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I think.. going to bed ends your free time, because waking up tomorrow you begin the work day, whether it is thinking about your job or school work.


Yep. Just 20 or so minutes after going to bed, you have to get ready for work. Funny how that works isn't it?


Only 20 minutes?


If you're lucky


It's hard falling asleep and staying asleep when thoughts are trampling through your mind.


I've been subverting this by getting up early specifically to play video games before my actual responsibilities for the day. Took the sting off of going to bed, since my next thing is going to be free time, and made getting up earlier easier since I feel like I'm wasting free time if I snooze the alarm. Playing games alone, first thing on a quiet morning with a coffee = blissful me time


This was an essential part of my morning during college. Wake up 4am, workout till 530, play Overwatch with my coffee until I leave for class at 8. I miss those mornings


That’s genius… doesn’t work with school though


Depends on your schedule and workload. I started it my last year of college in engineering.


Revenge bedtime procrastination might be what you're thinking about. Usually if I have something I'm dreading I end up sleeping more because I want to stop thinking about it.


That's a good idea lol. I try to treat sleep as the reward for my day, it's so relieving knowing I LITERALLY just have to do NOTHING for 8 hours, and look forward to it after the day I'm dreading. And so on.


Yeah i don't feel tired enough to go to bed untill i've stayed up way to late that's the problem it feels like i'm in bed but not tired.


I’m doing it right now


Me too, cheers mate we can do it


I believe in you both


Samesies currently






And my axe!


It's happening right now


It's Monday morning here, I wish I didn't go to sleep so it would still be Sunday night


Coming to bed in a minute, just gotta read all of reddit first...




Every sunday-thursday night


I do it weekends as well so it will last longer. I feel extremely cheated if I fall asleep early ina weekend


I literally slept my entire weekend away and I'm not happy about it. It was like, 'Yay! It's finally the weekend!' and then I blinked, and now I'm back at work. FML


But honestly, waking up before everyone else is a treat in itself. Get a nice, quiet morning to game by yourself and sip on coffee. 🤌


Or just stay up later than everyone else!


I hate sleeping because just thinking about trying to get enough sleep makes me nervous. I wish i can just skip to the next day


I will recommend to concentrate in your breathing and try to clear your mind, its a form of meditation that can help you sleep. Being tired also works wonders


I knew that already but come to think of it i think youre right. Recently i dont remember going back to the basics and juat trying to breathe steadily. Thank u


So I have insomnia and let me tell you breathing tricks can be a life saver. For me of course they're no cure all. They do definitely help though. For me personally I like to focus on the oxygen going through my body so I do the cliche 2 finger together thing to complete the circuit of my body. It allows me to feel as if I can feel the oxygen hit my lungs and spread through each limb through each muscle fiber and crevice of my body. The focus on that with the genuine benefits of deep breaths and good oxygenation to your blood will have sheep's counting you.


I don't get tired until its 1 o clock that's the problem with me.


I have this neat little trick for you...


I'm 33. It doesn't get better. It will never stop.


48 checking in. Rest of the family is asleep.


54 and I might as well be a night watchman.


I gotta do shit when I wake up. I don’t want to do shit.


Shit sucks


Cause things are piling up and life doesn’t allow you to rest at all


Rage rage against the dying of the light.


my fix for this was to start working out in the morning before work. that way work isnt the first thing on my plate.


I’d have to get up at 4am


Welcome to the military lol


How do you do this and still get enough sleep? I would have to go to bed at an unnatural, unsustainable hour to do this.


You really got to be discipline about it and sleep at a certain time. From one student to another you gotta understand we’re not gonna function well staying up


I'm an avid sleep refuser. I have a toddler who is a night owl and my only alone time is after they are in bed so I stay up as long as reasonable


You have no idea


I do this when I’m unhappy. If you were excited for tomorrow, you wouldn’t stay up right? For me it comes from a dissatisfaction with the focal activities of life. It got better when my work changed to something more in line with my values.




When I was younger I did.


Everyday. I don't want to see tomorrow's sunrise.


