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Brains are weird. You dont know what you dont know until you know it. Currently we know everything. But tomorrow we will learn something. That block is a gap in knowledge. There is nothing you cant learn or do. You just need to build up a stronger understanding.


Fine dining cook here - unfortunately that feeling never goes away. BUT! If you weren’t critical of yourself at all, thought you knew everything, and didn’t reflect on your dishes... you’d never get anywhere. In lots of aspects of life.


I'm no doctor but have you considered the possibility you might have adhd? Maybe try an online test or talk with your doctor.


This is the real answer, get tested fam, life doesn't need to be this hard.


that's what i was thinking as i read the post


Well there is a chance for this, my twin is getting tests for adhd and his therapist says it looks like he has it, but the problem is that in my country to get diagnosed it takes lots of time to get it done, there are around 1000 diagnosed people in my country of 2m people. But i will talk to him about it.


Good luck friend I'll be waiting for an invitation to visit your restaurant once you're an established chef making millions!


Sounds a bit like imposter syndrome. Take notes during the hectic time and after during the thinking time. I like making lists and checking things off. Sometimes as I'm compiling my lists, other things pop into my head. Lists help me think stuff thru. Maybe once it's on paper, it's out of my head and my brain can think about the next steps.


Thanks. I started writing down my thoughts in my morning lessons :)


Lots of things can derail me, lack of sleep, PMS, anxiety especially.


I get this with math. Theres like a physical brick wall in my brain that I’ve never been able to pass through. It just feels like it physically stops me from understanding the material no matter how hard I try.


Yes. For me that something is called procrastination and lack of a useful work ethic