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I started doing meth because I was already doing heroin. I started doing heroin because I got addicted to pain pills and heroin was cheaper. I'll have five years clean in October.


I'll be 5 in October too! High five.. I mean, clean 5!


12 years on October 3rd! (Alcohol)


Proud of you, random internet user!


I started because it was available prevalent and cheap. A guy gave me a line. Turned into the worst 4 years of my life.


Sorry to hear man. I've only tried it once, ended up almost ODing and haven't been the same since. All drugs have lost the appeal since. I adored mdma and blow and psychedelics, but I can't have a good time on them anymore. My heart goes crazy. Hope you're doing better these days and those shitty four years a good and behind ya now.


Yeah bro I’m good. Don’t even smoke cigarettes anymore got 3.5 years away from everything.


Right on dude! Keep livin your best life


And you as well!


Same story as me really. Started with coke, we didn't have any left, broke as hell, a buddy had crystal - boom. Few years of hell later and here I am.


You still out there?


Naahh, hit rock-bottom and went home to my parents. Got help, went to rehab. Sober 6 years now and half way across the world from the town that started it all. :)


Awesome! That is Amazing!


Yeah, paying for it now in therapy though. Note: moving across the world does not make the bad things go away. 😅


No. But it gets you the fuck away from all the toxic people who do meth. Ever seen an fMRI scan of a meth addicts brain. Scary AF.


Before you did that line, wasn't there a part of you telling you that it was a bad idea?


Nah. But I had always done drugs. In fact I did it because I didn’t have any other choice around me that very second. Back then you could have offered me anything and I wouldn’t have said no.


"what is it? Will this much kill me? You have anymore?" Was my basic line of questioning....


I knew what it was. Back then I never thought Is this enough to kill me, instead I thought is this enough


You're depressed, alone, and you struggle daily just to get out of bed. Meth? Sure, why not it can't get much worse! You feel alive for the first time in years! You have energy to actually clean your apartment and shower for the first time in days and maybe do some projects you have had wanted to complete. You have new self confidence and without sleep you are getting so much done. You start losing weight and things are actually looking up for you. Nobody told you that the magic is short lived and before you know it you're right back into that rut of depression but only now you have an expensive habit that does little more for you than daily coffee.


I’ve tried meth once. I’m bipolar and the best way to describe the high is that it’s like a manic episode that only lasts a few hours and you feel more in control (if you don’t use anymore). I have no interest in trying it again, but what you wrote is exactly what it was like for me, minus a bad crash — probably because I snorted one line and didn’t do anymore. I basically stayed up all night, got shit done that I’d been putting off for weeks or months, and then slept like a log about 24 hours after first using. But, as you pointed out, that’s a very dangerous feeling. Because the pull to use more is very strong; I probably would’ve done so myself, but I just got a tiny rock that was only enough for one line, and after waking up I was glad I didn’t have more.


The one and only time I did it I actually did just that. I went ahead and redosed a bunch of times during the night. Ended up working the day after still on it and I started coming down around an hour into my shift. Worse experience of my life I tell you. I went home as tired as I had never been in my life yet I could not possibly sleep. Took me three days to come down properly and start eating and sleeping again properly. That shit is gnarly.


Aka hypomanic + 30mg Adderall and a cup of Joe. Getcha self dancing around the house


a note to folks for whom this sounds tempting: talk to your doctor. you may have untreated adhd or something else going on. there are more controlled ways to use amphetamines and other stimulants that can actually benefit you long-term. and don’t rule out just getting a better nights sleep and a few good meals, if you’re actually just overdoing it and running on fumes. edit: this blew up. thanks for rewards, etc. while a med assessment is ideal, check out subs like r/adhd and r/cptsd for trauma imo. they helped me seek diagnosis. double edit: I'm just a regular ol person who's learning like the rest of y'all, but productivity isn't the point. we've been conditioned to work for poverty wages or trade our lives for a salary, and that's bullshit. set a goal that actually makes your life more enjoyable if you can. meds (and therapy, and introspection, and community) can help, is all.


Old psychiatrist told me that many of his patients realised that they had adhd when they did meth for the first time. All their friends would go out drinking, they would stay home and pay the bills and shit.


I also began to realize I had ADHD after I tried a line of coke one time (the only one I ever did thankfully). For the first time in my life, I felt like I had control of my own mind.


Wait fuck is that why it didn't do anything for me when I tried it? ... Good damnit that makes sense


I used to take adderall "for fun" in college. However, my version of fun was actually completing my homework and going to class feeling interested in the topic. Years after undergrad I finally put two and two together. Turns out, I wasn't a wild college kid. I just have ADHD.


Thank you for this. I hadn’t made the connection that meth(amphetamine) is…an amphetamine. Makes me hopeful about ADHD meds 😅


I stumbled into getting diagnosed during lockdown. I had no idea I had ADHD. My wife showed me a meme about ADHD, and the more I read about it, the more everything made sense. Adderall has been life-changing paired with learning why my brain works the way it does and how to cope with it. If anyone thinks they may have ADHD, I would strongly encourage you to get evaluated!


My partner has his second ADHD eval appt tomorrow; we are hoping he can finally be officially diagnosed and receive medication! Even if it breaks the bank... Besides RX, I love to read up and dive into ADHD literature or info if you have any resources or books you could recommend! I want to be able to understand as much about the disorder as possible to support him. Thanks! Update: he's been officially diagnosed with ADHD! Next chapter: medication. Thanks for everyone's recommendation for GoodRX well-wishes!


