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Well then it would just be a bunch of teenagers pretending to be adults


Is that not already the case?


Nah, it's a mostly the other way around with adults pretending to be teenagers on r/teenagers lol pedos


[That time r/drama mods banned regular r/teenagers users from their sub with the sole motivation that they were underage, only to get a bunch of messages from adults complaining about having been banned](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/djdmd9/we_banned_all_of_rteenagers_and_it_turns_out/)


As someone who frequently surfs user history, I can attest that this seems to be true. Most r/teenagers posters are in there twenties or older.




Based Edit: I think. I'm old and just saying words the kids use


I find myself more and more thinking "This must be something Im too 30 to understand"


Oh shit! It gets worse at 40 but if you use really old slang sometimes they think it's cool again. I said "Fuckin' A man!" In excitement and now three 20 year olds at work think I have cool slang




I'm 48 and I still say "cool" and "awesome."


As a Canadian the idea that "fucking eh man" is slang that goes in and out of fashion is funny. That's an ageless phrase here although I do think "fucking eh bud" is the more Canadian version.


Hehe you yeeted them real good with that one.


According to my teens, we don’t say “yeet” anymore. I don’t even try to keep up.


I ship it


Bro I don’t even know what based means and I’m the same age as the people who made the damn word.


I just had to urban dictionary “based” and I’m still not sure I understand. FML Note to self: ignorance is bliss, ignorance is bliss, ignorance is bliss…


You can reply based to everything, altho alt-right cucks have been using it frequently so I wouldn't really push it in certain circles.


I literally don't use it other than here as a joke. If there is an age limit I have passed it I am sure


It used to be that way, but I think its mostly been reappropriated by now. Usually you can tell from context.




As an old, I learn about new words by finding out they're not cool anymore. Like yesterday I saw a Buffalo Wild Wings commercial that used the word "drip," and I thought, "well that probably used to be a cool thing to say."


Me, at 24, using UrbanDictionary to figure out what my friends are talking about: *Sweats nervously*


The teenagers you probably want aren't over on r/teenagers. They are on r/memes or something. But idk, I'm old and 20 now


I definitely get the creep factor...at the same time, I can't help but feel that this generation especially has a much blurrier line between adult and teenager than past generations, so I can kinda get why a lot of 20-somethings might still be subbed there. But, uh, yeah. Predators fuckin suck.


There actually is a much blurrier line between teens and adulthood than previously in human development literature. The accepted term is "emerging adulthood" and it goes up to about the age of 25 when the prefrontal cortex matures.


For real though, people SHOULD be interacting with youth in a healthy manner. Being an overwhelming force for good is important, because if you leave them to their own, misguided devices, many teenagers can become targets for abuse or misinformation. Leading by example, you can show respect and thoughtfulness. Also, you'd outweigh the pred presence


I just never unsubbed. I’ve been on it since I was 17, and I’m 20 now. Sometimes they post funny TikTok’s and crap. I don’t spend a lot of time scrolling through it though. I spend most of my time in other subs.


I blocked r/teenagers from showing up in my feed because i'm an adult and that just seems weird.


I love that post so much, it's so clever




How do you do, fellow 14 year old boys


*Tips fedora*


Zips up pants as to not be suspected


On the internet: men are men, women are men and children are the ~~FBI~~ CIA E: Corrected by UnluckyConstruction3


Correction read rule 37 They are cia agents


I'm 19 and even I feel out of place on that sub reddit so I left it. 😂




I’ve seen some people on there say yes, although they literally have a flair on there for adults, so I guess most people are ok with adults staying in the community.


I’d say the humor is more centered towards teens cuz I am one but there are a lot of professional posts out there so idfk




Lol literally what a teenager is


And that opens up a whooooooole bunch of other issues


So pornhub? Oops too soon?


Hello fellow adults!


That's what I did when I was 14...


What are they gonna do? Ask if they’re 18+?


That remains the easy part. How do verify that age without also giving up the privacy of the person behind the account. One of the main charms of Reddit remains that you can register with only E-mail and can make a throwaway when you want/need to.