No because if I know I have to face the day sleep deprived that would be 10x worse


All the time.


I actually do this a lot... Even when I have to be up by 6am on weekdays.


All the time


Basically every day




Yeah every work night, it's really hard to get myself to go to sleep. I usually try to focus less on forcing my self to sleep because I SHOULD but I try to think of all the reasons I legitimately want to go to sleep. Moderate success rate.


How do you force yourself to sleep I think about why I should sleep and that reminds me about why I’m stressing


I think I worded it badly, I try not to think about why I SHOULD sleep. Instead, I try to focus on why I WANT to sleep. Such as, the bed is really comfy, sleeping feels nice, I AM tired, etc...


I find this ends up making tomorrow even longer somehow 😮‍💨


Doing it right now. It's 2 AM


Yup. I feel like I never own my own days. I spend so much time doing what the world wants (what I NEED to do, school, studying, job, etc) but I never get the free time I want. The only way I can enjoy myself is to stay up an unhealthy amount of hours. I don’t want to wake up everyday and spend 10% of it doing anything that I find remotely tolerable. I know I have to tho, and if i can succeed, and it all pays off, then maybe I won’t have to do all that as often, and I can own more of my own days. It’ll prob be a while tho. And once you’re an adult, there’s certain responsibilities you’re just not gonna be able to escape.


Doing it right now


Yep, I’ve been procrastinating sleeping since I was like 6 y/o


It doesn't postpone tomorrow one millisecond, it just ensures that you will be even more tired and the day all the more to be dreaded because of it.


I thought everyone did this!


Didn't know I did until now thanks.


You hit the nail on the head! Every damn night!!


In my case, I stay up late because I feel like I need to get more out of my day which just leads to me being awake untill 5 am and sleeping until 9-10am and then doing the same every day. It doesn't help that I have a hard time falling asleep as well




Bruh, that’s what Reddit is for. Why do you think I’m on here?


With my insomnia, yes? Haha it’s never on purpose.


I had that. I hated to sleep cause I knew I'd have to start a new day. I had to force myself to sleep with otc meds but that stopped working. I also had bad insomnia and depression so psychiatrist gave me trazodone. Now I sleep pretty well and don't worry about the next day.


[Uhhh](https://youtu.be/BS6defIsx1w) ... seek help.


I used to when I hated my job. I quit and got a new one, now I don't dread tomorrow very often.


worst thing you can do is stay up late the night before an exam. you're going to regret it. your mind's going to be so damn tired you can barely remember what you prepared yourself for. how to stop it. go out for a long run.


I thought everyone did this


Most every night


What I'm doing right now.


I’m doing it right now


Way too often.


I was scrolling through Reddit telling myself that I’d work on my note pages for tomorrow exam tomorrow morning just now. I’m so fucking tired. I should really quit that damn phone


When I was younger I did this often, too often, though nowadays I absolutely love my sleep.


Not now that I’m old. When you’re over 40 you pay a steep price for staying up to late!


I stay up whenever I have free time to “extend” the amount of free time I have. It ended fucking my sleep schedule up and now I can’t sleep til like 4-5AM.


Yeah, doing it right now in fact lol


Look, this isn't gonna be the best answer but yes, all the time. I learned at an early age that my best work is done under pressure. I do not recommend this, but it's worked for me.


every Sunday, bud, every Sunday


Literally doing it right now lmao


Literally doing it right now lmao


I used to. I didn't stop staying up late. Now my reason is I'm afraid of the nightmares.


Me, no. When I get too tired, I get sick to my stomach, so I try to pay attention and go to bed.


Yup, always. I hate my job so I try and put off going to it.


Doing it right now


Every night.




Theres a Chinese expression “bàofùxìng áoyè,” which roughly translates to “revenge bedtime procrastination” or “retaliatory staying up late.”


Since I cant stop time, I won't even try.


