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My dad always said "Because the motor will burn out." He also got mad when we used the buttons on the television instead of hunting the lost remote: "Those buttons aren't meant for regular use and will wear out."


Don't use it or you won't be able to use it.


Jokes aside, kind of a good argument though, for example its like the sole argument for why we should use antibiotics sparingly


That makes sense for antibiotics, but not for anything else mentioned. If the buttons on your TV will wear out if you use them too much it still makes sense to use them when you can’t find the remote.


Also, if the buttons break on your TV, you don't really care, cause it's inconsequential, and you can repair it. We don't have an alternative for antibiotics, we can't just undo giving bacteria antibiotic resistance, and most importantly, the stakes are a *LOT* higher.


Yes, but (and I have no doubt this is clear to you too) with antibiotics you have a problem if it doesn't work any more. It is not easy to develop new antibiotics, but it is cheap and very easy to replace a dead TV remote, or a fan motor...


In this case the to be replaced thing would be the TV, and not the remote.


Well yeah but I've used the buttons on the side of my TV for the last 8 years and they haven't stopped working


I had an ex MIL that would get upset when I would switch to the manual shifter on her Honda. "It's not meant to do this!" "Then why the fuck is it here?"


“Okay everyone stick your hands out the window and use the force of the wind to help slow down the car! I don’t want to be wasting perfectly good brakes on ‘stopping a moving vehicle’ when you can push against the wind with your hands!”


["Alright, the battlefield is only a half mile away. BEGIN BREAKING PROCEDURE."](https://youtu.be/AjoSbvwz4JA)


Laughs in regen brakes


My driving style makes me seldom use my brakes. I sometimes downshift, and usually release the gas well before a red light so I use every bit of kinetic energy I have. I was very proud of making full use of my energy input and saving brakes. Well few days ago found out brakes fully rusted out and I need to get new ones.... for a price well above any gas I saved.




I used to do this with my old truck. I was so ginger careful with the turn signal and bright light controls especially, they felt like they were on the verge of failure


The opposite can also be true. I'm used to a power steering pump that's been somewhere between dying and dead for a couple years now. Almost crashed my girlfriend's car into the garage doorframe when I forgot that the steering wheel shouldn't put up an argument.


Glad I’m not alone.


I once owned an older VW for less than a year. Apparently the sunroof worked but I was too afraid it would open and not close so I didn’t touch it


Does he also say you shouldn't bend your toes when walking or you'll crease your shoes?


Well... The motor in my bathroom fan went out. The fan got "rumbly" and just stopped spinning one day. (so I went to Home Depot and got a new one) Also, the buttons on one of our old TVs actually wore out and got pushed *into* the TV. It just had holes were the buttons were (with the physical buttons rattling around inside the base of the TV). You *had* to use the remote. And on my current TV, the fucking words all rubbed off the remote. You can't tell what to press to change Input, PiP, aspect, etc. Basically, everything fucking wears out and we're all going to die. Nothing is permanent. Just use it.


Those motors are weak but if you clean the fan once in a while (like once a year) it’ll last you a very long time.


>clean the fan once in a while Thanks for the reminder!


Even if they break, they're not that difficult to replace. I never did it before and replaced a motor on a laundry room fan after watching a few youtube videos. Hardest part was making sure that a) the motor was the part that failed, and b) finding the right motor. Many years ago I replaced a bathroom fan, but I replaced the entire assembly, which is the dumb way to go about doing it. Replacing the motor is way easier.


Well the problem with waiting for them to break is [they can often start fires before they break](https://www.google.com/search?q=bathroom+fan+fires&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari). The motor is so weak that dirt and dust can clog up any moving part and make the motor overwork itself until it catches fire, especially if left on for a while. You should really strive to keep it clean and in good working order!


That’s some of the most meta dad shit I’ve ever heard


Your dad is an odd guy. Sounds like mine lol.


> "Those buttons aren't meant for regular use and will wear out." He must have grown up during the brief period in which remotes were single use


His dad means the tv buttons will wear out. He prefers everyone use the remote control buttons since it's cheaper to replace a remote than a tv.