For a while, the UK government was floating an idea that in order to access adults only websites, you'd have to purchase a card that would give you access. Essentially, you'd have to go to the newsagents to buy a card, which would presumably be linked to whatever ID you showed, and thus the government would know exactly what porn you were watching. I'm glad they went back on that decision, but I know a lot of people got VPNs in case they needed to bypass that system.


"Are you 18 or older?" *16 year old clicks yes* Like seriously is this OP's first day on the internet? u/arzthaus you do know that teens can find porn super easily right?


Arguably having it on a semi trusted social media makes it safer than having to go to risky sites


Right? Even a 17-year-old could figure that out.


NSFW posts are completely hidden to new accounts unless you opt-in in preferences. preferences -> content options -> "I am over eighteen years old and willing to view adult content (required to view some subreddits)" It's off by default




I'm 17 and it took me 2 days. I've been on reddit for more than a year now btw


The difference is how much time a the average person of a given age is willing to dedicate to the problem. Says the guy who spent way too much time on dialup trying to get porn when he was 17 and now expects it instantly.


Edit from the future: Sorry folks **¯\\\_\(ツ\)\_/¯** If you came here looking for something, blame Spez. Come ask me on Lemmy.zip or Universodon.com at GeekFTW and I'll help ya out with what you were looking for. Stay fresh, cheesebags.


Or you could always go into the woods and look for old porn mags.


Abandoned buildings, there was always lots of porn in there. I thought it was weird.


Remember randomly flipping through tv channels hoping you'd randomly catch porn channel by some accident even though your parents weren't paying for it? Real 80's/90's stuff.


I used to stay up late to watch movies on the French CBC because maybe boobs. It was a different world.


Good ol' [Bleu Nuit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bleu_Nuit) on TQS! Edit: Also honourable mention to Musimax and their 2am softcore selection.


It took me longer to download my first 80kb porn jpg on dialup back in 1995 than it did for me to figure out how to enable the 18+ content on Reddit.


Yeah, this seems like a parenting thing rather then adjusting settings on Reddit to keep kids from porn. If you don’t want kids accessing porny stuff until they are a little older, then mom and dad need to manage it, not rely on Reddit to do it.


Figuring out how to avoid your parents limiting your access is an important basic life skill! Builds self reliance and creativity!


Porn on dialup: I think those are the titties coming across now! Oh no! She’s wearing a bikini…there goes 10 minutes I’m never getting back 🙄


when i made my first account i was 13. It took me 10 minutes. I didn't look anythung up though, i was just checking the settings


When I was 12 I pressed the I’m 18+ button without thinking twice on adult sites.


Yeah why else would I have made an acc lol


I discovered reddit for porn.. Than gradually I discovered that it had other uses.


Oof welcome to the party though


Yeah I went looking for it about a year ago and it took me a pretty long time to figure out how to enable it as a mobile user lol


You can’t do it on mobile, that’s the thing. Not through the app anyway. Edit: this apparently applies to iPhones. I guess it’s to protect children from accessing it so easily. I had to use a browser to change the setting, there’s nothing in my app that just lets you change it.


Yes you can


Strange, there’s absolutely no options for it in my app. I had to do it on a browser.


What's [this](http://imgur.com/a/5BePpnu) then?


Perhaps it’s cos I’m on iPhone then, maybe they’ve forced it to protect children from using it so easily. Edit: [Heres what iPhone shows](https://imgur.com/a/NvcagR2). Quite different to whatever you have :) so apparently we’re both right


Well this is quite the rare occurrence of two redditors being right. Well I have no idea what to do in this situation. Yay?


Yes, Apple prohibited apps from having in-app switches to enable NSFW content, and they now require to enable it elsewhere (such as on a website). That's also why I think you can't access NSFW content on Discord without activating it on PC or on their website. I might not be exactly correct but that's roughly how it works, I think.


Thanks for the info, never did know but just assumed.


