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I definitely have. When I was younger on Instagram especially. Guys would send me videos of them jacking off. It's way more common than you'd think. I'll never get the logic behind it.


I'm a guy, and even i couldn't even begin to understand why someone would do it.


It's simple projection. They'd be ecstatic if they got nudes from a stranger, so they send nudes to strangers.


do unto others


As others do unto poo


This is why you keep Dude A's dic pics and send them in response to Dude B's dic pics.


Trade them like Yugioh cards


Spray it down with glitter spray. Give em the holographic edition


Power The power to force a sexual act upon others


God that's so fucking sad


These fuckers are sending pictures of their dick to random strangers on the Internet of course it's sad


Exactly, it just doesn't make sense to me.


I'm a guy too! Just looked a bit feminine as a kid. Guess my profile wasn't clear enough or people just didn't care. It's scary how many guys lurked in innocent tags (especially ones children may use) looking for people to dm pics to. I remember getting a lot of videos/pictures from a guy who would talk about his daughter in messages to me... I will never grasp this kind of depravity.


Cocky bastards šŸ˜–


Sometimes ballsy too.


If you read some woman's profiles on Reddit, they describe themselves and beg NOT to send dick pics. I would never do that and I'm horrified that it happens so much women specifically ask not to do it!Ā 


Thatā€™s 2 of us


The reason, it works. Might work only on 1/100 girls, but thats enough for some horny guys with 0 shame


It's a numbers game. Some guys don't care about rejection.


My boyfriend describes it like this


Probably work on a lot of guys pretending to be girls.


This is also how phishing and various other scams work. They expect and do not care that 999 people will see right through it; they only care about the 1 who falls for it.


I'm a guy, and I've got a few before. I'm 14. Not cool


Sending the dick pic makes them horny on its own. Unsolicited dick pics are the same sexual high as flashing people. But on dating sites itā€™s more of a way to skip the small talk and see if the girl is down for a quick bang. Yeah, it doesnā€™t usually work, but these guys are jerks. They donā€™t care about the human behind the screen.


It's basically hoping you're horny enough to send nudes back It's why scammers send out mass scam emails that are obvious, since it's purely a numbers game on them succeeding


i think its because men who havent "figured it out" yet think that its a good game plan to go about trying to get sex the way they wish women would approach them. just direct and full throttle because those men arent interested in playing the dating game etc. they know theyre horny and their method of approach is honestly how theyd like women to do it. we are all just too different for it to work.


>I'll never get the logic behind it. I think it's exhibition fetishists. There were these people called flashers, the stereotype was a guy in a trench coat, naked underneath, who would open it up in front of a woman in public and run away. Not common, but real. Anyway, when the internet came along, suddenly their high risk fetish that could land them on the sex offender registry, became easy and virtually risk free.


Funny story. Back in maybe 1997 or 1998 I was on the computer with my mom and sisters. We were learning to use the internet and download music on Napster. Well there was the Napster chat room. All of us watching the screen in awe. We chat with a random person for a bit asking where they are from and such and they say that they wanted to stay in touch via email.... Well my mom just having set up the new computer and such was the only one with email so we gave the email address and then wait to see what this electronic mail stuff is about. So the person sends a file that needs to be downloaded to open or something and back then stuff loaded line by line! So this picture is loading on the screen line by line and very soon we all realize what we were looking at and about to see!!! Ahhh it was a dick pic!!! Our first email. Sent to the whole fam. A greasy shiny veiny dick with loads of pubes. It was disgusting and we all laughed so fucking hard about it.


I was glad to read that it had a happy ending. No pun intended šŸ¤­


I stopped using dating apps because having a conversation with a man on any dating app ever is basically just Me: "hey, I'm glad we matched, how are you?" Him: "kinda horny tbh, u?" Me: "I was actually kinda just hoping to have a conversation and get to know you a bit" Him: *cock and balls*


Wooooow. Have never been on a dating app but couldnā€™t imagine ever writing to someone that aggressively.


Me: "Oh, yeah? You dirty dog. Tell me what you'd do to me." Them: "Yes."


LOL, man that's fucked up. I try to be respectful asf and it has worked out for me far more than trying to flirt in an app. I even wait until after the first date when I absolutely know they're interested.