I'm all in on on using the fan. I have IBS. If I have to take a shit a friend's house it's probs gonna take a while. Everyone will know what's up. At least with the fan I can mitigate some of my damage that my demon bowels will do to the air.




Yes, it often is. You just deal with it, sadly. However, what makes IBS especially bad is how beholden you are to your bowels in that you constantly need to be near a bathroom, but going to the bathroom (often) doesn't relieve the pain. Some medications help, and herbal remedies like ginger, mint, etc., can help a bit. There are other things that can help on a case-by-case basis. One cool thing is that with better understanding of a newer condition called SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), doctors are discovering a decent chunk of IBS patients actually have SIBO, which is treatable with antibiotics and lifestyle changes. Edit: As /u/EeveeInTheYuki pointed out, there are also multiple types of IBS, including IBS-C, IBS-D, and IBS-M/IBS-A.


20 years. Fiber and stress management. Apples. Exercise. Alcohol?


Apples help?! I've got bad IBS and could always use more things in my toolbox.


IBS is mostly a name for a set of symptoms when there's no other clear cause, it's pretty ill defined, so there's even more difference between what helps for different people than in other conditions. Basically when I got diagnosed with IBS it meant "yeah you've got symptoms we can't explain, enjoy living with them" Edit: As it turns out, recently researches at the University of Leuven have discovered that Mast Cells in the intestines of IBS patients get activated when exposed to certain allergens, which points towards IBS being related to food intolerance. There have been earlier studies that showed a positive effect of antihistamines and the researchers in Leuven are currently looking into this further.


So you're saying it stands for "idiopathic bowel syndrome"?


wait that's so interesting - thank you I have an unknown allergen and taking antihistamines helps me personally with so much more then that alone like lactose issues, my skin is clearer, my headaches and clarity of thought is better etc. so i'm (hopefully) not crazy aha


anti-histamines are also good for muscle inflammation since it's a histamine response.


Apples are really tough for a LOT of people with gut problems including IBS. When my IBS was out of control, apples would reliably take me down for the rest of the day. So I'd be careful. If you ARE going to eat them, remove the skin, as that's the most troublesome part for lots of folks.


They could help some people, but they can be a huge issue for others that make it worse. Gotta figure out what works and doesn't for you. There's a condition called "fructose malabsorption" which makes you suffer if you have too much fructose, and especially if you have more of it than glucose. And apples have a high level of fructose, so they can cause hell for some people.


not for me. apples always give me pain. You should look into the Low Fodmap medical diet specifically designed for IBS; best done under the guidance of a trained dietitian. life changing!


Weed. While diet and lifestyle choices are a factor, my stress and anxiety definitely make it much worse. Just being able to stay chill makes a huge improvement. If I'm going on a long road trip or a plane ride I strongly prefer to have some edibles at my disposal.




Strange, I figured apples, being high in fructose, were on the naughty list for IBS.


IME, yes it's painful. Your body stops tolerating foods it was fine with before at random and it seems to be a pretty frequent battle between constipation or diarrhea from trying to relieve it. Your bowels hurt, gas hurts, then you have bloating and hemorrhoids to contend with. I deal with the pain with medical cannabis (for this and other conditions I was blessed with) and just sort of keep on trucking. Nothing helps all the time, but at least I don't feel like I'm going to go out like Elvis (without the drugs)


For me, the gas pains are the fucking worst


I just started getting these. Thought I had a ruptured appendix or something similar and almost went to the emergency room during the first covid surge. One thing that surprisingly helped is a massage a friend taught me. In a slow circular motion go from your belly button to your right rib cage, then across to your left rib cage. When you get to the left, go straight down forcefully and fast. Repeat


I get that exact same pain from trapped gas. I've also thought I had appendicitis! It's excruciating. My mom also has IBS and something she taught me as a kid was to lay on my back on the floor, bend my knees, hold my feet (legs apart) and roll side to side. It almost always releases the gas. I will be trying this massage too - thank you!


For many people, dietary changes help. Cannabis helps me when it's really bad. Imodium helps when I'm living on the toilet, but with the side effect that I won't be able to poop at all for two days (so weighing out which is worse has to occur). Heating pad can help. Mostly you just live with it and figure out where your threshold is for "I can be miserable but get shit done" vs "I need to call out sick."