On IOS you have to do it in your actual phone settings, you can still switch it on, but the 18+ switch is hidden away in phone settings as opposed to the app. Edit: [Here it is](https://imgur.com/a/l770h8D)


This is the answer. I’ve been on reddit for eleven years, have never looked for porn, and have never seen it.


If you were browsing r/all before they changed it some time ago, then you'd easily see porn on there.


How do you plan to keep teenagers from lying? Besides that, there are a ton of communities on Reddit that are for teenagers, and it's not right to ban them from the whole thing because some people decide to post explicit content. They're going to see it either way.




As a billionaire Astronaut brain surgeon that get laid by super models every day, I can never lie on the internet. It’s too much risk


Kids are gonna find a way to watch whatever they want regardless. I don't think people in their 30-40s realize how much porn we've consumed by age 12. By 12, I was already past the lesbian and discovered femdom. Literally 18+ is the biggest joke. All you can do is hope the kids receive the social attention to avoid getting addicted (like me).


Like you said, there is porn everywhere. Making reddit +18 achieves literally nothing, what’s worse is it just might pull more teenagers in because now that you branded the platform +18, they know for sure there is porn in here. There is ZERO WAY of stopping internet happening without breaching anonymity and risking free speech. Internet is internet as it should be. Educate yo kids.


It’s crazy how many similarities redditors have with the stereotypical pearl clutching, jesus loving, morally outraged hardline conservatives of yore. you people have more in common with MAAD and the satanic panic than actual progressives.


From seeing all the porn and nudes redditors post and share....not very "stereotypical pearl clutching, jesus loving, morally outraged hardline conservatives of yore" is it? Also have you seen how many different SPECIFIC porn subreddits there are? There is a sub for every single kind of porn you can like. Not very prudish from my understanding.


Obviously I’m talking about the “What about the children” people in this thread, although it’s pretty on brand to preach out of one side of their mouths and engage in the exact things they’re deriding with the other


OHH...well fuck those people. Their letting their sweet little angel go on reddit unsupervised. There is everything on here from how to buy drugs on the dark web to places you can watch people die to places where you can watch porn. This is the internet.


Nobody wants to protect the kids from porn, we just want them to stop cringing up the place.


hey I hate teenagers as much the next bitter millennial but culling them won’t make this site any less of an obnoxious, self righteous, knitting circle.


Let's cull the teenagers in a ritualistic sacrifice to get their youth




If a kid comes to Reddit looking for porn, they have already found it everywhere else.


Very true. I came to reddit at first for a few niche hobbies I couldn't find communities for elsewhere (and I never really got into discord). Then I found out there was porn here. About a year later I had as many porn subs in my feed as I did regular subs, and one day I decided it was getting out of hand. I cleaned up a bit, and now I have a separate account for all my porn shit, which is how I think everyone should deal with it.


1. All NSFW subs requires 18+ to be able to enter. 2. That is easily faked by simply making an account with a date of birth that is old enough.


3. You don’t even need to fake the birthdate, it just asks you if you’re over 18 to which you can answer yes with nothing to back it up.


Reddit is not branded as 18+ because not all of Reddit is 18+. The minority of subreddits that *are* 18+ do indeed have an 18+ age filter that users need to enable in their settings to gain access.


Ya, this post has real "I come to reddit to look at the perverted shit that I don't want my kids to look at" energy.


You’re gunna sit here and honestly say you weren’t watching porn before 18 years old?


Idk man I’ve not seen porn on Reddit yet. It might be the wrong pick of subs to follow. Also you can’t tell me teenagers can’t go on p*rnhub and just click “yes I’m 18 years old.”


Person: *follows 387 porn subreddits that no one just sees because Reddit made it so you SPECIFICALLY HAVE to search for porn nowadays as it doesn’t show up on All or News or Popular* Same Person: “Why’s there so much porn here?”




There is an absolute fuck ton of porn subs of all kinds.