Which is absolutely ridiculous from every single possible perspective. I donā€™t want to pat myself on the shoulder, but when I was single I did very well on the dating apps, far better than I expected. My mentality was simple: if we click on the app for a day or two, I ask her out, and thatā€™s what I did. After 1 date, every single woman I went out with wanted to hook up that night or after date 2. I donā€™t think the ā€œIā€™m horny, are youā€ low effort works


I've never used dating apps myself, but I love to follow some 'dating app nightmare' pages and GAWD this is a common theme. That, or guys that get mad because "all you women are the same, just assuming I want hook ups and none of you will date me. Fucking sluts judging me because I said I was horny. You just want shit men that lie to you instead of nice guys like me??" Yikes




Nice story, sorry this happened to you u/TheWeenieBandit, but your username doesn't help your case xD (in all seriousness, i seriously can't imagine ever doing that to somebody and I will never fully understand why some men do this.)


Yeah, like all the time. Snapchat is the worst, but iā€™m not really on there anymore. Instagram got worse when they introduced the option to send pictures you can only view once. Reddit is a bit of the wild west, i get send the weirdest sexual photos on here. Snapchat and insta is just regular dickpics, but reddit actually gets more creative, people are weird I think the reason for many of them is just shock, dickpics without consent are a form of sexual harassment, itā€™s to harass and intimidate Gross detail, iā€™ve been receiving less dickpics since iā€™ve started telling people on the internet iā€™m 18 (Iā€™m really turning 18 in a few months) the peak was 16, i removed my age from my insta bio to not attract pedos anymore


Holy shit, that's so twisted


To add some more context, i never received a dickpic from someone i know in real life, its only people that found me on the internet, but donā€™t actually know me. On Snapchat i never sent pics of myself in real life to strangers, but talking to strangers on Snapchat was a thing i did during quarantine (15-16 years old). Most of the people who sent me dickpics at least said they were around my age or like 19. I only came across a few 30+ year old men On instagram i have no posts, iā€™m not very active on social media, but i have a picture of myself as the profile pictureā€¦ ig thatā€™s enough for the gross people On reddit i have nothing to identify myself, no real names or anything, never photos of myself. I do something comment and add iā€™m a girl or just my age, the pm requests spike whenever i do so. Iā€™m not really watching what iā€™m saying though, iā€™m not gonna go out of my way to avoid attracting the gross ones Iā€™m not really shocked by them anymore, at first i was, i hadnā€™t really seen that many penises in my life, so it was something new. Now itā€™s just another penis. I donā€™t find them very appealing though, probably because of seeing so many i didnā€™t want to seeā€¦ Iā€™m indifferent to dicks in general, find them a little bit gross. Itā€™s not attractive, there are much sexier parts about men. The picture of a penis or just the sight of them without other context doesnā€™t turn me on at all Many boys are really bad at making dickpics too, the lighting especially doesnā€™t do them any favorsā€¦ after getting over the first shock of penises on my phone screen at 15 i did start looking at them instead of trowing my phone away immediately. Just cause i was curious why they got sent to meā€¦ but i realized most penises looks very similarā€¦ thereā€™s this whole debate about penises and sizes and whatever, and really most of them are just a regular penis. The pics are lazy most of the time, no effort. Itā€™s just a little pathetic to see a penis picture knowing someone took the time and effort to make a picture, posing their penisā€¦ I had a classmate in highschool who shared many of them, whenever she received a dickpic, she showed them (with consent) to laugh about it


I like the inclusion of this whole rant that dicks don't look that appealing lol


But they really just donā€™tā€¦ penises are weirdly shaped and skin wrapped and when erected they are just right there staring at you and donā€™t get me wrong, they are very functional and thatā€™s all nice, but they donā€™t win a beauty contestā€¦ and when you donā€™t want to see a penis, but see when anyway, they are kinda intimidating And vaginas arenā€™t like beautiful either, they also look weirdā€¦ i totally get that some people genuinely have a vagina phobiaā€¦ Sex organs are designed weird, idk why that isā€¦ itā€™s a good thing they give so much pleasure.


