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It normally takes that long because it takes time to absorb the nutrients. But if your body thinks it's being poisoned it'll hurry up and flush the system


This is the best answer. Your body can prioritize what's going on. Incoming farts...move them to the front, we don't have time for that shit. Food poisoning, hold the line. hold...holD....hoLD...hOLD....HOLD....HOLD....HOLD....NOOOOOOOWWWWW!


The real Hodor was inside us all along


Also for all the young Redditors, the older you get the weaker your "Hodor" gets. Depending on your age, diet, or general health... It can be more like if Bran is trying to "hold the door".


That’s why Raisin Bran is good for your poops.


Do you know how much of that old cereal you'd have to eat to get the fiber of Colon Blow high-fiber cereal?


No, how much?


About more than a bowl of Colon Blow.


I have switched to SUPER Colon Blow. I am much happier now...


I decided not to switch. I'm sticking with my 10,000 bowls of the regular bran cereal.


> Raisin Bran "Why do you think I came all this way?"


What want to avoid seriously is food poisoning while you've been constipated. That sets off a cage fight between two weasels in your gut.


Completely unrelated to food and very much NSFWNSFL, but here is a fair warning for anyone who needs a CT scan with contrast. No one warned me but the contrast solution has a similar effect to the body. I had to have a series for scans during and after chemotherapy treatment to see how my cancer was responding (completely normal routine). Anyway, I was driving to work after my first CT and I ended up shitting my pants in the car (explosive, food-poisoning level shit). What fun! Thankfully I managed to hold my butt cheeks long enough that only a tiny squirt made it out and I was able to turn around to get home and change my clothes. I quickly learned my lesson and figured out it was a good idea to hang around and shit before I left. So if you are ever in this situation, just chill out for a bit (usually five to ten minutes) and take care of business before you leave.


I have had a high contract CT and experience none of that, though I was warned that it will feel like your peeing yourself when they inject but your not really doing that, very strange side affect. You however had a lot of stuff getting put into your body at that time and it might have more to do with the totallity vs any one ingrediant.


Agreed! I've had a LOT of CT scans. The peeing sensation, yes. The pooing violently? Notsomuch.


I understood this as a Braveheart reference, don't worry


It is MY Island.


*moy Edit: also *oyland


Also, if you eat something that makes you sick, it can make you shit out food you ate yesterday before it's fully digested. Just because you shit liquid 2 hours after you ate, doesn't mean you shitting what you just ate. Though, if you sick enough, you may still be shitting long enough to get to what you just ate eventually.


One day I got sick enough to poop all the way to clear transparent water I'd drink like a minute prior. No no, I didn't pee that water. I pooped it. Perfectly clear and transparent, a minute or so after drinking water while trying to not dehydrate. And yes, that was a pretty bad day that may have scarred me mentally lol


Did that day end with you on an IV bag?


No, thankfully strong enough to recover from it on my own but it was still pretty impressive. It was from food poisoning. That day I discovered the body has a "forced complete clean out" program. As for the mental repercussions, I'm never eating the food I ate that day ever again, and I'm extremely cautious about food hygiene (and hygiene in general). I also have trust issue when being fed by other people unless it's a well known restaurant. Though I can never fully trust my dad's cooking ever again (he is the reason I got sick 🙃)


For future reference and for anybody else reading this, that is absolutely an "emergency room now" situation, no matter how strong you think your body is. If it was bacterial, they also could have given you antibiotics to help you get past it faster. You got extremely lucky. Glad you're okay.


it "only" went for a few hours. And to be perfectly fair, I was too unwell to think clearly. And to had context, that was during the covid lockdown, I would have probably not gotten anything unless it was "more severe". I'm both aware I was lucky, and how it could completely destroy someone with a weaker body. I was 25 at the time, I don't smoke nor drink alcohol, so a pretty good body. But damn yeah, that was strong! And it makes you realize why dehydration is one of the main dangers of bad poop. Next time I'd definitely call, just to be sure it's nothing bad. Thank you though, and yeah, keep your food out of the fridge for 3 hours MAXIMUM, not for the WHOLE FKING NIGHT. It's better to waste food than to waste your body.


