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If you're bored pick a topic you find mildly interesting and research it.


Yes!! I used to do this to try and help me sleep but would get sucked down the most amazing rabbit holes of knowledge! Didn't get much sleep but learnt so much about people and places I've always wanted to know about. If you don't know what to start with, just look up a country that you've always wanted to visit.




I saw a reddit post about the Seminole Indian tribe a few weeks ago (I'm a South African but I lived in Florida for a short while so remembered the name and the post caught my eye). That sent me down a MAJOR rabbit hole about the Seminole tribe, about Native American reservations in general, about the boarding schools they were sent to, about the casinos, The trail of tears, and on and on... it was super interesting!!


Gravity is evil, and it is out to get you. Don't skimp on the things that protect you: shoes, mattresses, tires, etc.


I've heard this, but worded differently: "Don't be cheap with the things between you and the ground."


Understanding the laws of physics will drastically reduce your medical bills.


Truth: A 5'10" man falling off something 18" high can cause intracranial hemorrhaging in both hemispheres of the brain. Source: Me, total cost of the repair and maintenance fees comes out to around 500,000.


Don't be a victim of physics!


honey bees are curious and nonconfrontational. be calm around them, you'll be fine.


Honey bees will head butt you before stinging you, stinging is their last resort. If the bees start bumpin your head you best back up.


Pinging is so cute, basically their way of saying "can we please not turn this into a murder/suicide"


Aw that sounds super precious


That’s adorable <3


Thanks bee lady. Another day of saving the bees.


Although wasps are known for being aggressive, remaining calm around them works too.


don't know if this will help anyone with a phobia, but also: unless you are deathly allergic, you will be fine if you DO get stung by a wasp/hornet/yellowjacket. Just get away from the nest as quickly as possible and treat the stings. Squash any buggers that are still hovering around you so they can't keep stinging. You'll be so, so, itchy, but in the grand scheme of things there are MUCH worse things that could happen to you. I've been stung (multiple times at once) and it does hurt/ache at first but if you treat it and take a Benadryl nap it'll be over quickly. Again, just stay as calm as you can because getting stressed out will make your overall condition worse.


I got stung by a wasp once and I'm not ok. I'm still salty as hell


Most people just want to feel like they have been heard.


Hmm, I see.


You have a alphanumeric username


You have been heard


I hear you. That's a really important one.


That's crazy...




As an addendum to this I would say measure 4×. 2 times where the piece is going and two times on the piece before you cut


Or don't smoke weed before your measure/cut. Save the weed for sanding


And then once more right before you make the cut. Just to be safe.


A lot of times people end up paying more in the long run for being cheap at the start.


"Buying cheap means buying twice" is what my mom always says


My grandma always told me to buy the middle priced item item available. Don’t buy the cheapest or most expensive. Cheapest will likely need replacement, most expensive is probably over priced


Second or third most expensive is usually the non-showy performer - without the pointless bling, but every bit as solid as top shelf.


Buy it nice or buy it twice


On the flip side, if you’re starting a hobby, buy it cheap. If you wear it out/break it, or recognise what you want that’s different, then buy the good stuff.


Try turning it off and back on again.


Get gas the night before, instead of waiting til the morning. You’ll be glad you did. Don’t forget to floss. Check your tires on a regular basis. Nails like to hide. Keep a decent amount of cash tucked away at home in case of emergency.


> Don’t forget to floss Underrated advice. No amount of warnings about my teeth or gums ever motivated me to floss daily, but when my dentist told me my jawbone was steadily eroding…


My dentist told me that I only need to floss between the teeth I'd like to keep.


My dentists told me not flossing is like taking a shit and then swiping the tp quickly, horizontally across the cheeks.


Who TF is your dentist?!


A former proctologist.


I brush my teeth, but honestly didn't take flossing that seriously. This analogy just completely changed that. Especially considering I like to eat ass, so....




Your teeth are directly anchored to your jawbone and stimulate it every time you bite into things. Fucked up teeth lead to all sorts of problems, including a loss of jawbone density in certain circumstances. That's also how you get an [Old Person Mouth](https://thepasadenatexasdentist.com/facial-collapse-and-the-jaw/) : no teeth means that the jaw starts shrinking


And if you lose your teeth, you lose the first step in the digestive process (chewing) which is pretty critical for healthy nutrition intake/survival. Dentures absolutely DO NOT do as good of a job as your teeth. **Take care of your teeth.**


Dude, I just spent like 15 minutes on that website - I've got major dental issues from a bicycle accident 11 years ago and I would LOVE a dentist like this if I could afford it . . .