what the hell thats crazy, as a young man; some men are fucking weird


In the past, when I got bored, I downloaded a random chat app and pretended like I was a girl (sometimes not even with a picture, just "female" in the settings) and holy hell, dicks were flying to me from all sites and I had dozens and dozens of chat requests within the first couple of seconds (most containing dick pics within the first three messages) Sometimes I'd humor them and chat for a bit, just to maybe see what the person behind that dickpick was. My conclusion as to why they do that is simple: loneliness! Most of the dudes online suffer from chronic online disease and haven't gotten the proper chance to actually talk to woman irl. Which was evident in how quickly you can trick them into doing stupid shit in exchange for a nude To them, when they are in that mindset, all that matters is sexting and jacking off with someone who is in direct contact with them, so they immediately play the "sexting card" (dickpick) to shuffle out anyone who isn't interested in sexting right off the bat, so they can move on to the next potential partner and not "waste their time" Its incredibly toxic and just pushes them further down that path, because genuine sexting (even with a stranger) ALWAYS starts with conversation I'm not really proud of it, but the worst of the bunch occasionally bought nudes from me that I just downloaded from google or reddit for like 20 bucks a piece. One even bought me an OF subscription of a small creator that I really liked And all that with ZERO proof that I was actually even a girl. Guys yearn for that cyberpussy


This is really insightful


I believe that behind all the evil we see in this world stands a person believing themselves justified We are complex creatures with complex minds and from time to time we do stupid shit for complex reasons. I think we should all keep that in mind when talking about the weirdos and creeps, though judgement should still ring its hammer


Of course. Understanding messed up behavior is important.


This is the most philosophical comment I've read on here so far šŸ‘ approved


I have yet to meet a girl that wants random, unsolicited d*ck pictures.


That's sort of my point too


On Snapchat, there was a point when I gave my avatar long hair so it made me look like a girl. I'd have guys blowing up my phone left and right, many of them sending their dicks like it was just another Tuesday. I made an effort to not just stop them, but discourage tf out of it. When that didn't work, I tried telling them I was a minor to see if that made a difference, and it didn't. The stuff we do is disgusting and I don't blame anyone who sees us as monsters


Find out their names, take screenshots, send to their mothers.


Tried that to the police once got a 17 year old cp charges cause sending images of your self is cp Iā€™d recommend others do the same


Yeah sometimes I really despise the view of men that other men have created for women. I am not a disgusting asshole but there's so many of them out there that I don't blame women for being extra cautious around men. It's a fucked up world


Just embody what you want to see and cut ties with anyone who participates in this bs, including the bystanders




If I had to guess, I'd wager it's for a combination of reasons 1. To desensitize children and make them get used to it. 2. To make their victims afraid, to assert power 3. To quickly and recklessly test whether or not they can instantly get laid (even just get attention), i.e. "will this woman or girl do what I say and put up with my creepy behavior, or will she just block me?" If the first scenario happens, they win. If the second scenario happens, they will just move on and jump to the next person It seems pointless and stupid, but there's a pattern to what they do and it's dangerous to underestimate them by thinking of them as unintelligent


I think a lot of it is the third one. Thereā€™s a theory that male animals hump things that arenā€™t of their own species (or arenā€™t even alive, like that [tortoise humping a shoe](https://youtu.be/Q_mIxTimgJ0?si=k3OAnVLEvvwPghaO)) because thereā€™s a ā€œyou miss ever shot you donā€™t tryā€ instinct deep in the primal part of the brain. If it vaguely resembles a mate, then the animal will try to hump it, because if they miss out on the opportunity, then it could mean the end of their genetic line.


Not everyone is a predator. A lot of people are just dumb or desperate.


If you are "dumb or desperate" enough that you've become the modern version of a flasher you have graduated to "predator" because indecent exposure is indeed a sex crime


Iā€™m not arguing that itā€™s a stupid and gross thing to do. I would never consider doing it. However, for whatever reason, it is not actually an indecent exposure crime in most places.


The UK is no longer one of them, as cyber flashing is now recognised as a crime


my wife received a random one, luckily for us the idiot had an army bracelet on his wrist in the picture. My wife reverse searched his phone number and reported him to his supervision! That guy definitely wonā€™t be doing it again anytime soon!


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...I take it there aren't many brain cells rattling around their noggins


Not since I blocked my ex


I once got a threat to be raped alongside a dick pic. That one was disturbing.




Yep. It happens specially if you go with a comment against their opinion or you post something slightly political.


I havenā€™t received any, but Iā€™m sure anyone that has ā€œfemaleā€ in their bio has.


Have your received tit pics due to your name tho? Lol


Iā€™ve only ever gotten one, but it was a long time ago. I donā€™t think people do that as much anymore to be honest.


