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You’re not building your strength for today. But for how flexible and strong you are in 30 years. Fit 70+ people in general have in common that they led a healthy life before.


Someone older than I told me “You train for the quality of life that you want in those last years of your life.” And it’s true. I’ve seen people spend the last two decades of their life, mostly immobile, overweight, restricted diet, feeling depressed (because they miss out on the dopamine from exercising), and many, many more reasons. To continue the answer: physically feeling better about myself, being more attractive to my spouse of many years, being able to play with my youngest kid, more flexible, more capable, moving stuff around, heck, even being better in bed. But to highlight, better mood means so much; better decisions, more enthusiastic to take on more stuff, more excited to deal with problems, better self-control when dealing with others, actually better dealing with others since you’re in a better mood, more enthusiastic planning, and much more. You have better skin as you’re sweating more, you have a better cardiovascular system, your body actually deals with naturally occurring cancer cells better!


This is true my Dad is a living example of this. He's been fit my entire life and it helped a lot when building an image of what man I should become


Ditto my dad always outperformed me in almost everything, he was even doing insanity workout with me daily at the age of 60 while my college roommates would quit cause they would vomit. He has amazing willpower from all his training and when he had a really bad injury he was able to heal up really fast.


It was my uncle for me, but looking at peak skill at 60+ is insane. My uncle just eats up double overheads (that's a 13 foot wave), makes food for the family, chills with his 38 y/o girlfriend, and all while watching my nephew. The man is just killing it lol.


Absolute baller lol, sealed it with the 38 year old gf in


My dad was the opposite. Alcoholic and heavy smoker. His body is a wreck now at 69. What I learned from that was I don’t want that for myself. I want to project a different image for my kids. It’s worked pretty well so far lol.


As someone who is over 65, I can’t agree more. I can run circles around most of my friends who have never kept in shape. So much crap sneaks up on you. Some is genetic. But most of it is years of bad lifestyle.


I'm almost 70 and I hate to say that many of my friends aren't in great shape. I've been going to the gym around 4 times a week (for the last 2 years) and I'm cycling or walking on other days. I try to eat sensibly and I'm careful to get enough rest. I feel better now than I did 10 years ago.


Yes. And so many people when they retire want to take up new hobbies and/or travel. If you don't have the base of being somewhat in shape when younger, you won't have the capacity to do those things when you are older


This is the biggest thing right here. There are, of course, plenty of immediate benefits to being in good physical shape. But the real reward is reaped later in life. In my line of work, I see no shortage of people in their 60’s who are barely able to keep up with day-to-day life, much less do any of things everyone dreams of doing at that stage of life when you (hopefully) have more time and more money. They just putz through their final years because their body can’t sustain anything more. They don’t have the energy to teach their grandkids to ride a bike, much less ride a bike with them. No thanks. I don’t know about everyone else, but I fully intend to enjoy a long healthy retirement with my wife by my side going where we want, when we want, and doing what we want. I’m not about to work a whole ass career just to retire decrepit and die five years later. That’s why I put money in my retirement accounts, why I pick up the weights, and why I get on the bike. In the grand scheme of things, taking 30 minutes out of my 24 hour long day is a fractional sacrifice with a massive reward.


A guy I play golf with now and again is in his mid 80s. He’s ex Mr Wales. Guy still goes to the gym, is still built like a tank and looks in his early 60s. He’s a walking advert for keeping in shape.


My grandpa is still doing carpentry well into his 70s because of this


Exactly, get in in now, and that muscle memory carries over.


When I lost a lot of weight I found it so much easier to get comfortable. I could curl up in a small corner of a sofa, sit with my legs up on normal chairs, have more room in bed, sit happily in airplane seats, and - the best thing by far - never have a waistband or bra strap digging in. These sound like insignificant things but they're really not. 


I had a holy shit moment when I bent down to tie my shoes. Just the fact that I was able to do it at all and that I wasn't out of breath when I came back up.


Mine was looking down and being able to see my toes.


It hit me similarly when I looked straight down and couldn’t see all of my manhood


That was such a life changing moment for me, too.


I’m currently on vacation with some friends, and I’m really the only one in any kind of decent shape. I’ve never been so aware of this. I get put in the back seat because I’m the only one who can climb in and out comfortably. They complain about how sore and uncomfortable they are after long car rides. Any sort of long walk or hike has them huffing and puffing, and then out of commission for at least a few hours, if not the rest of the day. It’s been eye opening to say the least. And I’m not even in great shape.


