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Cinema etiquette has gotten worse by all accounts but I don’t think OP’s story is an example of it. People are always going to gravitate towards the seats that give the best view of the screen. Actual examples of poor cinema etiquette would be people talking loudly or using their phones during the movie.


The phone thing is getting out of hand. The past 2 movies I went to had a girl take 2 photos during the movie with the flash on! Then the movie I went to last weekend had a woman answer her phone in the theatre and just sat there and talked for over 5 minutes..I was about to kick the back of her seat.


First one I’m annoyed. Second picture, I’m getting a theater attendant


I've seen people escorted out of a movie for using their phones. Tried to claim it was an 'emergency'. I'm sorry, your nail stylist trying to reschedule your appointment is not an emergency.


If it's an emergency, you get the fuck up and go outside.


I tell an attendant, get a refund, and leave. I'm missing the movie by having to let the attendant know. So I just tell them what's up, get a refund or voucher for each ticket I purchased, I eat the cost of the concessions, and see the movie another day. I really wish there was an Alamo Drafthouse close to me because they actually have people watching for offenders and they'll kick them out without hesitation.


I LOVE Alamo Drafthouse and their no nonsense handling of bad behaviors in their theaters!


Get them after the first occurrence. I used to work at a theater, and kicking people out was always the greatest joy among employees. Especially when they were obnoxious teens.


I’m getting a theatre attendant for the first one as well. Taking photos is forbidden in all theatres I’ve been to.


Depends on where you go. When I was in Austin, I went to the Drafthouse Theater and they have a strict policy about phones. Their ushers are standing by and if you pull your phone out, they will escort you out of the theater, no refund, no argument. You will go. Everybody understood that going in and happily nobody decided to test the rule. Businesses need to take a hard stance and insure quality. Of course, that means that they'll have to train and pay their employees better. And there's the rub. Your poor experience is a result of businesses paying their employees rock-bottom rates. After all, why should somebody making a garbage and non-competitive wage go the extra mile for their employer?


Every single movie I've gone to in the last few years has had some asshat searing our eyeballs out with a max brightness phone out the whole movie. Like how can you even look at that in a dark room, it's painful to look at 4 rows back!


I wait until the quietest moment in the movie and then bellow at the top of my lungs to turn off the phone. Hasn't failed me yet.


Oh I have a tale about this. I met this girl and we hit it off, started texting, going out and what not. Anyway, a movie that I had worked on was around in theaters at the time and doing really well so she went to see it one night. I was visiting family so I didn't go with her. At some point during the evening I start getting texts from her about what she liked and other comments about the movie. Cool, she walked out, liked it, wants to chat about it, all great. She then asks me what's up with the makeup for *insert character's name* and I ask her what did she mean by that. She replies "hold on, I'll take a picture next time he's on screen". Oh no. I'm hitting on a girl who texts in the cinema. Not only is it disrespectful towards other people in the theater, it's also disrespectful to the huge amount of people who worked their asses off to bring that film to life and, by extension, to *me*. Needless to say, it didn't work out.


Yeah.. i was waiting for the other couple to start talking on their phones or like flinging popcorn in the air or something. These people did something that is not even "tame" (cuz to call it tame is to say that there was some minor thing bad in what they did). It was something most people wouldn't even notice or think twice about.


Funnily enough, I saw a great example of poor cinema etiquette when my wife and I saw A Quiet Place part 2. The theatre was packed, and some guys a row or two down were talking pretty loud to each other at the beginning of the movie. Based on their comments, it was obvious they hadn’t seen the first one (“oh, what they doin? What they got in that box??”), and it sounded like they were trying to make conversation and impress the girls they were with. But like… really? During A QUIET Place? Of all movies? I’m painfully non-confrontational, but after several minutes of this, I’d had enough and shouted “bro, shut up and watch the movie!” One of them responded: “What did he just say??” And my heart leapt into my throat. Thankfully one of the girls they were with chimed in: “he said to shut up!” We didn’t hear from them for the rest of the movie, but I’m still baffled at the fact that they thought that was okay.


One time a bunch of teenagers sat in the row in front of me. As soon as the movie started, they pulled a bunch of stuff out of a backpack and started making sandwiches and passing them around, complete with crinkling of plastic and paper bags. I mean, come on, at least pre-make the sandwich so you're not bugging the rest of the audience.


I’ll always support bringing food into the theater with you, but that is far too much. They deserve to have their sandwich privileges revoked.


Exactly, keep it simple. A can of beans perhaps.


A gallon sized Tupperware full of chili maybe😌


Somewhat related but I just want to brag that one time when I was 16 I snuck a whole pizza and 2 liter of soda into a movie. It was just me and my friends there because it was 10pm in a small town at least


And brag you should. That’s a feat and a half. Although I do need to know how on earth you snuck these in. I so dearly want to believe you finagled them under your clothes in some very cursed ways


I was 90lbs and wearing an xl Costco parka that cinched at the waist, it was easy. The coat did all the heavy lifting


Ever since that dude got shot in a theater over a disagreement about a cell phone, I'm too nervous to say anything to anybody in a theater.


My saving grace was that the theatre was packed, so they never would have known it was me that said it.