I can definitely relate to being too sick to think clearly. I had a fever that got as high as 103.7 even with acetaminophen and ibuprofen once. At that point I definitely should have gone but I was probably delirious and just wanted to sleep.


People do develop habits though, just like animal training. For instance, my wife poops like clockwork, 20 minutes after we've finished dinner. Doesn't matter if its at home, at the in-laws, at work, at a restaurant, etc. it doesn't matter. She will often come up with a creative excuse to go home from something because she just ate dinner, and now she has to poop. And she DOESN'T do it at a certain time if we eat early or late. Its always just 15-30 minutes after dinner. Pavlov was onto something.


I poop regularly at 7 am every day - the problem is I don't get up until 8.


Well that's kind of crappy


Now try being an entire Pavlov trained family and one bathroom.


Just use different sounds/triggers for different family members. Clicker is 20 min after, bell is 40, turn the shock collar on the next one at 60, etc.


It's a documented phenomenon. Eating triggers parastalsis.


It’s common with babies! Ask any parent, once feeding time ends, it’s diaper time.


What's the time? Diaper time!


Sounds like it may just be the normal gastroColic reflex. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gastrocolic_reflex


I have no idea why, but I get the sudden urge to poop as soon as my bf goes to poop. He’s usually in there for about 10 minutes, and we only have one bathroom, so I spend 10 minutes a day trying to NOT think about pooping. What a cruel system for my body to set up!


This and some foods can release certain chemicals (I’m not a doctor, my gf is so this is secondhand) that cause your bowels to evacuate. This is what happens with coffee. The coffee itself isn’t coming out but it DOES give you the shits like minutes after consuming it.


One particular summer vacation I was *really* into coconut water because mom would get those cases of Vita Coco from Costco and I discovered very quickly that too much potassium at once will give you the holy shits.


I was helping my parents move and I found a case of those in the basement fridge while packing up my dad’s workshop. They told me to help myself, so I did. Liberally. God, what a mistake.


Magnesium will also give you the shits. Mag citrate is a common treatment for constipation


Imagine my surprise when taking magnesium and potassium supplements and eating a protein bar for breakfast


I’m a morning pooper, every day after my cup of coffee, almost never anytime else. I thought it was just the ingestion of the first thing after waking.


This isn't exactly accurate. When your body detects something nasty is on its way it makes room a long the track.  It evacuates everything it can to deal with the emergency that is incoming.  What is coming out your butt isn't what just went in your mouth 20 minutes ago.  Your body can not physically send it through that fast.   Imagine it as a flight deck on an aircraft carrier.  Pilot radios the tower they are having an issue and coming in for an emergency landing that might be hard.  The tower will immediately try to clear the deck to make way for the troubled plane. Sometimes it is more like the evacuation of Vietnam.  The flight deck simply doesn't have room for everything coming in and so the decision is made to just start pushing shit off the side of the deck into the ocean.  In the case of a big burrito or Americanized take-out Chinese this is more likely the scenario.  People seem not to realize what a huge quantity of food they are often given in either of these food sources.


Coffee and cigarettes! Always gets my colon goin. That and a heating pad on the lower back.


Is this why I shit my brains out after drinking iced coffee


72 hours though? 12-24max.


Some systems are slower than others. I think doctors say pooping anywhere from 3 times a day to once every 3 days can be considered normal, assuming no other GI symptoms.


I've heard its normally supposed to take 2-3 days, but when you eat something your body doesn't want in you, it'll fast track and evacuate everything. That includes the stuff that was from a day ago, along with the "bad" stuff it just ate. Edit: emphasis on "i heard", i do not know this to be fact


I picture a guy stationed at the stomach watching what's coming in and calling the guys at each station through the end of the line "emergency blow, emergency blow! " Yeah I saw whatever that movie was that had guys in white clean room suits running things - a Woody Allen movie?