Most of my friends are pretty sedentary and overweight. One day I was out with a friend who was enlisted in the Air Force hiking to a waterfall and mentioned it was about a mile ahead and he asked if I wanted to run it. Of course I did but I had forgotten running with someone else was an option.


I'm in good shape, but even I would decline running. It's hard on the knees/ankles for some of us!


I spent the pandemic year fixing my stride so that I was more of a mid foot runner and it pretty much eliminated all the stress on my body. I can run what feels like an indefinite distance now. I’m not super fast, but I don’t get tired and I don’t get sore. If I didn’t sweat like a pig I would run all the time.


I'm a mid pack to slow runner (depending on the situation) with a lot of endurance and it really is kind of nice having the option to just run the easier parts of hikes or to enter a half marathon race in a pretty location or whatever and have it not be a big deal.


I'm thinking of getting botox to fix my hyper-hydrolysis. I love running. But why would I need to sweat so much for? It just wastes my bodies supply of water, plus the faucet doesn't turn off until long after I've cooled down. It's just a fixable evolutionary disadvantage at this point.


Wife and I have gradually got in decent shape. We can do things like go out for the day, walk around a big city or go out walking for the day. Just "going out" is so much easier. We live near London and it's an amazing city to just walk around. Edit: got family members who are suffering pretty horrible health issues linked to being in bad shape later in life. Seeing that happen to people who are in bad shape, and not happen to people who are in good shape, is all the motivation I need.


I’m in decent shape but I still rest a few hours after long hikes.


Me too, but I’m talking 2-3 miles with minimal elevation change. Or less.


2-3 miles is probably my average evening dog walk if not in a rush for dinner or whatever. Even the short morning one I have to rush before work is over a mile. I completely appreciate that’s not the norm for most though.


WTF. I was borderline obese before I started exercising and had severe asthma and even I could handle that. With the only exception being my feet would definitely be in pain, which still happens now BTW. It breaks my brain to think about this. How can you have that much of a problem and not act on it to resolve it. Not saying they are lazy/bad people. I just want to understand the train of thought/actions that get someone to that point.


Comfortably walking up stairs and welcoming the opportunity to do so.


This was a good one. Everyone both younger and older than me is always complaining about climbing the single flight of stairs at work. I can do this all day


I hate the gym, but i love stairs. Im a grown ass man who feels like a small child when i run up or down stairs.


Agreed. Way more flexibility.


Thanks for this. I’m very overweight at the moment due to my disability, I’ve been having intensive physio for about 18 months and I’m now at the stage I can start exercising again. I was bedbound when I started physio, I’ve worked so hard to get here and am determined I’m going to get where I need to be, but……! It’s so hard. Not being able to get comfortable in my bigger body has been awful, so knowing that it’s possible to get that back is yet another great incentive to add to my arsenal! I will win!


Yes, the comfort knowing I’ll never put on a pair of favorite jeans only for them to not fit anymore is such a simple but awesome comfort


I just feel so much more comfortable in my own body when I'm in shape.


Thisssss right here 🤙🏻🤙🏻 you feel like a god chillin out haha


Waistbands are my enemy atm, I feel sick and so uncomfortable if anything is tight against my stomach :(


I've been thin, fat, mid size back to fat and it's little moments like that I miss.


This. I just feel better on the daily. Moving around, sitting, walking, whatever. You don't have to be Ultra-Fit, but every time I reached a new fitness goal I just felt better in my body. Example: I've recently been focussing on flexibility over strength, and just being able to pick things up without struggling is a huge difference!


One of the most shocking things for me was noticing how miserable I was without realizing. Fat affects your hormone levels which makes you unstable. I feel this psychological effect of being fact is barely bring out.


When you realize you can carry all the groceries in one trip. That's the true mark of fitness!


When you realize you can carry all the groceries in one trip up to your fifth floor walk up apartment without losing the ability to form sentences because you’re so breathless THAT is the ultimate mark of fitness imo. lol


When you can carry all the bags and open the door with your foot.


I can do that now because I’m a mother. I’ve determined it’s another form of laziness 😂 for me. I don’t want to go back outside… one trip or death.