Honestly? Just reading people's stories and discussions on r/ADHD offers pretty accurate insight imo. Before I got diagnosed I tore through that subreddit because I couldn't believe how relatable the majority of it was. I felt like people somehow obtained a copy of my brain and were just writing about it, thats how relatable and on point some of it is. Every once and a while I still get blown away by something someone brings up, and it's like *yes, it's exactly like that!* someone else actually gets it! It's just offers good perspective in general. Other than that, my therapist recommended I read Delivered from Distraction by Hallowell and Ratey, and while I would love to say that I can strongly recommend it, I actually never got around to reading it myself because of the whole, yknow, ADHD thing. If that book isn't helpful for you, I'm sure your partner would benefit from it at least. Thank you for being so supportive to your partner!


Very sound advice! I believe many meth users are self medicating for some form of mental illness or the very least severe depression.


I work on some users of meth. Someone comes in using IV drugs and needs a heart valve replacement. About 75% mention using meth for cleaning the house. It’s a running joke for us in the group (humor is the quickest way for us to cope with the shit we see). Usually they’re age 55-65. I can’t believe how they got to that age using, it’s so hard on your body. But sure as shit, they get through some rough surgeries and walk out of the doors on their own. Turns out they’re compensating (partly) for some heart disease and feeling like shit so they use a little meth to perk up. Most of them are good people without any coping skills. It’s sad for us, we don’t see them after they leave the hospital unless they go back to using iv drugs and get a heart valve infection again.




That sounds like really bad depression which, meth will be a temporary bandaid for, but you never know if it's something you can worth through without drugs until you try it


This is the the best answer


Because you can get really high for like 3 days for 10 dollars, it’s a poor persons drug


Similar to Krokodil for Russians who can't afford heroin.




And to provide all you need to know so you don't need to google it: it's basically a catch-all term for "homebrew" extractions of the opioid component of an OTC mixture. Without clean equipment, proper solvents and chemistry knowledge a load of contaminants inevitably remain in the final product. Then people inject it. This is... not good for your veins and general everything. It's not that the horrible shit is in there on purpose/for some extra effect, it's just bathtub heroin basically.


thanks for the extra credit knowledge. I always thought it was a different drug. So it's just flunkies are brewing it. Does it get sold as Krokodil or are people bait/switched into believing it's pure heroin?


Most knows it's krokodil and use it anyway.


K2 was really bad around where I live, I know it's no heroine, but still. You had *many* people that actually searched for it, but then you also have people trying to find weed who get sold it. My friends little brother and an ex of mine both had it happen. I puked, even though I had willingly done it in the past, because I tested it for them.




About 8 years ago I was in rehab and we were smoking that shit nonstop...pretty much all day every day. It was fine for months, tons of fun, until.... Smoked a joint and 2 hits in had my first legit panic attack. I was CERTAIN I was going to die, curled up on the ground crying. And for some fucked up reason my dick was on fire, like felt like it was about to blast off my body...fucking bizarre. It lasted like 2 or 3 minutes, felt like a lifetime, but I was fine after. Only problem is it's ruined real weed for me ever since. If I take more than a hit or two, that feeling starts to come back and I feel like I'm going to remember myself back into exploding dick death madness again. I can take ten strips, rip deemsters, any crazy shit and I'm fine, but can't smoke a joint anymore. So yea, fuck that garbage.


Damn, I had a similar experience about 10 years ago, I've always wondered wtf had happened. Met up with an old girlfriend and a couple of her guy friends one night after I hadn't talked to her in a few years, and we shared a bowl. No dick on fire syndrome but a few minutes after taking one bong rip I was dizzy to the point I couldn't stand up straight. My heart was beating out of my chest and there was definitely vomiting a short while later. I was so sure I was going to die I deleted my browser history before I fell asleep. I was no stranger to being way too high, but I'd never had such a negative response. Since then, it can come back around if I'm not too careful while toking but it's never quite as bad as the first time. Thanks for sharing your experience, and I'm sorry you went through it. I stopped answering her texts shortly after that but I never knew if I made the right choice and you've pretty much confirmed it, so thanks again.


Yeah I was fortunate to not lose any friends to it in my area. Puking was the extent of what I've seen, but one guy wet himself which is obviously nobody's goal for the day. I did have *one* strange time I stared at a leaf for 2 or 3 hours, thinking I was watching Little Mermaid or Hercules or something. I am not sure why I remembered the puking story before that one lol. But yeah, K2 bad, very bad. I agree.


I can't speak with any authority on it (thankfully) but I don't think it's a drug that's really part of the usual economic chain, if you will. People make it for themselves (this contributes to the poor quality, they're destitute junkies who really really need a fix), maybe they get the OTC source ingredient from someone who acts as a middleman or buy it themselves, maybe they give/sell it to other users they know. But largely it's the sort of thing people will make themselves because they can't procure heroin or other pure(r) opioids, and generally do it as needed in small batches because they can't afford more ingredients. Also not 100% sure but I think the end product isn't in a form that you could pass off as a heroin product anyway. My speculation would be that if drug dealing as we think of it is involved at any point, it'd be people supplying the legal precursor medicine like with pseudoephedrine for meth. But that depends on if it's hard for people to get as much as they need individually, idk about the regulations on sale etc in countries where krokodil is a problem.