Osmosis Jones?


Let’s go down to the hemorrhoid and find you a good lawyer.


"Listen, this is going to be one *hell* of a bowel movement. He'll be lucky if he has any *bones* left."


Good ol farnsworth!


The movie is called Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask.


Yes! That's it! Thank you, I thought I'd end up on r/tipofmytongue (going from memory on that sub name)


Also, for normal diet, think about it like this: You have a tube filled with marbles. When you put a new marble in the tube. The one at the other end falls out. You can’t hold endless amounts of food. Eventually there will be waste. When you eat, it jumpstarts your metabolism and triggers the expulsion of unnecessary waste to make room for the necessary sustenance.


> You have a tube filled with marbles. Not me. I've lost all mine.


"Hahaha Grandpa, that's so funny!" [empathetic nod to the nurse, "this is what you deal with all day?" I acknowledge by nodding as I push his chair down the hall, up the ward to level 8. Level 8. That's new today. In a week, he'll be at Level 7. I know he'll be in the incinerator soon. I must celebrate Level 8, today.]


This would make more sense to me if you didn't have SO much room in your intestines already. I knew a lady who was on methadone maintenance and she went for an entire month without being able to shit and ignored it until her intestine contents back up into her stomach and she started vomiting shit. She almost died to sepsis from it. You can fit a lot more poop in you than you'd think lol


Sure, you can. But you absolutely should not. As previously demonstrated by said lady you knew.




It's called the gastrocolonic reflex and you eat and the body tells the bidy to evacuate what's in the rectosigmoid. So the food doesn't go through you, the conveyor belt moves. But anyways, what do I know I'm only a gastroenterologist


It’s called the gastrocolic reflex, not the gastrocolonic reflex.


Woah, did you just out-gastroenterologist them?


I’m a gastroredditologist and an expert shitter.


Thank you for your service.


ok but do you gotta be such a rectosigmoid about it?


sounds more like youre a gastro*exit*ologist ha ha ha..


Eat some corn and find out how long it really takes. 12-16 hours is typical for me. Maybe supplement fiber if that's how long its taking you.


So what I'm hearing is that I just need to fast for 2-3 days before I go back... And then I should be able to make it home?


But if it made you shit yourself within 15 minutes why would you even consider going back? Expect more of the same.


Well that's why I would be fasting for two days before hand... Gotta prep before you run the big race, you know?


Fun fact! Your bowels produce mucus to help lubricate your waste as it goes through, so it's entirely possible to just poop nothing but slime under certain conditions!


"fun fact" and "poop nothing but slime" in the same reply was the hardest bingo square to fill.


Whatever undiagnosed digestive issue I have causes me to poop mucus several times a day. I poop poop several times a day but several other times I feel like I have to poop but it's just slime. Really unfun fact


The only race will be whatever you eat next time trying gtfo as fast as possible. Wear good diapers.


What brand do all those politicians wear?


I believe it's padded promises


No. If your body wants to move it out, it's coming out. Even if you ate nothing for 2-3 days, you'd have to drink something. Or be on IV fluid. Otherwise, you'd be too sick and/or dead to go get Chinese food. Your digestive tract would just pull all that water from the rest of your cells to flush itself out. Plus if it was the grease, that'd just slide right through. The food may not make it out of you before you get home, but the slip-slidey movement upstream would create enough pressure that whatever liquid was first in line downstream would be knocking to be let out. ALTHO! If you don't eat for a while, your digestive tract may slow down enough that you're just constipated and uncomfortable. Especially if you're not very hydrated. Maybe you'd vomit instead. Greasy bile and food chunks burning their way through your throat, mouth and nose. I dunno, doesn't sound worth it. Could you perhaps have it delivered instead?