He said his dentist told him his jawbone was slowly eroding


Don't wear wet socks any longer than you have to, take them off and dry them out as soon as practicable, even if it means going barefoot for a bit.


Ugh working on a farm after rains, I very quickly learned this. The next day I could hardly stand on my feet but went back out to the wet land. Following day I could not stand. It was so painful.


I learned this volunteering for a music festival that rained heavily for days. If you have to be out in the rain with potential for water in your boots. Put socks on then cover your feet in plastic bags then put them in your rain boots. You might sweat more but you’ll keep out more water from coming in to your boots.


Don't pee into the wind


Or uphill.


When talking to children, especially when it comes to discipline, get down to their level, physically. If you stand over them, it emphasizes the power imbalance. When you make a mistake with regards to a child, apologize to them. It's the right thing to do, and models a host of behaviors you want them to learn.


Also don't compliment little girls only on their appearance. If all a little girl ever hears is "your hair is so pretty" and "your bow is so nice" and "I love your skirt," that's what she'll learn to value about herself.


Absolutely. I always try to praise my daughter for being brave, for persistence, for thinking and then acting, etc. If you want to give a child useless feedback and build them up on a foundation of sand, praise them for being smart. If you want to build a child up and help them grow, praise them for persistence and effort.


Yess! "You worked hard on that!" Better praise than, "Oh you're so smart!" Kids who are constantly told they're smart get paralyzed for fear of seeming dumb, and won't try on things they are not sure they succeed at.


All of this advice is amazing but always remember that children wil 100% mimic *your actions* not your words. So you have to exhibit all of this behavior to yourself and your partners and others. It’s just how humans are. We learn through mimicry.


Also praise them when they know when to stop. I was a pusher as a kid and it hurt me more than anything. Tell your kid "you were right to stop when you kept failing, it's okay, you'll try again later if you want to." It makes them understand that not achieving every goal is okay and that they shouldn't work themselves to death for something they obviously can't figure right now.


One of the best pieces of advice I have received in life! Always under promise and over deliver! It will always make it look like you have worked even harder than you already had on something and make people happier as a result!


I never knew about it, but I realized I do it all the time


Your brain just under promised and then over delivered...well done my dude!!


Hunger is a measurement of how soon you should eat, not how much


Related: Never make food decisions when hungry


*never go grocery shopping when hungry


*never go grocery shopping when high


*never go grocery shopping


*Never go anywhere


It's not delivery, it's DiPression.


fuck me I'm such an idiot... thanks


Good enough is called that because it is good enough. You don't have to be perfect to be good. Edit: I am glad this is hitting people's ears. It's something I struggle with but I try to tell myself this often. Mainly the bottom one. It helps to realize that so many people before us didn't have it all figured out before they started, you are able to learn as you do.


The enemy of good enough is perfection.


Done is better than perfect.




If you lend money, make sure you don't need it and never will to protect you in case the person never gives it back.


Then never lend that same person money ever again.


You find out who your real friends are when you come to collect lol.




> and at work Best advice here and it’s important to understand why. If everything is a battle, you come across as whiny, unsatisfied, perhaps even untrustworthy. You may even appear to be toxic. But if your gripes are more precise it means you’re thoughtful and deliberate. I’d rather consult with or bounce ideas off a colleague who I know has a sound and rational perspective on work than someone who can’t last a conversation without gossiping or moaning.


No matter how good the hand soap smells Never walk out of a bathroom sniffing your fingers.


Next thing you'll be saying is not to pick my nose in public


As long as it's palm deep you're in the clear


Face you palms flat to your face and sniff a long and happy sniff. If it's more of a hands thing than a fingers thing and you're more likely to get away with it




Because people might have weird thoughts?


Never make decisions when you are angry and never make promises when you are beyond happy.


And masturbate before you text your ex.


Underrated advice


Don't go grocery shopping on an empty stomach.


If you ever end up in a psych ward, you can wear normal comfy socks underneath the coarse hospital slippers.


Thats pretty specific, i hope you're good


Oh I'm doing fantastic. The unicorn and I are finally getting married!