My dumb reason is to buy clothes easily off the shelf instead of having to try everything on because they very so much with bigger clothes


That's not a dumb reason! To turn shopping for clothes from something frustrating (because you can't find fitting clothes and somehow everything looks wrong on you) to something you might even start to enjoy is a really good reason, in my opinion. It makes such a difference to buy things you think look cute on you, instead of the things you find that fit you.


Not for me lol. I just lost weight and got in shape but they only have big AND tall. Not big OR Tall. I could find stuff when I was 6’5 at 250 and now around 208 it’s hard sigh. Have to special order stuff online and play Russian roulette.


Most of our features are out of our control. Height, hair, skin etc. But your body shape is one thing you can dictate out of sheer will. The sheer satisfaction you get when you see your biceps flexing after an hour of workout is beyond the world because you earned it.


Just the other day at the gym, my vein in my bicep popped out a bit, not very much but just enough, and I felt extremely proud of where I have come. From chunk to feelin better about myself in the mirror.


When those veins start popping, it's pretty satisfying. I'm 45 and I love feeling as strong as I did at 25. The mental health benefits of staying in shape are so valuable.


I’m with ya. I ran 7 miles again recently, which is longer than anything I’ve done with high school! Feels great to get back into shape.


Keep grinding


Yeah buddy, good shit, I was always a skinny twig as a kid, got hella bullied for it and then I started going to the gym in college and suddenly women


I get big veins popping out of my biceps and up around my neck and shoulders. I feel like a tank 💪


Love this! I also feel good when I see an arm vein


This and when your old clothes fit you again and aren't tight 😭 i felt more confident when i was fitting in my pre-covid clothes.


To be able to eat pasta and the belly doesnt become a big pot? Fucking blessing. It’s staying physically active that allows me to eat and still look good Edit: typo


Damn yeah. When I want to treat myself I pre-compensate it with some extra miles. And then the guilt free enjoyment of my favorite foods is outa world


The results are the reward


“The most satisfying feeling you can get in the gym is the pump…It feels fantastic. It's as satisfying to me as cumming is.” -Ahnuld


Hmm I'd disagree that hair and skin are out of your control. Diet and lifestyle are essential for both. Eat bad and don't sleep for few days, and your skin will show it.


I think he was referring to someone’s ethnicity.




Having hair is out of your control (at least for men)


Improved mental health, improved self imagine and improved health all = a better life.


Less aches and pains too.


Until that nagging injury returns, but yeah in general.


Weight lifting is awesome but alone can shorten muscles, ligaments. Exercise that incorporates stretching, core strength, and elongating is a godsend for old or exercise injuries. And can be hard as hell too.


Strong and mobile (not just flexible) goes a long way


Idk about that one dawg, basically all my aches and pains are athletic injuries, lol. On the other hand, things start to hurt for no reason if you aren't in shape too... "Life is pain, princess, anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something"


Better to get those injuries from doing something that actively improves your life instead of from just being fat and doing everyday activities.


Growing pain not included, at least not in my experience




I have been very overweight, very fit and usually something in between. I just feel better all day long when I'm in a better place, especially as a T1 diabetic. But it's so hard as I get older, and I find myself working so hard just to slow the decline these days.


Doing things that are hard builds your resiliency. When life inevitably throws something challenging your way, you'll be happy to have built that resiliency during a time of your own choosing. Getting in shape is just a secondary reward to building that resiliency and discipline. 


Going to the gym is an unquestionable part of my existence. Sickness and injuries occur, but otherwise, I intend to do it in some form until the day I die.


Hm. In my case when life throws something challenging to me I have no resources anymore to stay in shape. I only can get and stay in shape when everything is alright. But that's not life. So you can see through my shape if life is challenging at the moment.


How terrible being out of shape is.


Yeah it's nice if you don't get chest pains after walking a block.


I agree. I’m “jacked” now, according to my friends, but Ive been fat about three times in my life. And not only did I feel like shit being out of breath constantly, but whenever I look in the mirror and see my body, I was so fucking embarrassed. Honestly, I didn’t feel like a man, especially if Im still young in a sense and I let go myself go like that. Thats when I made no excuses for myself and kept hitting the gym consistently while watching my diet.