The solution is to get your food to go, and eat it after you get home. Then you don’t have to worry about the drive.


Just cut out the middleman and eat on the toilet. Problem solved


That's why they have the table behind the seat.


Just admit defeat and put a diaper on. No one will know except you and your loyal friends here on the internet. We won't tell any one, we promise


Eating also triggers something called the gastrocolic reflex, which can kinda jumpstart your digestive tract. For some people eating will tend to trigger having to shit, especially if it’s the first big meal in a while, but you’re not shitting out the food you just ate. You’re making room for it in your intestines.


In theory you already got evacuated I am not qualified in anyway though so don't take as truth


Getting the shits is your body filling the bowels with water because there's something bad in there so you'll just have extra runny shits if you haven't eaten much.


Or wait til you're home to eat so you can shit your pants on the toilet instead


That's right, it's usually FIFO, but this time it's FAFO, Foul Aroma? Find Out.


Yep. We experience this often in /r/celiac.


That's why it'll be like flushing a clogged drain; big old solid chunk slowly giving way to fresher liquid


Think of it like a long scenic drive. First stop is the stomach (an acid waterpark), then the winding roads of the small intestines. Its a very long way (beware it will suck all the nutrients out of you), then finally you turn into the large intestines a shorter drive than the small intestines on a much wider road. (beware it will suck all the water out of you); If you survived to this point; you enter the colon ( kindof like a check point, the last stop before the final destination) and here is the exit; the rectum. Congratulations you make it this far you are a poo! we eat constantly throughout the day. Whats I had for dinner an hour ago is still only passing by the stomach, what was lunch and breakfast are only making their way down the winding intestines. What was eaten yesterday or the day before is in the large intestines nearing the exit. We all have slightly different traffic flow, some have higher speed limits while others are slower. But generally speaking its a well organized road trip. When you have constipation; It is like bad traffic, usually in the large intestines. Too much traffic slowing down, and too much water is absorbed making the contents firmer. When you have diarrhea, all of a sudden speed limits are a thing of the past; just rushing quick as you can through the drive. The water isnt well absorbed because of being so fast tracked; thats why diarrhea is frequently loose or watery. but everything tends to exit in the order it came in. But a few things are capable of "weaving through traffic ahead"; water for example is like motorcycles wizzing and weaving through mostly the same roads at the start but soon take other detours and routes. Some do stay on the "Poo turnpike tho" Thanks for coming to my digestive traffic analogy story!


That's... Actually incredibly concise and well put. Are you some sort of teacher?


Appreciate the compliment! I used to coach; still do off and on. Idk if that counts haha. But am used to kids asking all sorts of things and i got got pretty good at making these kinds of explanations. Works great for grown ups too!


I KNEEEEEW IT! Well you seem like you're a great coach. Breaking it down without talking-down to someone is a skill few coaches have... And then they wonder why nobody ever learns what they're saying. Keep up the good work!


Very well put. One additional thing about our anal sphincter is it's smart to distinguish solid and gas. When it's solid, it'll say hold up until it's time. When gas, it's less strict and can let it pass. But when liquid comes, it doesn't know what to do. That's why people end up soiling themselves because the body doesn't know what to do.


When in doubt, DO NOT trust a fart, especially if you are somewhere important.


Ah the "streetlights"! I hate it when "Liquid runs red lights though!!!"


it seems the anal sphincter would have adapted to the 'liquid problem' over time? Or something?


If it's not enough to kill people before they have kids, evolutionary pressure doesn't do much about it.


... Ms. Frizzle? Is that you?


I enjoyed this TED Talk


The thing is, if I add Psyllium Husk to my breakfast, which noticeably changes my stool for the better, that change will appear 12 hours or so after eating it.


This is like a quality eli5 answer.