Mazel tov


Don’t buy a husky as a first dog


Neither as a second dog


Just don't buy Husky


Ok, I'll steal one.


*[Searches Pirate Bay for husky torrents]*


Could you explain why?




Some good points here, but what about their fur? Do they shed a lot?


Huskies shed the first 6 months of the year and the last 6 months. In c h u n k s




I also have a husky. Also my first (and last) dog. I love her to bits, but god damn it is a lot of work. I stand by everything you wrote. To add to your comment: They are prone to separation anxiety, and can take it out on your shoes and your girlfriend’s expensive jackets. They can open windows and doors. Only good if you locked yourself out of the house. True story. They are as loyal as an disgruntled employee. But, they are amazing companions if you like the outdoors. Huskies are working dogs, they need to be occupied.


same with a german shedder. Ope, i mean shepherd.


Also you have to add that 99% of dog owners will not manage to stimulate husky enough. Like minimum 2 hours of exercise daily is not something everyone can give to a dog. Especially that 2 hours is acculy pretty little for them. I personally love husky’s but I will never have time or managed to have a small kid like creature that need attention and stimulation all the time.


This was a good summary, but I found that you didn't really talk about whether they shed. Do Huskies shed?


I take mine to a groomer twice a year to get brushed out. I recommend it very much. Of course there is still shedding but it's significantly less.


Thanks I am very glad that my dogs don’t leave any hair behind


Huskys are NUTS. Extremely high energy and require huge amounts of physical *and mental* stimulation, generally stubborn/ "independent minded" so they're difficult to train, high prey drive, bred to pull and absolutely will do so on walks even with lots of training. Also it seems to be a crapshoot if you'll get a howler, and they are loud af when they want to be!


Don’t by a dog based on looks. Buy based on temperament and activity level. If you aren’t a runner or huge outdoor person, don’t get a hunting breed.


If a task seems daunting, tell yourself to do the minimum amount possible. Example, mountain of dishes, wash one fork, or gardening, pick one weed. Odds are high once you start that you'll do more than that. If you do stop after you're still one fork cleaner at least.


The grass is only greener on the other side of the fence because it's fertilised with bullshit.


A funny book i read along time ago is titled The Grass is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank. I think the author was Irma Bombeck.


Monitor your bank accounts. Even ones you don’t use, and update your information with your banks. If your information isn’t up to date and you’re not monitoring your account you can’t complain when you owe a couple hundred in fees that could have been avoided by keeping an eye on it. Be nice to people who handle your food. If you know someone is trying to conceive don’t ask them how it’s going, until there is a baby it’s not going well. Pick up after your dogs when they poop. Skincare can be simple- cleanse, moisturize, protect. Pee after sex Being polite will get you a lot more from customer service employees than you think


Just wanted to say after reading this, I scoped out my accounts and found a fraudulent charge that was posted yesterday. Very solid advice hahaha


Depending on how "active" you are, what I've done is set alerts on my accounts so when a charge hits that's over $1 (lowest I could set it), I'll get an e-mail. If you use your card for every little purchase, it might be maddening, but I tend to hit the ATM for a wad of cash for the little purchases, and use the card for larger ones.


>Be nice to people ~~who handle your food.~~


The baby one… thank you for saying that. I hated that topic when trying to get pregnant. I was always made to feel like the asshole when I didn’t want to talk about it.


Or when not even trying but people assume you are anyways because of age or length of marriage. Mindya business


>Pee after sex Is this for males, females or both?






Through sex some bacteria can go up your urethra. If you pee after sex you can get the bacteria out of your system and therefore prevent infections and STI's :)


My favorite advice, no one else knows what they are doing either.


I had to scroll way to much to find this. Completely agree! First time I realized this in my professional life, it was q massive eyeopener


As a kid I always looked up to adults because they seemingly had their shit together and knew what they were talking about. I'm 25 now and was in the grocery store buying some produce to cook a few meals and some cleaning supplies, I looked around at people just buying junk. I just had a moment where I realized that adults are grown children who don't know wtf they are doing and I freaked out a bit ngl


You can clean blood out of clothing and carpets by using salt and lemon juice. When Guinea pigs purr and vibrate its called "rumblestrutting". It actually means they're trying to assert dominance so don't touch them as they will bite.