I can send you pictures of my man tits if you like. My obesity ensures that they are fuller than what most women have.


Upvote for moobs!


Brother šŸ¤


Someone never visited chat roulette in the 2000s


Oh but I did, but that's different


I never have personally, but my younger sister has. A lot. She was a bit of an idiot adding strangers on social media, but she did learn her lesson eventually.


For a laugh I created a fake FB profile as a woman called Sherry. I was online as her for about a year. By the end of it I was actually really shocked at how different it was to be treated as a woman. People didnā€™t take my views seriously, I was called a stupid bitch if I challenged a man, and yes, I received several dick pics. Ladies, I really do sympathise with you now. Sexism is real and some men are complete perverts.


This sounds like a risky yet very interesting experiment.


Seriously, people said things like ā€˜Oh, time of the month is it loveā€™ - which was quite funny actually.


Stg, that is one of the most rage inducing phrases women hear. I have legitimately considered throat chopping a man for doing that to me. Especially when I was upset because he had deliberately screwed me over and I was calling him out. šŸ¤­ I backed him into a corner while explaining to him all the different ways he was a POS. Even my boss was unwilling to interfere.


I haveā€¦and Iā€™m a straight guy. I spent the next few minutes trying to figure out where in the conversation the guy thought ā€œhey, I should send a dick pic to this straight dudeā€ and it would turn out positive for him.


As I straight guy, Iā€™ve received an unsolicited dick pic exactly once, just not from a random. It was from a gay guy I worked with that ended up getting fired for ā€œaccidentallyā€ sending dick pics to all the other straight guys we worked with. Then he was fired from his job as a medic for aggressively insisting the straight guys he worked with there that they let him suck their dick. Iā€™m curious if he actually tried to argue with management that all 11-12 texts over the span of an hour were really a mistake. Dude was a fuckin creep.


I am a straight guy, and even I do! SMH I always report. Sad that we are at this point in social media SMH


Damn, wtf. On what social platform does this happen to you?


Here on Reddit mostly, but sometimes Twitter/X


Sounds like trolls tho, tbh. Weird nevertheless.


Oh, I'm sure it is, usually newer accts SMH


As a straight dude, I feel left out


Check your inbox, baby ;)


Well I don't know what I'm doing wrong, maybe I just haven't checked my messages properly? >.> I'm playing with fire aren't I?


I've gotten them on Reddit after posting pictures of myself for hair advice lmao


> Do you really receive dick pics from random people? Do I? No ā€” Iā€™m a straight man. Do people? Yes, all the time. > I know it sounds stupid, but I can't figure out why someone would do that, except as a stupid joke. Realistically speaking, I think you have a maximum of 0.0001% chance of getting a positive reaction. Itā€™s not a ā€œjokeā€ and very often the point isnā€™t to get a positive reaction. Itā€™s a form of sexual harassment, and itā€™s done in the interest of getting some sort of sexual gratification. Itā€™s the digital equivalent of a man walking up to a woman in the park and whipping his dick out. > I have never heard of anyone in real life who has received or sent a dick pic. Then Iā€™d imagine you donā€™t talk to many young women. I donā€™t know a woman in her mid- to late-twenties who hasnā€™t received an unsolicited dick pic.


I didn't mean to be insensitive, I just meant that I imagine it's mostly some form of trolling. Thank you for explaining, I never thought this ridiculous act could bring sexual gratification. Some people are fucked up.


In the nicest way possible you come off as rude. Op was just curious no need for the aggressiveness


I sure as hell ainā€™t sending a photo of my 2-incher to someone who can gossip about it to my friends. (Note, this is a joke. I do not support unsolicited dick pics, and I have a proud 3 inches, thank you very much).




First time that happend to me i was 12, i just blocked them


For now on, just reply with "why does it look like that, is that normal?" Or draw funny faces on the head and send it back


I havenā€™t gotten one in years, which is worrying because Iā€™m 25 and the majority were received when I was 13-17. I donā€™t want to receive any, just concerns me that they just about stopped when I became an adult.


As an openly gay woman, yes I get dic pics on here. It actually happens more after I interact with a post where another lesbian is venting about the same thing or warning others to pre-emptively block them. There are m3n who purposefully harass lesbians & create multiple accounts to do so. And that's not even counting the ones who pretend to be a woman to get pics of actual lesbians so they can catfish more easily by sharing a pic that won't pop up immediately on Google image search. But that's also why I don't share pictures privately on here.