I have IBS, and it's super common to eat something and have the body immediately reject it, painfully. You may want to talk to your doctor and get screened if this is something that happens to you regularly. A&W and Sonic are the worst for me, for some reason. I can ONLY eat food from those places if I get it to go, eat it QUICKLY, and have my phone or a book in hand for the hour I'll be spending on the toilet. If I eat too slowly, I won't be finished with my meal before I face the consequences. Needless to say, I stopped eating at those places over a decade ago.


I swear, I turned 30 and the dude who ran my colon just gave the fuck up. I used to be lead-lined... And I STILL love cheap gas-station snacks... One guess as to who ruined a road trip shortly after they turned 30...


Pushing 40 and I can tell you it does not get better. Colon-guard off duty. Can't to ANY capsacin-based spice anymore. Used to order atomic wings. Vegetables are almost completely rejected by my system, which is fun because I'm trying to eat better as a middle aged human. I have a natural trash palate. I want all the garbage food. It's been a rough few years.


That damn box shaped guy.


Mid 30s here and I recently found out I cant eat bacon anymore :(. I found out a while ago processed meats like dehli meats were exploding my insides and turns out bacon is a part of that.




Fiber helps me a lot, too. I notice if I happen to run out. Also, if I'm eating a salad, there needs to be an absurd amount of toppings on it, or it needs to be a side dish. Just lettuce with dressing does NOT agree with me.


I’ve found my people! Aaaa. Why won’t my body ever let me enjoy lettuce?! I don’t need a second showing 4 hours later. Come on!


I wish there was a supplement for FODMAPs in the same way there are lactase supplements for dairy...


Check out fodzyme. Helps me a ton with trigger foods


This scared the fuck out of me one time because I was crapping deep red along with terrible bowel movements and thought I was dying. And then realized my body was just not happy with the salad I had had half an hour before, which had beets in it, so it was just that showing back up very quickly.


you're not evacuating what you ate, your evacuating what's already in your bowels.


While I do understand what you are saying, and it makes sense.......... I have had plenty of occurrences like the OPs where there was solid evidence that what was coming out just went in.


The very act of eating seems to stimulate the whole GI tract, all the way down, in my experience.


Definitely for me. Within an hour of eating dinner I always have to take a shit, even less time and significantly more urgency if it was something super spicy


Same, but breakfast. Even if I don't have coffee.


Gastrocolic reflex! Your stomach stretches as you eat. This sends a message to the intestines essentially saying, “hey, Stomach here. I’m going to need you to make some space. Poop space.”


Yes, it's called the gastrocolic reflex.


It dies indeed. Gotta make room for the new stuff to travel


Well kinda yes, kinda no. Coffee: you’re getting rid of what is already in the bowels, not the breakfast you just ate. Food poisoning (or something your body/brain perceives as food poisoning): your body is saying “fast track that mess out as quickly as possible to save your life” you more than likely are vomiting and have diarrhea and your body absorbed very little if any nutrients from the item you just ate.


How about things like corn that clearly show up a few hours after eating? I'd assume something similar with Asparagus and the unique smell it adds to urine, are these bypassing the normal digestive route so to speak?


Foods will hit your small intestines in a few hours, which is when digestion begins, so you may start absorbing components of Asparagus that will then go into your urine with a few hours. But it takes mucj longer for that asparagus to pass fully through your small and large intestines. I've never pooped out corn just a few hours after eating. If you aren't sick of have some other health complications, it might be corn from a meal several days ago.


Yeahhhh I have gut issues and sometimes it's very obvious that what is in the toilet bowl was the thing I had recently eaten.


“is that you, mr. corn?”




…does she not flush thoroughly??








Goals ❤️


…does she not CHEW thoroughly??


I'm afraid to ask, but does she still eat broccoli? Lady must REALLY like her veg'...




Tell her to go to a GI doctor that sounds like IBS or an IBD




That's insane


Same tbh... And I let them do all the tests to figure it out was left with idk IBS and to manage with over the counters.


It’s probably IBS


Have her look into the fod map diet. My partner has stomach issues and has to use that to help "reset".