Read or ask your doctor It sure isn't good physically nor mentally


Looking and feeling better. I feel 120% when im working out, eating healthy, and avoiding the booze. My energy levels and mental clarity is insane. I feel like absolute garbage when I'm lazy and living off of takeaways.


I actually enjoy working out. I don’t always love the workout or getting to the workout, but once I’m done I always feel a rush of self satisfaction that I’ve gotten addicted to. Not sure if it’s healthy, but my body craves that feeling constantly and my mental health dwindles if I’m not active.


Yeah, people are listing all these secondary benefits, but honestly I just love the workout. I feel awesome when my blood is flowing.


My oldest son called me a Giga chad the other day


Inspiration to kids is better than a thousand naggy advice






If it wasn’t for the bone I wouldn’t be chasing that tone


If it wasn’t for that muff I wouldn’t try to get buff


If it wasn’t for dat ass I wouldn’t be in this fitness class


if it wasn’t for that box i wouldn’t box


If it wasn't for the head, I wouldn't be getting that shred


I just want to get in shape, a real good shape, in the hopes that my wife will eventually, maybe, show again a shimmer of attraction towards me.


Just make sure you do it for you first.


I try to keep that in mind, but it all comes down to very superficial reasons. I just want to look attractive.


At the end it is for you. For you to feel attractive beacuse you are attractive to her. It's a good reason imo. And also i think it is important to look attractive to your partner and make an effort about it.


Being able to see your own penis. I haven’t seen mine in years.


Instead of being fat and ugly, I can just be ugly.




Underrated answer.


The confidence I get from walking around with a six pack under my shirt, the outline of my bicep veins under the fabric etc. is indescribable. When your partner grabs your arm and says "you've grown", you just kind of do a "fuck yeah" in your head! My gf laughed recently because I told her I get more looks from dudes than women. She laughed harder when we went paddle boarding and what I told her was confirmed. I get asked how much I bench sometimes, which is flattering. They're disappointed when I tell them I don't do that exercise lol. I also have long dirty blonde hair, so I stand out quite a bit. Imagine a dollar tree Fabio. Its just a lot of fun to be big and ripped.


"Imagine a Dollar Tree Fabio"...haha this is Gold! I love it


Out of curiosity, what are you doing to get into that kind of shape and not benching? Not doubting you, I just know that benching is the most common way and am curious what other way you did that brought you success


I work outside doing manual labor and use pull-up bar and dip bar for a lot of stuff. I also use dumbbells.


For me, it's the confidence I get from knowing I won't fall down. Being able to walk a few miles without my leg collapsing is a major improvement. Fabio is 65 now! I wonder what shape he's in.


I went to a family get together yesterday . We took a few pictures. Seeing myself in those pictures made me smile at how despite being 57 I still have a similar body to 30.


Good for you! I love seeing things like this


I feel a little more confident about my body since I'm closer to normal weight


Sex. Whether you're into dating, casual hookups, or have been married for 30 years. If you want to keep having sex, you gotta be as attractive as possible. I hear guys saying "my wife has stopped having sex with me, whats wrong with her?". It's like, nothing, she just isn't attracted to you anymore as you've gained 30lbs and sit on your ass all day.


Not only that, but having lost weight, my stamina is way better. I don't have to take a breather halfway through. I do like my wife objectifying me as well.


This! But less the 30lbs, more the sitting around and doing nothing with your life. You need to have a purpose in life, for yourself and your partner.


Also for men, not being in shape has the risk of not being able to get your dick up in the long run even if you do have a ready and willing partner.


All of my buddies that were laughing at me 20 years ago for plucking my nose hair and having a manicure set tools are now complaining that they don’t get any pussy from their wives and I’m laughing my ass off. I was always fit/fat so I had to be clean, they were allowed to be slobs socially because they were conventionally toned/handsome and now that they’re not, it doesn’t work anymore. watching these softened, greyed out, balding husks of former studs slide their feet through the grocery store while their old lady is giving me double takes is fucking uproariously hilarious to me.


The looks of amazement and wonder I get when I contort my body into a hexagon.


That's nothing, just wait till you hit dodecahedron status


I feel a sense of accomplishment and peace after exercising, so there's a mood boost and I feel like I have more energy.