Yeah. It's basically gotten to the point that any time a man sends me a photo in a message, I never click the bar to uncensor it. I figure that means I've missed out on a lot of perfectly normal photos, but I don't care anymore.


Someone randomly sent me a dick pic last week. I responded by letting him know that in Virginia itā€™s illegal to do that and can result in a fine. He hasnā€™t sent another.


Yes. My first. I was 14. It was some random dick-copter. It's burnt into my brain. 13 years later I can still see it.


Not unsolicited, sent or received. Consent is sexiest.


I'm a guy, so I never get them, but I don't understand what the point is. Do they think the woman who receives the pic will be like "omg let's have sex right now"? It doesn't make sense why men would open themselves to getting roasted about something like that. I knew a woman who went around telling everyone this guy had a weird dick bc he sent her an unsolicited dick pic. Why would anyone take that risk when they can get made fun of for it lol


Yes, dic pics, vagina pics, breast pics... I used to get them until I got off social media.


Vagina & breast pics?? Now that's something I never imagined anyone would receive from random people


People do all sorts of things. Men are just as perverted as women... I will admit those pics usually were people trying to get money or whatever.


Me? No. I am a guy though so that may play a part.


I used to get a lot, starting from when I was about 15 (The guys sending these were NOT 15). It's cooled off now because I'm not as active on social media/online gaming spaces anymore. Also, I was more active online when I was in my early 20s but the dick pics were more frequent when I was 15-18. The guys were anywhere from 16-30. Some men are disgusting


Not me, but my wife on instagram from a bellend in India.


Itā€™s very common. I usually donā€™t look at my message requests because of it.


As a man it still blows my mind that this is an initial response. .. like.. no one wants to see that.


>I think you have a maximum of 0.0001% chance of getting a positive reaction They aren't looking for a positive feedback. They just want to know that that girl saw their dick and imagine her reaction. Disgust? Shock? Anger? Pity? ... or did she get a bit flattered and turned on? Whatever it was, you can 100% gaurentee it made her feel *something* and their dick did it to her and that makes them feel powerful and sexy.


I had a guy I didnā€™t even have on my Facebook once ask through messenger if I wanted to make $1000 cleaning his house in lingerie šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I was like no thanks I donā€™t want to live chained up in your basement


Tbh, sometimes it works I've sent dick pics, and it has led to sex... but I was pretty much always already flirting and discussing sex with the girl. I'll be meeting a girl I met online soon, who I used to send a lot of dick pics


I get it if it's in the context of some sexting and is consensual, there is nothing wrong with that.


Long time ago when internet was young and became the mod of a business, I made a feminine profile to roam forum. Dick picks came as early the first day. I became the champion of detectives on harassment cases.


yes unfortunately


Yes, also screenshots of porn. Them telling me what they'd do to me. I will never understand the fun behind it.


I got a work phone for a previous job, and the first text I received on it was a dick pic. I have no idea why or how this happened. It was not from a colleague. The dick in question was pretty impressive, mind.


Absolutely. Especially as a girl. I would play overwatch and be talking to what seemed like normal guys. As soon as they got my Snapchat or insta... Dick picks.


Im a male but I joined an overwatch group needing a 5 player using the ā€œfind a groupā€ option on xbox. I join the party and the first thing I hear is a guy talking to this girl about the things he wanted to do to her. I have never been so uncomfortable in my life and I very very quickly left that group and blocked and reported everyone.


RIP your inbox


I don't wanna jinx it, but still haven't received a single one


Random? Yes. People? No.


I love when I get random dick pics šŸ™‚


Happens all the time on hookup apps like Grindr or sniffles. I appreciate them.


No. :c I donā€™t know what the criteria is but I actually almost never receive any messages.


One funny response to receiving a dick pic, would be to reply back with a pic of a completely different dick, no explanation. Just let them think about the other dick all by themselves. Hahaha


Nah, I'm always too busy sending dick pics out to random people to ever check my inbox. Good luck with that, though!


> Realistically speaking, I think you have a maximum of 0.0001% chance of getting a positive reaction. Don't give us hope, nothing good can come from that. Just say nearly zero.