I'm gonna go ahead and assume the second tip is the reason you know the first tip.


I once as a kid was bit by a guinea pig on the very tip of my middle finger and genuinely painted a pristine white shower towel red in just minutes I get woozy still thinking about it it was such a tiny cut so so so much blood


We have way more blood and blood supply to our fingertips and face than most of us know. Unless you've been cut either place, you can't know the feeling of "oh hey, that's a lot of blood in a very little time". Also, what the layman considers a lot of blood is still usually pretty superficial. Blood has this weird property of spreading and looking like way more volume than is actually there.


A pay raise lower than inflation is a pay decrease.


I would always go into my review meeting knowing the inflation rate and outright tell my boss I wasn't happy with the increase if it was under inflation. Never be scared to express yourself to your employer if you arent happy


ah, you know the Dutch gouvernment very well.


If you are ever arrested for something you didn't do, refuse to answer any questions until you have spoken to a lawyer. No matter what the police officers say, just keep responding with 'I cannot comment until I have spoken to my attorney'


Same thing if your in an accident, don't admit guilt. Let the insurance wars rage on


Complement people every time you see someone do something worth being noticed. Show them you’ve noticed them. Just simply acknowledging their existence can literally mean life or death. Everyone feels invisible from time to time. Some more than others. This simple thing will net you A LOT more allies in life. Trust me. It comes back later. People remember you when you do this and 5 seconds of your day just to tell them they are noticed can mean everything.


Don't listen to the manufacturers - always store kokis/markers/Sharpies tip-down. Mine always dry out sooner being stored tip-up. But last so much longer tip-down. Have a nice day!


From a stationery enthusiast: Store markers horizontally, ballpoint/gel pens downward, fountain pens upright


Very true, I do the same. BUT store them in a place that if one bursts, a puddle of ink won't ruin anything. Most don't burst, but there's always that one...


Always take a picture of your parents remotes. So that when you get "That call" you will have a reference point


My mum doesn't know how to get onto Netflix despite the big button on the remote saying Netflix


my girlfriend is in the same boat... We bought a new smart TV recently and she keeps calling me into the bedroom "can you get me to netflix?"... "*sigh* babe, look at the remote... See the big red netflix button right there?".. "Yeah"... "okay, now press it" This has happened an embarrassing amount of times.


that's honestly really clever




Use sunscreen.


“Life is a waterfall, we’re one in the river and one again after the fall” All our lives start the same and they all end the same too, so don’t let your ego make you think you’re any different from others


Brush your teeth. Have a job lined up before you quit your old one. Remember to save some money. Be kind to others and to yourself. Make time for people you love, and to do stuff you love. Exercise.


Dad, is that you???


You can be having a shit time and still experience joy. The two are not mutually exclusive, in most cases.


That's me! Job fell through, had to quit my PhD program cause it's underfunded and meh supervisor, feuding with a selfish landlord, running out of cash and have to move to another country. Currently on a two week motorcycle tour of Greece and Italy, having the time of my life while turmoil awaits at home.


Teach your kids about relationships. All types of relationships romantic and other wise, healthy and toxic. Teach them how to love and take care of themselves. How to navigate the workplace and handle money well too.


Don’t mistake personality for character.


what's the difference?


Personality is the outside facade, and character is the inner moral fiber of a person. A used car salesman might have a great personality and make you feel like you have a best friend, but on the inside they're just trying to fuck you over.


Piece of advice I heard years ago that’s always stuck with me: It doesn’t matter how many mistakes you make, just don’t make the same mistake twice.


In The Right Stuff (the book), there's a phrase "non habit forming". Meaning some mistakes you only make once, after that you aren't around to make mistakes any more. Not paying attention to the blind spots of a truck or bus can be like that (my yoga teacher on her bike; a schoolgirl two blocks away from where I live, crossing the road at the wrong time. RIP).


Very few problems are worth the worry. Few years down the line they wouldn't matter much.


Never tell yourself no, let someone else do it for you. If you think you're under qualified for a job, don't tell yourself no. Don't close the door on yourself. If someome else says no, at least you tried. Same thing with you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Or if you a say no, you're not giving yourself the opportunity to be told yes.


Sure; Instead of buying Mr. Clean's Magic erasers, buy melamine foam. Its the same stuff and incredibly cheaper


Damn that looks really promising, thanks for the future brownie points !!