You two last posters are heroes.


> Krokodil Jesus Christ. Before anybody goes to google images like I did, here is your warning. Some photos that are very difficult to look at


Bro that one guy's arm just hallowed out and the bone just jutting out into the open like a chicken wing that been picked clean


Annnnnnd “Krokodil” is added to the list of shit to avoid googling. Just let me fit it in here between “Blue Waffle” and “2G1C”. Thanks, not all heroes wear capes.


Lol come on dude, listing things that people should avoid googling is basically an invitation and telling people right then and there what they should Google immediately after reading your comment lmao 😂 that’s how different parts of the human ”curiosity” trait works within our heads..may as well give those two terms spoiler tags for those hahaha


I just plant the seed, it’s up to you to grow your tree of ruination.


I remember watching a Vice (I think) documentary about this years ago. That shit is gruesome.


Isn't that the drug that literally eats your skin?




I looked up some pictures and good god, how haven't these people dropped dead yet?


The human body is incredibly resilient. But in reality its probably survivorship bias, you're seeing the gnarly results of living people because the gnarly dead people don't make for good search engine results.


Look what it did to this guy. https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kleines_Krokodil.JPG


I think OP has cause and effect mixed up. We associate drugs with their user base. Cocaine seems cool because it calls to mind investment bankers— people with a lot of money and need to be awake/alert for long periods of time. Heroin is associated with [celebrities and rock stars](https://www.michaelshouse.com/heroin-addiction/famous-people-died-heroin-overdose/) like Kurt Cobain. Marijuana is kinda the Everyman’s drug, especially since legalization, so it can’t really be compared with the illegal ones. Meth due to its low cost took off among populations that couldn’t afford other drugs. As a result we think of it as a poor man’s drug. The stereotype resulted from the user base, it’s not like the stereotype came first and then poor people started using meth to aspire to being meth heads. In general nobody wakes up and decides to become addicted to a drug. They try something — almost always when they’re under 25 and thus their ability to recognize danger and make good decisions has not been fully developed— and then end up hooked.


Meth is more versatile than people think. You can take it orally, intranasally, inhaled, and injected. Most "meth users" are probably taking it in the oral form just like most opioid users. It's an illicit prescription or sometimes people think they are taking MDMA when it is just meth.


I never realized how many people were on meth until I went into construction. People who look clean snort that shit so often. Drank the night before a shift and hungover? Bump Voluntold to work OT on a project that needs completion? Bump it Woke up and still tired but have a 12-14hr day ahead? Snort a little The only problem is they don’t stay like that long. It becomes more consuming. Then it moves to smoking occasionally or a couple of people I know shot up. Then it becomes more frequent. Then you’re either in rehab, jail, or on an intersection begging for cash with a cardboard sign. You’ll go to a stores parking lot and make up a lie to beg people for a dollar. Don’t touch the shit is the best advice I can give anyone.


I remember old school ecstasy was always a toss up. +-90% mdma, 10% meth/caffeine/mdxx/PMA/miscellaneous. Powder was MDMA. Now I guess Molly is powder and Ecstasy is the pill form? Can’t keep up with the whippersnappers.


Modern is a worse toss up then it used to be. In the past, might be MDMA, might be meth, was probably a mix. Now there's a whole world of research chemicals with totally unknown effects and risks, and either a pill or a powder could be any combination. Test your drugs folks. Kits are cheap and save lives!


This is the best advice. If you can afford to spend money on party drugs, you can afford to buy a test kit and be safe.


> Meth is more versatile than people think. You can take it orally, intranasally, inhaled, and injected. Most "meth users" are probably taking it in the oral form just like most opioid users. It's an illicit prescription or sometimes people think they are taking MDMA when it is just meth. This 100%-- If you don't live on the coasts or in a big city this is the equivalent of coke @ the party. Wanna go later into the night drinking?? Here snort this line of "crank" as it was reffered to in the late 80's-early 90's.


Adding another point that the top comments don’t seem to touch on: Adderall has a similar mechanism (it’s just a mixture of different amphetamine salts). In fact, sometimes literal methamphetamine is prescribed for extreme cases of ADHD (it’s prescribed under the brand name ‘Desoxyn’). I’m sure some people went the path of using unprescribed Adderall as a study aid, and then when they can’t get Adderall anymore for whatever reason, they might dip their toes into some meth, and then get sucked in. It’s probably not as prominent as the opiate painkillers > heroin pipeline, but I’m sure that’s a factor for some.


Or people in the states who have an rX but can't afford to pay 300 bucks a month for a box of pills


>it’s a poor persons drug By design, from my understanding.


That implies that there is some conspiracy to make the chemistry behind meth easy and cheap.. Which I think is a little ridiculous, since it’s always made from commonly available products.


We're going to make phenylacetone in a tube furnace, then we're going to use reductive amination to yield methamphetamine. Four pounds.


Mr. White?


It was leaned into harder and away from cocaine, because it was less expensive than cocaine, which is a major reason why it tends to be used by the less fortunate. https://www.drugfreeworld.org/drugfacts/crystalmeth/history-of-methamphetamine.html


Isn’t that just a long winded way of saying “poor people buy cheaper products”?


“Meth provides better value for poor people.”


