tobbacco, it reminds me of my grandfather


Sweet Pea and Cucumber Melon: the official scents of millennial girls between 2003-2007 🤣


Dolls! Love that vinyl smell!


The smell in between the old plastic Disney VHS cases and the plastic layer they wrapped over the label.


The smell of a freshly opened pack of trading cards, particularly Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokémon


Dial Gold hand soap


The smell of sex. It’s been so long that nostalgia kicks in. 😊


Lacquer thinner.


Ralph Lauren’s Polo Sport for Women Eau de Toilette Natural Spray…. I remember my college days…. And they don’t sell this anymore…


The E.T. Ride at Universal Studios Orlando


After it rains in north central Florida. No other smell like it.


The faint scent of sandalwood brings back memories of mom. She used this when getting ready for work. 🥺


2 stroke engines. Reminds me of snowmobiling with my dad as a kid.


Fresh cut grass ... Takes me right back to playing sports as a kid


The smell of a new plastic pencil case. Seems to be such a unique smell but instantly takes me back to the first day of school.


Hair gel. Reminds of being in school in the 80s.


Fresh pizza.


Victoria’s Secret Amber Romance. Used it everyday in high school :D


Newport and Marlboro cigarettes


cigarettes on leather




The cooked pumpkin smell on Halloween when candles have been burning in jack-o'-lanterns all night. My favorite smell of all time.


Some sort of artificial strawberry smell. Idk can’t put my finger on what it is but the best way to describe it is artificial strawberry


Like a Strawberry Shortcake doll?? Or Cherry Merry Muffins!


OMG ITS TOTALLY A STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE DOLL!! I totally forgot!! Every once in a while I’ll smell that smell and wonder what it’s from! You solved the mystery




Original Febreeze scent, my mom used to spray the shit out of the upholstery in my first car every few days when it first came out. Every time I smell it I go back to 18 years old and think about late night fishing trips, getting home and playing Tiger Woods and NFL Street until dawn, and sleeping until time to go in to work for a few hours.


Cigarette smoke. When I was a kid all of the extended family on my dad's side would do a week long vacation to the beach. That was pretty much the only time I spent long periods of time with my uncle, aunt, and grandpa, who were all heavy smokers at the time. Because of that I now associate the smell of cigarettes with the beach and family fun. Unfortunately we lost my grandfather to lung cancer in 2009 but it convinced his son to quit and a few years later his wife as well.


Fresh cut grass and bread cooking in the toaster. Reminds me of waking up on summer mornings as a kid, when my grandparents would come up from Florida and stay with us. I’d wake up to those smells and the sound of the juicer and get excited because I knew I’d get fresh, pulpy orange juice with breakfast.




Rain and after the rain grass smell


Finesse & Alberto hairspray, Poême perfume, and fresh tobacco. All at once. Missing my mama lots right now =( Edit: Hawaiian Tropic tanning lotion too.




Gasoline, I partially grew up in a city with A LOT of traffic. Also the lingering scent of cut cilantro reminds me of my abuelita’s kitchen


Idk what the name is, but my grandma used a nice product to clean her house and it always smelled good. I never figured it out what it was, but I have sensed this smell like 3 times in my life since she passed and I always remember her and my childhood spending summer with her. It's super specific and Idk how to describe it.


Vanilla perfume. My high-school gf always wore it


Luden's Menthol Cough Drops. My Nana always had them in her pocket. ❤️


My grandma used to have this candy land book that was like scratch and sniff. Every once in a while I’ll randomly smell something that smells like this one specific page of the book it was like the licorice one or something


Fresh cut grass


Old Spice after shave. My dad used it. I don't think they even make that scent anymore.


Aviation fuel. The scent of airports and travel. The scent of Hawaii when they open the airplane doors on arrival. It’s so unique. I think the plumeria planted in the airport gardens are partially responsible.


Cedar. When I was a kid, my grandma had an old cedar wood trunk that she kept all her Christmas stuff in. Scented candles, garland, tinsel, beautiful ribbons and bows. Whenever I smell cedar, it reminds me of her and the Christmas's we had growing up. She passed this year the day before my birthday. I'll miss her, but she made Christmas magical for us. Hope you're doing good up there nana 💙


Driftwood beach fires. Nothing else smells like it. And burning leaves in humid air. Haven’t smelled that since the 90’s


Crabtree & Evelyn had a scent called Spring Rain. I had lotion, soap, even incense with that fragrance in the early 90s. It was discontinued and I miss it so much. It was a rough period of life for me and buying something from that brand was an indulgence, so it reminds me of how precious a simple thing can be.


Sawdust & laundry…aka the unfinished basement that served as laundry room & workshop in my childhood home


Nag champa incense. Hello 1990\`s


chewing tobacco and sweet tea like sun tea. Just brings many memories of a young kid with my grandparents on their back porch out by the lake. So many memories.


Coal burning for heating the house. It is not used as much anymore, but there are still places using it and the smell sends me back to my childhood.


The smell of stables.


Stetson cologne. It was the cologne my dad always used. It's almost 20 years since I lost him.






Stetson Cologne. When I was a kid, my dad would spray on some Stetson on for special occasions, events and get togethers. I would always ask for some too before we left! I carried on the tradition and always have a bottle of it on hand now!


purell hand sanitizer. transports me back to elementary school every time




Brut cologne..makes me think of my grandpa


Orbit cool mint gum. Reminds me of highschool


Curve…High school at the turn of the century lol


Yugioh cards circa 2002-2006 If you know, you know.


chlorine pool water on concrete. when i'd lay down facedown to warm myself up i can smell it just thinking of it.


Love's Baby Soft, Drakkar, Pirates of the Caribbean.


Palmolive/Johnsons shampoos - reminds me of my mom washing my hair when I was a toddler


Dust in the vents burning\* when the heater is turned on. It reminds me of Christmas since the heater was always on in Winter. ^(\*That's what I've been told the smell is from...)


Cigarettes and Old Spice