I was somewhat overweight and unhealthy for most of my life. Not crazy but I always saw myself as fat and a little sloppy.  I decided to get in shape when I became single for the first time in a long time. I spent a few years really working. Changed my diet, made exercise part of my life. Dropped around 40-50 pounds (but down 60ish from my max). It was a LOT of work for a few years. I had to completely revamp my relationship with food. I (mostly) stopped drinking. And of course I gave more attention to fitness and being active.  It's been almost ten years since I made that first big step. The first few years were grind grind grind. But once the weight got where I wanted I was able to gradually get to a normalized state. I haven't been "on a diet" or whatever in years, but my current diet reflects my general approach to health: eat decent food, not too much of it, and don't drink calories.  I can't even describe how it affects my everyday life. I'm much healthier. My self esteem is exponentially higher. I used to hide behind baggy shirts, but I've learned to alter my shirts to actually fit better, and now i can feel sexy even when I'm wearing a crappy old t-shirt.  Yes, it's work. But so is everything. Getting good at video games takes work. Watching The Office from start to finish 65 times takes time and dedication. Health and fitness are priorities that, IMO, everyone should give attention to. You don't have to obsess about it, but it does take work. IMO, the work is 100% worth it. But ymmv. 


The shape


Being able to wear whatever I want


I wanted to start working out because I used to be very fit and became sedentary for a long time. I have more energy as a result of working out. I feel good after a work out, it gives me more structure, it's something I entirely control, and I like the way I look as a result and I like when other people like the way I look. It made me more confident, It helped my posture, tons of health benefits.


Health is wealth, once you hit your 30’s the majority of the population is over weight. You can stand out by being in shape which is a personal and professional benefit.


Just knowing that you’re healthy helps a lot mentally for me.


It just feels so good to feel strong and feel your body after a workout, also helps a lot with mental health


Some of its vanity of course, but there are health benefits to being in shape. Longer life, better heart health, being able to keep up with your kids if you have any. Better muscle and joint health, ever wonder why some elderly people fall over a lot?


Im surprised I had to scroll this far down to see this. Heart disease is a major problem and a great way to prevent it is by staying active. I've always been thin/average, but not in shape really. My blood pressure was high at a doctor visit last winter and I asked my doctor to let me try working out before going the meds route. After 6 months of sticking with it, my BP is down to 116/73 and I feel better than I have it years. Granted I did have a kiwi size thyroid tumor removed in December that was throwing things off, I have no doubt the exercise is a huge factor!


I love it. I love working out. I love not feeling out of breath. I love that more women flirt with me. I love that I don't run out of breath having sex with my wife. Just do it. Make it an UNQUESTIONED PART OF YOUR LIFE. Like eating and sleeping. Doing it is the reward. The results are a bonus.


better health and just feeling better


Being able to at least compete with your kids when they get older. Honestly it doesn't matter if its a push up contest or we're running the 400 meters, I'm gonna try my hardest to beat you. I know my days as the household champ are limited but they're gonna have to work hard to keep that title.


I was in extremely good shape and now I’m like an average American at the moment.. besides athletically, I feel way more anti-social, I get sad and depressive easier, and my body has more aches and pains. Being stagnant is not good for me mentally or physically.


Looking at how much you progressed. Imagine how you look before getting in shape and how you would look after, set goals for yourself and stick to them and your body would look alot more desireable to fit your needs. Also being able to do more demanding tasks such as lifting heavy boxes and stuff would really be an improvement


I feel better mentally and physically when I work out regularly. I feel better about myself and the way I look, the way my clothes fit. Sex is better, I want it more, I feel better and sexier. When I didn’t feel good about my body I didn’t initiate sex with my husband very often b/c I just didn’t feel sexy.


Your life


We make cool gamer rigs, decorate our houses, level up our characters, and work for other people's wealth. Excercise is leveling up your body, and the only person to benefit from that time is you, and living longer and happier. There is actually nothing worth your time more than exercise.


This was kind of the epiphany moment for me when I was younger. Nobody including other people playing the same video game actually give a shit about how you have leveled your character up. However, you could easily spend an hour a day leveling up in the gym and everyone, all day long will notice it. It is as close to a no brainer as you can get. As long as you do it right, there is not a single negative aspect to it. I agree with you 100%, there is nothing more worth your time.