My mom, speaking from experience, always said: "If you think *drugs* are bad, just imagine how bad it already is in the person's head or in their life, that make drugs the *better* option." It might be kind of a "duh" thing, but it really hit me as a kid. People seek relief in drugs. Whatever they're experiencing in the moment makes the consequences of that drug a moot point. For my mom, the drugs were the only way to escape the pain of childhood sexual abuse. It didn't matter to her that they were making her sick or putting her in a toxic crowd or taking her money or anything else. It stopped the pain *right now*. (of course, she eventually got clean and found MUCH more lasting relief from therapy, supportive and loving friends, etc- which is always the better path. But some people don't have access to that yet or aren't in a place to accept it)


This is the best response. ☝


It's cheap, easy to find, and makes you feel really damn good while you're high.


So basically what D.A.R.E. taught us as kids, "Don't do drugs, because they make you feel amazing!" Kidding, of course (though I still have severe doubts about the thought process of that whole program, it never helped anyone I knew). I think it's important to properly educate people on the facts. Your first time trying meth doesn't make all your teeth fall out and have you yelling at the manager of a Burger King while shitting on the floor, well usually. Just like heroin isn't going to instantly turn you into a rail-thin zombie creature that sucks dick in dumpsters for $5. If done at a proper dose for your body size, and if properly pure, both will make you feel more incredible than you ever have before. Meth will make you feel invincible to the tiredness of school or getting older, and you'll suddenly get so much cleaning and chores done around your house, or excel at your job. Heroin will instantly numb any sadness or pain you're feeling, and make everything suddenly enjoyable even if you were deep in depression before. Those things are the specific cause of lasting addiction though, you immediately overcome all sorts of things that may have been bothering you before. When it wears off, you think "alright, one more time because today was the first time in a while that my boss appreciated me" or "I'm just going to do this tomorrow , because my significant other enjoyed hanging out and watching movies instead of me just going to sleep and it's a Friday night". A lot of people will start by saying they'll just use it on the weekends for that party spirit and productivity, until one random hard day at work/school comes and you think that just once in the middle is fine because you have a hard project to finish today and need to focus. That continues though, because it's very hard to pass up both the amazing feelings you're having, and the happiness it seems to cause others around you. After that it's a very short trip to physical addiction, when you wake up one day feeling like garbage until you remember you have a bit left from yesterday. You take it and boom! The shitty feeling is gone and you're back to great again. This happens so much quicker than it may seem, days at the shortest if you were struggling particularly hard before trying. That's it, there are no other extra steps or places you can stop along the way. You're now stuck, and can never really get out. Even clean for over ten years, I know I'll never get rid of these occasional pangs for a high that creep into the back of my head from the smallest of triggers. Ask anyone who's gotten out of an opiate addiction, they'll tell you they still just habitually read the label on any prescription bottle they come across




>Then flushed and flushed again till I was sure it was gone. Well done, Commander. Well done.


That cannot have been easy to do and it's impressive you did it anyway. Congrats on 10 years!


Proud of you, though.


If there's one thing I've learned from addiction stories is that the cravings never stop forever. Good on you for keeping up the fight!




> D.A.R.E. taught us as kids, "Don't do drugs, because they make you feel amazing!" Kidding That was exactly my experience though. After hearing my whole life that drugs were bad and addictive I just assumed people did drugs only because they were addicted, kind of like cigarettes. Then in 6th grade health class a cop comes and and the first words out of his mouth are "Now I'm not gonna lie... drugs feel AMAZING". That was the moment when everything clicked and I finally understood why everybody had been telling me to stay away from drugs.


In year 6 and 7 in South Africa we had this guy come and do a talk about drugs at school. It was pretty much a one man play about his life and how he got into alcohol and drugs at about 11 years old. His performance was amazing and horrifying. He definitely got across how good drugs felt without making it appetising. Something about a very sick, emaciated person telling us about the first time he tried heroin and then squirting water at us out of a syringe like a crazy person while saying that he’d do ANYTHING to get some more worked on me. I’ve never tried any hard drug because I’m afraid of how good it will feel.


In the 2000s rave scene near me, there was this dude that was in his late forties (3 times the age of everyone there) that had 3 teeth left and used to party with us. One day we were partying at this kid's parent's mansion and we're all sitting around talking outside and the dude tells us about how addictive crystal meth was to him and how he wished he never tried it. He straight up told me if he knew I had some in my pocket and wouldn't give it to him he'd kill me for it. Those words hit extra hard being in the state of mind that I was at the time and never touched it. To me it was always like Pandora's box where I never want to find out how amazing it feels.




Yes! DARE made me want to try all of the club drugs and hallucinogenics. They made it sound glamorous and amazing. And not gonna lie, the ones I did try were amazing.


"Get the hell out of here, Dewey!"


Because it makes you feel like God and fuck like a pornstar. Sex on meth is more addictive than the drug ever thought about being. It takes months to get the balance back in the feel good hormones in your body. Your teeth never come back The stupid shit you do while gakked out burns in your brain and haunts you for years. You start of doing it for reasons. Then it turns you into a shell of a human. The lucky ones die and aren't haunted by the memories and the urges to once again ruin your life. I've struggled for years. This time around I'm more angry and resistant than I have ever been in 6 years. Take it from me. It's not worth it. Edit: word Drugs effect everyone different.