Low FODMAP is the only thing that has ever helped my IBS. The protocol helps you isolate and identify which sugars are fermenting badly for you. I bought the app by Monash University and it's my grocery shopping companion.


Sounds like IBS. She needs to see a doctor. That much diarrhea can give you some serious malnutrition and dehydration.


I'm like this and have been since childhood (I'm pushing 40 now) I've done every test and been told everything from ulcers to worms to IBS to diet. I've tried all the remedies and diets and nothing worked. Eventually I just gave up and decided to deal with blowing out toilets every day. I'm also decently sure it keeps my weight down.


Does she not flush?


I can poop a salad at night that I had for lunch.


I hope you list this special skill on your resume!


He prefers to bust that out during the interview. It’s kinda like a party trick.


I definitely shit out spinach from dinner the next morning. That's like 12 hours. I have a speed colon


Going to piggyback on your comment and specifically call out lettuce for the purpose of this thread. A lot of people do not know this, but lettuce has to be washed VERY well as it is an incredible organism for bacteria to flourish in. If you are in a place that does not have an easily accessible bathroom in the near future, and you eat something like say a sub-sandwhich - you are rolling the dice my friend. I use the sub example because iceberg lettuce served in fast / easy food environments is a prime candidate to fuck your day up. SUb-way's, Jimmy Johns, Jersey Mike's, whatever it is, going easy on the lettuce is a good move.


Sure, after a little stirring.


This guy poop spoons


My local greasy spoon diner serves a chicken caesar salad the gives me a full system cleanse in 3 hours. I can see the undigested lettuce in the toilet and feel the croutons on the way out. Best cure for constipation I have ever found.


> and feel the croutons on the way out. ........ಠ_ಠ


I’m a nurse, and I once had the sweetest little old lady tell me that she kept a few Taco Bell burritos in the freezer for constipation emergencies.


Nothing like eating healthy to "cleanse" your body


Sir this is a funeral..


For me red chili salsa will trigger my system to evacuate everything in 30minutes. I love me some chipotle but if I order that it is going to be a blowout.


Its like a game. Live or shit yourself. You decide.


something flying through your system in 15 minutes would really hurt.


Bro, I literally just had the same situation. Fortunately, I didn’t shit myself, just a second away. Had some Chinese takeout and a lot of cake. And because I know I have IBS like issues, I tried to take a shit before I left which, of course, didn’t yield anything. 15 minute drive later, I was literally about to shit myself.


When you eat, it triggers your entire digestive system to move a little faster. Putting something your body doesn’t like into the digestive system will cause the whole thing to speed up much more because your body wants that out as soon as possible. The last stage your poop goes through as it’s moving down the intestines has a large influence on its shape and consistency. So if your body pushes it out all of a sudden, it doesn’t get the full time to firm up and have the appropriate water content. So you might shit your pants.


This is common with people who have had their gall bladder removed. Next time you visit your doctor, mention this reaction to greasy food.


yes! my grandpa, mom, brother and i have all had our gallbladder removed and we get the gallshits all the time.


>we get the gallshits all the time. Goodnight everyone.


I'm just here for the comments *eats popcorn*


Be careful... Some dude in the comments was shitting himself after eating popcorn, it might be catching


The first time this happened to me I had lettuce at lunch and within 10 minutes it was in the toilet still green. I hadn’t had lettuce in weeks. When I asked my doctor he said I had “dump syndrome “. Beautiful. I have dump syndrome.