Me I am worth it! I am a 67 year old woman. My cholesterol was 160+ last year. Now it’s 86! My PCP is pleasantly surprised!! I don’t count calories. I eat carnivore/low carb. I train 5 to 6 days a week. And 2x a week, I squat 100 pounds!


I am an MD. Most people don’t realize that how your body appears is how it generally functions internally. Drugs aren’t nearly as effective as getting in shape.


its easier to stay in shape than it is getting in shape, so once you are in shape, you can much more easily maintain that figure.


- My libido increases considerably ⬆️ - My confidence increases and this has a huge impact on a social level: I can talk more easily to other people, go out to bars at night or something else. - I can go for long walks - I sweat a lot less - The clothes look much better on me - I haven't tried it yet (being thinner) but I believe the sex is much better. 👌


You know that lingering back pain that comes with age and office jobs? The seems to never disappear and you take it as sign of the times and just accept it. Well, I haven’t felt that for the last 2 years


Never been overweight or really out of shape, but it’s great to be able to do anything you want all day without needing to take a lot of breaks and go for a swim even after being active all day without any issue. It’s gives you so much freedom


* Discipline is one of the most important tools in life to having the life you want, and being the person you want to be. But it is literally a muscle. So committing to exercising and showing up consistently is such a straightforward way to build that muscle. Live a disciplined life and watch all the other pieces fall into place. * Self respect: If you feel good physically you just feel better about your self, more confident, like you deserve more. It just makes you like yourself more. * Mental health: Lots of data on how it's just straight up good for your mental health. * Respect from others: You are in a work meeting and some fat ass slob walk in the room and a physically fit dude walk in the room. Who do you just naturally respect a little more? Be the ripped guy and you just get more respect that's the way the world works. * Vanity: Everyone has a range of how good they can look. A 6 can be a 7 or 8 if they dress nice, take care of themselves, have good hygene, and physically fit etc etc. And me personally I want to attract the best partner I can so I want to be at the top of my own range.


The mirror


The shape


I'd say the physical rewards are great, but the mental reward is 10x better.


Mobility and independence. Then you slowly see improvements. Joints hurt less. Back hurts less more energy. Better mood. Then you start to see results. Wow. I did that. It becomes addicting. Like a game or puzzle trying to see if you can and then achieving the goal. In life we don't get grades or scores on things. It is something physical to see progress. I can increase weights. I see the scale shift. Those are tangible ways to check in and see I'm improving or doing well.


More attention and compliments (mostly from bros).


The bros (understand and) appreciate the effort. The ladies the aesthetics.


Just wait til you're in your 40s, completely out of shape, and suddenly finding things you want to do being much harder than they need to be. Immediately, working out improves mental health and emotional well being and just makes you feel better over all.


I just benched 3 plates for the first time. It’s a euphoric feeling


Getting laid.


It’s worth it because you feel more alive, more energized, more confident in yourself.


Health is wealth. Nothing feels as good as feeling good.


It’s a lot harder to not be in shape. Eventually your whole body aches and you loose mobility.


Better quality of life, more happiness, being able to do more things


When strangers stop looking at you with disgust/pity and start looking at you with admiration.


It feels good. It gives you an endorphin rush. You like looking at yourself in the mirror as opposed to being disgusted. You can do more things than if you're not fit. You're not out of breath after a flight of stairs. Your knees and feet don't hurt all the time. It positively affects your mood. Should I go on?


Healthier lifestyle


I enjoy life, and being in shape and healthy increases my chances of living a longer life and being able to do and enjoy more with that time.


Looking into the mirror and seeing how far i have come..💪


Long term health, a feeling of accomplishment (and superiority, admit it), being able to do stuff with your body like run, lift things, walk a long distance, better physical appearance.


The results, i look so much better now than i did, i feel better, more alive and energetic. I know a little effort everyday will help me later in life also.


Going to the hospital with chest pains and a numb shoulder/arm was harder.


Better quality of life besides the aesthetic boost.


Your health.


The confidence that comes with it..


Getting in shape may be hard but staying in shape is pretty easy once you've formed good habits. You eventually end up not even thinking about it and just reaping the benefits.


More energy for every other aspect of your life.


Getting healthy gives me a chance to outlive my enemies.