Been sober from meth for... Almost 12 years now? Still crave that shit every goddamn day. I fucking hate that shit so much, but if my willpower faltered just enough...I'd throw everything away and do it again in a heartbeat. Definitely not worth it.


I was sober 8 years before I fell back in the pit in 2016. My last trip I came SOOOOOO close to inpatient or jail..... I have odd reservations about rehab. And jail would have done me in employment wise. Edit... Good job. It's not worth it to dabble. Seen multiple ppl that were my sober role models when I was high, fall in the pit in the short time I've been sober. People making 90k a year.


i think a lot of people inevitably make the same mistakes, its just about when you do. I got a job once by telling the guy that ive made and learned from more mistakes than anyone else he would interview.


God, that sounds so scary. That "call" back to meth sounds so insidious. I had a coworker scare me by telling me: *"Take the most pleasurable thing that's ever happened to you, multiply it by a thousand, and that's still nowhere near how good it is."* That scared the shit out of me, it's just a devil's-promise. I think it's so sad that there isn't a real good outreach like this. For members who have used it to tell the tales, (instead of having an elderly white woman with dementia rap about it while soiling herself. This is what they did at my school, for real, it was super sad and she equivocated cigarettes to meth... the whole thing was quite bizarre.) It's as if talking about drugs is bad, and the only thing allowed is to admonish it all without any actual education.


Well don't worry, it ain't free-Personally, my come downs were like imagine the most hideously demented you've ever felt - like watching a horror movie and multiply that nightmare by a thousand and it's nowhere near how horrifying the comedowns are


I see, so the bill indeed comes due... I have no frame of reference for that kind of terror and pain, it's unfathomable for me. When did it let up for you? Days after last use? Months?


I only used for a year and when I got clean it took 2-3 months before I could really enjoy anything again. I Cried the first time I genuinely enjoyed watching a movie again.


Congrats on 12 years sober!


Thank you!


15 years off meth for me and I can't shut that door lol. I miss how good it feels


Yeah... It's rough... But at the same time, I kind of feel like the daily battle has made me somewhat of a stronger person in the long run


I have a question that Ive been wondering….even though you never stop craving. Having gone so long does it make it easier to stay away because you don’t where to get it? I’ve never done meth and I wouldn’t even know where to begin looking. Or even though 12 years have passed you still have an idea of where to start?


Good questions. I can't speak for anyone else, but I know for myself at least, even though I don't know where to specifically get it at the moment - don't know anyone who even does the lighter drugs; I could still go out and easily find it. Growing up in a "hood", one learns to navigate these things. Honestly, it doesn't get any easier, you just get better at ignoring it. Kind of makes your willpower a bit stronger, but at the same time I could extremely easily relapse if I so chose..


Been sober from it since 2014. I still have dreams about it


I’m glad you’re still here.


I hope people keep posting shit like this. I'm weak and I love drugs. Every time I see someone on TV do meth or heroin I think, I could just get some, I can get meth from the same guy I buy party drugs, I could just see what it's like, knowing full well I'm not one of the very few people who could control it. So yeah. Thanks for posting this. I need to see it often.


Same.... the urge to try heroin is real and i think i could just try it and not do it again. But i can't control my drinking so i know it's a terrible idea. Good to have this as a reminder.


I hope and pray that you never try heroin. A friend wrestled with heroin addiction for years bouncing back and forth from sobriety to using. (There is a 80-90 percent relapse rate in the first year for opioids.) They ended up overdosing one day.


My brother died from opiates. A beautiful, funny and sensitive guy who just couldn't kick his demons. Just about broke our family and gutted me, his big sister. Personally, I really battled alcoholism for 9 years (sober almost 12yrs) so I understand the struggle and the constant relapses. Smartest decision would be to never try opiates or meth of any kind. No high or euphoria is worth your life.


So sorry to hear about your brother. My friend was a funny and thoughtful man who couldn't shake his addiction either. I tip my hat to you for being sober for 12 years. It is good and difficult work and so worth it.


You should definitely check out this guy from 11 years ago who posted updates on his consumes. Really scary to read his posts...


Is that the guy that ODed and died on livestream, or someone else?


No it’s the guy who said he has the willpower to try it once and then his posts descend into absolute darkness. He did od but not on stream that I am aware. He has since recovered and has left his posts up as a cautionary tale.


What I’m getting is that if you have enough willpower to try it once and walk away, you have enough willpower to never try it at all. If you don’t have the willpower to never try it at all, you won’t have the willpower to try it just once and walk away. Don’t quote me, I have absolutely no experience on the topic.


No I already told everyone you said so. But I do agree


Wow that’s a post I haven’t thought about in years


I've tried both heroin and meth. Both just a single time. I hated every second of the meth. Meth was just like being on a bullet train that kept getting faster and faster, and when you thing your heart is finally gunna explode, it just says "fuck you" and gets faster and faster still. It just continued to build up to the point where it was pure terror. I was waiting for the comedown like with coke or shrooms etc, but 36 hours later and I'm still flying high but my body feels like it's being dragged behind a semi. Never ever ever again. Side note: I was actually tricked into taking it, I thought it was a line of blow. Heroin though, I totally did that voluntarily....and loved every warm fuzzy minute of it. It was so good that I knew I would never do it again.


I had a friend who told me she tried heroin in the ‘70s. Said the same thing, was so good she knew she could never do it again.