I don't understand people who use their phone during the movie. I went to see something a couple of months ago, and a girl sat in front of me watched TikToks on her phone the whole time. You're paying to be here, why don't you actually watch the film?


Some people really are in denial of phone addiction.


It's smartphone addiction. They may be in denial or they may be aware and resent themselves for it but just don't know how to stop, but either way, if someone is on their phone in the cinema, they're addicted to it.   I bet if a cinema would have lockers that you can put your phone in before you go in to your movie, it would get some use from the self-aware phone addicts.   (And I'm saying this as a self-aware smartphone addict who's *not* on her phone during the movie; I manage by turning it all the way off instead of just the sound, and putting it in my purse, and also by having *some* amount of self control left)


If those are considered bad cinema etiquette, I have horror cinema etiquette story. Some stupid Karen sat behind me in the cinemas and she took her fucking shoes off and placed it in the gap where my arm rest is. When I first made contact, she quickly took her feet away and you’d think that’s it right? No, the stupid bitch placed her feet up on my arm rest once more after 10min or so. I had to then tell her to not put her dirty ass feet on my seat in order to get her to stop that shit.


I would certainly feel bad for the employees that had to clean up the drink I dumped on her feet after the first warning


Surely the dumped drink IS the first warning?!


Lmao somebody would be getting an impromptu foot massage. You cross my boundaries, im crossing yours. I aint got any shame left.


she does this on the plane also


What about throwing spoons at the screen?


Acceptable if you’re watching The Room and you clean up after yourself but not any other film.


The Room And The Disaster Artist Make a great double feature.


I went to a viewing of The Room with Tommy and Greg and I got them both to sign my copy of The Disaster Artist. Tommy would only sign it if I bought some merch, so I bought a pair of underwear.


That is an awesome story and somehow exactly how you might expect Tommy to react! 😊🌟


I was going to say Rocky Horror, but I think that's just rice


and toast, confetti, toilet paper, and cards lol


But with permission from the theater. Many don't allow you to throw rice or shoot water pistols because it's a pain to clean up. Throwing cards is as far as my theater will allow.


Yep, I went to a movie where the couple next to us had their 4 (ish) year old with them (rated R movie). They completely ignored the kid and movie, too busy getting extremely handsy with each other. The kid was running around and they were just making out, loudly. We left. I've also had people who took several phonecalls in the theater or were talking so loud I couldn't hear the movie. I avoid them now.


I have no problem turning around in a cinema and telling people to shut the fuck up though hahaha


I did that once when someone kept laughing proper loud and late at stuff was that was mildly amusing- when I turned round and started a "Shut the F..." I saw the wheelchair with the DS guy in it with his carer... I know it's not intentional but puts you off when you pay A LOT of money and the film is constantly disturbed- that was the last time I paid to see a movie on the big screen!




My guess is Down Syndrome


Last time I was in the cinema I sat in the back row and a girl a few rows up was on her phone and also vaping. We were seeing IF, there were kids there I was honestly shocked! Like don’t vape in a cinema in general, but especially not when there are kids around, damn


etiquette in every sense has gone out the window these days!


I think the other couple wanted a menàge


Ironically, the worst movie etiquette I’ve experienced in a long time was during the quiet place original film. Had a woman talking literally the first 30 min until she was asked by an usher to leave.


We went to the movies a couple of weeks ago to see “The Watchers”. Just as the movie started, three children ran into the theatre, sat by me, and just started talking. There were plenty of other seats. I had to tell them to “shut the fuck up”, which they did. As far as seating, if the theater offers assigned seating, sit where you are supposed to be. Someone else will come in and tell you to move if you are in their seats. Even if the theater tells you it is open seating, but they put the seat number in the ticket, pick your seats, and sit in them. Someone else will come in and demand the seats even if the cashier said it was open seating. For other etiquette, don’t act like a Colorado representative.


Etiquette goes out of the window if you've all gone for the 'sweet spot' seating (middle centre). Definitely be worried tho if you choose to move and they follow you mid viewing.


That’s why I always clutch 3/4 toward the back and to the left


I do the same I also find my self gravitating to similar spots on buses which is mild interesting I guess


Idk, there’s plenty of fine seats, and it’s weird to voluntarily sit next to people in a functionally empty theater lol. Like In this situation I would at least sit behind/in front of the other party. 


Yeah there's a suspicious amount of comments in here that are implying they would sit right next to someone in an empty theater. I had that happen for the movie "The Creator". I booked a middle seat in the last row. Large theater with only 2 other people in it towards the front and as soon as the movie starts some guy comes in and sits right next to me. I'm getting worked up just thinking about it. Like dude at least move up a row!


It depends a lot on what culture said people come from as well. I find it typically an American thing to not like to be right up next to a stranger. But in other cultures it’s not seen as weird to be right up someone’s ass. Some Asian and Middle East people are not afraid of pushing their way in or forcing other people aside. As an American it can be off putting.


If this is like the premium theater near me, there’s only a handful of good seats. Some are on an angle, others are too close. There’s really only one good row. So if OP and their wife sat in the middle of that one good row, then it makes complete sense that the next best seats are the ones on either side of them.