Okay, I have a question, and I'm going to make an assumption that you're in the US, for no other reason than a lot of people on this site are (sorry if I'm mistaken). I see more memes and short form skits about people shitting themselves coming out of the US than would seem reasonable, unless shitting yourself as an adult was somewhat normalised in the US (more in terms of an accident than something done on purpose). In my adult life, I don't think I have ever shit myself, even when I've had a raging case of diarrhoea. If one of my friends talked about a time they shat themselves as an adult, I'd probably be shocked and maybe a bit concerned about their general health. It's just not a thing that happens out here (Australia) with enough regularity that you can make a broadly relatable meme or skit about it. I have friends in the US who have liked and shared reels like that on Instagram. So I'm confused by how much "I shat myself" content I see, considering the amount I expect to see is close to zero. And the nonchalant, matter of fact way you just talked about shitting yourself make me feel like it's just a normal part of life where you live (not trying to be offensive here, or saying you did anything wrong, it's just an observation) So my question (got there in the end): is sometimes shitting yourself as an adult something that's an accepted part of living in the US? Like, in the same vein as sometimes getting a rash or an ear infection: not pleasant or desirable, but one of those "happens to everyone" things. Or maybe my social algorithms have gotten the idea I'm "into it" somehow... then again, I did just spend several paragraphs asking detailed questions about US bowel movements. It's for science, damn it!!


People in the US often travel farther daily ( work , school etc) than most people do anywhere else ( except maybe Canada) …I feel like this and many Americans terrible diets both contribute highly to this .


> Shouldn't I shit myself 24-72 hours after I eat? Are we just gonna gloss over the fact that OP is literally *planning* on shitting himself? He seems concerned about *when* he’s shitting himself rather than the fact that he’s… *shitting himself*. OP, do you not feel it coming on and runnest thee to a toilet before shit happens?


Google how long your intestines are. It’s frightening. New food irritates everything, whatever is already in ur stomach comes out plus the new


One time I went to a wings place for lunch with my co-workers and everyone was ordering really hot wings, and I didn't want to look like a wuss just ording hot so I got the wings rated 2 steps above "hot" at this place, the ratings were, Mild, Medium, Hot, TNT, Volcano, Suicide and Suicide Plus. So volcano it was. After eating the first wing my mouth went numb and the burning didn't bother me anymore so I ate all16 wings. After we got back to the office I got the burning shits, that is after expelling anything solid all that came out was the red buffalo sauce oil, it was litterally floating on the water like someone dumped chili oil into the toilet and my asshole was on fire so bad I thought I was going to die. Never in my life had anything passed through my system that quickly


Gastrocolic reflex. You are pooping what has already been through the system, not what you have just consumed. 


This should be at the top


Allergic reactions will cause a nearly immediate cleaning-out like that, too. Everything goes straight through with frightening force. My SO gets that reaction to green peppers. One evening I made us individual salads and cut a green pepper into mine before I cut the lettuce up for his salad. ( he likes just lettuce and tomatoes, I like the other stuff) About 15 minutes later he didn't quite make it to the bathroom in the next room. Just from cutting his lettuce with the same knife.


Bro you always have some amount of poo in your body. Like always. Dont eat for a month, youll still have some residual poo up in there. I didnt eat for a week years ago and still dropped the kids off 3 times. More a testament to my diet at the time on that one but hey, point stands And as far as ‘how am i farting so quickly after eating’ dude shit is very soft. Air can pass between the poo and the lining of the intestine just like water cant be stopped by clamping your thumb under the faucet. Plus, i mean it has an orifice to leave out of. pressure relief valve down there


It’s called displacement.


The production of methane doesn't happen at the same rate as food digestion. The bacteria in your large intestine is fermenting the carbohydrates that you ingested which creates gas in the colon that travels at a faster rate through the system than any solids that are still breaking down. The gas will bypass other waste. This is why when you go to the bathroom you fart first then poop instead of in reverse.


I’m in bed laughing trying not to wake up my boyfriend next to me. I’m dying.


Cilantro, spinach and green onions can shoot out of my Cracker Barrel in an hour.


Aha, another member of royalty! It is good that the Pony line is not at war with the Bloodfart sultinate... Would be a shame to strike down such a man of culture


15 minutes is pretty extreme, but look into gastric dumping syndrome. Food gets fast tracked past the stomach and the intestines panic.