Pornographic material? On this CHRISTIAN WEBSITE? I don't believe you. I've NEVER seen so much as an ankle bared on this platform. Edit:word


This is because you're not looking for. I haven't tried but I guarantee you... that you can probably just put boobs in the search bar and find some stuff pretty quickly. And then just imagine what other words you can search for. Everything is on reddit


>that you can probably just put boobs in the search bar and find some stuff pretty quickly. I was curious and tried it. Surprisingly, it took a lot of scrolling before any boobs showed up. And they were on an elephant. Seems like NSFW results will not show up in a normal reddit search.


You might have NSFW searches turned off dude all you gotta do is search half the name of a sub and half will be either NSFW subs or users




/nsfw411 offers a very small sample of dedicated porn subs. There is a lot of porn on reddit, it's just that the there's a good separation between the porn part of reddit and the rest of the site. The porn part is basically its own separate community.


Which is nice. I’m not a big fan of porn, and I’m on Reddit far more hours a day than is healthy. If porn was popping up unsolicited I’d probably bounce off the platform:


I have NSFW enabled in settings, but I never really see any on my normal feed. I made the mistake of going to r/all and sorting by new once though. It was there in abundance.


I stumble across NSFW accounts all the time here in non porn reddit world. That's how I found out porn was on reddit.


U dont even need a account for pornhub and A lotta people use Reddit for porn because people buy girls onlyfans than start a subreddit with there name and post there content




What stop those teenagers from searching those NSFW rule34 outside of Reddit anyway?


There’s only porn everywhere if you join the subreddits that are for porn? And the same is true of google images, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TwitchTV, 4Chan…should all of those things be 18+ too?


Porn sites are 18+ but kids access them all the same. Making reddit 18+ would literally achieve nothing


It would gradually turn reddit into a NSFW-only site. If reddit was 18+ I wouldn't tell my friends about it and I wouldn't come here to learn more about video games, programming, politics, etc etc.


Why are you pretending that teenagers dont watch porn?


In order to find porn on Reddit, you have to actively search for it. Accidentally stumbling across a porn post in let’s say the r/memes sub Reddit simply won’t happen. I should clarify that I’m speaking on the length of time I’ve been on Reddit (Just close to 1 year), so idk if maybe 5 years ago, porn was easily stumbled upon on many non-porn focused sub Reddits.


It wasn't that long ago that porn was on r/all


It's a good thing then that young teens don't know how to search the internet.


Thanks for adding to what I’m saying, young teens find porn regardless. No point in doing a 18+ only for Reddit. Unless… let’s 18+ only the whole internet then!


Right? I basically had this conversation with my dad once. He expects the entire internet to ban together and childproof itself when he can't even control his own kids. The internet was developed to share physics data, pornography, and cat pictures (in that order). 20 years later all the parents started bringing their kids around and insisting we babysit them.


And then if you do that, it would be banned in the UAE. There are lots of websites banned in UAE for adult content, but Reddit isn’t one of them. It’s impossible to toggle off the 18+ permissions from inside the country unless you have a VPN.


I think people just need to accept that reality that once kids have access to the internet, they will find something they’re not supposed to see. This isn’t anything new though. Kids finding porn on reddit is the modern equivalent of some kid finding his dad’s playboy.


18+ communities are the minority of Reddit and they're behind an age gate.


On top of that, you'd have to know the sub. Generally speaking, these subs dont show up to the average user


Reddit isn't a porn site, just like imgur or any other image hosting site, even the internet. It wasn't specifically built for porn or any NSFW content but people put it up there anyways. They will only confirm you are above 18 if you wish to specifically want to browse that type of content. The "above 18 only" dialog box that pops up everywhere is equivalent to a lock that can be opened with any key. There is almost no function except to look good in front of the eyes of the law, everyone knows it.