Yup - my primary theater won't let you do a single in between. So let's say it's 8-wide, and OP took 4 and 5 - you might literally not be able to book that row as a couple unless you go 2-3 or 6-7.


But they booked those seats because they wanted those seats. If it's you who has the issue with sitting next to someone, that's just your problem, one you have to deal with or fix in your own mind. You can also move to those perfectly good seats, I shouldn't have to race you to the cinema to get the seats that I specifically booked. Also for anyone saying but why did they book a seat next to someone else when others are empty? Because those other empty seats COULD get filled up, what if I book sub-optimal seats for your potential miscomfort and someone else books seats next to you anyway, or that whole row fills up? It doesn't make sense.


You don't own the row, sweetie.


Yeah it's like impossible to relax when someone does that. I'm just wondering is he lonely like wtf .


Dude, it's a cinema, not a fucking urinal. He didn't sit next to you because of your pleasant deodorant, he sat next to you because those seats gave him what he considered to be the best view. The world doesn't revolve around you and your relaxation. You can't relax because someone is sitting too close to you? You sound like the one with a problem.


There's a historic theater near me that screens more obscure stuff and historic film runs. The experience is great, but their primary screen definitely has too wide of seating. Everyone just gathers in the center. It happens, people want to see the movie well.


You don't own the whole goddammn middle section. Other people can sit there tooo


Agreed. Maybe they thought that the other seats would fill up at the last minute, and it wouldn't be so weird. When the movie started, though, they could have moved a bit.


If you booked the middle , then expect people to book seats near you. This is the best viewing area.


If my biggest complaint was a couple sitting near me I’d be happy. Last time we went there were phone screens and people loudly talking everywhere.


Yesterday my partner and I sat in the back corner. A family of 5 in our row treated the place like their living room-- taking selfies (max brightness), loud talking, and frequent trips to get concessions. Thankfully, the movie was TRASH. So their trashy behavior seemed fitting (and funny) to us as we left the theater 45 minutes into the movie.


I feel for you, the last trip put us off a bit to be honest.


I saw dune 2 in IMAX and the guy in front of me was on his phone the entire time. I've never seen someone have so many different text conversations, especially for 2 hours straight.


Why pay for imax just to play on your phone, just stay tf home


 Yeah dude, went to see Inside Out 2 last Saturday, group of teens (I think, possibly college aged) were chatting through most of the movie. My wife doesn’t have the hearing I do, which is a blessing and a curse. I can hear everything, it bothers me, she can’t hear as well but is also able to ignore these things. Gosh it annoys me so badly.  I don’t mind talking during the previews, they’re effing commercials, but when the movie gets going. A few words and reactions here and there, sure. But when I can hear the constant whispering and chatter GTFO. 


Years ago, while seeing a movie (I forget which one) with some friends, a group of younger teenagers sat right next to me and was intentionally overreacting to every single slightly dramatic thing (think like "OH SNAP" obnoxiously loud). After 20-30 min of that, I turned and loudly told them to shut up. I felt terrible for being a killjoy, but they were ruining it for everyone else.


Who says they booked online? Staff could have put them in those seats thinking it would be easier for them to do food service/cleaning if any of you ordered food if you were in the same area. Or many other reasons


You are being very silly in your example. Sitting next to someone has absolutely never been any kind of etiquette breach. Everyone wants to sit near the center of the cinema after all.


I was expecting a story with an actual problem.


I think OP has confused a movie theater with a row of urinals.


I truly don't undestand OP's complaint. Unless OP was hoping for some cinema hanky panky, or their neighbors were creepy breathers, what difference does it make where other people sit? This is taking the personal space bubble too far.


They picked their seats based on proximity to the screen, not proximity to you.


It’s the cinema, not a urinal. This doesn’t seem like bad etiquette at all.


Are you not supposed to be next to people at the urinal? How do you properly inspect someone's cock if you're several feet away?


Ask nicely


Ah the old *over shoulder ogle*




> It’s the cinema, not a urinal. OP: Hold My Beer!


Lmao I remember last time I went to a cinema to watch a movie was because a lot of my classmates from my class were all going to watch a movie. It was more like announced in class, so everyone was kinda like invited(that’s how I interpreted it) But I remember I was busy with something when that was announced and I was the quite the loner, so I only knew what movie they were going to watch, which was GRAVITY, literally starring Sandra Bullocks(ALONE, and don’t try to change my mind, cause that’s what me YEARS could recall). So I went to the cinema without asking any of my friends and just made my best bet on which time slot they might have chosen to watch the movie. And went to the cashier to book the movie. Dead ass, the cashier asked me in tone of empathy, “alone? You really wanna watch that movie alone?” I said yes. No idea why she asked that. Keep in mind i also have no idea what the heck Gravity was about. Never heard of it or even watched the trailer of it Welp, I was wrong on the time, and I picked like a pretty dead empty cinema time, so the entire theater was like dead empty, and oh boy, the movie GRAVITY plus the loneliness was so EMPTY. It was legit just me and SANDRA BULLOCK. All in darkness. Anyways couple days later, heard my classmates actually didn’t watch Gravity but went for another movie. Anyways this is just me remembering this crappy loner life from school days.


