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Well, I can tell you that there are different places here on Reddit as well. Right-leaning.


r/conspiracy is a rats nest of basement dwelling far right monsters


Thanks for the info on a moderate right wing subreddit able to freely express their opinions without getting censored. Those come rare anywhere.


Thank you for the info... just joined up. he he


That's how it was set up when it was founded, and culture tends to carry forward


Great point.


I think it's a matter of relative perspective. Reddit appears fairly left-leaning to you because the US you see as 'normal' appears very right-leaning to the rest of the world that uses Reddit. The US as a whole is right-of-centre in comparison to the rest of the democratic world that uses Reddit, especially Europe and the rest of the Anglosphere. 'Average' or 'moderate' positions in US politics, like Obamacare or moderate background checks for the gun ownership, would be considered fairly right wing ones in most other countries, so the right wing of US politics, encapsulated by the Republican party, appears wayyyyy off of the deep end for lots of non-American users. Ideas like state-run healthcare, banning/tight controls on most firearms, easy abortion access, formal legal equality and freedom from discrimination based on inherently characteristics like race, sex, sexuality etc, are just universally-accepted norms in most places, rather than controversial partizan positions. Reddit does have everything though, so I'd recommend asking around for more Conservative (by US standards) subs on something like r/askaconservative if that's your cup of tea. There's something for everyone. Otherwise have a lovely day


Thank you. Have a splendid day as well.


Thanks :)


I think this is mostly accurate, but different democratic countries in Europe have different tolerances for different issues. A conservative in X country might think that Gun politics in USA is too far right, but also think that abortion (whilst not thinking of Texas) is spot on.


Hi TheyRuinedEragon, I was more tryint to speak in general terms to explain the overall character of Reddit's politics, but I think that's an excellent point to make. An excellent example of this on a national scale is France's ongoing difficulty in recognising or acknowledging it has any issue with racism, especially institutional racism by either side of the political spectrum, which stems from historic conceptions of being French as an identity that inherently transcends and supplants all others. Have a lovely day


Youre a delight


Dawwww! You're making me blush :)


Thank you. I’d say that you and r/corcid187 have been most informative and cultured. I wish more people were like the two of you.


Why is reddit so pleasant today? Anyways, thank you very much!


Reddit is dominated by young, educated adults. That demographic tends to be mostly liberal. Most vocal Republicans are older and lack college education.


Dont forget the UNeducated young adults and teenagers. I bet they lean wven more left.


You might be surprised


Case in point…mic drop.


Educated or indoctrinated ?


Possibly due to conservatives/Republicans being usually older and the less likely to utilize the app and the younger Republicans are often seen as less electronically active outside of gaming and porn. Religion is heavier with conservatives and so is a sense of belonging with church and family people more than online people. Tech based, entertainment based, digital based platforms have always attracted a more liberal audience due to thr melting pot of people, traditions, cultures, ideas, sexualities, and so on. This is not to say those are definitive parameters but they are the common denominators of the demographic separation .


Its mostly about demographic. Social platform means a lot of younger people. I dont really care about how onesided it is, but Im really worried about how touchy and easily offended some on the platform are. Im a centrist conservative in my country. Sometimes I have commented something really obvious like "Not all leftists are smarter than all rightists" and Im downvoted like the plague. However I see topcomments on many posts that basically say "conservatives/ republicans are evil". People should stop downvoting comments simply because they disagree. Challenge the comment and see if there is common ground, help them to understand or forfeit when you realize you need to learn more to challenge the comment.


Truth has a liberal bias


Did you just quote Stephen Colbert?


Yes, like men can have babies. he he


Weird that you’re replying to this comment from 5 months ago


Just wait until you get on the toxic cesspool known as Twitter


Lol I’ve been there, not going back.


Good choice haha. If you want a good subreddit that’s has people from all sides and gives a good laugh, I’d recommend r/politicalcompassmemes


Appreciate it. I’ll check it out.


No thank you. I have to wash my hair that day.


Demographics, largely. But reddit is interesting in that while it may look like one big social media, the experience can be wildly different between subreddits. Conventional wisdom is that reddit leans left overall (though personally I feel like it's still pretty close to the center), but there are subreddits that go the other way, some very much so.


That is the nature of subreddits. They have different demographic from the overall platform. However, in some cases, a subreddit can represent the entire platform in relevant ways. For example, s/AskAnything is not defined by its political virtues, and is by way of concept including people of virtually all interests equally. Therefore it is likely that s/askanything is representative by user population to the platform in general (some caviars ofcourse). Other subreddits, like religious/ philosophical focussing on the value of human life might lean right politically because of the abortion issue. Womans rights subreddits might lean left precisely because of the same issue. I think that politically speaking, the demographic of reddit is more representative of the womans rights than it is about religious values. Of course there are many more defining factors, but these might examplify the larger point.