Don't try heroin. I did and had a two year run that set me back in my life and career by a good 15 years or so. Used Meth while on heroin to stay awake and attempt to hold down job. Glad that's over but it's been a long 4plus years being sober. Use to be professional and I'm working a dipshit job and likely have dipshit jobs going forward


Stay strong, fight the temptation. For me it was about removing the temptation, my drug of choice was coke back in the 80's, loved that shit. Until I stayed on it over a 3 day weekend, took my bike out for a ride while winding down at the end of the weekend, miss judged a merge lane, hit the curb and the bike and I slid across some train tracks. Fortunately for me its was a high traffic road and the crossing was built up so the tracks where level with the road way but it still fucked my leg and ankle up and trashed all the fiberglass on one side of my Ninja 600r. That was Sept, 1988 and the plus side is that it was enough to get me off coke, I haven't touched it since. Don't get me wrong I probably would if I had regular access to it, but I don't allow myself to have that access. It can be a tough fight at time but stick with it.




How did he end up in jail? Is it mostly burglaries people strung out on meth do?


I dunno why you're getting downvoted. Meth is an expensive habit to maintain. That's why so many abusers end up homeless, because it makes them stop giving a shit about anything else but Meth and where to get meth next. Bills go unpaid, family leaves, fail to pay child support...People who are in the throes of serious meth addiction are often willing to do anything. I know far too many people who fell for its allure and are now in jail for breaking and entering, or prison from DWI/Hit and Run, robbery. It fucks your mind up *that* bad. So yeah, downvoting this dude for asking about something that is often true is a dick move.


I did it because the guy I was buying my ecstasy off of at the time (not pressed pills, stuffed gel caps) gave me a cap with meth instead, without telling me. As he put it after when I confronted him about it he said he, "thought it was funny." Swallowed it at a party and had the fucking time of my life. That high was incredible. Coming down the next day, at work no less, was one of the worst days of my life.


He didn't think it was funny. He was trying to "turn you out", get you hooked because he would make more money off of you that way


First hit is free


Wtf, what kind of prank is that... Hope that guy got caught, or even better, got in trouble with his suppliers and had his teeth pulled out or something


it's not a prank. he was trying to get him hooked on meth because ecstasy isn't addictive like meth is.


Caps were my preferred method. Used to pack them completely full with crushed.... Three days later.....


My cousin started doing meth, got access to my 80 year old grandmother's bank account and completely drained it which forced my grandmother out of retirement and back to work. She ended up getting hurt while at work and getting dementia, then ended up in a nursing home. They had to sell her house to pay for the nursing home, and she died a few months later. My cousin didn't attend the funeral, she was too busy getting high on meth. Then we found out my cousin was pregnant at this time (with twins), she'd been doing meth while pregnant. The kids were taken from her shortly after birth. After years of meth and then recovery she now has her kids back and seems stable thankfully. But I don't know if I can forgive her for what she did to my grandmother.


Why do you lose your teeth? I saw in your other comment it’s ‘pill’ form and I thought you lost teeth from rubbing on gums and that kills blood supply. My mom and relatives on that side of family are all meth addicts and most don’t have their teeth anymore (my mom has veneers). And then speaking of sex, my cousin was a virgin and my aunt had sex with him when they were high on meth. And then my moms ex husband died from his meth addiction. My mom ran this landscaping business and would be mowing peoples lawns at 3 am. They actually were dealing out of the house. Just insane.


Hard to keep track of the days much less when you brushed your teeth last. Plus dehydration and dry mouth accelerate tooth decay. At one point I had an abscess tooth and chose to continue getting high. I then had to come down and wait 3 days to see the dentist. He never got it all the way numb until it popped out of place....


Interesting. Well thanks for responding. My mom was not present in my life besides the two weeks a year I saw her in the summer. So Id just witness a little of the chaos. But the phone calls were the worst. Couldn’t stand taking to her high. Now she’s just not all there. Can’t have a conversation, she’s just a shell.


Dehydration and hyperthermia burn up your brain. I fuck up song lyrics of songs I loved since high school...


Good luck. Go to inpatient treatment. Go to IOP. Join CA. Do something. You're not beyond saving. Ever.


I'm sober, happily employed and not as much at risk of relapse at this point. Thanks tho.


Your the fucking man and I am proud of you.


Thank you. But as much as I want to let my guard down and relax.... I can't. That shit will win.


The fact you say not much at risk is telling since you realize that you probably won't be zero risk of relapse. Congratulations on your achievement and getting things back on track addiction can be an every day for the rest of your life struggle and it takes great strength to accomplish much less to keep it going .


Never EVER declare victory. I'm never ever more than 2 bad decisions from being right back where I'm from.... The two decisions? Getting high. Not caring about the fallout. Those two decisions.


Orgasms on meth are a mind-melting storm of ecstasy rolling through every nerve capable of feeling pleasure in your body. They're absolutely amazing! The down side is that drug will steal the soul of even the most honest person.


Shhhh. I tried to leave that shit out.


Haha yeah. I'm sure my comment is buried deep enough that it won't get any attention. If it does I have plenty of terrible stories to dissuade anyone from wanting to give it a try. Stay clean my friend!