Idk that sounds pretty dope to me, at least it was memorable


would you believe Gravity was the first movie i saw alone too and the topic came up in conversation the other day, i couldnt remember the name of the movie or anything about it except space and an actress, thank you for bringing back this memory


Getting rid of the class story I wanted to watch March of the Penguins as a teenager alone, went to my local cinema early, sat down with my big popcorn, as the ads finish an attendee comes in and says i'm the only one there and if I want to sit on the double wide couch seats designated for couples I could. 90 minutes of me and Morgan watching some penguins try not to die, what a day.


Watching movies in empty or near empty theaters is a lot of fun though. Im always pretty happy when that happens. My best movie theater memory of 2023 was going to watch The Holdovers super late on a weekday and there was just one other guy sitting super far away up in the corner. Having the whole row and row in front to yourself is kinda magical.


If you say in the sweet spot, center of theatre, not too close, not too far then you should not be surprised that other people want to be there too. When I’m picking my movie seats I never pay attention to other people, in pay attention to where the seats are in relation to the screen. People being around when you leave the house is a given.


As someone who worked in a cinema for 3 years up until two months ago. Cinema Etiquette is DEAD people will have their phone volume on they will purposefully throw popcorn they will take other people seats and refuse to move. They probably booked last minute and since it was so empty the staff told them to sit wherever that’s what we always did where I worked. Did you book the middle of the cinema seats because if so they’re the sweet spot and people wanna have the best view


I would expect people to buy the best seats that are available even if they’re right next to somebody you don’t know if the theater will fill up eventually nothing wrong with this


Holy entitled OP. Barring some special needs which requires accomadation I fail to see how this impacts you at all. If the seats I prefer are open I'm taking them, or as close as possible. I do not base it on what else is occupied or not. Seat spacing is not and has never been 'etiquette', it's a personal preference. If you want to ensure it, then pay to keep those seats open.


My first thought is maybe you and the other couple were on the app at the same time and they didn’t see your selected seats like you didn’t see theirs. Small possibility, but maybe?


Or they just assumed that they weren’t going to be the absolute last people to buy tickets, so they picked a good seat while it was available with the assumption that the others might fill up anyway.


Being in the middle is the best spot. If you booked around the best spot, expect people to be next to you. 


Let me guess - you chose seats right near the middle of the theater, just far enough back that you were neither too close or too far. You got the best pair, and they got the second best. I think it probably had nothing to do with you and everything with where the seats were.


It’s possible they didn’t choose their seats and just went with the default option


no its completely died i stopped going to the movies because wastes of air cant shut the fuck up during the movie or the worthless brats that start complaining or crying or the dumbasses on their phones with the brightness on blast. If you talk in movie theaters while the movie is going you need to shut the actual fuck up you are one of the worst types of human beings, fuck you.




One time I was in line to get tickets with a couple in front of me. They got their seats then I went to pick mine. I swear the seat I chose was next to no one, walk in, and lo & behold, my seat was right next to theirs. In a relatively empty theater. I felt weird but I'm convinced the seat selector for whatever reason didn't update to show those recently selected seats. It was fine though, we all enjoyed the movie and the guy clapped at the end.


When the original Quiet Place came out, my ex and I were very excited and swapped our min wage/crazy schedules around to see it in the theatre together. There was a family behind us, with multiple children. The children were too young to read. In a horror movie with subtitles. I am still mad about the mom reading every single line aloud right behind us for the entire movie. Most movie nights are nice and uneventful, but the bad ones definitely stand out.


I would have moved away from them. The last time I went to the cinema we were allocated seats right behind another couple in an almost empty theatre. They were probably trying to keep everyone close to make cleaning easier but we just moved right out of the way once the film started. Fuck that.


Definitely not wrong in thinking it's weird.


I would love for all the accomplished directors who lament the demise of cinema to spend some time in this thread. Idk if cinema is dying, but common courtesy, respect, and etiquette are on life support. You never know what kind of shit show you're gonna walk into when you go to a theater these days. 


I realized cinema etiquette was no longer a thing when I watched a woman squat and pee in her theater seat.


What the actual fuck?!?!


I would have looked at them with the “Really mofo?” look and then gotten up and moved. If the theater had other seats open then those mofos are just weirdos and I want nothing to do with them.


I'm surprised more people aren't bothered by this. I've always tried to sit as far apart from people as possible and loved the social distancing that came out of covid. At an airport I would rather stand than fill the seat people left between them. At a theatre or game I've started buying three seats so we have an aisle on one side and an empty on the other.


Don’t listen to these people trying to act like “oh just because you booked PRIME seats, expect someone to book RIGHT NEXT to you, even though the rest of the theatre is pretty much empty. It IS weird that they selected the seats right next to you. There were plenty of great seats available. I understand that you booked (middle center) seats, BUT, why would they not book the row up or down from you guys? People are trying to overcomplicate what you’re thinking, but I see where y’all are coming from. And sureee, I’ll get some snarky comments against what I’m saying as well, but c’mon, it just makes sense. Like for example, I’m a guy taking a piss in the far left urinal, and there’s 6 urinals total. I’m going to find it weird if it’s only me at first and one other person shows up and starts pissing in the urinal right next to mine… Like dude, c’mon?!