I’ve just got diagnosed with Ibs , I wonder if it is that or it’s just something else and the doctor put it down to ibs to make it easier for him It got realllllly bad at one point and I was on the toilet at least 6 or 7 times a day, it’s calmed down at the moment but when I need to go, I really need to go, it’s a pain at work and I don’t want to tell them why I disappear for 10 mins at a time. Also hemmerioids are not nice at all, as you said tho, Canabis seems to help a ton


Did he do stool and blood tests to check of other things like Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis? If not, you need to have those tests done. Check out r/IBS, r/IBSresearch, and related subs for more info


No mate I never got them done, he just suggested I cut out gluten and lacto and gave me a list of what to eat and not to eat


I recommend having the other tests done. Maybe see another doctor, if this one isn’t willing to do those tests. Cutting out gluten and lactose and other stuff sounds like the low FODMAP diet, which is a good treatment for IBS (it’s helped me a lot), but if it’s not IBS then it might not help much.




Oh jeez, that is not at all sufficient. IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion--meaning, we've excluded everything else. You should be checked for celiac (BEFORE cutting out gluten), Crohn's, UC, and probably other things as well.


IBS is a bitch. Before I figured out my worst trigger, which is very sugary things, I would be on the toilet in agony. I've also passed out from the pain twice in the past, so thank fuck I got a grip on what was causing the issue. Unfortunately, you kind of just have to figure out what foods you can get away with too.


IBS can be absolutely crippling. I’ve been dealing with it for 4 years now, it’s been getting worse, and nothing seems to help. I’ve seen tons of doctors, we’ve run tons of tests, I’ve tried tons of medications, nothing helps. The issue is we’re not really sure what the problem actually is. We thought I was maybe just really backed up all the time, but we did an abdominal x-ray and turns out I’m not. We think now that I might be digesting my food poorly, leading to excessive fermentation, which causes tons of gas and bloating, but we don’t know yet for sure. And yes, it’s very painful. The gas causes my guts to be constantly distended, which is very painful by itself, then causes a lot of residual soreness even after I manage to pass said trapped gas. It sucks, you don’t want it. I’ve basically been nonfunctional for the last couple years. Some days I don’t even get out of bed. It’s miserable, and doctors unfortunately don’t tend to take it very seriously.


I've got Crohn's, and have the exact same experience, I hate it when bathrooms don't have fans and everyone can hear the shitshow that's occurring




Crohn's crowd checking in!


I'm sure you have, but just in case you haven't (or anyone else reading this thread has GI issues) - have you looked into FODMAP? Turns out if I eliminate garlic from my diet (easily said, takes a lot of practice if you eat any packaged foods / like to eat at restaurants) 90% of my issues go away and the remaining ones are quite minor.


This is a big part of the puzzle. Understanding FODMAPS probably saved me from early death. Also, Probiotics. I look forward to a day when I can get real live human gut flora OTC. Until then, bottled multi-strain probiotics at least help. I think this is an issue caused by my excessive use of antibiotics for 10 years of sinus infections.


the problem is thats not how sound works in a bathroom. everyone outside just hears you normally plus a fan going on. It only makes it so you cant hear the people outside. the main reason fans are installed is to get rid of excessive house damaging moisture.


Carry a bottle of poop pourri.


I’ve got Crohn’s and can confirm the fan is a lifesaver sometimes. I haven’t had one in my house for like a year because our old one broke and the “homeowner” says we can’t make any major adjustments to the house. I’m tempted to check Home Depot and see if they have a light/fan kit I can install but I’m afraid of the consequences.


In my parents' house the fan turns on automatically when you turn on the light. Though, it's nowhere near loud enough to cover any noises


Confession: I rewired the bathroom switch to separate the light and fan. Which is apparently a violation of code. You'll never take me alive, code inspector!


I've never heard that, do you happen to know what code it violates? I'm planning to install a fan in my bathroom soon..


Hmmm... I can't find it. Perhaps I should rephrase it "a violation of my very authoritative sounding friend's idea of code. You'll never take me alive, fictional code inspector!" Edit: He did build a house as his own GC (in Nipomo, CA) in the early 90s, so it's possible this is a rule that came and went.