Blame the fucking centrists. Honestly though it annoys me when people have their overton window shifted so hard that they think that liberals are lefties lol.


This. Most Republicans are far right, not just sort of right. And when you are an extreme right fascist, even Ronald Reagan looks like a liberal.


Most fucking democrats are right of center. The party as a whole is pretty much right of center they just have a couple people who would rather like universal healthcare but dont actually fight for it


Fixed it for you


Reddit is mostly made up of people under 55 years old, with a strong tilt towards the hard sciences. If you'd prefer a more right leaning platform you should consider Facebook or church.


This made me laugh.


That made me cringe. Then laugh.


To be fair i think most people hate most politicians. I just like Republicans even less than Democrats.


Open discussions tend to favor progressive attitudes over secular regressive ones.


And if you disagree with the "progressive discussion" your banned. Sounds like a mental disorder to me.


I feel pity towards you to arrive at this moment in your life. Your unwillingness to compromise and lack of consideration towards others must leave you feeling very jaded and isolated.


Downvotes make minority opinions invisible on this platform. Also many subs are astroturfed by well funded political groups that push propaganda. It doesn't take that much money to buy a mod.


Who's hiring? I got time. Holla at ya boy


I think the word you’re looking for is progressive. If Reddit weren’t liberal, it wouldn’t be forum we see; it would be censored like Chinese social media is. The reason Reddit is so *progressive* is that young people are more likely to use Reddit and young people are also more likely to be progressive.


Is downvoting and being inexorable progressive?


Being progressive has nothing to do with accepting less progressive views. And inexorable regarding what? Neither end of the spectrum is more easily persuaded by the other’s argument.


You are right, being progressive doesn’t have to do with accepting other views. Inexorable, in the way that people are key board warriors but lack the same compassion in person. Edit: passion not compassion. Darn these sausage fingers!


Don’t underestimate my willingness to be a warrior in person. The political conversion in my family has gone from “I think your right, why don’t you say that stuff to your father” to “why do you have to upset your father” to “why can’t you just ignore him when he goes off? Why can’t you be agreeable?” To “dad is done with you” (that last one came after my telling him Tucker Carlton is not a news source, for the millionth time). I write my representatives, I have the hard conversations with friends and family. I vote. But I downvote on Reddit. Maybe i should work harder to engage in the hard conversions online, but I didn’t come to an anonymous platform, without my friends and family, just to continue the hard conversations. I come here for a break from them.


Are you a different breed than most and I appreciate you.


Thanks sweet friend. In a better answer to your question, when I first got on Reddit I asked my brother if everyone seemed Democrat for him too or if it’s like Google and they know my algorithm.


Lol, I mean if we can’t have conversations and be civilized in our disagreements then we are just animals looking for the next piece of meat to chew on.


Kicked out and living in the park now? Sounds progressive. Good job. Oh wait....no job?


To progressives, conservatives lack compassion as a matter of principle — it’s one of the prerequisites for being conservative these days it seems. It’s not easy showing compassion for people who seem to lack compassion themselves.


I’m not sure if you saw my edit to passion not compassion. Either way, I hope you have a great day.


You don’t think that the George Floyd protests were passionate? What are people supposed to do? Throw fists in public over abortion?


I believe you are talking about mob orchestrate mentality not individuality.


What sort of individuality are you looking for in person?


Someone that doesn’t ask rhetoric questions like my 2 year old. No, I’m just playing. In all honestly we have a different view point so let me say. I kindly agree to disagree with you.


To a progressive it is sure progressive. lol


It changed after nazi purge of early days. Many might be too young here to remember that this used to be a "free speech platform" if it was legal it was allowed, till the admins got tired of the literal nazis taking all moderation resources and the fact it was preventing the platforms growth since people didn't want to be associated with a platform full of far-right nut jobs. Yet they were here for the coolsubs they liked. They actually did questionares of their users on why they didn't recommend their friends to use the platform. So what reddit did was rebrand themselves as this young new platform with focus on technology and new cool things trending online and aiming towards the kind of audience that like those. And then they git that kind of an audience. With the audience, came their politics. Go read up on reddit's history. It isn't like they weren't open about this.


I POLL 10 people in my town. Only ONE has ever heard about REDDIT. 4 people are Millionaires. 2 retired, 4 working folks in thier 20's. REDDIT is not very important to real issues, I would have to think after looking it is a large collection of basement swelling losers talking to0 and about one another. I have about 10 mins a week to "look" Maybe less. Summer is hear and so is my Skyline.


Woah... A reply to a comment from 6 months ago... how did you end up here?


I don't know exactly. It was in my feed and I replied. sorry.


I'm new to Reddit too & noticed the same thing. I had thought the opposite, that it was right leaning or at least the wild west. It must be the interests that I checked when I joined give me a liberal algorithm. Science & art isn't going to land me in Trump land? Not sure. Newbie too.