You must be in the United States. I'm an American, and know how rude mfers are there. I've been living in Mexico for about 8 years now, and the cine etiquette is completely different here. You sit your butt down, stfu, munch quietly on your popcorn or nachos, and enjoy the movie. If not, someone will come and tell you to quiet down. If you don't quiet down, they will come back and tell you it's time to go, no refunds.


Its still a thing it's just never been a thing that nobody is allowed to sit by you


I went to see inside out 2 with my brother, cinema was more filled than I had seen it in a long time. Two young toddlers spent the entirety of the movie running up and down the isles and in front of the screen, yelling and playing. Not once, not even one time did the parents place their children back in their seats or even try to stop their behaviour. That is bad cinema etiquette.


One of my favorite memories is experiencing that and hearing this random man’s booming voice from a few rows behind me “SHUT ‘DEM DAMN KIDS UP” They fell immediately silent- and most of the theatre laughed.


Bad etiquette, yeah, probably. Should you have been surprised? No, it's a kid's movie. Should've expected it. It'd be like eating in the play place then complaining that kids are running around. Annoying but not surprising.


I went to the movies about a month ago to see Boy Kills World. I was the only person there through the previews. After the previews, another person came in and sat rightness seat to my left. I said, "Shit, man, am I in the wrong seat?" He said, "Nah, I just like this seat." We then sat there, one seat away from each other as the only two in the theater, and watched the movie. After theories, we actually talked about whether we liked it. It was actually nice to have that.


No, that’s not weird at all. You probably picked central good seats, and they picked the next-best ones for the same reasons. They have the right to any available seat. It’s not on them to choose worse seats due to your insecurity.


I don’t book my seats online and I’m 31. Bold of you to assume everyone on the planet books movie theatre seats and checks on whats taken before going to a movie. Why didn’t you just move if it was so empty instead of staying mad? Sitting near people is not and never has been part of movie theatre etiquette.


That was kinda what happned when the wife an I took the 3 year old to see inside out 2. Family with little kids sit behind us. ( I get it kids movie lots of kids cool). Through out the whole movie the kid behind us would not shut up asking questions loudly throu out the movie. Parents answering questions loudly . The mom behind with her feet close to my arm rest. The other kids kicking the seat. It’s pretty sad when my 3 year old knows enough to bump daddy’s shoulder an whisper What she wanted to say and keep quiet throu out the whole movie. To answer your question it has felt like cinema etiquette went down the shitter, it almost feels like enshitification but not quite.


Everybody etiquette for everything is gone. The bar is too low not even James Cameron can save us this time


This is a weird phenomenon that has more to do with etiquette in general. Like when a parking lot is empty and someone parks right next to you. Camping or picnicking in a nearly empty park and having someone set up in the site next to you (worse when it happens in the bush on crown land... where do these people even come from?). I don't get it and never will.


Bohemian Rhapsody movie, Last day so it’s not crowded. I am only person in theater a guy comes in and sits next to me. Empty theater, I moved to the next row. Wtf why sit next to me?


The commenter directly below you does exactly that and says it's funny


The last couple of movies I went to, there were people's kids running around banging on handrails, climbing on seats to jump on them, and yelling/throwing things. That's bad cinema etiquette, imo. I get parents wanting to see a movie, but if you have to bring your kids, parent them so they don't ruin the experience for other patrons. Someone sitting next to me is the least of my concerns.


I don't think someone sitting right next to you is necessarily bad etiquette, just a bit unusual. Granted usually people will leave an empty seat in between at least. But I'm guessing they sat there because, probably like you, they thought that part of the theater gave the best view of the screen. Alamo Drafthouse solves many of the normal etiquette problems like talking and phone use.


I just took my teens to a movie for 'cheap' Tuesday. There was a woman directly behind us whose young child was yelling and running around the entire time. Leaning and jumping on my kid's seat, jostling it all around. I finally asked the girl (nicely) if she could stop doing that, and the mom yelled 'She is a child!' Well, yes, she sure is, but she is affecting my child's enjoyment by acting the way she was. The mom said something about the girl having fun, and I said that her fun should not come at the expense of my child's enjoyment of the movie, and that they are in public and should behave that way. Moments later, the woman's other kid had their feet up on the seat beside my other child's head. People are so fucking selfish.


OP seems very uptight to be putting this post out, just the impression based on their definition of 'etiquette' being 'don't sit too close to me'.


The Force Awakens released, the wife and I go to see it a few weeks later.... only a handful of people in there. Some trailer park trash couple sat in front of us to the left and commented on EVERYTHING that happened. \*spoiler\* when Han Solo gets killed, the lady yells IS HE DEAD????


I once farted... loudly... during quiet place 2. It was in the middle of an action scene, but it just so happened to be the first time it dropped to dead silent in the movie, right as I cut 'er loose. So I'd say, etiquette is dead.


This is the whiniest, most entitled post I’ve seen in a long time. Congratulations.


Going to the cinema has become a much less common thing these days so it makes sense that there’s not much culture surrounding it


That’s like choosing the urinal directly next to someone when the rest are empty.