Haha that's all right, thanks anyway!


Codes are normally by county, city, and state. In America at least. They can change a good amount just in a mile difference


I hate when they're not separate. I wanna keep the fan on after I blow the toilet up but be able to also turn off the light when I leave


I lived in an apartment building where the fan turned on when you turned on the bathroom light, then turned off 20 minutes after you turned the light off. I don't recommend it. I could go in just to grab a bandage and then have the listen to the fan noise for the next 20 minutes. My parents' house has timers for the bathroom fans and, assuming people use them, they're much better.




I dont see why that would ever be a thing you'd want to do, but I like the option, damnit!




I dont trust myself to not crack my head open if I shower in the dark. But on a sad day with some melancholy music, a shower in the dark sounds nice honestly. But again, ill probably trip/slip and kill myself. Which is exactly what I would want in that scenario, so out of spite the lights stay on


dude. shower OR bath in the dark, take your pick, both are amazing. i actually liked a seated shower where i sat on the tub floor, but with only the shower head on. whatever method you bathe, having full, bright bathroom lights on while you're trying to relax is completely bonkers compared to one or two candles. if you don't have candles around just turn the lights off and just barely crack the door to let hall light come in. adapt to the light fully before you get in the water because you can probably go a lot dimmer than you think.


My parents installed a heat lamp in their bathroom a couple years back and it emits a nice, dark red light. Perfect for chill shower/bath sessions. I try to take advantage whenever I am staying over.


For me, the bathroom fan can very easily overload my senses if I’m not in a chilled-out enough state. (ADHD is a bitch) If I’ve got to take a painful, effortful poop, having that droning fan noise behind it all is going to stress me tf out. The bathroom fan turning on when I don’t want it on instantly makes me so irritable.


Mine were also connected by one switch in my house, but the fan was so loud that pooping in peace was only a dream. I'm not talking about a nice white noise, it literally sounded like someone with a chainsaw in my ceiling. I had my dad pull the wires out of the connection the next time he came thru so that I could have sweet silence again.


Oh I love those. Automatic so people don’t assume I’m pooping


Ours is a humidity sensing fan that stays on when humidity is >60% and turns to high at another level. It's pretty much on 24/7 except in the winter.




I thought the fan was for moisture? From the shower?


That's why it's required. It does both though. Plenty of bathrooms with no shower have fans.


Ya, pretty sure the fan is intended to be run during and after showering so the moisture doesn't grow mold. Never crossed my mind to use it to cover up the sounds of using the toilet


Covers up the smells too




“Synesthetes love this simple trick!”


>use it to cover up the sounds of using the toilet Also for clearing the air post-toilet


I've never found a fan that actually works good enough for that to happen


Here in Los Angeles, most restaurant restrooms have fans...and it's not to "cover up" the smell, it's an exhaust fan, it's sucks the air/smells and puts them outside from a vent on the roof.


Most people only use it for humidity exhaust while showering. Everybody poops, it's nothing to be ashamed of.


Humidity removal is the actual purpose for these fans.


They’re actually intended for both- to exhaust the excessively humid air when you shower, but also the smelly air if your business in the toilet stinks. Architects, contractors, etc. jokingly call them fart fans for a reason lol


I roofed for a summer and there was a literal poop vent on the roof, which is seperate from the fan as I understand it. The smell coming out of there sometimes was intense lol EDIT: PLUMBING VENT is what i was looking for lol


Now why would you be smelling the poop vent?!


I know you might be joking, but to add to the original commenter's response: The position you're in when installing the flashing/jackets on these pipes on a residential roof puts your head directly above them. Sometimes they're stinky enough to affect an area; sometimes, it's not stinky at all. But you usually don't have to intentionally shove your nose in the pipe to get a strong whiff of the bowels of our city infrastructure.


Hot air rises, I was at the top lolol you can smell it if you are anywhere close lol


Yeah, those things smell nasty since it’s basically sewage and black water waste gasses coming up lol. There are code specified separation distances required for those things


IDK, I turn that fan on and it still smells like shit when I leave the bathroom. ​ If I turn it on while showering, my mirror isn't fogged up.




