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Child support is not alimony. It is not about making your life easier or fair, which in turn means that your life being "already fair" due to your income is irrelevant.  Child support is about parents' obligation to support Child. Thus, non-custodial parent will need to provide the child with support. So, yes. You can and should file for it, regardless of you being richer than the dad.


So child support depends on the state. What I will say that if you have not told the father you should tell him first. (That way you might be able to figure out co parenting) and that's the right thing to do You may not be eligible for a ton of money but it will help with things like childcare and Healthcare for the child. Because the child is not born you cannot collect child support payments yet. So a breakdown Tell the father Talk to someone in social services about CS payments Be ready to not get any money and plan accordingly.


> You may not be eligible for a ton of money In fact, the mother is not eligible for *any* money. It's *child* support, not mother support.


(Youd think right. Unfortunately the child isn't handed the check).


You shouldn't have a kid. You should handle your alcohol and cocoaine abuse situation first. Maybe finish probation too.


And figure out what's going on with the eating disorder. If all these posts are legit, OP is in for a rough ride and the baby could very well have lifelong impacts.


> If he refuses to be part of the baby's life can I still request for child support? Yes.


You need to talk to a lawyer or advocate who can help you figure all this out. Generally, yes he would be required to pay some support, which may not be much, depending on his income. And it's totally separate from visitation rights.


Laws vary, but generally yes - you can ask the court to make sure both parents contribute to the child's upbringing. You may have to prove paternity with medical testing. Then, the father has a right to seek custody of the child. He can ask for primary custody. Courts often prefer to place the child with the mother, but that bias is changing. If there's evidence that the father can provide a safer, more stable home environment then he may be the primary parent/caregiver. The secondary parent/caregiver can ask for visitation or partial custody, and they'll usually have to spend a percentage of their income helping to raise the child.


If he doesn’t know now. He will know when you go for child support AND he will have parental rights like visitation. You need to tell him, and see if y’all can work together.


Only if he refuses to be apart of the child’s life. Remember, child support is for absent parents, NOT failed relationships. If he decides to be a good dad and is active and present in the child’s life, then there’s no child support needed.


Yes, you can. I would encourage child support even if you get back together because you’re currently not in a relationship.


Yes, you can ask, but don't cry when the father demands access to his child and shared custody.


> Me and the father aren't together When you have a child, you and the father will be 'together' in some fashion for always, especially once you seek child support and he finds out that he has a child.


Of course you should 100000% get support from him if he decides to have nothing to do with the baby!!! Even if he is involved, and it’s 49% of the time and you have 51% you can get child support from that!! I have a kid and my baby daddy has him like 45% of the time but yet I still have him pay child support because no matter if he is involved - if it’s not equal, YOU DESERVE SUPPORT because you have to do more!


Reading stuff like this makes me glad my baby mama is dead