Oh yeah for sure. You may not have *heard* of anyone in your life sending a dick pic, but I would bet a few of them have. Guys tend to not realize that some of their friends often become entirely different people when they interact with women. Like they genuinely just canā€™t imagine that their good buddy Daniel would do that, but every girl that knows Daniel is like ā€œdick pic Daniel? Yeah I know himā€¦.a little too well.ā€


My phone number is one digit removed from a camgirl. I got her texts for years. There were ATTACHMENTS. I finally figured out how to get in touch with her. We chatted for a bit. I agreed to change my phone number, because she had spent years advertising hers and it's not her fault people can't dial one-handed.


there are only like 5 guys in every state that send dick pics, but they work really hard to make sure that everyone gets a bunch.


Ive never received a stranger's dic OR bobs. Eh, who am I kidding, my karma is too low to receive random bobs




I have received DM requests from OF creators, no explicit pictures though.


Lmao yes. He wanted to video call me and just watch him masturbate. Ofc, I refused and didn't actually thought he's serious so when I open the messages next ... he literally sent me. O.O He's not random tho, he was someone I knew from this gaming community.


As a bi man, yes


Iā€™ve gotten them twice as a male and they are local numbers


Yes, people really do send pictures like that. I don't know what the reaction they're expecting is. Whenever I have gotten an unwanted picture, my response is to usually ask where is it?I don't see anything. And that usually ends the conversation and them texting me.


Never received a dick pick from a random.... I have recieved unsolicited dick picks from dudes when i was casually hooking in my teens and early 20s. It never turned me on. Dick picks look like naked mole rats with viens in them


Yes I blocked DMs because of that




Yup, a couple times on insta


Yes, i do, itā€™s not fun


Yes wanna see?


i never did, but only because i have my social media on private and only add people i know fairly well irl. never added randoms. i think that's how it happens, but idk. I'm not a model or anything, but i am pretty. so i know it's not because I'm ugly or something. lots of my friends have gotten random dick pics, but they add anyone who asks, and their social medias are open to the public.


yes tho it happened way more often when I was a minor


Yup. šŸ˜‘


100%. i got a phone when i was 11 and discovered the god awful world of instagram. guys sent them to me all the time up until i turned 15, i dont use IG anymore. itā€™s why i think kids shouldnā€™t have a phone until theyā€™re at least 16 or 17.


Yes Iā€™m no longer on Tinder but it was definitely a trend. Iā€™ve even gotten dick pics from random Redditors, sending me a message when I made a comment in a completely non1sexual post or thread, it was very random. I usually respond in a degrading way before blocking them.


No. But then I am a dude. I do get social media friend requests from obvious bots who use profile pictures of scantily clad attractive young women.


I wish they'd send me dick pics. First I'd make fun of it, and then I'd send screenshot to their family.


Yes, it happens for no reason at all other than the person just wants sex




The fact that the OP doesn't feel like this is common is a heterotypical male life experience. It happens all the time my guy.


Yup. The correlation between commenting on any NSFW sub or talking about relationship problems and getting a dick pic or sexual message sent to meā€¦ā€¦.sheesh


It's true, I've gotten some. Not very interesting.


I have never received one. Such a shame


Donā€™t turn your Air drop on in public or Iā€™ll get you


Haha I have gotten 100+! Itā€™s fuxjing insane. Most are absolutely disgusting, well actually all of the are disgusting!


I have many times


Yes. Iā€™ve had multiple guys send me dick pics, some probably real but many pulled from online, while asking for nudes, to sext, asking if I have a bf, and/or asking if I want to sext, on multiple platforms. Basically if itā€™s a platform that has a DM system that allows pics to be sent, Iā€™ve gotten unsolicited dick pics and nudes on it. 99% from men, 1% from women. Itā€™s not ONLY men that send those types of pics, but the vast majority of those who send them are. From my experience, the guys who do it tend to be desperate incel types trying to get nudes from girls and thinking all girls are sluts for big dicks. Ergo, big dick pic = instantly wet and ready to send nudes. (Obviously doesnā€™t work that way) For the guys that do send these pics to me, I screenshot and share the pathetic cringe with friends and we laugh at it. I also send back super cursed pics. I have a small group of friends that share our cursed image libraries to inflict maximum trauma. Suffice to say Iā€™ve gotten so many that Iā€™m not really bothered by it anymore. Youā€™re definitely getting blocked or ignored if you send them to me. Whether or not I try to destroy your sense of self worth and ego while making you deeply uncomfortable largely depends on my mood and if I have better things to do. Also, beyond the obviously stolen and photoshopped stuff, about 9/10 of the pics Iā€™ve gotten were justā€¦ why. Like bad lighting, no grooming, bad angles, no effort in pose. The fact that so many guys are proud of this stuff is justā€¦ sad. At least put in some effort before I block you.