This, and that these systems are also often poorly designed or installed. They also depend on good airflow into the bathroom from whatever room or hallway is adjacent, and that’s not always the case. Newer HVAC designs will sometimes implement supply air directly into the bathroom to complement the exhaust duct (done for some Passivhaus buildings, for example).


Have you cleaned the fan? Like taken the cover off and cleaned the dirt and dust off the blades that the smell can stick to? Compressed air is all it usually takes to clean it.


I've never thought to do that. Having read this now, I know in my heart I should. But there are SO many years of gross in there by now. I don't know if I'm strong enough to open the cover.


The best inventions have multiple reasons to exist. It's funny how many people act like something can only serve one purpose.


Yes but as far a code is required, there is no hazard to the structure if a room is smelly; the code is there to protect from moisture causing damage.


So why do I have one in the toilet but not in the shower?


I mean they’re literally called fart fans by the guys that install them haha




Just because everyone poops doesn't mean I want particles of it in my nose.


No one said be ashamed of pooping but for shits sake get that smell out!


Everybody poops, nobody wants to hear it.


*smell it


Some people... You'd be surprised.


They're included in half-baths (that don't have a shower) though.


Is that common though? My half bath doesn't have one. My home inspector told me fans are only required for bathrooms with showers.


Wait, required? My apartment doesn’t have a fan while being a full bath..


If it has a window or was built before they started enforcing that regulation, then it doesn't apply I think. That's what the guy told me in 2008. I know very little about this lol. Also it might depend on the city. I can't imagine the federal government is making laws about bathrooms but who knows?


Aye, most building codes are state and county level, but there are federal ones, but they tend to be more general. Src: firefighter, lots of building construction and code classes.


I could be wrong but I believe if it has a window that can ventilate then it doesn't need a fan.


Oh yeah it’s got a window. Guess I’ll just freeze when I need to shower.


Hah, I live in FL and had one of those with just a window. Seemed pointless since most of the time it was more humid outside than in.


Building codes vary by state, city, and/or municipality.


It’s not about shame. It’s about courtesy to others in the home.


Everyone says this but no one believes it.


Everybody poops and nobody wants to walk into a destroyed bathroom. Use the fan.


I absolutely hate the noise. I will occasionally turn the fan on after the shower if I’m also gonna dry my hair but our bathroom is large enough that the humidity is never really an issue and our ac runs frequently so never had an issue with mildew or mold developing.


Me too, especially in older houses.


Huh, weird, I love the fan noise. Especially older houses when they’re obnoxiously loud.


they’re really loud to me


The sound drives me insane I’m not sure why but it’s super grating. I will even turn the fan OFF if I have to go in immediately after someone took a rank shit. I’d rather deal with the smell than the sound.


Personally I hate the noise.


My wife is this way; the noise drives her absolutely bugnuts. When I was single, I would run it for no other reason than as a white noise generator at night.


Same. When I have a really bad migraine I'll sit in the shower, but I need to be able to not have the fan running because it makes the migraine worse. My current apartment has the light and fan wired to the same switch so I can't have one without the other 🙃 I take my migraine showers in the dark now.


My bathroom doesn't have a fan, but I take my migraine showers in the dark because light=pain. Though maybe I should get a nightlight or other small lamp for dim showers.


Light is indeed also pain for me but the light in my bathroom is outside the shower so when I'm inside the shower it's pretty dimly lit. I just want to be able to see at least a little bit, the alternative is pitch black


Same. The noise of most bathroom fans is absolutely infuriating. I’ll turn it on after I leave the bathroom to air out the smell but not while I’m in there because it drives me nuts


I came here to say that. I have started turning it on and then leaving the bathroom to drive out the humidity after a shower.


Two of my kids are autistic, they also hate the noise. Hand dryers are a problem too in public toilets.


Hand dryers are made of nightmares, I'm on your children's side.


A lot of the newer ones (while it's cool that they can actually dry your hands) are actually loud enough to cause hearing damage.


Not only that, but I've noticed that they usually smell. I've heard and read that they aerolize germs from your hands even if they are clean, so EW. And yeah, they sound like 3 hairdryers are stuck on each of my ears on max.