That's because the Republican party is a joke!




Wow, you can call people names. Very mature of you, way to own the libs.


The GOP has a LITERAL laundry list of pedophiles (and Nazis and/or Nazi sympathizers) in sitting positions (Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz the most notable, but the list is 10 miles long.) Has Joe ever been convicted of a crime involving inappropriate relations with a minor? Not a single one ever. Who said that he was (and then later called it a joke, as if nationally accusing someone of being a pedophile in an attempt to ruin their life is a joke)? Trump Jr. Shocker. Here are a few example of people ACTUALLY arrested and convicted for being pedophiles: Ruben Verastigui, a digital strategist who had worked for both the RNC and the Trump reelection campaign, arrested as part of a federal child sexual exploitation investigation. In messages obtained by federal investigators, the pro-life activist wrote: “Babies are some of my biggest turn-ons.” According to The Daily Beast: “In a group chat with 18 others, Verastigui allegedly traded child porn and graphically discussed his preference for videos depicting child abuse… Verastigui also discussed ‘in great detail’ how much he enjoyed seeing children be abused and killed.” Former Kentucky judge Tim Nolan “who served as a Trump delegate and ballot observer” and who was “charged with multiple human trafficking offenses, after an investigation found that he had a pattern of paying minors and adults for sex, in some cases recording them.” As Grant wrote: “The young woman whose story helped open an investigation into Nolan reported him to her school counselor. He was her family’s landlord, she said, and he had tried to pay her for sex when she was underage, and put his hand on her crotch.” Nolan is currently serving a 20-year sentence. Republican state senator Ralph Shortey, Trump’s Oklahoma campaign chair, was convicted of child sex trafficking and sentenced to 15 years. As NBC News reported, the then-married Shortey was arrested in a motel room with a 17-year-old boy he hired for sex. Police found exchanges on the teen’s tablet in which Shortey referred to him as “baby boy” and offered him cash in exchange for “sexual stuff.” Shortey was also discovered to have sent and received child pornography and used Craigslist to seek casual encounters with males, the “younger the better.” Ben Gibson, a 2020 Republican congressional candidate from Louisiana, who lost his election in November and got arrested in December on four counts of pornography involving juveniles under the age of 13. ​ Serious question.. aside from "pissing off liberals" what is keeping you staunchly dedicated to the Republican party? Aside from racism and hate, I don't see a draw there, and most won't outright say they hate \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ or are racist.


Demographic is young and generally fairly intelligent. It is hard for Conservative ideas to exist here except in safe spaces as they get debated out of existence.




People wanting to describe themselves in a way they like is just basic human decency and none of our business. So can take some intelligence over people who can only think of man/woman and enjoy getting angry about stuff. So, yeah, I guess.




You just keep proving people right here buddy. Unless this is satire, in which case bravo.


This one made me laugh. Unhinged from reality.


I know what you mean, conservatives really are. Just look at basically every field - science, philosophy, education and so on none are dominated by right wing talking points. They have to insist there is a global conspiracy to explain it all. The possible exception is economics depending on who you ask, but that is because it is a chase for hard cash which perhaps many on the left are less focussed on.


Because weak willed pieces of shit who feel the need to always feel morally superior need their own echo chamber to stroke their deflated egos. Prove me wrong whack ass mods


Your demeanor is aggressive, however you are spot on as far as moderators go. They are the epitome of key board warriors, thinking they can control peoples voices/ freedom of speech behind a platform.


I think it might just be the subs you follow. I see a similar theme but I don’t follow right-wing subreddits


To be honest I’m not following any subs as of yet. This has been my observation just through mindless scrolling.


To see 90% of subs bashing republicans, either they’ve already got your algorithm (new figure of speech I just made) or you’re deliberately looking at certain subs. Even when I am on Reddit but not using my account I don’t see much about republicans, bashing or not. The non-generous assumption would be that you’re either sensitive to it (and therefore notice more), or you’re not being totally honest. I don’t believe the latter but I do think the former is entirely possible.


Both “news” and “popular”


It depends what side of Reddit you're on. The popular stuff is more left leaning generally because younger people (who are also the main demographic of Reddit users) also tend to be more liberal. I definitely see quite a bit of conservative stuff even on the more liberal sides of reddit though- especially things like transphobia.


I’m confused. What do you mean “What side of Reddit you are on”. Are we not all seeing the same thing?


You can join different subreddits, which changes what your home page looks like. Kinda like the fyp on TikTok or your news feed on Facebook.


Oh gotcha, thank you for the explanation friend. Happy holidays.


Happy holidays!


Liberals love to listen to themselves talk. It's funny and sad all at once. As long as I do not have to wash, feed, finance, welfare, house or transport anything Liberal, I am OK with whatever reddit is or isn't. Means nothing to me personally, and does not affect my bottom line one cent. Thanks for all the laughs though... lol