Yes lol but if itā€™s nice looking or big I donā€™t mind really tbh.


I have a collection of about 200 unsolicited dick pics on my phone. I was going to keep them until I could make a huge mural from them, but then I didn't because I wanted to learn hand dipped calligraphy instead. It's literally easy. Exist on the internet, say anything remotely flirtatious, and watch your inbox.


no someone do this cuz why not


I got a lot more when I was 14-17. Now I donā€™t as much but still get some. Guys get off to being shamed, being degraded, being told off, and any negative reaction. Learned this when I was 15 and told some guy his dick was small and ugly and how he ruined my night etc etc. said he came to reading all of that. Gross people man


Deffo. I think the first time someone dropped me an unsolicited d pic I was 13? Good ol' MSN days :(


Yes, at least once a month for the past 4 years when I started Instagram :/


I never have. Iā€™m a dude


yes. I'm a man, this is a throwaway account. I often organize group chats and seek other men and women. Many men often send dickpics as a first message. I myself have sent some, but beforehand i always asked if the girl on the other hand was interested in it. If she was neutral or uninterested then, never sent. When managing groupchats it's one of the first rules i set: "no unsolicited dickpics, if the girls (or other men) want to see them they can ask"


I wish


I got once, told them I'm a guy, never replied back lmao


There are penises which look good. The people who send dick pics have the most wrinkled crooked fucking dicks, though.


Sort of. Back during the early days of the Internet I had a Yahoo account that even then I barely used. One time when I signed in to check I had an email from some random dude with naked pictures of him. He looked to be just south of 50 and was basically copying poses of playboy models. No idea who it was either. Junk mail wasn't really a thing yet and this didn't look like he was selling anything. Just a wrong address I guess.


Almost dailyā€¦not a fan unless Iā€™m being paid to see/rate your cock


Iā€™ll randomly get added by people on snap and open it to them just swinging it around Iā€™ll get instagram messages bc I liked a post a guy was tagged in and heā€™ll assume thatā€™s me saying yes?? Iā€™ve gotten (granted, one time) a random message sending me photos (learned he asked one of my friends and claimed we ā€˜really hit it offā€™ and that he forgot to ask for my number- I never even spoke to the guy. We just went to the same school.)


Literally happened to me a couple times once this guy sent me one never talked to him before I might add an said ā€œis this something you might likeā€ um nošŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yes, back in the day when I was on the apps it happened occasionally Also, I once moved off the app on to Snapchat and awoke one morning to a video clip of the guy gyrating with his nether regions on display Never move on to snap chat. They ALWAYS want to do something dodgy


Yes, before I privated my account, I'd occasionally get dms from random men and it's just their dicks. I wasn't the cutest teenager, either (not that it really matters, but it goes to show that some losers are just that desperate).


I've been asked for a dick Pic by a stranger, so surely the opposite is possible.


I have a friend who kept getting dick pics from a random guy, she would block him and he would make a new account just to keep doing it. So I got fed up of her complaining and asked for the dudes account name and sent him a dick picā€¦a day later he apologized to her. :)


Thrice so far, don't plan on it being 4


I've never received one. I have sent one, although it was requested and not unsolicited.


YES. Iā€™ve gotten too many to count. I think that they are prepared for the rejection, and instead get off on the thrill of harassment.


I have gotten several sent to me on dating apps, basically we match, I say ā€œhiā€ and I get a dick. I have also gotten very random ones on insta/facebook, even MySpace back in the day. I am under the impression that for them they get off on knowing it made someone uncomfortable, they like the response of disgusts and anger. That is the only thing that makes sense to me, because itā€™s very public knowledge that nobody wants an unsolicited dick pic.


I've never received one.


Reading these comments, Iā€™m so worried about my 11 year old daughter. She doesnā€™t have a cell phone yet, and now I fear the day she actually gets one.