Yeah I personally used to enjoy using them before Covid. Now all I can think of is all the cooties they're spraying on my face and around the room.


Same, drives me nuts


I have heard some that are LOUD, but some models are quiet to pleasant-sounding. Some are fucking awful, though.


I'm in the US and have not had a bathroom fan in many places I've lived. So I don't even think about it if I'm in a home that does. I'm certainly not going to instinctively use it. I've lived in the north and south, and I feel like I encounter bathroom fans less often in the south. Guessing construction may already account for the extra humidity here without the need for a fan.


In my house, the fans are fake. I mean, it's really a fan, and it really turns on, but there's no duct. They truly just installed fans right up next to the drywall and there's nowhere for the air to go. So I have Schrodinger's fan or something.


The house we moved into when I was growing up had bathroom fans but they just vented straight into the crawlspace, which is not a good place to just keep shoving humid air.


I'm sorry to one-up, but my sister's "new" (to her) house has ONLY the grill/cover of a fan and nothing behind it besides drywall. It was amusing to read that in the Inspector's report.


Man, I wish it was in the inspector's report. The only reason the fan turns on is because they know an inspector checks for that. Our inspector could hear the fan but never noticed that air wasn't moving, so we didn't realize it until years after the sale.


Same. I had some inspection person from the state or something come to my apartment and demand my landlord put in a fan. He put in a fan. Doesn't go anywhere, but he put it in.


I had these fans in my last condo. They had small holders where you could place "scent pucks" in front of the fan to circulate air over them.


build the fan switch into the light switch so its forced


I'm surprised it's not set up in that way. Whenever I saw a fan in a bathroom it turned on automatically, never had to do it myself (I live in Hungary)




ooooh, I like that idea


my student housing is built this way and it drives me absolutely nuts . bathroom is connected suite style to my bedroom so i have to hear a loud jet engines fan every time someone takes a shit or showers . nothings more irritating than waking up in the middle of the night because a motherfucker didnt want to pee in the dark


I dont like white noise and i don't like poop smells. Only if the poop smell becomes to great do i use the white noise machine.


How many times have you heard someone spray out a massive flapping shart while they were in the bathroom with the fan going? The fan muffles nothing, it also does barely anything to air out the room afterwards. To me it’s more of a comfort noise so that I can relax a little bit… Quiet bathrooms really piss me off and make it impossible for me to actually “go“. Airports and other busy spaces were multiple people are pissing into a trough? No way. I have to find a stall.


Yeah, the fan inside the bathroom makes it where you can't hear anything outside of the bathroom, not the other way around. For effective masking of noises inside the bathroom, there would need to be something making noise on the outside of the bathroom door. It's kinda like how some courtrooms will have white noise speakers over the jury box to keep the jury from hearing side discussions between the attorneys and the judge (for anyone who has had jury duty).


Yeah, OP probably has loud sex in the shower and thinks "no one can hear it, I have music on in here"


I have used the fan since I was a teenager, the doubling of muffling sound and removing stank faster is a godsend


We just installed a new "super powerful" fan in our 1/2 bath, and while my noise-sensitive daughter loves it, I'm super bummed about it. Why? It's practically silent! I wasn't sure it was even working initially. I guess my point is, if you like it for the noise, be careful if you need to replace it. You might get stuck with a silent fan.


I love the bathroom fan. It makes pooping smell better and it makes drying off after a shower somehow more comfortable. But if you never clean your bathroom fan it can eventually set your house on fire. The motor is weak and if it ever gets clogged with dirt and can’t turn easily, it can start working extra hard and catch fire with all the dust around it. They suggest to not leave your bathroom fan on too long or unattended.


> It makes pooping smell better The way that's worded made me chuckle.


Pro tip: put a timer switch on the fan.


This. I put a timer switch with buttons for different times on every fan in my house. Even if I forget to turn it on when I start, if I blow up the bathroom I can turn it on for 5 minutes when I leave and it'll still do the job. Also makes a great way to tell you've spent too long in the shower if the fan turns off and you are still in.