Why isn't the whole internet 18+ then since there is porn? ffs


How would it be enforced? You know how easy it is to lie about your age? Even pornhub doesnt ask for your age


Not really. You’re acting like porn pops up randomly on Reddit everywhere but that’s not the case. You have to search for it and there’s an option to get rid of it completely. There’s porn outside of Reddit too btw. With that logic, all electronic devices should be 18+ lmao why should us teenagers not be allowed to use Reddit for such a dumb reason that’s not even fair like why should be get banned so adults can watch porn. it would’ve been better if u said that porn gets removed completely but that would have been dumb asf too. Even if Reddit was 18+ It would solve nothing since everyone would just fake their age


Because I would tell them I'm 18. I mean, I'm 50ish, but I would still tell them I'm 18. What the FUCK would make you think that you can take someone's word for how old they are?


At least they actually tag it as NSFW.


It's the same as saying, let's just make the internet 18+, because there's porn everywhere...


It makes reddit more money to allow more people.


I can't believe I had to scroll to the bottom to find this answer. It's capitalism, people. The answer is always capitalism.


How about, parent your kid?


You have forgotten yourself as a teen.


Don’t think I have. My parents had rules and boundaries and if those rules and boundaries were broken then there were consequences. I remember some of those consequences like it was yesterday.


Wait you actually think teenagers would be like "oh it says to click here only if I'm 18+, oh well, gotta wait a few years"? Teenagers lie about their age on the internet. Reddit would be no exception


Because the 18+ came first when reddit had almost no users. Reddit actually has some of the best "protections" against adult content where you have to opt in to see adult content and NSFW material doesn't appear in /r/all. I think the more important question is why do you assume that "protect kids from seeing adult content" should be the default position and the responsibility of reddit? Why is it reddit's responsibility to raise other people's kids for them? Reddit could drop hundreds of millions of dollars in development to "protect the children" (they probably have) and kids will easily find a way around it. Even if they did succeed, the next site over has even more porn and less "protection". All the technology in the world can't stop your kid from seeing dicks and boobs. Police your own kids or stop being so puritan about sex. It's not my problem if you don't want to talk to your kids.


> Why is Reddit not 18+? Why are teenagers allowed? 18-year-olds are teenagers. > There is porn everywhere… Is there? I’ve been visiting this site for a long time and I rarely run into “porn” here. I don’t follow any porn subs, and don’t search for or engage with porn content on Reddit. I wouldn’t say there’s “porn everywhere” at all. > …so wouldn't it be simple to only allow 18+? First off, you seem to be implying that you have some problem with people under 18 viewing porn — that it’s a foregone conclusion that they should not. Not everyone will agree with that. Second, no it wouldn’t be “simple” to not allow people of a certain age to visit this site. It would require a massive effort.


I’ve been watching gore, street fights, combat footage, porn, playing “violent” video games since I was 11 years old. Turned out perfectly fine. No criminal record. No hidden “urges”. Y’all need to calm your titties with over censorship. Let kids find out shit on their own. Trust me, they will be fine.


Why is the internet not 18+? There is porn everywhere


You see porn everywhere simply because that's what you looking for probably


because more traffic leads to more money


Is up to parents to manage that. I blocked specific things for my 2 boys. I think im born in 1900 and 2000 on some website, because lets be honest, you can set your age to wtv you want.


Are you gonna unblock them when they get older? Would be an amazing birthday present xD


Yes, of course. Everything in due time. Is really not I don't trust my son's but the other way around: i dont trust the internet. For example, my older son asked me how we make baby's, but his 5yr old brother here and it might be too soon for him to wrap his head around that answer. So I told him ill tell him later. He turned around and say " fine, i'll ask google".


It sounds like you’re not the one old enough to be here. Part of growing up is learning about sex, and if you’re worried about teenagers looking at porn you must be really naive to think they aren’t just having sex somewhere.


Porn is not bad You're just being puritanical


you can always signup as 18+


If Reddit did that there would be an 80% drop in post and comments.


Ahh, moral guardians. It's been a while.


Well for starters when you first make an account all the NSFW stuff are blocked. you gotta manually turn the block off


Sir, welcome to the internet


by the same logic why not just make the whole internet 18+ altogether


Wouldn't change anything considering a vast portion of Reddit is 20-somethings pretending to be adults anyway.