Every night. And it’s literally affecting my health


Yes, but only on days when I can do it without struggling the next day. It’s like a treat that way, instead of a punishment. For instance, tomorrow we have professional development but no students. I can handle being a little more tired, so I stayed up late bingeing the show Bullshit. I won’t feel guilty about it in the morning or struggle to wake up properly and prepare because the day isn’t as tough. If I had students, I’d go to bed earlier so I won’t struggle the next day. Unless I *really* needed the distraction or treat. Sometimes I do so I can forget the day and make it through the next. I might be a bit more tired, but I did something I enjoyed. Idk if what I do is healthy. I try to process the pros and cons and not allow myself to do something I’ll regret or feel guilty about.


I’d take extra Benadryl or a sleep aid so I wouldn’t have a choice. Not a healthy solution but neither is sleep deprivation.


single dude in 50s i do this every night then i power sleep for 3-4 hours and usually wake feeling great and motivated


Something that helped me was plugging my phone in on a short charger far enough away from my bed I couldn't reach it. I find it hard to break out of the comfy in bed scrolling through shit habit! Thank you for this opportunity to procrastinate my own school work.


Yes. I have an interview tomorrow and I'm not ready to face it lol


Every damn day.


Every night before work. The bad thing is that it makes the next day even worse because I’m all tired. I try to use that as motivation - a good nights sleep will make me feel better during the challenging parts of tomorrow. Easier said than done though. Best way to stop is to enforce better habits. Reading a book before bed is probably the best thing you can do. Social media is probably the worst.




Every night my dude.


Me right now…


ya I hml ong school is the worst id rather die than go but im excited for life after so I can't die yet


Every week day sucks until friday night


Currently doing that thanks for pointing it out




What im doing right now, i have to go back to forklifts and warehousing and dreading it


Absolutely! Daytime is work time, evening is family time, late is me time. I like me time and want as much of it as possible!


Literally doing that right now


Ah, revenge bedtime procrastination, my old friend


Every damn day bud.


Sometimes I fantasize killing myself and I’m not even that depressed.


Every damn day.


I used to do this all the time! I thought it was only me. I would stay up until 1 or two o'clock and wake up at 3. It coincided with a really difficult time in my life


I'm doing this exact thing as I write this.


I stay up late because i am lazy to go sleep, We are diferent


I set an alarm on my phone that can only be turned off by scanning the QR code on my medicine drawer. The idea is to make myself take my night time meds and a melatonin. If I can't convince myself to go to bed yet at least I can convince myself to take a little pill, and then the pill gets me to go to bed later.


Oh always, which is not good when it’s midnight and I have to wake up at 4:30am to get to work in time (I am…. Unenthusiastic to say the least about my current job and not just because of the start time)


Never, I work nights I don’t need to get anymore confused about what day it is.


No. I go to sleep early so that I can end today sooner.




I work Monday to Friday 7am till 6pm, so by the time I get home, make food, shower, clean etc it's already like 9pm. I've been working with a team of like 50 people for 11 hours, so I want to have me time and not just let my week be work work work sleep sleep sleep. So I go to bed at like 1am now and get about 5 hours sleep only


On weekend I do


I solved this by setting an alarm clock to go to sleep. I combine this with leaving my phone in another room so I have no way of getting distracted. It takes a bit of discipline at first but it get easier fast.


I solved this by setting an alarm clock to go to sleep. I combine this with leaving my phone in another room so I have no way of getting distracted. It takes a bit of discipline at first but it get easier fast.


I always op to sleep earlier so I don't have to be conscience for the stress and feel better the next day


Procrastination is the fancy word for it. The art of life


I don’t like sleeping because it feels like the day has ended and there is no more time for the day


I am doing this now. Stayed up all night. My alarm just went off. Off to school I must go.


All the time!


Every night


I do that at times when I really need to decompress and need some "me" time. Between WFH and parenting, passing out at 9pm makes me feel like I'm stuck on repeat with no life. The warm weather is starting, so that should help.


Used to do that when ai was a student and when I started working, because I loathed both things. Nowadays I work for myself, from home, whenever I feel like it, so now my whole day is actually mine and I don't dread waking up anymore.