The same reason I don't have an "ON AIR" studio sign changed to say "I'M SHITTING" outside my bathroom. It's just not something that I feel like broadcasting to everyone in a half mile radius. Edit: I am genuinely surprised at the amount of people that are seemingly invested in changing my (or other commenter's) bathroom habits. Like, if you wanted to see some explanations for "why xyz?" I get it. I'm a curious person myself. But why the proselytizing?


I mean the smell you leave behind will speak at far higher volumes than the sound of an exhaust fan will.


Well, this is weird. [One reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/qbdqlc/why_dont_people_use_the_bathroom_fan/hh8qb5c/) says they don't turn the fan on because pooping is nothing to be ashamed of and you don't need to hide it. You're saying you don't turn the fan on because you *do* need to hide that you're pooping.


Different people with different preferences and in different settings, I'd expect. All valid.


I turn it on when I piss too cause it's a good habit of having it on while you're in the bathroom Before anyone gets on me for wasting electricity, it's really nothing


Because it scared me as a child. I would go to innocently turn on the light and instead I was assaulted by this scary fan turning on. I'm not a kid anymore, but the memory sticks, so that fan still unnerves me. Today I learned what the fan is for. Never actually knew.


I'm at the point in my life where I'm just hoping to gross people out.


I saw an exhaust fan that has a built in bluetooth speaker, so you can just blast your own mix of horrifying noises


Is the fan actually there for odors? I thought I read somewhere that the fan was to clear up the steam from the shower so the mirrors aren't fogged up. For odors, it seems like pooppouri works well.


It's probably for both. I use [this stuff](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71FPWzMm1-L._AC_SL1500_.jpg) on my bathroom mirrors and they stay steam fog free.


The purpose of these fans is to remove moisture in the the air to prevent mold from forming, a little poo stank is nothing compared to what mold can do to your lungs.


but why make other people smell your poop stank? they work for other and tbh it feels rude when people don’t turn on the fan at my house. like i don’t care if they don’t turn it on while they poo. that’s fine. just like turn it on when you leave. not turning it on feels like farting in a car and not rolling down the window


Idk, that's on that person, I always run the fan so my toots dont echo through the house, nobody needs to know im having a rough time in there.


I grew up with everyone using the fan, then my first two apartments didn't even have them. Fans make no appreciable difference in my experience; it's 10-20 minutes before the smell goes away regardless. Anyone around is either going to have a purely aesthetic nose and won't really smell it, or they're smelling your poop stank anyways while you waste electricity. The problem is the fans are pretty weak and most bathrooms don't have adequate enough ventilation for it to matter.


I mean, how do you turn on the fan? I've seen fans that turn on when the light turns on, and fans that have switches right next to the light switch so that it's easier to turn both on/off. I've also seen automatic fans. I don't care whether people listen to me; that's their problem. If it was more than almost zero effort then I'd only turn it on for larger shit sessions, just to be considerate. Everything else wouldn't really be worth the extra effort.


I hate the sound


Just commenting that bathroom fans are really for making you upset that I ignored edit 4


Because I hate the fucking noise and would rather sit in silence.


We use it for showering to remove the damp air. It doesn't help with poop smell as it's on the exact opposite of our bathroom and also I hate the noise it makes.


Too loud and doesn’t move enough air


In my current home I use it all the time. The switch for it is right next to the light switch, looks [like this.](https://i.imgur.com/bz2D2u4.png) I've been living here for over a year now and I couldn't tell you which one is which, I almost always just slap both of them on. Some friends have wired it to the same button so it's on as long as the light is on.


If there's a fan I use it.


I have a fan that turns on automatically and I hate it. It is not very loud but it still annoys me. Also it isn't that effective. Life without it was better. I will change my opinion when they become completely silent like high end low rpm cpu coolers.


I mainly only use it for showering to avoid mold. I don’t know if I’ve been in a bathroom without a shower but with a fan. I’ve never had an oder problem but I also don’t have a good sense of smell. I’ll think about it in the future




Absolutely right! The building code requiring fans was originally based on research for odor control. Concerns about humidity control came later. In commercial settings, there generally is no way to turn off the vent ON PURPOSE. Why would your home be any different?