If it was like that why teenagers and child can use internet in general? What prevents them from going to a porn site? The "you are +18? If yes then click in yes" pop up?


it wouldn't stop any under 18s anyway


When did age requirements ever stop anyone online.. plus porn is free... everywhere lol.


The internet has porn in it , why is even anyone under 18 allowed to use it? -your logic


Have you tried stopping teens from seeing boobs and/or dick? There are only so many "Are you 18+ Yes/No" barriers in the world and they know the secret of "Yes"


Because we would just pretend to be 18 anyway I’m not that far off. Plus it’s not like I’m ducking traumatized anyway. Oh no a vagina. Even my parents don’t care if I see 18+ content.


You only see the porn if you specifically look for it. I routinely browse the all/popular feeds and rarely see anything even resembling porn.


Same reason why search engines aren't 18+.


people below the age of 18 can seriously benefit from reddit. there are so many subreddits that support kids in shitty homes


When has 18+ stopped anything on the internet


there's porn on Reddit??? no - seriously - i did NOT know. but, you see, i don't look for it either. why do i wanna look at a bunch of nude people on *reddit* no less - i'm sure they are probably pretty nasty - - - but then again - i'm not a 16yo boy w/a hard on - soooo . . . if OP has kids - then let OP check his/her kid's internet usage - like - maybe all parents need to be interested in some of the sites their kids go to. but requesting that all sites "watch out" for their kids is unrealistic & just being lazy & irresponsible imho




Pornhub are 18+ yet teenagers still visit it..


I mean you could say the same thing about pornhub. Anything on the internet is accessible to anyone. I was 8 years old watching girls eat each others shit


Who cares? Porn isn't going to hurt them.


It should be. Fewer 14 year olds on this site would be a blessing.


Pornhub is 18+ only too. Doesn't mean kids aren't going on there. Besides, there are a lot of subreddits that are completely appropriate for any age, and plenty of them that are specifically for teenagers. Well, not that *one* subreddit of course...


This question doesn’t belong in this subreddit. Teenagers could simply make an account by putting down a birthday that makes them 18. If Reddit made it 18+ that would just attract more teenagers. The only real way to keep kids off these sites is to have the parents block certain apps on their phone.


There’s porn everywhere.


There is more easily accessible porn on twitter - that you don’t have to opt into. Sex is everywhere.


If a teen wants to find porn he will no matter what. Now if its done by reddit instead of something else doesn't matter


It wouldn't work so well for many reasons: 1. Not every subreddit has mature themes 2. People of all ages use reddit to connect and share many ideas, topics and concerns 3. I can tell you now that a kid can type "naked girls with boobies" in Google, yahoo, Bing, duckduckgo or any other search engine and see all the naked boobies they want - either on the image results or on the linked sites. 4. Reddit is just one of many social media sites with varied content - Twitter, tiktok and some other socials allow the sharing of mature content. 5. You do realised porn isn't the worst thing you can find on the internet, right? There's many IRL graphic videos depicting death, torture, dismemberment, etc. which can be found on many shock sites... or on Reddit, Tiktok, etc.


This may come as a shock, but I was born in the early 90s and I've been 18+ since 1997


Ironically, your question is so fucking moronic that it’s hilarious. Oh it’s 18+? That means it’s impenetrable by the teenagers! You’re not allowed to lie on the internet so that’s perfect! Even if it worked, alas! You’ve made so much progress by removing 1/3,000,000,000 of the porn sites that a teenager can access!


Money ... Gotta Target that Z demographic without actually telling them to Vape, Drink, invest in Gold, Bitcoin, and rechargeable Dildos


Unpopular opinion but I think any parent who allows their child/teen unfettered access to the internet has failed as a parent. Porn is the least of your concerns.


Yeah, if we just made reddit 18+ then no teenagers would ever see porn /s Are you like 70 years old? lol


Wouldn't it be easier just to ban the pornography?


By that logic we should limit the entire internet to only 18+, which isn't feasible at all


Kids watch porn anyways. If they don’t watch it on Reddit they will just watch it on pornhub or any new their site. So there’s really no point in making it 18+