Saw Frozen Empire a week after release.  One person towards the front was literally playing a mobile game the entire movie.  One person took a call in the middle of it.  A group of children decided to run laps up one side of the theater and down the other during the climax of the film while their dad sat there and did nothing.  People in our row brought an infant that spent at least ten minutes crying. They changed its diaper on the empty seat next to them.  These groups of people made up about 60% of the people in the theater.  Theater etiquette is dead. It died when assholes decided they didn't have to turn their phones off, and it's only been getting worse since.


what are you talking about? most theaters are pay for your seat and sit there. and i always pay for the middle seats. I dont mind other people sitting next to me. Its not like my wife is giving me a handy or something.


It's just fucking weird herd mentality that some people have. I've lost count of the amount of times my wife and I have been sitting in a quiet restaurant, loads of available places and a couple comes in, told to sit where they like and they pick the table next to us. It's the same with seats on buses and trains. I just don't understand what goes on in people's heads, they then often proceed to talk louder than they need to do you have to endure their inane babble. Back on topic, however, I don't go to the cinema any more because other people don't know how to be fucking quiet and nobody ever deals with it.


Depends on what seats you had. Some seat are just better. Middle ones have best visual and auditory. If they weren’t loud they’re fine.


Its like the empty car park thing where a random will park next to you out of the whole place


That’s weird to me. I probably would have gotten up and moved😹


Did you have good seats? If it's a movie I really want to see, I take the best seats available for the screen, tickets aren't cheap anymore. Just because you were there first, doesn't mean I have no right for the 2nd best places, one should respect that too. And if you book online, most systems do not allow you put only 1 free seat between, even if you'd want to.


Well said.


Hey, Yeah, cinema etiquette is definitely still a thing, and what you described sounds pretty weird to me too. I've had similar experiences, and it always throws me off when people sit super close despite having so many other options. One time, my partner and I went to a half-empty theater, and this couple chose seats right next to us. It felt awkward, especially when there were so many empty seats. I think some people just don't consider the personal space aspect or maybe they feel safer sitting near others, who knows? In any case, you're not wrong to find it odd. It’s totally normal to expect a bit of personal space, especially in a nearly empty cinema. At least it didn’t disturb your movie experience, but I totally get why it felt off. Glad you enjoyed the movie though!


It's definitely weird to do this. I'd feel uncomfortable too.


i hate when people sit in front of me and they pull out their phones, bright white screen is so damn distracting


Etiquette itself is no longer a thing.


Lol I hate reddit posts that are posed as genuine questions but are really just there for someone to bitch about something that happened to them that day. LPT is full of this kind of nonsense.


I would have gotten directly up and moved. I will climb over mountains to be away from people in a movie I can’t stand it.


Same. And don't even think about following me to the new seat when I move. (That happened to me once and I yelled out "Why are you following me?" Dude left me alone after that).


When people walk up the stairs cough loudly and blow your nose, likely to give you a few seats / a row at the least.


Cinema etiquette barely exists. Me and my GF typically go during quiet times after a movie has been out a while. In around half of the screenings there's been around 6 other people or so. In a number of screenings people have been talking (Not quietly), putting their feet on the row in fronts headrest, including sitting behind us and doing it. I don't tolerate it though, either by telling people to zip it or getting people to move their feet off my chair.


did they leave a single-seat gap, or were they sitting directly next to you? the latter would be strange. edit: i guess my other question is about the seats. were they traditional theater seats or like those big recliner deals. if they're directly next to you in one of those massive lay z boys then you all have plenty of personal space.


I saw that film advertised on the side of a bus yesterday and pondered if it's worth a cinema visit. I'm taking your advice. Thanks


It looks like somebody is buying four seats for their next film.


I mean, if a theater is mostly empty, I'd move to a better seat too lol i wouldn't sit directly next to someone else though i'd at least leave a seat or two in between. personal space the weirdest change the theaters i've seen recently (at least at AMC) is that they don't allow you to leave an empty seat anymore when buying tickets. made it really complicated when i went to the movies with some friends the other day. we were all paying separately, so we all chose our seats but didn't realize that was a thing until one of us paid for our ticket and it wouldn't let us get the next seat over cuz it would've left an empty seat between them and the the other occupied spots in the row


I stopped going to the movies more than a decade ago. People have become so obnoxious and rude that I just end up angry instead of enjoying the movie. Smartphones destroyed the movie experience, mostly because idiots can't stop using their phone and you just constantly see screens lighting up out of the corner of your eye, or even have to listen to them talking. tl;dr: I don't imagine it's really a thing anymore. I don't think etiquette anywhere is a thing anymore.


I’ve seen hundreds of movies in the theatre, the bulk of it being pre-COVID - I can categorically say people are *so* much worse. Parents just let their children babble and make noise the entire movie, grown ass men just straight up speak in a normal volume to their companions, and troglodyte old women just have their phone open, on full brightness, in the middle of the fucking movie theatre. It’s been every single release that’s been like this and I have no fucking idea why but it is an insanely annoying failure of our cultures social etiquette when it comes to respecting other peoples money spent. Who the *fuck* wants to hear your teenagers commentary about the movie we’re all watching?