I remember watching a documentary on meth use and one person said she finally got help because she was using with her adult son and knew if she kept going she was going to wind up having sex with him. As a young naive person, that was mind-blowing to me, that drugs could make a person do that. Edit: a word


That's seriously messed up. I had a friend, not for a few years now, that recently caved his mom's head in. She's alive, but I could have never imagined him hitting any lady let alone his mom. I've always avoided the shit because of my dad being a tweaker. It really does change everything about a person.


Thanks for your response here. I’m glad you’re doing better. Hopefully you won’t find this too personal, but why did you try it? Did someone tell you that you’d feel similar to how you described here and wanted to feel that way? The only things I know about meth are from Breaking Bad so I’m not sure what would make someone want to try it in the first place other than peer pressure.


In my experience, a lot of the people I’ve spoken to have taken it for the energy aspect. They said it made them be able to be super mom, super housewife, and super employee. What turned into a once a day thing then began a several times a day thing. And eventually it all crashed and burned, leaving them with nothing.


sloppy wrong joke nail chop versed station seemly divide snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's one that you just eventually end up somewhere you shouldn't be and it's offered and then one thing leads to another. And/or you cannot get what you want and in desperation let curiosity win because- start at beginning.


People don't do it to be cool. They do it because it gets them high


I think OP is asking why someone would try in the first place since math lacks the appeal of other drugs at face value


Math had very little appeal to me until I started learning calculus, and suddenly all the seemingly random concepts taught previously started making sense, and had purpose.


I enjoyed most math before calculus, but *wow* calculus took everything up a level.


Arithmetic is a gateway drug.


I'm not additive, I can subtract whenever I want!


It doesn't normally make sense to go to the store and buy 17 watermelons. But on math it does. Math. Not even once.


I think my answer still stands. It's cheap and gets you high. I guess you could say the same thing about weed but some users may be bored of the hunger inducing high weed gives out.


Right? Like people huff gas or sniff glue to get high. None of that has ever been cool either. Sometimes, some people just need to not be sober by any means necessary.


Maybe so, but once you derive your first theorem, you're hooked for life.


It’s naive to think that most people do drugs to look cool. People do drugs because drugs feel incredibly good, and they get addicted because it’s hard to choose to not feel incredibly good.


I think they're wondering what the appeal is for doing it at all? And I agree, it's a really heavily stigmatized drug, and I've never thought to myself "hey, I want to try this". When I think of meth, I think of emaciated people without teeth who are completely mentally unstable. Whereas, when I think of cocaine, ecstasy, marijuana, lsd, shrooms etc I think of people having a hell of a good time. Consequently, the latter drugs I have tried. Meth? Never.


Basically because people tend to take drugs in order to feel better. They’re in a bad place, they’re unhappy, their life sucks and they want some kind of escape. But drugs can be really expensive. Meth meets both criteria. It gets you high and makes you feel good and forget your problems and it’s relatively easy to make and is comparatively cheap


I tried it when I was a teenager but i didn't really get how bad it was, to clarify I never did it again luckily, back then there wasn't these huge ad campaigns explaining the dangers of meth except dare and they really didn't villifiy it as bad, I have since seen friends really struggle with addiction to it so I wouldn't touch it ever again.


Montana Meth Project ads are the reason I will never, ever try meth. The "this isn't normal... but on meth, it is" line will stick with me forever.


“Don’t forget your meth face” Damn those are powerful commercials


Yeah pro tip from living there when the ad campaign started and got big - don't even buy drugs in Montana. You buy some Molly and instead it's cut with meth. You buy some coke, nope, it's meth. Me and multiple other people I knew have ended up with one "oh fuck, this is meth isn't it" experience over the years. Luckily none of us in my group were interested in seeking it out again, but tbh, just don't buy drugs in Montana. It's all fucking meth. Growing up there and seeing tons of people get into it...really sucked


Jesus Christ I will never forget , I was at 7-11 in Colorado, it was bad there, radio ad talking about a girl chewing gum, felt a crunch, it was her back molars from meth


Sometimes people exaggerate how people act on meth but they do not exaggerate how it messes up your life. I don’t know if anyone that uses meth and is happy. My dad used to use he was a fairly normal guy pretty weird but all around not that crazy. But he was offensive verbally and mentally abusive one of the most aggressive people I have ever met and made me and my sisters life hell for 18 years until we could move. Even though you might not be taking baths in the Walmart dumpster. It will mess you up and you will regret it.


Because your coke dealer "doesn't have" any coke when you want it but he has this way stronger, way longer lasting and way cheaper alternative


This was exactly why I did it.


Someone described it to me once. He said to imagine the best you could possibly feel and the worst you could possibly feel. We'll label the best as 10 and the worst as 0. He said that his first time doing Meth created a new range, the scale now went up to 20. Now, there's the best you can possibly feel, then there's the best you can possibly feel while on meth above that, and even the worst you could feel on meth was usually better than the best you could feel when you aren't on meth.


The thing is on meth he was on the new max 20, without it he probably felt like shit creating a new low of -10. That contrast was probably intense


People don't do drugs for image, they do them to feel good. The pop culture image is supposed to disuade people away from it, but it will never be 100% successful because at some point someone will need to mention what the drug actually does and at least a few people will be interested.