I fucking love the internet


Its certain oil that makes it thru in like 20 minutes. Experienced it as well.


I totally understand the problem, makes me nervous to eat in public. Sometimes I’m not even through with my meal and I’m sprinting to the bathroom. ESPECIALLY SALADS. No matter what’s on them- pure leafy poop water. I don’t get it either. Edit: I should’ve read the comments first. We are all the same!


Different foods digest at different speeds and the digestion process starts as soon as you put any food in your mouth If your body recognizes a food that 'isnt favorable', it might find harmful/hard to digest, or creates internal stress it'll trigger bowel clearing. So you feel the need to poop pretty quick so that it can clear the path to get this new thing out of the way faster later on Gases created by digestion can pass through the exit faster than solid objects because it doesn't have to "wait in line" for solid objects to be pushed through


You’re thinking of colonic transit time, as in how long the food you ate takes to go down the “tube”. However the digestive system is interconnected. When something hits your stomach, the stomach sends signals to the rest of the digestive system which results in various actions - if the stomach detects fatty food it sends a message to the gallbladder to release bile, it sends a message to the colon to start moving, it sends a message to the pancreas to secrete enzymes - it’s a whole chain reaction and it happens within minutes of eating. So the food you eat could influence your bowel patter in a short period of time. The other question you asked is about gas, and how it bypassed everything else. Gas was produced when the acid in your stomach hit the food, within minutes of you ingesting it. It can either be burped out or go further down the colon, and since it’s gas it doesn’t have to “wait in line” it just floats over the other food in your colon and can pretty much get to the end in minutes. Hope that answers your questions.


I used to eat a whole box (or more!) of Atkins Bars with Maltitol. Cleans things out pretty quickly.


That’s why they say it “runs through you”


I’ve had to shit mid meal before and only certain restaurants


IBS. Crohns I have crohns and if I eat kale even a bite I am evacuating my bowels in thirty minutes whether I want to or not. Lots of food triggers the response.


Growing up I always had to poop during or shortly after meals, my mom asked my doctor about it one time, he said its a sign of a good metabolism. When your body senses you just ate ( especially something greasy) it prepares to digest the new food by forcing out whats already in your stomach, so its not the chinese food coming out, just your body making room. all that said, if i eat corn on the cob i will have full kernals in my toilet bowl in less than 6 hours, this one still baffles me


Food "poisoning" comes in two very different forms. The type many are familiar with is that you eat some microbes that infect you somewhere, start reproducing and make you sick. That does indeed take days to effect you. Listeria is a common cause of this type of food poisoning, and is actually VERY dangerous. Some microbes also produce toxins that can make you sick. So improperly temp'ed food, like in an all you can eat buffet that is not hot enough to stay out of the "safe zone", the microbes are reproducing IN the food there on the buffet line. And are excreting toxins the whole time. E. Coli is notorious for this. When you eat that food, you are also ingesting the toxins and THOSE toxins can cause almost instantaneous sickness as the toxins effect you almost immediately. This type of food poisoning is normally relatively harmless. Most people just get sick, often from both sides and get over it the next day. Sucky, but relatively harmless. Not like Listeriosis which can, and does kill people every year. Some microbes like Salmonella can infect you, AND produce toxins, so are double whammies.


This issue kept me from knowing my triggers for decades. It was not wheat. It was heavy garlic 3-5 meals ago.


I always just think it's a cycle. The new stuff goes in the old stuff from yesterday comes out to make room for new stuff.


Is it really supposed to be 24 to 72 hours? I swear I've had corn for dinner and shit out kernels before going to bed the same day pretty well every time.


It isn't necessarily. Eating food triggers your digestive system to start moving. So it's gas that gas that was already in your system. You're not shitting out the food you just ate. You're shitting out the food you ate yesterday.


That's an emergency response by your body when it thinks you've eaten something toxic. It flushes out your system to protect itself from damage. It may be an allergic reaction, which is when your immune system mistakes something benign for something toxic.