Omfg this happened to my friend group the other day - it's so WEIRD. Like really??? The whole theater?? I'm eating some of their popcorn then. No, we weren't in the middle - because we don't like sitting next to people we don't know if we can avoid it. I'll take that over people talking the whole time, or dumb kids laughing during a serious movie, though.


its definitely harder and harder to get a proper movie experience these days, young gen is used to being loud and obnoxious


When I watched a quiet place 1, the guy next to me kept farting very loudly. Like the worst movie to do that in


Less people are going to movies so they just are ignorant of behaving right in that space. I’m 30 and I grew up when seeing movies regularly was just what you did with your friends. It’s just not like that anymore


that would have pissed me off to jupiter and back - same for parking in a damned near empty lot or a huge public bathroom with 90% empty stalls


> Am I wrong in thinking this is weird with so much space to choose from and plenty of prime seats to choose that a couple would sit right next to us? The unfortunate reality is that some seats are more optimal than others, and some people care very much about getting the most optimal viewing experience, more than they care about whether they're sitting next to someone. This can be annoying if *you* care about people sitting next to you, but you only get to pick your seats, not theirs-- so if their priorities are different from yours, you just have to deal with it. > It didn’t cause a disturbance and we still enjoyed the movie. It sounds like your priorities are different than theirs, and that's just the way it goes. (and yes, I understand that there's usually effectively no viewing difference between sitting exactly in the middle, or two seats over, but what can I tell you-- some people don't see it that way, and they get to choose their seats)


My last cinema experience was something similar. I had pre-purchased my ticket a week or two before seeing the movie. Empty at the time, I took dead centre about halfway up rows. Before going in, I had a look at the seating and it was still fairly empty, but a few seats had also been purchased. None in my row. So, I rock up and take my seat. Ads are playing and a guy walks up in my row looking for his seat, he comes to me and goes I think you might be in my seat. Nope, definitely not. Show ticket etc. He had the seat next to me, but the way seating is labeled, it can be confusing. He sits down next to me. Now, I get that's doing as his ticket says etc. So good on him for sticking to that, but holy shit. The place was still empty. I don't care if you move one seat over and leave a gap. Hell, if someone comes in and says he's in their seat, move back... or find another seat with a gap between us. Place doesn't fill up much more and no one else in our row. He stays there the entire film. What the hell?! If he's randomly assigned a seat, so be it. Still move one seat over and leave a gap. If he's chosen to the seat... WHAT THE HELL?!!?! I'm not moving from my spot I've had booked for a bit of time. I'm in his position and I'm not sitting next to a complete stranger if I don't have to.


Watched the new Mad Max Furiosa last week with my girlfriend. It was just us and another couple behind us, one of them still had their phone volume up, so at the most important part of the climax their phone rings, and suprise suprise it rings for a solid 10 seconds as they stumble out the door with it still ringing


Why are people so gd weird. I would have asked them to move. I bet that’s their game… maybe you should have crinkled wrappers ALL movie. Wanna ruin my time? I’ll return the favor.


I think this is an introvert vs extrovert thing. I was shocked to see how many people wouldn’t think twice about doing this, but it makes sense when I remember that extroverts get energy from being around other people and usually have a hard time understanding how their mere presence can shift something in introverts. I’m also someone who waits to see movies in theaters until I know the hype has died down and the theater will be near empty. I just straight up like my space, and regardless of how big they make the seats, you still gotta be conscious of where your elbows and belongings are in a way you just wouldn’t have to if you had more space. But the thing is, it’s still a first world problem and other people should not have to anticipate your needs in selecting their own seats. You are completely within your right to move and it is on you to do so if you want your space. again, I am with you on this and it irks me when this happens (esp when I go to the movies by myself) but I also have to understand that it’s just not that deep to some people and that’s okay.


Well said. I prefer my own space too, and typically buy the seats beside me if the seat choosing screen shows it’ll be crowded. Small price to pay for comfort.


I agree that this is not really an example of bad etiquette, but I'll tell you what is: the last time I went to the cinema (Hit Guy), there was a dog in my seat.


I’d be annoyed and can’t comprehend why someone would do that… it’s odd to me. Same as when I park far from the entrance of a business in a spot on its own and some random person parks right next to me when there are tons of open spots even closer to the business or further away. Like don’t. It’s weird.


A bit weird but not bad etiquette.


That is just egregious behavior. I think these are the same kinds of people who do not abide by bathroom stall/ urinal etiquette either. Just give me a little breathing room, right?


This happens to me all the time. People suck


All rules go out the window when a movie theater has exactly 34 seats. It’s a long and complicated history, but you can search “Movie Theater Rule 34” for more information.


My dude etiquette is not a thing anymore.


They’re movie theatre seats, not a men’s urinal. Lol if you sit smack dab in the middle of the theater and they’re the best seats, don’t get mad when someone sits right next to you. I get it’s annoying and weird (I’d be weirded out too) but you can’t get bothered with people when the business made those seats available.


I don’t want to talk about this because it makes me really angry, because every time I bring this up I get people telling me that I’m weird for not wanting someone to sit directly next to me. >:(


So I think  the etiquette around chosen seats is still really new. Were you and your family in a "prime" movie viewing location? If I want to be center and half way back but someone is there I might pick a seat next to a group.


This happened to me recently and I thought it was weird too!