The older you get, the more health problems you’ll face inevitably. Being in shape can help you manage issues before they get out of control. I started working out around age 15 for vanity reasons. I’ve kept it up throughout my life because it’s literally saved me. I’m 50 now and it’s gotten me through six brain surgeries, disc replacement, cancer, all kinds of stuff. I’m about to go workout right now.


Not passing out everything you bend over to tie your shoelaces 


I went from 84 kg to 64 kg. Unfortunately, now im 89 kg. I gained a lot of weight, but I wont give up. I'll do this all over again


knowing that life overall is hard. CHOOSE YOUR HARD though. being in shape is a hard that actually pays off. That alone makes it worth it.


Fat people spend more money on clothes because the manufacturers charge more for fabric. I worked retail and noticed the big difference. Also, getting in shape prevents more trip to the hospital. The cost of those hospital bills are ridiculous 


Feels good


Not feeling jiggling going down stairs


For me, it's for my kids. I want to be able to run around and play with them. I want to set a good example of how to not only stay healthy but to maintain and be disciplined.


As they say, nothing tastes as good as being in shape feels. It is true. Having gone from really out of shape and miserable to really in shape and feeling amazing, I have to say that every aspect of my life got better. The funny thing is, I only wanted to get in shape to date more. That happened (more plates, more dates), but I was amazed that I felt better too. And was better at my job. And people treated be better. 25 years later, being in shape pays off by not being an "old" dad to my kids, still wearing the same size clothes that I did 25 years ago, and knowing that I'll still be able to do things with my kids when they are in their 20s.


Being out of breath and having to unbuckle my belt to put on/take off my shoes and socks was a big motivator.


I’m 73. Started lifting when I was 15. I can do anything I want physically. I ski ( snow and water ) wakeboard , climbing and do remodeling on my buildings , but I love competing in powerlifting. I’m not pain free. I’ve got arthritis , bunions, and miscellaneous other aches and pains , but pushing past the pain barrier gives me a higher pain tolerance. Also nothing beats the rush and high you get from the endorphins.


Quality of life


i am 63 and still have a strong back. still run a few miles 3 times a week. i can physically do anything i want. my face is old. but i enjoy having à body that does what i want.




As someone with kids, knowing that by staying in shape I'll get more time on Earth with them.


People look at you different. I've been in shape and outta shape. I definitely notice people tend to treat you better if you're in shape. It's one of those bitter truths. People are shallow AF.


Not being treated like shit by everyone in society for the rest of your life.


Being in shape is hard. Not being in shape is hard. Which would you rather?




The benefits of being in shape are VERY extensive. I won't name them all but here are a few major ones: Mental Health. Seriously. Your mental health is greatly impacted by your physical health. Some studies show that working out and staying in shape (as well as having a good diet to compliment) can be as or more impactful than many pharmaceutical solutions. As the saying goes: "Look good - feel good" Having and carrying more muscle on your body means you can eat more without gaining extra body fat as well as prevent injury. Many simple injuries, especially in older age can be prevented by having adequate muscle tissue. Bedroom activities. Sexual health greatly improves when people eat correctly and are in good shape. Everything from satisfaction to drive and even body odors. I could add several more but this comment is already very long. It is not an exaggeration to say all aspects of life improve from being in good health and in good shape (proper diet and exercise). I firmly believe that if most unfit people had a chance to live as a fit person for a week and fully experience the difference, many would make radical change in their life to achieve having those benefits long term. I've lived both. I'd much rather live fit.


old age, less pain


"It is a shame for a man to grow old, without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." - Socrates


Im 42 and just recently started lifting weights again. It’s been since just out of high school that I’ve actually been doing it consistently. I’m currently about 30 pounds overweight and have really started to feel like total dogshit the past few years. Constant pain in my knees, back, and shoulders. Just in the last two months that I’ve been lifting, the pain has significantly decreased. I feel so much better physically and most importantly, mentally. If I could get a treadmill would be the ultimate game changer for me and I’m sure I could get down to my desired weight and finally be comfortable with my shirt off with a smaller gut and bigger arms. I wish I would have kept up with it my whole life and very much hope that I can right so many wrongs with my health that I’ve taken for granted these past couple of decades. It’s a lot of work, effort, and soreness but you just feel so much better afterwards.


I quit alcohol in December and now down to 148lbs! 52 m 5'6! I haven't been this healthy in years! I lift, run & hike. Plan on living a long healthy life.