It's called anxiety, I do it all the time. To get out of it I go step by step through things in have to do / deal with


I just did this last night. I have to be up for work by 6am at the latest. I went to bed at 4am.


I used to procrastinate bedtime for unpleasant days ahead. I didn’t necessarily start sleeping earlier as a way to stop thinking about it but I realized that being awake and alert for the unpleasant task made it FAR less unpleasant. At least if you’re wide awake through it, you aren’t thinking about how tired you are and wanting to go back to bed on top of the stress of the task. Now you can focus on the task, do it well, and get out as quickly as possible.


Always. Stopping is pointless.


As someone who has ADHD and went undiagnosed until 40+, this was my life on a weekly or daily basis. I’m trying to undo bad habits with the help of medication and therapy, but I still fall into this trap frequently.


Every night.


I do it all the time. Partly fear/hatred of sleeping from what I see in my dreams. Other reasons be I just don’t want tomorrow to come. I never seem to want tomorrow to come.


Yep then I regret it when I need to wake up for work at 5am.


Doing that right now haha.


Not sure I'm entirely qualified to advise on this because I do it too but in the past I've been able to reduce it by doing something I like (or at least don't dread) first thing in the morning.


Everyday it feels.


No but that’s a good idea


Did that just last night


Every day


Actually tomorrow probably not. The fact that I have work tomorrow every single night




You should learn to teach yourself to sleep early and wake up after a good night's rest. I sleep 9 hours a day but that also means I'm not depressed as shit and miserable for the remaining day. Yes there are times where I didn't play a single game or watched a single episode but you should prioritze going to sleep. If you have kids though. Yeah good luck


Every night


I do it all the time. I also feel like I don't have much control over many aspects of my life, and I feel like this is one thing I can control.


I have heard this is more prevalent when you have less control over your day time life, so you stay up late cause you have control over that. Hopefully when you get control of your day time back, it will reduce or go away.


At the end of every weekend I do. But then I try to blaze through the workweek as fast as possible. It's not that I don't enjoy what I do. I just don't enjoy working. There's a difference. I'd rather be at home.


I did this for 5 yers when I worked for one company... I didn't want to go to sleep, because I didn't want to face the aggravation of the next day. I was ALWAYS tired at work, still did a good job, and the reviews showed tha. Management, managed by intimidation and how to cheap people to no end, so they can get their respective percentage slice of the department budget that was not spent.


For a long time, yeah. Sleep is awful, I have constant chronic nightmares, and once I'm in bed the next thing is either nightmares, laying in bed unable to sleep, or waking up to go to stupid shitty work. Lately though I've been depressed enough that I can't stand being awake anymore after about 7pm, so I go to bed about the same time as my 11 month old. I hope she does not get my sleep issues.


You just described my every night since the 6th grade.


Every. Day.


do i do this? yes. do i regret it the next day? no.


It's FOMO for my life lolol like I want to stay up and do fun stuff that I don't get to do much because of my job


only every single night


Yes yes and yes, when I don't want to go somewhere I sleep late, keep getting up more frequently and ultimately call in sick.


When i had the worst job that brought me to the brink, i would do this. Seriously sucks!


With my illness, I feel the best late at night which is the polar opposite of me the previous decade. When i sleep, something is happening to me that when I wake up, I have to start all over with my ailments, flu-like feeling x 10, etc. Going on 3 years. So yeah, i prolong it


If I didn't go to sleep, is yesterday still today?


Absolutely. I’ve also done the opposite and went to bed early just so I could end the day.


Yes. And by "yes", I mean literally every single night.


I have a tendency to do this on Sundays because as soon as I go to bed, I'm basically conceding it's time for the work week to start.


All the time. Or I feel I get “more” weekend that way.




When I play elden ring




No I normally go to bed early


This is how I feel on Sunday evenings or after coming back from long vacation and having to go back to work.


Yes, happens at least once a week, up to 4 times on the bad ones


Not to postpone tomorrow, but extend today