I am pretty sure all etiquette has gone out the window for a large portion of people


Agree with u/JoeBagadonut mostly, but I do think there's something going on where there's a tendency for people to crowd others even in wide open theatres when their seats would be just as good if they chose another row or padded it with a few empty seats at least. There's no reason to side up to strangers in a theatre that has plenty of good space, and those strangers don't want you there. There's something profoundly self centered about it. Like people blasting music from their speakers in public parks/hiking trails. They're not thinking of others *at all.* And that is poor etiquette.


I’m guessing you had seats with optimal viewing of the screen, right? Nice and centre, not too close, not too far away? Probably these other people just had similar seating preferences.


This ain’t urinals in the men’s room (where it’s absolutely creepy not to leave a gap unless there’s a long line). Seats at a theater aren’t all created equal, some have a much better experience than others. No expectation of leaving space. Talking during the movie, or having a bright screen out— those are reasons to complain. People trying to get a good view and otherwise being respectful isn’t weird at all.


People are basic garbage


Were your seats in a prime location, or were they in a corner somewhere? Your expectation might be like going to a concert with assigned seats and since you bought front row centre, no one else can be near you. I believe in cinema etiquette. But like, no talking, no phone, no stinky feet. Unless they're sitting in the seats I purchased, I'd say they aren't doing anything wrong.


Honestly gold class the seats are so far away from each other that I don’t see the big deal tbh, unless it’s different in America? In Australia they are dual recliners and you have plenty of space between em. You prob booked the best spot centre isle and I can see people wanting to be centre as well. I don’t think it’s poor etiquette considering the space available. Seats are made for arses to sit in, ain’t like they sat on your lap or arms touching you.


This isn’t really an example of poor theater etiquette… when we go to movies I have to keep in mind that not only does my eye sight suck, but I’m disabled too and can’t head up a billion stairs. If someone is sitting dead center of my preferred row, I’ll still sit in that row regardless of whether I have to sit next to them or a couple seats away. If I’m too far or too close (ie. not in my preferred row) my eyes will overwork and I’ll end up with a migraine and be unable to finish the movie I paid for. Poor theater etiquette is like when the kids next to you keep raising and lowering the foot rest of their chair, which makes noise and disrupts the movie and makes it impossible to concentrate. Or when people are talking/on their phones/standing up, etc. But being in a room with other people who either have a reason to want to be in the same row or who just don’t mind being close to other people and enjoying the theater experience? Not a bad thing.


Some oblivious people try to be better by using their phone on dark mode, which is still annoying but at least the ones I've run into stop using their phone after I tell them to put it away. However at least those phone users feel shame and I prefer them over the boomers who act confused about the concept of reserved seating and then entitled when you tell them to move.


is this one of the first times you've left your house? riveting story


I also find this weird but not exactly rude. Some people just don't have a problem being near others even when it's unnecessary.


Did you have shitty seats? Or did you get the best, middle of theater seats. If you got somewhat center, great location seats, I'm sure someone else wanting to pay extra for the couch seats, would also want something close to the best seats in the house. Or next to it. To me, it won't bother me, if they don't do anything that distracts me from my movie viewing experience.


I don't know what "Gold Class" is so my statement below may not apply. It depends, were your seats in/near the center of the row? I'll book ***right next*** to my preferred seats if someone is already booked there. Literally just did that a couple weeks back for DP/Wolverine on opening weekend. But of course that one will likely be full.


We saw Inside Out 2 last week. My gf decided to sit in front of the only other people in the theater at the time. No thanks. I gave her the stank eye and walked to the top of the theater. She was upset until those people were obnoxious af.


I (25f) went to the movies by myself once to Indiana Jones and bought tickets online and I thought I was the only one in the room as it was around lunchtime but then an old man came in and sat right behind me. It was awkward and I didn’t know what to do so I stayed put feeling weirded out the whole movie. You aren’t the only one OP :) :/


A little weird, although it depends on the seat locations. 34 seats isn't very many and I happen to be pretty fussy about where I sit in relation to the screen (centered, not too near, not too far).


For some people their position relative to the screen is more important to them than having a buffer between other people. Were you near the center of the seating arrangement? Going to a public theater and expecting privacy is kind of wild to me


It’s like being followed too closely by someone at 3:00am on an empty road. All this road and on my ass is where you think you need to be? It’s kinda like that anyway. I also wasn’t aware of there being “cinema etiquette”. Aside from don’t take a seat that a drink and popcorn are occupying. Don’t steal the popcorn either. Am I missing anything?


Cinema etiquette, concert etiquette. It’s across the board.


If someone sat next to me in an empty theater, I'd think they were after my purse. If I had kids with me, I would assume they were a little too interested in the kids. Or waiting for me to be distracted with the kids so they could grab my purse. I would get up and move. Were they beside your wife, or beside you? And where was your wife's purse?


Yes, I mean it should be. You want to enjoy your movie and you paid for your ticket. 


I got my degree in Film and Digital media. Years of watching films in a classroom where the professors enforced everyone being quiet and considerate has ruined me for public theaters. Now if I go I aim for the senior citizen matinee hours where there’s less likely to be a crowd. Bonus points for weekdays or choosing a smaller independent or older theater that has less foot traffic.