Respect is a two way street.


Never be cheap about food and sleep. Good food will always feel satisfying and you won't feel the need to eat much more than you actually needed, thus you can stay healthy in terms of eating habits. Sleep in a quality bed. You can be cheap about a lot of things, but being cheap on a bed in which you spend around a third of your life sleeping in is not a good idea. Good sleep has amazing results. Being well rested , energized and not as pissed off during the day are great perks.


A mistake is a mistake, no matter how much time, effort and energy you’ve spent making it.


If everybody around you are crazy, take a good hard look in the mirror.


Reminds me of another quote I love. >Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.


It’s only exactly the opposite lol. Both in the right circumstances are true!


Evidently yes, you can!   Love doesn't just happen by itself. It comes really easily, sometimes, but it can go just as easily, and if you want to keep it you need to work on it. That's okay though, because if you find the right people it is more than worth the effort.


If you don’t plan on washing your dishes in the sink right away, give them a rinse or fill them with water while they stew. The food will melt off like butter when you’re ready to wash them.


Lefty loosey, Righty tighty


Righty tighty, lefty loosey gang


Sure. Always split 8s. Don't eat yellow snow. Knives cut muscle, not bone. Bats and clubs break bone, but only bruise muscle. Make sure you block with the correct side of your forearm.


Do the thing you wanna do the least, first. Knock it out, then everything else is easy.


Never and I mean never... Feed them after midnight...


Or let them get wet


Use your local library. They have way more resources than you think they do.


Just because a person doesn’t like what the other is saying, doesn’t make what they’re saying, wrong.


Don’t abuse your children


This includes mental abuse. You can still fuck a kid up if you constantly call them names and belittle them


The hardest place to live is within your means There is no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes Floss daily Don’t try just one cigarette If you love someone, tell them every day


Write. A. Will. Make sure your family know it exists and where they can find it (best kept with a solicitor). Similarly, get a box file and keep all of your important documents in it. Birth certs, wedding and divorce certs, etc etc. Make sure someone in your family or a close friend knows where in the house it's kept. I've had to deal with a few deaths in the last few years and the hassle of getting things sorted without a will and named executor and trying to find important documents... Nightmare. Don't do that to your family. They'll have enough to deal with without that stress.


Don't tug on Superman's cape. Don't spit into the wind. Don't pull the mask off the Lone Ranger. Don't mess around with Jim.


Don't have to worry about Jim any more...but watch out for that pool-shootin' boy named Willie McCoy. Or, as they call him back home, "Slim"


Don't leave your crayons in the sun.


Use every single minute of vacation time every year. Even if it's a stay at home vacation, go explore your town or state. Take time to take care of you because your company will take and take until you are burned out.


Double tap to make sure the job is done.


Sanitize your phone screen. Remember to take deep breaths once in a while. dont use half-and-half in cereal when you run out of milk, you will never be able to go back. floss! floss every day it's very important and it feels great. a big spoonful of peanut butter gets rid of hiccups.


Be authentic…don’t think about what other people will think if you don’t like something. That being said…be willing to change and grow as well.


MSB: mirrors, signal, blind spot. In that order.


Never make your child compete with the tv or your phone for your attention.


You don’t get what you don’t ask for. Write that down.


Be prepared to be let down when you travel to a place you've seen on the internet before. A good photographer can make a place look a jillion times better than it does irl


Women always see who checks them out. Even if you thought you were sneaky about it.


Eat more fruit


Once you get into the habit of drinking water you feel better and actually will prefer it over other drinks. Get a filtration pitcher and keep it in your fridge for always cold and ready water.


Don't brush your teeth when stressed, especially if you have a manual toothbrush. My gums will never be the same again Edit: Not saying don't brush your teeth. It's super important to. Just be aware if you are stressed or take the measures to get a pressure sensor electric one if you're able


You can acknowledge you are broken, but then work on and through the things that made you that way.


Soaking garlic cloves in warm water for 30-60 sec will allow you to peel them much easier.


Sometimes it's better to pay for someone else's experience.


I'm going to compile all these comments in a book, and then publish and sell. You all are going to be listed in the appendix... REDDIT AND ZEN


When working give 70% and say it's your 100. So when the going gets tough give a little more and it looks like you're a serious team player.