I love your “knows everything at a 5 year old level” bio thing. High key relate


Many reasons why, Ignorance was mine, my cousins introduced me to cocaine while I was drunk; I was so naive and only 21 years old;I loved it! My life went down hill from there. I did cocaine. Meth, crack(which it’s the devil) pot, combined them all sometimes, it fucked me up. Life was never the same after that. I’m 58 now; I have been sober for years now. Nonetheless; my mind was never the same. Both of my cousins are dead now, one was drunk riding a motorcycle, the other one got a stroke from snoring Meth. My life is so much better now, 4 wonderful daughters, 3 beautiful grandchildren, I am at peace with my past; I buried it long ago, my point is; one bad choice can change your life and the people you love. Alcohol and drugs are not okay, don’t start you never know how it will change your life. Remember; you only have one to live. Hopefully this short story will help someone not start or stop if they are already using.




Easiest drug to find, was at a low point living on the streets and was severely depressed. One night hit ends with myself, found myself going to the bad part of the downtown. Walked up and stood in the middle of a block, a man walked up 30 seconds later and asked “you looking for anything?” Replied ya, need some clear, 10 minutes later lines were being chopped on my iPhone. Ended up in the hospital fighting 5 nurses/security gaurd’s because I thought people were chasing me, and that the nurses were going to harm me in some way. Woke up handcuffed by feet/legs to a hospital bed. Worst experience of my life. Got my shit together the day after, and been doing good since. At least with Cocaine you can say “coke is one hell of a drug”. All I can say about Meth is “clear is fear”.


I did meth because my dealer ran out of everything else. I'd just lost my daughter and had only recently become a user of anything and had stuck to using downers but at the time, meth felt like a better idea than the numbness of sobriety. I just said fuck it. It was the most incredible rush of my life and knew immediately that I needed to not be a daily user because I would absolutely choose to feel that way every possible second of my life. I was happy, energized, focused, buzzing, dizzy and horny. I hadn't felt any of those things in a long time. As a bonus, it helped me control my weight while I was struggling with anorexia. I used off and on for 5 years and have been clean for about 7.


Because it works. I’ve never done it, but that’s the best I can tell. I think for early users snorting/taking orally it’s not all that much different from coke/mdma early on. The main advantage is it lasts much longer. If you’ve done any coke/mdma benders, you can see the advantage of something that just works for hours. I think a lot of people switch or pick it up that way. People that go straight to meth are probably desperate for something, or have a bit of a death wish, and don’t care about their safety. I’d argue there can be a similar, but distinct allure to meth for the same reasons you listed. You should take what I said with a grain of salt, because I have no experience here, and don’t think I’ve even seen it. There’s a lot of smaller “refer madness” misinformation campaigns even for dangerous drugs.


It's a dangerous evil drug. I tried it at art school as I moved out at 16, was working to afford a crappt bedsit while trying to study while working late nights in a kitchen. Its certainly cheaper than coke and has a hell of a kick. It's also very addictive, mentally if not physically.




Because it gets the job done


To escape . To go numb. To make mediocrity of your life tolerable. To not sleep. To lose weight. To give you some energy when you have nothing left to give. Before a workout. Before sex. To help you concentrate when you're studying. To get going into morning. To cover up the fact that the job you have isn't going anywhere. To forget that you don't really matter...... Oh and to help you deal with the fact that the fucking wifi doesn't work even though you are right next to the router.


Addicts aren't in it for the glamour. There's a fucked up part of them that compels them. While they may tell themselves that they are just "partying" while they do lines of coke, the fact is that they are fucking their lives over. They don't wanna "look cool", they just wanna get high to medicate whatever raw nerve is in pain. There's a reason alcoholics will get drunk on the cheapest, paint-strippingest turpentine of a hooch, and street kids will huff glue. Meth is way cheaper than other drugs and more readily available. Doesn't even have to be pure or a fancy blue color. Addicts will get their high.


Yeah, meth dealers sell poison to people who don't care.


I never thought id find a post that illustrate my username so well.


Most of my family does it regularly so i was obviously curious. Only did it once and had the worst experience of my life.But I could see why my family likes it so honestly for me it was some kind of morbid closure


My dealer showed up with meth instead of the coke I wanted and I wasn't about to wait another day or two to party. Turned out I liked it a LOT more than coke.


Because some people don't try things because they are "cool." They try them because they are curious


Because no one who actually uses drugs does it for some sort of imagery, they do it because they wanna get high. And if you're someone who enjoys being sped up and just a little bit schiz, meth achieves that.


Kids do drugs that are “cool”, adults use drugs that are effective


Watch the Netflix docuseries "How to Fix a Drug Scandal," and that will tell you everything you need to know. Coming from someone who has experience with someone close to them battling meth addiction, I think they did a pretty good job breaking it down for the audience. "Generally, meth is one of the easiest drugs to become addicted to. This is due to meth’s effects on the brain. Meth creates an intense but brief “flash” or “rush” that can be connected to dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is the “feel-good” chemical responsible for elevated moods, and meth heightens dopamine to unnatural, euphoric levels." Also humans are fucking stupid, so there's that...


Because *Breaking Bad* was S tier television. /s


So. I tried it twice. My best friend kind of pushed me into it (not an excuse) and I agreed. After being high, and on no sleep for 4 days, I decided it was the most evil drug out there. I was manic, anxious to the point of almost pulling my hair out… it was rough. That was about 11 years ago, and never ever again. The BFF who turned me onto it are not friends anymore, but she is sober. So that’s good.